MGC :: Volume #13

#1252: Bargaining.

Chapter 1250: Bargaining. 第1250章:讨价还价。 Chapter 1250: Bargaining. 第1250章:讨价还价。 In the morning, before a piece of cliff in confusion, the small bird of prey stopped breathing exercise controlling one's breathing, heavy losses, unexpectedly were good many, the vision was pleasantly surprised, the barbecue that the valuable soup that yesterday ate and ate up, it obtained many clearly advantage. 清晨,一片狼藉的山崖前,小隼停止了吐纳调息,身上的重创,居然是好了不少,目光惊喜,昨天喝下的宝汤和吃下的烤肉,它自己最为清楚得到了多少的好处。 Shouted......” “呼……” Du Shaofu also stopped breathing exercise controlling one's breathing, golden light restrained slowly, put out along with foul air, the double pupil opened, in the golden light was having some thunder and lightning rays, afterward changed clearly and brightly. 杜少甫也停止了吐纳调息,身上的金光徐徐收敛,随着一口浊气吐出,双眸睁开,金光中带着些许的雷电光芒,随后化作清朗。 Flip-flop!” “噼啪!” Set out to extend one to stretch, the body joint flip-flop made noise, the Du Shaofu facial features belt smiled. 起身伸展了一个懒腰,身上关节噼啪作响,杜少甫面容带笑。 Was feeling Profound Qi and in mind of Niwan Palace within the body full the vigorous Soul Force strength, in the heart could not say carefree comfortable, the Du Shaofu cow felt itself on the martial arts, as if soon breakthrough, perhaps so long as an appropriate turning point, can success when conditions are ripe, direct breakthrough. 感觉着体内充盈的玄气和脑海泥丸宫内雄浑的元神力量,心中说不出的畅快舒坦,杜少甫牛感觉到自己在武道上,似乎又快要突破了,只要一个合适的契机,或许就能够水到渠成,直接突破 But regarding breakthrough this matter, Du Shaofu cannot affirm, let alone to the present cultivation base situation, wanted breakthrough one, various divine ability figures have in the comprehension on Pulse Soul again, has the huge relations. 但对于突破这种事情,杜少甫自己也不敢肯定,何况到了现在的修为地步,想要突破一层,再各种神通身段还有脉魂上的领悟上,也都有着巨大的关系。 Breakfast was too important, must eat.” “早餐太重要了,一定要吃好。” When the Du Shaofu vision falls on ground banned Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King, on the face reveals a faint smile the expression. 杜少甫目光落在地上被禁制的狂熊王灵幻虎王身上的时候,脸庞上露出一种似笑非笑的表情。 Roar roar ............ “吼吼…………” In the limpidity of this not a sound to be heard, two pitiful yell whinning sounds cuts the tranquil earth and sky, making ten thousand beasts be disturbed with fear. 紧接着,在这万籁俱寂的清澈,两声惨叫哀嚎声划破宁静的大地和天空,让得万兽惊恐不安。 But on the Kuang Bear King another bear's paws of star, is a bulk bear's paws meat is cut. 可伶的狂熊王另外一只熊掌上,又是一大块熊掌肉被割下。 But on other Linghuan Tiger King half tiger buttocks, is dozens jin (0.5 kg) meat is truncated again, the pitiful yell of severe pain whins. 灵幻虎王另外的半边虎臀上,也是几十斤肉再次被削,剧痛的惨叫哀嚎。 But all these, Du Shaofu has not even looked at Kuang Bear King and that Linghuan Tiger King one, not to mention spoke a few words, was under the blade shears the meat directly, gratefully. 而这一切,杜少甫甚至都没有多看狂熊王和那灵幻虎王一眼,更别提说一句话了,直接就是下刀割肉,毫不客气。 But at this moment lets Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King is in the heart frightened restless, that Demon King Du Shaofu was actually a few words did not say that directly operated with them. 而此刻让狂熊王灵幻虎王更是心中恐惧不安,那魔王杜少甫竟然是一句话都不说,就直接拿它们开刀。 This clarified is can definitely not care about them, momentarily can extinguish them truly. 这摆明了就是完全能够不在乎它们,随时能够将它们俩真正的灭了。 