MGC :: Volume #13

#1267: Heavenly Beast palace present

Chapter 1265: Heavenly Beast palace present 第1265章:天兽殿现 Chapter 1265: Heavenly Beast palace present. 第1265章:天兽殿现。 You come, you try to find the solution, if cannot exit, I will make you attractive!” “你自己进来的,你自己想办法,要是出不去,我会让你好看!” Purple flame monster phoenix double pupil start to talk, black eyebrow coloring eyebrow micro pressed, the sound is chilly, the double pupil concentrates, the means that can think of she has thought that but could not find the method to withdraw, this place is very strange. 紫炎妖凰双眸开口,黛眉微蹙,声音清冽,双眸微凝,能够想到的办法她都想到了,但就是找不到方法脱身,这地方很是诡异。 This place was too strange, is impossible unable to exit, I look again.” “此地太诡异了,不可能出不去,我再找找。” The Du Shaofu brow also wrinkles, always cannot in dire straits here, if certainly wants the means to leave is good, Xiao Xingxing still outside, provokes the right and wrong by Xiao Xingxing that the temperament, this inside present Demonic Beast powerhouse is numerous, if had the matter to trouble. 杜少甫眉头也皱起,总不能够困死在这儿,一定要想办法离开才行,小星星还在外面,以小星星那招惹是非的脾气,这里面现在妖兽强者众多,万一出了事情可就麻烦了。 The brow wrinkles within, Du Shaofu also started to study in this vast square afterward everywhere. 眉头皱起间,杜少甫随后也开始在这辽阔的广场上到处研究了起来。 Pulse Soul felt that the fluctuation of this place has come, this moment Du Shaofu does not believe that is unable to exit. 脉魂感觉到了此地的波动才进来,此刻杜少甫不相信无法出去。 Everybody looks together everywhere, has a look to have any special place.” “大家一起到处找找,看看有没有什么特别之处。” After the moment, Du Shaofu to Xiao Yingying, Gui Che, Kuang Bear King, the small bird of prey said. 片刻后,杜少甫小应应,鬼車,狂熊王,小隼等说道。 Profound Qi gathers in the palm, Profound Qi of pale golden ray twinkle condenses the bolt of white silk, the non- time falls in the vast ancient square, the square of Du Shaofu bombardment is low and deep bang makes noise. 身上玄气汇聚在掌心,淡金色光芒闪烁的玄气凝聚成匹练,不时间落在辽阔的古老广场上,杜少甫轰击的广场低沉‘轰隆’作响。 Du Shaofu wants to probe, can touch response in this strange square. 杜少甫想要试探,能不能够触动这诡异广场上的一些反应。 Kuang Bear King, Xiao Yingying, Linghuan Tiger King, the small bird of prey and other people are studying the Du Shaofu's appearance immediately, starts attack everywhere, is searching for all around. 狂熊王,小应应,灵幻虎王,小隼等数十人顿时学着杜少甫的模样,开始到处的攻击起来,搜寻着四周。 Although Gui Che also took many spirit medicine, but injury has not restored many, therefore feels that light on mortal body, he again by that Du Shaofu oppressive. 鬼車虽然也服用了不少的灵药,但身上伤势并未曾恢复多少,因此才更加感觉到,光是在肉身上,他就再被那杜少甫虐了一遍。 Does slightly hesitant, Gui Che also afterward was joins in the search square lineup, together mysterious attack exploratory falling to all around. 稍作犹豫,鬼車也随后便是加入到了搜寻广场的阵容中,一道奥攻击试探性的落向四周。 Bang......” “轰隆隆……” Immediately in this ancient space, the dull thumping sound keeps blasting out, the fluctuation of energy ripples. 顿时这古老的空间内,闷响不停炸开,能量波动荡漾。 However, Du Shaofu people grade of exploratory nature searches for four weeks later, actually does not know outside, during was makes Demonic Beast in entire Heavenly Beast grave fall into one type to be excited. 然而,在杜少甫众人这等试探性搜寻四周后,却是不知道在外面,却是让得整个天兽墓内的妖兽陷入了一种兴奋之中。 Bang......” “轰隆隆……” Group peak continuous, all around space shivers, the front non- time spreads the low and deep sound. 群峰连绵中,四周空间颤动,前方不时间传出低沉的声响。 Roar!” “嗷吼!” In all around mountain range, innumerable Demonic Beast roared, erupts the astonishing fierce and tough fluctuation. 四周山脉内,无数妖兽咆哮,爆发出惊人的凶悍波动。 Demonic Beast ominous pupil, all falls on the front in pairs, seems waiting for anything. 一双双妖兽凶瞳,皆是落在前方,似乎都在等待着什么。 In all around mountain range, some formidable aura of hideaway start to fluctuate, innumerable Demonic Beast roared, was faint all around space twists. 