MGC :: Volume #13

#1282: Dragon seven crown princes

Chapter 1280: Dragon seven crown princes 第1280章:龙七太子 Chapter 1280: Dragon seven crown princes. 第1280章:龙七太子。 What is unexpected, that claw-print falls, the neck of Gui Che was shattered, does not have any blood to overflow, but desalinates slowly. 只是出人意料的是,那爪印落下,鬼車的脖子破碎,却是没有任何鲜血溢出,而是徐徐淡化。 Good quick speed!” “好快的速度!” Has the eyesight uncommon powerhouse to shake surprised, the Gui Che speed will be to draw near that unexpectedly and other situations, the flash withdrew. 有眼力不凡的强者震愕,鬼車的速度居然是快到了那等地步,一瞬间就已经脱身。 Scoffs......” “嗤啦……” Blazing claw-print grasps the broken Gui Che neck, the fearful aura breaks the Gui Che remnant shade, claw-print is invariable, suddenly void has actually been delimiting together the moving curved arc, took bearing the side to empty to go like lightning. 炽热的爪印抓碎鬼車脖子,可怕气息将鬼車残影震碎,爪印不变,却是骤然在虚空划过一道动人的弯弧,闪电般探向了侧空而去。 But while this claw-print searches sidewise spatial together once again, in its front space also suddenly twists, a scarlet scarlet runes ray erupts like lightning, a fist rumbles suddenly, simple direct, is swift and fierce and cruel. 而就在这一道爪印再度探向侧空的同时,其前方空间内也突然扭曲,一股赤血色符文光芒闪电般爆发,一拳骤然轰出,简单直接,凌厉而暴戾。 Bang!” “轰!” As the fist of Gui Che rumbles, around the space of distortion raises the dreadful wild waves, erupts scarlet blood runes to submerge the big piece space, such as all around had blood rain to blot out the sky. Has a greatest fearful power and influence to ripple suddenly. 随着鬼車的这一拳轰出,扭曲的空间周围掀起滔天骇浪,爆发赤血符文淹没大片空间,如四周下起了一片血雨铺天盖地。带着一股莫大可怕的威势骤然荡漾而出。 Bang!” “砰!” A claw fist clashes, immediately erupts the huge sonic bang sound, all around space of vibration blasts out, roaring flame runes and scarlet scarlet runes submerge the midair. 一爪一拳对撞,当下爆发巨大音爆声,震动的四周空间炸开,烈焰符文和赤血色符文淹没半空。 Deng!Deng!......” 蹬蹬……” In space that blasts out, two forms almost simultaneously shake draw back. 炸开的空间内,两道身影几乎是同时震退。 Scoffs......” “嗤啦啦……” But the Gui Che body real request fell in the ground directly, a formidable dark vigor flooded into within the body, having the fearful pressure, the sole to scratch the tread to reveal a deep gully, finally hit on a giant stone, broke the powder powder the giant stone instantaneously, this stood firm the body. 鬼車的身体直接真托落在了地面上,一股强大的暗劲涌进体内,带着可怕威压,脚掌擦着地面露出一条深深的沟壑,最后撞在一块巨石上,将巨石瞬间震碎成齑粉,这才稳住身躯。 Stands firm the personal appearance with great difficulty, Gui Che looks pale, the injury had not restored to be too many for these days, at this moment as if once again ate not the small invisible losses, the vision has gained ground, looks in the midair to agree that was shaken draws back, form that but at this moment stood firm, slightly color deterioration. 好不容易稳住身形,鬼車面色苍白,伤势这几天也没有恢复太多,此刻似乎是再度吃了不小的暗亏,目光抬头,望着半空上同意被震退,但此刻已经稳住的身影,略微变色。 That is a scarlet-red war clothes like the fire, the extraordinary youth, 28-29 appearances, the whole body aura is faint to fill the air, the runes twinkle, was seeming to be a roaring flame fire dragon is faint circles in the whole body, supernatural might talent, treads proudly spatially, the aura made all around numerous beasts for no reason crawl. 那是一个赤红战衣如火,气质不凡的青年,二十八九的模样,浑身气息隐隐间弥漫而出,符文闪烁,似有着一条烈焰火龙隐隐间盘旋在周身,神武天姿,傲然踏空,气息令得四周众兽无端为之匍匐。 Dragon race dragon seven.” 龙族龙七。” Gui Che selects the eyebrow, the look slightly sinks. 鬼車挑眉,神色略沉。 Is the Dragon race person!” “是龙族的人!” Probably is the Dragon race dragon seven, is he right!” “好像是龙族龙七,是他没错!” As that scarlet-red war clothes such as the youth of fire treads, in all around mind trembling millet, a piece shocks afterward in an uproar, that is the Dragon race aura, that is Dragon race comes the person, had the beast clan powerhouses also once to see the dragon seven, recognized, made noise surprisedly. 随着那赤红战衣如火的青年踏出,四周心神颤粟中,随后一片哗然震撼,那是是龙族的气息,那是龙族的来人,有兽族强者也曾见过龙七,一眼认出,惊讶出声。 Dragon race dragon seven crown princes!” 龙族龙七太子!” All around numerous beast trembling millet, that and other under invisible dragon prestige, can it be that to be fearful and apprehensive. 四周众兽颤粟,那等无形龙威之下,莫不是心惊胆颤。 The blood ice, the mastiff dragon, ominous tooth three people of look at each other in shock, in the eye also secretly sank sinking. 血凌,獒龙,凶牙三人面面相觑,眼中也暗自沉了沉。 But Linghuan Tiger King, Kuang Bear King , etc., was the facial color was suddenly uglier, that face almost twisted in one. 灵幻虎王,狂熊王等,则是面色骤然间就更加难看了起来,那一张脸庞几乎就扭曲在了一起。 Was getting more and more lively.” “越来越热闹了。” Not far away Qin Mo Shangguan seven strings, a look on this time handsome face, where is also good unable to see goes. 不远处的琴魔上官七弦,此时间一张俊朗脸庞上的神色,也好看不到哪里去。 In front of the computer, three hours a such pitiful braille, actually had deleted 2000 characters really in a big way fights, felt that is unable to be satisfied by oneself, is the feeling is not right, Little Yu sad Cui Carvin, decided to sleep to get out of bed again the symbol, the brothers were spurted, tomorrow will make up, this could not suppress , the quality also met not well.】 【真一直在电脑前,三个多小时才这么可怜的一点字,其实删除了2000字大・打斗,感觉无法让自己满意,就是感觉不对,小禹悲催的卡文了,决定睡一觉起床再码字,兄弟们被喷,明天都补上,这样真憋不下去,质量也会不好。】
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