Xiong Xuehu blood wind shoots, Du Shaofu will not let off, received two big cauldrons. 熊血虎血飙射,杜少甫可不会放过,又接下了两大鼎。 This Du Shaofu has not drunk up completely, but drank half to leave behind half. 这一次杜少甫没有全部喝掉了,而是喝一半留下了一半。 The blood of monster fire spirit imaginary tiger and wild crack bear of beginning of the universe Beast Venerable level, this grade of treasure is precious, Du Shaofu may not give up has all drunk, leaves Stone City younger generation to hammer the body and cultivates Pulse Soul, its advantage is bigger, in comparison, oneself drank somewhat has instead wasted. 混元兽尊层次的妖火灵幻虎和狂暴裂地熊的血,这等宝物何等珍贵,杜少甫可舍不得全喝了,留给石城后辈锻体和培育脉魂,其好处可是更大,相比之下,自己喝了反而是有些浪费了。 The blood of wild crack bear and monster fire spirit imaginary tiger of beginning of the universe Beast Venerable level is younger generation trains Pulse Soul and hammers the body, if this makes the youth on Jiu Zhou hear, does not know that will have multi- envying. 混元兽尊层次的狂暴裂地熊和妖火灵幻虎的血为后辈培养脉魂和锻体,这要是让九州上的少年听到,不知道会有多羡慕。 That is Ancient Heaven Sect, Immeasurable Cult that and other front doors sends greatly, few has this grade of chance absolutely personally. 那可是古天宗,无量教那等大门大派中,也是绝对没有几个人有着这等机缘的。 Skins unhairs, after the cleaning, Du Shaofu continues to cook the soup barbecue, very early in the morning around this cliff overflows on the meat fragrant, the fragrance flutters ten li (0.5km), making people mouth dripping with greed. 扒皮去毛,洗净之后,杜少甫继续炖汤烤肉,一大早这山崖四周就肉香四溢,香飘十里,让人馋涎欲滴。 Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King this time, but thorough was remnant!” 狂熊王灵幻虎王这一次可是彻底残了!” Flagitious, was too savage, Demon King Du Shaofu, is to rear in a pen Kuang Bear King and spirit imaginary tiger eats slowly, this is to eat every day freshly?” “凶残,太凶残了,魔王杜少甫,是想要圈养狂熊王和灵幻虎慢慢吃啊,这是要每天吃新鲜的吗?” But at this moment all around numerous beasts, savage are the custom are numb regarding Demon King Du Shaofu's. 而此刻四周的众兽,对于魔王杜少甫的凶残已经是习惯麻木了。 Distant looks at the pitiful yell to whin Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King that the numerous beasts somewhat are absolutely terrified, cold sweat directing current. 只是远远的望着惨叫哀嚎的狂熊王灵幻虎王,众兽还是有些为之毛骨悚然,冷汗直流。 You must eat again.” “你要不要再吃点。” When the meat overflows fragrant, Du Shaofu looked to one side not the far purple flame monster phoenix. 当肉香四溢的时候,杜少甫望向了一旁不远的紫炎妖凰。 I do not use, is too greasy.” “我不用了,太油腻。” Purple flame monster phoenix light [say / way], rare is moderate to Du Shaofu's. 紫炎妖凰轻道,难得的对杜少甫的语气温和。 The saying of purple flame monster phoenix falls in that pitiful the ear of Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King, is makes two beast vision tightly stare, the woman also dislikes their meat to be greasy unexpectedly. 只是紫炎妖凰的这话落在那凄惨的狂熊王灵幻虎王的耳中,却是让得两兽目光紧瞪,那女人居然还嫌它们的肉油腻。 Purple flame monster phoenix does not eat, Du Shaofu does not care, the vision is hinting the small bird of prey, said: Ate together, eats to the full you one to have the strength to fly.” 紫炎妖凰不吃,杜少甫也不在意,目光示意着小隼,道:“一起吃,吃饱了你一会才会有力气飞。” The small bird of prey early is saliva directing current, has waited for in the one side, may hear the Du Shaofu's words suddenly, is actually somewhat inexplicable felt sad, the desire of afterward food and drink submerged all, immediately starts to make chewing motions greatly quickly. 