MGC :: Volume #13

#1248: Tyrannical tiger bear

Chapter 1246: Tyrannical tiger bear 第1246章:狂虐虎熊 Chapter 1246: Tyrannical tiger bear. 第1246章:狂虐虎熊。 All around Demonic Beast vision direct was scared, the small bird of prey in not far away midair, the double pupil is also maliciously pulls out. 四周妖兽目光直接傻眼了,小隼在不远处半空,双瞳也不禁是狠狠为之一抽。 But this flash, Linghuan Tiger King also already flushed, but sees the Kuang Bear King fate in a flash, immediately tiger trembles. 而这一瞬间,灵幻虎王也早就冲了过来,但转瞬间见到狂熊王的下场,顿时虎目一颤。 Linghuan Tiger King does not think that own strength compares to Kuang Bear King to strive to excel many, let alone like that was devastated by the Kuang Bear King defense mortal body, it can be imagined that human purple robe youth, compared with its original conscience in expected also wants many of frightening. 灵幻虎王不会认为自己的实力就比起狂熊王要强多少,何况以狂熊王的防御肉身都被那般蹂躏,可想而知那人类紫袍青年,是比起它原本心中预想中的还要恐怖的多。 „It is not good!” “不好!” In the heart does not cry well, Linghuan Tiger King turns around to run away to draw back directly, had been frightened by Du Shaofu. 心中大叫一声不好,灵幻虎王直接转身就逃退,已经是被杜少甫震慑到了。 Big cat, but also wants to walk!” “大猫,还想走么!” Du Shaofu already stared at Linghuan Tiger King, how at this moment to make Linghuan Tiger King depart, the form plunged Linghuan Tiger King immediately, that powerful aura bursts the pressure, blocks the space. 杜少甫早就盯上了灵幻虎王,此刻又怎么会让灵幻虎王离去,身影顿时就扑向了灵幻虎王,那一股强悍的气息溃压,封锁空间。 Snort, thinks that can cope with me really!” “哼,以为真的能够对付我么!” The Linghuan Tiger King this same time also gives a loud shout, tiger clank, the double pupil stares tightly, body runes erupts, changed to a huge about thousand zhang (3.33 m) fearful great tiger in a flash. 灵幻虎王这同时间也大喝一声,虎目铮铮,双瞳紧瞪,身上符文爆发,一瞬间化作了一只庞大近千丈的可怕巨虎。 Monster fire protects the body, kills the pupil spirit imaginary!” “妖火护体,灵幻杀瞳!” The body of stimulation of movement huge Linghuan Tiger King main body monster fire spirit imaginary tiger, the whole body is shining, finally changed to the strange frightening blazing monster fire to cover on the body. 庞大的灵幻虎王本体妖火灵幻虎之体催动,浑身在发光,最后化作诡异恐怖炽热的妖火覆盖在了身上。 With it simultaneously, Linghuan Tiger King pair of giant tiger double pupil, ripples at this moment strange runes, changed to two black holes likely, must swallow person Soul Force, strange fearful. 与之同时,灵幻虎王一双巨大的虎目双瞳,此刻荡漾出一种诡异的符文,像是化作了两个黑洞,要将人元神吞噬进去,诡异可怕。 Roar!” “吼!” Linghuan Tiger King take a shot / make a move at this moment, whole body leaps the monster fire fully, the spatial warping that the car(riage) hot temperature burns, gets down the spatial Demonic Beast skin to be burningly painful, in the eye the double pupil is strange, a tiger claw in the same time tearing space, by that fearful momentum, is also having the prestige of tiger king, is going to Du Shaofu killing. 此刻的灵幻虎王全力出手,浑身腾起妖火,车热的温度烧的空间扭曲,下空妖兽皮肤灼痛,眼中双瞳诡异,一虎爪也在同时间撕裂空间,以那可怕声势,带着虎王之威,对着杜少甫扑杀而去。 Plays the Soul Force attack before me, that accompanies you to play, profound soul pupil!” “在我面前玩元神攻击,那就陪你玩玩,玄魂瞳!” Du Shaofu drinks greatly, in the eye strange talisman-pattern also fights to shoot, the aura makes the person mind ripple, is bringing a silver yellow color electric arc, the overbearing destruction, making person Soul Force dread that repels the Linghuan Tiger King strange double pupil vision directly, making Linghuan Tiger King instead its be affected. 