MGC :: Volume #13

#1269: Three war servant

Chapter 1267: Three war servant 第1267章:三大战仆 Chapter 1267: Three war servants. 第1267章:三大战仆。 Scoffs!” “嗤!” If quickly the lightning blade glow, appeared before the body of purple robe youth instantaneously, but in the flash, the stagnation before the body of purple robe youth, has not actually been able again the little advance half minute. 快若闪电的刀芒,瞬间就出现在了紫袍青年的身前,但却是在一瞬间,生生停滞在了紫袍青年的身前,无法再寸进半分。 This flickers, making that arming with knife youth facial color in consternation startled change. 这一瞬,让得那持刀青年面色愕然惊变。 What courting death is you!” “找死的是你!” The faint voice from the mouth of purple robe youth spreads at the same time, in the hand the golden light erupts, the form fell just like the ghosts and demons before the body of that arming with knife youth directly. 淡漠的话音自紫袍青年的口中传出的同时,手中金光爆发,身影宛如鬼魅般直接落在了那持刀青年的身前。 Purple robe youth finds out, the five fingers grasp, in an instant searched above the broadsword of arming with knife youth, gang of fearful [gold/metal] such as the tide swept across falls in torrents. 紧接着,紫袍青年一手探出,五指微握,刹那间探在了持刀青年的大刀之上,一股可怕的金芒如浪潮席卷倾泻。 Bang!” “砰!” The arming with knife youth double pupil contraction, gushes out to shock, next one flickers, body then in that penetrates [gold/metal] who in the hand the broadsword transmits, such as the strong winds blow the willow catkin, the body was shattered, changes to the blood fog to vanish shatter. 持刀青年双瞳紧缩,涌出震骇,下一瞬,身躯便是在那透过手中大刀传递来的金芒,如狂风吹柳絮般,身躯破碎,化作血雾破碎消失。 The purple robe youth rules by force, besides Du Shaofu, naturally will not have others. 紫袍青年霸道,除了杜少甫之外,自然也不会有别人了。 That is my, is my!” “那是我的,都是我的!” Struck to kill that arming with knife youth, Du Shaofu just the good broadsword in that arming with knife youth hand will take in Cosmos Bag conveniently, did not hate to destroy, afterward was slaughtering another Demonic Beast arcane bone that competed to throw in the rank to not far away dozens people. 击杀那持刀青年,杜少甫顺手将刚刚那持刀青年手中的不俗大刀收进了乾坤袋,舍不得摧毁,随后对着不远处数十人在排名厮杀争夺的另外一根妖兽秘骨扑了过去。 Gui Che, Linghuan Tiger King, Kuang Bear King, Xiao Yingying, the small bird of prey in wild take a shot / make a move, upwardly flushes away, with irresistible force, nobody may keep off, kills the four directions greatly. 鬼車,灵幻虎王,狂熊王,小应应,小隼等都在狂暴出手,一路向上冲去,势如破竹,无人可挡,大杀四方。 Is Demonic Beast, how in this to have Demonic Beast to come in!” “是妖兽,这里面怎么会有妖兽能够进来!” „It is not good, is Demonic Beast, Demonic Beast of beginning of the universe Beast Venerable level!” “不好,是妖兽,混元兽尊层次的妖兽!” Has the war servant has discovered Linghuan Tiger King, Kuang Bear King status, for the it terrified surprise. 有战仆发现了灵幻虎王,狂熊王等的身份,为之悚然诧异。 Nobody can prevent Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King , etc., especially Gui Che, take a shot / make a move sweeps away the four directions, conquers by killing all. 没有人能够阻挡灵幻虎王狂熊王等,特别是鬼車,一出手就横扫四方,血洗一切。 In an instant, many Demonic Beast arcane bone fell in the hand of Gui Che and Linghuan Tiger King. 转眼间,不少妖兽秘骨就落在了鬼車灵幻虎王的手中。 Is my!” “都是我的!” Du Shaofu drinks greatly, breaks in the midair, erupts the golden light, sweeps away all parties to compete for in the arcane bone war circle to compete for arcane bone, does not want to let off. 杜少甫大喝,冲入半空,爆发金光,横扫各方争夺秘骨的战圈之内争夺秘骨,一根也不想放过。 Bang bang bang......” “砰砰砰……” Has Du Shaofu that the war servant wants to cope with this across the sky to come, but has not approached, the body was burst to press the fragment. 