MGC :: Volume #13

#1263: The blood phoenix extinguishes the soul

Chapter 1261: The blood phoenix extinguishes the soul 第1261章:血凤灭魂 Chapter 1261: The blood phoenix extinguishes the soul. 第1261章:血凤灭魂。 The purple electric arc spread plunders spatially, such as the purple silver snake twinkle is void, the aura is vast. 紫色电弧蔓延掠空,如紫色银蛇闪烁虚空,气息浩大。 Air/Qi of punishment killing spreads, does not bring to wither, but actually the impressive and dignified manner of clear good fortune, reveals the healthy tendency of world, can likely the enormous and powerful vault of heaven, the penalty common people! 一股刑杀之气蔓延,不带肃杀,但却彰造化之威仪,显天地之正气,像是能够浩荡苍穹,刑罚苍生! At this moment, the purple flame monster phoenix looks at Du Shaofu, the purple double pupil is also gushing out the gorgeous ray. 此刻,紫炎妖凰望着杜少甫,紫色双眸也涌出绚丽光芒。 Palace main that is any martial pulse, good fearful!” “殿主那是什么武脉啊,好可怕的雷威!” Along with the Du Shaofu's thunder martial pulse stimulation of movement, Xiao Yingying, Kuang Bear King, Linghuan Tiger King the facial color impressively all startled changed, in the eye emerges the color of shocking all. 随着杜少甫的雷霆武脉催动,小应应,狂熊王,灵幻虎王已经面色赫然皆惊变,眼中无不是涌现出震骇之色。 This moment Linghuan Tiger King , etc., can feel on Du Shaofu the fearfulness of martial pulse. 此刻灵幻虎王等,都能够感觉到杜少甫身上武脉的可怕。 That and other under the thunder and lightning martial pulse aura, to them, must let they with amazement frightened many compared with Gui Che aura. 那等雷电武脉气息之下,对于他们而言,比起鬼車身上的气息还要让他们骇然惊悚的多。 , etc. know to this moment Linghuan Tiger King how ease initially that Demon King devastated them is. 到了此刻灵幻虎王等才知道,当初那魔王蹂躏他们是如何的轻而易举。 If initially that Demon King directly used martial pulse, they do not even have the strength of contending. 要是当初那魔王就直接动用武脉,那他们甚至毫无抗衡之力。 Good fierce martial pulse!” “好厉害的武脉!” Gui Che also felt that on Du Shaofu fearfulness of martial pulse, 18 pairs of scarlet scarlet double pupils are fearful, has not delayed, the huge body fired into Du Shaofu to go. 鬼車也感觉到了杜少甫身上武脉的可怕,18双赤血色双眸慑人,没有耽搁,庞大的身躯冲向了杜少甫而去。 The fearful scarlet blood runes energy vibration space shivers, can tear the mountains and rivers likely, the Gui Che both wings fans, the energy just likes the storm sweeps across, earthshaking! 可怕的赤血符文能量震动空间颤抖,像是能够撕裂山河,鬼車双翅扇动,能量犹如风暴席卷,惊天动地! The bodies of nine phoenix, are powerful enough to destroy all! 九头凤之躯,足以摧毁一切! Purple Thunder Light twinkle, Du Shaofu whole body thunder, all around electric arc impact void, back Great Peng Golden Wing fans, Purple gold color Thunder Light rushes, sweeps away the scarlet blood energy. 紫色雷光闪烁,杜少甫周身电闪雷鸣,电弧冲击四周虚空,背后大鹏金翅扇动,紫金色雷光澎湃,横扫赤血能量。 Chirp!” “叽!” Nine Feng neighed, huge body dived, the huge body was the vast strength, energy Taotao, burst to press all. 九头凤嘶鸣,庞大身躯俯冲,庞大的身躯就是浩大之力,能量涛涛,溃压一切。 Du Shaofu does not fear, relatively and tiny body, but the imposing manner actually very falls into , the double pupil purple thunder electron particle materialization direct impact exits truthfully. 杜少甫不惧,相对而渺小的身躯,但气势却是好不落入下方,双瞳紫色雷霆如实质化般直冲出去。 While nine phoenix huge bodies burst to press, but below, Du Shaofu flutters suddenly, the purple thunder and lightning that the body blots out the sky gushes out. 就在九头凤庞大之躯溃压而下的同时,杜少甫猛然振翅,身上铺天盖地的紫色雷电涌出。 Purple electric arc gathering thunder, bringing purple Thunder Light to soar to the heavens sweeps across, compels to draw back nine phoenixes directly. 