MGC :: Volume #13

#1251: Many acquaintances

Chapter 1249: Many acquaintances 第1249章:不少熟人 Chapter 1249: Many acquaintances. 第1249章:不少熟人。 The small bird of prey also already controlled one's breathing breathing exercise, the body is passing the brilliance, has drunk that many valuable soup and barbecues, obtains many advantage. 小隼也早就是就地调息吐纳了起来,身上透着光辉,喝了那么多的宝汤和烤肉,得到不少好处。 Only the purple flame monster phoenix is static and vertical, stands on a rock, the physique is lazy, beautiful moving, but for no reason the aura, making all around numerous beasts tremble secretly. 只有紫炎妖凰静静而立,站在一块岩石上,身姿慵懒,美艳动人,但无端间的气息,让四周众兽暗自发颤。 The curtain of night also arrived at this moment, twilight looks like a ash-gray big net, sprinks quietly, has covered the entire Heavenly Beast grave, in the gloomily blue sky is embellishing innumerable Xiao Xingxing. 夜幕此刻也已经降临,暮色像一张灰色的大网,悄悄地撒落下来,笼罩了整个天兽墓,幽蓝幽蓝的天空中点缀着无数小星星 But Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King of star were banned, the dog of ruined family was thrown on the ground, the double pupil is having the fear angrily. 可伶的狂熊王灵幻虎王被禁制,败家之犬般被扔在了地上,双瞳愤然中带着恐惧。 Knows after that purple robe youth is Demon King Du Shaofu, regarding Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King two beasts, that in their heart relied on together also vanished, the Dragon race dragon nine dares to cut savage Demon King that killed, how can also not dare to kill them. 知道那紫袍青年就是魔王杜少甫之后,对于狂熊王灵幻虎王两兽而言,它们心中的那一道凭仗也消失了,龙族龙九都敢斩杀的凶残魔王,又怎么会不敢真的杀了它们。 Cut to kill dragon nine Demon King Du Shaofu to come to the beast territory, in the Heavenly Beast grave!” “斩杀了龙九的魔王杜少甫来兽域了,就在天兽墓内!” Was too flagitious, that Demon King Du Shaofu eats our beast clan, is more flagitious than its our Demonic Beast!” “太凶残了,那魔王杜少甫真的是吃我们兽族的,比其我们妖兽还凶残啊!” How to have that savage fellow, is humanity!” “怎么会有那么凶残的家伙,还是人类么!” Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King they have planted, feared that is also will be finally more unfortunate than fortunate!” 狂熊王灵幻虎王两人都栽了,怕是最后也会凶多吉少!” Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King they are quite miserable, devastated that called horrible to look at!” 狂熊王灵幻虎王两人好惨啊,被蹂躏的那叫一个惨不忍睹!” ............ “…………” In curtain of night, Demon King Du Shaofu in beast territory, but also disappears without a trace in the news of Heavenly Beast grave, immediately spreads in the Heavenly Beast grave, causes the huge tumult. 夜幕中,魔王杜少甫在兽域,还在天兽墓的消息也不胫而走,立刻在天兽墓内传开去,引起巨大骚动。 Many Demonic Beast also planned looks for that Demon King Du Shaofu, if can cut to kill Dragon race dragon nine Demon King Du Shaofu to receive that to fight the servant, that is the scenery is infinite. 不少妖兽原本还打算去找那魔王杜少甫,要是能够把那斩杀过龙族龙九的魔王杜少甫收为战仆的话,那可是风光无限。 The bad words, give Dragon race that Demon King Du Shaofu, the advantage that gains will be also huge. 再不济的话,将那魔王杜少甫送给龙族,获得的好处也将是巨大的。 Heard that Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King two collaborate, finally after is actually fate also pitiful like that especially fierce Demonic Beast of some shouting, no longer spoke. 只是听说到狂熊王灵幻虎王两个联手,最后却是下场还那般的凄惨之后,一些原本叫嚷的格外厉害的妖兽,都是不再说话了。 The dim light of night is boundless, vast boundless, gradually daybreak. 夜色苍茫,寥廓无垠,逐渐黎明。 Is connected from the mountain range mountain peak, since inundates quietly the mist at sunset, the ray gradually becomes light gray, hangs on the tree top of summit of mountain peak. 从山脉山峰相连间,悄然漫起的暮霭,光芒渐渐变为浅灰,挂在山峰之巅的枝梢上。 The covered earth likely is chaos, afterward the Toward the sun ray twinkle, the weather starts micro brightly. 被笼罩的大地像是一片混沌,随后朝阳光芒闪烁,天色开始微亮。 