MGC :: Volume #13

#1266: Beginning of the universe air/Qi 【Before down】.

Chapter 1264: Beginning of the universe air/Qi Before down. 第1264章:混元一气【五更】。 Chapter 1264: Beginning of the universe air/Qi Before down. 第1264章:混元一气【五更】。 Beginning of the universe Martial Venerable, that is a Martial Venerable realm watershed, with unusual Martial Venerable completely is two meanings. 混元武尊,那是一个武尊境界的一道分水岭,和超凡武尊完全是两种含义。 Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King , etc., although is beginning of the universe Beast Venerable, but cultivates a way, a principle passes hundred principles to be bright, they initially from unusual Martial Venerable breakthrough to beginning of the universe Martial Venerable, knew has experienced anything, that is the what kind difficulty its breakthrough. 灵幻虎王狂熊王等虽然是混元兽尊,但修炼一途,一理通百理明,它们当初从超凡武尊突破到混元武尊,自知其中经历过什么,那是何等困难才将其突破 But now, these several days of time, that savage Demon King like that uneventful, successful, unexpectedly was easy breakthrough to the beginning of the universe Martial Venerable level, Linghuan Tiger King , etc. was unable not to shake surprised. 而现在,就这数天时间,那凶残的魔王就那般风平浪静,水到渠成般的,居然是轻而易举的突破到了混元武尊层次,灵幻虎王等无法不为之震愕。 In square, purple flame monster phoenix visual in breakthrough Du Shaofu, the purple pupil is gorgeous , is quite changing countenance. 广场上,紫炎妖凰目视着正在突破杜少甫,紫眸绚丽,也在颇为动容。 All around world energy starts to dissipate slowly, world energies flood into Du Shaofu within the body, such as golden snake shuttles of dazzling twinkles, finally extremely abstruse has flooded into Du Shaofu's within the body. 四周的天地能量开始徐徐消散,一股股天地能量涌进杜少甫体内,如一条条耀眼闪烁的金蛇穿梭,最后极为玄奥的涌进了杜少甫的体内。 All aura are tranquil, after the square sits cross-legged Du Shaofu that sits for a very long time, the double pupil opens. 一切气息平静下来,广场盘膝而坐的杜少甫久久之后,双眸睁开。 Bang!” “轰!” As Du Shaofu shuts tightly flickers, in the eye that the double pupil opens the golden light follows purple Thunder Light to fluctuate, the purple flame is faint in the double pupil flood, the body imitates, if also has a stars brilliance to be slowly reserved, the surrounding space of aura vibration trembles for no reason. 随着杜少甫紧闭双眸睁开的一瞬,眼中金光伴随紫色雷光波动,紫炎在双瞳内隐隐间泛起,身上仿若还有着一层星辰光辉徐徐内敛,气息震动的周围空间无端一颤。 Shouted......” “呼……” Foul air follows the throat, puts out from the Du Shaofu abdomen. 一口浊气顺着喉咙,自杜少甫腹中吐出。 But along with putting out of this foul air, Du Shaofu aura, slowly restrains. 而随着这一口浊气的吐出,杜少甫身上的气息,才徐徐收敛。 On Du Shaofu does not extinguish the profound body and cuts down the bone to wash the marrow color under of light Purple gold, is slowly dim. 杜少甫身上不灭玄体和伐骨洗髓下的淡淡紫金之色,也徐徐黯淡。 breakthrough to beginning of the universe Martial Venerable.” 突破到了混元武尊么。” Du Shaofu lowers the head, seems is pondering anything, palm Hand Imprints congeals, the body has golden light talisman-pattern to fluctuate, finally just liked is behind is condensing changed to Golden Wing Great Peng. 杜少甫低着头,似乎是在沉思着什么,手掌手印凝结,身上有着金光符箓秘纹波动,最后犹如是在身后凝聚化作了一只金翅大鹏 Chirp......” “叽……” Golden Wing Great Peng Phantom flutters, sound of the Péng cry in the ancient space, is just liking is resounds through slatingly. 金翅大鹏虚影振翅,一声鹏鸣之声在着古老的空间内,犹如是雷鸣般响彻而起。 