紫色电弧汇聚雷霆,带着紫色雷光冲天席卷,直接将九头凤生生迫退。 This moment this grade of showdown, lets Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King , etc. started fearful and apprehensive, can it be that with amazement. 此刻这等对决,让得灵幻虎王狂熊王等也开始胆颤心惊,莫不是骇然不已。 Their this occasion. True awareness, Gui Che and Demon King Du Shaofu, actually to what fearful situation. 他们此际。才真正的知道,鬼車魔王杜少甫,都究竟是到了何种可怕的地步。 Chirp......” “叽……” Nine phoenixes attack to come once again, nine sound together, afterward nine also open mouth, spurts to be thin nine scarlet blood runes energy bolts of white silk. 九头凤再度攻击而来,九头齐鸣,随后九头同时张嘴,喷薄出九道赤血符文能量匹练。 The scarlet blood runes bolt of white silk, is boundless just like bloodshed, unexpectedly can resist the Du Shaofu's purple electric arc. 赤血符文匹练,宛如血海茫茫,居然是能够抵御杜少甫的紫色电弧般。 The scarlet blood runes bolt of white silk energy pierces void, covered went to Du Shaofu, must submerge Du Shaofu, suppresses Du Shaofu. 赤血符文匹练能量洞穿虚空,笼罩向了杜少甫而去,要将杜少甫淹没,镇压杜少甫 In an instant, the scarlet blood runes energy that blots out the sky, just like the bloodshed, submerges Du Shaofu directly, all around Thunder Light gradually was also submerged vanishes does not see. 刹那间,那铺天盖地的赤血符文能量,宛如血海,直接将杜少甫淹没,四周雷光也逐渐被淹没消失不见。 „It is not good, palace main this was suppressed!” “不好,殿主这是被镇压了啊!” The vigor installs Kuang Bear King under human form to be astonished, the double pupil is fearful and apprehensive. 劲装人形下的狂熊王惊愕,双眸胆颤心惊。 In this moment that fearful showdown range, Kuang Bear King felt the strength that oneself meddle unexpectedly will not have. 此刻那可怕的对决范围内,狂熊王感觉到自己居然是连插手的力量都不会有。 Gui Che was too strong, under main body, same level has not defeated in the beast territory, otherwise the dragon nine will not be been initially oppressive by him.” 鬼車太强了,本体之下,在兽域同级中未曾败过,要不然当初龙九也不会被他虐了。” Linghuan Tiger King pair of ominous pupil shivers at this moment one after another, Gui Che was really too frightening. 灵幻虎王一双凶瞳此刻接连颤动,鬼車实在是太恐怖了。 Palace main is not easy to cope.” “殿主也不是容易对付的。” Xiao Yingying start to talk, vision tight looks is fighting in the circle, looks at steadily, for fear that misses anything. 小应应开口,目光紧紧的望着战圈内,目不转睛,生怕是错过什么。 Scoffs!” “嗤啦啦!” Unexpectedly, in scarlet blood sea, an overbearing fluctuation of energy, is bringing the Purple gold electric arc such as vast fluctuating, such as Purple gold rainbow across the sky, radiant dazzling purple Thunder Light runes surging four directions. 蓦地,就在赤血海洋内,一股霸道的能量波动,带着紫金电弧如汪洋起伏,如紫金长虹横空,璀璨耀眼的紫色雷光符文激荡四方。 This instant, has an overbearing incomparable aura, starts to seep from that scarlet scarlet sea, jumps projects the Purple gold colored light glow to project this ancient space vault of heaven, just liking dazzling sun must ascend in this ancient space. 这一霎,也有着一股霸道无匹的气息,自那赤血色海洋内开始渗透而出,迸射出紫金色光芒投射这古老空间苍穹,犹如曜日要在这古老空间中升腾而起。 Crash-bang......” “哗啦啦……” All quick, short flickers, the radiant Purple gold glow ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), huge Purple gold color Golden Wing Great Peng Phantom, flutters to circle to soar to the heavens from that scarlet blood runes sea in afterward. 一切很快,短短的一瞬而已,璀璨的紫金电芒万丈,一只庞大的紫金色金翅大鹏虚影,随后自那赤血符文海洋内振翅盘旋冲天而出。 This Purple gold thunder and lightning Great Peng bird Phantom, covers in which the Du Shaofu form, melts as one likely, skyrockets, just like changed to true Golden Winged Peng! 