MGC :: Volume #13

#1260: Encounters Gui Che

Chapter 1258: Encounters Gui Che 第1258章:遭遇鬼車 Chapter 1258: Encounters Gui Che. 第1258章:遭遇鬼車 At this moment must find Xiao Xingxing as soon as possible, therefore Du Shaofu also endures suffering has not participated. 只是此刻要尽快找到小星星,所以杜少甫也才忍痛没有参与。 However meets these grade to be extremely high, rare heavenly materials or earthly treasures and formidable Demonic Beast arcane bone, Du Shaofu did not mind that finds a time to plunder, invincible, does not have treasure that cannot snatch. 不过遇上那些品阶极高,也难得一见的天材地宝和强大妖兽秘骨,杜少甫也不介意抽点时间掠夺,战无不胜,没有抢不到的宝物。 Therefore Demon King Du Shaofu appeared in the beast territory, the news of frenzied plundering travelled everywhere. 于是魔王杜少甫出现在了兽域,疯狂掠夺的消息到处传开。 Human Demon King Du Shaofu bullies the beast clan in the Heavenly Beast grave, has stirred up many formidable Demonic Beast popular angers. 人类魔王杜少甫天兽墓内欺压兽族,也惹起了不少强大妖兽的众怒。 Is more and more formidable Demonic Beast starts to reach the agreement, must seek for that Demon King Du Shaofu to do accounts, besieges also refuses to balk. 已经是越来越多的强大妖兽开始达成了共识,要寻找那魔王杜少甫算账,围攻也在所不惜。 Also some news travel in the Heavenly Beast grave, the Dragon race Dragon Balong 72 crown princes, are searching for Du Shaofu wantonly, as long as provides the message has the generous recompense, if who can seize Demon King Du Shaofu, even can obtain a big divine ability method. 也有消息在天兽墓内传开,龙族龙八龙72位太子,正在大肆的搜寻杜少甫,但凡提供消息的都有着重赏,谁要是能够擒住魔王杜少甫,甚至能够得到一种大神通手段。 This news spreads, causes many ebullition. 这消息传出,引起不少沸腾。 Good god empty deep grass, we walks.” “不错的‘化神虚冥草’,我们走吧。” In a canyon, Du Shaofu showed a faint smile to receive a fluctuation of energy, the spirit grass that the fluorescence filled, the voice fell, the sole stamped the ground, the form of incarnation golden light fluctuation falls on the small bird of prey main body together carries on the back, afterward the group disappeared in the midair. 一处峡谷内,杜少甫微微一笑收起了一株能量波动,荧光弥漫的灵草,话音落下,脚掌一跺地面,化身一道金光波动的身影落在小隼本体背上,随后一行人消失在了半空。 That is Demon King Du Shaofu, was too savage, unexpectedly was insults our beast territory to come!” “那就是魔王杜少甫,太凶残了,居然是欺辱到了我们兽域来了!” In the canyon, many huge Demonic Beast dripping with blood, the appearance is distressed, understood at a glance that devastated extreme pitiful, can only look helplessly that line of depart. 峡谷内,不少庞大的妖兽鲜血淋漓,模样狼狈,一看就知道被蹂躏的极为凄惨,只能够眼睁睁的看着那一行人离去。 Well......” “咦……” After the moment, one line of forms circle in the midair, is Du Shaofu. 片刻后,一行身影盘旋在半空,正是杜少甫等。 Visual front one side, Du Shaofu eye of dew surprise startled well color. 目视着前方一侧,杜少甫目露诧异惊咦之色。 Roar......” “嗷吼……” All around is void, many Demonic Beast lineups and formidable Demonic Beast, distant is plundering rapidly to the front, the speed is quite fast, for fear that is slowly comes half step. 四周虚空,不少的妖兽阵容和一些强大的妖兽,远远的对着前方急速掠去,速度极为快速,生怕是慢开来半步。 Palace Lord, front should be the direction of core region Heavenly Beast palace.” “殿主,前面应该才是核心区域天兽殿的方向。” Linghuan Tiger King said to Du Shaofu that this moment surrounding Demonic Beast looks front to plunder. 