MGC :: Volume #13

#1262: Gui Che main body

Chapter 1260: Gui Che main body 第1260章:鬼車本体 Chapter 1260: Gui Che main body. 第1260章:鬼車本体。 How can like this?” “怎么会这样?” Linghuan Tiger King, Kuang Bear King , etc. all are surprise, has never seen so strange one. 灵幻虎王,狂熊王等皆是诧异,从未见到过如此诡异的一幕。 The Du Shaofu stimulation of movement does not extinguish the profound body, originally is the immaterial minor wound, naturally instantaneously can restore. 杜少甫催动不灭玄体,本是无关紧要的轻伤,自然瞬间就能够恢复。 This moment Du Shaofu also look stern, that Gui Che is really not simple, ruthless spicy cunning, take a shot / make a move is decisive, changeable, incurs a move of sinisterness, obviously disciplines in the bloody battle. 此刻杜少甫也神色正色了起来,那鬼車还真是不简单,狠辣刁钻,出手果断,变化多端,招招毒辣,显然是在血战中磨练而出。 A little skill, more and more superhigh my anticipation!” “有点本事,越来越超出我的意料!” Void, Gui Che smiles to Du Shaofu lightly, he very clearly just his claw strong, if human cultivation base of same level, were just caught on the shoulder, caused heavy losses to it sufficiently, at least one upper arm was grasped broken. 虚空中,鬼車冲着杜少甫淡淡一笑,他很清楚刚刚他的一爪有多强,要是同层次的人类修为者,刚刚就算是抓到肩膀上,也足以将其重创了,至少一个膀子被抓碎。 But present that Du Shaofu is actually intact, this is not normal, indicates mortal body frightening. 可是眼前的那杜少甫却是丝毫无损,这太不正常了,足见肉身恐怖 You also surpass my anticipation.” “你也超出我的意料。” Du Shaofu is also light smiles, in the clear and bright double pupil gushes out the golden light, back Great Peng Golden Wing fans, under same level level, let alone has also stimulated to movement the crazy dragon nine layers day, this is Du Shaofu first time fights suffers a loss. 杜少甫亦是淡淡一笑,清朗的双瞳中涌出金光,背后大鹏金翅扇动,在同等层次下,何况还催动了狂龙九重天,这还是杜少甫第一次一交手就吃亏的。 Is very strong, similar level, compared with Kuang Bear King, Linghuan Tiger King , etc. strove to excel on enough one scale, worthily is Dragon race, bloodline that a phoenix clan compares.” “很强,同样的层次,比起狂熊王,灵幻虎王等要强上足足一个档次,不愧是和龙族,凤凰一族相比的血脉。” In the heart, Du Shaofu sighed darkly. Present Gui Che, runs into the hardest to deal with same level match at present. 在心中,杜少甫为之暗叹。眼前的鬼車,是目前为之遇到最难缠的同层次对手。 Probably is a Golden Wing Great Peng clan has the huge relations, you absolutely are humanity, I feared that thinks you is a Golden Wing Great Peng clan, dares the Great Peng Golden Wing fusion of Golden Wing Great Peng, your courage is really not small!” “好像是和金翅大鹏一族有着巨大关系,要不是你绝对是人类,我怕是会以为你是金翅大鹏一族的,胆敢把金翅大鹏大鹏金翅融合,你胆子还真是不小!” Gui Che is looking at behind Du Shaofu this moment that feudal official's in Great Peng Golden Wing of Golden Wing Great Peng clan will, was one saw some mysteries unexpectedly, has wiped shock secretly. 鬼車望着杜少甫背后此刻那臣在金翅大鹏一族意志的大鹏金翅,竟是一眼就看出了一些奥妙,也暗自抹过震撼。 Du Shaofu has not spoken, stimulates to movement the crazy dragon nine layers day, the time of oneself cultivation base promotion is limited, must fight a battle to force a quick decision. 杜少甫没有说话,催动狂龙九重天,自己修为提升的时间有限,必须速战速决。 In the hand Hand Imprints start to congeal, unusual wild fluctuations of energy suddenly, however from the Du Shaofu week ripples emptily. 手中一道道手印开始凝结而出,一股股异样的狂暴能量波动骤,然自杜少甫周空荡漾而起。 Next flickers, a faint trace just likes the golden energy and silver-white energy of substantializing, suddenly is centered on around Du Shaofu, passes from the space endosmosis of nihility, making the space also at this moment slightly twist. 