MGC :: Volume #13

#1264: Crisis-ridden

Chapter 1262: Crisis-ridden 第1262章:危机四伏 Chapter 1262: Crisis-ridden. 第1262章:危机四伏。 Nine Fengming, blood phoenix extinguishes the soul, this is big divine ability of nine phoenix clans, can destroy all wills, Gui Che for but fully!” “九头凤鸣,血凤灭魂,这是九头凤一族的大神通,能够摧毁一切意志,鬼車在全力而为了!” Good fearful big divine ability, we are also hard to resist in side, Gui Che was too fearful!” “好可怕的大神通,我们在旁边也难以抵御,鬼車太可怕了!” Linghuan Tiger King, Kuang Bear King, Xiao Yingying with amazement. 灵幻虎王,狂熊王,小应应骇然。 Gui Che was too strong, this final attack affects them, made them be hard to resist. 鬼車太强了,这最后的攻击只是波及到他们而已,就让得他们难以抵御了。 The sound implication will, that is the fearful attack, can destroy Soul Force. 声音蕴含意志,那是可怕的攻击,能够摧毁元神 Du Shaofu directly was attacked, the purple thunder and lightning double pupil also for stagnates, but restores afterward, but short flickers. 杜少甫直接被攻击,紫色雷电双瞳也为为之一滞,但随后就恢复,只是短短一瞬。 Soul Force that in mind Niwan Palace, two spirit Thunder Hunzhong and spirit root fuse, the external force wanted to affect Du Shaofu's Soul Force to be too difficult. 脑海泥丸宫内,两种灵雷魂种和灵根融合的元神,外力想要影响杜少甫的元神太难了。 Gui Che just can affect Du Shaofu Soul Force to flicker, has proven that and other fearfulness of attack. 鬼車刚刚能够影响到杜少甫元神一瞬,已经证明那等攻击的可怕。 Gui Che, what at this moment meets is one also wants abnormal existence compared with him. 只是鬼車,此刻遇上的是一个比起他还要变态的存在。 „, That finished fully!” “全力了么,那就结束了!” The opportunity is rare, Du Shaofu gives a loud shout, but Gui Che fully is, this moment consumption is definitely huge, visual that huge nine phoenixes, in the eye the double pupil is just liking the Purple gold thunder of substantializing plunders at present, the huge body across the sky plunders, if in thunder quickly lightning. 机会难得,杜少甫大喝一声,鬼車全力而为,此刻消耗肯定巨大,目视着眼前那庞大九头凤,眼中双瞳犹如实质化的紫金雷霆掠出,庞大身躯横空掠出,电闪雷鸣中快若闪电。 Next flickers, the Du Shaofu form goes out from that huge Purple gold Thunder Roc, but still wraps the dazzling Purple gold electric arc, the tall and straight form goes out from that Phantom in slowly, Purple gold Thunder Roc Phantom dissipates synchronously, from that tall and straight form, but within the body, one supreme aura are filling the air, the ice presses the world! 下一瞬,杜少甫身影自那庞大的紫金雷鹏中走出,但依然是包裹耀眼紫金电弧,挺拔身影自那虚影内徐徐走出,紫金雷鹏虚影同步消散,自那挺拔身影的而体内,有一种至尊气息在弥漫,凌压天地! This supreme aura is very formidable, sweeps across the expansive sky, cannot provoke, has the punishment to kill! 这至尊气息无比强大,席卷长空,不可挑衅,也带着刑杀! Broken!” “破!” Du Shaofu wipes dense smiling face reappearing face, the double pupil projects the Purple gold thunder and lightning, just likes two rounds Purple gold dazzling sun shines, in the upper air vault of heaven, nine Purple gold thunder and lightning gather nine Purple gold thunder bolts of white silk, like that strange falling above nine of nine phoenixes, the punishment has killed the destruction the aura to make the space thunder! 杜少甫一抹森然笑容浮现脸庞,双瞳投射紫金雷电,犹如两轮紫金曜日照耀,高空苍穹上,九道紫金雷电汇聚成九道紫金雷霆匹练,就那般诡异的落在了九头凤的九头之上,刑杀毁灭的气息让得空间轰鸣! Bang!” “轰隆隆!” The Purple gold thunder falls, space thunder. 紫金雷霆落下,空间电闪雷鸣。 Chirp......” “叽……” Nine Feng called out pitifully, the been struck by lightning whole body shivered, horrible to look, nine heads emitted the burned black aura, the blood light was been stave by the thunder stroke. 