小隼早已经是口水直流,一直守候在了一旁,可突然听到杜少甫的话,却是有些莫名的心酸了起来,不过随后的口腹之欲淹没了一切,顿时就开始大快朵颐。 Even this makes the small bird of prey think that actually with this Demon King actually also good, this Demon King is indeed pretty good to the person on one's own side. 甚至这让小隼觉得,其实跟着这魔王倒是也不错,这魔王对自己人的确是不赖的。 Cauldron treasure soup, dozens jin (0.5 kg) barbecue, a person of beast and was eaten a cleanness not long, in two mouth that eats Glowing fills the air, body fluctuation of energy. 一大锅宝汤,几十斤烤肉,一人一兽并没有多久就被吃了个干干净净,吃的两人嘴中霞光弥漫,身上能量波动。 All around numerous beasts are the vision are all red, mouth dripping with greed, was only a pity that no one dares to go forward to compete, even does not dare to approach. 四周众兽无不是目光赤红,馋涎欲滴,只可惜谁也不敢上前争夺,甚至是不敢靠近。 „......” “呃……” Du Shaofu has hit Bao Ge, feels the swollen belly, shows the satisfactory smiling face. 杜少甫打了一个饱嗝,摸着自己圆鼓鼓的肚皮,露出满意笑容。 The cultivator in this world, after certain cultivation base, no longer moistens the grain miscellaneous grains and meat, so as to avoid the air/Qi of contamination contamination affects cultivation base. 这世上的修行者,到了一定修为之后不再沾五谷杂粮和肉食,免得沾染污秽之气影响修为 But in the Du Shaofu heart has thought these cultivators did not have the good fortune, was a follower, even if to the strongest situation, some day became a top powerhouse, if cannot drink to eat the meat at that time, that became the powerhouse will lose one of the maximum pleasure. 杜少甫心中一直认为那些修行者太没有福气了,身为一个修炼者,就算是到了最强地步,有朝一日成为了一个顶尖强者,若是那时候不能够喝酒吃肉,那成为强者将失去了最大的乐趣之一。 After a full belch, the Du Shaofu's vision then looks to not far away lies down in ground Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King, said: You think that clearly, this was I last time asks you, must become my personal servant, the words that did not want have not related, I will be raising you, raised thousand son 800 years has not related, every day sheared your meat to cook the soup barbecue, can strong and healthy body, Shu passed through detachably, rare!” 一个饱嗝后,杜少甫的目光这才望向不远处躺在地上的狂熊王灵幻虎王,道:“你们想清楚了没有,这是我最后一次问你们了,要不要成为我跟班,不愿意的话也没有关系,我会养着你们,养个千儿800年的也没有关系,每天割你们一点肉炖汤烤肉,能够强身健体,舒经活络,不可多得!” This saying falls in Kuang Bear King and ears of Linghuan Tiger King two beasts, immediately that pair of ominous pupil on the respective trembling millet, thousand son 800 years, ate their fresh meat every day, that was savage. 只是这话落在狂熊王灵幻虎王两兽的耳中,顿时那一双凶瞳就各自颤粟了起来,千儿800年时间,每天吃它们的新鲜肉,那是何等凶残。 Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King at this moment, two beasts will not suspect the Du Shaofu's words absolutely, because that Demon King such has done at present. 此刻的狂熊王灵幻虎王,两兽也绝对不会怀疑杜少甫的话,因为眼前那魔王已经是这么做了。 Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King two beasts, will not suspect the Du Shaofu's courage, the Dragon race dragon nine have cut has killed the person, will the courage possibly be small? 灵幻虎王狂熊王两兽,也不会怀疑杜少甫的胆子,就连龙族龙九都已经斩杀了的人,胆子怎么可能会小? The double pupil fears, in the heart is absolutely terrified, Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King know that present Demon King does not crack a joke absolutely. 双瞳恐惧,心中为之毛骨悚然,灵幻虎王狂熊王知道,眼前的魔王绝对不是开玩笑的。 