MGC :: Volume #13

#1268: Competes for arcane bone

Chapter 1266: Competes for arcane bone 第1266章:争夺秘骨 Chapter 1266: Competes for arcane bone. 第1266章:争夺秘骨 But Huang Ling visual front midair that across the sky the white clothing youth, the black eyebrow coloring eyebrow selects, said: „, When the time comes again began without enough time, first lets other war servants.” 凰灵儿目视前方半空那横空而过的白衣青年,黛眉微挑,道:“来不及了,到时候再动手,先让其他战仆出发。” The middle age nods, afterward waved to the back ten number forms, said: You, can occupy the situation to depend on you.” 中年点头,随后对背后十数身影挥了挥手,道:“你们出发吧,能不能够占据先机就要靠你们了。” Is......” “是……” Ten several forms plunder to empty immediately, the aura is very formidable, stretches across the space to go. 十数道身影顿时掠空而出,气息很是强大,横跨空间而去。 „, Competes for the situation, seeks for the chance!” “出发,争夺先机,寻找机缘!” Not far away mountain peak, an imposing youth of blue long hair shawl waves, double pupil profound like sea, falls along with the palm, the back ten several aura formidable forms, are Qi Qi plunder to kick out spatially. 不远处山峰,一个蓝色长发披肩的轩昂青年挥手,双眸深邃如海,随着手掌落下,背后十数道气息强大的身影,亦是齐齐掠空扑出。 Can embark, can compete for chance, this sovereign layer on layer enjoys!” “可以出发了,能够争夺到机缘者,本皇重重有赏!” A summit, a little girl double pupil flood the monster different ray, is waving to behind many forms, the look is quite excited excited. 一处山巅,一个小女孩双眸泛着妖异光芒,对着身后不少身影挥手,神色颇为激动兴奋。 Whiz whiz......” “嗖嗖……” Forms are dense and numerous, just like the locust transits, changes to blurry forms, is flushing away to that vast space great palace. 一道道身影密密麻麻,犹如蝗虫过境般,化作一道道迷糊的身影,对着那辽阔空间巨殿冲去。 Ping!” “砰砰!” The space entrance, the non- time has low and deep crack resounds through, some forms approach the entrance, immediately by the scrap, was changed to the blood fog. 空间入口,不时间有着低沉炸响响彻,一些身影靠近入口,顿时被生生炸碎,化作血雾。 That is some changes to the human form Demonic Beast, wants to fish in troubled waters to infiltrate, but just approached, was destroyed by the strength of invisible ban. 那是一些化作人形的妖兽,想要浑水摸鱼混进其中,只是才刚刚靠近,就被无形的禁制之力摧毁。 In the Heavenly Beast palace, Demonic Beast cannot go, only then fights the servant to visit.” 天兽殿内,妖兽根本进不去,只有战仆才能够踏足。” Some formidable Demonic Beast are looking at these Demonic Beast that in the distant place wants to fish in troubled waters, the ominous pupil is tranquil, remains unmoved, but indifferent looks at the joke. 一些强大妖兽在远处望着那些想要浑水摸鱼的妖兽,凶瞳平静,不为所动,只是冷漠的看着笑话。 ........................ …………………… Whiz whiz......” “嗖嗖……” Flood in the space ripple of fluctuation, several forms are plundering, from Du Shaofu that and the others in that strange ancient square withdraws. 泛着波动的空间波纹内,数道身影掠出,正是自那诡异的古老广场内而脱身的杜少甫等人。 That is anything......” “那是什么……” But appears along with Du Shaofu and other Qi Qilve the bodies, the delay that afterward a vision shocks in pairs immediately gets up. 而随着杜少甫等齐齐掠身出现,随后一双双目光顿时震撼的呆滞起来。 Appears before the people body in the line of sight, is a palatial boundless huge outline, huge boundless, stands tall and erect not top, looks up the altitude., 出现在众人身前视线中的,是一栋巍峨无边的巨大轮廓,庞大无边,高耸无顶,抬头一眼也望不到高度。