九头凤惨叫一声,被雷击的浑身颤抖,惨不忍睹,九头上冒出焦黑气息,血光被雷击破碎。 The form moves fast, if god, unpredictable, the Du Shaofu form appeared in carrying on the back of nine phoenixes, the vision was cold. 身影飘忽若神,变幻莫测,杜少甫身影出现在了九头凤的背上,目光冷冽。 Péng near nine days!” “鹏临九天!” Back Great Peng Golden Wing fans, is strong and overbearing. 背后大鹏金翅扇动,强势而霸道。 At this moment Du Shaofu arrives just like Great Peng, flutters to sweep away the expansive sky powerful to suppress nine phoenixes. 这一刻杜少甫宛如大鹏降临,振翅横扫长空强势镇压九头凤。 Overbearing and swift and fierce, conceited! 霸道而凌厉,唯我独尊! Chirp!” “叽!” Nine phoenix nine neighed, blood light runes erupted, the aura was dreadful, the aura swept across the expansive sky, wanted to work loose the Du Shaofu's suppression. 九头凤九头嘶鸣,血光符文爆发,气息滔天,气息席卷长空,欲要挣脱杜少甫的镇压。 Du Shaofu flutters, the suppression, blots out the sky to gush out with purple thunder and lightning fully. 杜少甫振翅,全力镇压,伴随着身上紫色雷电铺天盖地涌出。 Bang!” “轰隆隆!” So clashes, midair just like thunderous, bursts out a series of radiant runes, just likes the fireworks is gorgeous, made an entire midair radiance. 如此对撞,半空宛如雷鸣,迸发一连串璀璨符文,犹如烟花般绚丽,令得整个半空一片璀璨。 But this radiant back, the energy of implication actually destroys, around the ancient square the space shivers all. 而这璀璨的背后,蕴含的能量却是毁灭,古老广场四周空间无不颤抖。 Scoffs......!” “嗤啦啦……!” During all deadlock and not long, the violence of midair clashes, immediately the sky spread the shatter sound. 一切的僵持并没有多久,半空的猛烈对撞之中,随即天空传出了破碎声。 Afterward the bodies of nine phoenix were burst to press , the body blood light was swept across by golden talisman-pattern destroys, 18 scarlet double pupil dew shock. 随后九头凤之躯被溃压而下,身上血光被金色符箓秘纹席卷摧毁,18血色双瞳目露震骇。 Tittered......” “噗嗤……” In nine phoenix 18 mouths Yin Rainbow blood also gushes out, in the vision, full is incredible shocking! 九头凤18嘴中殷虹鲜血同时喷薄而出,目光之中,满是不可置信的震骇! Ping!” “砰砰!” Nine phoenix huge statures crash in the place, making this ancient space shiver, but this strange ancient square, slightly has not actually been cracked. 九头凤庞大的身躯坠落在地,让得这古老空间颤动,但这诡异古老的广场,却是丝毫没有龟裂。 You defeated!” “你败了!” The Du Shaofu start to talk, visits above nine phoenix huge statures, the whole body Purple gold ray release, the distortion is void. 杜少甫开口,踏足九头凤庞大身躯之上,浑身紫金光芒释放,扭曲虚空。 Has a dream, how could I defeat!” “做梦,我何曾败!” Gui Che drinks greatly, but also is struggling fully. 鬼車大喝,还在全力挣扎。 Snort!” “哼!” Du Shaofu cold snort|hum, the double pupil wipes the chill in the air, the people have heard afterward only in the sky to transmit loudly the bang, fist that Purple gold color thunder and lightning runes wraps together, steelyard weight maliciously on nine phoenix fierce heads. 杜少甫冷哼,双瞳抹过寒意,众人随后只听到天空中传来轰然巨响,一道紫金色雷电符文包裹的拳头,狠狠的重锤在了九头凤其中的一个狰狞头颅上。 Bang!” “砰!” The low and deep explosive, the energy surges, the blood light is dreadful, nine phoenix fierce heads, were exploded by a Du Shaofu bang directly. 低沉爆响,能量激荡,血光滔天,九头凤其中的一个狰狞头颅,直接被杜少甫一声生生轰爆。 Chirp......” “叽……” The nine-headed bird called out pitifully, was destroyed, that was the heavy losses. 九头鸟惨叫,一头被毁,那是重创。 You have defeated, after this, for my personal servant, if reneges on a promise, the consequence is proud!” “你败了,从此之后,为我跟班,若是出尔反尔,后果自负!” The Du Shaofu start to talk, looks disdainfully overbearingly, besides Pulse Soul, martial arts level as well as but fully to how this Gui Che, making in the Du Shaofu heart also quite shock. 