MGC :: Volume #13

#1250: Status exposition

Chapter 1248: Status exposition 第1248章:身份暴露 Chapter 1248: Status exposition. 第1248章:身份暴露。 However Du Shaofu has not thought actually that the purple flame monster phoenix these time was to select the nod unexpectedly, said: „It looks like as if good.” 不过杜少甫倒是没有想到,紫炎妖凰这一次竟然是点开了点头,道:“看起来似乎不错。” The sounds of nature voice falls, the purple flame monster phoenix fell before the Du Shaofu's body. 天籁般的话音落下,紫炎妖凰已经是落在了杜少甫的身前。 Du Shaofu stares, somewhat is quite accidental, but on the face of resolute resolute flood the smiling face, pulled out several original manuscripts afterward is used to be flourishing the spirit medicine jade bowl, was filled with one bowl of valuable soup to give the purple flame monster phoenix, filled the fragrance leaf to wrap a bulk barbecue with one piece, has handed the front of purple flame monster phoenix afterward. 杜少甫一愣,颇为有些意外,但随后刚毅锐志的脸庞上泛起笑容,掏出了几个原本是用来称盛灵药的玉碗,盛满了一碗宝汤递给了紫炎妖凰,又用一片弥漫着香气的树叶包裹着一大块烤肉,也随后递到了紫炎妖凰的面前。 The purple flame monster phoenix look is light, the purple pupil looked on the valuable soup and barbecue, red lip micro, tasted one after lightly, purple pupil one bright flood ripples. 紫炎妖凰神色平淡,紫眸望在了宝汤和烤肉上,红唇微张,轻尝了一口后,紫眸一亮泛着涟漪。 Du Shaofu already could not bear, is eating the valuable soup, eats the barbecue, in the mouth runes is filling the air, fluctuation of energy. 杜少甫也早就忍不住了,喝着宝汤,吃着烤肉,嘴中符文弥漫,能量波动。 This moment Du Shaofu this eats is not the pure valuable soup and barbecue, that may contain the astonishing energy. 此刻杜少甫这吃的可不是单纯的宝汤和烤肉,那可都是蕴含着惊人的能量。 This grade of valuable soup and barbecue, feared that is general Martial King boundary cultivation base eats several, sufficiently direct breakthrough, Martial Emperor boundary cultivation base eats one bowl of valuable soup, can gain the great benefit. 这等宝汤和烤肉,怕是一般的武王修为者吃上几口,都足以直接突破,武皇修为者喝上一碗宝汤,能够获得巨大好处。 Small bird of prey, comes, eats the soup to eat the meat to you!” “小隼,过来,给你喝汤吃肉!” Du Shaofu had not forgotten the small bird of prey, to circling said in the small bird of prey summon of not far away. 杜少甫没有忘记了小隼,对盘旋在不远处的小隼召唤道。 Cluck......” “咕咕……” The small bird of prey already asked that attractive fragrance, naturally is also knows that valuable soup and barbecue are not the simple valuable soup and barbecue, that implication, but the huge energy, can obtain the huge advantage, let alone it also carries the severe wound now. 小隼早就问道了那诱人的香味,自然也是知道那宝汤和烤肉可不是简单的宝汤和烤肉,那蕴含的可是庞大的能量,能够得到巨大的好处,何况现在它还身负重伤。 However looks is banned at this moment in nearby that Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King, the small bird of prey is some scruples. 不过望着此刻正被禁制在一旁的那狂熊王灵幻虎王,小隼又是有些顾忌。 Is working as that Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King surface, eats their soup, eats their meat, if later has the opportunity, feared that was this also thoroughly offends them, later definitely did not have the good fruit to eat. 当着那灵幻虎王狂熊王的面,喝它们的汤,吃它们的肉,万一以后有机会,怕是这也彻底得罪它们了,以后肯定没好果子吃。 They feared that was already the difficult running away misfortune!” “它们怕是已经难逃厄运了!” The small bird of prey secret passage, oneself are comforting itself, finally eventually is also hard to resist that fragrance and enticement, changed to one to wear the swift and fierce youth of silver long gown, two eighteen or nineteen years old appearances, fall side Du Shaofu's immediately. 小隼暗道,自己安慰着自己,最后也终究是难以抵挡那香味和诱惑,化作了一个身着银色长袍的凌厉青年,二十八九岁的模样,立刻落在了杜少甫的身边。 „......” “哇……” When is eating the first valuable soup, rich fluctuation of energy, gentle proliferation in abdomen, flood the ripples, the first barbecue meat is overflowing fragrant, not burnt is not soft, chews, the taste bud on tip of tongue opens immediately, imitates , if the spring breeze gentle has stroked, the enunciation keeps the fragrance, making the small bird of prey unable to bear call out in alarm. 当喝着第一口宝汤,浓郁的能量波动,在腹中温柔的扩散,泛着涟漪,第一口烤肉肉香四溢,不焦不软,一嚼就化,舌尖上的味蕾顿时打开,仿若是被是春风温柔的拂过,口齿留香,让得小隼忍不住惊呼。 Small bird of prey, but must remember, later behind the dozen of any ideas, such very should not be again dangerous.” “小隼啊,可要记住了,以后可不要再背后打什么主意,那样会很危险的。” Du Shaofu has patted the shoulder of small bird of prey suddenly, eye of belt smiling expression, in the hand handed over a bulk barbecue to fill to the small bird of prey, the smiling face has cared, said: Come, eats, later also often eats, that bear and big cat volume are many, enough we ate some time.” 杜少甫突然拍了拍小隼的肩膀,目带笑意,手中递来了一大块烤肉塞给了小隼,笑容关怀备至,道:“来,多吃点,以后也经常有吃,那熊瞎子和大猫体积不少,足够我们吃一段时间了。” Is listening to the Du Shaofu's words, looks that is caring vision, the small bird of prey is actually the mind trembles, Soul Force dreads to tingle with numbness secretly, he felt that present purple robe youth, as if very early in the morning sees through the thoughts that he wanted to benefit as the third party in a dispute. 听着杜少甫的话,望着那关怀备至般的目光,小隼却是心神一颤,暗自元神都为之忌惮发麻,他感觉到眼前的这紫袍青年,似乎一早就看穿了他欲要渔翁得利的心思。 But is looking at the barbecue in hand, is looking at this moment that pitiful pitiful Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King again, the small bird of prey is out of control to be somewhat absolutely terrified, this where is eaten by oneself, is clearly warning itself, if has aggravated that bloodthirsty Demon King, the fate may be present Kuang Bear King is the same with Linghuan Tiger King, when the time comes bakes was his meat. 而望着手中的烤肉,再望着此刻那凄惨可怜的狂熊王灵幻虎王,小隼禁不住有些毛骨悚然,这哪里是在让自己多吃一点,分明是在警告自己,要是惹火了那嗜血魔王,下场可就是和眼前的狂熊王灵幻虎王一样,到时候烧烤的就是他的肉了。 Thinks of this, the small bird of prey did not rejoice secretly that initially heard this bloodthirsty Demon King to say own plume feather is not good to pluck hairs eats, but also thinks cracks a joke, at this moment knows that bloodthirsty Demon King is not cracks a joke absolutely, rejoiced that own plume feather has rescued a oneself life. 想到这,小隼又不是暗自庆幸,当初听到这嗜血魔王说自己翎羽不好拔毛吃,还以为是开玩笑,此刻才知道那嗜血魔王绝对不是开玩笑的,庆幸自己的翎羽救了自己一命。 But at this moment lies down in ground Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King, saw that three people are eating their bouillon, is eating own barbecue, taste in two heart are myriad, shocks is having the fear, is having the dreadful spunk, but is actually not able how. 而此刻躺在地上的狂熊王灵幻虎王,见到那三人喝着自己的肉汤,吃着自己的烤肉,两兽心中的滋味可是万千,震骇中带着恐惧,也带着滔天怒意,但却无法奈何。 They are became the meat on block, artificial knife and chopping block they for fish. 它们已经是成为了砧板上的肉,人为刀俎他们为鱼肉。 That flavor seems to be extremely good, is the fragrance has only made people unable to resist.” “那味道似乎是极好啊,光是香味就已经让人无法抵御。” Valuable soup that the Beast Venerable boundary unusual peak Black Ghost monster flood dragon, the monster fire spirit imaginary tiger and wild crack bear of Beast Venerable beginning of the universe cook together, that can be as good as heavenly materials or earthly treasures sufficiently!” 兽尊境超凡巅峰玄冥妖蛟,兽尊混元的妖火灵幻虎和狂暴裂地熊一起炖出来的宝汤,那可是足以抵得上天材地宝啊!” That is the thing of big making up, but also the fragrance overflows, if I can eat one to be good!” “那是大补之物,还香气四溢,要是我能够吃上一口就好了!” All around does not surround Demonic Beast that endures to depart, distant looks at that three people to eat the soup to eat the meat, in the fine body hair but actually vertical stroke, is eyeful envying. 