MGC :: Volume #13

#1258: A news

Chapter 1256: A news 第1256章:一个消息 Chapter 1256: A news. 第1256章:一个消息。 Is Huang Ling?” “难道是凰灵儿?” Selected the eyebrow slightly, Du Shaofu has remembered Huang Ling, initially in the day wild mainland, Huang Ling presented the place, has four fierce fireworks luans to draw the carriage car(riage). 微微挑眉,杜少甫想起了凰灵儿,当初在天荒大陆上的时候,凰灵儿出现之处,也会有着四只烈焰火鸾拉着辇车。 „......” “呼啦啦……” Merely several move sideways, four fierce fireworks luans fluttered appear sky over the people, drew one to inscribe all over the body talisman-pattern, the aura was ancient, glitters seven color rays carriage car(riage)s. 仅仅几个闪身,四只烈焰火鸾振翅就出现在了众人上空,拉着一辆通体铭刻符箓秘纹,气息古老,闪烁七彩光芒的辇车而来。 Faint within obviously, what carriage car(riage) inner end sits is a moving female. 隐隐间可见,辇车内端坐着的是一个动人的女子。 After carriage car(riage) the midair, is following many aura powerful vigor, has much is the human aura, has many Demonic Beast aura, for no reason is all passing the fearful pressure, is lending the frightening aura, lets Kuang Bear King, Xiao Yingying, the small bird of prey, Linghuan Tiger King , etc. almost must unable to bear be dormant, the body shivers erratically. 辇车后半空,跟随着不少气息强悍雄浑者,有着不少都是人类气息,也有着不少妖兽气息,皆是无端透着可怕的威压,散发着恐怖的气息,让得狂熊王,小应应,小隼,灵幻虎王等几乎要忍不住蛰伏,身躯颤抖不定。 That aura was too strong, the fierce fireworks luan is Mount / Zuoji, what comes is a phoenix clan!” “那气息太强了,烈焰火鸾为坐骑,来的是凤凰一族啊!” Linghuan Tiger King shakes surprised, the double pupil is looking at the midair, has several forms to stand, is sending out the faint flame halo, arrives just like flame stars, the aura is very fearful. 灵幻虎王震愕,双瞳望着半空,有着数道身影而立,散发着隐隐的火焰光晕,宛如一颗颗火焰星辰降临,气息很是可怕。 Probably also is really Huang Ling!” “好像还真是凰灵儿!” Du Shaofu looked to the carriage car(riage), is faint female who sat well, as if initially in the day wild mainland had seen Huang Ling. 杜少甫望向了辇车,隐隐间端坐的女子,似乎正是当初天荒大陆上所见过的凰灵儿。 Boy, samsara monster spirit mushroom, before 2000, was my phoenix clan, hands over the samsara monster spirit mushroom, otherwise dies!” “小子,轮回妖灵芝,2000年前就已经属于我凤凰一族了,交出轮回妖灵芝,否则死!” Just was drunk the middle age that the acoustic shock drew back by Du Shaofu one greatly, after was slightly tranquil, in the mouth drank the sound such as to resound through the expansive sky greatly thunderously, for a very long time reverberated continuous. 刚刚被杜少甫一道大喝声震退的中年,在稍微平静后,嘴中一道大喝声如雷鸣响彻长空,久久回荡不休。 Is listening to that middle age drinks the sound greatly, Linghuan Tiger King and other whole bodies are one for no reason, because that drinks the sound greatly, is containing in phoenix clan bloodline inexhaustible ancient supreme dignified. 听着那中年的大喝声,灵幻虎王等浑身都是有些无端的一声,因为那大喝声,蕴含着凤凰一族血脉中一股无穷无尽的古老至尊威严。 Hands over your paternal grandmother bear, the samsara monster spirit mushroom that father obtains, you said that is you are your!” “交你奶奶个熊,老子得到的轮回妖灵芝,你说是你的就是你的啊!” Du Shaofu is looking straight ahead that middle age, shouted abuse directly. 杜少甫直视着那中年,直接就破口大骂。 