MGC :: Volume #13

#1265: Beginning of the universe Martial Venerable

Chapter 1263: Beginning of the universe Martial Venerable 第1263章:混元武尊 Chapter 1263: Beginning of the universe Martial Venerable. 第1263章:混元武尊 Looks, gives me to look quickly, must find my father!” “找,给我快找,一定要找到我爹!” The mountain peak stands tall and erect, a little girl of 5 or 6-year-old appearance, greatly is drinking to behind several formidable fierce Demonic Beast. 山峰高耸,一个五六岁模样的小女孩,对着身后数只强大的狰狞妖兽大喝。 Returns to purple Sir Dragon Huang, was seeking everywhere.” “回紫龙皇大人,已经在到处寻找了。” The side of little girl, several fierce Demonic Beast are standing respectfully, aura formidable, are in this beast territory shake existence of side. 小女孩的身边,好几只狰狞妖兽恭敬站着,一个个气息强大至极,都是这兽域内名震一方的存在。 Damn Dragon race!” “该死的龙族!” The immature sound has the spunk, the little girl to wear the red skirt pendulum, all around has the innumerable stars patterns to revolve, to have the 5 or 6-year-old appearance, on the puffy cheek, the double pupil deep place is bringing light golden brilliance, at this moment full is the spunk. 稚嫩的声音带着怒意,小女孩身着红色裙摆,四周有着无数星辰花纹围绕,只得五六岁的模样,肥嘟嘟的脸蛋上,双瞳深处带着淡淡的金色光华,此刻满是怒意。 Purple Sir Dragon Huang, the Dragon race person is not far in front, they want to look for our troubles probably.” “紫龙皇大人,龙族的人就在前面不远,他们好像是想找我们的麻烦。” Ominous birds and beasts of circling midair said that the double pupil reveals some dreaded, the body aura is quite formidable. 一只盘旋半空的凶禽道,双瞳露出些许忌惮,身上气息极为强大。 I am also thinking when the time comes asks these Dragon race fellows to do accounts again, if they the present annoy me, that do not blame me not being impolite!” “我还想着到时候再找那些龙族的家伙算账,他们要是现在来惹我,那就别怪我不客气!” The little girl monster is evil, is passing supremely, the imposing manner makes all around several formidable incomparable Demonic Beast secretly items tremble for no reason. 小女孩妖邪尊贵,透着至尊,无端气势让得四周几只强大无比的妖兽暗自目颤。 Originally my father also came to the beast territory, he is also certainly looking for me.” “原来我爹也来了兽域,他一定也在找我。” The little girl blue-black hair grips Mawei to fling after the small head, in the forehead has a runes mark of standing erect, the noble monster is evil. 小女孩蓝黑蓝黑的头发扎着马尾甩在小脑袋后,眉心中有着一枚竖立的符文印记,高贵妖邪。 .................................... ……………………………… Roar......” “嗷吼……” The mountain peak is continuous, all around Demonic Beast roared to neigh. 山峰连绵,四周妖兽咆哮嘶鸣。 Has the summit of mountain peak, several human form forms stand, is the sending out formidable aura. 有山峰之巅,数道人形身影而立,皆是散发强大气息。 When two youth makings imposings, the body sends out one to let the space depressing aura first. 当先两个青年气质轩昂,身上更是散发着一股让空间压抑的气息。 „The Heavenly Beast palace should be about to open, this time we must exert its utmost!” 天兽殿应该快开启了,这一次我们要势在必得!” A blue long hair complete shoulder youth, the sound as if can vibrate the space, the double pupil fluctuation, fluctuates just like the ocean waves. 一个蓝色长发齐肩青年,声音似乎能够震动空间,双眸波动,宛如海浪起伏。 That Yì lóng, said that purple star demon Dragon Huang, seems related with our Dragon race, can have a look?” “那一条异龙,自称紫星魔龙皇,似乎和我们龙族有关,要不要去看看?” Another youth sinks saying that wears the scarlet-red war clothes, just like having the flame is burning. 