MGC :: Volume #13

#1257: Runs into the acquaintance

Chapter 1255: Runs into the acquaintance 第1255章:遇到熟人 Chapter 1255: Runs into the acquaintance. 第1255章:遇到熟人。 Whiz whiz......” “嗖嗖……” Forms and beast territories go through in the forest, the broken wind sound has increased the lonesomeness and quietness of jungle. 一道道身影和兽域穿行林中,破风声响增添了密林的幽静。 In this virgin forest deep place, although in this moment this Heavenly Beast grave Demonic Beast is numerous, but this place remote even/including Xiongqin also little flies. 在这原始森林的深处,尽管此刻这天兽墓内妖兽众多,但此地偏僻的连凶禽也少飞来。 Roar......” “嗷吼……” Only then accidentally can hear the several distant beast roars of distant place, afterward reverberates to go far away. 只有偶然能听到远处的几声远远的兽吼声,随后回荡远去。 The virgin forest deep place, an especially giant lofty tree covers this glistening ray, twinkle runes. 原始森林深处,一株格外巨大的参天大树覆盖这莹莹光芒,闪烁符文 That sparkles the shining ray, was submerged in this virgin forest deep place, being hard has made the life see. 只是那闪闪发亮的光芒,被淹没在了这原始森林深处,难以让生灵见到。 Was this, originally was the samsara monster spirit mushroom!” “就是这了,原来是轮回妖灵芝!” The Du Shaofu's form fell before lofty tree, lifted the chieftain to reveal the smile, on this moment that lofty tree central crotch, was growing a baby size, the emerald green spirit ganoderma lucidum, the rippling brilliance, looked all over the body carefully, knows that the brilliance on entire lofty tree, was this samsara monster spirit mushroom fills the projection. 杜少甫的身影落在了参天大树前,抬头目露微笑,此刻那参天大树中央的一个树杈上,生长着一朵婴儿大小的,通体翠绿的灵芝草,荡漾光辉,仔细望去,才知道整棵参天大树上的光辉,都是这轮回妖灵芝所弥漫投射而出的。 Has the induction of mountain peak Pulse Soul, Du Shaofu can feel that has such heavenly materials or earthly treasures. 有着山峰脉魂的感应,杜少甫才能够感觉到有着如此天材地宝 Samsara monster spirit mushroom that is heavenly materials or earthly treasures, looks at that samsara monster spirit mushroom has the baby size at present, at least grew in 6000 even above a longer time. 轮回妖灵芝那是一种天材地宝,瞧着眼前那轮回妖灵芝已经是有着婴儿般大小,至少已经成长了6000年甚至更长的时间以上。 Probably is the samsara monster spirit mushroom.” “好像是轮回妖灵芝。” The purple flame monster phoenix beautiful figure falls before that lofty tree, is looking on that lofty tree the spirit ganoderma lucidum , the purple double pupil is fluctuating the gorgeous color. 紫炎妖凰倩影落在那参天大树之前,望着那参天大树上灵芝草,也紫色双眸波动着绚丽之色。 Samsara monster spirit mushroom, unexpectedly is that treasure.” “轮回妖灵芝,居然是那宝物。” Xiao Yingying is looking at the samsara monster spirit mushroom on this moment that lofty tree, the double pupil also all reveals deep shock. 小应应望着此刻那参天大树上的轮回妖灵芝,双眸也皆是露出深深的震撼。 Also is really the samsara monster spirit mushroom, after the rumor took the samsara monster spirit mushroom, not only can the strength, what is most important, but can also sense the divine ability method, sensibility world.” “还真是轮回妖灵芝啊,传言服用了轮回妖灵芝之后,不仅是能够增强实力,最为重要的是,还能够感悟神通手段,感悟天地。” Linghuan Tiger King startled [say / way], because knows the function of that samsara monster spirit mushroom, therefore shocks. 灵幻虎王惊道,因为知道那轮回妖灵芝的作用,所以才更是为之震撼。 Samsara monster spirit mushroom, how palace main found, such remotely can also find, this grade of treasure primal chaos has been short, this samsara monster spirit mushroom feared that was already several thousand years, Venerable the medicinal pill value not to lower compared with the Nirvana.” “轮回妖灵芝啊,殿主怎么找到的,这么偏僻也能够找到,这等宝物太极少了,这轮回妖灵芝怕是已经数千年了,比起涅槃尊品丹药价值也不低了。” Kuang Bear King is stunned, it really cannot think through, why that savage palace Lord, why can find heavenly materials or earthly treasures to where. 