The Péng called just like Dragon recites the tiger's roar, the turtle calls the bird cry, the sound has delimited the space, let the numerous beast Soul Force trembling millet. 鹏鸣宛如龙吟虎啸,龟鸣雀唳,声音划过空间,让众兽元神颤粟。 With the appearance of that Golden Wing Great Peng Phantom, Linghuan Tiger King, Xiao Yingying, Kuang Bear King and other whole body bones suddenly shivered in this, can it be that to feel that in a genuine beast the supreme pressure arrives. 伴随着那金翅大鹏虚影的出现,灵幻虎王,小应应,狂熊王等浑身骨头都在这一刹那间颤抖了起来,莫不是感觉到一股真正的兽中至尊威压降临。 In this beast supreme pressure, is the true Golden Wing Great Peng essence arrives absolutely, deep place from bloodline and pressure of Soul Force, keeping them from resisting. 这种兽中至尊威压,绝对是真正的金翅大鹏精降临,来自血脉元神深处的威压,让他们无法抵御。 Golden Wing Great Peng Phantom circles behind Du Shaofu, the neighing cloud penetration crack stone, lets this vast ancient square space along with flood the fluctuation, the energy ripple is similar to is the tide in sea howls. 金翅大鹏虚影杜少甫背后盘旋,嘶鸣穿云裂石,让得这辽阔的古老的广场空间也随着泛起波动,能量波纹如同是大海中的浪潮呼啸。 Good fearful aura, this is beginning of the universe Martial Venerable, just visited beginning of the universe Martial Venerable, so to be how strong, endured compared with these human Nirvana Martial Venerable sufficiently!” “好可怕的气息,这还是混元武尊么,刚刚踏足混元武尊而已,怎么会这么强,足以堪比那些人类涅槃武尊了吧!” This is in a aura of Golden Wing Great Peng clan, even if obtained a pair of Great Peng Golden Wing fusion, how to have the so supreme pressure!” “这是正在金翅大鹏一族的气息吧,就算是得到了一双大鹏金翅融合,怎么会有如此至尊威压!” Was feeling this moment square central Du Shaofu aura, that Golden Winged Peng aura arrives just like a Golden Winged Peng clan, just visited the beginning of the universe Martial Venerable aura, at this moment was actually equal to that others' Nirvana Martial Venerable aura vigor like that making Linghuan Tiger King, Kuang Bear King, Xiao Yingying , etc. almost collapse. 感觉着此刻广场中央杜少甫身上的气息,那金翅大鹏鸟气息宛如金翅大鹏鸟一族亲临,刚刚踏足混元武尊的气息,此刻却是等于别人的涅槃武尊气息那般的浑厚,让得灵幻虎王,狂熊王,小应应等几乎为之崩溃。 Gui Che is looking at Du Shaofu in square, his strength in meditation without doubt only under at this moment purple flame monster phoenix, but feels at this moment that and other aura, scarlet scarlet double pupil also flood fierce fluctuation. 鬼車望着广场上的杜少甫,他的定力无疑只在此刻紫炎妖凰之下,但感觉到此刻那等气息,赤血色双眸也泛着剧烈的波动。 For several days, although said that savage fellow took spirit medicine, actually all restores, but also direct breakthrough, was feeling at this moment that savage youth aura, in the Gui Che heart is not willing to accept, actually also knows fairly well, oneself feared at this moment was far from that fellow, is unable how. 短短几天间,虽然说那凶残的家伙服用了灵药,却是尽数恢复,还直接突破,此刻感觉着那凶残青年身上的气息,鬼車心中不愿意接受,却是也心中有数,自己此刻怕是离那家伙越来越远了,更加无法奈何了。 Is nine phoenix clans, Gui Che bloodline is noble, that is in Demonic Beast bloodline, the platoon enters the Pyramid top level sufficiently bloodline. 身为九头凤一族,鬼車血脉高贵,那是妖兽血脉中,足以排进金字塔顶尖层次的血脉 But facing at present that savage humanity, after the cultivation base level is higher than enough one actually must be defeated, the mortal body cannot occupy cheaply, even must be inferior that a human the mortal body, even must differ at this moment more and more far, this lets in the Gui Che heart is really hard to accept. 