杜少甫大喝,眼中诡异的符箓秘纹也斗射而出,气息让人心神荡漾,带着一种银黄色电弧,霸道毁灭,让人元神忌惮,直接将灵幻虎王诡异的双瞳目光击退,让灵幻虎王反受其影响。 Meanwhile, the radiant bright moon silver-white color is in charge from the Du Shaofu hand in together promotes, clashing tiger claw. 紧接着同时,一道璀璨皓月般的银白色掌印自杜少甫手中推出,对撞虎爪。 Moon seal!” “太阴印!” The Du Shaofu radiant silver-white color energy is in charge, is having nearly substantialize silver-white wild world energies, flood one strange silver-white runes, just liked is lingering a layer upon layer silver-white lightning, like lightning hit at a speed in an instant above that giant tiger claw, just like grit hit meteorite. 杜少甫璀璨的银白色能量掌印,带着一股股近乎实质化的的银白色狂暴天地能量,泛起了一种诡异的银白色符文,犹如是萦绕着一层层银白色的闪电,以一种闪电般的速度刹那间撞击在了那巨大虎爪之上,宛若沙石撞击陨石。 This grade of hit, is actually afterward in its place of clashing, has the exceedingly high penetrating place crack the sound spreads...... 这等撞击,却是随后在其对撞之处,有着通天彻地的炸响声音传出…… Bang!” “轰隆隆!” This grade of hit, all around void avalanche, low and deep bang sound reverberation is unceasing, under shaken everything may become vulnerable, just like earthquake. 这等撞击,四周虚空崩塌,低沉的‘轰隆隆’声响回荡不绝,下方被震的地动山摇,宛如地震。 Roar!” “吼!” But afterward the people also in consternation saw that in the Linghuan Tiger King mouth spreads the severe pain the pitiful yell sound, the tiger claw is also just likes receive an electric shock retracts, the dripping with blood, the tiger claw of destroying the hardest defenses unexpectedly is the dripping with blood, the huge tiger body shakes one after another draws back, almost flies away horizontally. 而随后众人也是愕然见到,灵幻虎王嘴中传出剧痛的惨叫声,虎爪也是犹如触电般缩回,鲜血淋漓,无坚不摧的虎爪居然是鲜血淋漓,庞大的虎躯接连震退,几乎是横飞开去。 Raging Waves and Stormy Seas Palm!” 惊涛骇浪掌!” Du Shaofu runs out once more, the whole body golden light covers the body, the both wings inspire, Great Peng spread the wings to dive, is having bang the wind and thunder sound, a palm lays out. 杜少甫再次冲出,浑身金光笼罩身躯,双翅振凯,大鹏展翅俯冲而下,带着‘轰隆隆’的风雷声响,一掌拍出。 In an instant, before this palm, moves mountains Profound Qi energy, the space was flood the difficult situation has swept across likely turbulently, swept across directly on the body of Linghuan Tiger King, submerged in which its body. 刹那间,这一掌前排山倒海般的玄气能量,空间像是泛起了惊涛骇浪汹涌席卷,直接席卷在灵幻虎王的身上,将其身躯也淹没其中。 By this moment Du Shaofu's cultivation base, displayed initial Raging Waves and Stormy Seas Palm, was a different feeling, the prestige can simply and initially has the difference of heaven and earth! 以此刻杜少甫的修为,施展当初的惊涛骇浪掌,又是一番不一样的感觉,威能简直和当初有着天壤之别! This and other under fearful offensive, Linghuan Tiger King in has not responded in a panic that was swept across by Du Shaofu this swift and violent savage offensive. 这等可怕攻势下,灵幻虎王还没有在仓惶中反应过来,就被杜少甫这迅猛凶残的攻势席卷到。 Golden runes follows Profound Qi to change to the great waves, shakes Linghuan Tiger King directly falls the earth, the huge tiger body spits blood to crash, everything may become vulnerable that pounds. 金色符文伴随玄气化作浪涛,将灵幻虎王直接震落大地,庞大的虎躯吐血坠落,砸的地动山摇。 Roar!” “吼!” Roared angrily dreadful, aura direct impact vault of heaven, just but actually shot the earth Kuang Bear King to crawl, this moment runes erupted, its body rose straight from the ground, changed to high an approximately dozens zhang (3.33 m) huge main body directly, the giant just like this day within, the whole body organism stuck out, such as big python windings in general. 