MGC :: Volume #13

#1259: Heavenly Beast palace

Chapter 1257: Heavenly Beast palace 第1257章:得天兽殿 Chapter 1257: Heavenly Beast palace. 第1257章:得天兽殿。 Is Gui Che, you do not know that who that fellow is?” “是鬼車,你不会不知道那家伙是谁吧?” Linghuan Tiger King surprised asked to Du Shaofu, was very difficult to believe that some people in the beast territory has not known Gui Che that frightening fellow. 灵幻虎王一脸惊讶的对杜少甫问道,很难相信在兽域内还有人不知道鬼車恐怖家伙的。 Du Shaofu shook the head, but is listening to that Gui Che name, actually also is really some to terrify people. 杜少甫摇了摇头,不过听着那鬼車的名字,倒是还真是有些瘆人。 Palace Lord, in the beast territory, has a serious famine, in the serious famine has mountain Ming to say the North Pole cabinet, sea water north pours, bright nine, the sentence said nine phoenixes, that Gui Che was nine phoenix clans.” “殿主,兽域之内,有着一处大荒,大荒之中有山名曰北极柜,海水北注焉,有神九首,句曰九凤,那鬼車就是九头凤一族的。” The small bird of prey said to Du Shaofu that hears the Gui Che given name, its dreaded that the color just will not be facing under Huang Ling. 小隼对杜少甫说道,听到鬼車的名号,其忌惮之色丝毫不会在刚刚面对凰灵儿之下。 Originally is nine phoenix clans, when I offended nine phoenix clans......” “原来是九头凤一族的,我什么时候得罪九头凤一族了……” Du Shaofu knows finally Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King, on the dragon, why the small bird of prey wanted the discoloration. 杜少甫终于知道灵幻虎王狂熊王,应龙,小隼等为何要色变了。 Nine phoenix clans, that is not in Dragon race, a bloodline race under phoenix clan, was only in its clan bloodline were too few, scarcely to rare situation, therefore made the outside be hard to hear. 九头凤一族,那可是不会在龙族,凤凰一族之下的血脉种族,只是其族中血脉太少了,稀少到了难得一见的地步,所以才让外界难以听说。 But this can also show that powerful of nine phoenix clans, the bloodline quantity is the scarce beast clan, mostly is frightening. 但这也能够证明九头凤一族的强悍,血脉数量越是稀少的兽族,多半来说都是恐怖至极。 Nine phoenix clans, Du Shaofu also knew. 九头凤一族,杜少甫也有所知晓。 Nine phoenixes, is nine phoenixes that common people worship, ancient times under bloodline on preserving, will not compare to the time that Dragon race and a phoenix clan comes to be short absolutely. 九头凤,也是世人所崇拜的九头神鸟,远古就存留下的血脉,绝对不会比起龙族和凤凰一族来的时间短。 Du Shaofu cannot record at this moment, oneself when nine phoenix clans had have occurred together. 只是杜少甫此刻也是记不起来,自己什么时候和九头凤一族有过交集了。 Nine phoenix clans are very strong, what true frightening is that Gui Che, passed on a message Gui Che to be flagitious, its savage reputation, feared that will not advocate under you in the palace, it is said initially the dragon nine once defeated in the hand of Gui Che, but the final dragon nine had not been killed by Gui Che.” “九头凤一族很强,但真正恐怖的是那鬼車,传言鬼車凶残可怕,其凶残的名声,怕是不会在殿主你之下,据说当初龙九就曾败在了鬼車的手中,但最后龙九并没有被鬼車所杀。” Linghuan Tiger King hesitant, in pair of ominous pupil flood some fluctuations, were saying: Perhaps now that Gui Che stares at the palace Lord, possibly cut to kill the dragon nine matters to be related with the palace Lord.” 灵幻虎王犹豫了一下,一双凶瞳内泛着些许波动,道:“或许现在那鬼車盯上了殿主,可能和殿主斩杀了龙九的事情有关。” I cut to kill the dragon nine, has the yarn relations with it, asks me to do?” “我斩杀龙九,和它有毛线关系,找我干嘛?” The Du Shaofu vision stared staring, initially can defeat the dragon nine fellows, naturally is strength absolutely frightening. 杜少甫目光瞪了瞪,一个当初能够击败龙九的家伙,自然是实力绝对恐怖的。 „The person who because Gui Che initially had not killed, afterward was advocated you to kill by the palace, I think that this regarding the Gui Che that frightening fellow, definitely is felt that the palace Lord affected its face countenance.” “因为鬼車当初没有杀的人,后来被殿主您杀了,我想这对于鬼車恐怖的家伙而言,肯定是感觉到殿主影响了它的颜面。” But Linghuan Tiger King but is looking at Du Shaofu, the strength of that savage fellow, he naturally knew fairly well, but faces Gui Che that frightening savage existence, but also is really some worries. 灵幻虎王无奈但的望着杜少甫,那凶残家伙的实力,他自然是心中有数了,但面对鬼車恐怖凶残的存在,还真是有些担心。 Because of Gui Che, that is one has never heard existence of defeat in peer, initially met the dragon nine, defeats directly! 因为鬼車,那是一个在同辈中从未听闻过败绩的存在,当初遇上龙九,也直接击败! Comes, do not provoke me to be good, dares to annoy me, I will be impolite, the flesh and blood of nine phoenixes, greatly make certainly up!” “来就来吧,别招惹我就好,敢惹我,我也不会客气,九头凤的血肉,一定更是大补!” Du Shaofu makes a fist slightly, the smiling face that the face look reveals some faint smile, is raising the chin, appears somewhat self-important, appears some confidence. 杜少甫微微握拳,脸庞神色露出些许似笑非笑的笑容,昂着下巴,显得有些老气横秋,也显得有些信心。 Regarding nine phoenix such beast clan bloodline flesh and blood, Du Shaofu also really somewhat mouth-watering. 对于九头凤那样的兽族血脉血肉,杜少甫也是真的有些流口水。 Also is really courageous, once the bitter experience, feared that does not know on some who will be the winner!” “还真是胆子大啊,一旦遭遇,怕是就有些鹿死谁手而不自知了!” Linghuan Tiger King and other people one dull, mused that savage fellow also really suffices to be fearless. 灵幻虎王等众人一呆,暗想那凶残家伙还真是够天不怕地不怕的。 However is also, the person who Dragon race does not fear, Gui Che of nine phoenixes, naturally cannot frighten him. 不过也是,龙族都不怕的人,九头凤的鬼車,自然吓不倒他。 Regarding Linghuan Tiger King and small bird of prey, Xiao Yingying, Kuang Bear King , etc., most knows savage of that Gui Che. 只是对于灵幻虎王和小隼,小应应,狂熊王等来说,最是知道那鬼車的凶残。 If in the entire beast territory, looks for a savage degree to be able with existence that Demon King compares at present, that Gui Che absolutely is first three within existence. 要是在整个兽域内,找一个凶残程度能够和眼前那魔王相比的存在,那鬼車绝对是前三之内的存在。 Was right, the Heavenly Beast grave opens, your many beast clans have welled up, Dragon race, a phoenix clan came, for what, has what Zhongzhong the treasure to exist?” “对了,天兽墓开启,你们不少兽族都涌了进来,龙族,凤凰一族都来了,到底是为了什么,有何种重宝存在?” Du Shaofu , etc. asked to Linghuan Tiger King, the Heavenly Beast grave opens, the chance is giant, Dragon race and beyond a phoenix clan, many other formidable races entered, besides present Linghuan Tiger King, Kuang Bear King, on dragon outside, tian gou, nine phoenix clans also. 杜少甫灵幻虎王等问道,天兽墓开启,机缘巨大,龙族和凤凰一族外,其它不少的强大种族都进入了其中,除了眼前的灵幻虎王,狂熊王,应龙外,还有天狗等,就连九头凤一族也在其中。 Du Shaofu believes that in this Heavenly Beast grave is certainly hiding the astonishing advantage, although oneself know some situations, but knows are not many. 杜少甫相信,这天兽墓内一定是隐藏着惊人的好处,自己虽然知道一些情况,但知道的还并不多。 Is the time is not short in this Heavenly Beast grave, Du Shaofu also felt that mystery in Heavenly Beast grave, is believes in the Heavenly Beast grave is not simple. 在这天兽墓内也已经是时间不短了,杜少甫也感觉到了天兽墓内的神奇,更是相信天兽墓内的不简单。 Only can attract Dragon race and a phoenix clan comes, the back of this Heavenly Beast grave, absolutely simple not. 光是能够吸引龙族和凤凰一族而来,这天兽墓的背后,就绝对简单不了。 „Don't you know?” “你不知道么?” Linghuan Tiger King is listening to the Du Shaofu's words, is the surprise, sentimental savage fellow enters in the Heavenly Beast grave, is anything does not know completely enters. 