What knows is a phoenix clan is also what kind, Dragon race has annoyed, Du Shaofu did not care at this moment annoys a phoenix clan. 知道来的是凤凰一族又怎么样,龙族都惹了,杜少甫此刻也不在乎多惹一个凤凰一族了。 Must be handed over samsara monster spirit mushroom by oneself, then to Du Shaofu, absolutely is the impossible matter. 要让自己交出轮回妖灵芝,那对杜少甫来说,绝对是不可能的事情。 You......” “你……” Listens to Du Shaofu's to shout abuse, that middle-aged facial color stares, seems some have not thought that facing a phoenix clan, that purple robe youth is not serious, afterward also spunk gushes out. 听着杜少甫的破口大骂,那中年面色一愣,似乎是有些根本没想到面对凤凰一族,那紫袍青年也不当回事,随后也一股怒意涌出。 This samsara monster spirit mushroom, before is the previous time 2000, an elder of my phoenix clan when the Heavenly Beast grave opens comes to discover, because this samsara monster spirit mushroom year was insufficient at that time, the samsara monster spirit mushroom habitat is also quite special, is hard to transplant, sees its hiding, therefore was the arrangement the mark, wanting a clansman of next phoenix clan to come to pick, has not thought that will be discovered by you.” “这轮回妖灵芝,乃是上一次2000年前,我凤凰一族的一位长辈在天兽墓开启的时候进来所发现,因为当时这轮回妖灵芝年份还不够,轮回妖灵芝生长环境也比较特殊,难以移植,见其隐蔽,因此便是布置下了印记,想要等下一次凤凰一族的族人前来采摘,没想到会被你发现了。” At this moment, in the carriage car(riage) spread a clear form, dingdong the gate plays the part of the resounding to spread, the graceful unparalleled beautiful figure female goes out together slowly. 此刻,辇车内传出了一道清脆的身影,‘叮铛’的门饰脆响传出,一道曼妙无双的倩影女子徐徐走出。 Beautiful figure female looks according to person, personal appearance beautiful fascinating'winsome, muscle like snow and ice, lip, if cherry, god, if autumn waters, makings refined does not have the tiny bit world smoke and fire taste simply. 倩影女子容色照人,身形婀娜,肌如冰雪,唇若点樱,神若秋水,气质脱俗的简直不带一丝一毫人间烟火味。 This beautiful figure female appears, double pupil then had the smile to look to Du Shaofu, the red pattern pleated skirt front, was revealing such as snow crisply will wipe the chest, both legs slender tall Tiao, waist seven color waistbands will be inferior to the slender waist that grasped to tie gracefully slenderly grasps, before lining body , the chest was abundant. 这倩影女子出现,双眸便是带着微笑望向了杜少甫,红色花纹百褶裙胸前,浅浅的露着如雪似酥的一抹胸脯,双腿修长高挑,腰间一条七彩腰带将盈盈不及一握的细腰束得纤纤一握,更衬得身前胸脯丰挺。 Females like that static looks at Du Shaofu to smile, appears is like that solemn noble, the fine dust does not dye, cannot say elusive light leisurely, noble unparalleled. 女子就那般静静的望着杜少甫微笑着,显得是那般的端庄高贵,纤尘不染,说不出的空灵轻逸,高贵无双。 Afterward this female, the vision revealed the color of doubts to fall on not far away purple flame monster phoenix, when was looking at the purple flame monster phoenix, in the double pupil secretly has also wiped the ripples. 只是随后这女子,目光露出疑惑之色落在了不远处的紫炎妖凰身上,当望着紫炎妖凰,双眸中也暗自抹过涟漪。 Has not thought that can also see Sister Zi Xuan in this place, the younger sister was courteous.” “没想到在此地还能够见到紫萱姐姐,妹妹有礼了。” The flash returns to normal, the female is looking at the purple flame monster phoenix, under the vision of many surprise, is quite respects to the purple flame monster phoenix unexpectedly. 