Roar......” “嗷吼……” On the mountain peak of standing tall and erect, all around Demonic Beast roared to neigh. 高耸的山峰上,四周妖兽咆哮嘶鸣。 Around this place, ten thousand beasts do not dare to approach, that astonishing invisible aura coagulation space. 此地四周,万兽不敢靠近,那惊人的无形气息凝固空间。 Summit of the mountain peak, several human form forms stand. 一座山峰之巅,数道人形身影而立。 Was elected as two youth to have an imposing appearance, body was lending the aura, made the space constrain for no reason. 当选两个青年气宇轩昂,身上更是散发着的气息,无端让空间压抑。 You said that Demon King Du Shaofu in this place?” “你是说,魔王杜少甫就在此地?” Wears the blue long gown, the blue long hair Qi Jian youth, looks at Demonic Beast of body previous person wolf beast to ask. 一个身着蓝色长袍,蓝色长发齐肩的青年,望着身前一只人身狼兽的妖兽问道。 The makings of blue robe youth appear peaceful and elegant, is passing one type the arrogance of no reason from the bloodline bone flowing. 蓝袍青年的气质显得安静而飘逸,无端透着一种从血脉骨子里流淌的高傲。 „The Huilong eight crown princes, the determination was that Demon King Du Shaofu without doubt, the fellow was too savage, Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King devastated pitiful.” “回龙八太子,确定是那魔王杜少甫无疑,那家伙太凶残了,狂熊王灵幻虎王被蹂躏的很凄惨。” Demonic Beast of person wolf beast returns to say respectfully that is facing that blue long gown youth, by its makings imperceptibly was frightened, making it just like facing sea, vast boundless, Soul Force deep place inexplicable trembling millet. 人身狼兽的妖兽恭敬回道,面对着那蓝色长袍青年,被其那无形中的气质所震慑,让它犹如面对着一片大海,浩瀚无边,元神深处莫名颤粟。 This is you earns.” “这是你应得的。” In the dragon eight hands filled the twinkle brilliance, the spirit fruit of fluctuation of energy has been throwing to Demonic Beast of that person wolf beast, the look was tranquil, said: You carry over the news, if who brings that Du Shaofu, will obtain big divine ability, even if brings that Du Shaofu's latest news, there is a generous recompense.” 龙八手中一枚弥漫着闪烁光辉,能量波动的灵果抛给了那人身狼兽的妖兽,神色平静,道:“你带出消息,谁要是带来那杜少甫,将得到一种大神通,哪怕是带来那杜少甫的最新消息,也有重赏。” Yes, small asking to be excused.” “是,小的告退。” The Demonic Beast vision of person wolf beast reveals the pleasantly surprised color, obtains big divine ability, lets its within the body blood tuck dive, immediately soars to depart. 人身狼兽的妖兽目光露出惊喜之色,得到一种大神通,让它体内血液翻腾,顿时腾空离去。 „The enmity of stinking ninth category, is our entire Dragon race shame, should conquer by killing!” “老九的仇,是我们整个龙族的耻辱,该血洗了!” The side of blue robe youth, wears the scarlet-red war clothes, just like having the flame in the youth of combustion, in the double pupil the ray gushes out suddenly, the breath fills the air from within the body all at once loudly, the surrounding space of vibration also trembles. 蓝袍青年的身边,一个身着赤红战衣,宛如有火焰在燃烧的青年,双瞳中光芒骤然涌出,一股气息自体内轰然弥漫,震动的周围空间也是为之一颤。 Naturally, the Dragon race shame, needs to conquer by killing today!” “当然,龙族的耻辱,今天需要血洗!” Dragon eight voices as if can vibrate the space, the double pupil fluctuation, fluctuates just like the ocean waves. 龙八的声音似乎能够震动空间,双眸波动,宛如海浪起伏。 ............ ………… Daybreak, not a sound to be heard, east side horizon flood a faint trace bright, is infiltrating the light blue backdrop gradually. 黎明过后,万籁俱寂,东边地平线泛起的一丝丝亮光,逐渐浸润着浅蓝色的天幕。 The summit of cliff, near the cliff towering great tree, the distant place Toward the sun mist is boundless. 山崖之巅,临崖参天巨树,远处朝阳雾气苍茫。 Under the lofty tree, personal appearance beautiful fascinating'winsome a Li female of certainly is static and vertical, the 23 or 24-year-old appearance age, the pitch-black long hair is pulling a princess hair bun, on hair bun hairpin seven color sending hairpins, several wisps of tassels are hanging, supple flesh just like snow and ice, surface congealing goose fat, lip, if cherry, eyebrow such as black ink picture, god, if autumn waters, refined does not have the tiny bit world smoke and fire taste simply. 