灵幻虎王听着杜少甫的话,又是诧异不已,感情这凶残的家伙进入天兽墓内,完全就是什么都不知道而进入的。 How I know that I am not the beast clan.” “我怎么知道,我又不是兽族。” Du Shaofu shot a look at curling the lip, initially knew some situations from that azure feather suddenly Xueyan mouth, but is not enough to understand the Heavenly Beast grave thoroughly. 杜少甫瞥了撇嘴,当初从那青羽暴血雁的口中知道了一些情况,但不足以彻底了解到天兽墓。 „The Heavenly Beast grave was a legend in beast territory, the rumor is the place of antiquity beast territory group clan war, has the innumerable powerful beast clan powerhouses to bleed to fall from the sky, why afterward did not know, this place by seal, only then specific time will open, the time that but the Heavenly Beast grave opened was uncertain, several thousand years, several hundred years of nobody can know, can only watch the chance, it is said inside has many astonishing inheritance, some top beast clans will send out in the clan the male offspring to come to compete, even if were Dragon race, a person of phoenix clan came not to be strange.” 天兽墓是兽域中的一个传说,传言是上古兽域群族大战的地方,有着无数强悍的兽族强者喋血陨落,后来不知道为何,此地被封印,只有特定的时候才会开启,但天兽墓开启的时间不定,数千年,数百年无人能够知晓,只能够看机缘,据说里面有着不少的惊人传承,一些顶尖的兽族都会派出族中子嗣前来争夺,就算是龙族,凤凰一族的人来了也不奇怪。” Kuang Bear King said to Du Shaofu that it enters in the Heavenly Beast grave, is the hope can obtain some inheritance, can make itself go a step further. 狂熊王杜少甫说道,它进入天兽墓内,也是希望能够得到一些传承,能够让自己更进一步。 Du Shaofu nodded, these news and azure feather suddenly Xueyan said also similar. 杜少甫点了点头,这些消息和青羽暴血雁说的也差不多。 In this, Du Shaofu also once saw had Demonic Beast to obtain the inheritance, oneself also obtained tiger bone arcane bone. 在这里面,杜少甫也曾见到了有妖兽得到了传承,自己也得到过了一根虎骨秘骨 This regarding beast clan, was equal to obtaining an inheritance. 这对于兽族来说,也等于是得到了一种传承。 It is said in this Heavenly Beast grave, the place of most core has very fearful ban, but our beast clan is unable to go, only then humanity can enter, therefore we will search for the strength strong point war servant, otherwise is unable to compete for the chance with other beast clans.” Linghuan Tiger King said. “据说这天兽墓内,最为核心的地方有着很可怕的禁制,但我们兽族无法进去,只有人类才能够进,所以我们都会搜寻实力强一点的战仆,否则无法和其它的兽族争夺机缘。”灵幻虎王说道。 These I know that said I don't know?” “这些我都知道,说我不知道的?” Du Shaofu knits the brows, Linghuan Tiger King said that said with initially azure feather suddenly Xueyan also similar. 杜少甫皱眉,灵幻虎王所说的,和当初青羽暴血雁说的也差不多。 Passed on a message in the Heavenly Beast grave core region, has a Heavenly Beast palace, inside has the inheritance of innumerable ancient times beast clan, it is reported that included Dragon race, a phoenix clan the inheritance of innumerable ancient times formidable race, these inheritance even were currently beast the major clans not necessarily once had.” “传言天兽墓核心区域内,有着一座天兽殿,里面存在着无数远古兽族的传承,据传包括龙族,凤凰一族等无数远古强大种族的传承,那些传承甚至是现在各大兽族都不一定曾有的。” Nearby purple flame monster phoenix start to talk, the sound is chilly, but black eyebrow coloring eyebrow micro pressed, said: Each Heavenly Beast grave opens, will certainly be monster territory wind and cloud, will therefore attract the innumerable beast clans to participate, even once has the rumor, results in Heavenly Beast palace to result in the beast territory, is only a pity the time to be remote, is since so long, enters the person in Heavenly Beast palace, never walks, does not know that has the Heavenly Beast palace in that legend to exist, must otherwise, the Heavenly Beast grave open, the powerhouse who the attraction comes will be more!” 