一瞬间恢复平静,那女子望着紫炎妖凰,在不少诧异的目光下,居然是对紫炎妖凰颇为尊重。 Also is really Huang Ling, as if somewhat relates with her.” “还真是凰灵儿啊,似乎和她有些关系么。” The Du Shaofu eye moves slightly, that comes also is really Huang Ling of phoenix clan, is looking at the manner of this moment Huang Ling to purple flame monster phoenix, they were to have the relations before absolutely. 杜少甫微微目动,那来的还真是凤凰一族的凰灵儿,瞧着此刻凰灵儿对紫炎妖凰的态度,两人以前绝对是有着关系。 The mind spies on to go, Du Shaofu discovered that initial Huang Ling aura was immeasurably deep, at this moment was still so, more is spies on then even more to feel that its aura just like a blazing Shendong, deeply did not see the bottom, was hard to spy on radically. 心神窥探而去,杜少甫发现当初的这凰灵儿身上的气息深不可测,此刻依然是如此,越是窥探便是越发感觉到其身上的气息宛如一个炽热的深洞,深不见底,根本难以窥探而出。 But regarding Huang Ling, Du Shaofu is actually not familiar, but is not strange. 而对于凰灵儿,杜少甫其实不熟悉,但也不陌生了。 Huang Ling of phoenix clan, this day on early fights the illustrious prestige in wild mainland, with the initial Dragon race dragon nine, oneself together was 12 god heads. 凤凰一族的凰灵儿,在这天荒大陆上就早已经是战出了赫赫威名,和当初的龙族龙九,自己等一起为12神杰之首。 Dragon race and a phoenix clan is always equally matched, Dragon race and a phoenix clan is supreme bloodline has also existed. 龙族和凤凰一族一向是不相上下,龙族和凤凰一族也一直是至尊般的血脉存在。 Du Shaofu is estimating, thought this Huang Ling initial cultivation base, not in that Dragon race dragon nine under. 杜少甫估计着,想必这凰灵儿当初的修为,就不会在那龙族的龙九之下。 These years with an inside story support of phoenix clan, has bloodline of supreme beast clan, Huang Ling feared that was the strength also decides however to extremely powerful existence at this moment. 这些年在凤凰一族的底蕴支持下,又有着至尊兽族的血脉,凰灵儿怕是实力此刻也定然是到了极为强悍的存在。 Does not use politely, has not thought that you also came to the Heavenly Beast grave.” “不用客气,没想到你也来了天兽墓。” The purple flame monster phoenix slight bow, is looking at Huang Ling tranquilly, the purple pupil also like the water, makings come compared with Huang Ling, has been short of several points on elusive light Yi. 紫炎妖凰微微点头,望着凰灵儿,紫色眸子也平静如水,身上的气质比起凰灵儿来,在空灵轻逸上少了几分。 But in the monster different flatters in intent, the makings of purple flame monster phoenix are actually not Huang Ling can compare. 但在妖异媚意上,紫炎妖凰的气质却不是凰灵儿所能够相比的。 Solely from the perspective of man, the purple flame monster phoenix are more compared with Huang Ling one type flavor that attracts the man. 单单是从男人的角度上来看,紫炎妖凰更是比起凰灵儿多出一种吸引男子的韵味。 This samsara monster spirit mushroom has Sister Zi Xuan, naturally is also Sister Zi Xuan, early knows that elder sister here, I did not use one.” “这轮回妖灵芝有着紫萱姐姐在,自然也是紫萱姐姐的,早知道姐姐在这儿,我就不用来一趟了。” Huang Ling smiles saying that sound is moving, this moment that smiling expression moving soul. 凰灵儿一笑说道,声音动人,此刻那笑意让人动人心魂。 