MGC :: Volume #13

#1261: Astonishing war

Chapter 1259: Astonishing war 第1259章:惊人大战 Chapter 1259: Astonishing war. 第1259章:惊人大战。 Mortal body was too strong, passes on a message the Gui Che mortal body not under Dragon race, lives up to reputation!” “肉身太强了,传言鬼車的肉身不会在龙族之下,名不虚传啊!” Linghuan Tiger King looks at two forms that the sky is fighting to be astonished, that and other crazy fierce showdowns, he knows not to beat. 灵幻虎王望着上空交手的两道身影惊愕,那等狂猛对决,他自知不敌。 Palace main mortal body is powerful!” “殿主的肉身才强悍呢!” Small bird of prey trembles, can resist in the rumor directly beast territory most flagitious Gui Che, indicates the palace main powerful degree. 小隼目颤,能够直接对抗传言中兽域最为凶残的鬼車,足见殿主的强悍程度。 Gui Che has not used the main body, when the time comes is the strongest strength, the mortal body also will once again strengthen.” 鬼車还没有动用本体,到时候才是最强实力,肉身也会再度增强。” Xiao Yingying has not opposed the words of small bird of prey, but is clearest, the strength under Gui Che main body is most formidable. 小应应没有反对小隼的话,但却最为清楚,鬼車本体之下的实力才是最为强大的。 Palace main has not used fully.” The small bird of prey curls the lip to say. “殿主也没有动用全力啊。”小隼撇嘴道。 Purple flame monster phoenix is continuously static looks at the midair to wait and see, in the purple pupil, is fluctuating some ripples. 紫炎妖凰则是一直静静的望着半空观望着,紫色眸子内,波动着些许涟漪。 Bang......” “轰隆隆……” In the sky resists once again forcefully together, all around space of vibration blasts out, golden light runes and scarlet scarlet runes submerge the midair. 上空中再度强行一道对抗,震动的四周空间炸开,金光符文和赤血色符文淹没半空。 Deng!Deng!......” 蹬蹬……” They simultaneously shake draw back, this moment two people of aura overbearing, a violence, but is the same swift and fierce fearful. 两人同时震退,此刻间两人身上的气息一个霸道,一个暴力,但都是一样的凌厉慑人。 Shouted......” “呼……” Gui Che scarlet scarlet runes covers, slightly deep breath, visual Du Shaofu, the scarlet scarlet double pupil is even more swift and fierce. 鬼車赤血色符文笼罩,微微深呼吸了一下,目视着杜少甫,赤血色双瞳越发凌厉。 But while the Gui Che deep breath, Linghuan Tiger King and other people can feel that a fearful dreadful cruel aura sweeps across from the Gui Che within the body storm. 而就在鬼車深呼吸的同时,灵幻虎王等所有人都能够感觉到,一股可怕的滔天暴戾气息自鬼車体内风暴般席卷开去。 Chirp......” “叽……” When that dreadful cruel aura sweeps across, in the energy storm is faint is passing an incisive neighing sound, lets the Linghuan Tiger King once again discoloration. 当那滔天暴戾气息席卷开去,能量风暴内隐隐间透着一种尖锐的嘶鸣声,让灵幻虎王再度色变。 Beginning of the universe Beast Venerable approached peak quickly!” “混元兽尊快靠近巅峰了吧!” Linghuan Tiger King, he thinks me, the Xiao Yingying three people most change color, this moment Gui Che aura, already to beginning of the universe Beast Venerable later situation. 灵幻虎王,他想我,小应应三人最为变色,此刻鬼車身上的气息,已经是到了混元兽尊后期地步。 Although in a beginning of the universe Beast Venerable level, but to Beast Venerable beginning of the universe situation , the same level also has the huge disparity. 虽然都在一个混元兽尊层次,但到了兽尊混元这一地步上,同一层次也有着巨大的差距。 