参天大树下,一个身形婀娜的绝丽女子静静而立,二十三四岁的模样年纪,乌黑长发挽着一个公主髻,髻上簪着一支七彩的发簪,几缕流苏垂着,柔柔的肌肤宛如冰雪,面凝鹅脂,唇若点樱,眉如墨画,神若秋水,脱俗的简直不带一丝一毫人间烟火味。 The females are looking at the front, likely is one night in reflecting on anything, imitates, if all around all have nothing to do with her, flood in the scarlet red seven color pupils, the look seems being looking pensive. 女子望着前方,像是一夜都是在静思着什么,仿若是四周的一切与她无关,泛着赤红色的七彩眸子内,神色似乎是若有所思。 Four princesses, some time ago obtained news, that purple star demon Dragon Huangda kills the four directions, wants to cope with her fellow killed scared shitless much, is very pitiful!” “四公主,不久前得到消息,那紫星魔龙皇大杀四方,不少想要对付她的家伙被杀的屁滚尿流,很是凄惨!” A middle age quietly presented in the female, the look was respectful. 一个中年悄然出现在了女子的身后,神色恭敬。 Purple star demon Dragon Huang, the small girl is concerned with Dragon race......” “紫星魔龙皇,那小丫头难道和龙族有关么……” Female hear speech/words muttered the light [say / way], but static standing there, appeared like that solemn noble, the fine dust did not dye, cannot say elusive light leisurely, noble unparalleled. 女子闻言喃喃轻道,只是静静的站在那里,也显得是那般的端庄高贵,纤尘不染,说不出的空灵轻逸,高贵无双。 Right four princesses, it is said Demon King Du Shaofu also appeared in the Heavenly Beast grave!” “对了四公主,据说魔王杜少甫也出现在了天兽墓内!” Middle age hesitant, said again. 中年犹豫了一下,再次说道。 Female hear speech/words, in seven color double pupils flood the fluctuation, lifts the pupil immediately slightly, under a red pattern pleated skirt, reveals such as snow crisply wipes the chest, the skirt pendulum only blocks from the knee, the calf wears pair of seven color stockings, let that pair of book is the slender tall Tiao both legs appears high has selected several points. 女子闻言,七彩双眸中顿时泛起波动,微微抬眸,一件红色花纹百褶裙下,浅浅的露出如雪似酥的一抹胸脯,裙摆只遮住膝,小腿穿着一双七彩长袜,让那一双本就是修长高挑的双腿显得更加高挑了几分。 That humanity came, Dragon Balong seven also in inside, evidently in the Heavenly Beast grave this time must live it up probably.” “那人类来了么,龙八龙七好像也在里面吧,看样子天兽墓内这一次要热闹了。” The females smile lightly, opens just like the color lotus flower, is shocking and moving, waist seven color waistbands the slender waist that will be inferior to grasp will tie gracefully slenderly grasp, lining the chest will be abundant, then asks: Had the news of that fellow?” 女子淡淡一笑,宛如彩莲花开,惊世而动人,腰间一条七彩腰带将盈盈不及一握的细腰束得纤纤一握,更衬得胸脯丰挺,而后浅浅问道:“有那家伙的消息了没有?” Returns to four princesses, the fellow concealment method is not weak, we could not find his news everywhere.” The middle age returns saying that the brow wrinkles slightly. “回四公主,那家伙隐匿手段不弱,我们到处都还找不到他的消息。”中年回道,眉头微微皱起。 He is very strong, if can use for us, that these time compared with the person who Dragon Balong seven find, we have the absolute odds of success, found that fellow as soon as possible, this time my personally take a shot / make a move.” “他很强,要是能够为我们所用,那这一次和龙八龙七找来的人相比,我们就有着绝对的胜算了,尽快找到那家伙,这一次我亲自出手。” The female voice slightly makes the stop, after the moment, red lip micro, light [say / way]: Us, hopes that these time has harvested in the Heavenly Beast grave.” 女子话音略作停顿,片刻后红唇微张,轻道:“我们出发吧,希望这一次在天兽墓内有所收获。” „!” “呼啦啦!” As the female voice falls, in not far away sky flood the space fluctuation, a blazing air wave turned suddenly wells up, four resemble the bird non- bird, such as the wind like the luan, the scarlet-red fierce fireworks luan, draws an imperial carriage to flutter all over the body. 随着女子话音落下,不远处天空上突然泛起了空间波动,一股炽热气浪翻涌,四只似鸟非鸟,如风如鸾,通体赤红的烈焰火鸾,拉着一辆凤辇振翅而来。 The imperial carriage stagnates in the midair, on the curtain has seven multicolored decorations dingdong to make noise clearly. 