有战仆欲要对付这横空而来的杜少甫,但还没有靠近,身躯就生生被溃压成了碎片。 Heavenly Beast palace outer space, on mountain peak, in Dragon race lineup. 天兽殿外空间,山峰上,龙族阵容内。 A blue long hair shawl, wears the youth of blue robe, he is the Dragon race dragon eight, in the Dragon race young generation frightening exists. 一个蓝色长发披肩,身着蓝袍的青年,他是龙族的龙八,龙族年轻一辈中一个恐怖存在。 Visual fuzzy war circle of distant front Heavenly Beast palace space beforehand that eruption, dragon eight light [say / way]: Started to have the advantage evidently, it is said each Heavenly Beast palace appears, will be uncommon arcane bone will only appear numerously.” 目视着遥遥前方天兽殿空间之前那爆发的模模糊糊的战圈,龙八轻道:“看样子已经开始有好处了,据说每一次天兽殿出现,光是不凡秘骨就会出现众多。” Who can compete with my Dragon race, in this our war servant, has [gold/metal] one silver two copper 33 people, swept away all sufficiently.” “谁能够和我龙族争夺,这一次我们的战仆中,有着金一银二铜33人,足以横扫一切了。” Wears the red to fight the clothes, the youth of eye of belt arrogance, the aura is formidable, he is the Dragon race dragon seven, Dragon race young generation of absolute outstanding person. 一个身着赤色战衣,目带傲气的青年,气息强大,他是龙族龙七,龙族年轻一辈的绝对佼佼者。 [Gold/Metal] silver two copper 33 people were not weak, three people collaborate are not weak, in all war servants, should be hard some people able to prevent, if these time has the big chance born, their opportunities should not be low, but Huang Ling this Luan sword of bring, is actually not weak, the war servant who moreover it is said a tian gou clan, the poor wonderful clan they bring is also good.” “金一银二铜33人已经不弱了,三人联手更是不弱,在所有战仆中,应该难以有人能够阻挡,若是这一次有大机缘出世,他们的机会应该不低,不过凰灵儿这一次带来的栾剑,倒是也不弱,另外据说天狗一族,穷奇一族它们带来的战仆也还不错。” Dragon eight pairs of pupils are profound, vast boundless, in the heart regarding this result of competition, knows fairly well, war servant who this Dragon race brings, [gold/metal] silver two copper three that three people, sweep away all in all war servants sufficiently. 龙八双眸深邃,浩瀚无边,心中对于这一次争夺的结果,也心中有数,这一次龙族带来的战仆,其中金一银二铜三那三人,足以在所有战仆中横扫一切。 If in this Heavenly Beast palace has the big chance to appear, decides however is my Dragon race, Huang Ling, a tian gou clan, the poor wonderful clan, is unable to contend!” “若是这一次天兽殿内有大机缘出现,定然是我龙族的,凰灵儿,天狗一族,穷奇一族,都无法相争!” Dragon seven light [say / way], the double pupil vision is passing self-confidently, self-confidence from Dragon race. 龙七轻道,双眸目光透着自信,来自龙族的自信。 ........................ …………………… Before Heavenly Beast palace, the last arcane bone twinkle brilliance, releases the pressure, is faint is passing the sound of beast roar, that absolutely is uncommon arcane bone. 天兽殿前,最后一根秘骨闪烁光辉,释放威压,隐隐间透着兽吼之声,那绝对是一根不凡秘骨 Du Shaofu searches the hand, grasped that beast bone directly in the hand. 杜少甫探手而出,直接将那兽骨抓在了手中。 Hands over arcane bone, otherwise, death!” “交出秘骨,否则,死!” At the same time, several forms appeared around Du Shaofu, altogether eight people., 同一时间,数道身影出现在了杜少甫四周,一共八人。、 These eight people as if should be in all around all war servants, the aura most formidable eight people, surrounded directly around Du Shaofu's. 这八人似乎应该是四周所有战仆中,气息最为强大的八人,直接围堵在了杜少甫的四周。 In eight people, wears the golden long dress separately, wears the silver long gown, wears middle age that the copper color vigor installs, is most remarkable. 八人之中,一个分别身着金色长衣,身着银色长袍,身着铜色劲装的中年,最为惹人注意。 