另外一个青年沉道,身着赤红战衣,宛如有火焰在燃烧。 „After and other Heavenly Beast palaces open, begins again, that Du Shaofu, he would appearing!” “等天兽殿开启后再动手,还有那杜少甫,他总会出现的!” The first youth wears blue long gown, the makings appear peaceful and elegant, but that makings imperceptibly, are make the person just like facing sea, vast boundless. 第一个青年身着蓝色长袍,气质显得安静而飘逸,但那无形中的气质,却是让人犹如面对着一片大海,浩瀚无边。 The summit of mountain peak, Huang Ling is looking in the entire peak, looks at steadily, where has the ancient runes twinkle. 山峰之巅,凰灵儿望着全峰之中,目不转睛,哪里有着古老的符文闪烁。 Four princesses, had not found that fellow.” “四公主,还是没有找到那家伙。” A middle age presented in Huang Ling, the look was respectful. 一个中年出现在了凰灵儿的身后,神色恭敬。 Huang Ling then turns around, personal appearance beautiful fascinating'winsome, appearance certainly Li, double pupil fluctuation, god, if autumn waters, black eyebrow coloring eyebrow micro pressed, light [say / way]: „The fellow must be able to go into hiding compared with the imagination, Dragon race, poor wonderful, the gluttony, the tian gou, these races came, purple star demon Dragon Huang who that emits suddenly, if we can obtain that fellow to use for oneself, the odds of success will be big.” 凰灵儿这才转身,身形婀娜,容颜绝丽,双眸波动,神若秋水,黛眉微蹙,轻道:“那家伙比起想象中还要能够隐匿,龙族,穷奇,饕餮,天狗,那些种族都来了,还有那突然冒出的紫星魔龙皇,若是我们能够得到那家伙为己所用,胜算才会大。” „The person who four princesses, Dragon race finds not necessarily compares to us.” “四公主,龙族找的人也不一定比起我们强。” The middle-aged start to talk, has self-confidently, a phoenix clan not under Dragon race. 中年开口,有着自信,凤凰一族不会在龙族之下。 To finally is key, if who occupies takes the initiative, the natural odds of success is bigger.” “到了最后才是关键,谁要是占得先机,自然胜算更大。” Huang Ling light [say / way], makings refined does not have the tiny bit world smoke and fire taste simply. 凰灵儿轻道,气质脱俗的简直不带一丝一毫人间烟火味。 Afterward Huang Ling is looking at the front, likely in reflecting on anything, is imitating, if all around all have nothing to do with her, flood in the scarlet red seven color pupils, the look seems being looking pensive. 随后凰灵儿望着前方,像是在静思着什么,仿若是四周的一切与她无关,泛着赤红色的七彩眸子内,神色似乎是若有所思。 The middle age is looking at ponder Huang Ling, after hesitant a meeting, opens the mouth saying: Four princesses, this time, the Heavenly Beast palace can by the person obtained, after all was so long, in this time Heavenly Beast palace the thing, can be obtained not necessarily.” 中年望着沉思的凰灵儿,犹豫了一会后,才开口说道:“四公主,难道这一次,天兽殿就能够被人所得么,毕竟这么久了,这一次不见得天兽殿内得东西,就能够被人得到。” I have the premonition, possibly this Heavenly Beast grave must have the big sound, perhaps all will have the change......” “我有着预感,可能这一次天兽墓要有大动静了,或许一切都会有了改变……” Huang Ling hear speech/words muttered light [say / way], in seven color double pupils flood the fluctuation, static standing there, the fine dust did not dye immediately, cannot say elusive light leisurely, noble unparalleled. 凰灵儿闻言喃喃轻道,七彩双眸中顿时泛起波动,静静的站在那里,纤尘不染,说不出的空灵轻逸,高贵无双。 Roar......” “嗷吼……” This moment this side hills, Demonic Beast neighed everywhere. 此刻这一方群山,到处妖兽嘶鸣。 