、 The people stand in its front, the heart lives the tiny feeling for no reason, just likes the ants, in heart for no reason trembling millet. 众人站在其面前,无端心生渺小之感,犹如蝼蚁般,心中无端颤粟。 Roar......” “嗷吼……” Ten thousand beasts roared the sound of reverberation neighing, thundered from that colossus, was roaring just like crawling peerless Ferocious Beast. 一声声万兽咆哮嘶鸣之声回荡,自那庞然大物内轰鸣而出,宛如匍匐的绝世凶兽在咆哮。 Du Shaofu shakes surprised, this moment within the body Profound Qi for no reason stagnates. 杜少甫震愕,此刻体内玄气都是无端一滞。 Under that fearful aura, imitates, if facing ten thousand beast Qi Hou, Du Shaofu Soul Force also maliciously trembles, within the body Golden Winged Peng merit law revolves voluntarily, resists that fearful aura. 那可怕的气息下,仿若是面对万兽齐吼,杜少甫元神也狠狠一颤,体内金翅大鹏鸟功法自行运转,抵御那可怕的气息。 Roar......” “嗷吼……” Under this grade of aura, Kuang Bear King, Linghuan Tiger King, the small bird of prey are the whole body trembles all, wants to crawl, the Gui Che facial color also with amazement changes. 这等气息下,狂熊王,灵幻虎王,小隼等无不是浑身发颤,为之欲要匍匐,就连鬼車面色也骇然变化。 Shakes is surprised, Du Shaofu carefully sees clearly, front that stands erect in the present colossus, that unexpectedly is a huge great palace. 震愕间,杜少甫才仔细看清楚,面前那矗立在眼前的庞然大物,那居然是一座庞大的巨殿。 That huge great palace beast mark ascends all over the body, spreads ten thousand beasts to neigh the sound of roaring, vast boundless, the aura shakes the person soul. 那庞大的巨殿通体兽纹升腾,传出万兽嘶鸣咆哮之声,浩瀚磅礴,气息震人心魂。 Is looking at that huge great palace, in the Du Shaofu heart the holding breath cold air, does not know that who this is remains. 望着那庞大巨殿,杜少甫心中倒吸凉气,不知道这是何人所留。 So the writing skill, fears is on Jiu Zhou Ancient Heaven Sect, Immeasurable Cult and other influences, is hard to cause this and other boundless great palaces to come out. 这般手笔,怕是九州古天宗,无量教等势力,也难以弄出这等磅礴巨殿出来。 Heavenly Beast palace!” 天兽殿!” Purple flame monster phoenix purple double pupil also maliciously trembles at this moment, that huge great palace, making her be also out of control to tremble. 紫炎妖凰紫色双眸此刻也狠狠一颤,那庞大巨殿,让她也禁不住发颤。 This is the Heavenly Beast palace, we to the Heavenly Beast palace in front of!” “这是天兽殿,我们到天兽殿面前了!” Gui Che recovers, the double pupil shocks, what that recognized that great palace is. 鬼車回过神来,双眸震骇,那认出了那巨殿是何物。 „Is this Heavenly Beast palace?” “这就是天兽殿?” The Du Shaofu vision selects, at present that huge great palace is the words of Heavenly Beast palace, but that present the mistake arising out of chance circumstances, arrived in the Heavenly Beast palace unexpectedly. 杜少甫目光一挑,眼前那庞大的巨殿就是天兽殿的话,那现在可是阴差阳错的,居然到了天兽殿内了。 Whiz whiz......” “嗖嗖……” Unexpectedly, the Heavenly Beast palace front, the big piece broken rumor resounds through. 蓦地,天兽殿前方,大片破风声响彻。 The people turn head, the form of blotting out the sky plunders to empty to come, enormous and powerful aura sweep across, but, that is the long thousand over ten thousand war servants. 众人回头,铺天盖地的身影掠空而来,一股股浩荡的气息席卷而至,那是长千上万的战仆。 