但面对眼前那凶残的人类,在修为层次高出足足一层之后却是还要落败,肉身也丝毫占不到便宜,甚至还要不如一个人类的肉身,此刻甚至还要相差越来越远,这让鬼車心中实在是难以接受。 But all these, were actually real placing in Gui Che at present, he felt itself oppressively as if by. 但这一切,却是真实的摆放在了鬼車的眼前,他感觉到自己似乎又被虐了一遍。 Roar......” “嗷吼……” Golden light of Golden Winged Peng Phantom behind Du Shaofu is bright, the aura releases crazily, supreme Ling Tian, Linghuan Tiger King, Xiao Yingying, the small bird of prey, Kuang Bear King and other trembling millet crawls. 金翅大鹏鸟虚影杜少甫背后金光熠熠,气息疯狂释放,至尊凌天,灵幻虎王,小应应,小隼,狂熊王等颤粟匍匐。 Supreme aura release, when Du Shaofu aura, thoroughly after a beginning of the universe Martial Venerable level situation consolidates, slowly stagnates, finally dissipates. 至尊气息释放,当杜少甫身上的气息,彻底在一种混元武尊层次地步稳固下来之后,才徐徐停滞,最后消散下来。 Crash-bang......” “哗啦啦……” Golden talisman-pattern gatherings just like the vortex, has flooded into Du Shaofu's within the body. 一股股金色符箓秘纹汇聚的宛如漩涡,涌进了杜少甫的体内。 In Du Shaofu eye double pupil flaming golden light runes restraining, just like having Golden Wing Great Peng silent in clear and bright double pupil. 杜少甫眼中双瞳炽盛的金光符文收敛,宛如有着金翅大鹏沉默在了清朗的双瞳中。 Beginning of the universe, has everything, is the principle, said that is the main road of world, it does not have greatly outside, in it slightly does not have. A world person beginning of the universe body, may participate in the world, all-embracing, beginning of the universe air/Qi, spatial, but is not spatial, with, unites with the [say / way].” “混元者,无所不有,是理,是道,是天地之大道,其大无外,其小无内。天地人混元一体,可参与天地,包罗万象,混元一气,空而不空,都与道同,与道合一。” Du Shaofu muttered to have the word, the mouth bank together smile curve flood, successful, with the aid of the samsara monster spirit mushroom, sensed divine ability, finally visited beginning of the universe Martial Venerable. 杜少甫喃喃有词,嘴畔一道微笑弧度泛起,水到渠成,借助轮回妖灵芝,感悟神通,终于踏足到了混元武尊 Du Shaofu is unusual Martial Venerable, unusualness, has surpassed the vulgar class. 原本杜少甫是超凡武尊,超凡者,已经超出俗流。 But at this moment along with own breakthrough, Du Shaofu knows unusual Martial Venerable beginning of the universe Martial Venerable difference, that is differences of two heaven and earth levels. 但此刻随着自己的突破,杜少甫才知道超凡武尊混元武尊的差别,那就是两个天壤之别的层次。 Even if initially Du Shaofu stimulated to movement the crazy dragon nine layers day with the aid of doing the strength of dragon, lets the cultivation base strength short arrival beginning of the universe Martial Venerable situation, but said gratefully that stimulates to movement the crazy dragon nine layers day short time to promote the cultivation base strength to the beginning of the universe Martial Venerable level, with the genuine beginning of the universe Martial Venerable level, that absolutely does not have the commeasurability. 就算是当初杜少甫催动狂龙九重天借助乾龙之力,让修为实力短暂的到达混元武尊地步,但毫不客气的说,催动狂龙九重天短时间提升修为实力到混元武尊层次,和真正的混元武尊层次,那也是完全没有可比性。 Promotes cultivation base to the beginning of the universe Martial Venerable level short, has its strength not to have his god, has its strength spatially, but the state of mind is insufficient, realm not entire, compared with genuine beginning of the universe Martial Venerable, is only a joke. 短暂提升修为到混元武尊层次,有其力而无其神,空有其力,但神魂不足,境界不全,和真正的混元武尊相比,只是一个笑话。 