凤辇停滞在半空,门帘上有着七彩饰品叮铛清脆作响。 On four fierce fireworks luans is wrapping the billowing flame, the place visited space spread white smog, sweeps across the earth blazingly. 四只烈焰火鸾身上包裹着滚滚的火焰,所过之处空间蔓延白色烟雾,炽热席卷大地。 The imperial carriage inscribes all over the body talisman-pattern, the aura is ancient, glitters seven color rays. 凤辇通体铭刻符箓秘纹,气息古老,闪烁七彩光芒。 Whiz!” “嗖!” The females jump onto the imperial carriage, fierce fireworks luan flutters to draw the imperial carriage to speed along in the midair. 女子跃上凤辇,烈焰火鸾振翅拉着凤辇在半空飞驰。 Whiz whiz......” “嗖嗖……” Along with the female behind the midair, presented many aura powerful vigor, has much is the human aura, afterward vanished in the midair. 随着女子身后半空,出现了不少气息强悍雄浑者,有着不少都是人类气息,随后消失在了半空。 In the morning, front horizon is sparkling the last remaining star, is emitting the ray, extinguished a clear(ly), just liked candlelight in wind, although was weak, throughout will not actually extinguish. 清晨,前方天际闪耀着最后一枚残星,放射着光芒,一灭一明,犹如在风中的一支烛火,虽然微弱,却始终不会熄灭。 In a piece of canyon, on the giant stone a youth sits cross-legged to sit, the flesh clear like the jade, the long hair hangs in two shoulders, but sits cross-legged to sit, is the dust that could not say. 一片峡谷内,巨石上一个青年盘膝而坐,肌肤晶莹如玉,长发垂在两肩,只是盘膝而坐,也是说不出的出尘。 Shouted!” “呼!” Youth Hand Imprints receives, in foul air along with mouth puts out, the double pupil opens slowly, under not the thick not pale thick eyebrow, both eyes of spiritual energy of pair of clock world do not contain any impurity likely, limpid actually deeply does not see the bottom, eye pupil murmur the spring water, the makings are mild like the wind. 青年手印一收,随着嘴中一口浊气吐出,双眸徐徐睁开,不浓不淡的粗眉下,一双钟天地之灵气的双眼像是不含任何杂质,清澈却又深不见底,眼眸似潺潺春水,气质温润得如风。 Whiz......” “嗖……” A several feet monster vulture flutters the appearance, the invisible aura fills the air, the coagulation is void. 一只数丈大小的妖雕振翅出现,无形气息弥漫,凝固虚空。 The youth set out, the white clothing like the snow, extended one to stretch slightly, the face was handsome, if the nose suffered any hardship in order to achieve revenge, the personal appearance was stiff, resembling was asking to that monster vulture: What news has to transmit?” 青年起身,白衣如雪,微微伸展了一个懒腰,脸庞俊朗,鼻若悬胆,身形挺直,似是在对那妖雕问道:“有没有什么消息传来?” Returns to the master, Huang Ling of phoenix clan everywhere is still looking for you.” “回主人,凤凰一族的凰灵儿还在到处找你。” The monster carves saying that the sharp double pupil reveals absolute dreading. 妖雕回道,锐利双瞳露出绝对的忌惮。 Huang Ling, the woman is not affable, can hide, we are hiding point good.” 凰灵儿,那女人可是不好惹的,能够躲着一点,我们还是躲着一点的好。” Mentioned that Huang Ling, in the youth double pupil is to also wipe some colors of dreading, initially in the day wild mainland, he knew the fearfulness of that woman. 提到那凰灵儿,青年双眸内也是抹过些许的忌惮之色,当初天荒大陆上,他就知道了那女人的可怕。 Master, it is said was called the Demon King Du Shaofu's person also to arrive in the Heavenly Beast grave, has caused many tumults, it is said Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King had been devastated by that Demon King.” The monster vulture continues to say. “主人,据说一个叫做魔王杜少甫的人也到了天兽墓内,引起了不少的骚动,据说狂熊王灵幻虎王已经被那魔王蹂躏了。”妖雕继续说道。 That savage fellow came unexpectedly!” “那凶残的家伙竟然来了么!” hear speech/words, the handsome youth stares. 闻言,俊朗青年一愣。 Afterward, the youth ruddy corners of the mouth of bring back slightly, in the makings depending on increasing for several points loosely not arrests, mutters the light [say / way]: In this Heavenly Beast grave must live it up evidently.” 随后,青年红润的嘴角微微勾起,气质中凭增几分风流无拘,喃喃轻道:“看样子这天兽墓内要热闹了啊。”
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