All Demonic Beast is chaotic, competes for the chance, ominous pupil overlooks the earth in pairs, roared astonishingly. 各方妖兽混乱,争夺机缘,一双双凶瞳俯视大地,咆哮惊人。 In the midair, has huge ominous birds and beasts, like the hawk, carries on the back to tear down bulk flesh and blood a ground huge monster wolf incisively, the monster wolf shocks to run away. 半空中,有着一只庞大的凶禽,尖锐如鹰,将地上一只巨大的妖狼背上撕下一大块血肉,妖狼震撼而逃。 Bang!” “砰!” Not far away, ominous tiger double pupil is radiant, fierce tiger throws the food, tore into shreds an ominous sheep, swallows in the abdomen. 不远处,一只凶虎双瞳璀璨炯炯,猛虎扑食,将一只凶羊撕碎,吞噬进了腹中。 „!” “嗷!” Appearance fierce huge Ferocious Beast, pressure illustrious, but killing, just and another aura cruel Ferocious Beast war in one, runes submerged several thousand zhang (3.33 m). 一只模样狰狞的庞大凶兽,威压赫赫,扑杀而至,正和另外一只气息暴戾的凶兽大战在了一起,符文淹没数千丈。 These two beasts were too formidable, all around everything may become vulnerable of fierce combat, landslide cracks in the earth. 这两兽太强大了,激战的四周地动山摇,山崩地裂。 The flood dragon roared, ominous birds and beasts neighed. 还有蛟龙咆哮,凶禽嘶鸣。 Has fierce battle everywhere, has the ominous birds and beasts beast of prey to fall from the sky anytime, the blood sprinkles at the scene, is quite brutal and bloody. 到处都有着剧烈的厮杀,随时有凶禽猛兽陨落,血洒当场,极为残酷和血腥。 This is the Demonic Beast world, once slaughters, then must see the blood, murders directly, crazy fierce swift and fierce, fierce and tough is incomparable. 这是妖兽的世界,一旦厮杀,便要见血,直接杀伐,狂猛凌厉,凶悍无匹。 The Demonic Beast world is different from humanity, does not have humanity like that plans with sinisterly. 妖兽的世界和人类并不一样,没有人类的那般算计和阴险。 Perhaps the world bad risk of human cultivator, crisis-ridden. 或许人类修行者的世界更加凶险,危机四伏。 But in comparison, in the Demonic Beast world, has most direct murdering and swift and fierce. 但相比之下,妖兽世界中,更具最为直接的杀伐和凌厉。 The time passes by slowly, this Fangshan lineage/vein are actually slaughter to keep, has Demonic Beast to spit blood everywhere, the blood sprinkles the four directions. 时间徐徐过去,这一方山脉却是厮杀不停,到处都有着妖兽吐血,血洒四方。 Has the ominous birds and beasts beast of prey showdown, the huge body sweeps away the four directions, destroys all. 有凶禽猛兽对决,庞大之躯横扫四方,摧毁一切。 Fellow of one crowd of acting recklessly, dares to annoy me again, kills without the amnesty!” “一群不知死活的家伙,再敢来惹我,杀无赦!” In the midair, a little girl immature voice of resounds through the four directions, actually just like the slating billowing reverberation, the supreme aura sweeps across the vault of heaven. 半空中,一个小女孩稚嫩的声音响彻四方,却是宛如雷鸣般滚滚回荡,至尊气息席卷苍穹。 Roar!” “嗷吼!” Under that fearful aura, the surroundings mountain range ten thousand beast trembling millet, crawl. 那可怕气息下,周围山脉万兽颤粟,为之匍匐。 Roar......” “嗷吼……” The god ape that makes the hundred zhang (333m) high towers, just like demon god. 一只高约百丈的神猿耸立,宛如魔神。 A monster fire fills the giant flood dragon that runes soars to the heavens to roar, such as the dragon roar for nine days. 一条妖火弥漫符文冲天的巨大蛟龙咆哮,如龙啸九天。 A hundred zhang (333m) giant leopard, the whole body covers the scale, the silver light is all over the body fearful, runes fills the air, the aura sweeps across the expansive sky. 