MGC :: Volume #13

#1256: Receives one again

Chapter 1254: Receives one again 第1254章:再收一将 Chapter 1254: Receives one again. 第1254章:再收一将。 Receives to be the personal servant......” “收做跟班么……” Du Shaofu shows a faint smile, in the heart also already has such idea actually, this moment Linghuan Tiger King said that showed actually Linghuan Tiger King to this on the dragon was also good, wanted to guarantee this indirectly on a dragon life. 杜少甫微微一笑,心中其实也早就有着如此想法,此刻灵幻虎王所说,倒是证明灵幻虎王对这应龙也算是不错了,想要间接保上这应龙一条性命。 Yes, the palace Lord, this mixed dragon strength is good, not in me and under Linghuan Tiger King.” “是啊,殿主,这一条杂龙实力是不错的,不会在我和灵幻虎王之下。” Kuang Bear King also starts to back up, it and this on dragon, although is war over several times, but does not have the bitter hatred, instead has made the sentiment, does not think that this mixed dragon was killed in light of this. 狂熊王也开始帮腔,它和这应龙虽然是大战过几次,但也没有深仇大恨,反而是打出了感情,也不想这杂龙就此丧命。 Let alone drags down this mixed dragon, were many this mixed dragon, later outside will not say, only then it and Linghuan Tiger King have become the personal servant, this is also the idea in Kuang Bear King heart. 何况把这条杂龙拉下水,多了这一条杂龙,以后外面也不会说只有它和灵幻虎王成了跟班,这也是狂熊王心中的想法。 Linghuan Tiger King, Kuang Bear King, you think that I am same as you, I will not become the personal servant of humanity, will have a dream!” 灵幻虎王,狂熊王,你们以为我和你一样么,我才不会成为人类的跟班,做梦!” That seemed not appreciated kindness rendered to Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King on the dragon, instead was continues to shout abuse, but does not dare to scold that savage humanity at this moment actually. 只是那应龙似乎是并不对狂熊王灵幻虎王领情,反而是继续破口大骂,不过此刻倒是丝毫不敢骂那凶残的人类。 You also shouted!” “你还叫嚷!” Linghuan Tiger King was a foot tramples on the body of dragon, expression that expecting too much, this mixed Dragon Ting did not come out he and Kuang Bear King is to rescue his life. 灵幻虎王又是一脚踹在了应龙的身上,一副恨铁不成钢的表情,难道这杂龙听不出来他和狂熊王是想要救他一命么。 Imaginary tiger, the life of this mixed dragon gave you, after little while time, if it is not willing to become my personal servant, I did not mind that the later every day ate mixed Dragon Rou.” “幻虎,这杂龙的命就交给你们了,半刻时间之后它要是不愿意成为我的跟班,那我不介意以后每天吃杂龙肉。” Du Shaofu falls to the Linghuan Tiger King voice, afterward departed the side of purple flame monster phoenix. 杜少甫灵幻虎王话音落下,随后离去到了紫炎妖凰的身边。 Purple flame monster phoenix looked at Du Shaofu to shoot a look at one, said: Has sufficed noisily, delaying a lot of time.” 紫炎妖凰望着杜少甫瞥了一眼,道:“闹够了没有,耽搁不少时间了。” Du Shaofu knows what purple flame monster phoenix said looks for the Xiao Xingxing matter, subdues Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King, the war on the dragon, is intentionally remarkable, is the hope can make Xiao Xingxing note. 杜少甫知道紫炎妖凰在说的是找小星星的事情,收服灵幻虎王狂熊王,大战应龙,故意引人注意,也是希望能够让小星星注意到。 Nodded, Du Shaofu said to the purple flame monster phoenix: I also want to find Xiao Xingxing as soon as possible.” 点了点头,杜少甫对紫炎妖凰道:“我也想尽快找到小星星。” Looks as soon as possible, these noises that you make although are not necessarily useless, but we must look.” Purple flame monster phoenix also as if already understood Du Shaofu's to be attentive, therefore has not said anything. “尽快去找吧,你闹出的这些动静虽然不一定没用,但我们也必须去找。”