四周山脉内,一些隐藏的强大气息开始波动,无数妖兽咆哮,将四周空间隐隐间扭曲。 Sound many days, how hadn't the Heavenly Beast palace appeared?” “已经响动好多天了,天兽殿怎么还没有出现?” Huang Ling stands in the summit, is looking at the front, flood the seven color beautiful pupils of scarlet-red colored light splendor are fluctuating, have wiped the color of surprise. 凰灵儿站在山巅,望着前方,泛着赤红色光辉的七彩美眸波动,抹过诧异之色。 This Heavenly Beast palace opens, does not know that can have anything to inherit to appear, feared when the time comes decides however is a fierce struggle between two evenly matched opponents.” “这一次天兽殿开启,不知道能不能够有什么传承出现,怕是到时候定然是一场龙争虎斗吧。” Each Heavenly Beast palace opens, these formidable war servants, many can carry over some inheritance.” “每一次天兽殿开启,那些强大的战仆,多少都是能够带出一些传承的。” Now Dragon race dragon seven dragons eight, four princess Huang Ling of phoenix clan, a tian gou clan mastiff dragon, a gluttony clan ominous tooth, poor wonderful clan blood ice came, she He The war servants who brings exceptionally are formidable, when the time comes comes out, naturally can erupt the genuine bloody battle!” “现在龙族的龙七龙八,凤凰一族的四公主凰灵儿,天狗一族的‘獒龙’,饕餮一族的‘凶牙’,穷奇一族的‘血凌’都来了,她【他】们带来的战仆都异常强大,到时候出来,自然会爆发真正的血战!” Do not forget also to have that purple star demon Dragon Huang, the mastiff dragon they are also frightened, that is also one fearfully exists.” “别忘了还有那紫星魔龙皇,獒龙他们也被震慑走了,那也是一个可怕存在。” In all around hills, Demonic Beast discussed in a low voice. 四周群山内,妖兽低声议论。 Opening of Heavenly Beast palace, final competition, naturally is belongs to these to exist fearfully, once when the time comes erupts to compete, that bloody battle is the true fearfulness. 天兽殿的开启,最后的争夺,自然是属于那些可怕存在的,一旦到时候爆发争夺,那血战才是真正的可怕。 Before a mountain peak, form approaches together quietly, the white clothing like the snow, hides, finally fell on a moment lofty tree. 一座山峰之前,一道身影悄然靠近,白衣如雪,躲躲藏藏,最后落在了一刻参天大树上。 That is an elusive youth, the double pupil is looking at all around mountain range, the beast blood falls everywhere, has the dense skeleton to overspread the earth, looks from afar, to person an absolutely terrified feeling. 那是一个空灵青年,双眸望着四周山脉,到处兽血倾洒,有森森骨骸铺满大地,远远望去,给人一种毛骨悚然的感觉。 This moment all around Demonic Beast, that ominous pupil in pairs is looking at the front, nobody pays attention to this youth of hiding. 此刻四周妖兽,那一双双的凶瞳都是望着前方,没有人注意这一个躲躲藏藏的青年。 Demonic Beast that comes are many, the Heavenly Beast grave has brought in these many Demonic Beast unexpectedly.” “来的妖兽不少啊,天兽墓竟然是引来了这么多的妖兽。” The white clothing youth knits the brows, the beast group that blots out the sky, the fierce and tough aura and all around the Demonic Beast roaring sound continuously, making his also brow wrinkle. 白衣青年皱眉,那铺天盖地的兽群,凶悍气息和四周此起彼伏的妖兽咆哮声,让他也眉头皱起。 White clothing youth double pupil is dignified, the difficulty when the time comes wants to fish in troubled waters, as if imagined also wanting difficult many compared with him. 白衣青年双眸凝重,到时候想要浑水摸鱼的难度,似乎是比起他原本想象中还要难的多。 Master, a phoenix clan, Dragon race, purple star demon dragon sovereign they in front.” “主人,凤凰一族,龙族,紫星魔龙皇他们都在前面。” A several feet monster vulture, circles on lofty tree that quietly, in the white clothing youth was. 一只数丈大小的妖雕,悄然盘旋在了白衣青年所在的参天大树上。 „The Heavenly Beast grave, really entices to Demonic Beast infinitely.” 天兽墓,对妖兽果然诱惑无穷。” The white clothing sighed azure young, although he in existence also absolutely greedy saliva to Heavenly Beast grave, but he has to think the escape route at this moment, even if when the time comes he entered in the Heavenly Beast palace to obtain the advantage, feared that comes out to be besieged by the numerous beasts. 白衣青年轻叹,尽管他对天兽墓内的存在也绝对馋涎,可是此刻他不得不是想着后路,就算是到时候他进入了天兽殿内得到了好处,怕是一出来就会被众兽围攻。 