Fights the servant, has felt strange, why can we come in?” “是战仆,奇怪了,我们为何能够进来了?” Linghuan Tiger King surprise, this is the Heavenly Beast palace, according to rumor, only then fights the servant to enter here, may they also appear before the Heavenly Beast palace at this moment unexpectedly. 灵幻虎王诧异不已,这是天兽殿,按照传言,只有战仆才能够进入此处的,可此刻他们竟然也出现在天兽殿前。 Was definitely related with formerly that strange square space.” “肯定和先前那诡异的广场空间有关。” After Kuang Bear King ponder, affirmative saying, under the thick mouth wild contour, the thoughts are actually quite exquisite. 狂熊王沉思后肯定的说道,粗口狂野的外形下,心思却是颇为细腻的。 Whiz whiz......” “嗖嗖……” Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King spoke, front that fought the servant form across the sky to come, to hold up the head to look at that huge great palace. 灵幻虎王狂熊王说话间,前方那一道道战仆身影已经横空而来,昂首望着那庞大的巨殿。 In that vast pressure aura, ten thousand beasts neighed under the roaring voice, the war servants deeply shocked. 在那浩大威压气息,万兽嘶鸣咆哮声浪下,一个个战仆为之深深震撼。 Bang!” “轰!” As the people enter, the great palace shivers, as if has inspired anything. 随着众人进入,巨殿颤动,似乎是引动了什么。 That huge great palace, immediately just like living generally, has glittered dazzling runes. 紧接着,那庞大的巨殿,立刻宛如活了一般,闪烁耀眼符文 „......” “咻咻……” Above the great palace, the beast mark ascends, has dozens Daoist believers light to plunder unexpectedly, plunders from the great palace above, runes is radiant. 巨殿之上,兽纹升腾,蓦地有着数十道流光掠出,自巨殿之上掠下,符文璀璨。 Roar......” “嗷吼……” That dozens Daoist believers light plunder, with the sound of Demonic Beast roaring, the vast pressure arrives, the ray dazzlingly is radiantly faint has the sound of Demonic Beast roaring to resound through, talisman-pattern plunders, Phantom of partly visible appearance ominous birds and beasts beast of prey. 那数十道流光掠下,伴随着妖兽咆哮之声,浩瀚威压降临,光芒璀璨耀眼隐隐间有着妖兽咆哮之声响彻,符箓秘纹掠出,若隐若现的出现一道道凶禽猛兽的虚影 arcane bone, that is Demonic Beast arcane bone!” 秘骨,那是妖兽秘骨!” Snatches that quickly is Demonic Beast arcane bone on Heavenly Beast List!” “快抢啊那都是天兽榜上的妖兽秘骨!” In an instant, all around form has seethed with excitement, forms are throwing to these Demonic Beast arcane bone, wants to compete for arcane bone. 刹那间,四周身影沸腾了,一道道身影对着那些妖兽秘骨扑去,欲要争夺秘骨 Before has not fought the servant notes first them, but enters this Heavenly Beast palace Du Shaofu and the others outside. 没有战仆注意到先他们之前,而进入这天兽殿外的杜少甫等人。 Even if has Du Shaofu that the war servant notes to come first , etc., shot a look at one, was captured the attention by that huge Heavenly Beast palace all. 就算是有战仆注意到先来的杜少甫等,也只是瞥了一眼,无不是被那庞大的天兽殿所吸引目光。 Bang!” “轰!” As there is Demonic Beast arcane bone to appear, form instantaneous take a shot / make a move, Profound Qi gushes out, the beast can stimulate to movement, Talisman Artifact Dao Artifact stimulation of movement. 随着有妖兽秘骨出现,一道道身影瞬间出手,玄气涌出,兽能催动,还有符器道器催动。 In one in an instant, numerous forms plunder to Demonic Beast arcane bone, with contender who the four directions leap instantaneously to war in one. 在一个刹那间,众多身影掠向妖兽秘骨,和四方跃出的争夺者瞬间对战在了一起。 Bang......” “轰隆隆……” The low and deep dull thumping sound blasts out, all people compete for Demonic Beast arcane bone, mutually heartless take a shot / make a move. 