MGC :: Volume #13

#1271: Snake clan peak

Chapter 1269: Snake clan peak 第1269章:蛇族巅峰 Chapter 1269: Snake clan peak. 第1269章:蛇族巅峰 All war servants tremble, under that Demonic Beast King aura, for it Soul Force trembling millet, does not dare to approach. 所有战仆发颤,那一股股妖兽王者气息下,为之元神颤粟,根本不敢靠近。 All war servants enter in the Heavenly Beast palace, competes for the chance, carries the injunction of back master and hopes that they are also having the anticipation, if can compete for the chance in the Heavenly Beast palace, when the time comes exits, from can obtain many practice resources. 所有战仆进入天兽殿内,争夺机缘,身负背后主人的嘱咐和希望,他们自己也带着期待,要是能够在天兽殿内争夺到机缘,到时候出去,也自能够获得更多的修炼资源。 But now, is looking at that purple robe youth and others and that does not know how to enter the Demonic Beast powerhouse in Heavenly Beast palace, these war servants shock at a loss, does not dare to go forward to compete again. 可是现在,望着那紫袍青年等和那一个个不知道如何进入天兽殿的妖兽强者,这些战仆茫然而震骇,根本不敢再上前争夺。 [gold/metal] Yideng collaborates also instantaneously to be extinguished, the qualifications that they scramble for at this moment will not have. 金一等联手也瞬间被灭,他们此刻连争夺的资格都不会有。 All that all around has, the purple flame monster phoenix has not looked in the eye, before the purple double pupil has been looking in the Heavenly Beast palace, that leaf is fluctuating runes the standing tall and erect front door of closure. 四周发生的一切,紫炎妖凰都未曾看在眼中,紫色双眸一直望着天兽殿内前,那一扇则波动着符文而关闭的高耸大门。 What in the Heavenly Beast palace has?” 天兽殿里面有什么?” Du Shaofu to the side of purple flame monster phoenix, the vision was looking at the standing tall and erect runes front door of that closure, is faint, seemed feeling has what Mystical aura, moves some aura of oneself within the body in the ditch, is has what Zhong to relate imperceptibly likely general. 杜少甫到了紫炎妖凰的身边,目光望着那关闭的高耸符文大门,隐隐间,似乎是感觉着有着何种神异的气息,在沟动自己体内的某一种气息,无形中像是和自己有着何种联系一般。 Hearsay, the Heavenly Beast palace front door has never opened, every time has the war servant to enter, but cannot go.” “传闻,天兽殿大门从未开启过,每一次有战仆想要进入,但根本进不去。” Purple flame monster phoenix looks at that to stand tall and erect the huge Heavenly Beast palace, at this moment is also faint is feeling, in that huge main hall, as if has anything to affect her. 紫炎妖凰望着那高耸庞大的天兽殿,此刻也隐隐间感觉着,那庞大的大殿内,似乎有着什么在牵动她。 Bang......” “轰……” As the voice of purple flame monster phoenix falls, unexpectedly, all around Heavenly Beast palace shivers once again, the space shivers. 随着紫炎妖凰的话音落下,蓦地,四周天兽殿再度颤抖,空间颤动。 From the top of that this Heavenly Beast palace, four dazzling radiant rays plunders. 紧接着,自那这天兽殿之顶,四道耀眼璀璨的光芒掠下。 Hissing hissing......” “嘶嘶……” Four radiant flowing light colors respectively one, with hissing hissing the strange sound resounds through implements, the sound is not obviously loud, but looks like in the people mind resounds through, the sound makes person Soul Force tremble sufficiently. 四道璀璨的流光颜色各一,随着一声声‘嘶嘶’的诡异声音响彻贯彻,声音明明不大,但就像是在众人脑海内响彻,声音足以让人元神发颤。 Bang!” “轰!” The space before entire Heavenly Beast palace is shivering, four radiant rays plunder. 整个天兽殿前的空间都在颤动,四道璀璨的光芒掠下。 That is four colossi, four fearful arrived to the pinnacle aura. 那是四条庞然大物,四股可怕到了极致的气息降临。 