MGC :: Volume #13

#1254: Once more tyrannical

Chapter 1252: Once more tyrannical 第1252章:再次狂虐 Chapter 1252: Once more tyrannical. 第1252章:再次狂虐。 This......” “这……” Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King are listening to that colossus words, immediately look at each other in shock, stares. 灵幻虎王狂熊王听着那一尊庞然大物的话,顿时面面相觑,为之一愣。 But is only the flash, two beasts almost also nod, is the ominous pupil dew smiles. 但只是一瞬间,两兽几乎是同时点头,皆是凶瞳目露微笑。 Linghuan Tiger King said with a smile to that colossus immediately: Has not related, gives you, do not have scruples us.” 灵幻虎王顿时对那一尊庞然大物笑道:“没关系,交给你了,你千万不要顾忌我们。” Yes, to us the face, how do not should move how move!” “是的,你千万不要给我们面子,该怎么动就怎么动!” Kuang Bear King opens the mouth to emphasize specially, an eye of belt smiles, wishes one could that colossus to begin immediately. 狂熊王特意开口强调着,目带微笑,恨不得那一尊庞然大物立刻就动手。 That follows Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King king of beasts much, at this moment sees Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King words, immediately also understanding, immediately and Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King are coordinating, but also has Demonic Beast really unable to bear the forehead break into sweat on the dragon for that. 那不少追随狂熊王灵幻虎王的兽王者们,此刻见到灵幻虎王狂熊王的话,顿时也会意,立刻和狂熊王灵幻虎王配合着,但却是也有妖兽实在忍不住额头为那应龙冒着冷汗。 These two fellows so were when good to speak.” “这两家伙什么时候这么好说话过了。” But that colossus is looking at this moment actually at Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King doubts, according to its ordinary understanding, that Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King alone in the same place not true has taken it, let alone this moment that two fellows also in together likely are the appearances that collaborates, will not be absolutely good to speak to it, the youth is the valuable medicine that obtains is obviously uncommon. 而那庞然大物此刻却是望着狂熊王灵幻虎王疑惑,按照它平常的了解,那狂熊王灵幻虎王单独在一起的时候都未曾真正的服过它,何况此刻那两个家伙还在一起像是联手的样子,绝对是不会对它那么好说话的,那青年明显是得到的宝药不凡。 That two fellows were seriously battered, so that's how it is.” “那两家伙受重创了,原来如此。” Vision that in the colossus double pupil has doubts, is looking at Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King of that extremely pitiful appearance afterward, immediately understood. 庞然大物双瞳中疑惑的目光,随后望着那极为凄惨模样的灵幻虎王狂熊王,顿时就明白了过来。 Originally was Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King that two fellows experienced personally to cause heavy losses, does not know that was injured by whom, but this was unimportant, more importantly Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King two fellows at this moment, therefore the meeting has not grasped copes with that purple robe youth. 原来是灵幻虎王狂熊王那两家伙已经身受重创了,不知道被谁所伤,但这也并不重要,重要的是此刻的灵幻虎王狂熊王两个家伙,因此才会没有把握对付那紫袍青年了。 But at this moment, that Du Shaofu looks in the sky by a colossus, the brow is selected slightly, eye of dew light smiling expression. 而此刻,那杜少甫望着上空中被一尊庞然大物,眉头微微一挑,目露淡淡笑意 That colossus Du Shaofu can say, after not entering the Heavenly Beast grave strangely, impression most profound saw at present that colossus. 那一尊庞然大物杜少甫可以说不陌生的,进入天兽墓之后,印象最为深刻的就是见到了眼前那一尊庞然大物。 That is one after another strange flood dragon posthumous wings, the duplicate Gueron scale scale, has the sharp claws all over the body, the scales are dense, the big mouth, is strange and fierce. 