咆哮愤怒滔天,气息直冲苍穹,刚刚倒射大地的狂熊王爬了起来,此刻符文爆发,其身躯拔地而起,直接化作了高约数十丈的庞大本体,宛如这天地间的巨人,浑身肌体隆起,如一条条大蟒蛇缠绕在了身上一般。 This is Kuang Bear King the main body of wild crack bear, the imposing manner is fearful, is on Heavenly Beast List extremely before existence. 这是狂熊王的狂暴裂地熊的本体,气势可怕,是天兽榜上极为靠前的存在。 Let alone Kuang Bear King wild crack bear clan talent in a extremely, ancient times Xiong King wild strength big divine ability, the strength greatly was infinite, defends such as just! 何况狂熊王还是狂暴裂地熊一族中的绝顶天才,得远古熊王的狂暴之力大神通,力大无穷,防御如刚! Bastard, I must rip you exactly!” “混蛋,我要活撕了你!” Kuang Bear King has gotten angry, to have been devastated how could so, this regarding it is the shame, immediately gets angry the bear to assume an awe-inspiring pose, runes erupts, stimulates to movement wild strength divine ability, the supernatural power is billowing, that giant bear's paws just like Tienchu, a fearful energy shock-wave own on erupts, runes changes to the raging tide, curls up the space ripple over a hundred heavily, got angry the racket to go to Du Shaofu. 狂熊王怒了,何曾被如此蹂躏过,这对于它来说就是羞辱,顿时怒熊发威,符文爆发,催动狂暴之力神通,神力滚滚,那巨大的熊掌犹如天柱,一股可怕的能量冲击波自身上爆发,符文化作狂潮,卷起空间波纹上百重,怒拍向了杜少甫而去。 But Kuang Bear King at this moment fully is, stimulates to movement wild strength big divine ability, under this anger pats, under the giant bear's paws, feared that is the common beginning of the universe Martial Venerable peak powerhouse, does not die the mouth that must be patted to spit the blood not to be possible sufficiently. 此刻的狂熊王全力而为,催动狂暴之力大神通,这怒拍之下,巨大的熊掌之下,怕是一般的混元武尊巅峰强者,也足以不死也要被拍的口吐鲜血不可。 This sovereign must eat bear's paws today!” “本皇今天要吃熊掌!” Du Shaofu yelled that does not fear does not draw back, the imposing manner that the Hand Imprints rapid condensation, rushes vigorously shoots up to the sky suddenly, a fist wields directly loudly, what this moment use is Tyrant Quandao! 杜少甫嗷嗷大叫,不惧不退,手印急速凝结,一股雄浑澎湃的气势骤然冲天而起,一拳直接轰然挥出,此刻动用的是霸拳道! „!” “嗷!” This fist, has Dragon to recite nine days of sounds, idol long cry, with upper air thunder for the first time presently, before a fist void blasts out. 这一拳,有着龙吟九天之声,又似神象长鸣,伴随着高空电闪雷鸣乍现,一拳之前的虚空生生炸开。 This fist, is pinnacle strength of Du Shaofu on main body mortal body, the imposing manner is overbearing, looking disdainfully myriad things! 这一拳,也是杜少甫在本体肉身上的极致力量,气势霸道无匹,睥睨万物! It seems like a tiny fist and a that huge great tiger claw clashes, immediately that and other frightening runes ripples energies are ordinary just like the Tsunami, in void sweeps across suddenly, makes entire void shake fiercely. 看似渺小的一拳和那庞大巨虎一爪对撞,顿时那等恐怖符文涟漪能量宛如海啸一般,在虚空骤然席卷,让得整个虚空都在剧烈震荡。 Bang!” “轰隆隆!” An overbearing aura imperceptibly, the space ripple of vibration turns wells up continuous, on this day between just like thunderous continuous, the dreadful energy erupts instantaneously. 一股无形中的霸道气息,震动的空间波纹翻涌不休,这天地之间宛如雷鸣不休,滔天能量瞬间爆发开来。 Roar......” “吼……” Kuang Bear King that huge body shakes afterward draws back, every time withdraws one step, that giant bear's paws fall to the ground, directly steps on the earth broken, may star's severe pain pitiful yell once again. 狂熊王那庞大的身躯随后又是生生震退,每退后一步,那巨大的熊掌落地,都是将大地直接踩碎,也可伶的再度剧痛惨叫。 