I agreed.” “我同意。” I agreed.” “我同意了。” Almost is with one voice, Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King two beast apertures, in last relies on already already vanished in the situation, in birth and death front, they have made their choice. 几乎是异口同声,灵幻虎王狂熊王两兽开口,在最后一丝凭仗都已经早就消失了的情况下,在生与死的面前,它们做出了自己的选择。 Then intelligent, congratulated you to rescue a oneself life.” “这才聪明,恭喜你们救了自己一命。” Du Shaofu hear speech/words, was looking at Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King, on the face has shown the absolute smile, can accept two beginning of the universe Beast Venerable personal servants, this had to have the reason to make Du Shaofu happy fully. 杜少甫闻言,望着狂熊王灵幻虎王,脸庞上露出了绝对的微笑,能够收下两个混元兽尊的跟班,这足有有着理由让杜少甫高兴。 But I have a condition, I am not your personal servant, I temporarily follow side you, all hears your, wait for some day, after I can defeat you again, I no longer follow you.” “但我有个条件,我不做你的跟班,我只是暂时跟随在你身边,一切听你的而已,等有朝一日,我能够再击败你之后,我就不再跟随你。” Was banning Linghuan Tiger King tiger is looking at Du Shaofu, although suffocates, horrible to look, but in that pair of atheistic tiger ominous pupil, still has a King arrogance at this time. 禁制着的灵幻虎王虎目望着杜少甫,虽然是奄奄一息,惨不忍睹,但此时那一双无神的虎目凶瞳之内,依然是有着一股王者傲气。 Sometimes Linghuan Tiger King the arrogance, from a monster fire spirit imaginary tiger clan, from bloodline and soul, this arrogance , compared to the life to be important, it cannot lose the arrogance of entire tiger clan. 灵幻虎王的这傲气,来自妖火灵幻虎一族,来自血脉和灵魂,这种傲气,有时候比起性命还要重要,它不能够丢了整个虎族的傲气。 Present that Du Shaofu is humanity, Linghuan Tiger King it is the representative in tiger clan, therefore it cannot become a personal servant, can only follow, cannot follow for a lifetime, once there is an opportunity, it must look for today's shame. 眼前的那杜少甫是人类,灵幻虎王它是虎族中的代表人物,所以它不能够成为跟班,只能够跟随,更加不能够跟随一辈子,一旦有机会的话,它要将今天的耻辱找回来。 I am also, my condition is the same with Linghuan Tiger King.” “我也是,我的条件和灵幻虎王一样。” Kuang Bear King hear speech/words, shouted to clear the way immediately, it must drink the Linghuan Tiger King same condition. 狂熊王闻言,顿时喝道,它要喝灵幻虎王一样的条件。 Personal servant on the personal servant, with anything along with, you also has the qualifications to bargain back and forth, is my personal servant, you thought that loses face inadequately!” “跟班就跟班,跟什么随,你们还有资格讨价还价么,做我的跟班,难道你们觉得丢脸不成!” When the spirit imaginary tiger voice falls, in body that Du Shaofu foot stamping maliciously in Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King were scarred, the golden light erupted, Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King that pitiful yell gratefully, stamped whinned. 就在灵幻虎话音落下的时候,杜少甫一脚狠狠的跺在了灵幻虎王狂熊王伤痕累累的身躯上,金光爆发,毫不客气,跺的灵幻虎王狂熊王惨叫哀嚎。 Personal servant has not resulted in discussed that but the second point can promise you, so long as later you can defeat me, you collaborate good, when the time comes I become our personal servants do not have the issue.” “跟班没得商量,不过第二点可以答应你们,以后只要你们能够击败我,你们两个联手都行,到时候我成为我们的跟班都没有问题。” The Du Shaofu start to talk, on the face reappearing smiling face, this second condition absolutely does not have the issue. 杜少甫开口,脸庞上浮现笑容,这第二点条件完全就没有问题。
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