那是一条一条怪异蛟龙背生双翼,通体覆盖龙鳞般的鳞片,有着利爪,鳞甲森森,血盆大口,怪异而狰狞。 Good on dragon!” “好一条应龙!” Du Shaofu light smiling, that was initially after that selects rampantly domineering huge on the dragon that entering the Heavenly Beast grave sees. 杜少甫淡淡的笑着,那是当初在进入天兽墓之后就见到的那一挑嚣张跋扈的庞大应龙。 But obviously this is quite very eccentric on the dragon, not with forming cliques that Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King like that make widely known. 而很明显这一条应龙比较孤僻,没有和灵幻虎王狂熊王那般张扬的拉帮结派。 On the dragon, in the legend compared with Dragon race bloodline of flood dragon is stronger. 应龙,传说中比起蛟龙的龙族血脉更强。 But it is said also has two types on the dragon, the hearsay has about superfluous bloodline, moistens the dragon vein to practice, cultivates for 300 years is the flood dragon, 500 years change into on the dragon, when the time comes can obtain exceedingly high penetrating omnipotent divine ability. 但据说应龙也有着两种,传闻有关于蛇足血脉者,沾龙脉而修炼,修300年为蛟龙,500年化为应龙,到时候能够得到通天彻地无所不能的神通 Du Shaofu is looking in this moment sky that colossus, should be true on dragon bloodline, but from his body fills the air, but fearful aura, to absolutely the powerful beginning of the universe Beast Venerable level. 杜少甫望着此刻天空上那一尊庞然大物,应该是真正的应龙血脉,而从其身上弥漫而出的慑人气息来看,也是到了绝对强悍的混元兽尊层次。 „, Doesn't the boy, you plan to hand over the valuable medicine?” “嗷,小子,你不打算交出宝药?” Looks at that purple robe youth actually not to have the sound, roared on Dragon, the fearful fierce and tough aura just liked the storm sweeps across. 瞧着那紫袍青年竟然是毫无动静,应龙咆哮,可怕的凶悍气息犹如风暴般席卷而来。 Roar......” “嗷吼……” Listens to roar such as the slating sound on dragon that all around numerous beast trembling millet, earth of that voice vibration also' bang' tremor. 听着应龙那咆哮如雷鸣般的声响,四周众兽颤粟,那声浪震动的大地也'轰隆隆'颤动。 Indeed is not weak, is having some Dragon race aura.” “的确是不弱,带着一些龙族气息啊。” Facing that on the fierce and tough aura of dragon, the frightening air wave impact comes, making Du Shaofu also commend at this moment secretly, but on the face is still having the light smile. 面对那应龙的凶悍气息,恐怖气浪冲击而来,让得杜少甫此刻也暗自赞许,但脸庞上依然是带着淡淡的微笑。 But Du Shaofu's that and other smiles, fall on that at this moment on the vision of dragon, occupying was feeling has a heart for no reason to tremble, that vision looks like it usually meets the game to be ordinary. 杜少甫的那等微笑,此刻落在那应龙的目光中,居是感觉着有着一种无端的心颤,那种目光就像是它平常遇到猎物一般。 For a long time has not drunk Dragon blood to eat the dragon meat, although you bloodline is a little mixed, but has also made to put up with, is away from home, I do not have that many art, mixed dragon on mixed dragon.” “好久没有喝龙血吃龙肉了,你虽然血脉有点杂,但也将就了,出门在外,我也没那么多的讲究,杂龙就杂龙吧。” Du Shaofu smiles to say lightly that fierce has not cared on the dragon that slightly. 杜少甫淡淡一笑说道,丝毫就没有将那一条狰狞应龙放在心上过。 Is indifferent facing Du Shaofu's, Linghuan Tiger King, Kuang Bear King, the small bird of prey knew the reason, naturally thinks little, in the heart early prayed on Dragon for that. 面对杜少甫的淡然,灵幻虎王,狂熊王,小隼等知道原因的,自然是不以为意,心中早已经是为那一条应龙祈祷了。 Drinks Dragon blood, eats Dragon Rou, they know that Demon King Du Shaofu may not be jokes absolutely. 喝龙血,吃龙肉,它们可是知道,那魔王杜少甫可绝对不是闹着玩的啊。 However at this moment in 3322 receives Demonic Beast that the giant aura sound brings, hears Du Shaofu's that words, is an eye of dew disdains all. 