First did not say a phoenix clan has been searching for him, the Dragon race dragon eight dragon seven crown princes, an ominous tooth of gluttony clan, blood ice of poor wonderful clan, a mastiff dragon of tian gou clan, these fearful existences will not have let off his. 先不说凤凰一族一直在搜寻他,还有龙族的龙八龙七太子,饕餮一族的凶牙,穷奇一族的血凌,天狗一族的獒龙,那些可怕的存在也是不会放过他的。 Must give up considering as finished, once the thorough dangerous situation, that may be big on the trouble.” “要不要放弃算了,一旦深入险境,那可就麻烦大了。” The white clothing youth facial features are dignified, but arrived in the Heavenly Beast grave, if departs in light of this, is unwilling. 白衣青年面容凝重,可是已经到了天兽墓中,要是就此离去,又心有不甘。 Bang......” “轰……” Is pondering to the white clothing youth heart, in the front crowd of peak world spaces, has sent out a fierce trembling sound suddenly once again. 对着白衣青年心中沉思,前方群峰天地空间内,突然间再度发出了一声剧烈的颤响。 In front crowd above, where space flood the extremely special fluctuation, has the dazzling runes twinkle immediately. 紧接着,前方群上之上,哪里的空间顿时泛起了极为特别的波动,有着刺眼的符文闪烁而出。 Bang......” “轰隆隆……” The space energy dull thumping sound is unceasing, above group peak the space of runes fluctuation distortion, makes the running water sound, in the space of distortion, afterward seems has the huge picture to reappear. 空间能量闷响不绝,群峰之上符文波动扭曲的空间,发出流水般的声响,扭曲的空间内,随后似乎是有着庞然景象浮现而出。 Was the Heavenly Beast palace appears!” “难道是天兽殿出现了么!” In all around mountain range, the innumerable Demonic Beast double pupils are flood the scarlet-red ominous light, the low and deep breath starts loudly, tight is looking at the space of that distortion. 四周山脉内,无数妖兽双瞳都是泛起赤红凶光,低沉呼吸开始粗重,紧紧的望着那扭曲的空间。 Big piece scarlet-red ominous pupil visual, in space that above the group peak twists, the space ripple starts the reappearing vortex, a stretch of huge square appeared in the view. 大片赤红的凶瞳目视下,群峰之上扭曲的空间之内,空间波纹开始浮现漩涡,一片庞大广场出现在了眼帘内。 Roar......” “嗷吼……” That huge square is vast, comes to have a colossus to tower, is faint, astonishing beast roar reverberation...... 那庞大广场辽阔无边,居中有着一座庞然大物耸立,隐隐间,惊人的兽吼声回荡而出…… That vast square appears more and more is clear, finally thorough clear appeared in all vision lines of sight. 那辽阔广场出现的越来越是清晰,最后彻底的清晰出现在了所有目光视线中。 Vast square boundless, a huge main hall is situated in the square center. 辽阔的广场无边无际般,一种庞大的大殿坐落在广场中央。 That huge main hall towers, lets all around stand tall and erect such as the cloud mountain peak also in comparison appears tiny, does not know the previous several thousand zhang (3.33 m) highly. 那庞大大殿耸立,让得四周高耸如云的山峰与之相比也显得渺小,高度不知道上数千丈。 All vision by space of that distortion, are looking up to that giant main hall, stands erect a colossus likely in side world, making all lives feel that tiny of arising spontaneously dares to live from the heart! 所有目光透过那扭曲的空间,仰望着那巨大的大殿,像是矗立在一方天地内的庞然大物,让所有生灵感觉到一种油然而生的渺小敢从心中而生! In that giant palace, inscribes the innumerable ominous birds and beasts beast of prey, the ascension beast mark, reverberates ten thousand beasts to roar the sound of neighing, the main hall is vigorous, making the life look at one to be also fearful and apprehensive. 那巨大宫殿上,铭刻无数凶禽猛兽,升腾兽纹,回荡万兽咆哮嘶鸣之声,大殿雄浑磅礴,让生灵望上一眼也要心惊胆颤。 .................................... ……………………………… In the ancient square, Du Shaofu, Linghuan Tiger King, Gui Che, small in bird of prey and other hands striking power are still plundering, the square of bombardment shivers. 古老的广场上,杜少甫,灵幻虎王,鬼車,小隼等手中一道道的攻击力还在掠出,轰击的广场颤动。 Bang......” “轰……” Suddenly, above this side ancient square trembles loudly. 突然,这一方古老的广场之上轰然一颤。 Du Shaofu, Linghuan Tiger King, the small bird of prey the form stagnates immediately, visual all around, is feeling trembling sound fluctuation the place of origin. 杜少甫,灵幻虎王,小隼等立刻身影一滞,目视四周,感觉着颤响波动的来源之处。 