Four colossi occupy the midair, is huge over a thousand zhang (3.33 m) long, is the dense skeleton condenses, densely covered radiant ray runes. 四条庞然大物盘踞半空,都是庞大上千丈之长,皆是森森骸骨所凝聚,密布璀璨光芒符文 The first article the skeleton, just like python, covers runes, condenses one just like the great snake of living creature, the turnover wick, the double pupil yin cold are fearful. 第一条骸骨,宛如巨蟒,覆盖符文,凝聚成一条宛如活物的巨蛇,吞吐信子,双瞳阴寒而慑人。 The second article the skeleton, is actually three first six items overlooks the people, runes condenses the illusory huge body just like the big dragon, three like the flood dragon, are fierce and fearful. 第二条骸骨,却是三头六目俯视众人,符文凝聚虚幻庞大的身躯宛如巨龙,三头如蛟,狰狞而可怕。 The third article the skeleton, the dazzling black mark covers the condensation all over the body, fierce palatial, the double pupil overlooks the people, the rank light fills the proliferation, frightening. 第三条骸骨,通体耀眼的黑纹覆盖凝聚,狰狞巍峨,双瞳俯视众人,腥光弥漫扩散,让人胆颤心惊。 The fourth article huge skeleton, such as Dragon Rujiao, like the python, the aura is ancient, the runes great tail furcation like the hook, imitates, if can hook broken void. 第四条庞大骸骨,如龙如蛟,头如巨蟒,气息古老,符文巨尾分叉如钩,仿若能够钩破虚空。 Four huge skeletons, at this moment under the runes twinkle covers, just like the living creature, is the aura is ancient. 四条庞大骸骨,此刻在符文闪烁覆盖下,却都是宛如活物,无不是气息古老。 Antiquity viper, three Sea dragon snakes, black water profound snake, antiquity hook snake!” “上古蝰蛇,三头海龙蛇,黑水玄蛇,上古钩蛇!” Looks at that to occupy the four colossi of midair, in purple flame monster phoenix gorgeous purple pupil, flood fluctuation. 望着那盘踞半空的四条庞然大物,紫炎妖凰绚丽的紫眸中,也泛起了波动。 Day, probably was the complete skeleton of antiquity viper!” “天啊,好像是上古蝰蛇的完整骸骨!” Three Sea dragon snakes, the skeleton of black water profound snake, is bringing arcane bone!” “还有三头海龙蛇,黑水玄蛇的骸骨,带着秘骨!” My God, the antiquity hook snake skeleton also had!” “我的天啊,就连上古钩蛇骸骨也有!” All around fought the servant to seethe with excitement, vision was stunned, the antiquity viper, three Sea dragon snakes, the black water profound snake, the antiquity hook snake, that was four big peak in snake clan exists. 四周战仆沸腾了,目光愕然,上古蝰蛇,三头海龙蛇,黑水玄蛇,上古钩蛇,那是蛇族中的四大巅峰存在。 The Du Shaofu's line of sight falls on that occupies midair the antiquity viper, three Sea dragon snakes, the black water profound snake and on the antiquity hook snake skeleton, the double pupil trembles. 杜少甫的视线落在那盘踞半空的的上古蝰蛇,三头海龙蛇,黑水玄蛇和上古钩蛇骸骨身上,双眸微颤。 That four skeleton aura are very formidable, the skeleton by the radiant runes package, the double pupil twinkle ray, was been fearful and empty. 那四具骸骨气息很是强大,骸骨被璀璨的符文包裹,双瞳闪烁光芒,慑人而空洞。 Is the complete skeletons, harbors arcane bone.” “都是完整的骸骨,怀着秘骨。” Careful looks at that four huge skeleton, Du Shaofu cannot be bearing the double pupil beat, in the heart shocks extremely, four skeletons, four snake clan peak bloodline exist. 仔细的望着那四具庞大骸骨,杜少甫也忍不住双瞳跳动,心中极为震撼,四具骸骨,四种蛇族巅峰血脉存在。 Four skeleton Mystical occupy in midair, unexpectedly, the Du Shaofu double pupil reduced suddenly. 四具骸骨神异盘踞在半空,蓦地,杜少甫双瞳陡然紧缩了一下。 In that four skeleton that cavity fearful double pupils, Du Shaofu saw kills to intend to gushes out. 那四具骸骨那空洞慑人的双瞳内,杜少甫见到了一股杀意在涌出。 Has to kill intent!” “有杀意!” Startles the color to fluctuate, gushes out from the Du Shaofu double pupil , the heart shivered immediately. 