MGC :: Volume #13

#1255: It is not only weak

Chapter 1253: It is not only weak 第1253章:只强不弱 Chapter 1253: It is not only weak. 第1253章:只强不弱。 When final that on the dragon by Du Shaofu brandishing maliciously on the abyss, had been pounded a deep gully thoroughly after directly, is thorough being scarred, the dripping with blood, the aura also dispirited to the pinnacle, a pair of wing almost broke off. 当最后的那一条应龙彻底被杜少甫狠狠的抡在了深渊上,直接砸出一条深深的沟壑之后,已经是彻底的伤痕累累,鲜血淋漓,气息也萎靡到了极致,一双羽翼几乎被折断。 „!” “嗷!” Exudes the pitiful whinning sound on Longzui , the sound is getting smaller, pair of rampant stubborn ominous pupil, at this moment is the color of fear. 应龙嘴中发出凄惨的哀嚎声,声音都是越来越小,一双原本嚣张桀骜的凶瞳,此刻尽数都是恐惧之色。 „!” “嗤嗤!” The Du Shaofu form falls, banned that pitiful on the dragon, then a sharp sword gratefully lacerates the flood dragon, starts to drink on Dragon Xuelai, beginning of the universe level on the dragon blood, compared with Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King their blood, is not only weak. 杜少甫身影落下,禁制住了那凄惨的应龙,而后毫不客气的一把利剑割破蛟龙,开始生生喝起应龙血来,混元层次的应龙鲜血,比起灵幻虎王狂熊王两人的血,只强不弱。 Drank on Dragon blood, Du Shaofu will not have forgotten on Dragon Rou, one bulk by Du Shaofu is cut over a hundred jin (0.5 kg) on the meat that the dragon carried on the back, the blood wind shot, whinned pitifully unceasingly, vision panic-stricken piece. 喝了应龙血,杜少甫也是不会忘记了应龙肉,一大块的应龙背上的肉被杜少甫割下了上百斤,鲜血飙射,凄惨哀嚎不绝,目光惊恐一片。 To at this moment, this knows on the dragon that no wonder that Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King two do not dare take a shot / make a move, that two fellows definitely know anything, will therefore make him go to take a shot / make a move, that humanity is too fearful, fearfully to it also for it trembling millet. 到了此刻,这一条应龙才知道,难怪那灵幻虎王狂熊王两个不敢出手,那两个家伙一定是知道什么,所以才会让他去出手的,那人类太可怕的,可怕到它也为之颤粟。 Was too flagitious!” “太凶残了!” Is looking at this moment on the fate of dragon, Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King holding breath cold air, but also has a lingering fear, in the heart may be clear, before soon, their fates also with this time is the same on the dragon. 瞧着此刻应龙的下场,灵幻虎王狂熊王倒吸凉气,还心有余悸,心中可清楚,就在不久之前,它们俩的下场也是和此时的应龙一样。 Only one Du Shaofu does not have the barbecue, over a hundred jin (0.5 kg) cooked the soup on the dragon meat completely, in addition has added on many spirit medicine very much naturally. 只一次杜少甫没有烤肉,上百斤的应龙肉全部炖汤了,另外还很大方的加上了不少的灵药 Devoted Linghuan Tiger King has to note, spirit medicine of this moment Du Shaofu use, was really it initially in Cosmos Bag and Kuang Bear King Cosmos Bag. 悉心的灵幻虎王有注意到,此刻杜少甫动用的灵药,真是它当初乾坤袋狂熊王乾坤袋中的。 When the valuable soup fills the fragrance, making the person appetite move greatly, the purple flame monster phoenix and small bird of prey may not have politely. 当宝汤弥漫香味,让人食欲大动,紫炎妖凰和小隼可没有客气。 You come to eat, on Long Bao tang, later may not drink.” “你们都过来吃点吧,应龙宝汤,以后不一定能够喝到了。” Many these followers of Du Shaofu and it behind to Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King said. 杜少甫灵幻虎王狂熊王和其身后不少的那些跟随者说道。 Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King somewhat hesitate, look at each other in shock, but the vision is staring at that pot on Long Bao tang, that solely is not the soup, but is the advantage. 狂熊王灵幻虎王有些犹豫,面面相觑,但目光都是盯着那一锅应龙宝汤,那可不单单是汤,而是好处。 They have the scruples, although they are that on the dragon disagreement, but does not have the big gratitude and grudges, at this moment eats that face to face on the meat of dragon, is somewhat improper. 只是两人也有顾忌,虽然它们是和那应龙不和,但也一只没有大恩怨,此刻当面吃那应龙的肉,也有些不妥。 Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King follower, vision is also fixing at this moment the eyes on that pot richly on Long Bao tang, will be excited that Demon King will call them very much unexpectedly, but this moment Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King had not indicated that they do not dare to be what kind , but if will not come up, feared that was must has drunk up by that Demon King and small bird of prey, when the time comes let alone did not have the meat to eat, burnt the trash not. 狂熊王灵幻虎王的跟随者,此刻一个个的目光也是紧盯着那一锅浓郁的应龙宝汤,很是兴奋那魔王居然是会叫它们,只是此刻狂熊王灵幻虎王没有表示,它们也不敢怎么样,但要是再不上去,怕是就要被那魔王和小隼喝完了,到时候别说是没有肉吃了,就连烫渣渣都没有了。 Drinks!” “喝!” Afterward Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King subconsciously have also made a significant decision, naturally is looks, that pot are many on the Longbao soup, but if not a bit faster, that Demon King Du Shaofu and small bird of prey really can drink up, when the time comes wants to drink did not have, let alone their meat such had also been eaten yesterday, how must return this is good. 随后灵幻虎王狂熊王也是下意识的做出了一个重大的决定,自然是看得出来,那一锅应龙宝汤再多,可要是再不快点,那魔王杜少甫和小隼真是能够喝完的,到时候想喝都没有了,何况昨天它们的肉也被这么吃了,怎么样也要回本才行。 As Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King nod took a stand, his two people of follower was the eye of dew none remaining, the look is all bringing smiling expression. 随着狂熊王灵幻虎王点头表态,其两人身上的跟随者皆是目露精光,神色带着笑意 As the numerous beasts encircle in the same place, talking at once is eating the valuable soup. 随着众兽围在一起,七嘴八舌的喝着宝汤。 The population are really many, is the bodies of Demonic Beast, although reduced the body, but that appetite not general small. 人数实在不少,又都是妖兽之躯,虽然缩小了身躯,但那胃口可不是一般的小啊。 „......” “嗷……” Therefore, but star had a pitiful yell on dragon, because Du Shaofu operated the second pot and third pot, used naturally was the meat that its huge body carried on the back. 于是,可伶的应龙有一次的惨叫了起来,因为杜少甫开第二锅和第三锅了,用的自然是它庞大身躯背上的肉。 One crowd of Demonic Beast, start to make chewing motions greatly quickly, wolfs down, especially Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King , etc., immediately and Du Shaofu distance has also hauled in much. 一群妖兽,开始大快朵颐,狼吞虎咽,特别是灵幻虎王狂熊王等,顿时和杜少甫距离也拉进了不少。 Especially regarding Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King and other beasts, thinks from the beginning that Demon King Du Shaofu is savage, is an evil star, had understood close, understood that actually that Demon King Du Shaofu is really very well is also together, naturally before this very well is together, has a premise, that do not provoke that fellow on the line. 特别是对于狂熊王灵幻虎王等兽来说,一开始以为那魔王杜少甫凶残可怕,就是个煞星,接近了解了之后才了解,其实那魔王杜少甫还真是挺好相处的,当然这挺好相处之前有着一个前提,那就是不要招惹到了那家伙就行。 Purple flame monster phoenix every time eats the thing, is superficial stops, will not eat are too many, early has fallen back on the one side, looks with the purple robe youth who that audiences Demonic Beast male servant mixes up, the pupil light is moving slightly at this moment, afterward the mighty waves are motionless, clouds that the poor business conditions are light. 紫炎妖凰每一次吃东西,都是浅尝即止,不会吃的太多,早已经退到了一旁,望着此刻和那一众妖兽厮混在一起的紫袍青年,眸光微动,随后波澜不动,云淡风轻。 Only then may the star on the dragon was banned in the one side, is the vision can also see numerous beasts made chewing motions greatly quickly, did not care it completely, that mood, it may be said that had mixed emotions, lamented. 只有可伶的应龙被禁制在了一旁,偏偏是目光还能够见到众兽的大快朵颐,完全是不将它放在心上,那种心情吗,可谓是百感交集,悔恨为最啊。 To at this moment on dragon, could look directly, originally guessed mistakenly, Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King that two bastards did not meddle, was not its to cause heavy losses radically, was gathering that Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King and that purple robe youth, was solid one group. 到了此刻的应龙,也已经直接看得出来,原来自己还是猜错了,狂熊王灵幻虎王那两混蛋不插手,根本也不是其身上以重创了,合着那狂熊王灵幻虎王和那紫袍青年,就是实实在在一伙的。 Because Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King know the strength of that frightening fellow, therefore intentionally stimulates itself to go to take a shot / make a move. 