At this moment visits the genuine beginning of the universe, a world person beginning of the universe body, the participation world, all-embracing, unites with the [say / way], Du Shaofu truly knows the beginning of the universe Martial Venerable level the great strength. 此刻踏足真正的混元,天地人混元一体,参与天地,包罗万象,与道合一,杜少甫才真正的知道混元武尊层次的强大。 The beginnings of the universe are the Nirvana, the Nirvana are later successful, can visit Martial Domain, when the time comes is in this world genuine top powerhouse. 混元之后是涅槃,涅槃成功,就能够踏足武域,到时候才是这世上真正的顶尖强者之列。 Beginning of the universe Martial Venerable, does not know when can visit the Nirvana!” “混元武尊了,不知道何时才能够踏足涅槃!” In the clear and bright double pupil the vision also had some blazing colors, in the Du Shaofu heart the blood to seethe with excitement for no reason some. 清朗的双瞳中目光也带着些许炽热之色,杜少甫心中无端血液沸腾了些许。 Afterward, blazing in Du Shaofu eye has subsided. 只是随后,杜少甫眼中的炽热就平息了下来。 Beginning of the universe, but also is far from enough!” “混元,还远远不够啊!” In the mouth muttered the light [say / way], Du Shaofu happy, visited beginning of the universe Martial Venerable perhaps regarding others, was wild with joy sufficiently. 嘴中喃喃轻道,杜少甫高兴不起来,踏足混元武尊或许对于别人来说,足以为之欣喜若狂。 But regarding Du Shaofu, knows beginning of the universe Martial Venerable insufficiently also by far. 但对于杜少甫来说,自知混元武尊还远远不够。 Fa Family, Demon Religion , etc., any side has the colossus that may not shake, Du Shaofu knew that is not this moment beginning of the universe Martial Venerable can contend, the qualifications of even continually contending with do not have. 法家,魔教等,任何一方存在都是不可撼动的庞然大物,杜少甫自知都不是自己此刻一个混元武尊所能够抗衡的,甚至连抗衡的资格都没有。 Du Shaofu sinks the eye, after oneself at least must arrive at the Martial Domain boundary, perhaps has contends with the qualifications of Demon Religion and Fa Family reluctantly, but this even also merely is only the qualifications. 杜少甫沉目,自己至少要到了武域境之后,或许才有勉强抗衡魔教法家的资格,而这甚至也仅仅只是资格而已。 Du Shaofu still remembers that big brother Zhen Qingchun has said that regarding Martial Venerable cultivation base, unusual, the beginning of the universe, the Nirvana, any step sufficiently makes extremely the talent halt. 杜少甫还记得大哥甄清醇说过,对于武尊修为者而言,超凡,混元,涅槃,任何一步都足以让绝顶天才止步。 But wants the final Nirvana success, that is the what kind misery, is equal to being hard ascends to heaven. 而想要最后的涅槃成功,那是何等的苦难,更是等于难于登天。 Innumerable Martial Venerable and eight star spirit talisman master, were prevented the life to exhaust before some levels, is unable to further obtain the new vitality irrigation, but finally the oil lamp dries up to fall from the sky. 无数武尊和八星灵符师,在一些层次之前被阻挡到寿元耗尽,也无法更进一步获得新的生机灌溉,而最后油灯枯竭陨落。 At least now already breakthrough.” “至少现在已经突破了。” After the moment, the Du Shaofu deep breath one breath, the chest fluctuated slightly, long air current exhaled, before body of vibration , the space trembled slightly. 片刻后,杜少甫深呼吸了一口气,胸膛微微起伏,一口长长的气流呼出,震动的身前空间微微一颤。 Flip-flop......” “噼啪……” Sets out slightly, Du Shaofu extended one to stretch, whole body skeleton joint flip-flop made noise, in within the body acupoints meridians was flowing one from unprecedented vigorous Profound Qi, in Spirit Gate that vigorous Profound Qi was vast. 微微起身,杜少甫伸展了一个懒腰,浑身骨骼关节‘噼啪’作响,体内穴窍经脉中流淌着一股从所未有的雄浑玄气,神阙之内那雄浑的玄气更是浩瀚。 