灵幻虎王杜少甫说道,此刻周围的妖兽都是望着前面掠去。 „Left first goes.” “先去左边。” A Du Shaofu brow wrinkle, the left under the feeling of Pulse Soul, experienced a different fluctuation of energy slightly. 杜少甫眉头微微一皱,左侧在脉魂的感觉下,出现了一种不一样的能量波动。 If toward the left, when the time comes we must go to the core region, feared that must annoy a great-circle.” Kuang Bear King said. “要是往左侧,到时候我们要去核心区域,怕是要惹上一个大圈了。”狂熊王说道。 Might as well, left we go first!” “无妨,我们先去左侧!” After Du Shaofu hesitant one next, affirmative said to the people that had decided. 杜少甫犹豫了一下后,肯定的对众人说道,已经有所决定。 Du Shaofu opened the mouth, the numerous beasts were not naturally good to say anything again, the purple flame monster phoenix did not have the meaning of multi- speech. 杜少甫开了口,众兽自然是不好再多说什么,紫炎妖凰也没有多说话的意思。 Therefore the group and all around audiences beast directions separate, goes toward the left. 于是一行人和四周众兽方向分离,朝着左侧而去。 Whiz......” “嗖……” But shortly after Du Shaofu , etc. departed this, the space flood the fluctuation, a personal appearance was quite joyful the long youth quietly to appear in the midair, under a tight-fitting scarlet scarlet long dress, the perfect stature exposed slightly vastly with nothing left. 而就在杜少甫等离去后不久这,空间泛起波动,一个身形极为欣长的青年悄然出现在了半空,略微紧身的一袭赤血色长衣下,完美的身材辽阔展露无遗。 This youth two eighteen or nineteen years old appearances, send such as the blood scarlet like the fire, the makings are outstanding, pass inborn one to rule the world King imposing manner. 这青年二十八九岁的模样,赤发如血如火,气质卓尔不群,透着天生一副君临天下王者气势。 Shouted......” “呼……” Youth float in midair, deep breath, as if in searching for anything, on the handsome face, the scarlet scarlet double pupil is sharp, is unconscious gives people an inexhaustible constriction! 青年悬浮在了半空,深呼吸了一下,似乎是在搜寻着什么,俊朗的脸庞上,赤血色的双眸锐利深邃,不自觉得给人一种无穷无尽的压迫感! As if felt that anything, the youth scarlet scarlet double pupil looked to the left, afterward its form then directly across the sky disappears does not see, has not stayed behind including the trace. 似乎是感觉到了什么,青年赤血色双眸望向了左侧,随后其身影便是直接横空消失不见,连痕迹都未曾留下。 .............................. ………………………… Whiz whiz......” “嗖嗖……” Shortly after that scarlet scarlet long dress youth departs, has the broken rumor to resound through, a troop form appears in the midair. 就在那赤血色长衣青年离去后不久,有着破风声响彻,一大群身影出现在半空中。 Bang......” “轰隆隆……” That aura invisible fills the air, coagulates the expansive sky. 那一股股气息无形弥漫开去,凝固长空。 When wears blue long gown first, the youth who the blue long hair complete shoulder hangs loose, stretches across the expansive sky with a war clothes youth. 当先一个身着蓝色长袍,蓝色长发齐肩披散的青年,和一个战衣青年横跨长空。 This troop form, actually directly stretched across the expansive sky, has not made any stay. 只是这一大群身影,却是直接横跨了长空,没有做任何停留。 The continuous mountain range is profound, Du Shaofu to the small bird of prey instruction direction, Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King, Xiao Yingying , etc. followed hurriedly. 连绵山脉深邃幽静,杜少甫给小隼指示方向,身后灵幻虎王狂熊王,小应应等急忙跟上。 