低沉闷响炸开,所有人争夺妖兽秘骨,相互无情出手 This thing is my, go away!” “此物是我的,滚开!” A strong middle age, clothes robe flap flap, surroundings Profound Qi follows runes to change to the storm to sweep across, the prestige can twist the square space, erupts the blazing aura to shake all around many war servants, put out a hand to grasp to arcane bone went. 一个健硕中年,衣袍猎猎,周围玄气伴随符文化作风暴席卷,威能扭曲四方空间,爆发出炽热的气息将四周不少战仆震开,伸手抓向了一根秘骨而去。 Bang!” “轰!” However, when this middle age just must catch that Demonic Beast arcane bone, a handle long blade falls, bad luck radiant, fights broken a that middle-aged blade, turns into the blood fog to blast out in the midair. 但是,就在这中年刚刚要抓到那妖兽秘骨的时候,一柄长刀落下,倒霉璀璨,将那中年一刀战碎,化成血雾在半空炸开。 Who dares to block me, kills!” “谁敢阻我,杀!” An arming with knife youth plunders, was his blade cuts to kill that middle-aged powerhouse, the body fought the clothes flap flap, the double pupil was bright, the imposing manner was fearful, extremely swift and fierce tyrant. 一个持刀青年掠出,是他一刀斩杀了那中年强者,身上战衣猎猎,双瞳炯炯,气势慑人,极为凌厉霸。 Is good Demonic Beast arcane bone, seizes to me, seizes to me, the more better!” “都是不俗的妖兽秘骨啊,给我夺,都给我夺回来,越多越好!” Du Shaofu has opened the mouth, on the face of that resolute resolute, reappeared to wipe at this moment smiles evilly. 杜少甫开口了,那刚毅锐志的脸庞上,此刻浮现出了一抹邪笑。 Is looking at these Demonic Beast arcane bone, Du Shaofu is not difficult to feel that these Demonic Beast arcane bone are uncommon, came from the Demonic Beast powerhouse on Heavenly Beast List. 望着那些妖兽秘骨,杜少甫不难感觉到那些妖兽秘骨都是不凡,都是来自天兽榜上的妖兽强者。 This any Demonic Beast arcane bone Demonic Beast falls on Jiu Zhou, can cause Jiu Zhou to be turbulent. 这任何一根妖兽秘骨妖兽落在九州,都能够引起九州动荡。 But this moment these Demonic Beast arcane bone, are actually dozens dozens appearances, how Du Shaofu can not move, this may be the treasure. 而此刻这些妖兽秘骨,竟然是几十根几十根的出现,杜少甫如何能够不动心,这可都是宝物。 Regarding Demonic Beast, powerful Demonic Beast arcane bone, even if Demonic Beast arcane bone of clan, has the tremendous role regarding other Demonic Beast, can perceive through meditation the divine ability beast energy, gains the great benefit. 对于妖兽来说,强悍的妖兽秘骨,就算是不是本族的妖兽秘骨,对于其它妖兽也有着巨大作用,能够参悟神通兽能,获得巨大好处。 Seizes!” “夺!” Along with the Du Shaofu start to talk, Linghuan Tiger King, Xiao Yingying, the small bird of prey, Kuang Bear King , etc. is not the friendly stubble, in Demonic Beast is also discredited, cruel and merciless existence, immediately plunders, immediately participates starts to compete. 随着杜少甫开口,灵幻虎王,小应应,小隼,狂熊王等本就不是什么善茬,在妖兽中也是声名狼藉,心狠手辣的存在,顿时掠出,立刻参与其中开始争夺。 Follows Kuang Bear King, Linghuan Tiger King these Demonic Beast King, although its cultivation base strength is inferior to Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King, but any is not a weak one, at this moment along with Linghuan Tiger King, Kuang Bear King , etc., has been immediately involved. 跟随狂熊王,灵幻虎王的那些个妖兽王者,其修为实力虽然是不如狂熊王灵幻虎王,但任何一个都不是弱者,此刻随着灵幻虎王,狂熊王等,也立刻就加入了其中。 