下一瞬,一丝丝犹如实质化的金色能量和银白色能量,突然以杜少甫四周为中心,自虚无的空间内渗透而出,让空间也在此刻微微扭曲起来。 Unexpectedly, above the Du Shaofu double palm, golden light is quietly radiant, a silver illustrious eye. 蓦地,杜少甫双掌之上,悄然间一手金光璀璨,一手银光耀眼。 One cloudy one positive, one just one supple! 一阴一阳,一刚一柔! The golden color is in charge, is radiant just like the gold! 金色掌印,宛如黄金璀璨! The silver-white color is in charge flood strange silver-white runes, just likes is lingering a layer upon layer silver-white lightning! 银白色掌印泛起诡异银白色符文,犹如萦绕着一层层银白色闪电! „The [say / way] of world, by Yin-Yang two air/Qi good fortune myriad things, world, livelihood, thunder and lightning, wind and rain, male female, hard and soft, the sound, obviously collects, all things, none who does not divide the Yin-Yang......” “天地之道,以阴阳二气造化万物,天地,日月,雷电,风雨,雄雌,刚柔,动静,显敛,万事万物,莫不分阴阳……” In the Du Shaofu mouth mumbled, controlled two Hand Imprints to melt slowly, within the body Profound Qi fluctuated, communication world energy. 杜少甫嘴中念念有词,控制着两道手印徐徐相融,体内玄气波动,沟通天地能量。 As two Hand Imprints congeal, in Du Shaofu both hands as if contains the Yin-Yang at this moment, is easy to have the primal chaos, lives four elephants, decides eight sides...... 随着两道手印凝结,杜少甫双手间此刻似乎蕴含阴阳,易有太极,生四象,定八方…… Before looking, spatial Du Shaofu's action, from the beginning Gui Che is quite curious, extremely in caring. 望着前空杜少甫的举动,一开始鬼車颇为好奇,并没有太过于在意。 But afterward felt that and other fluctuations of energy, the Gui Che facial color actually quietly starts to change, makes him also feel the fluctuation of energy of danger, starts before fills the air spatially. 但随后感觉到那等能量的波动,鬼車面色却是悄然开始变化,一股让他也感觉到危险的能量波动,开始自前空弥漫而来。 This fluctuation of energy contains frightening, lets in the Gui Che eye has wiped the fluctuation, tight before staring, empties on that Du Shaofu both hands, the gold is in charge with the silver-white color together is in charge, quite smooth gradually fused in one. 这能量波动蕴含恐怖,让得鬼車眼中也是抹过波动,紧紧的盯着前空那杜少甫双手上,一道黄金掌印和银白色掌印,颇为顺畅的逐渐融合在了一起。 Along with that fusion of two being in charge, a fearful prestige energy then in an instant rises dramatically, a dangerous fluctuation of energy of absolute frightening, from that is in charge to fill the air. 随着那两道掌印的融合,一股可怕的威能便是刹那间飙升,一股绝对恐怖的危险能量波动,自那掌印内弥漫而出。 That and other frightening prestige energies, let in the Gui Che scarlet scarlet double pupil, even more stern. 那等恐怖的威能,让鬼車赤血色双眸内,越发正色。 Who strikes the first blow has the advantage!” “先下手为强!” Also in this flash, Gui Che begins, all around fluctuation of energy, the frightening aura of beginning of the universe Beast Venerable level exposes without doubt, shows disdain for this beast territory peer. 也在这一霎那,鬼車动手,四周能量波动,混元兽尊层次的恐怖气息展露无疑,傲视这兽域同辈。 The Gui Che form plunders, the ghosts and demons plunged fused Hand Imprints Du Shaofu in the condensation, a vigorous cruel energy swept across, all around spatial warping nihility. 鬼車身影掠出,鬼魅般扑向了在凝聚融合手印杜少甫,一股雄浑的暴戾能量席卷而出,将四周空间扭曲成虚无。 Scoffs!” “嗤啦!” The blood light is wrapping the fist, is containing the cruel energy, Gui Che take a shot / make a move, a fist is then having an intermittent low and deep energy detonation sound, immediately in an instant, is going to Du Shaofu suddenly explosion. 