不过此刻在3322受到巨大气息动静引来的妖兽,听到杜少甫的那话,无不是目露不屑。 „!” “嗷!” This on the dragon is the violent anger, roared angrily, pair of ominous pupil flood cold brightness, that huge body horizontal midair, immediately roared fiercely, the lightning dashed to Du Shaofu went. 这一条应龙更是暴怒,愤然咆哮,一双凶瞳泛着寒光,那庞大的身躯横过半空,顿时狰狞咆哮,闪电直扑向了杜少甫而去。 Huge one on the dragon, this moment stimulation of movement offensive, is actually if quickly the lightning, the body distortion is void, the fierce large-mouthed vessel big mouth looks like scarlet black hole, swallowed directly to Du Shaofu went. 庞大的一条应龙,此刻催动攻势,却是快若闪电,身躯扭曲虚空,狰狞的血盆大嘴就像是一个血色黑洞,直接吞噬向了杜少甫而去。 People visual, swallowed Du Shaofu on dragon one fiercely directly. 众人目视中,狰狞应龙一口将杜少甫直接吞噬在了其中。 However flickers below, the light golden light revealed that outside number hundred zhang (333m), just obviously on dragon has swallowed that purple robe youth, at this moment is safe and sound appears unexpectedly once again. 不过就在下一瞬,淡淡金光显露在了数百丈之外,刚刚明明是被应龙一口吞噬了的那紫袍青年,此刻竟然是安然无恙再度出现。 Good quick speed!” “好快的速度!” All around has Demonic Beast to understand that the speed of that purple robe youth was too fast, can see clearly to nobody quickly. 四周有妖兽明白过来,那紫袍青年的速度太快了,快到没有人能够看清楚。 „......” “嗷……” Trembles on the dragon gaining ground vision, strikes unexpectedly not, afterward take a shot / make a move, that great tail instead pulls out to go once again, just likes together the thunder, in an instant pulled out before the Du Shaofu's body. 应龙抬头目光一颤,一击竟然不中,随后再度出手,那巨尾反抽而去,犹如一道雷霆,刹那间就抽在了杜少甫的身前。 That fearful strength sweeps across, the space has cracked-up on Dragon Juwei, the void distortion, the scale illumination, can destroy all. 那可怕的力量席卷,应龙巨尾所过空间撞碎,虚空扭曲,鳞片发光,能够摧毁一切。 Many Demonic Beast shock, then on Dragon Ju the tail, feared that is the unusual Martial Venerable powerhouse such one pulls out, sufficiently changed to the blood fog carelessly. 不少的妖兽震撼,那应龙巨尾之下,怕是超凡武尊强者被那么一抽,也一个不慎就足以化作血雾了。 Scoffs!” “嗤啦啦!” But at this moment, an astonishing appearance, Du Shaofu again has not avoided, the right arm inspires, the five fingers micro tune, above the fingertip golden twinkle talisman-pattern, in the hand claw-print finds out together. 而就在此刻,惊人的一幕出现,杜少甫没有再躲避,右臂一振,五指微曲,指尖之上金色闪烁符箓秘纹,手中一道爪印探出。 Bang!” “轰!” As this claw-print golden light erupts together, just likes must tear the space, dazzling talisman-pattern just likes the golden electricity glow wreaks havoc, has Golden Winged Peng to flutter likely the soaring, hovers for nine days. 随着这一道爪印金光爆发,犹如要撕裂空间,刺眼的符箓秘纹犹如金色电芒般肆虐,像是有着一只金翅大鹏鸟要振翅飞翔而出,翱翔九天。 This flickers, an overbearing incomparable aura erupts from Du Shaofu within the body, the air/Qi of this type of overbearing swift and fierce fierce and tough, as if should not appear in humanity, only then these Demonic Beast supreme bodies possibly exist. 这一瞬,一股霸道无匹的气息自杜少甫体内爆发,这种霸道凌厉的凶悍之气,似乎不应该在人类中出现,只有那些妖兽至尊的身上才可能存在。 So under claw-print, all around dense and numerous form within the body, all are present a Pulse Soul trembling millet and fear intent, seems like supreme facing the King. 如此爪印之下,四周密密麻麻的身影体内,无不是出现一种脉魂颤粟和惧意,就像是面对王者至尊。 Great Peng broken dun claw!” 大鹏碎沌爪!” Du Shaofu gives a loud shout, above claw-print the golden light erupts, just likes the innumerable golden electricity snake plunders, by an overbearing incomparable stance, grasping maliciously on the great tail of dragon on. 