MGC :: Volume #13

#1253: Pays silent tribute for it

Chapter 1251: Pays silent tribute for it 第1251章:为其默哀 Chapter 1251: Pays silent tribute for it. 第1251章:为其默哀。 Du Shaofu really has not believed own strength by Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King counter- ultra, if has such one day, oneself became the personal servants of these two beasts has also gotten what one deserves, feared that was when the time comes did not say with oneself, these two beasts will not let off their. 杜少甫还真是不相信自己的实力会被狂熊王灵幻虎王反超,若是真有那么一天,自己成为这两兽的跟班也是活该了,怕是到时候不用自己说,这两兽都是不会放过自己的。 Good.” “好。” Looks at Du Shaofu not to accept the first condition, wants them to become the personal servant, but the good and evil also accepted a condition , had under a stair, after two beasts hesitant one next, clenched teeth to agree. 瞧着杜少甫不答应第一个条件,非要它们成为跟班,不过好歹也算是答应了一个条件,也算是有了一个台阶下,两兽犹豫了一下后,咬牙同意。 Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King became the Demon King Du Shaofu's personal servants!” 狂熊王灵幻虎王成为魔王杜少甫的跟班了!” All around Demonic Beast sees that dumbfounded. 四周妖兽见状,目瞪口呆。 Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King do not have the means that they have met Demon King Du Shaofu bad luck, if not comply, feared that was the life cannot preserve.” 狂熊王灵幻虎王也是没办法,它们倒霉遇上了魔王杜少甫,要是不答应,怕是命都保不住了啊。” But some Demonic Beast sighed, was Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King threatened enormously and powerful always looked for this Du Shaofu to trouble, who knows that the present result actually so reversed. 一些妖兽无奈叹气,原本是狂熊王灵幻虎王气势汹汹浩浩荡荡的老找这杜少甫麻烦,谁知道现在的结果却是如此逆转了。 Not far away midair, Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King is following, in addition under 20 Demonic Beast powerhouses, the Beast Venerable boundary level is not majority, but what Beast Emperor boundary is only several. 不远处半空,狂熊王灵幻虎王的跟随着,加起来不下于20只妖兽强者,兽尊境层次占据大多数,而兽皇境的只是几只而已。 This moment these Demonic Beast saw that Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King followed that Demon King Du Shaofu, immediately starts to have the tacit understanding, starts to withdraw quietly. 此刻那些妖兽见到狂熊王灵幻虎王已经跟随了那魔王杜少甫,顿时开始有着默契,开始悄然退后。 That Demon King Du Shaofu's that they do not want to follow, in beast territory, if became a personal servant of humanity, but makes all Demonic Beast despise sufficiently. 它们可是不想跟随的那魔王杜少甫的,在兽域之中,谁要是成为了一个人类的跟班,可是足以让所有妖兽鄙夷的。 You give me to come, who dares to walk, I have ripped you exactly.” “你们给我过来,谁敢走,我活撕了你们。” Does not know when had untied Linghuan Tiger King of ban to give a loud shout by Du Shaofu, pair of ominous pupil fixed the eyes on directly to that crowd that wanted to depart quietly was following its Demonic Beast. 不知何时已经被杜少甫解开了禁制的灵幻虎王大喝一声,一双凶瞳直接是紧盯向了正欲要悄然离去的那一群原本跟随它的妖兽 Last night a night, that Demon King Du Shaofu in controlling one's breathing breathing exercise, in the Linghuan Tiger King heart has thought own follower, while that rare opportunity take a shot / make a move, will rescue them. 昨晚一夜,那魔王杜少甫在调息吐纳,灵幻虎王一直心中以为自己的跟随者,会趁着那难得的机会出手,将它们救出。 Finally the entire night, that crowd of follower any sounds, this has not let in the Linghuan Tiger King heart even more atmosphere, a lot is the fire. 结果整整一夜,那一群跟随者没有任何的动静,这让灵幻虎王心中越发气氛,正一肚子是火。 This moment one untied the seal, Linghuan Tiger King stares on the vision immediately to that group of followers went. 此刻一解开封印,灵幻虎王立刻就目光瞪向了那一群跟随者而去。 Let alone, at this moment became the personal servant of humanity, Linghuan Tiger King will not let off own follower, all Demonic Beast are accompanying them, always compares, only then their two become good that the personal servant must come. 更何况,此刻自己成为了人类的跟班,灵幻虎王也不会放过自己的跟随者,所有妖兽陪着它们,总比起只有它们两个被成为跟班要来的好。 