一旁的紫炎妖凰开口,声音清冽,但黛眉微蹙,道:“每一次天兽墓开启,必将是一场妖域风云,所以才会吸引无数的兽族参与,甚至曾经有着传言,得天兽殿者得兽域,只可惜时间久远,这么久以来,进入天兽殿的人,从未走出来过,也不知道有没有那传说中的天兽殿存在,要不然的话,天兽墓开启,吸引前来的强者会更多!” Heavenly Beast palace results in the beast territory!” “得天兽殿者得兽域!” Du Shaofu hear speech/words, the vision cannot bear selects, this saying is very aggressive, afterward the facial color moves slightly, mutters the light [say / way]: „The Heavenly Beast palace, I am not the palace Lord......” 杜少甫闻言,目光忍不住一挑,这话好不霸气,随后面色微动,喃喃轻道:“天兽殿,我不是殿主么……” Is listening to purple flame monster phoenix start to talk, Xiao Yingying, the small bird of prey, Linghuan Tiger King, Kuang Bear King , etc. all cannot bear the vision look, just Huang Ling of phoenix clan also to its respectful was an elder sister, they know, moving female who how at present that had not opened the mouth, background big like that. 听着紫炎妖凰开口,小应应,小隼,灵幻虎王,狂熊王等皆是忍不住目光望去,刚刚就连凤凰一族的凰灵儿也对其恭敬为姐姐,他们才知道,眼前那一直不曾如何开口的动人女子,来头会那般之大。 That nine phoenix clans, indeed are very formidable, moreover poor strange of pure blood, the gluttony, is not affable, could not miss many compared with Dragon race and a phoenix clan, the beast territory, imagined compared with you wants vast vast many.” “还有那九头凤一族,的确很强大,另外纯血的穷奇,饕餮,都不是好惹的,比起龙族和凤凰一族也差不了多少,兽域,比起你想象中要辽阔浩瀚的多。” Purple flame monster phoenix shot a look at Du Shaofu one lightly , to continue saying: We should embark, Xiao Xingxing entered this Heavenly Beast grave, should also come for the Heavenly Beast palace, now could not find, perhaps that kid directly soars the core region.” 紫炎妖凰淡淡瞥了杜少甫一眼,继续说道:“我们该出发了,小星星进了这天兽墓,应该也是为了天兽殿而来,现在找不到,或许那小家伙是直奔核心区域了。” Good, us.” “好,我们出发。” Du Shaofu nods, soars to depart with the numerous beasts afterward. 杜少甫点头,和众兽随后腾空离去。 Crash-bang......” “哗啦啦……” All the way the speed of small bird of prey if quickly the lightning, on the dragon, Linghuan Tiger King rides the ominous birds and beasts King who other are following, speed not under small bird of prey. 一路上小隼的速度快若闪电,应龙,灵幻虎王乘坐着其它跟随的凶禽王者,速度也不会在小隼之下。 Roar......” “嗷吼……” Meets many ominous birds and beasts beast of prey in pairs along the way, roared to neigh, vibrates the mountains and rivers, ominous light double pupil just like the stars, but felt Xiao Yingying for no reason, Linghuan Tiger King and other aura, sufficiently do not dare to prevent, dreaded by far gives way to traffic. 沿途遇上不少成群结对的凶禽猛兽,咆哮嘶鸣,震动山河,凶光双瞳宛如星辰,但无端感觉到小应应,灵幻虎王等身上的气息,就足以是不敢阻挡,远远畏惧避让了。 The mountain range fluctuates, in this Heavenly Beast grave, vast vast, the level mountain range folds the silk scroll to extend to the distant place limitlessly. 一路山脉起伏,这天兽墓内,辽阔浩瀚,层峦叠幛漫无边际地向远处伸展。 All around Demonic Beast quantity are also getting more and more, some for heavenly materials or earthly treasures, Demonic Beast arcane bone that to search for hits take a shot / make a move greatly, slaughters crazily. 四周妖兽数量也越来越多,有的为了天材地宝,为了搜寻到的妖兽秘骨大打出手,疯狂厮杀。 General heavenly materials or earthly treasures and arcane bone, Du Shaofu has not participated actually again. 一般的天材地宝秘骨,杜少甫倒是没有再参与了。 This Du Shaofu cannot have a liking for actually, regarding Du Shaofu, the mosquito again slightly is also the meat. 这倒不是杜少甫看不上,对于杜少甫来说,蚊子再小也是肉。
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