These three people of appearances are almost exactly the same, grasp the money copper tricolor long-barrelled guns, the imposing manner is vast, to the unusual Martial Venerable peak situation. 这三人模样几乎一模一样,手持金银铜三色长枪,气势浩大,皆是到了超凡武尊巅峰地步。 A white clothing such as the youth of snow, the double pupil is limpid, visual Du Shaofu, the eye of belt extremely special smile, already had as if discovered Du Shaofu. 一个白衣如雪的青年,双眸清澈,目视着杜少甫,目带极为特别的微笑,似乎是早就发现了杜少甫 An element robe youth, grasps the long sword, the facial features are solemn and respectful, in the eye splendid light is dazzling, whole body aura swift and fierce like sword, as if in the hand the sword has combined, melts in a body. 一个素袍青年,手持长剑,面容肃穆,眼中华光耀眼,浑身气息凌厉如剑,似乎和手中之剑已经合二为一,融于了一体。 Another middle age and two youth, are holding uncommon Dao Artifact respectively, Dao Artifact was almost in the Magical Artifact situation, the strength also is not very weak. 另外一个中年和两个青年,各自持着不凡道器,道器几乎到了法器地步,实力也很是不弱。 A aura weakest youth, is the Perfect Martial Venerable peak situation. 气息最弱的一个青年,都是圆满武尊巅峰地步。 The Du Shaofu visual all around eight people, vision has cast aside, in that brought the smiling expression white clothing such as on the youth of snow to look at one, light light [say / way]: arcane bone is my, wants, took well!” 杜少甫目视四周八人,目光撇过,在那带着笑意的白衣如雪的青年身上多看了一眼,淡淡轻道:“秘骨是我的,想要的,就上来拿好了!” Scoffs......” “嗤……” As the Du Shaofu voice falls, the energy broken rumor resounds through, that white clothing such as the youth of snow sticks out suddenly take a shot / make a move instantaneously, is actually not the attack to Du Shaofu, but was in the hand the energy bolt of white silk such as the blade plunders together to a side recent Perfect Martial Venerable peak youth. 随着杜少甫话音落下,能量破风声响彻,那白衣如雪的青年瞬间暴起出手,却不是攻击向杜少甫,而是手中一道能量匹练如刀掠向了身边最近的一个圆满武尊巅峰青年。 White clothing youth instantaneous take a shot / make a move, the runes twinkle, such as in the blade bolt of white silk, is bringing light one extremely unusual Devil Qi. 白衣青年瞬间出手,符文闪烁,如刀匹练中,带着淡淡的一种极为奇特的魔气 That Perfect Martial Venerable peak youth, has not recovered. 圆满武尊巅峰青年,根本就还没有回过神来。 When its discovery time, vision startles greatly, but was actually already without enough time, Profound Qi defense is unable to resist that white clothing such as the attack of snow youth, the body in that such as under the blade energy bolt of white silk, was cut directly. 等其发现的时候,目光大骇,但却是已经来不及了,身上的玄气防御根本无法抵御那白衣如雪青年的攻击,身躯在那如刀能量匹练下,直接被斩开。 Desperate changes to the blood fog in the double pupil with amazement, youth Soul Force as if comes under the influence unable to escape. 在双瞳骇然绝望中化作血雾,那青年元神似乎都受到影响无法逃出。 Dies!” “去死!” Almost is at the same time, cultivation base has visited the unusual Martial Venerable middle age, its front blood light claw-print is pierced the chest by the back together. 几乎是同一时间,一个修为已经踏足超凡武尊的中年,其胸前一道血光爪印由后背洞穿前胸。 The swift and fierce bloody aura sweeps across, the middle-aged within the body vitality in blood light runes swallows destroys instantaneously, finally changed to a dry corpse. 凌厉血腥气息席卷,中年体内生机在血光符文吞噬中瞬间摧毁,最后化作了一具干尸。 The dry corpse crashes, the Gui Che form goes out, the vision is looking at all around swiftly and fiercely. 干尸坠落,鬼車身影走出,目光凌厉望着四周。 Just that middle age, Gui Che take a shot / make a move killed. 刚刚那中年,正是鬼車出手所杀。 