Although Linghuan Tiger King is scarred at this moment, carries severe wound, but also followed Du Shaofu, but remaining prestige still, let alone they by the Demon King Du Shaofu devastation, the severe wound are also for a while. 尽管灵幻虎王此刻伤痕累累,身负重伤,还已经跟随了杜少甫,但余威犹在,何况它们只是被魔王杜少甫蹂躏,重伤也是一时。 With the Linghuan Tiger King that sound of big drinking , these Demonic Beast King who wants to depart quietly, is the mind trembles, immediately stagnates, the eye of dew scared look, does not dare to depart again. 随着灵幻虎王那一声大喝之声下,那些正欲要悄然离去的妖兽王者,皆是心神一颤,立刻生生停滞,目露惧色,不敢再离去。 You also halt to me.” “你们也给我站住。” Kuang Bear King drinks the sound greatly, after Linghuan Tiger King drinks greatly the sound falls spreads, double pupil tight is looking at own these along with , is the same getting angry. 狂熊王的大喝声,也随着灵幻虎王的大喝声落下后传出,双瞳紧紧的望着自己的那些更随者,也是一样的冒火。 Follows Kuang Bear King that group of Demonic Beast King, naturally is also unwillingly departs, dreads halts, the mind trembles. 追随狂熊王的那一群妖兽王者,自然也是不甘离去,畏惧止步,心神发颤。 Has not rolled to me!” “还不给我滚过来!” Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King drink greatly, that group of followers dread immediately come, an eye of belt startles the color. 灵幻虎王狂熊王大喝,那一群跟随者顿时畏惧前来,目带骇色。 Gives me spirit medicine.” “把灵药都交给我。” Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King are almost with one voice, drinks to own follower greatly. 灵幻虎王狂熊王几乎是异口同声,对自己的跟随者大喝。 This moment Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King are scarred, if air/Qi the gossamer, needs spirit medicine to restore, because of their Cosmos Bag, after yesterday was banned, by that Demon King Du Shaofu searching, to the meaning that the present has not returned. 此刻狂熊王灵幻虎王伤痕累累,气若游丝,需要灵药恢复,因为它们身上的乾坤袋,早在昨天被禁制后,就已经被那魔王杜少甫给搜走了,到现在也没有归还的意思。 Just escaped, Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King at this moment, are not naturally good to look for that Demon King to want, so as to avoid being repaired again. 刚刚才逃过一劫,此刻的灵幻虎王狂熊王,自然是也不好找那魔王要,免得再次被修理。 Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King followed Demonic Beast, although in some hearts the difficult shed to ache, but also has to give Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King spirit medicine all. 灵幻虎王狂熊王的跟随妖兽,虽然有些心中难舍作痛,但也不得不是将身上的灵药尽数交给了灵幻虎王狂熊王 Was good, we should good.” “好了,我们该好出发了。” Du Shaofu shot a look at Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King, regarding does not need to be worried that completely Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King two beasts will renege on a promise, these two beasts are also in the beast territory illustrious existence, retracts something said unable to do in the presence of everyone, let alone did not fear that these two beasts retract something said that fears is own strength insufficiently frightens that two beasts. 杜少甫瞥了灵幻虎王狂熊王一眼,对于完全不用担心灵幻虎王狂熊王两兽会出尔反尔,这两兽也是兽域之中赫赫有名的存在,当众反口也做不出来,何况也不怕这两兽反口,怕的就是自己的实力不够震慑那两兽。 But is also leading one group of Demonic Beast King regarding Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King, majority is the strengths of Beast Venerable boundary, this makes in the Du Shaofu heart secretly rejoice, if after this, returns to the state, ruled a region by force sufficiently. 而对于狂熊王灵幻虎王还带着一帮的妖兽王者,大部分都是兽尊境的实力,这让杜少甫心中可是暗喜不已,这要是以后回中州,足以是雄霸一方了。 However in the Du Shaofu heart is clear, by own present cultivation base strength, even if adds on this Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King , etc., compared that Fa Family and Demon Religion, anything did not change radically. 不过杜少甫心中更是清楚,以自己现在的修为实力,哪怕是加上这灵幻虎王狂熊王等,相比那法家魔教,根本就什么都改变不了。 Even if facing that Radiant God Courtyard, Du Shaofu also knows own present is not enough. 哪怕是面对那光明神庭,杜少甫也知道自己现在都不足够。 