Really is not weak, no wonder can cut to kill the dragon nine, you are I have seen in the person class at present young one generation strongest existence, surpasses my anticipation, becomes my war servant, your enough qualifications!” “果然不弱,难怪能够斩杀龙九,你是我目前见过人类之中年轻一辈之中最强的存在,更是超出我的意料,成为我的战仆,你足够资格了!” Gui Che visual Du Shaofu, on that handsome face, the double pupil scarlet scarlet ray fills the air cruelly. 鬼車目视杜少甫,那俊朗的脸庞上,双眸赤血色光芒弥漫暴戾。 I also changed the mind!” “我也改变主意了!” Du Shaofu visual Gui Che, the mouth bank wipes the smiling expression curve to wipe, said: Your strength also surpasses my anticipation, my personal servant also lacks a head, you are most appropriate!” 杜少甫目视鬼車,嘴畔一抹笑意弧度抹过,道:“你的实力也超出我的意料,我的跟班还缺少一个头,你最为合适!” „, The palace main will not want to receive Gui Che.” “不会吧,殿主还想要收了鬼車。” Gui Che, in the beast territory of the same generation most monstrous talent savage existence questioned that the inborn arrogance, the strength is abnormal, the palace main also really dares to open the mouth!” 鬼車,兽域内同辈最妖孽凶残的的存在质疑,天生傲气,实力变态,殿主还真是敢开口啊!” Then feared that angered Gui Che sufficiently!” “这下怕是足以惹怒鬼車了!” Listens to the Du Shaofu's words, Linghuan Tiger King, Kuang Bear King, Xiao Yingying , etc. to make noise astonished. 听着杜少甫的话,灵幻虎王,狂熊王,小应应等惊愕出声。 Receives me to be the personal servant, are you competent?” “收我做跟班,你够资格么?” Gui Che visual Du Shaofu, the look is tranquil, has not actually cared the Du Shaofu's words, but in that tranquil look, is passing an incomparably self-confident arrogance, the coagulation is for no reason void. 鬼車目视杜少甫,神色平静,却是并没有将杜少甫的话放在心上,但那平静的神色中,又是透着一种无比自信的傲气,无端凝固虚空。 Qualifications......” “资格……” Du Shaofu has grasped the fist slightly, visual Gui Che, fist one horizontal, said lightly: My fist is qualifications, if you can defeat me, I become your war servant, if you were hit to fall face down by me, you later are my personal servant, does not know that you did dare?” 杜少甫微微握了握拳头,目视着鬼車,拳头一横,淡淡说道:“我的拳头就是资格,你要是能够打败我,我成为你的战仆,你要是被我打趴下,你以后就是我的跟班,就是不知道你敢不敢了?” As the Du Shaofu voice falls, Linghuan Tiger King , etc. were stunned. 随着杜少甫话音落下,灵幻虎王等错愕。 The Gui Che scarlet scarlet double pupil fights to shoot, a cruel aura erupts instant, all numerous beasts can feel that this ancient square the space coagulates immediately suddenly motionless. 鬼車赤血色双眸斗射,一股暴戾气息刹那爆发,所有众兽都能够感觉到,这古老的广场顿时空间陡然凝固不动。 Linghuan Tiger King, Kuang Bear King , etc. all knows that Demon King Du Shaofu or Gui Che, that is savage fearful existence, feared that is then these two anomalies must fully a war. 灵幻虎王,狂熊王等皆是知道,无论是魔王杜少甫还是鬼車,那都是凶残可怕的存在,怕是接下来这两个变态就要全力一战。 But this war, has actually taken the gambling stake, after who lost, whose personal servant became, when the time comes whoever lost who won, these two fellows in the same place, that true can sweep away Gu Yu peer, but does not know that now Gui Che can agree. 而这一战,却是已经带上了赌注,谁输了以后就成为谁的跟班,到时候无论谁输谁赢,这两个家伙都会在一起,那真正的能够横扫古域同辈了,只是不知道现在鬼車会不会同意。 Ha Ha Ha Ha......” “哈哈哈哈……” Gui Che laughs, in that scarlet scarlet double pupil cruel color even more rich, but his body scarlet scarlet runes erupts afterward, looks straight ahead Du Shaofu, arrogance Ling Jue, said: Good, has the skill to defeat me, is your personal servant, was only a pity that your this whole life did not have the opportunity, became my war servant!” 