紫炎妖凰也似乎早就明白杜少甫的用心,因此才没有多说什么。 Palace Lord, that mixed dragon agreed to become a personal servant!” “殿主,那杂龙同意成为跟班了!” After the moment, less than half quarter, Kuang Bear King is happy going forward said to Du Shaofu, then agreed to become the personal servant on the dragon. 片刻后,不足半刻钟,狂熊王便是高兴的上前对杜少甫说道,那应龙已经同意成为跟班了。 Understands what has to done actually.” “倒是识时务。” Du Shaofu eye of dew smiling expression, had not planned from the beginning must extinguish this on the dragon, must otherwise, already directly cut to kill, does not use so troublesome. 杜少甫目露笑意,一开始也没有打算要灭了这一条应龙,要不然的话,早就直接斩杀了,不用如此麻烦。 Beginning of the universe Beast Venerable level on the dragon, is not only weak compared with Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King, follows in own side, is a big boost, how Du Shaofu will give up extinguishes easily kills. 混元兽尊层次的应龙,比起灵幻虎王狂熊王只强不弱,跟随在自己的身边,也是一大助力,杜少甫怎么会舍得轻易灭杀。 Was facing that huge Radiant God Courtyard and Demon Religion, Fa Family and other colossi, Du Shaofu already knows that cannot depend on itself. 面对着那庞大的光明神庭魔教,法家等庞然大物,杜少甫早就知道不能够靠自己一个人。 Under The Heaven Association, the Heavenly Beast palace, Wasteland Country also in the future is the biggest boost, after Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King submit, also has thrown into the Heavenly Beast palace two beasts. 天下会,天兽殿,荒国也将来是自己最大的助力,所以当灵幻虎王狂熊王臣服之后,也就将两兽扔进了天兽殿。 „.” “嗤嗤。” Du Shaofu Hand Imprints falls, starts to untie the seal ban on the dragon. 杜少甫手印落下,开始替应龙解开封印禁制。 How you urged that mixed dragon, how to agree suddenly?” Kuang Bear King in one side curious low voice asked to Linghuan Tiger King, just persuasion, it has not participated. “你怎么劝那杂龙的,怎么突然就同意了?”狂熊王在一旁好奇的小声对灵幻虎王问道,刚刚的劝说,它未曾参与。 Linghuan Tiger King double pupil vision has selected selecting, is bringing several points of self-satisfacation, said to Kuang Bear King lightly: Has not said anything, I said the palace Lord was cuts to kill dragon nine Demon King Du Shaofu, if it wants dead, the palace main will not mind absolutely extinguished it, if had the skill, later can challenge the palace Lord, when the time comes the palace main became its war servant has not related, now becomes the palace main personal servant, did not have anything, the real man was adaptable to the situation.” 灵幻虎王双瞳目光挑了挑,带着几分得意,淡淡对狂熊王说道:“也没有说什么,我只是说了殿主是斩杀了龙九的魔王杜少甫,要是它真的想死,殿主绝对不会介意灭了它,若是真有本事,以后可以挑战殿主,到时候殿主就成为它的战仆也没有关系,现在成为殿主的跟班,也没什么,大丈夫能屈能伸。” Then did it agree?” Some Kuang Bear King suspicions. “然后它就同意了?”狂熊王还是有些怀疑。 Naturally, you think that fellow does not fear death, thinks nobody dares to offend entire should Dragon race, but the palace main true Dragon race dragon nine dares to cut to kill continually, it naturally feared.” Linghuan Tiger King said. “当然,你以为那家伙真的不怕死么,原本只是以为没有人敢得罪整个应龙族而已,可是殿主连真正的龙族龙九都敢斩杀了,它自然就怕了。”灵幻虎王道。 That actually, has not feared death, let alone with the palace Lord, it did not calculate to deign to accept a post, let alone was competent, it can also challenge.” “那倒是,没有真的不怕死的,何况跟着殿主,它也不算屈就了,何况有实力,它还可以挑战回来。” Kuang Bear King flood the forced smile, as if was also arguing for oneself that said: Real man must be adaptable to the situation.” 