这紫金雷电大鹏虚影,将杜少甫身影笼罩其中,像是融于一体,扶摇直上,宛如是化作了一只真正的金翅大鹏鸟 Chirp......” “叽……” Purple gold Thunder Roc neighed, the Phantom huge both wings launched, the whole body Purple gold electric arc was bright, the ominous prestige covered the spread, let the trim ancient space in the trembling millet! 紫金雷鹏嘶鸣,虚影庞大双翅展开,浑身紫金电弧熠熠,凶威遮盖蔓延,让得整片古老空间都在颤粟! Good strength prestige energy, this is what divine ability!” “好强的威能,这又是何种神通!” Linghuan Tiger King, Kuang Bear King with amazement, within the body energy shakes the surprised coagulation. 灵幻虎王,狂熊王骇然,体内能量震愕凝固。 Broken!” “破!” Purple gold Thunder Roc fluttering rising typhoon, directly broken the scarlet bloodshed straight drift, imitates, if must skyrocket, hovering vault of heaven! 紫金雷鹏振翅扶摇,直接将赤血海洋冲破,仿若是要扶摇直上,翱翔苍穹! Nine phoenix 18 scarlet blood double pupils, closely stare at that Purple gold Golden Wing Great Peng that the Du Shaofu whole body is covering at present, the whole body are having the pressure of wild destruction, just liked causes this space world to be turbulent, shakes the person heart and soul, once again killing. 九头凤18赤血双瞳,紧紧的凝视着眼前杜少甫周身笼罩的那紫金金翅大鹏,周身带着狂暴毁灭的威压,犹如引起了这空间的天地动荡,震人心魄,再度扑杀而出。 At this moment facing nine phoenixes that throws once again, the Du Shaofu double pupil projects the Purple gold electric arc, just likes two rounds dazzling sun shining expansive sky, bends down to look in society common people, does not make concessions, clashes directly. 面对此刻那再度扑来的九头凤,杜少甫双瞳投射紫金电弧,犹如两轮曜日照耀长空,俯览世间苍生,毫不退让,直接对撞。 Bang......” “轰隆隆……” Two huge fearful bodies clash, crack void, kills several moves instantaneously one after another. 两道庞大可怕之躯对撞,炸响虚空,瞬间接连扑杀数招。 Du Shaofu at this moment, stimulates to movement Golden Wing Great Peng divine ability, fuses thunder martial pulse, was feeling are that true Golden Winged Peng, in the hovering vault of heaven, can control the supreme strength, releases the endless boundless overbearing pressure. 此刻的杜少甫,催动金翅大鹏神通,融合雷霆武脉,感觉着自己就是那真正的金翅大鹏鸟,在翱翔苍穹,能够控至尊之力,释放无尽磅礴的霸道威压。 Chirp!” “叽!” Nine phoenix nine neighed, the cloud penetration crack stone, scarlet blood runes blotted out the sky, the ominous prestige was billowing, mortal body or striking power, was fearful. 九头凤九头嘶鸣,穿云裂石,赤血符文铺天盖地,凶威滚滚,无论是肉身还是攻击力,也都是可怕至极。 In same level cultivation base, Gui Che indeed is invincible existence. 同层次修为中,鬼車的确是不可战胜的存在。 The bodies of nine phoenix, can compare Dragon race, that is from fearful bloodline that the ancient times left behind! 九头凤之躯,能够相比龙族,那是自远古留下的可怕血脉 But at this moment, Gui Che has met Du Shaofu. 但此刻,鬼車遇上了杜少甫 Initially in albizzia julibrissin sect big landslide heavenly thunder, reversed in the hopeless situation visits unusual Martial Venerable, under within the body numerous Heavenly Beast List Essence Blood and blood of dragon nine real dragon, to the utmost cut down the bone to wash the marrow, visited to boil down god body the boundary of mortal body! 当初在合欢宗大地崩天雷内,在绝境中扭转踏足超凡武尊,更是在体内众多天兽榜精血和龙九真龙之血下,极尽伐骨洗髓,踏足到了熬炼神体的肉身之境! At this moment, Du Shaofu has stimulated to movement the crazy dragon nine days of time, with the aid of doing the strength of dragon, visits beginning of the universe Martial Venerable, was equal to and Gui Che same level cultivation base level. 此刻,杜少甫更是催动了狂龙九天次,借助乾龙之力,踏足混元武尊,等于是和鬼車同等修为层次了。 But in the same level cultivation base level, how could Du Shaofu to have defeated? 