杜少甫开口,霸道睥睨,除了脉魂外,武道层次以及全力而为才奈何这鬼車,让得杜少甫心中也颇为震撼。 These have ancient times bloodline Demonic Beast, may not be affable, in the beast clan, is only Dragon race and a phoenix clan is not only difficult to annoy. 这些有着远古血脉妖兽,可都不是好惹的,兽族之中,不仅仅只是龙族和凤凰一族难惹。 Chirp......” “叽……” The Gui Che nine phoenixes neighed low and deep, the sound getting smaller, the scarlet scarlet double pupil flood the fluctuation, seemed pondering, was shocking, was tacitly approving. 鬼車九头凤低沉嘶鸣,声音越来越小,赤血色双瞳泛着波动,似乎在沉思,在震骇,也在默认。 But in this moment Gui Che eye the look are more, was unable to accept him already has defeated the fact. 但此刻鬼車眼中神色更多的,是还无法接受他已经败了的事实。 Cluck......” “咕咕……” Linghuan Tiger King at this moment, Xiao Yingying, small bird of prey, Kuang Bear King and other throats boiling hot. 此刻的灵幻虎王,小应应,小隼,狂熊王等喉咙滚烫。 Wins regarding Du Shaofu's, they as if are not too strange, that savage fellow, the book is fearful, but is in the heart for shock that it cannot bear. 对于杜少甫的获胜,他们似乎也不是太奇怪,那凶残的家伙,本就是可怕,但就是心中为之忍不住的震撼。 Gui Che has also defeated, later also became the palace main personal servant.” 鬼車也败了,以后也成为了殿主的跟班。” In Linghuan Tiger King vision afterward flood smiling expression, after solemn Gui Che, became the palace main personal servant, when the time comes passed on, in his face must be more attractive. 灵幻虎王目光中随后泛着笑意,堂堂的鬼車以后也成为了殿主的跟班,到时候就算是传了出去,他的面子上也要好看多了。 Scoffs......” “嗤……” Carries on the back to leap from nine phoenixes, Du Shaofu back Great Peng Golden Wing and thunder martial pulse is reserved, the facial color is quite pale, the consumption is quite huge. 从九头凤背上跃下,杜少甫背后大鹏金翅和雷霆武脉内敛,面色极为惨白,消耗颇为巨大。 The vision has swept the square, from Linghuan Tiger King, the small bird of prey, in the Kuang Bear King isoseismic surprised look has wiped, Du Shaofu discovered that the purple flame monster phoenix beautiful figure is searching for anything in the square distant place. 目光扫过广场,从灵幻虎王,小隼,狂熊王等震愕神色中抹过,杜少甫发现紫炎妖凰倩影在广场远处搜寻着什么。 „Is this place very strange, what does have to discover?” “此地很诡异,有没有什么发现?” The Du Shaofu form appeared side the purple flame monster phoenix asked that in all around square was void no other its thing, at this moment could not even find including the exit / to speak. 杜少甫身影出现在了紫炎妖凰身边问道,四周这广场虚空内别无它物,此刻甚至连出口都找不到了。 This moment Du Shaofu mountain peak Pulse Soul, can feel that the fluctuation of energy enters, but is actually not able to find the exit / to speak. 此刻杜少甫身上的山峰脉魂,能够感觉到能量波动而进入,但却无法找到出口。 This place is strange.” “此地诡异。” Purple flame monster phoenix shook the head, just regarding Du Shaofu and Gui Che showdown, to seems knew the result finally, then searched for in all around, but has achieved nothing. 紫炎妖凰摇了摇头,刚刚对于杜少甫鬼車的对决,到了最后似乎是已经知道了结果,便是在四周搜寻了起来,但一无所获。 Where this is......” “这到底是什么地方……” Around Du Shaofu is sizing up, uses the strength of Pulse Soul secretly, still did not discover. 杜少甫四周打量着,暗自动用脉魂之力,也依然是毫无发现。 After a double-hour, the Du Shaofu form appeared in the center, totally gave up the search. 一个时辰之后,杜少甫身影出现在了中央,彻底放弃了搜寻。 In this vast square was too strange, after this moment people come, also does not know how to depart. 这辽阔的广场上太诡异了,此刻众人进来之后,也不知道如何离去。 Now what to do?” “现在怎么办?” Du Shaofu asked to the purple flame monster phoenix, the look congealed. 