血光包裹着拳头,蕴含着暴戾能量,鬼車出手,一拳便是带着一阵阵低沉的能量引爆声,顿时在刹那间,对着杜少甫暴轰而去。 Bang!” “轰!” Double seal fused, moon seal, the three visceral cavities and gall bladder seal double seal second time overlaps smoothly. 双印已经融合,太阴印,少阳印双印第二次顺畅重叠。 Goes!” “去!” Du Shaofu gives a loud shout, a foot stamps spatially, does not draw back instead enters, being in charge that in the hand fuses, went to Gui Che on the direct racket immediately. 杜少甫大喝一声,一脚跺空,不退反进,手中融合的掌印,顿时就直接拍向了鬼車而去。 In charge to plunder, fills the radiant money ray, glittering and translucent carving, tall and pleasing to the eye, rises against the wind, changed to big of hundred zhang (333m) instantaneously. 掌印掠出,弥漫璀璨金银光芒,晶莹剔透,美轮美奂,迎风而涨,瞬间化作了百丈之大。 Strength of the fearful destruction from fills the air, blocks the sky to burst to press under. 一种可怕的毁灭之力自其中弥漫而出,遮天蔽日溃压而下。 All speeds are instantaneous, in all around all vision panic-stricken, both clash instantaneously. 一切速度都是瞬间,在四周所有目光惊骇中,两者瞬间对撞。 Two energy runes instantaneous eruptions blast out, startled thunder-like crack, then resounds through the skies afterward. 两股能量符文瞬间喷发炸开,一道道惊雷般的炸响,也随后便是响彻云霄。 Bang!” “轰隆隆!” The wild energy dull thumping sound sound blasts out, around this side strange ancient square, crack under the sound shivers in this energy, upper air tearing energy space, profound palpitation. 狂暴的能量闷响声炸开,这一方诡异的古老广场四周,都在这能量炸响声下颤抖,高空撕裂能量空间,深邃心悸。 So clashing of frightening, the prestige can powerful in this way. 如此恐怖的对撞,威能强悍如斯。 The audiences beast vision is astonished, Du Shaofu that fearful is in charge destroys all, easily accomplished covering Gui Che, the energy storm has swallowed in which it. 众兽目光惊愕,杜少甫那可怕的掌印摧毁一切,摧枯拉朽的笼罩上了鬼車,能量风暴将其吞噬其中。 Was too strong, feared that is common beginning of the universe peak Martial Venerable by the racket, also wants the skeleton not to save!” “太强了,怕是一般的混元巅峰武尊被拍中,也要尸骨无存吧!” Good overbearing martial skill, seems more like big divine ability!” “好霸道的武技啊,似乎更像是一种大神通!” Kuang Bear King, Linghuan Tiger King, Xiao Yingying , etc. were looking at sky that fearful sound, is the throat boiling hot, poured to swallow the saliva, Gui Che is pressed unexpectedly directly in leeward. 狂熊王,灵幻虎王,小应应等望着上空那可怕的动静,皆是喉咙滚烫,倒咽唾沫,鬼車居然是被直接压在了下风。 The Gui Che form was covered by the energy storm, was submerged does not see. 鬼車身影被能量风暴笼罩,被淹没不见。 Du Shaofu visits the midair, is having aggressive Ling Jue, the facial color slightly is pale. 杜少甫踏足半空,自有着霸气凌绝,面色略显苍白。 Fuses double seal, if this ordinary person, exhausts all Profound Qi sufficiently, but was hard to have the strength of again war. 融合双印,这要是一般的人,足以耗尽所有玄气,而难以有着再战之力了。 But Du Shaofu has within the body that huge Spirit Gate, did not have the major problem actually. 杜少甫有着体内那庞大的神阙,倒是还没有大问题。 Just that and other consumptions, were actually absolute huge, Du Shaofu did not dare casually to come again one time. 只是刚刚那等消耗,却是绝对的庞大,杜少甫也不敢随便再来一次。 Regarding profound imaginary double seal congealment of four like India , China, the prestige can let Du Shaofu also is very satisfactory, even if compares to itself to stimulate to movement Tyrant Quandao alone, the aggressive [say / way], on the sole prestige can, wants on strong one. 对于玄幻四象印中的双印凝结,威能让杜少甫也很是满意,就算是比起自己单独催动霸拳道,霸气道等,就单单的威能上来说,也还要强上一丝。 