一只百丈巨大的豹子,浑身覆盖鳞片,通体银光慑人,符文弥漫,气息席卷长空。 A monster different great lion towers, palatial fierce, the air/Qi swallows the world. 一只妖异的巨狮耸立,巍峨狰狞,气吞天下。 In midair, but also has a huge monster vulture, the fluttering wind and cloud sudden change, blocks the sky, overlooks the earth. 半空中,还有着一只庞大妖雕,振翅风云骤变,遮天蔽日,俯视大地。 White such as the great wolf of snow, is the posthumous wings, the aura is all over the body flagitious, fluctuation electric arc, back thunder. 一只通体白色如雪的巨狼,却是背生双翼,气息凶残,波动电弧,背后电闪雷鸣。 These six colossi occupy, the square movement, the vault of heaven vibrates the four directions, that and other fearful aura, all around ten thousand beasts are fearful and apprehensive. 这六只庞然大物盘踞,四方运动,苍穹为之震动四方,那等可怕气息,四周万兽为之胆颤心惊。 These six colossi, any is the absolute King in Demonic Beast. 这六只庞然大物,任何一只都是妖兽中的绝对王者。 This moment these six Demonic Beast King, crowd around in that little girl, releases the astonishing ominous prestige, enormous and powerful four directions! 此刻这六只妖兽王者,簇拥在那小女孩的身后,释放惊人凶威,浩荡四方! Day, is Shen Ape King Huo Flood Dragon King, silver blood Panther King!” “天啊,是神猿王火蛟王,银血豹王!” „The wind and cloud carves the king, three monster Lion King, lightning suddenly Langwang!” “还有风云雕王,三头妖狮王,闪电暴狼王!” All around all Demonic Beast trembling millet crawl, Shen Ape King Huo Flood Dragon King, silver blood Panther King, the wind and cloud carves the king, three monster Lion King, lightning suddenly Langwang, this is six king in beast territory, although is not young one generation, but any cultivation base level not in that Kuang Bear King, under Linghuan Tiger King and other strengths. 四周所有妖兽颤粟匍匐,神猿王火蛟王,银血豹王,风云雕王,三头妖狮王,闪电暴狼王,这是兽域内的六大王者,虽然都不是年轻一辈,但任何一个的修为层次都是不会在那狂熊王,灵幻虎王等实力之下的。 Especially Shen Ape King, rumor early already to the Nirvana Beast Venerable situation. 特别是神猿王,传言早已经是到了涅槃兽尊地步。 Has not thought that Shen Ape King has submitted to that purple star demon Dragon Huang!” “没想到神猿王都臣服了那紫星魔龙皇!” Numerous Demonic Beast shake surprised, six big Demonic Beast King submit, they know that this moment that purple star demon Dragon Huang side, had the fearful strength. 众多妖兽震愕,六大妖兽王者臣服,它们才知道此刻那紫星魔龙皇的身边,有了何等可怕的实力。 Roar!” “吼!” A pure black monster dog of tiger size is in a thundering rage, the build is vigorous, the sharp mouth fang, the body fills the air, but a fearful aura. 一只老虎般大小的纯黑色妖狗咆哮如雷,体型矫健,尖嘴獠牙,身上弥漫而出一股可怕气息。 „!” “嗷!” An its shape such as wolf head, its eye in the armpit, the tiger tooth person claw, the incisive hair is but actually vertical, head Dai Shi fearful Ferocious Beast, lends the fearful aura. 一只其形如狼首,其目在腋,虎齿人爪,尖锐毛发倒竖,头上戴豕的可怕凶兽,散发可怕气息。 The little girls visit the midair, although seems like, only then 5 or 6-year-old appearance, the double pupil deep place is bringing light golden brilliance, the monster is evil, is passing supremely, in the forehead has a runes mark of standing erect, the noble monster is evil, the blue-black hair grips Mawei to fling after the small head, is bringing some local ruffian air/Qi, points to that huge black monster dog and fearful Ferocious Beast, said: Tian gou, the gluttony, this sovereign does not have the mood to tidy up you today, completion get lost the distant point to me, otherwise is impolite to you!” 