狂熊王泛着苦笑,似乎也在替自己辩解,说道:“大丈夫的确要能屈能伸。” „......” “嗤嗤……” Hand Imprints plunder from the Du Shaofu hand in runes, solves on dragon ban accordingly. 一道道手印伴随着符文杜少甫手中掠出,应龙身上的禁制应声而解。 Being scarred sets out on the dragon body, in the mouth exudes the low and deep roaring sound, afterward fills the flowing light, finally changed to a red tight clothes vigor to install the youth, 28-29 appearances. 伤痕累累的应龙身躯起身,嘴中发出低沉的咆哮声,随后弥漫流光,最后化作了一个红色紧衣劲装青年,二十八九的模样。 Although is fierce on the dragon main body, the human form appearance that but changes to at this moment is quite actually good-looking, visual Du Shaofu, asked: Linghuan Tiger King said that if later I can defeat you, you can become my war servant?” 虽然应龙本体狰狞,但此刻化作的人形模样倒是颇为俊俏,目视着杜少甫,问道:“灵幻虎王说,以后要是我能够有战胜你,你就能够成为我的战仆?” You , if not convinced, now can continue to challenge me, before you win me, you now are my personal servant.” “你要是不服气,现在就可以继续挑战我,在你胜我之前,你现在是我的跟班。” Du Shaofu has patted on the shoulder of dragon, said: Later my you slightly should, although is my personal servant, but makes you also join the Heavenly Beast palace temporarily, with the imaginary tiger, the crazy bear same is the cella elder first. Other Heavenly Beast palace situations, later again said with you.” 杜少甫拍了拍应龙的肩膀,说道:“以后我就你小应吧,虽然是我跟班,但暂时让你也加入天兽殿,和幻虎,狂熊一样先做个内殿长老。天兽殿其它的情况,以后再和你们说。” Why their was called the imaginary tiger, was called the crazy bear, but I was called Xiao Yingying.” “为什么它们一个叫幻虎,一个叫狂熊,而我叫做小应应。” Stares to ask to Du Shaofu on the dragon, the good and evil imaginary tiger and crazy bear listen to be also of pleasant to hear, this Xiao Yingying lets it is really hard to accept. 应龙瞪眼对杜少甫问道,好歹幻虎和狂熊听着也好听一点,这小应应让它实在是难以接受。 Also looks for that savage fellow challenge as for the present, naturally does not dare on the dragon, after knowing at present this human youth true status, also dreading even more. 至于现在还找那凶残的家伙挑战,应龙自然是不敢的,知道眼前这人类青年真正的身份之后,也越发的忌惮。 Du Shaofu is looking on the dragon, earnest saying: Because I thought that you three strengths, you should most depend on some, therefore your name must be more special, can prove your status.” 杜少甫望着应龙,认真的说道:“因为我觉得,你们三个的实力,你应该是最为靠一些的,所以你的名字要最为特别一些,才能够证明你的身份。” Um, that actually.” “嗯,那倒是。” Xiao Yingying nods immediately, approves of own strength is strong very much compared with Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King, but after the nod, there is a pair of pupil to have doubts, seems felt where some do not suit. 小应应顿时点头,很是赞同自己的实力比起狂熊王灵幻虎王还要强的,不过点头之后,有双眸疑惑,似乎是感觉到哪里有些不对劲。 But, the imaginary tiger and crazy bear have many followers, you how?” “不过,幻虎和狂熊都有不少的追随者,你怎么没有?” Du Shaofu corresponds Dragon to ask, somewhat is slightly disappointed, if this Xiao Yingying can bring one crowd of Demonic Beast to pledge allegiance, that is can make the strength of Heavenly Beast palace strengthen much. 杜少甫对应龙问道,略微有些失望,要是这小应应能够带着一群妖兽归顺,那可是能够让天兽殿的实力更加增强不少。 I do not have that free time, my is enough.” “我才没有那闲工夫,我自己一个足以。” On the dragon happily, it is always solitary, sufficiently able to move unhindered beast territory. 应龙得意不已,它一向是孑然自己,足以纵横兽域。 Later can receive several personal servants, later anyone of you person are many, whose status is highest.” “以后可以多收几个跟班,以后你们谁的人多,谁的地位就最高。” Du Shaofu correspondence dragon white supercilious look, earnest saying. 