狂熊王愕然,它实在是想不通,为何那凶残的殿主,为何到哪里都能够找到天材地宝 Purple flame monster phoenix is static and vertical, visual samsara monster spirit mushroom on the lofty tree. 紫炎妖凰静静而立,目视着参天大树上的轮回妖灵芝。 Unexpectedly, the purple flame monster phoenix seems felt that anything, has gained ground suddenly, the vision looked far to by the overlapping leaf spatial. 蓦地,紫炎妖凰似乎是感觉到了什么,突然抬头,目光透过层层叠叠的树叶望向了远空。 Well......” “咦……” Almost after purple flame monster phoenix, the Du Shaofu's vision also immediately follows the purple flame monster phoenix visual direction to look, feels anything obviously. 几乎是随着紫炎妖凰之后,杜少甫的目光也立刻顺着紫炎妖凰目视的方向望去,也明显是感觉到了什么。 Has the powerhouse to come.” “有强者而来。” On the side of the Du Shaofu vision, the first samsara monster spirit mushroom of form on toward that lofty tree throws. 杜少甫目光一边,第一时间身影朝着那参天大树上的轮回妖灵芝扑去。 What no matter is, regarding Du Shaofu, starts to obtain the samsara monster spirit mushroom to be important first. 不管来的是什么人,对于杜少甫来说,先下手得到轮回妖灵芝才是重要的。 Scoffs......” “嗤……” Towering within, in Du Shaofu dashes to samsara monster spirit mushroom on the lofty tree, must shortly that samsara monster spirit mushroom in the hand. 突兀间,就在杜少甫直扑向参天大树上的轮回妖灵芝之时,眼看就要将那轮回妖灵芝得在手中。 gu!” “咕!” Had the change unexpectedly, before that lofty tree, a birds and beasts whining noise of cloud penetration crack stone resounds through baseless, seven color flame incinerator spaces, but does not have the flame of substantializing, changed to the flame aperture to cover above that samsara monster spirit mushroom together, as if in protection samsara monster spirit mushroom. 蓦地发生了变化,那参天大树之前,凭空一声穿云裂石的禽鸣声响彻,一股七彩的火焰焚烧空间,但却是没有实质化的火焰,化作一道火焰光圈笼罩在了那轮回妖灵芝之上,似乎是在保护轮回妖灵芝。 „!” “咻!” But with it simultaneously, seven color bolts of white silk, just like the advantage arrow thunder, exploded to shoot the Du Shaofu body, together before immediately. 而与之同时,一道七彩匹练,宛如利箭雷霆,顿时爆射到了杜少甫身前。 Bang......” “轰……” Seven color bolts of white silk, a vast pressure has arrived. 七彩匹练所过,一股浩大威压降临。 The prestige of that distortion space can fill the air, its powerful degree, sufficiently unusual Martial Venerable in one carelessly, also pierces. 那扭曲空间的威能弥漫,其强悍程度,足以将超凡武尊在一个不慎之下,也生生洞穿。 This moment light is cloud penetration crack stone the sound of birds and beasts cry, Xiao Yingying, the small bird of prey, Kuang Bear King, Linghuan Tiger King , etc. then for no reason trembles, the soul balls trembles. 此刻光是一声穿云裂石的禽鸣之声,小应应,小隼,狂熊王,灵幻虎王等便是无端发颤,灵魂胆颤。 Good strength beast prestige, not under true Dragon race!” “好强的兽威,不会在真正的龙族之下!” The powerful aura heads on, under the birds and beasts whining noise of cloud penetration crack stone, Du Shaofu also first felt that huge oppression. 强悍气息扑面而来,穿云裂石的禽鸣声下,杜少甫也第一时间感觉到了那巨大的压迫。 Rising typhoon shocking wing!” “扶摇震天翅!” The double pupil color deterioration, Du Shaofu waves to move, in an instant the rising typhoon shocking wing fan leaves, the golden light distortion is void, together thunder seven color bolts of white silk to pat the powder that directly. 双瞳变色,杜少甫挥手而动,刹那间扶摇震天翅扇出,金光扭曲虚空,将那一道雷霆般的七彩匹练直接拍散。 Pierces the unusual Martial Venerable seven color energy bolts of white silk sufficiently carelessly, regarding this moment Du Shaofu's cultivation base strength, is actually not enough to receive the too big threat. 足以一个不慎洞穿超凡武尊的七彩能量匹练,对于此刻杜少甫的修为实力来说,倒是还不足以受到太大的威胁。 Scoffs......” “嗤啦……” Turns the palm into the claw, claw-print grasps together afterward from the Du Shaofu's hand , the overbearing fearful aura sweeps across, the golden light runes gathering wants to want the rising typhoon just like Golden Wing Great Peng, tears directly that seven color light covers. 