正因为狂熊王灵幻虎王知道那恐怖家伙的实力,所以才故意刺激自己去出手的。 Kuang Bear King, Linghuan Tiger King, your bastards, I will certainly not let off your, I will certainly not let off your.” 狂熊王,灵幻虎王,你们两个王八蛋,我一定不会放过你们的,我一定不会放过你们的。” Shouted abuse on the dragon weakly, it did not know that who that humanity was, but was actually sees Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King and that human purple robe youth is one group, naturally can only obloquy Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King. 应龙虚弱破口大骂,它不认识那人类是谁,但却是见到狂熊王灵幻虎王和那人类紫袍青年是一伙的,自然是只能够大骂狂熊王灵幻虎王 A drop that the valuable soup of three cauldrons, drink finally all does not remain, Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King are hitting Bao Ge, many Demonic Beast obtained many advantage. 三大锅的宝汤,最后尽数喝的一滴都不剩,狂熊王灵幻虎王打着饱嗝,不少妖兽都得到了不少的好处。 Ominous that this mixed dragon cries out, otherwise again the cut point meat cooks is eating, in addition selects the taste that spirit medicine cooks is different, compared with eating uncooked delicious many.” “这杂龙叫唤的凶,要不然再割点肉炖着吃吧,加点灵药炖出来的滋味就是不一样,比起生吃好吃的多了。” Kuang Bear King stares is keeping obloquying it and Linghuan Tiger King on the dragon, the tongue has licked a day of lip, that cooks the meat to make it have not given full expression, has never eaten that and other delicacies, what is most important is drinks one small bowl to burn, that is also the full energy. 狂熊王瞪着不停大骂它和灵幻虎王的应龙,舌头舔了天嘴唇,那炖肉让它意犹未尽,从未吃过那等美味,最重要的是喝上一小碗烫,那也是满满的能量。 Kuang Bear King, your bastard, I will certainly not let off your!” 狂熊王,你王八蛋,我一定不会放过你的!” hear speech/words, scolded on the dragon loudly, has not thought Kuang Bear King this bastard, tempted him to plant the tumble from the beginning, at this moment also hit a person when he is down. 闻言,应龙大声骂道,没想到狂熊王这王八蛋,一开始引诱他栽了跟斗,此刻还落井下石。 Little shouted.” “少叫嚷了。” Linghuan Tiger King went forward a foot maliciously to kick in that on the body of dragon, put one's foot down, but did not have many that being forgiving, kicked called a pitiful yell on dragon that. 灵幻虎王上前狠狠的一脚踢在了那应龙的身上,下脚可是没有多少的留情,踢的那应龙那叫一个惨叫啊。 Palace Lord, this mixed Dragon Zi behaves badly cannot live, dares to provoke the palace Lord unexpectedly.” “殿主,这条杂龙自作孽不可活,竟然敢招惹殿主。” Afterward Xiao Hu is looking at Du Shaofu, pair of ominous pupil wipes the look that some have thrown to seize secretly, dodges to pass, is speaking to Du Shaofu, then on the dragon interruption, loudly shouted to clear the way: Linghuan Tiger King, you are also the shameless one, although originally looked that you are not pleasing to the eyes, the good and evil also respect is Demonic Beast one, what the body flows- is a blood of your monster fire spirit imaginary tiger clan, you also hit a person when he is down at this moment, acts servilely to humanity, is really not concerned about face!” 随后小虎望着杜少甫,一双凶瞳暗自抹过些许不已扑捉的神色,一闪而逝,正在对杜少甫说着话,便是被应龙打断,大喝道:“灵幻虎王,你也是无耻之徒,原本虽然看你不顺眼,好歹也敬重是妖兽一员,体内流的是你妖火灵幻虎一族的血,你此刻也落井下石,对人类卑躬屈膝,真是不要脸啊!” What called to be, otherwise has chopped you directly!” “叫什么叫,要不然直接剁了你!” Linghuan Tiger King drinks greatly, is a foot maliciously held on the body of dragon, this foot will call a painful penetrating heart on that the dragon will kick, was in a thundering rage. 灵幻虎王大喝,又是一脚狠狠的揣在了应龙的身上,这一脚可是将应龙踢的那叫一个痛彻心扉,咆哮如雷。 Palace Lord, I have an idea, must otherwise, you look at this mixed dragon......” “殿主,我这有着一个主意,要不然的话,你看将这条杂龙……” Linghuan Tiger King is looking at Du Shaofu, after hesitant one next, opens the mouth saying: This really mixed dragon is talented, otherwise the palace mainly also makes the personal servant this mixed dragon first hand.” 灵幻虎王望着杜少甫,犹豫了一下后,开口道:“这条真杂龙实力不俗,殿主要不然也将这一条杂龙首届手作跟班吧。”
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