All around is peaceful, but absolutely does not have the Demonic Beast trace actually. 四周安静,不过倒是也不是完全就没有妖兽痕迹。 Some Demonic Beast as if are knew one are unable with welling up these formidable Demonic Beast in core region competes for anything, therefore simply comes to search for the chance to the places of some unexpected winners. 一些妖兽似乎是自知自己无法和涌去核心区域内的那些强大妖兽争夺什么,所以干脆是到一些冷门的地方前来搜寻机缘。 As the opportunity of this search chance are quite few, but was really some fellows of good luck has also hit some good advantage. 随着这种搜寻机缘的机会比较少,但还真是有些好运的家伙撞到了一些不俗的好处。 Du Shaofu felt that following Pulse Soul fluctuation, has not stopped. 杜少甫循着脉魂感觉到了波动,一路未做停留。 This region is also large, about enough half double-hour, finally saw the end at the speeds of numerous beast. 这一片区域也颇大,足足半个时辰左右,以众兽的速度终于是见到了尽头。 That is a piece of vast cliff precipice, likely is this space end generally horizontally in the front, winds to go far away, such as the ancient times big dragon occupied, is passing an ancient trace. 那是一片辽阔的山崖绝壁,像是这空间尽头一般横在前方,蜿蜒远去,如远古巨龙盘踞,透着一种古老的痕迹。 „Doesn't here what have?” “这里什么都没有啊?” Linghuan Tiger King curious is looking at all around, under is the vast virgin forest, it has not felt any fluctuation. 灵幻虎王好奇的望着四周,下方是一望无际的原始森林,它未曾感觉到任何波动。 The Linghuan Tiger King voice has not fallen thoroughly, in the vision of its surprise, then saw Du Shaofu plunders to empty, the body wrapped one to pass luxuriant air/Qi golden talisman-pattern afterward the form is being directly strange plundering in that cliff precipice. 只是灵幻虎王话音还未曾彻底落下,在其诧异的目光中,便是见到了杜少甫掠空而出,身上包裹着一股透着莽莽之气的金色符箓秘纹随后身影便是直接诡异的掠进了那山崖绝壁之内。 Bang......” “轰隆……” As the Du Shaofu form plunders, that precipice cliff as if received a some stimulation, immediately has the dazzling ray to gush out, plundering space fluctuations to ripple. 随着杜少甫身影掠进,那绝壁山崖似乎是受到了某一种刺激,顿时有着刺眼的光芒涌出,掠出一圈圈的空间波动荡漾开去。 The small bird of prey carries on the back, the purple flame monster phoenix purple pupil fluctuation is gorgeous, tags along after to enter along with the swept back body. 小隼背上,紫炎妖凰紫眸波动绚丽,随后掠身尾随而进。 Different, we go in quickly.” “别有洞天,我们快进去。” Linghuan Tiger King, Xiao Yingying, the small bird of prey, Kuang Bear King and other surprised tags along after to enter immediately, forms plundered in the space of fluctuation directly. 灵幻虎王,小应应,小隼,狂熊王等惊讶中顿时尾随而进,一道道身影直接掠进了波动的空间内。 As the people enter, that receives the stimulation fluctuation the space also to start to return to normal slowly, the ray is getting more and more dim. 随着众人进入,那受到刺激波动的空间也开始徐徐平复下来,光芒越来越黯淡。 Whiz......” “嗖……” Together scarlet scarlet form, in that ray is dim, plunders directly does not see 一道赤血色身影,就在那光芒黯淡之际,直接掠进其中不见 Whiz whiz......” “嗖嗖……” Du Shaofu appears in the vast space, the rich fluctuation of energy, that is a stretch of giant square, vast incomparable. 杜少甫出现在辽阔的空间中,浓郁的能量波动,那是一片巨大的广场,辽阔无比。 Square all around nihility, likely is in this space only then that stretch of giant square exists, other no other its thing. 只是广场四周一片虚无,像是这空间内就只有那一片巨大的广场存在,其它别无它物。 