MGC :: Volume #13

#1249: Bloodthirsty Demon King

Chapter 1247: Bloodthirsty Demon King 第1247章:嗜血魔王 Chapter 1247: Bloodthirsty Demon King. 第1247章:嗜血魔王 Péng near nine days!” “鹏临九天!” Back Great Peng Golden Wing expands, the golden light is radiant, the Du Shaofu form fell on the body of Linghuan Tiger King directly, the strength of unsurpassed ruling by force burst the pressure, Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King body suppression. 背后大鹏金翅扩张,金光璀璨,杜少甫身影直接落在了灵幻虎王的身上,无上霸道之力溃压,将灵幻虎王狂熊王身躯镇压。 Roar!” “嗷吼!” That fearful overbearing aura sweeps across, the load bearing Golden Wing Great Peng overbearing will, all around ominous birds and beasts neighed to crash, Ferocious Beast roared to crawl, can it be that bloodline Soul Force received the huge pressure, the trembling millet palpitates! 那可怕的霸道气息席卷,承载金翅大鹏霸道意志,四周凶禽嘶鸣坠落,凶兽咆哮匍匐,血脉元神莫不是受到巨大威压,颤粟悸动! Roar roar!” “吼吼!” Roared to resound through low and deep, Linghuan Tiger King Kuang Bear King also roared, struggled furiously, wants to work loose the Du Shaofu's suppression. 低沉咆哮响彻,灵幻虎王狂熊王同时咆哮,奋力挣扎,欲要挣脱杜少甫的镇压。 Gives me honestly!” “给我老实一点!” Du Shaofu drinks greatly, stimulates to movement the Péng near nine days at the same time, the whole body purple electric arc gushes out, direct confused swell on the body of Linghuan Tiger King, passed to Kuang Bear King that giant bear body. 杜少甫大喝,催动鹏临九天的同时,浑身紫色电弧涌出,直接暴涌在了灵幻虎王的身上,也传到了狂熊王那巨大的熊躯上。 Therefore Du Shaofu is wrapping the fist of purple thunder and lightning runes, is having the greatest wild strength, sways to fall like howling wind and torrential rain. 于是杜少甫包裹着紫色雷电符文的拳头,带着莫大狂暴的力量,也如狂风暴雨般挥洒落下。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 砰砰砰! Low and deep dull thumping sound like thunder, under the strength of upper air thunder and lightning dark cloud gathering, thunder. 低沉闷响如雷,高空雷电之力下乌云汇聚,电闪雷鸣。 Du Shaofu sincere rainstorm direct suddenly explosion, just likes thunder ball, falling in carrying on the back of Linghuan Tiger King, strength of the thunder has not forgotten Kuang Bear King, suddenly explosion keeps. 杜少甫一拳拳暴雨般的直接暴轰而下,犹如雷球般,不停的落在灵幻虎王的背上,一道道的雷霆之力也没有忘记狂熊王,暴轰不停。 Roar roar!” “吼吼!” Pitiful Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King roared pitifully unceasingly, even if were the mortal body is powerful, but is also out of control Du Shaofu's so to beat savagely. 可怜的灵幻虎王狂熊王凄惨咆哮不绝,就算是都肉身强悍,但也禁不住杜少甫的这般暴打。 After few next, two beasts by Du Shaofu thorough has destroyed its defense, beaten savagely bruised and lacerated, dripping with blood, horrible to look at! 没几下之后,两兽就被杜少甫彻底的摧毁了其防御,都被暴打的皮开肉绽,鲜血淋漓,惨不忍睹! Tittered......” “噗嗤……” As Du Shaofu's each fist falls, can bring a piece of flesh and blood flying in all directions. 随着杜少甫的每一拳落下,都能够带起一片血肉横飞。 But Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King of aura star is getting more and more weak, until dispirited. 可伶的狂熊王灵幻虎王气息越来越弱,直到萎靡。 All around all Demonic Beast all are perfectly round that the vision ominous pupil stares, in the blustery and thunder sound except for that upper air, all around does not have the static, the space is coagulating. 四周所有的妖兽皆是目光凶瞳瞪的浑圆,除了那高空上的风起云涌和电闪雷鸣声,四周毫无杂音,空间都在凝固。 The small bird of prey was early glassy-eyed, stunned is looking at present that purple robe youth shakes the fist like the rain, beats savagely Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King that two exists fearfully, that is what kind shock! 