This flash's accident, makes several other people of facial colors with amazement change immediately, immediately the Profound Qi confused swell, runes is radiant, guards against the accident. 这一瞬间的变故,也立刻让得另外数人面色骇然大变,立刻玄气暴涌,符文璀璨,提防变故。 White clothing such as the youth of snow, noted Gui Che, in the double pupil flood splendid light, was looking at Du Shaofu afterward, in the handsome facial features squeezed out a forced smile, said: arcane bone you take away, I do not want to struggle with you.” 白衣如雪的青年,也注意到了鬼車,双眸内泛着华光,随后望着杜少甫,俊朗的面容上挤出一丝苦笑,道:“秘骨你拿去,我可不想和你争。” The white clothing such as the youth of snow is looking at Du Shaofu, smiles lightly, points to side not far that to imitate, if in the treasured sword with the hand melts as one element robe youth and a middle age, said to Du Shaofu: These two are phoenix clan Huang Ling a war servant of war servant Luan sword and gluttony clan.” 白衣如雪的青年望着杜少甫,淡淡一笑,直指身边不远那仿若和手中宝剑融于一体的素袍青年和一个中年,对杜少甫道:“这两个是凤凰一族凰灵儿的战仆栾剑和饕餮一族的战仆。” The voice slightly makes the stop, the white clothing such as the youth of snow looks at that final three to wear the golden long dress, the silver long gown, the holding a gun middle age that the copper color vigor installs, slightly has the profound meaning said to Du Shaofu: I think that final three, you should be most interested, Dragon race this time a cultivation base strength strongest three war servant [gold/metal] silver two copper three.” 话音略作停顿,白衣如雪的青年望着那最后三个身着金色长衣,银色长袍,铜色劲装的持枪中年,略有深意的对杜少甫说道:“我想最后三个,你应该最有兴趣,龙族这一次所来修为实力最强的三个战仆金一银二铜三。” Dragon race......” 龙族……” hear speech/words, the Du Shaofu double pupil one set, the mouth bank flood sneers immediately. 闻言,杜少甫双瞳顿时一套,嘴畔泛起一丝冷笑。 Keeps off me dead!” “挡我者死!” Drinks the sound to spread greatly, Kuang Bear King, Linghuan Tiger King, Xiao Yingying, the small bird of prey swept away the people to appear in Du Shaofu successively behind, all around people none who does not dare to keep off. 大喝声传出,狂熊王,灵幻虎王,小应应,小隼等先后横扫众人出现在了杜少甫身后,四周众人莫不敢挡。 Gui Che, that three, must die!” 鬼車,那三个,必须死!” The Du Shaofu vision has swept a that [gold/metal] silver two copper lightly three, in the eye kills intent to wipe. 杜少甫目光淡淡扫过那金一银二铜三,眼中杀意抹过。 Gui Che lifts the pupil, in scarlet scarlet pupil, flood some hesitant. 鬼車抬眸,赤血色眸子内,泛着些许犹豫。 But hesitant has flickered merely, Gui Che has not said a word, the vision is unfeeling, three launches the attack to a that [gold/metal] silver two copper instantaneously. 但仅仅只是犹豫了一瞬,鬼車没有言语,目光冷酷无情,瞬间对那金一银二铜三发起攻击。 Collaborates!” “联手!” The [gold/metal] one, the silver two, the copper 33 people of facial colors change in consternation, Qi Qida drinks. 金一,银二,铜33人面色愕然大变,齐齐大喝。 Bang!” “轰!” In three people of hands the long gun|spear sends out the dazzling ray, ice-cold, but the woods are cold, forms the potential of jointly attacking, communicates Profound Qi, runes is flaming, the body prestige can start to rise suddenly instantaneously much, almost can arrive at the beginning of the universe Martial Venerable power and influence. 三人手中长枪发出刺眼光芒,冰冷而森寒,形成合击之势,沟通玄气,符文炽盛,身上威能在瞬间开始暴涨不少,几乎是能够到混元武尊的威势了。 But Gui Che across the sky , the scarlet scarlet pupil is tranquil, but is passing unfeelingly, an invisible pressure is to actually burst to press the expansive sky. 鬼車横空而至,赤血色眸子平静,但透着冷酷无情,一股无形的压力却是溃压长空。 Today's Dragon Boat Festival, wishing everybody Dragon Boat Festival quicker.】 【今天端午节,祝大家端午节越快。】
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