鬼車大笑,那赤血色双眸内的的暴戾之色愈发的浓郁,而其身上随后赤血色符文爆发,直视杜少甫,傲气凌绝,道:“好,有本事战胜我,做你跟班,只可惜你这辈子没有机会了,成为我的战仆吧!” Tries to know!” “试过才知道!” Du Shaofu eye of dew smiling expression, in the golden light double pupil, a fearful aura gushes out suddenly, in the hand Hand Imprints flutters, is having the remnant shade change. 杜少甫目露笑意,金光双瞳内,一股可怕的气息骤然涌出,手中手印翻飞,带着残影变化。 Crazy dragon nine layers day, with the strength of dry dragon!” “狂龙九重天,借乾龙之力!” Almost with it simultaneously, drinks the sound to fall along with the Du Shaofu mouth in lightly, payment for shares light eruption direct impact vault of heaven, condensed four big dragon Phantom. 几乎与之同时,随着杜少甫口中轻喝声落下,身上一股金光爆发直冲苍穹,凝聚出了四条巨龙虚影 " ...... " "嗷嗷嗷嗷……" Four big dragon Phantom roared, dragon ate delicacies for nine days, changed to four energy bolts of white silk instantaneously, just liked the thunder falls on Du Shaofu's within the body. 四条巨龙虚影咆哮,龙啸九天,瞬间化作四道能量匹练,犹如雷霆般落在了杜少甫的体内。 Bang!” “轰!” In this flash, the aura of Du Shaofu unusual Martial Venerable peak level, is then rising dramatically at a rocket speed, the aura arrived at about the beginning of the universe Martial Venerable intermediate stage level to cease. 在这一瞬间,杜少甫身上超凡武尊巅峰层次的气息,便是以一种火箭般的速度在飙升,气息足足到了混元武尊中期层次左右才停息下来。 The crazy dragon nine layers day, stimulates to movement the strength of four dragon, the Du Shaofu short promotion strength, wants to suppress Gui Che. 狂龙九重天,催动四龙之力,杜少甫短暂提升实力,欲要压制鬼車 Just probe fought, letting Du Shaofu has to stern. Initially can defeat the dragon nine, proved sufficiently Gui Che was difficult to annoy. 刚刚的试探交手,让杜少甫不得不正色。当初能够击败龙九,足以证明鬼車的难惹。 Promotes cultivation base, the palace main also to have such divine ability method!” “提升修为,殿主还有如此神通手段!” Kuang Bear King, Xiao Yingying, the small bird of prey, Linghuan Tiger King , etc. looked at the aura that Du Shaofu is rising suddenly at this moment is the surprise, if both the cultivation base strength differs not much, after this promotes the strength short, the effect may not be different. 狂熊王,小应应,小隼,灵幻虎王等此刻瞧着杜少甫暴涨的气息皆是诧异,两者要是修为实力相差不多,这短暂提升实力之后,效果可就不一样了。 Promotes cultivation base short, cannot change anything!” “短暂提升修为而已,改变不了什么!” Gui Che is not strange, is looking at Du Shaofu, pair of both hands find out from the long dress, the five fingers fluctuation blood light, has runes to fill sending out quietly. 鬼車并不奇怪,望着杜少甫,一双双手从长衣中探出,五指悄然波动血光,有着符文弥漫散发。 „!” “咻!” Next flickers, the Gui Che double pupil scarlet blood ray confused swell, the form plunders like lightning, the beginning of the universe Beast Venerable aura is outspoken to gush out, the blood light thunder appears before the Du Shaofu body, claw-print grasped together directly to the Du Shaofu's chest. 下一瞬,鬼車双瞳赤血光芒暴涌,身影闪电般掠出,混元兽尊气息毫无保留涌出,血光雷霆般出现在杜少甫身前,一道爪印直接抓向了杜少甫的胸膛。 „!” “咻!” If claw-print quickly the lightning, the potential such as Ben Thunder, the distortion is void, with the electric arc remnant shade, before plundered the Du Shaofu body. 爪印快若闪电,势如奔雷,扭曲虚空,伴随着电弧残影,直掠到了杜少甫身前。 The speed was too fast, quick unthinkable. 速度太快了,快的匪夷所思。 