Does not use politely, the samsara monster spirit mushroom that he takes and I have not related, you want to bring back, has nothing to do with me.” “不用客气,他拿的轮回妖灵芝和我没有关系,你们想要拿回,也和我无关。” The purple flame monster phoenix light [say / way], as if this matter and she does not relate. 紫炎妖凰轻道,似乎此事和她毫无关系。 Huang Ling also slightly smiled, not cares a whoop, but static looks at purple flame monster phoenix one, afterward was red the red seven color pupils to sweep Du Shaofu, said with a smile to Du Shaofu: Has not thought that Demon King Du Shaofu also in the Heavenly Beast grave, this Heavenly Beast grave definitely will be very evidently lively.” 凰灵儿也微微笑了笑,也毫不在意,只是静静的看着紫炎妖凰一眼,随后赤红色的七彩眸子扫了扫杜少甫,对杜少甫笑道:“没想到魔王杜少甫也在天兽墓,看样子这一次天兽墓肯定会很热闹。” Tries to get close to somebody with me is also useless, the samsara monster spirit mushroom is my, you want, I will not agree that makes a symbol is your phoenix clan, this did not keep a promise, I did not recognize in any case.” “和我套交情也没有用,轮回妖灵芝已经是我的,你想要,我也是不会同意的,做个记号就是你们凤凰一族的了,这可不算数,反正我是不认。” Du Shaofu looks at Huang Ling saying that the vision also already had swept secretly Huang Ling behind many followers, has at least half is humanity, obviously is the good war servants. 杜少甫望着凰灵儿说道,暗自目光也早就扫过了凰灵儿身后的不少跟随者,有着至少一半都是人类,明显都是不俗的战仆。 Huang Ling behind moreover many forms, as if are also a phoenix clan, the aura cannot in Xiao Yingying, Kuang Bear King, etc. 凰灵儿身后另外不少身影,似乎也是凤凰一族的,气息不会在小应应,狂熊王等之下。 Even Du Shaofu saw Huang Ling behind recently, woman who its appearance is quite old yet still graceful, that and other aura, even compares to purple flame monster phoenix aura, will not miss were too many. 甚至杜少甫见到了凰灵儿身后跟着最近,其一个模样颇为风韵犹存的妇人,身上的那等气息,甚至比起紫炎妖凰身上的气息,也是不会差的太多了。 However this also being insufficient makes Du Shaofu fear actually, in this Heavenly Beast grave has the suppression in any case, which the strength to does not depart again. 不过这倒是也不足以让杜少甫惧怕,反正这天兽墓内有着压制,实力再强也强不到哪离去。 Samsara monster spirit mushroom grade of treasure, naturally cannot hand over, no way. 轮回妖灵芝这等宝物,自然是不能够交出去的,门都没有。 Is listening to the Du Shaofu's words, lets Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King, Xiao Yingying, the small bird of prey all are stunned. 只是听着杜少甫的话,让灵幻虎王狂熊王,小应应,小隼等皆是愕然。 Huang Ling of that savage Demon King to solemn phoenix clan was also more casual, in entire beast territory, who dares to be so casual to Huang Ling of solemn phoenix clan, is awes all, least is well-mannered is also good, likely is not Du Shaofu now so impolite. 那凶残的魔王对堂堂凤凰一族的凰灵儿也随便了一些吧,整个兽域内,又有谁敢对堂堂凤凰一族的凰灵儿如此随便的,无不是敬畏有加,最少也是彬彬有礼才行,可不会像是杜少甫现在这般的无礼。 Huang Ling is looking at Du Shaofu, that and other words said from the Du Shaofu mouth , seemed in not the accidental, scarlet red double pupil is glittering a nimble and resourceful brilliance, said with a smile slightly: You want the samsara monster spirit mushroom, that takes away is, delivered you.” 