Looks by wild energy submergence Gui Che, Du Shaofu is actually relaxed, is faint to feel that Gui Che so will not be good to cope. 只是望着被狂暴能量淹没的鬼車,杜少甫却是并没有放松,隐隐间感觉到,鬼車不会是这么好对付的。 Chirp!” “叽!” Unexpectedly, in energy storm a neighing cloud penetration crack stone, scarlet scarlet runes erupts, just like dazzling sun, falls along with that neighing sound, a dreadful scarlet scarlet energy sweeps across from its energy storm. 蓦地,能量风暴中一声嘶鸣穿云裂石,赤血色符文爆发,宛如曜日,随着那嘶鸣声音落下,一股滔天的赤血色能量自其能量风暴内席卷而出。 As the dreadful scarlet scarlet ray erupts, a colossus appears. 随着滔天赤血色光芒爆发,一只庞然大物出现。 That is one resembles the phoenix luan the bird, the huge number hundred zhang (333m), the scarlet scarlet ray is all over the body radiant, has the fierce nine heads. 那是一只似凤似鸾的飞鸟,庞大数百丈,通体赤血色光芒璀璨,却是有着狰狞九头。 Chirp chirp......” “叽叽……” Colossus nine all called, voice reverberation four directions, sufficiently startled world, indescribably tragic, making Kuang Bear King, Linghuan Tiger King , etc. also Soul Force tremble. 庞然大物九头皆鸣,声浪回荡四方,足以惊天地,泣鬼神,让得狂熊王,灵幻虎王等也元神发颤,。 Small bird of prey light under that nine sound together, wanted to crawl. 小隼等光是在那九头齐鸣下,就已经欲要为之匍匐。 Nine phoenixes!” “九头凤!” Before Du Shaofu is looking, empties that colossus, that is the Gui Che nine phoenix main bodies, the whole body covers the radiant plume feather, strange scarlet blood talisman-pattern cover, the aura is not the general astonishment. 杜少甫望着前空那庞然大物,那是鬼車的九头凤本体,浑身覆盖璀璨翎羽,一道道诡异的赤血符箓秘纹覆盖,气息不是一般的惊人。 Can make me use the main body, in unusual Martial Venerable, you are first, but now, all these also finished!” “能够让我动用本体的,在超凡武尊中,你是第一个,但现在,这一切也结束了!” Among Gui Che fifth hugest, the sound has the yin cold to be cruel, 18 pairs of scarlet scarlet double pupils overlook Du Shaofu, the body that and other astonishing energies sweep across, beginning of the universe Martial Venerable that sufficiently lets is fearful and apprehensive. 鬼車中间第五头最为庞大,声音带着阴寒暴戾,18双赤血色双瞳俯视杜少甫,身上那等惊人的能量席卷,就足以让的混元武尊胆颤心惊。 Good strength nine phoenix main bodies, really can compare Dragon race , can only use evidently fully!” “好强的九头凤本体,果然能够相比龙族,看样子也只能够动用全力了!” Du Shaofu looked has been stimulating to movement the main body at this moment, was equal to must use the right Gui Che, the double seal fusion is unable how him, oneself also can only but fully was. 杜少甫望着此刻已经是催动了本体,等于是要动用权利了的鬼車,双印融合也无法奈何他,自己也只能够全力而为。 Body light purple talisman-pattern covers, radiant Purple gold electric arc, suddenly from its Du Shaofu within the body confused swell. 身上淡淡的紫色符箓秘纹覆盖,紧接着,璀璨的紫金电弧,猛然自其杜少甫体内暴涌而出。 Thunder martial pulse!” “雷霆武脉!” Next flickers, in the Du Shaofu golden light double pupil starts flood one purple thunder and lightning, is centered on the whole body suddenly, this ancient square on void, purple thunder and lightning are also emerge, covers entirely Zhou empty/sky instantaneously. 下一瞬,杜少甫金光双瞳中开始泛着一种紫色雷电,乍然间以周身为中心,这古老广场虚空上,一股股紫色雷电也是涌现而出,瞬间布满周空。 Bang!” “轰!” The purple thunder and lightning gathering, lets this ancient square maliciously trembling play instantaneously, making on Gui Che that radiant scarlet scarlet cruel energy runes also be diluted has chopped. 紫色雷电汇聚,瞬间让得这古老广场狠狠颤剧,让得鬼車身上的那璀璨的赤血色暴戾能量符文也被冲淡砍了一些。
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