Gui Che red double pupil flood cold brightness, was maltreated couple days ago, in heart continuously for no reason vexed, did not have the favorable impression regarding humanity. 鬼車赤色双眸泛起寒光,前几天被虐待,心中一直无端窝囊,对于人类一直也没有好感。 At this moment is looking at all around war servant, must compete for Demonic Beast arcane bone, therefore does not even have any hesitation, Gui Che also immediately plunged crowd take a shot / make a move. 此刻望着四周的战仆,又要争夺妖兽秘骨,因此甚至没有任何犹豫,鬼車也立刻就扑向了人群出手 Bang bang bang......” “砰砰砰……” Along with Gui Che, Xiao Yingying, Kuang Bear King, Linghuan Tiger King these have take a shot / make a move fearfully, even if in human form condition, sweeps away all, nobody may keep off. 随着鬼車,小应应,狂熊王,灵幻虎王这几个可怕存在出手,哪怕是在人形状态下,也是横扫一切,无人可挡。 Linghuan Tiger King, Xiao Yingying, Kuang Bear King and other places visited, what without a doubt is road of the cruentation, destroys all easily accomplished, by the crazy fierce stance, has gotten down several Demonic Beast arcane bone on seizing immediately. 灵幻虎王,小应应,狂熊王等所过之处,毫无疑问的是一条染血之路,摧枯拉朽摧毁一切,以狂猛姿态,立刻就夺下了好几根妖兽秘骨 This arcane bone is my!” “这根秘骨是我的!” Just a blade cut to kill an arming with knife youth of middle-aged powerhouse, the aura was formidable swiftly and fiercely, all around many war servants were deterred by it, the double pupil was red, but does not dare to go forward. 刚刚一刀斩杀了一个中年强者的持刀青年,气息何等强大凌厉,四周不少战仆被其震慑,双眸赤红,但也不敢上前。 The arming with knife youth is very satisfied, visual all around, look proudly. 持刀青年很是满意,目视四周,神色傲然。 Although he to fight servant, actually fights formidable existence in servant, if some day leaves the beast territory to return to Jiu Zhou, moves the four directions sufficiently, at this moment to fight the servant also has why not. 他虽为战仆,却是战仆中的强大存在,若是有朝一日离开兽域回到九州,足以名动四方,此刻为战仆又有何妨。 Drinks the sound to fall, unmanned competes again, arming with knife youth extremely relaxed grasped before that entire has plundered Demonic Beast arcane bone to body, the eye to reveal proud Xiao automatically, must its income pouch. 喝声落下,再无人来争夺,持刀青年极为轻松的一手抓向了那整自动掠至身前的妖兽秘骨,目露傲笑,就要将其收入囊中。 Scoffs......” “嗤……” Unexpectedly, in this in an instant, together the light golden light baseless plunders, under golden light claw-print across the sky, unexpectedly has hidden Demonic Beast arcane bone that arming with knife youth eyes together, gave to seize, like that gratefully took in Cosmos Bag. 蓦地,就在这刹那间,一道淡淡的金光凭空掠出,一道金光爪印横空而出,居然是将到了那持刀青年眼皮子底下的妖兽秘骨,生生给抓走了,那般毫不客气的收进了乾坤袋内。 That is a purple robe youth, young, the whole body is covering the light golden light, is passing the air/Qi of ruling by force for no reason. 那是一个紫袍青年,年纪不大,浑身笼罩着淡淡的金光,无端透着霸道之气。 You court death!” “你找死!” Arming with knife youth vision suddenly one cold, spunk gushes out from the double pupil, in the hand a blade chops directly, the dazzling blade glow bolt of white silk, gathers to plunder like lightning spatially. 持刀青年目光骤然一寒,一股怒意自双眸内涌出,手中一刀直接劈出,耀眼刀芒匹练,闪电般汇聚掠空。 If this blade quickly the lightning, the potential such as Ben Thunder, murders swiftly and fiercely! 这一刀快若闪电,势如奔雷,杀伐凌厉!
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