小女孩踏足半空,虽看似只有五六岁的模样,双瞳深处却是带着淡淡的金色光华,妖邪尊贵,透着至尊,眉心中有着一枚竖立的符文印记,高贵妖邪,蓝黑蓝黑的头发扎着马尾甩在小脑袋后,带着些许的痞气,直指那庞大的黑色妖狗和可怕凶兽,道:“天狗,饕餮,今天本皇没有心情收拾你们,做好是给我滚远点,否则对你们不客气!” On that day the dog and gluttony, were the absolute King in this beast territory, four items of relative, were looking at that Shen Ape King afterward , etc., finally visual little girl, was feeling its supreme aura, finally actually clenched teeth, starts to retreat. 那天狗和饕餮,是这兽域内的绝对王者,四目相对,随后望着那神猿王等,最后目视着小女孩,感觉着其身上那至尊气息,最后竟然是咬了咬牙,开始退去。 That starts the tian gou and gluttony, was draws back unexpectedly!” “那开始天狗和饕餮啊,竟然是退下去了!” Is looking at that fearful tian gou and gluttony of departure, the surroundings ominous birds and beasts beast of prey is surprised, has not thought that and other frightening King were also deterred by purple star demon Dragon Huang, does not dare to make war. 瞧着离去的那可怕天狗和饕餮,周围凶禽猛兽惊讶,没想到那等恐怖的王者也被紫星魔龙皇震慑走了,不敢开战。 Time still in continuing, after once more for several days dates, the denseness and numerousness of four directions Demonic Beast gathering, blocks the sky. 时间还在继续过去,再次数日后,四方妖兽汇聚的密密麻麻,遮天蔽日。 All parties slaughter, is actually nobody dares to provoke Dragon race, a phoenix clan existed formidable. 各方厮杀中,却是无人敢去招惹龙族,凤凰一族等强大存在。 But purple star demon Dragon Huang who recently presented that does not have any Demonic Beast to dare to provoke. 而最近才出现的紫星魔龙皇,也没有任何妖兽敢去招惹。 Ancient square, vast boundless, all around nihility, no other its thing. 古老的广场,辽阔无边,四周虚无,别无它物。 The square center, Du Shaofu sits cross-legged to sit, all around golden light fluctuates, just likes the golden snake shuttles back and forth, the runes transpiration, the aura rushes to increase. 广场中央,杜少甫盘膝而坐,四周金光波动,犹如金蛇穿梭,符文蒸腾,气息澎湃攀升。 „......” “呼啦啦……” This moment, does not know that fills the air to come to be huge the world energy from where, gathered above the Du Shaofu's top of the head. 此刻间,也不知道从得何处弥漫而来庞大得天地能量,汇聚在了杜少甫的头顶之上。 Energy gathering just like the vortex, that world energies, poured into directly in Du Shaofu's within the body. 能量汇聚的宛如漩涡,那一股股天地能量,径直注入在了杜少甫的体内。 With that and other world energy gatherings, Du Shaofu aura continues to increase. 伴随着那等天地能量汇聚,杜少甫身上的气息持续攀升。 Bang!” “砰!” Finally, Du Shaofu's within the body, in Spirit Gate spread a dull thumping sound sound, just like the stuffy thunder, the aura visited new realm afterward, that was genuine beginning of the universe Martial Venerable. 终于,杜少甫的体内,神阙之内传出了一道闷响声,宛如闷雷,随后气息踏足到了一股新的境界,那是真正的混元武尊 Bang!” “轰!” The square aura fluctuates, golden light runes is intermittent, the rushing energy surges. 四方气息波动,金光符文阵阵,澎湃能量激荡。 Cluck......” “咕咕……” Kuang Bear King, Linghuan Tiger King, Xiao Yingying and other throats boiling hot, the vision stares dumbfounded, shocks makes noise inconceivable: Is impossible, so was simple on breakthrough beginning of the universe Martial Venerable!” 狂熊王,灵幻虎王,小应应等喉咙滚烫,目光瞠目结舌,震撼的不可思议出声:“不可能啊,就这般简单就突破了混元武尊么!”
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