杜少甫大喝一声,爪印之上金光爆发,犹如无数金色电蛇掠出,以一种霸道无匹的姿态,狠狠的抓在了应龙的巨尾上。 When the rumor is antique, Golden Winged Peng flutters , the sharp claws can capture to tear into shreds the Dragon race powerhouse, obviously the claw of its Great Peng is powerful fearfully. 传言太古之时,金翅大鹏鸟振翅而下,利爪能够擒拿撕碎龙族强者,可见其大鹏之爪何等强悍可怕。 Crash-bang......” “哗啦啦……” Fearful claw-print falls, facing that huge on Dragon Juwei, a fearful strength sweeps across, almost does not have stagnant brave general it to stop. 可怕的爪印落下,面对那庞大的应龙巨尾,一股可怕的力量席卷而出,几乎是毫无停滞猛将其生生止住。 After short deadlock, saw only Du Shaofu golden light claw-print then to destroy on the defense of dragon, afterward grasped that maliciously on dragon great Onouchi, even/including Longlin also being cracked crumb. 只是短短的僵持之后,只见杜少甫金光爪印便是摧毁了应龙的防御,随后狠狠抓进了那应龙巨尾之内,连龙鳞也生生龟裂捏碎。 Gives me to get down.” “给我下去。” Du Shaofu drinks greatly, by the easily accomplished potential, held directly on the great tail of dragon, the shoulder has fallen on dragon one that grabbed from the midair on the great tail of dragon maliciously falls but actually on below abyss mountain top. 杜少甫大喝,以摧枯拉朽之势,直接抓住了应龙的巨尾,将那应龙生生一个过肩摔,从半空抓着应龙的巨尾狠狠的倒摔在了下方一座深渊山头上。 Bang!” “轰隆隆!” On dragon that huge body falling maliciously in the mountain top, giant mountain top bang crack was stave, the giant stone changes to the powder powder, the mountain top of standing tall and erect is razed directly. 应龙那庞大的身躯狠狠的摔在了山头,巨大的山头‘轰隆隆’龟裂破碎,巨石化作齑粉,高耸的山头直接被夷为平地。 Péng near nine days!” “鹏临九天!” The golden light erupts, this flash, the Du Shaofu stimulation of movement Péng near nine days, suppresses in the hand on the dragon, in claw-print a destruction purple thunder and lightning strength gushes out, immediately rolling fell in torrents on dragon within the body. 金光爆发,这一瞬间,杜少甫催动鹏临九天,镇压手中应龙,爪印之内一股毁灭般的紫色雷电力量涌出,顿时滚滚倾泻在了应龙体内。 Bang!” “轰隆隆!” Upper air for no reason thunder, blustery, the thunder and lightning falls in torrents, just like the flood, makes on the dragon whole body scale vertical but actually, within the body energy by electricity is unable to congeal, in addition the Péng near nine days of overbearing suppression, is unable to struggle to contend. 高空无端电闪雷鸣,风起云涌,雷电倾泻,宛如洪水,让得应龙浑身鳞片倒竖,体内能量被电的无法凝结,加上鹏临九天的霸道镇压,根本就无法挣扎抗衡。 First comes a massage, the pulp is when the time comes good.” “先来个按摩,到时候肉质才好。” Du Shaofu visits the upper air, is proposing that huge nearly quick thousand zhang (3.33 m) fierce on Dragon Juwei, the Mt. Liba river, the overlord brandishes the cauldron, just like falling the snake is ordinary, about back and forth first successive on dragon body maliciously back and forth fell ten several times above. 杜少甫踏足高空,提着那庞大近乎快千丈的狰狞应龙巨尾,力拔山河,霸王抡鼎,宛如摔蛇一般,将应龙身躯左右来回一连狠狠的来回摔了十数次以上。 Bang......” “轰隆隆……” That everything may become vulnerable, the under abyss crack, the crushed stone lasing, the ground crack propagation, shocks, making the numerous beasts stare dumbfounded, holding breath cold air. 地动山摇,下方深渊龟裂,碎石激射,地面裂缝蔓延,震撼的一幕,让众兽瞠目结舌,倒吸凉气。 Cluck......” “咕咕……” Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King at this moment are also in the throat tumble, holding breath saliva, in double pupil trembling millet, whole body holding breath cold air. 就连此刻的灵幻虎王狂熊王也是喉咙内翻滚,倒吸唾沫,双瞳颤粟中,浑身倒吸凉气。
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