First did not say Radiant God Courtyard back, in fact is also Demon Religion. 先不说光明神庭的背后,实际上也就是魔教 In that Radiant God Courtyard, itself has the god light day Venerable that old fogy, Du Shaofu knew that by own present cultivation base, feared is also hard how. 光明神庭内,本身就有着神光天尊那老家伙在,杜少甫自知以自己现在的修为,怕是还难以奈何。 As in the mouth the voice falls, Du Shaofu rides the small bird of prey, departs along with the purple flame monster phoenix from out of the blue. 随着嘴中话音落下,杜少甫乘坐小隼,随着紫炎妖凰破空离去。 Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King, make a flight Demonic Beast King change to the main body respectively, helpless tagging along after goes. 灵幻虎王狂熊王,各自让一只飞行妖兽王者化作本体,无奈的尾随而去。 That Demon King walked, does not know that whom next was one's turn to have bad luck.” “那魔王走了,不知道下一个轮到谁倒霉了。” Is looking at the Demon King Du Shaofu's back, all around Demonic Beast has the feeling of no reason relaxing. 望着魔王杜少甫的背影,四周妖兽有着无端松了一口气的感觉。 ........................ …………………… Whiz......” “嗖……” But after Du Shaofu , etc. departed half double-hour, the cliff front space flood the space fluctuates, a youth appeared in the midair afterward. 而就在杜少甫等离去半个时辰之后,山崖前方空间泛起空间波动,一个青年随后出现在了半空。 This is a personal appearance is quite joyful the long youth, tight-fitting scarlet scarlet long dress the perfect stature will expose a slightly with nothing left, sends such as the blood scarlet like the fire, the stiff bridge of the nose, the quite three-dimensional five senses, cannot cover up an outstanding heroic bearing, inborn rules the world King imposing manner. 这是一个身形极为欣长的青年,一袭略微紧身的赤血色长衣将完美的身材展露无遗,一头赤发如血如火,挺直的鼻梁,颇为立体的五官,掩不住一种卓尔不群英姿,天生一副君临天下王者气势。 The double pupil of youth is also having the color of scarlet blood, sharp profound, is unconscious gives people an inexhaustible constriction! 青年的双眸也带着赤血之色,锐利深邃,不自觉得给人一种无穷无尽的压迫感! Roar......” “嗷吼……” When this youth appears, Demonic Beast that all around vestiges have not departed, trembles for no reason for no reason secretly. 当这青年出现,四周此刻残余未曾离去的妖兽,无端无端暗自发颤。 Who can tell me, that Du Shaofu where?” “有谁能够告诉我,那杜少甫在何处?” The scarlet scarlet long dress youth float midair, the vision sweeps all around, the sound has reverberated slowly. 赤血色长衣青年悬浮半空,目光扫过四周,声音徐徐回荡。 Demon King Du Shaofu walked, in that direction?” 魔王杜少甫走了,往那个方向?” Is listening to the words of that scarlet scarlet long dress youth, some Demonic Beast cannot bear for its finger of road, looks like some of their mind people are for no reason ordinary in the direction, involuntary, is willing. 听着那赤血色长衣青年的话,一些妖兽忍不住为其指路,就像是无端间他们脑海有人在指引一般,身不由己,又心甘情愿。 Whiz......” “嗖……” As all around Demonic Beast words have not fallen all, the scarlet scarlet long dress youth form then directly across the sky disappears does not see, has not stayed behind including the trace. 随着四周妖兽的话未曾尽数落下,赤血色长衣青年身影便是直接横空消失不见,连痕迹都未曾留下。 That probably is.......” “那好像是……。” As that youth departs, who has a hot wolf as if to remember that youth is, immediately in pair of ominous pupil also reveals the absolute frightened color. 随着那青年离去,有着一只火狼似乎是想起了那青年是谁,顿时一双凶瞳内也露出绝对的恐惧之色。 What you said is he, is the ghost......” “你说的是他么,是鬼……” Side that Demonic Beast, lion trembles, fears suddenly, but the voice by that hot wolf interruption, was also said: Is he, it is said initially that fearful fellow, even does not know one's place with the Dragon race dragon 81 wars, these years die powerful existence in his hands, did not know many, his appearance, is monstrous talent existence.” 妖兽身边,一只雄狮目颤,也骤然为之恐惧,但话音又被那火狼打断,道:“就是他,据说当初那可怕的家伙,甚至和龙族龙81战不分上下,这些年死在他手中的强悍存在,已经不知道多少了,他的出现,就是妖孽般的存在。” The hot wolf fears, the whole body shivers, that wears frightening of scarlet scarlet long dress to exist, was really too frightening. 火狼恐惧,浑身为之颤抖,那一个身着赤血色长衣的恐怖存在,实在是太恐怖了。 