四周围观不忍离去的妖兽们,远远的望着那三人喝汤吃肉,寒毛倒竖中,又是满眼的羡慕。 But is looking at that and other valuable soup barbecues, does not have any Demonic Beast to dare to go forward to rob, Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King fate also places there, that is best frightening. 但瞧着那等宝汤烤肉,却是没有任何妖兽胆敢上前去抢夺,狂熊王灵幻虎王的下场还摆放在那里,那就是最好的震慑。 Good, the thing of big making up, what a pity Du Xiaoyao, Xiaoqing, Xiao Hu, Tomboy they not.” “不错啊,大补之物,可惜杜小妖,小青,小虎,男人婆他们都不在。” Valuable soup barbecue entrance, changed to energy to crash in all the limbs and bones, was all over the body happy, comfortable of not being able to say. 宝汤烤肉入口,化作能量冲进了四肢百骸内,通体舒畅,说不出的舒服。 But this also afterward made Du Shaofu cannot help but think Du Xiaoyao and Du Xiaoqing, Xiao Hu, Tomboy , etc., how has not known them now. 但这也随后就让杜少甫不由自主的想到了杜小妖杜小青,小虎,还有男人婆等,不知道他们现在都怎么样了。 Especially Tomboy Ouyang Shaung, left for several years not to fall, lets Du Shaofu is the worry. 特别是男人婆欧阳爽,已经离开了好几年没有下落,让杜少甫更是担心。 Before Du Shaofu, has not noted, in oneself heart actually like that will be worried about that Tomboy. 杜少甫自己以前也并没有注意到,自己心中竟然会那般的担心那男人婆 Demon King Du Shaofu, the day, that is Demon King Du Shaofu!” 魔王杜少甫,天啊,那是魔王杜少甫!” Suddenly, in the distant place beast group, has the beast roar that shocks together astonished to spread, resounds through the four directions. 突然,远处兽群中,有着一道惊愕震骇的兽吼声传出,响彻四方。 Ominous birds and beasts of Beast Emperor boundary Paramita level, just arrived at shortly after the, plundering in the beast group to watch the fun, then immediately saw that is drinking the purple robe youth who the soup eats the meat, the imposing manner is overbearing, the table manners are also passing savage, in a pair of ominous pupil doubts surprise, the vision facial expression all changes afterward, immediately cannot bear calls out in alarm loudly. 一只兽皇彼岸层次的凶禽,刚刚才到附近不久,掠进兽群中看热闹,便是立刻见到了那正在喝汤吃肉的紫袍青年,气势霸道,吃相也透着一种凶残,在一双凶瞳疑惑诧异中,随后目光神情皆是大变,立刻忍不住大声惊呼。 Who this ominous birds and beasts recognized that purple robe youth are, initially in day wild mainland, it once distant has seen that purple robe youth with own eyes, once cut to kill the Dragon race dragon in the day wild mainland nine, that form brand mark in its mind, had not faded from the memory, at this moment was not difficult to recognize. 这凶禽认出了那紫袍青年是谁,当初在天荒大陆上,它就曾远远的亲眼见到过那一个紫袍青年,曾在天荒大陆上斩杀了龙族的龙九,那身影烙印在它的脑海中,一直不曾淡忘,此刻也就不难认出来。 What, that bloodthirsty is Demon King Demon King Du Shaofu?” “什么,那嗜血魔王就是魔王杜少甫?” But along with calling out in alarm of that ominous birds and beasts, the group beast vision changes panic-stricken. 而随着那凶禽的惊呼,群兽目光惊恐大变。 Demon King Du Shaofu, although has not had been to the beast territory, but it cuts to kill this Dragon race dragon nine, cuts to heat bamboo strips for writing material a flood dragon and other overbearing facts early to spread in the beast territory. 魔王杜少甫,虽然未曾到过兽域,但其斩杀这龙族龙九,斩杀青头蛟等霸道事迹早已经在兽域传开。 But at this moment knew that purple robe bloodthirsty Demon King youth, was in the rumor cuts to kill Dragon race dragon nine Demon King Du Shaofu, was makes the numerous beasts in consternation panic-stricken all. 而此刻得知那紫袍嗜血魔王般的青年,就是传言中斩杀了龙族龙九的魔王杜少甫,无不是让众兽愕然惊恐。 The numerous beasts really understand that Demon King Du Shaofu Dragon race dragon nine dares to cut to kill, no wonder at this moment dares so to devastate Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King. 