杜少甫对紫炎妖凰问道,神色微凝。 You come, should ask you?” “你自己进来的,应该问你自己?” Purple flame monster phoenix visual Du Shaofu, the purple double pupil is bringing some chillily, said: If Xiao Xingxing had the matter outside, I will not let off you.” 紫炎妖凰目视着杜少甫,紫色双眸带着些许清冽,道:“若是小星星在外面出了事情,我不会放过你。” I will certainly find the means to depart.” “我一定会找到办法离去的。” But Du Shaofu smiles bitterly, this place is quite not obviously normal, but did not discover. 杜少甫无奈苦笑,此地明明是颇为不正常,但就是毫无发现。 I control one's breathing to restore first, you help me look.” “我先调息恢复一下,你帮我看着点。” Du Shaofu looks at the square distant place to restrain the main body to change to the human form Gui Che, is sitting cross-legged to sit, the body fills the scarlet blood ray, controls one's breathing in breathing exercise. 杜少甫望着广场远处已经收敛本体化作人形的鬼車,正在盘膝而坐,身上弥漫赤血光芒,在吐纳调息。 Du Shaofu somewhat was worried, if Gui Che that fellow once restores, launches an attack once again, if oneself breathing exercise do not control one's breathing the restoration, when the time comes will be hard to suppress. 杜少甫有些担心,若是鬼車那家伙一旦恢复,再度发难的话,自己要是不吐纳调息恢复,到时候将难以压制。 You best to find the means to exit as soon as possible.” Purple flame monster phoenix said. “你最好是尽快找到办法出去。”紫炎妖凰说道。 Du Shaofu has not spoken again, has the purple flame monster phoenix , is also not worried about other, sits cross-legged to sit, in the eye the double pupil hesitates slightly, afterward pulls out from Cosmos Bag a thing. 杜少甫没有再说话,有着紫炎妖凰在,也不担心其它,盘膝而坐,眼中双眸微微犹豫,随后将一物从乾坤袋中掏出。 That thing baby size, is all over the body Paris green, samsara monster spirit mushroom that the rippling brilliance, obtains. 那物婴儿大小,通体翠绿,荡漾光辉,正是得到的轮回妖灵芝。 After the rumor took the samsara monster spirit mushroom, not only can the strength, what is most important, but can also sense the divine ability method, sensibility world. 传言服用了轮回妖灵芝之后,不仅是能够增强实力,最为重要的是,还能够感悟神通手段,感悟天地。 As Du Shaofu pulls out the samsara monster spirit mushroom, Linghuan Tiger King, Kuang Bear King and other vision doubts. 随着杜少甫掏出轮回妖灵芝,灵幻虎王,狂熊王等目光疑惑。 Under clothing/taking.” “服下。” In Kuang Bear King and other doubts in the vision, Du Shaofu opens, the samsara monster spirit mushroom of that baby volume size, several has swallowed the throat on reading without thinking. 狂熊王等疑惑的目光中,杜少甫张开,将那婴儿般体积大小的轮回妖灵芝,几口就囫囵吞枣的咽下了喉咙。 Like this has eaten the samsara monster spirit mushroom?” “就这样吃了轮回妖灵芝?” Kuang Bear King, Linghuan Tiger King and other vision coagulations are motionless, that savage Demon King directly has swallowed unexpectedly the samsara monster spirit mushroom, wants Demonic Beast compared with Demonic Beast. 狂熊王,灵幻虎王等目光凝固不动,那凶残的魔王居然就直接吞服了轮回妖灵芝,比起妖兽还要妖兽 .................................... ……………………………… The vast space, the mountain mountain is connected, rolling. 辽阔的空间,山山相连,连绵起伏。 The group peak overlaps, mountain roads circle, winding precipitous. 群峰重叠,一条条山道盘旋,曲折险峻。 In the profound canyon, ascends dense mountain Qi who the fairy is not measuring, such as a mysterious fine gauze antependium, lets in the robust mountain range, is having the different kind character and style. 幽深的峡谷之中,升腾着神鬼莫测的氤氲山气,如一副神奇的轻纱帷幔,让得粗旷的山峦中,带着别样风情。 „......” “嗷呜……” But at this moment, before this continuous mountain peak, but sees the peaks and ridges to fluctuate, overlaps the encirclement, is actually revealed that the innumerable ominous birds and beasts beast of prey, occupy in the four directions. 而在此刻,这连绵山峰之前,但见峰峦起伏,重叠环绕,却是显露出无数凶禽猛兽,盘踞在四方。 The non- time can see some formidable ominous birds and beasts beast of prey, is conquering by killing some small and weak Demonic Beast. 不时间能够见到一些强大的凶禽猛兽,在血洗一些弱小的妖兽 The kings of some formidable Demonic Beast, mutually are also ambushing. 一些强大的妖兽之王,也在互相伏击。 gu!” “咕!” The distant place transmits the extremely sad and shrill pitiful yell to neigh, on ominous birds and beasts of huge hundred zhang (333m), shot up to the sky by a giant scarlet prosperous python unexpectedly, that large-mouthed vessel big mouth swallows to enter it. 远处传来极为凄厉的惨叫嘶鸣,一只庞大上百丈的凶禽,居然是被一只巨大的赤红火蟒冲天而起,那血盆大嘴一口将其吞噬而进。 Scoffs......” “嗤啦……” Unexpectedly, the praying mantis catches the cicada canary , a giant bear ape, on the high hundred zhang (333m), direct killing, a that giant palm fell in seven cuns (2.5cm) of that scarlet prosperous python. 蓦地,螳螂捕蝉黄雀在后,一只巨大的熊猿,高上百丈,直接扑杀而出,那巨大的一掌落在了那赤红火蟒的七寸上。 That scarlet prosperous python is quite formidable, releases runes, twists all around space, but cannot stand off that giant bear ape finally, was torn two by it its body. 那赤红火蟒极为强大,释放符文,将四周空间也扭曲,但最终敌不过那巨大的熊猿,被其生生将其身躯撕裂成了两段。 Innumerable Demonic Beast gatherings, but is crisis-ridden, everywhere is the murderous intentions. 无数妖兽汇聚,但危机四伏,到处都是杀机。 Was the murderous intention, the Heavenly Beast palace must appear everywhere?” “到处都是杀机,天兽殿就要出现了么?” On a mountain peak, a youth stands, the white clothing like the snow, the flesh clear like the jade, the long hair hangs in two shoulders, under not the thick not pale thick eyebrow, both eyes of spiritual energy of pair of clock world, do not contain any impurity likely, limpid actually deeply does not see the bottom. 一座山峰上,一个青年而立,白衣如雪,肌肤晶莹如玉,长发垂在两肩,不浓不淡的粗眉下,一双钟天地之灵气的双眼,像是不含任何杂质,清澈却又深不见底。 Youth eyes pupil murmur spring water, makings mild like wind, could not say dust. 青年眼眸似潺潺春水,气质温润如风,说不出的出尘。 Master, Huang Ling, Dragon race dragon seven and dragon eight, that purple star demon Dragon Huang probably in front.” “主人,凰灵儿,龙族的龙七和龙八,还有那紫星魔龙皇好像都在前面。” A several feet monster vulture flutters presented in the youth, the invisible aura filled the air, the coagulation was void, was quite formidable. 一只数丈大小的妖雕振翅出现在了青年的身后,无形气息弥漫,凝固虚空,极为强大。 Is hiding these fellow some, the Heavenly Beast palace appears, I find the way to go in again.” “躲着那些家伙一些,天兽殿出现,我再想办法进去。” The youth knit the brows, the face is handsome, if nose suffers any hardship in order to achieve revenge, regarding these beast clan also absolute dreading. 青年皱眉,脸庞俊朗,鼻若悬胆,对于那些兽族也绝对的忌惮。 It is said that purple star demon Dragon Huang, is looking for that Demon King Du Shaofu now.” “据说那紫星魔龙皇,现在也在找那魔王杜少甫。” The monster carves the sharp double pupil to exist to these beast clans formidable, reveals absolute dreading. 妖雕锐利双瞳对那些兽族强大存在,露出绝对的忌惮。 That savage fellow, how has not come, if he came, I did not need so to hide these fellows actually.” “那凶残的家伙,怎么还没有来,要是他来了,我倒是不用这般躲着那些家伙了。” Youth double pupil look moves slightly, the ruddy corners of the mouth bring back slightly, is quite afterward helpless. 青年双眸神色微动,红润的嘴角微微勾起,随后颇为无奈。
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