化掌为爪,一道爪印随后自杜少甫的手中抓出,霸道慑人的气息席卷,金光符文汇聚宛如金翅大鹏欲要扶摇而出,直接将那七彩光罩撕裂开去。 Receives!” “收!” Du Shaofu finds out, caught the samsara monster spirit mushroom directly in the hand, gathered heavenly materials or earthly treasures to be most important, cannot fall in others' hand. 杜少甫一手探出,将轮回妖灵芝直接抓在了手中,收取天材地宝最为重要,可不能够落在了别人的手中。 Boy, before this thing 2000, had to advocate, puts down!” “小子,此物2000年前就已经有主了,放下吧!” The light sound conveys from the Du Shaofu ear unexpectedly, the sound listens to be temperate, but is quite swift and fierce. 淡淡的声音蓦地自杜少甫耳边传来,声音听似温和,但极为凌厉。 A middle age is also strange afterward the appearance in Du Shaofu's behind, did not have any aura to fluctuate obviously, but made all around the space immediately fill the air blazingly in one piece. 一个中年也随后诡异般的出现在了杜少甫的身后,明明是没有任何气息波动,但偏偏让得四周空间顿时弥漫在了一片炽热中。 All around green leaf starts inexplicably in a flash withered and yellow, the lofty tree is withered, the earth starts to be cracked, Soul Force also started to probably catch fire generally. 四周的绿叶开始莫名一瞬间枯黄,参天大树干枯,大地开始龟裂,就连元神也开始欲要着火了一般。 Along with the emergence of that middle age, the small bird of prey, Xiao Yingying, Kuang Bear King, Linghuan Tiger King and other Demonic Beast, are for no reason by greatly the pressure. 随着那中年的出现,小隼,小应应,狂熊王,灵幻虎王妖兽,更是无端受到巨大的威压。 That and other pressure arrived, making Linghuan Tiger King they feel, that pressure absolutely not under the Du Shaofu's Golden Winged Peng pressure. 那等威压降临,让得灵幻虎王它们感觉着,那威压绝对不会在杜少甫的金翅大鹏鸟威压之下。 All these are suddenly the accidents, if quickly lightning. 这一切都是乍然间的变故,快若闪电。 But all these, regarding Du Shaofu, as if early have the protection. 但这一切,对于杜少甫来说,似乎早有防备。 Bang!” “轰!” A fearful aura, is void from the Du Shaofu within the body spread stir in a twinkling, if such as the wind and thunder is thundering, the aura rushes the vibration to be void. 一股可怕的气息,霎时间自杜少甫体内蔓延轰动虚空,若如风雷在轰鸣,气息澎湃震动虚空。 In the instance that middle-aged voice just dropped, Du Shaofu glances back, in the mouth drinks to spread greatly. 就在那中年话音刚刚落下的瞬间,杜少甫蓦然回首,嘴中一声大喝传出。 „!” “嗷!” This sound of bellowing resembles Dragon to recite for nine days, such as idol long cry. 这一声大吼之声似龙吟九天,如神象长鸣。 Sound wave sweeps across like the Tsunami ebullition suddenly, sweeps across turbulently in all directions, lets all around world of this virgin forest deep place at the trembling play! 乍然间一股音波席卷如海啸般沸腾,汹涌席卷四面八方,让得这原始森林深处的四周天地在颤剧! „......” “嗷嗷嗷嗷……” This instant, the trim is void is thundering, bellows innumerably the echo reverberation in the vault of heaven, the potential is overbearing, series resounds through the world just like nine days of startling thunderclap...... 这一霎,整片虚空在轰鸣,无数大吼回音回荡在苍穹,势霸道无匹,宛如九天惊雷连环响彻人间…… Bang bang bang......” “砰砰砰……” All around just connected the scrap in the lofty tree that under the high temperature withered for no reason, the crack ground blasts out, the rock changed to the powder powder. 四周刚刚在无端高温下枯萎的参天大树接连炸碎,龟裂的地面炸开,山石化作了齑粉。 This powerful sound wave lets want the disintegration void, lets the person mind shivering fear, is the aggressive [say / way] of Du Shaofu stimulation of movement. 这强悍的音波让得虚空欲要崩碎,让人心神颤抖恐惧,正是杜少甫催动的霸气道。 Deng!Deng!!” 蹬蹬!” The turbulent sound wave is billowing, with the golden light runes energy ripples, just like the vast turbulent proliferation, that middle age of vibration is changing color instantaneously. 汹涌的音波滚滚,伴随着金光符文能量涟漪,宛如汪洋汹涌扩散,震动的那中年在瞬间变色。 This middle age has not thought that purple robe youth club has such strength, seven color ray twinkles, seven color roaring flame cover, but one after another was also shaken draws back ten several steps. 