The purple flame monster phoenix double pupil looked to the space front, where has the space ripple to turn. 紫炎妖凰双眸望向了空间前方,哪里有着空间波纹翻起。 Bang......” “轰隆隆……” As after this square trembled since ancient times loudly, afterward then one after another shivered, the front has the space ripple to ripple, is faint to have ten thousand beasts to roar the sound of reverberation neighing. 随着这古来广场轰然一颤之后,随后便是接连颤动了起来,前方有空间波纹荡漾,隐隐间有着万兽咆哮嘶鸣之声回荡而来。 Had the sound!” “有动静了!” The people are pleasantly surprised, Linghuan Tiger King, small bird of prey, Kuang Bear King , etc. approached in abundance to Du Shaofu. 众人惊喜,灵幻虎王,小隼,狂熊王等纷纷靠近向了杜少甫 The front space fluctuates, that ten thousand beasts roared the sound of neighing, transmitted from the space of front fluctuation. 前方空间波动,那万兽咆哮嘶鸣之声,就是自前方波动的空间内传来。 The entire ancient square is shivering, likely is the area getting smaller, the aura surges, making people be hard to come to a stop. 整个古老的广场在颤动,像是面积越来越小,气息涌动,让人难以站稳。 There possibly is the exit / to speak, bets.” “那里可能是出口,赌一下。” The Du Shaofu double pupil wipes the golden light, the sole has stamped the square, the form plunders immediately to the space of fluctuation. 杜少甫双眸抹过金光,脚掌一跺广场,身影顿时掠向波动的空间。 .............................. ………………………… That was the Heavenly Beast palace in legend, the Heavenly Beast palace opens!” “那就是传说中的天兽殿,天兽殿开启了!” Beyond the group peak, looks at that vast square to reappear, the astonishing main hall towers, in Demonic Beast double pupil that in all around mountain range blots out the sky flood scarlet-red color. 群峰之外,望着那辽阔广场浮现,惊人的大殿耸立,四周山脉内铺天盖地的妖兽双瞳内泛着赤红之色。 As that vast space appears thoroughly above the group peak, just like in this independent Heavenly Beast grave space, made and broke a huge space once again. 随着那辽阔空间彻底浮现在群峰之上,宛如在这单独的天兽墓空间内,再度开闭出了一个巨大的空间。 In an instant that great palace space it presents thoroughly, in all around mountain range, in many Demonic Beast double pupil scarlet-red throat exudes the greedy roaring sound: „The Heavenly Beast palace opens, all war servants clash quickly, captures the advantage!” 就在那巨殿空间其彻底出现的一霎,四周山脉内,不少的妖兽双眸赤红喉咙中发出贪婪的咆哮声:“天兽殿开启,所有战仆快冲啊,夺取好处!” Whiz whiz......” “嗖嗖……” In Demonic Beast group that all around blots out the sky, immediately has the dense and numerous forms to plunder. 四周铺天盖地的妖兽群中,顿时有着密密麻麻的身影掠出。 That is innumerable [say / way] human form form, is an eye of band of light the scarlet-red, innumerable forms is plundering to empty, flood in the great palace space of fluctuation is plundering to that. 那都是无数道人形身影,也都是目光带着赤红,无数身影掠空而过,对着那泛起波动的巨殿空间内掠去。 That is all around many Demonic Beast war servants, aura great strength, even to fearful situation. 那是四周不少妖兽的战仆,气息强大者,甚至皆是到了可怕地步。 They become the war servants of some Demonic Beast King, or voluntary, either is forced, what common is talent is quite uncommon, the aura is formidable. 他们成为一些妖兽王者的战仆,或自愿,或被迫,但共同的是天姿都极为不凡,气息强大。 Spelled.” “拼了。” On the distant place lofty tree, the white clothing such as the youth of snow clenches teeth slightly, finally arrives at the enticement in Heavenly Beast palace, the form plunders, changes to the rainbow, mixes, in that dense and numerous all parties have fought in the servant, plundered directly before spatial. 远处参天大树上,白衣如雪的青年微微咬牙,最终还是抵不过天兽殿内的诱惑,身影掠出,化作长虹,混入在了那密密麻麻的各方战仆中,直接掠向了前空。 Four princesses, are that fellow, he appeared!” “四公主,是那家伙,他出现了!” On the mountain peak, a middle age said to Huang Ling that the double pupil flood the runes twinkle, is fixing the eyes on, in that has plundered in the Heavenly Beast palace the space rapidly to the white clothing youth who goes. 山峰上,一个中年对凰灵儿说道,双眸泛着符文闪烁,紧盯在了那急速掠向天兽殿内空间而去的白衣青年身上。
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