小隼早已经目光呆滞,愕然的望着眼前的那一幕,那紫袍青年挥拳如雨,暴打灵幻虎王狂熊王那两个可怕存在,那是何等的震撼! Purple flame monster phoenix in the distant place, is looking at front that in gorgeous purple pupil, is flood some fluctuation ripples. 紫炎妖凰在远处,望着前方那一幕,绚丽的紫眸中,也是泛着些许波动涟漪。 Now, do you want to be my personal servant?” “现在,你们要不要做我的跟班了?” Du Shaofu calls a halt, is looking at Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King of crotch asks. 杜少甫停手,望着胯下的灵幻虎王狂熊王问道。 But Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King of star, suffocated at this moment, dispirited to pinnacle. 可伶的灵幻虎王狂熊王,此刻已经是奄奄一息,萎靡到了极致。 At this moment feared that was Du Shaofu has put them , is incapable of fighting again. 此刻怕就算是杜少甫放了它们,也已经是无力再战了。 Boy, you have a dream!” “小子,你做梦!” Linghuan Tiger King with Kuang Bear King is almost with one voice, is in the entire beast territory the famous King, personal servant who how they will degenerate into humanity, this looks like their war servants is the same, their arrogant bloodline and arrogance, does not allow them to do. 灵幻虎王狂熊王几乎是异口同声,身为整个兽域内有名的王者,它们怎么会沦为人类的跟班,这就像是它们的战仆一样,它们高傲的血脉和傲气,也不允许它们那么做。 Does not want, that extinguished you!” “不愿意么,那就灭了你们!” The Du Shaofu voice falls, is two fists maliciously beats savagely to fall, lets on Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King the blood splash, whins once more pitiful yell. 杜少甫话音落下,又是狠狠的两拳暴打落下,让得灵幻虎王狂熊王身上鲜血飞溅,再次哀嚎惨叫。 Boy, this is beast territory, you dare to move us, you cannot go out of the beast territory, the powerhouse in entire beast territory, will defeat the bone to raise the ash you!” “小子,这是兽域,你敢动我们,你走不出兽域的,整个兽域内的强者,也会将你挫骨扬灰!” The Linghuan Tiger King pitiful yell whins struggles the anger saying that as if has relied on. 灵幻虎王惨叫哀嚎中挣扎怒道,似乎是有所凭仗。 This is in the beast territory, it and Kuang Bear King did not say the back tiger clan and Xiong Clan first, if that human youth dares to kill them, when the time comes is the powerhouse in entire beast territory, will not let off that boy. 这是兽域之内,它和狂熊王先不说背后的虎族和熊族,要是那人类青年真的敢杀了它们,到时候就算是整个兽域内的强者,都不会放过那小子的。 This looks like on Jiu Zhou general, if a Demonic Beast powerhouse in beast territory rushes in Jiu Zhou, unscrupulous killed Jiu Zhou to have the representative powerhouse, when the time comes was other powerhouses of influence also meets take a shot / make a move to encircle. 这就像是在九州上一般,要是一只兽域的妖兽强者闯进九州内,肆无忌惮的杀了一个九州有着代表性的强者,到时候就算是其它势力的强者也会出手围剿。 Because this relates to two races face countenances, what suspect is the popular anger. 因为这关系到两个种族的颜面,犯的是众怒。 If there is a humanity to kill two beast clan King to swagger away in the beast territory, when the time comes the entire beast territory greatly threw the face countenance. 要是有人类在兽域内杀了两个兽族王者扬长而去,到时候整个兽域都将颜面大丢。 Some Demonic Beast extinguish in Jiu Zhou kills the Human Race powerhouse to swagger away, when the time comes the Jiu Zhou also natural face countenance completely loses. 妖兽九州灭杀人族强者扬长而去,到时候九州也自然颜面尽失。 Also dares to threaten me!” “还敢威胁我!” But Du Shaofu may never by the Lord of threat, hear speech/words, be seen that Linghuan Tiger King also dares to threaten itself, immediately is maliciously several fists maliciously drops, that Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King that pounds roars the pitiful yell continuous, suffocated. 杜少甫可从不是受威胁之主,闻言,见到那灵幻虎王还敢威胁自己,顿时又是狠狠几拳狠狠落下,砸的那灵幻虎王狂熊王咆哮惨叫不休,已经是奄奄一息了。 „......” “咻咻……” Also after is number fist falls wild, Du Shaofu Hand Imprints congeals, is several Hand Imprints seals banned directly fell in Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King their huge statures, its two beast bans. 又是数拳狂暴落下后,杜少甫手印凝结,直接便是数道手印封印禁制落在了灵幻虎王狂熊王两人庞大的身躯上,将其两兽禁制。 As that banned the seal to fall, Linghuan Tiger King and huge statures of Kuang Bear King two number hundreds of zhang (333m) reduce immediately, to several feet, that is the normal state of their main body. 随着那等禁制封印落下,灵幻虎王狂熊王两数百丈的庞大身躯顿时缩小,到了数丈大小,那是两人本体的正常状态。 Like this has killed you, has wasted actually somewhat, I may not give up!” “就这样杀了你们,倒是有些浪费了,我可舍不得!” Du Shaofu stands before two beast bodies, an eye of belt smiles, a face is earnest. 杜少甫站在两兽身前,目带微笑,一脸认真。 Afterward in the innumerable Demonic Beast vision of all around that silent coagulation, in the Du Shaofu hand a handle does not know which from comes the sharp sickle emergence that several blade glow fall directly. 随后就在四周那寂静凝固的无数妖兽目光中,杜少甫手中一柄也不知道从哪来的锋利弯刀出现,数道刀芒直接落下。 Roar roar......” “吼吼……” After that several blade glow fall, banned Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King two beasts are actually suddenly the deeply grieved roaring sound direct impact clouds, the vibration world, that sad and shrill deeply grieved meaning fills the air. 当那数道刀芒落下之后,被禁制的狂熊王灵幻虎王两兽却是突然惨痛的咆哮声直冲云霄,震动天地,那凄厉惨痛之意弥漫。 All Demonic Beast vision shock, but star thick Xiong Rou on Kuang Bear King bear's paws, sliced off several jin (0.5 kg). 所有妖兽目光震骇,可伶的狂熊王一只熊掌上的厚厚熊肉,被削掉了十几斤。 But Linghuan Tiger King is more miserable, on tiger buttocks under 30 jin (0.5 kg) meat, had not been sheared by Du Shaofu gratefully. 灵幻虎王更惨,虎臀上不下于30斤肉,被杜少甫毫不客气的割了下来。 Xiong Xuehu blood wind shoots, Du Shaofu has not let off, is a medicine cauldron calls, the massive bear blood and tiger blood received in the medicine cauldron, full met a big trough, the runes twinkle, the blood has also been filling the wild strength. 熊血虎血飙射,杜少甫可没有放过,又是一尊药鼎唤出,将大量的熊血和虎血接到了药鼎之内,满满的接了一大盆,符文闪烁,血液也弥漫着狂暴之力。 „The thing of big making up, do not waste!” “大补之物,别浪费了!” Du Shaofu lifts the cauldron to drink, that Xiong blood and tiger blood direct swallow alive, in the throat spreads cluck the sound, after the moment, drinking that under two cauldron Xiong blood and a tiger blood drop does not keep. 杜少甫举鼎而饮,将那熊血和虎血直接生吞,喉咙内传出‘咕咕’的声音,片刻后,就将两鼎熊血和虎血一滴不留的喝下。 The mouthful bloodstain, in the throat the runes twinkle, the Du Shaofu tongue has not given full expression has licked the licking lips corner/horn, for no reason appears savage, just like true Demon King. 满嘴血迹,喉咙中符文闪烁,杜少甫舌头意犹未尽的舔了舔嘴角,无端显得凶残,宛如真正魔王 My God, was too savage! " “我的天啊,太凶残了!" „The fellow is humanity or Demonic Beast, is bloodthirsty Demon King!” “那家伙到底是人类还是妖兽,就是一个嗜血魔王!” Innumerable Demonic Beast see this, could not bear the trembling millet again, the fine hair straight vertical stroke, that purple robe youth was too savage, was flagitious compared with most flagitious Demonic Beast. 无数妖兽见到这一幕,再也忍不住颤粟了起来,汗毛直竖,那紫袍青年太凶残了,比起最凶残的妖兽还要凶残啊。 Du Shaofu is cleaning the bloodstain of corners of the mouth, has not paid attention by Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King of seal ban, is raising several jin (0.5 kg) bear's paws meat and dozens jin (0.5 kg) tiger buttocks meat, flushes after not far away waterfall is clean, then has thrown half, in not far away cooked the Black Ghost monster flood dragon in the medicine cauldron. 