一股骇色波动,自杜少甫双眸内涌出,心头顿时颤动了起来。 Hissing hissing......” “嘶嘶……” Four colossus wick turnovers, the huge body distortion, exudes the fricative of skeleton collision. 四具庞然大物信子吞吐,庞大身躯扭曲,发出骨骼碰撞的摩擦声。 In four colossus that fearful empty double pupils, is looking at the front innumerable war servants, gushes out to kill intent suddenly, the whole body power and influence strengthens in an instant, runes is radiant, plunges the front directly. 四具庞然大物那慑人空洞的双瞳中,望着前方无数战仆,骤然涌出杀意,浑身威势刹那间增强,符文璀璨,直接扑向前方。 Kills!” “杀!” Four huge skeleton snake bodies, runes is radiant, the huge body just like the lightning, is bringing the swift and fierce fearful fresh breeze instantaneously, across the sky killing went to that dense and numerous war servant. 四具庞大骸骨蛇躯,符文璀璨,庞大身躯宛如闪电,瞬间带着凌厉慑人的劲风,横空扑杀向了那密密麻麻的战仆而去。 The goals of these four colossi, are not sole Du Shaofu and Linghuan Tiger King, Gui Che , etc., but is all people. 这四具庞然大物的目标,并不是单一的杜少甫灵幻虎王,鬼車等,而是所有人。 Is only the skeleton, thing, wants to flaunt the prestige!” “只是骸骨而已,一具死物,也想逞威么!” That antiquity viper skeleton living creature killing came, Kuang Bear King gave a loud shout, empty hand, empty fist, the vast energy gushed out, runes was radiant, a fist wrapped the runes ray, clashed directly to that antiquity viper went. 那上古蝰蛇骸骨活物般扑杀而来,狂熊王大喝一声,赤手空拳,浩瀚能量涌出,符文璀璨,一拳包裹符文光芒,直接对撞向了那上古蝰蛇而去。 Bang!” “砰!” The energy clashes like the thunder, runes surges, the Kuang Bear King human form body such as the bird of wing crashes from the midair in an instant generally, pounding maliciously fell in the square ground. 能量对撞如雷,符文激荡,狂熊王人形身躯刹那间如断翅的鸟儿一般从半空坠落而下,狠狠的砸落在了广场地面上。 Snort!” “哼!” Although Kuang Bear King does not have the mouth to spit the blood, but in the throat spreads the stuffy pshaw, obviously suffers a loss is not small, but that huge antiquity viper skeleton, was actually moves has not shaken. 狂熊王虽然没有口吐鲜血,但喉咙内传出闷哼声,显然是吃亏不小,而那庞大的上古蝰蛇骸骨,却是动都未曾撼动过。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 砰砰砰! Low and deep crack blasts out one after another, the antiquity hook snake great tail swept away, the tail such as the sharp curved hook, lacerated void, lacerated the blood fog the front several war servant statures directly. 低沉炸响接连炸开,上古钩蛇巨尾横扫,尾如锐利弯钩,割破虚空,,将前方数个战仆身躯直接割破成血雾。 Three Sea dragon snake three neighed, was fierce and bloody, three good Martial Venerable boundaries fought the servant to be swallowed by that fierce great mouth. 三头海龙蛇三头嘶鸣,狰狞而血腥,三个不俗的武尊境战仆被那狰狞巨嘴吞噬其中。 The black water profound snake crosses void, with that Luan Jianzhan in the same place. 黑水玄蛇横贯虚空,和那栾剑战在一起。 Clang!” “铛!” In Luan Jianshou the long sword plunders, the person the sword unites, the sword glow plunders, pierces void, clashed with the body of black water profound snake in one. 栾剑手中长剑掠出,人剑合一,剑芒掠出,洞穿虚空,和黑水玄蛇之躯对撞在了一起。 On the body of black water profound snake, runes was shattered, a fearful strength sweeps across, shakes to draw back one after another Luan sword. 黑水玄蛇之躯上,符文破碎,一股可怕之力席卷,将栾剑接连震退开去。 Luan sword body falls to the ground, scratches tread to draw back ten several rice to stand firm the body horizontally, in the mouth overflows the blood directly. 