杜少甫对应龙白了白眼,认真的说道。 This......” “这……” Looks at the Du Shaofu's facial expression, Xiao Yingying somewhat cannot be feeling the brains, does not know where provoked this savage Demon King. 望着杜少甫的神情,小应应有些摸不着头脑,不知道哪里又招惹到了这凶残的魔王 Saw changed to the human form on Dragon Chedi, afterward Kuang Bear King, Linghuan Tiger King also thoroughly changed to the human form. 见到了应龙彻底化作了人形,随后狂熊王,灵幻虎王也彻底化作了人形。 Linghuan Tiger King changed to a strong youth, the age and are similar on the dragon, the whole body clothing covers entirely the flame runes design, the double pupil is bright. 灵幻虎王化作了一个健硕青年,年纪和应龙差不多,浑身衣衫布满火焰符文图案,双眸炯炯。 Kuang Bear King changed to whole body muscle to stick out, the tall youth, looks that compared to Linghuan Tiger King and extremely wants the appearance to be older on the dragon. 狂熊王则是化作了一个浑身肌肉隆起,五大三粗的青年,看着极为比起灵幻虎王和应龙都要模样老一些。 However Kuang Bear King also merely is only tall that obviously old, in fact three people of the human form ages are similar. 不过狂熊王也仅仅只是五大三粗的那种显老,实际上三人的这人形年纪都差不多。 Saw Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King changed to the complete human form, the followers of two beasts also all change to the human form, has the characteristics respectively. 见到了狂熊王灵幻虎王都化作了完全的人形,两兽的追随者也皆是尽数化作人形,各有特色。 Whiz whiz......” “嗖嗖……” After the moment, Du Shaofu, the purple flame monster phoenix, the small bird of prey, Kuang Bear King, Linghuan Tiger King one line of departs. 片刻后,杜少甫,紫炎妖凰,小隼,狂熊王,灵幻虎王一行人离去。 Afterward all the way, new stares dumbfounded on the dragon, faces Du Shaofu that to search for the speed of treasure to be dumbfounded all the way. 随后一路上,新加入的应龙瞠目结舌,面对着杜少甫那一路上搜寻宝物的速度目瞪口呆。 That savage Demon King, can know where probably in advance spirit medicine and heavenly materials or earthly treasures appeared in general, did not have the record of coming away empty certainly. 那凶残的魔王,好像是能够预先知道灵药天材地宝出现在了什么地方一般,绝无空手而回的记录。 But also experienced anything on the dragon is the genuine bandit, when discovered heavenly materials or earthly treasures each time, if there are other Demonic Beast, that will be robbed by that savage Demon King surely, even continually other Demonic Beast Cosmos Bag also one and plunder. 而应龙也见识到了什么才是真正的土匪,每次发现天材地宝之时,要是有其它妖兽在,那必定会被那凶残的魔王抢夺,甚至连其它妖兽身上的乾坤袋也会被一并掠夺。 What most frightening is, so long as participated has robbed heavenly materials or earthly treasures, was the Demonic Beast race on Heavenly Beast List, these Demonic Beast and that savage Demon King did not have the enmity without the injustice, although Du Shaofu not under heavy hand, but, will be let blood by Du Shaofu without a single exception forcefully. 最为恐怖的是,只要是参与了抢夺天材地宝,还是天兽榜上的妖兽种族,那些妖兽和那凶残魔王无冤无仇,虽然杜少甫没有下重手,但毫无例外的,都会被杜少甫强行放血。 The overlapped mountain, closes right up against one, tall and straight world, bright four seasons. 重重叠叠的高山,一个靠着一个,挺拔天地,粲然四季。 Group peak continuous deep place, is winds the endless emerald green virgin forest. 群峰连绵深处,是蜿蜒无尽翠绿的原始森林。 The dense lofty tree looks like supports day the great umbrella, the overlapped branch, only left out the spots date shade in broken bits. 密密的参天大树像撑天的巨伞,重重叠叠的枝桠,只漏下斑斑点点细碎的日影。
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