On this moment that Kuang Bear King giant bear's paws has also been cracked, the blood falls, had been cracked by a Du Shaofu fist bang the thick bear's paws, the dripping with blood, even reveals the bones of the dead quickly. 此刻那狂熊王巨大的熊掌上也已经龟裂,鲜血倾洒,被杜少甫一拳生生轰裂了厚厚的熊掌,鲜血淋漓,甚至快露出白骨。 Very can come under attack actually!” “倒是挺能够挨打的!” In the Du Shaofu heart also has surprised, oneself present strength Du Shaofu are clearest, on the strength by own present mortal body, stimulates to movement Tyrant Quandao, uses the pinnacle strength on mortal body, being enough bang has killed beginning of the universe Martial Venerable peak cultivation base, but lets that wild crack bear at this moment by some minor wounds. 杜少甫心中还颇有惊讶,自己现在的实力杜少甫自己最为清楚,以自己现在肉身上的力量,催动霸拳道,动用肉身上的极致力量,已经足以轰杀混元武尊巅峰修为者,但此刻只是让那狂暴裂地熊受一些轻伤而已。 That wild crack bear seems like the dripping with blood, but in Du Shaofu heart clear, that injury is actually not too heavy. 那狂暴裂地熊看似鲜血淋漓,但杜少甫心中清楚,那伤势其实并不是太重的。 Continue!” “继续!” Du Shaofu drinks greatly, vision afterward one bright, saw under on the spatial cliff has a lofty tree, feared that has dozens zhang (3.33 m) high, takes dozens talented people able to joint hold. 杜少甫大喝,目光随后一亮,见到了下空山崖上有着一株参天大树,足足怕是有着数十丈高,要几十个人才能够合抱过来。 Immediately, the Du Shaofu form plunders, both hands covered the golden light, the five fingers detain curvingly in the great tree, runes covered the great tree, erupted the overbearing incomparable potential, unexpectedly in cliff tremor bang in sound, eradicated that lofty tree directly, the Mt. Liba river, that lofty tree, lifted up high directly, pounded crazily to Kuang Bear King went. 顿时,杜少甫身影掠下,双手覆盖金光,五指弯曲扣押在了巨树之内,符文笼罩巨树,爆发霸道无匹之势,居然是在山崖颤动的‘轰隆隆’声响中,直接将那参天大树连根拔起,力拔山河,将那参天大树,直接高举,狂砸向了狂熊王而去。 Bang!” “轰!” But Kuang Bear King of star, has not stopped the declining tendency, was pounded by that lofty tree, the huge body was attacked, threw down directly on the ground. 可伶的狂熊王,还未止住颓势,就被那参天大树砸中,庞大的身躯受到冲击,直接就摔倒在了地上。 Runs!” “跑!” But Linghuan Tiger King that at this moment just crawled, almost does not have any stagnation, crawls directly to run away, has not dared to stop over, that humanity was too savage! 而此刻刚刚爬起的灵幻虎王,几乎是没有任何的停滞,一爬起就直接想要逃,已经是不敢逗留了,那人类太凶残了! Where big cat runs away!” “大猫哪里逃!” How Du Shaofu will let off that Linghuan Tiger King easily, the back both wings shake, the form moves fast, if the god, golden runes spreads, across the sky, just like true Golden Wing Great Peng, the speed wants compared with Linghuan Tiger King on directly quickly many. 杜少甫怎么会轻易放过那灵幻虎王,背后双翅一震,身影飘忽若神,金色符文扩散,直接横空,宛如真正的金翅大鹏,速度比起灵幻虎王要快上不少。 Comes back to me!” “给我回来!” If quickly the lightning, just like golden light rainbow, the Du Shaofu form kicks out, will be wanting to throw to run away to jump onto the Linghuan Tiger King large bowl thick or thin great tail of midair to pull in the hand, gave to pull its giant tiger body in the midair stagnation. 快若闪电,宛如金光长虹,杜少甫身影扑出,将正欲要扑逃跃上半空的灵幻虎王一根大碗粗细的巨尾给生生扯在了手中,将其巨大的虎躯生生给扯在了半空停滞。 „!” “嗷!” Linghuan Tiger King in great surprise, is in a thundering rage, erupts runes, the beginning of the universe Beast Venerable aura is outspoken, just like the tornado suddenly Ban eruption, wants to the great tail work loose the Du Shaofu's palm to run away. 灵幻虎王大惊,咆哮如雷,爆发符文,混元兽尊的气息毫无保留,宛如龙卷风暴般的爆发,欲要将巨尾挣脱杜少甫的手掌而逃。 