这中年根本就没有想到那紫袍青年会有着如此实力,身上七彩光芒闪烁,有七彩烈焰覆盖,但也接连被震退十数步。 This humanity so will be how strong!” “这人类怎么会这么强!” After that middle age stands firm the body, the facial color occupies is slightly pale, that the sound wave of seizing every opportunity hears, changes to strange overbearing martial arts for no reason, lets the energy of its within the body cannot help but , the beyond control ebullition, the body wants the scrap, Soul Force in mind also wants to support to explode. 当那中年稳住身躯之后,面色居是微微苍白,那一股无孔不入的音波入耳,无端化作一股诡异的霸道武道,让其体内的能量不由自主,也无法控制的沸腾,身躯要炸碎,脑海中的元神也欲要撑爆。 Good strength sound wave attack!” “好强的音波攻击!” So the sound wave reverberation, four sides in dozens li (0.5km) will destroy, Kuang Bear King, Xiao Yingying, small bird of prey, Linghuan Tiger King and other trembling millet. 如此音波回荡,将四面数十里之内摧毁,狂熊王,小应应,小隼,灵幻虎王等颤粟。 Good fearful sound wave attack, what implication is martial arts, not only can attack the mortal body, but can also attack Soul Force!” “好可怕的音波攻击,蕴含的是一种武道,不仅能够攻击肉身,还能够攻击元神!” Linghuan Tiger King under that fearful voice, deeply shocks at this moment. 灵幻虎王此刻在那可怕的声浪下,为之深深震撼。 Linghuan Tiger King can also stimulate to movement the Soul Force attack, therefore just most can feel that and other sound wave might, that sound wave is not the simple sound wave, but is containing martial arts. 灵幻虎王也能够催动元神攻击,所以刚刚最是能够感觉到那等音波的威力,那音波不是简单的音波,而是蕴含着一种武道。 The detonation reverberation, entire void starts to return to normal in violent trembling, the energy storm aura sweeps across, air wave spread void distant place. 引爆回荡,整个虚空在激颤中开始平复,能量风暴气息席卷,气浪蔓延虚空远处。 The Du Shaofu vision selects, in the eye has wiped the chill in the air, looked was just appearing in oneself behind wants to want the take a shot / make a move middle-aged guy to fix the eyes on. 杜少甫目光一挑,眼中抹过寒意,望着刚刚出现在自己身后欲要出手的中年大汉紧盯。 That middle-aged forty years of age many appearances, the aura is passing a supremeness, its cultivation base was also at the beginning of the universe Beast Venerable situation unexpectedly. 那中年四旬多的模样,气息透着一种至尊,其修为居然也到了混元兽尊地步。 This middle-aged cultivation base obviously is Kuang Bear King, Linghuan Tiger King, even is exactly the same on the dragon, but is makes people feel, it feared that must compare to Linghuan Tiger King, Kuang Bear King , etc. wanted powerful many. 这中年修为明明是和狂熊王,灵幻虎王,甚至应龙一模一样,但就是让人感觉着,其怕是要比起灵幻虎王,狂熊王等要强悍的多。 Also came......” “也来了么……” The purple flame monster phoenix pupil light has swept that middle age, visual this moment distant place is filling the blazing aura that comes, the pupil moves slightly, as if knows fairly well, afterward is calm. 紫炎妖凰眸光扫过那中年,目视着此刻远处弥漫而来的炽热气息,微微眸动,似乎心中有数,随后波澜不惊。 „!” “呼啦啦!” Also at this moment, the sky not far away flood many spaces fluctuated, has the blazing air wave to fill the air in the space. 也在此刻,天空中不远处泛起了不少的空间波动,有着炽热气浪弥漫在了空间。 Next flickers, on four colossi is wrapping the billowing flame, draws a carriage car(riage) to flutter to come, the place visited space spread white smog, sweeps across the earth blazingly. 下一瞬,四只庞然大物身上包裹着滚滚的火焰,拉着一辆辇车振翅而来,所过之处空间蔓延白色烟雾,炽热席卷大地。 Fierce fireworks luan, is a phoenix clan.” “烈焰火鸾,是凤凰一族。” Du Shaofu gains ground, is looking at that four huge thing, resembles the bird non- bird, such as the wind like the luan, is all over the body red, initially in the day wild city has seen the fierce fireworks luan. 杜少甫抬头,望着那四只庞大之物,似鸟非鸟,如风如鸾,通体赤红,正是当初在天荒城内所见到过的烈焰火鸾。 The fierce fireworks luan, that is Mount / Zuoji of phoenix clan, the person of common phoenix clan was unable to ride. 烈焰火鸾,那是凤凰一族的坐骑,一般的凤凰一族之人还无法乘坐。
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