众兽才真正明白,那魔王杜少甫就连龙族龙九都敢斩杀,难怪此刻敢如此蹂躏狂熊王灵幻虎王了。 Compared with the Dragon race dragon nine, Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King status, that naturally is not considered as that anything. 比起龙族龙九来,狂熊王灵幻虎王的身份,那自然就不算是什么了。 But at this moment was banned, but not deaf Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King two beasts, are hearing all around astonished sound, had known present that purple robe youth, unexpectedly is that cuts to kill Dragon race dragon nine Demon King Du Shaofu, immediately the double pupil contraction, the vision gushes out complex. 而此刻虽然被禁制,但并没有聋的灵幻虎王狂熊王两兽,听着四周的惊愕声音,也得知了眼前的那紫袍青年,居然就是那斩杀龙族龙九的魔王杜少甫,顿时双瞳紧缩,目光涌出复杂。 Some time ago, they were also discussing, if can receive that Demon King Du Shaofu is to fight the servant were good, who knew at this moment, they actually ended up to turn out in front of Demon King Du Shaofu's have so been out. 不久前,他们还议论着要是能够收了那魔王杜少甫为战仆就好了,谁知道此刻,他们却是在魔王杜少甫的面前落得了如此下场。 Demon King Du Shaofu!” 魔王杜少甫!” A small bird of prey pair of astonished vision also in consternation falls on Du Shaofu's, shivers. 小隼一双惊愕的目光也是愕然落在杜少甫的身上,为之颤抖。 At this moment the small bird of prey also knows that the present that savage fellow, early has raised Demon King Du Shaofu of beast territory unexpectedly, no wonder like that savage. 此刻小隼也才知道,眼前的那凶残的家伙,居然就是早已经名扬兽域的魔王杜少甫,难怪那般凶残。 Regarding all around discussion and tumult, Du Shaofu has not cared, looks like has not heard general, wolfing down is eating the barbecue and is eating the soup. 对于四周的议论和骚动,杜少甫没有在意,就像是没有听到一般,狼吞虎咽的吃着烤肉和喝着汤。 „Do you also want?” “你还要不要?” Saw that purple flame monster phoenix finished eating, Du Shaofu lifts the pupil to ask slightly. 见到身边的紫炎妖凰已经吃完,杜少甫微微抬眸问道。 I come.” “我自己来。” The purple flame monster phoenix black eyebrow coloring eyebrow selects slightly, originally is to reject, but that delicacy is lets her mouth not to the heart, can flashes through the Du Shaofu's vision, oneself ladle out soup with the meat, but that table manners also still move the transvestite different, compared with the table manners of Du Shaofu and small bird of prey does not know that wanted many times. 紫炎妖凰黛眉微微一挑,本是想要拒绝的,但那美味却是让她口不对心,也可以的闪过杜少甫的目光,自己盛汤拿肉,只是那吃相也依然动人妖异,比起杜少甫和小隼的吃相不知道要了多少倍。 Three people made chewing motions quickly, did not remain until one cauldron treasure soup drunk one drop, the barbecue also consumed completely, Du Shaofu was then patting the belly of round, could not bear has hit Bao Ge, said: Flavor is good, I must rest a meeting!” 三人大快朵颐,直到一大锅宝汤被喝的一滴不剩,烤肉也消耗殆尽,杜少甫这才拍着自己圆滚滚的肚皮,忍不住的打了一个饱嗝,道:“味道不错,我要休息一会!” The voice falls, Du Shaofu sits cross-legged to sit directly. 话音落下,杜少甫直接就盘膝而坐。 Didn't look for Xiao Xingxing?” The purple flame monster phoenix black eyebrow coloring eyebrow micro wrinkle, asked to Du Shaofu. “不去找小星星了?”紫炎妖凰黛眉微皱,对杜少甫问道。 I have thought that arrived in this in any case, did not worry, we could not find her, perhaps will make her meet us.” “我想过了,反正到这里面了,也不着急,我们找不到她,说不定就会让她遇上我们了。” Du Shaofu returns to say to the purple flame monster phoenix that afterward sits cross-legged to sit, started to control one's breathing unexpectedly breathing exercise, the whole body covered under a golden ray afterward, the overbearing fearful aura filled the air to open, making all around distant place numerous beasts dread. 杜少甫对紫炎妖凰回道,随后盘膝而坐,竟然是开始调息吐纳了起来,周身随后笼罩在了一圈金色光芒下,霸道慑人的气息弥漫而开,让四周远处众兽忌惮。
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