Whiz whiz......” “嗖嗖……” Shortly after that scarlet scarlet long dress youth departs, has the broken rumor to resound through, a troop form appears in the midair, that aura invisible fills the air, coagulates the expansive sky. 就在那赤血色长衣青年离去后不久,有着破风声响彻,一大群身影出现在半空中,那一股股气息无形弥漫开去,凝固长空。 When wears blue long gown first, the youth who the blue long hair complete shoulder hangs loose, has an imposing appearance with a war clothes youth, the vision has swept, the numerous beasts none who does not dare to look at each other with it. 当先一个身着蓝色长袍,蓝色长发齐肩披散的青年,和一个战衣青年气宇轩昂,目光扫过,众兽莫不敢与之对视。 Pays a visit the dragon seven crown princes, pays a visit the dragon eight crown princes!” “拜见龙七太子,拜见龙八太子!” As a two youth treads spatially, all around scattered Demonic Beast also immediately crawls to salute, is gushes out to fear intent all. 随着那两人个青年踏空,四周零零散散的妖兽也顿时匍匐行礼,无不是涌出惧意。 .................................................................. ………………………………………………………… Scoffs......” “嗤啦……” Dim abyss, giant fracture of rock secret, but the Du Shaofu's form presents, several overflow the flowing light, the uncommon valuable medicine of fluctuation energy took in Cosmos Bag by Du Shaofu. 昏暗的深渊,巨大的岩石裂缝隐秘,但杜少甫的身影出现其中,数株溢动流光,波动能量的不凡宝药被杜少甫收进了乾坤袋中。 This fellow so will be how secret can also find, was too mysterious!” “这家伙怎么会这么隐秘也能够找到,太神奇了吧!” Not far away, is looking at the Du Shaofu collection treasure medicine, Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King, the small bird of prey all reveals the color of dumbfounded surprise. 不远处,望着杜少甫收集宝药,灵幻虎王狂熊王,小隼等皆是露出目瞪口呆的诧异之色。 The short several double-hour, they experienced inconceivable one, that savage Demon King looked like knows where all the way these spirit medicine and heavenly materials or earthly treasures were ordinary, the direct past can select, the covert place can discover easily. 短短的几个时辰,它们见识到了不可思议的一幕,那凶残的魔王一路上就像是知道那些灵药天材地宝在什么地方一般,直接过去就能够摘取,再隐蔽的地方都能够轻易发现。 So long as is that savage Demon King place visited, is all the way impossible also to have the fish slip through, will not leave others opportunity. 只要是那凶残魔王所过之处,一路上不可能还有漏网之鱼,不会留给别人机会。 Boy, puts down the valuable medicine!” “小子,放下宝药!” While Du Shaofu takes off several valuable medicines, a stubborn sound reverberates suddenly, the huge form appears from the expansive sky together afterward, a fierce and tough aura surging expansive sky, making the midair blustery. 就在杜少甫摘下几株宝药的同时,一声桀骜的声音骤然回荡,一道庞大的身影随后自长空浮现,一股凶悍气息涌动长空,让半空风起云涌。 Well, was that fellow comes?” “咦,是那家伙来了吗?” When is looking in the midair that colossus, Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King of not far away midair simultaneously the vision selects. 而当望着半空上那一尊庞然大物,不远处半空的狂熊王灵幻虎王同时目光一挑。 Afterward Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King two beast look at each other in shock, in the respective pair of pupil gush out a faint smile the expression, seemed has what result to know. 随后狂熊王灵幻虎王两兽面面相觑,各自双瞳中涌出一种似笑非笑的表情,似乎是有着何种结果已经知道了。 Yeah, pays silent tribute for that......” “哎,为那家默哀吧……” Linghuan Tiger King somewhat sighed, was looking at that colossus in midair, in the eye the vision was to reveal some to pity. 灵幻虎王有些叹息,望着半空上的那庞然大物,眼中目光不由是露出些许怜悯来。 Spirit imaginary, crazy bear, this fellow you do not give up, I am impolite!” “灵幻,狂熊,这家伙你们舍不得动,那我就不客气了!” As after stubborn voice in its midair falls, in that colossus eye copper bell ominous pupil visual to Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King, but sees on Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King afterward that pitiful appearance, seems some doubts and surprise. 随着其半空中的桀骜声音落下后,那一尊庞然大物眼中铜铃般的凶瞳目视向了灵幻虎王狂熊王,但随后见到狂熊王灵幻虎王身上那凄惨的模样,似乎是有些疑惑和诧异。
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