而在同等修为层次中,杜少甫何曾败过? Initially even the same level level, Du Shaofu had not cut to kill the dragon nine. 当初甚至未曾同等层次,杜少甫就斩杀了龙九。 Nine phoenixes at this moment, even does not know, if Du Shaofu wholeheartedly strives for victory, but does not want to seize the opportunity to temper itself, stimulates to movement the Talisman Dao prestige energy, with the aid of the strength of Arrays, wants to defeat Gui Che, feared that does not use so but fully is. 此刻的九头凤,甚至是不知道,若是杜少甫真的只是一心求胜,而不是想要乘机锤炼一下自己,催动符道威能,借助符阵之力,想要击败鬼車,怕是根本不用如此全力而为。 Independently a war, facing Gui Che, Du Shaofu but fully is, arrives at the meat sincerely, clashes the impact. 放手一战,面对鬼車,杜少甫全力而为,拳拳到肉,对撞冲击。 The vigorous strength surges in Du Shaofu within the body, graces can overcome powerful foes, the crumb is void, carefree incomparable, overbearing incomparable. 雄浑的力量在杜少甫体内涌动,举手投足都能够降龙伏虎,捏碎虚空,畅快无比,霸道无匹。 Fights......” “战……” Du Shaofu fiercely competes and successfully competes, often in the mouth loud neighed to roar! 杜少甫越战越勇,不时嘴中高声嘶鸣咆哮! Huge Gui Che nine phoenix main bodies, at this moment in Du Shaofu that and other under true Golden Winged Peng supreme aura , the ominous light double pupil is dignified and surprise, but fully also one after another shakes for below draws back. 庞大的鬼車九头凤本体,此刻在杜少甫那等真正金翅大鹏鸟至尊气息下,也凶光双瞳凝重和诧异,全力而为下也接连震退。 The mortal bodies of Gui Che nine phoenixes are also abnormal existences, feared that was is not able to support. 要不是鬼車九头凤的肉身也是变态般的存在,怕是都早已无法支撑。 Nine Fengming, blood phoenix extinguishes the soul!” “九头凤鸣,血凤灭魂!” After being repulsed once again, Gui Che drinks greatly, the sound fills the air with a fearful strength, can pierce Soul Force likely, the sound compiles is also bringing the blood light. 再度败退后,鬼車大喝,声音伴随着一股可怕之力弥漫,像是能够洞穿元神,声音汇总也带着血光。 „......” “呼啦啦……” Unexpectedly, covers in whole body piece of blood light runes of nine phoenixes, just like changing to blood light nine phoenixes. 蓦地,就在九头凤的周身一片血光符文覆盖,宛如化作了一只血光九头凤。 Body scarlet blood ray is radiant, the Gui Che 18 pairs of pupil blood light look disdainfully, send out the flaming blood fog, frightening! 身上赤血光芒璀璨,鬼車18双瞳血光睥睨,散发炽盛血雾,恐怖至极! Chirp chirp......” “叽叽……” Nine phoenix nine neighed again, this neighing sound synchronization, pierced void, in the sound had an extremely fearful will to fill the four directions. 九头凤再次九头嘶鸣,这一次嘶鸣声同步,洞穿虚空,声音中带着一股极为可怕的意志弥漫四方。 This will implication in sound neighed, fell in the heart of people, making in the people heart for no reason be scared. 这一股意志蕴含在声音嘶鸣中,落在众人的心中,让得众人心中无端发毛。 That fearful consciousness spreads afterward in the whole body, made the person Soul Force soul trembling millet, felt for no reason this in society also wanted the avalanche, already to judgment day. 那可怕的意识随后扩散在全身,令人元神灵魂颤粟,无端感觉到这世间也要崩塌,已经是到了世界末日。 The sound contains a fearful will, can destroy all, is unable to prevent! 声音蕴含一种可怕的意志,能够摧毁一切,无法阻挡! Puff......” “噗噗……” Kuang Bear King, Linghuan Tiger King, why the Xiao Yingying audiences beast human form does not know, puts out the blood one after another, the facial color is pale, in the small bird of prey mouth also overflows the blood. 狂熊王,灵幻虎王,小应应的身后众兽人形不知为何,接连吐出鲜血,面色惨白,就连小隼嘴中也溢出鲜血。 That and other fearful sound implication wills, spreads in their within the body, the light was affected for no reason, is unable to contend. 那等可怕的声音蕴含意志,在它们体内扩散,光是无端被波及到,也无法抗衡。
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