Linghuan Tiger King and small bird of prey, Kuang Bear King , etc. entered, is looking at all in this vast square , is the color of eye of dew surprise. 灵幻虎王和小隼,狂熊王等进入,望着这辽阔广场内的一切,也皆是目露诧异之色。 How what rice does have?” “怎么什么都米有?” This vast space ancient aura fills the air, but is actually bareness one piece. 这辽阔空间古老气息弥漫,但却是空无一片。 Be careful, has a gang of good fellow to come, should be so-called Gui Che!” “小心,有着一股不俗的家伙来了,应该是所谓的鬼車!” In this time, Du Shaofu's ear bank, has the voice of purple flame monster phoenix to reach. 就在此时,杜少甫的耳畔,有着紫炎妖凰的声音传进。 The Du Shaofu's vision, turned around to look in same time to behind, has the space fluctuation to reappear in the place of just entrance, afterward a scarlet scarlet youth appeared in the midair. 杜少甫的目光,也在同时间转身望向了身后,就在刚刚的入口之处有着空间波动浮现,随后一个赤血色青年出现在了半空。 The youth send such as the fire scarlet like snow, the makings are outstanding, on the handsome face, the scarlet scarlet double pupil is sharp, is unconscious gives people an inexhaustible constriction! 青年赤发如火如雪,气质卓尔不群,俊朗的脸庞上,赤血色的双眸锐利深邃,不自觉得给人一种无穷无尽的压迫感! „Not good...... Was that frightening monstrous talent comes!” “不好……是那恐怖的妖孽来了!” But has worked as Linghuan Tiger King, Xiao Yingying, the Kuang Bear King three vision dew , on that youth, the double pupil all maliciously trembles, the look is startled changes, the body trembles for no reason. 而当了灵幻虎王,小应应,狂熊王三个的目光露在那青年身上的时候,双眸皆是狠狠一颤,神色惊变,无端身子发颤。 Gui Che......” 鬼車么……” The Du Shaofu's vision is looking at that youth, youth aura restraining, but the oppression of that imperceptibly whole body, making the Du Shaofu facial color also concentrate, is not difficult to feel that and other invisible aura vigorous formidable, is bringing cruel. 杜少甫的目光望着那青年,青年气息收敛,但那无形中周身的压迫,让得杜少甫面色也是微凝,不难感觉到那等无形气息的雄浑强大,更是带着一种暴戾。 The youth scarlet scarlet double pupil has swept the people, as if to Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King, Xiao Yingying three is not strange, but has not actually cared it. 青年赤血色双眸扫过众人,似乎对灵幻虎王狂熊王,小应应三个都不陌生,但却是并不曾将其放在心上。 Stayed a meeting on the body of purple flame monster phoenix, the youth shows some confused surprise looks to fluctuate, the final sharp vision stared on Du Shaofu's. 只是在紫炎妖凰的身上多停留了一会,那青年露出些许的迷茫诧异神色波动,最后的锐利目光盯在了杜少甫的身上。 „Were you cut to kill dragon nine Du Shaofu?” “你就是斩杀了龙九的杜少甫?” The youth look straight ahead to look at the Du Shaofu start to talk, in the sound are also passing bloody swift and fierce. 青年直视望着杜少甫开口,声音中也透着一种血腥般的凌厉。 Gui Che of nine phoenix clans?” “九头凤一族的鬼車?” Du Shaofu asked back, in stern and vertical, clear and bright double pupil, light golden light twinkle. 杜少甫反问,正色而立,清朗双瞳内,淡淡金光闪烁。 Gui Che looked to Du Shaofu, besides the sharpness, the surface did not have too many expressions, the start to talk sound like the knife point, as if all were natural, said: Knows that who I was also good, that did not use my argument, I lacked a war servant, can cut to kill the dragon nine, you should be most appropriate, must otherwise, your flesh and blood also this good, should be able to let my obtain many advantage.” 