Along with breakthrough beginning of the universe Martial Venerable, within the body Spirit Gate also once again expands, the carefree feeling that breakthrough brings, making the Du Shaofu comfortable desire probably groan. 随着突破混元武尊,体内神阙也再度扩大,那种突破所带来的畅快感觉,让得杜少甫舒服的欲要呻吟起来。 This happy feeling, was extremely is really wonderful. 这种舒畅的感觉,实在是太过于美妙了。 Full is the strengths!” “满满的都是力量啊!” Has grasped the fist slightly, within the body this moment that rushing the feeling of strength, making Du Shaofu feel, if again and a Gui Che war, oneself decide however can extremely relaxed achievement, will not approach again difficultly initially like that. 微微握了握拳头,体内此刻那种澎湃的力量之感,让得杜少甫感觉着,要是再和鬼車一战,自己定然能够极为轻松的获胜,不会再向当初那般困难。 Even if facing the Nirvana peak powerhouse, Du Shaofu also has the confidence at this moment, can contend directly. 哪怕此刻就算是面对涅槃巅峰强者,杜少甫也有着信心,能够正面抗衡。 This is the beginning of the universe Martial Venerable strength, the samsara monster spirit mushroom, lives up to reputation “这就是混元武尊的力量么,轮回妖灵芝,名不虚传” Du Shaofu is smiling, imitates, if at this moment graces, sufficiently rumbling broken space. 杜少甫微笑着,仿若此刻自己举手投足,都足以轰碎空间。 But all these, oneself can breakthrough to beginning of the universe Martial Venerable, although said that at last in various comprehension on divine ability and Pulse Soul has not pulled down, the progress is huge. 但这一切,自己能够突破到混元武尊,虽然说最近这段时间在各种神通脉魂上的领悟没有拉下来,都进步巨大。 But if no samsara monster spirit mushroom to assist, Du Shaofu also knew one are hard unable so successful successful, direct smooth breakthrough. 但若是没有轮回妖灵芝相助,杜少甫也自知自己难以无法这般成功的水到渠成,就直接顺畅突破 After taking that samsara monster spirit mushroom, Du Shaofu was feeling imitate, if entered a spatial bright condition, obtains benefits a great deal, comprehends various divine ability to be twice the result with half the effort, wonderful. 服用那轮回妖灵芝之后,杜少甫感觉着自己仿若进入了一种空明状态,获益良多,领悟各种神通事半功倍,妙不可言。 Regarding this moment own cultivation base and breakthrough speed, abandoned other did not say that in the Du Shaofu heart actually also were quite actually satisfied. 对于此刻自己的修为突破速度,抛开其它的不说,杜少甫心中其实倒是自己也极为满意。 The aura restrains all, Du Shaofu eye of belt smiling expression, looks at the distant place afterward is being Linghuan Tiger King of surprised vision, Kuang Bear King, Gui Che , etc., the double pupil fluctuation, gives a calm smile. 气息尽数收敛,杜少甫目带笑意,随后望着远处皆是惊讶目光的灵幻虎王,狂熊王,鬼車等,双眸波动,淡然一笑。 „After fellow breakthrough, feared that was can contend with Nirvana Beast Venerable.” “那家伙突破之后,怕是已经能够和涅槃兽尊抗衡了吧。” Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King, Xiao Yingying look at each other in shock, the double pupil has wiped shocking secretly. 灵幻虎王狂熊王,小应应面面相觑,暗自双眸抹过震骇。 After their original conscience is also waiting, has the opportunity words, can instead defeat that fellow, may illuminate the present situation, seemed away from is more and more far. 他们原本心中还等着以后有机会的话,可以反败那家伙,可照着眼前的情况来看,似乎距离已经是越来越远了。 Had to find the means to exit?” “有没有找到办法出去?” The Du Shaofu form plunders the step, floating fell before the body of purple flame monster phoenix, opened the mouth to ask. 杜少甫身影掠步,飘然落在了紫炎妖凰的身前,开口问道。
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