This uniform velocity also makes the Du Shaofu double pupil fill the color of surprise, this uniform velocity, even if were Du Shaofu also feels dignifiedly. 这等速度让得杜少甫也双瞳弥漫诧异之色,这等速度,即使是杜少甫也感觉到了凝重。 Surging waves free step!” “凌波逍遥步!” All were too quick, Du Shaofu that is also hard to avoid, but does not have any flurry, the form moves fast, if the god, the surging waves ramble step treads, the form in the golden light wraps to fall in torrents a strange curve. 一切太快了,杜少甫也那难以避开,但却是没有任何的慌乱,身影飘忽若神,凌波逍遥步踏出,身影在金光包裹中倾泻出一个诡异弧度。 But while the Du Shaofu form avoids, a claw of Gui Che actually just like the maggot of tarsal bone, pierces the space to pierce sharply void, pursues the Du Shaofu throat directly, closely associated. 而就在杜少甫身影避开的同时,鬼車的一爪却是宛如跗骨之蛆般,洞穿空间锋利刺穿虚空,径直直追杜少甫咽喉,如影随形。 Gui Che take a shot / make a move at this moment, cruel was passing cunningly swift and fierce, sinister incomparable. 鬼車此刻的出手,暴戾中已经透着刁钻凌厉,毒辣无比。 Obviously this Gui Che is the strength is not only tyrannical, but also has the experience of having fought many battles. 显然这鬼車不仅是实力强横,还有着身经百战的经验。 This type cunning sinister, is most fearful. 这种刁钻毒辣,最为可怕。 Scoffs......” “嗤啦……” The claw-print separation scrap is void, in an instant expands in the Du Shaofu double pupil. 爪印分离炸碎虚空,刹那间在杜少甫双瞳内扩大。 The speed was really too quick, Du Shaofu fell behind, can only avoid, is hard to counterattack. 速度实在是太快了,杜少甫落后,只能够避开,难以还击。 Bang!” “轰!” The golden light twinkle, among the electric light flint, Du Shaofu back Great Peng Golden Wing flutters directly, a frightening imposing manner sweeps across from within the body suddenly, the flowing light overflows, the bold light fills the air, such as Great Peng flutters, the air current howls to shake to go, momentum frightening is scary! 金光闪烁,电光火石间,杜少甫背后大鹏金翅直接振翅而出,一股恐怖气势骤然自体内席卷而出,流光溢动,豪光弥漫,如大鹏振翅,气流呼啸震开而去,声势恐怖骇人! With the aid of Great Peng Golden Wing, the Du Shaofu form violent draws back rapidly backward falls in torrents, but the former that is together sharp claw-print to fall above the shoulder. 借助大鹏金翅,杜少甫身影急速向后暴退倾泻,但前者那一道锋利爪印还是落在肩头之上。 Scoffs!” “嗤啦!” When claw-print falls, on the Du Shaofu shoulder purple Thunder Light surges, stimulates to movement does not extinguish the profound body. 爪印落下之际,杜少甫肩头上紫色雷光涌动,催动不灭玄体。 Sharp claw-print falls from the Du Shaofu shoulder, is having the sound of light [gold/metal], scarlet scarlet runes and Thunder Light confrontation, spreads finally from the Du Shaofu shoulder. 锋利爪印杜少甫肩头落下,带着淡淡的金戈之声,赤血色符文雷光交锋,最后从杜少甫肩头扩散开去。 Scoffs......” “嗤……” The purple clothing was torn the shatter same place, above the Du Shaofu's flesh and blood, leaves behind the five fingers to grasp the mark, has the pale golden bloodstain to overflow, dyes thoroughly the surrounding purple robe. 紫色衣衫被撕裂破碎一块,杜少甫的血肉之上,留下五指抓痕,有着淡金色血迹溢出,将周围紫袍染透。 But also in this same time, the Gui Che double pupil slightly shrinks, has a restless feeling to gush out, body immediately rapidly suddenly to retreat. 但也在这同时间,鬼車双瞳微微一缩,有着一股不安的感觉涌出,身躯顿时急速暴退。 „......” “呼啦啦……” Flake gold light erupts, golden light flashes wing sweeps away, just likes Great Peng spreads the wings, golden light talisman-pattern becomes the ring-like proliferation with the fearful strength ripples. 一片金光爆发,金光一翅横扫,犹如大鹏展翅,金光符箓秘纹伴随着可怕的劲气涟漪成环形般扩散。 The Gui Che eye moves, turns the claw into the palm, clashes on. 鬼車目动,化爪为掌,对撞而上。 Bang!” “轰!” So clashes, the space dull thumping sound, is the startling thunderclap blasts out likely, shatter runes of big piece interweaves to sweep across to disperse. 如此对撞,空间闷响,像是惊雷炸开,大片的破碎符文交织席卷而散。 Deng!Deng!......” 蹬蹬……” They simultaneously shake draw back, seems same. 两人同时震退,似乎是半斤八两。 But the Du Shaofu left shoulder brought the blood, looks that as if suffers a loss is not small. 杜少甫左肩已经带血,看着似乎是吃亏不小。 Flutters to stand firm the body, the Du Shaofu double pupil fills golden light runes, more and more overbearing fearful. 振翅稳住身躯,杜少甫双瞳弥漫金光符文,越来越霸道慑人。 Du Shaofu visual former, this Gui Che not only powerful cruel, but also cunning sinister, this is nastiest existence, no wonder makes Linghuan Tiger King, Kuang Bear King, Xiao Yingying dread. 杜少甫目视前者,这鬼車不仅强悍暴戾,还刁钻毒辣,这才是最难以对付的存在,难怪让灵幻虎王,狂熊王,小应应都为之忌惮。 Good strength mortal body!” “好强的肉身!” Gui Che looks at Du Shaofu, the vision is trembling lightly, the first time true realized that human powerful, strength of their mortal body, same level Demonic Beast on other Heavenly Beast List are also hard to withstand. 鬼車望着杜少甫,目光在轻颤,第一次真正的意识到那人类的强悍,自己的肉身之力之强,同层次之中的其它天兽榜上的妖兽也难以承受。 But that Du Shaofu is humanity, unexpectedly was just scratched and torn some small wounds, that mortal body powerful degree, was really too strong. 而那杜少甫身为人类,居然只是被刚刚抓破一些小伤而已,那种肉身强悍程度,实在是太强了。 In midair just their fighting once again, although is only one move, but is actually changeable outside, but also cunning sinister, if quickly the lightning, is wrapping several changes, is it may be said that fast changing, lets Kuang Bear King , etc. all looks at steadily with Linghuan Tiger King. 半空中刚刚两人的再度交手,虽然只是一招而已,但却是变化多端外,还刁钻毒辣,快若闪电,包裹着数种变化,可谓是瞬息万变,让得狂熊王,和灵幻虎王等皆是目不转睛。 Worthily is Gui Che, a move makes the shop owner be wounded, was too strong!” “不愧是鬼車,一招就让店主负伤,太强了!” Linghuan Tiger King in an uproar, in the heart is startled very much. 灵幻虎王哗然,心中很是吃惊。 Linghuan Tiger King very clear Demon King Du Shaofu's cultivation base and defensive power, let alone at this moment also short promotion cultivation base strength, but a move by Gui Che the wound, was also indicated that Gui Che intrepidly to the fearful situation. 灵幻虎王很清楚魔王杜少甫的修为和防御力,何况此刻还短暂的提升了修为实力,但还一招被鬼車所创伤,足见那鬼車强悍到了何等可怕的地步。 You looked that the palace main has not injured!” Small bird of prey double pupil reveals the surprised sound suddenly. “你们看,殿主根本没伤!”小隼双眸突然间露出惊讶之声。 The people also heard the prestige to go at this moment, see only on this moment Du Shaofu's to fill a Purple gold ray, as if there is electric arc to fluctuate, finally on the shoulder just overflowed the grasping mark of pale golden blood, then slowly restored complete such as beginning, strange incomparable. 众人此刻也闻声望去,只见此刻杜少甫的身上弥漫出了一种紫金光芒,似乎有着电弧在波动,最后肩头上刚刚溢出淡金色鲜血的抓痕,便是徐徐恢复的完好如初,诡异无比。
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