鬼車望向了杜少甫,除了锐利之外,面无太多表情,开口声音如刀锋,似乎一切乃是理所当然,道:“知道我是谁了也好,那就不用我多费口舌了,我缺一个战仆,能够斩杀了龙九,你应该最合适,要不然的话,你的血肉也该不错,应该能够让我的得到不少好处。” Do not provoke me, otherwise, cutting to cook the soup to drink your nine!” “别招惹我,否则,把你九个头给斩下来炖汤喝!” The Du Shaofu vision stares Gui Che tightly, trouble for no reason visits, this lets the Du Shaofu's mood is not good. 杜少甫目光紧瞪鬼車,平白无故的麻烦上门,这让杜少甫的心情不是太好。 Gui Che has not spoken again, the look does not have many changes, the instance that but a scarlet scarlet runes ray in the double pupil surges, the form changes to the lightning, a fist has been rumbling directly to Du Shaofu, simple direct, is swift and fierce and cruel. 鬼車没有再说话,神色也没有多少变化,只是就在双眸内一股赤血色符文光芒涌动的瞬间,身影化作闪电,一拳已经直接对着杜少甫轰出,简单直接,凌厉而暴戾。 Direct take a shot / make a move, the powerful is fearful! 直接出手,强势慑人! Bang!” “轰!” As the fist of Gui Che rumbles, the tranquil space raises the dreadful wild waves directly, is having a greatest power and influence, erupts scarlet blood runes to submerge the big piece space, such as all around had blood rain to blot out the sky. 随着鬼車的这一拳轰出,平静的空间直接掀起滔天骇浪,带着一股莫大威势,爆发赤血符文淹没大片空间,如四周下起了一片血雨铺天盖地。 That fearful power and influence ripples suddenly this ancient square, lets Kuang Bear King, Linghuan Tiger King, Xiao Yingying, the small bird of prey all are immediately the trembling millet. 那可怕的威势骤然荡漾这古老广场,让得狂熊王,灵幻虎王,小应应,小隼等皆是立刻颤粟。 Three visceral cavities and gall bladder seal!” “少阳印!” Du Shaofu counterattacks, the whole body covers the golden light, is in charge wraps radiant [gold/metal], overbearing powerful, direct palm showdown. 杜少甫还击,浑身笼罩金光,掌印包裹璀璨金芒,霸道强势,直接一掌对决。 Scoffs!” “嗤啦啦!” The flash they clashed in one, the space have blasted out, runes submerged the space, dazzling radiant, but this ancient square was actually intact. 一瞬间两人就对撞在了一起,空间炸开,符文淹没空间,耀眼璀璨,但这古老的广场却是丝毫无损。 This and other under fearful showdowns, the Gui Che whole body the scarlet scarlet runes twinkle, they are motionless do not swing in an instant unexpectedly, same, is the color of eye of dew surprise. 这等可怕的对决下,鬼車浑身刹那间赤血色符文闪烁,两人竟是不动不摇,半斤八两,皆是目露诧异之色。 Rising typhoon shocking wing!” “扶摇震天翅!” Surprise at the same time, Du Shaofu moved once again, a foot stamped spatially has fired into Gui Che directly, opened greatly gathers greatly, the unusual animals fan left, the golden light erupted, swept across the four directions overlapping, overbearing momentum scary. 诧异的同时,杜少甫再度动了,一脚跺空直接冲向了鬼車,大开大合,异兽扇出,金光爆发,层层叠叠席卷四方,霸道声势骇人至极。 Gui Che also moved, does not evade does not hide, strikes to welcome single-handed, scarlet scarlet runes sweeps across, they shock clash, the space of vibration changes colors. 鬼車也动了,不避不躲,单手拍击相迎,赤血色符文席卷,两人震撼对撞,震动的空间失色。 Bang bang bang......” “砰砰砰……” Two forms clash in the midair like lightning, in an instant respectively has fought ten several moves, clashes intrepidly, is crazy fierce incomparable, does not make concessions. 两道身影在半空闪电般对撞,转眼间就已经是各自交手十数招,强悍对撞,皆是狂猛无比,毫不退让。
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