Where runs away, gives me honestly!” “哪里逃,给我老实一点!” Du Shaofu drinks greatly, the golden light erupts, back Great Peng Golden Wing inspires suddenly, on the palm strength of the piece of wild thunder and lightning gushes out suddenly, just liked blots out the sky falls in torrents directly on the body of Linghuan Tiger King. 杜少甫大喝,金光爆发,背后大鹏金翅猛然一振,手掌上骤然间一片狂暴的雷电之力涌出,犹如铺天盖地般直接倾泻在了灵幻虎王的身上。 Scoffs......” “嗤啦啦……” The strength of this thunder and lightning falls in torrents, under greatest wild aura, upper air thunder, bang the thunderous sound is lingering on faintly, shakes the person heart and soul. 这雷电之力倾泻而出,莫大的狂暴气息下,高空电闪雷鸣,‘轰隆隆’的雷鸣声不绝于耳,震人心魄。 But Linghuan Tiger King at this moment actually may the star, under the strength of intimate contact that wild thunder and lightning, that acid crisp feeling, be the whole body is shivering simply. 而此刻的灵幻虎王却是可伶了,那狂暴的雷电之力亲密接触下,那酸爽的感觉,简直是全身都在颤抖。 Linghuan Tiger King defense, is hard to resist radically prevents the strength of Du Shaofu's thunder, was straightened vertically by the wool of electricity, the whole body shivers, is ordinary just like the hedgehog, in the mouth called out pitifully continuous, the sound was also shivering. 灵幻虎王身上的防御,根本难以抵御阻挡杜少甫的雷霆之力,被电的毛发直竖,浑身颤抖,宛如刺猬一般,嘴中惨叫不休,声音也在为之颤抖。 Comes back to me!” “给我回来!” Du Shaofu drinks like the thunder once again greatly, Great Peng spreads the wings to direct, to erupt the fearful strength successively, with it simultaneously, is in the midair, the foot pedal is void, a foot stamps spatially, void turbulent, just likes unsurpassed Demon King, body slightly backward one supine, maliciously is drawing the great tail of Linghuan Tiger King, is one shoulder has fallen. 杜少甫再度一声大喝如雷,大鹏展翅先后一引,爆发可怕之力,与之同时,身在半空,脚踏虚空,一脚跺空,虚空动荡,犹如无上魔王,身子微微向后一仰,狠狠的拉着灵幻虎王的巨尾,就是一个过肩摔。 This flickers, Du Shaofu Linghuan Tiger King that huge tiger body, but actually delimits together the half a month curved arc in the upper air unexpectedly, flung directly to behind. 这一瞬,杜少甫居然是将灵幻虎王那庞大的虎躯,生生在高空上倒划出一道半月弯弧,直接甩向了后面。 „......” “哇……” But sees this, perfectly round that all around innumerable Demonic Beast vision stare, can it be that in the mouth shakes surprised incomparable makes noise, for a very long time grins with ear to ear. 而见到这一幕,四周无数妖兽目光瞪的浑圆,莫不是嘴中震愕无比的哇哇出声,久久合不拢嘴。 But at this moment, that may star Kuang Bear King just once again crawl to set out, has not recovered, the sky is a colossus meteorite falls, erupts runes, drops from the clouds. 而在此刻,身后的那可伶狂熊王刚刚再度爬起身,还没有回过神来,天空便是一尊庞然大物陨石般落下,爆发符文,从天而降。 That is the Linghuan Tiger King body, was pulled out great tail one shoulder to fall by Du Shaofu, flung directly to Kuang Bear King, Du Shaofu was also but intentionally was. 那是灵幻虎王的身躯,被杜少甫拔着巨尾一个过肩摔,直接甩向了狂熊王,杜少甫也是故意而为。 Ping!” “砰砰!” Two bangs, runes was cracked-up, but Kuang Bear King of star just set out, the third time was pounded, the bodies of two huge Demonic Beast overlapped in one, what pounded was the ground world is turbulent. 两声巨响,符文被撞碎,可伶的狂熊王刚刚起身,第三次被砸了下去,两只巨大的妖兽之躯重叠在了一起,砸的是地面天地动荡。 Roar!” “嗷吼!” Two beasts are in the mouth the blood hurricane, hit seven meat eight elements, body ache just likes the convulsion, the severe pain is incomparable. 两兽更是嘴中鲜血狂飙,被撞的七荤八素,身上疼痛的犹如痉挛,剧痛无比。
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