杜少甫擦拭着嘴角的血迹,也没有理会被封印禁制的狂熊王灵幻虎王,而后提着十几斤的熊掌肉和几十斤的虎臀肉,在不远处的瀑布下冲洗干净后,便是投了一半在不远处原本炖玄冥妖蛟的药鼎内。 Fights, Du Shaofu has been controlling, even the arrangement the seal ban, has not destroyed that pot Black Ghost monster flood dragon meat and bakes the stage. 大战一场,杜少甫可是一直在掌控着,甚至布置下了封印禁制,没有毁了那一锅玄冥妖蛟肉和烧烤台。 Lights a fire to cook the soup, was only a pity bottles of cans of that this Du Shaofu barbecue used had also been destroyed by the initial big landslide heavenly thunder, but Du Shaofu in eating on, has reached the level of glutton absolutely, after one fiddles with, does not know that which from discovered some unusual bottles of cans to come out, several types even were the belt flavor spirit medicine. 生火炖汤,只可惜这一次杜少甫原本身上烤肉所用的瓶瓶罐罐也被当初的大地崩天雷毁了,不过杜少甫在吃的上,绝对是达到了吃货的水平,一番捣鼓之后,也不知道从哪又是找出了一些奇特的瓶瓶罐罐出来,有几样甚至是带着味道的灵药 Therefore cooks the soup at the same time, Du Shaofu simultaneously bakes the wild crack bear's paws meat, the monster fire spirit imaginary tiger buttocks meat, with the Black Ghost monster flood dragon meat. 于是炖汤的同时,杜少甫同时烧烤狂暴裂地熊掌肉,妖火灵幻虎臀肉,和玄冥妖蛟肉。 Flagitious, was too savage!” “凶残啊,太凶残了啊!” Demon King, that is bloodthirsty Demon King!” 魔王,那就是嗜血魔王!” Looks at that purple robe youth to drink the wild beast blood of Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King, bakes the Black Ghost monster flood dragon and Kuang Bear King also has the Linghuan Tiger King meat, all around this lets dumbfounded, the sound of shock is lingering on faintly. 瞧着那紫袍青年直饮狂熊王灵幻虎王的狂暴兽血,烧烤玄冥妖蛟和狂熊王还有灵幻虎王的肉,这让四周目瞪口呆,震撼之声不绝于耳。 Some Demonic Beast withdraw one after another, is absolutely terrified. 一些妖兽接连退后,为之毛骨悚然。 Flagitious of that purple robe youth, making all Demonic Beast have a lingering fear, is deep dreading. 那紫袍青年的凶残,让所有妖兽心有余悸,无不是深深的忌惮。 Courage small point Demonic Beast, turns around walks, does not want to watch the fun again, so as to avoid when the time comes builds they. 胆子小一点的妖兽,掉头就走,根本就不想再看热闹,免得到时候将它们自己搭进去。 Some originally along with Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King many beast clan King, in shocking the fear withdraw, leaves is not, after all Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King have not died, if later Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King withdraw, definitely will operate with them. 一些原本更随狂熊王灵幻虎王的不少兽族王者,也在震骇恐惧中退后,离开也不是,毕竟狂熊王灵幻虎王还没有死,万一以后狂熊王灵幻虎王脱身,肯定会拿它们开刀。 But if they do not walk, these Demonic Beast feared that savage purple robe youth, meets first to look for their trouble finally. 可要是它们不走,这些妖兽又怕那凶残的紫袍青年,最后会第一个找上他们的麻烦。 A moment later, pot treasure soup fills the fragrance, the flowing light overflows, fluctuation of energy. 片刻之后,一锅宝汤弥漫香气,流光四溢,能量波动。 The barbecue fragrance overflows, the grease stains splash that incites, the fragrance flutters ten li (0.5km), making the person appetite move greatly. 烤肉香气四溢,滋滋的油渍飞溅,香飘十里,让人食欲大动。 You must eat, the flavor is good, makes up greatly.” “你要不要吃一点,味道不错的,也是大补。” After valuable soup and barbecue good, Du Shaofu visual the distant place static and vertical purple flame monster phoenix asked. 当宝汤和烤肉好了后,杜少甫目视着远处静静而立的紫炎妖凰问道。 Guessed in the Du Shaofu's heart that feared by the disposition makings of that purple flame monster phoenix elegantly beautiful monster different disposition, feared also disdains to pay attention to itself, afterward asked in any case. 杜少甫的心中猜测,怕是以那紫炎妖凰冷艳妖异性格的性格气质,怕是也不屑理会自己,反正也是随后一问的。
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