凰灵儿望着杜少甫,那等话语自杜少甫口中所说出,似乎是丝毫不意外,赤红色双眸内闪烁着一种灵动光辉,微微笑道:“你想要轮回妖灵芝,那拿走就是,送你了。” Samsara monster spirit mushroom is my, does not deliver me, if delivers me, can deliver anything again, I will definitely not reject.” “轮回妖灵芝本来就是我的,可不是送我,要是真送我,可以再送点什么,我肯定不会拒绝的。” Du Shaofu earnest saying, some people give the thing, do not want white, let alone a phoenix clan that colossus filthy rich race delivers. 杜少甫认真的说道,有人送东西,不要白不要,何况还是凤凰一族那种庞然大物财大气粗的种族所送的。 However but this samsara monster spirit mushroom own, Du Shaofu cannot in vain be owed others by oneself this favour. 不过这轮回妖灵芝可是自己的,杜少甫可不能够让自己就这样白白欠下别人一个人情。 Is listening to the Du Shaofu's last few words, in the Huang Ling double pupil this is also secret flood some fluctuations, but is still eye of belt smiling expression, said: That delivers you a news, I knew accidentally that Gui Che is looking for you, that is an extremely hard to deal with fellow, you were careful that we should have the opportunity to see again, hopes the belt time you remember you owe me a favour.” 听着杜少甫的最后一句话,凰灵儿双眸中这也暗暗泛着些波动,但依然是目带笑意,道:“那就送你一个消息,我无意中得知,鬼車正在找你,那是一个极为难缠的家伙,你自己小心吧,我们应该会有机会再见到的,希望带时候你会记得你欠我一个人情。” The voice falls, the red ray dodges, the Huang Ling that tall Tiao stature turns around, the beautiful figure leisurely, Yingying sways from side to side less than the small waist that grasps, just like the snake characterless, having the moving curve to plunder to return to the carriage car(riage). 话音落下,赤色光芒一闪,凰灵儿那高挑的身材转身,倩影款款,盈盈不足一握的小蛮腰扭动,宛若蛇般无骨,带着动人的曲线掠回到了辇车之内。 We walk.” “我们走吧。” The Huang Ling sound spreads, four fierce fireworks luans flutter to draw the carriage car(riage) to leave to go, the numerous form also one after another tags along. 凰灵儿声音传出,四只烈焰火鸾振翅拉着辇车离而去,身后众多身影也接连尾随。 But was shaken that middle age of drawing back by Du Shaofu, although eye dew chill in the air, but also afterward can only turn around to draw back, just before leaving before, layer on layer looked at Du Shaofu one. 而被杜少甫震退的那中年,虽然目露寒意,但也随后只能够转身而退,临走之前,重重的看了杜少甫一眼。 „Did Gui Che that savage fellow also come?” 鬼車那凶残的家伙也来了?” Is listening to the Huang Ling words, Xiao Yingying, the small bird of prey, Kuang Bear King, Linghuan Tiger King , etc. all in consternation changes color, as if heard any most frightening name. 听着凰灵儿的话,小应应,小隼,狂熊王,灵幻虎王等皆是愕然变色,似乎是听到了什么最为恐怖的名字。 Told any news is also the favour, I did not acknowledge.” “告诉一个什么消息也算是人情么,我可不承认。” Du Shaofu looks at the carriage car(riage) that Huang Ling is departing to whisper, afterward turns head, is looking at astonished Linghuan Tiger King, Xiao Yingying , etc., knit the brows to ask: How your this was, feared that Huang Ling?” 杜少甫望着凰灵儿离去的辇车嘀咕着,随后回头,望着一脸愕然的灵幻虎王,小应应等,皱眉问道:“你们这是怎么了,怕那凰灵儿?” 【The yesterday's busy private affair late went home very much, these three are handles to the present all night, could not shoulder to rest has met, today's renewal estimate will also be very late, everybody excused me.】 【昨天忙私事很晚才回家,这三更是通宵到现在才搞定的,扛不住要去睡一会了,今天的更新估计又会很晚,大家见谅。】
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