栾剑身躯落地,擦着地面横退十数米才稳住身躯,嘴中直接溢出鲜血。 But Luan sword that together sword glow, has destroyed runes on black water profound snake skeleton body surface extremely strangely, on the skeleton of black water profound snake, has left a several cuns (2.5cm) deep sword glow trace. 而栾剑的那一道剑芒,也极为诡异的摧毁了黑水玄蛇骸骨体表上的符文,在黑水玄蛇的骸骨上,留下了一道数寸深的剑芒痕迹。 But Luan sword the sword, tight has left a sword glow trace on the skeleton of black water profound snake, not some tremendous influences. 但栾剑的这一剑,也紧紧只是在黑水玄蛇的骸骨上留下了一道剑芒痕迹而已,并未曾有多大的影响。 Sword intent.” “剑意。” Du Shaofu visual to Luan sword, the vision changed countenance slightly. In Luan sword just on that sword, Du Shaofu felt that a sword intent existed. 杜少甫目视向了栾剑,目光微微动容。在栾剑刚刚那一剑上,杜少甫感觉到了一种剑意存在。 Although that sword intent is also not too obvious, but actually wanted to form. 虽然那剑意还并不是太明显,但却已经欲要成形。 But afterward the Du Shaofu's vision looks at that four great snake skeletons, the pupil light is changing countenance, has wiped some colors of shock. 而随后杜少甫的目光望着那四条巨蛇骸骨,眸光动容,抹过些许的震撼之色。 Du Shaofu is estimating, aura that six great snake skeletons erupt at this moment, at least to the Nirvana Beast Venerable level. 杜少甫估计着,那六条巨蛇骸骨此刻所爆发出来的气息,至少都是到了涅槃兽尊层次。 In addition that is the body of skeleton, was equal to that dying thing, is nasty. 加上那是骸骨之躯,等于是死物,更是难以对付。 Excels at rushing to Heavenly Beast palace, the death!” “擅闯天兽殿者,死!” In four huge skeleton mouths fuzzy roaring, in the throat gives out low and deep roaring, the fearful aura continues the confused swell, radiant such as the energy burst of electricity snake , to continue to kill to go to all around war servant. 四条庞大的骸骨嘴中模模糊糊的的咆哮,喉咙中发出低沉的怒吼,可怕的气息继续暴涌,一股股璀璨如电蛇的能量爆发,继续对着四周的战仆扑杀而去。 Bang bang bang......” “砰砰砰……” Low and deep crack the non- time spreads, that four colossi sweep away, has unceasingly fights the servant to be destroyed the town to kill bad luck. 低沉炸响不时间传开,那四条庞然大物横扫,不断有倒霉的战仆被摧毁镇杀。 Has the war servant to stimulate to movement divine ability, Pulse Soul, stimulates to movement Dao Artifact, collaborates to resist in a panic, but is irresistible, four colossi sway from side to side the body, sweeps away the four directions, destroys all. 有战仆催动神通,脉魂,催动道器,仓惶联手抵御,但根本不可阻挡,四条庞然大物扭动身躯,横扫四方,摧毁一切。 This moment that four colossi, have some spirit wisdom likely, so long as has the living creature of aura, killing that then does not stop but. 此刻那四条庞然大物,像是有着些许的灵智,只要是有着气息的活物,便是毫不停顿的扑杀而至。 Fights the servant to be killed by the town, changes to the blood fog unceasingly, does not have the strength of contending. 大片大片的战仆被镇杀,不断化作血雾,毫无抗衡之力。 Runs away, runs away quickly!” “逃,快逃啊!” These Demonic Beast skeletons were too strong, runs away quickly.” “那些妖兽骸骨太强了,快逃。” All around numerous war servant frightened suddenly to retreat, does not dare to approach again. 四周众多战仆恐惧暴退,根本不敢再靠近。 And what is more, started direct distant violent to fall back on Kuang Bear King, Linghuan Tiger King, Gui Che , etc. behind went, hoped to take advantage of Kuang Bear King, Gui Che the cultivation base strength with Xiao Yingying prevents that four giant skeleton. 更有甚者,开始直接远远的暴退到了狂熊王,灵幻虎王,鬼車,和小应应等身后而去,希望依仗着狂熊王,鬼車等的修为实力阻挡住那四条巨大的骸骨。
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