MGC :: Volume #13

#1243: Inborn bandit

Chapter 1241: Inborn bandit 第1241章:天生土匪 Chapter 1241: Inborn bandit. 第1241章:天生土匪。 But is listening to the Du Shaofu's words, the crack spatial monster blade bird of prey is the fine hair but is actually vertical immediately. 而听着杜少甫的话,裂空妖刀隼却是顿时汗毛倒竖。 The fellow is to eat it unexpectedly, is this fearful fellow the person or Demonic Beast? 那家伙居然是想要吃它,这可怕的家伙到底是人还是妖兽 Although on that savage purple robe youth, has the absolute Demonic Beast supreme aura, but obviously likely is humanity. 虽然那凶残的紫袍青年身上,有着绝对的妖兽至尊气息,但又明显像是人类。 But if humanity, but how his body also has the so absolute Demonic Beast supreme aura to exist, this made the crack spatial monster blade bird of prey blurry. 可要是个人类,但其身上又怎么会有着这般绝对的妖兽至尊气息存在,这让裂空妖刀隼迷糊了。 Now gives you a choice, was I have pulled out your arcane bone, has drawn your beast blood, has eaten your meat, did you become my Mount / Zuoji?” “现在给你一个选择吧,是我拔了你的秘骨,抽了你的兽血,吃了你的肉,还是你成为我的坐骑?” After Du Shaofu knits the brows, the fission spatial monster blade bird of prey asked. 杜少甫皱眉之后,对裂空妖刀隼问道。 Is impossible, my cracking spatial monster blade bird of prey clan, is impossible becomes by Mount / Zuoji of person!” “不可能,我裂空妖刀隼一族,不可能成为被人的坐骑!” The crack spatial monster blade bird of prey roared to neigh loudly, the disposition of crack spatial monster blade bird of prey was wild and staunch, absolutely does not become others' Mount / Zuoji. 裂空妖刀隼大声咆哮嘶鸣,裂空妖刀隼的性格狂暴而刚烈,绝对不会成为别人的坐骑 It is said before , has a meeting humanity powerhouse of crack spatial monster blade bird of prey clan, these human powerhouses want to receive the crack spatial monster blade bird of prey are Mount / Zuoji, was only a pity that the crack spatial monster blade bird of prey will rather die will not submit. 据说以前有裂空妖刀隼一族的遇到人类强者,那些人类强者欲要收裂空妖刀隼为坐骑,只可惜裂空妖刀隼宁愿死也不会屈服。 Bang!” “砰!” Just fell along with the words of this crack spatial monster blade bird of prey, carries on the back directly maliciously to be stamped by a Du Shaofu foot, the plume feather that steps on was shattered, the dripping with blood, almost must reveal the dense bones of the dead. 只是随着这裂空妖刀隼的话刚刚落下,背上就直接被杜少甫一脚狠狠的跺了下去,踩踏的翎羽破碎,鲜血淋漓,几乎要露出森森白骨。 I asked that you are become my Mount / Zuoji make me draw blood to dig the bone to you, are you willing to make Mount / Zuoji, may not have any relations with me!” “我只是问你是成为我的坐骑还是让我对你抽血挖骨,你愿不愿意做坐骑,和我可没有任何关系!” Du Shaofu shouted to clear the way loudly, the look started swiftly and fiercely, got angry changes, was relentless! 杜少甫大声喝道,神色开始凌厉,翻脸就变,毫不留情! As the Du Shaofu's voice falls, all around many Demonic Beast are dumbfounded, was trembles that purple robe youth to be too fierce all darkly was too savage, did not place in that crack spatial monster blade bird of prey the eye, feared that was so long as this moment that crack spatial monster blade bird of prey said that did not want, that purple robe youth can starting without hesitation. 随着杜少甫的话音落下,四周不少妖兽目瞪口呆,无不是暗颤那紫袍青年太猛太凶残了,根本就不将那裂空妖刀隼放在眼中,怕是只要此刻那裂空妖刀隼说不愿意的话,那紫袍青年就会毫不犹豫的下手。 The crack spatial monster blade bird of prey whins pitiful yell, the talisman-pattern suppressed dimness more and more all over the body, within the body five main internal organs (entrails) must be crushed generally. 裂空妖刀隼哀嚎惨叫,通体的符箓秘纹被压制的越来越黯淡,体内五脏六腑都要被压碎了一般。 Crack spatial monster blade bird of prey heart at this moment, knows that purple robe youth who carries on the back is savage, oneself will not have on the strength of struggling at this moment. 此刻的裂空妖刀隼心中,也知道背上的那紫袍青年凶残,自己此刻就连挣扎之力也不会有。 I am willing to become your Mount / Zuoji.” “我愿意成为你的坐骑了。” After the moment, after the crack spatial monster blade bird of prey ponders over, started to submit, in the heart was comforting itself in oneself, the purple robe youth who carried on the back definitely was also Demonic Beast, so long as did not make Mount / Zuoji to humanity, oneself have not lost face to a crack spatial monster blade bird of prey clan. 片刻后,裂空妖刀隼琢磨后开始屈服了,心中在自己安慰着自己,背上的紫袍青年肯定也是妖兽,只要不是给人类做坐骑,自己也就没有给裂空妖刀隼一族丢脸了。 Xiao Hu is not, temporarily makes you make several days of Mount / Zuoji, first passable.” 小虎不在,暂时就让你做几天坐骑吧,先凑合凑合。” On the Du Shaofu swift and fierce face has revealed instantaneously smiling expression, this crack spatial monster blade bird of prey bloodline is not weak, the rank on Heavenly Beast List is not low, if compared with present Xiao Hu, naturally insufficiently looks. 杜少甫凌厉的脸庞上瞬间就露出了笑意,这裂空妖刀隼血脉是不弱了,天兽榜上的排名也不低,不过要是和现在的小虎相比的话,自然是不够看的了。 Du Shaofu's this saying, makes the crack spatial monster blade bird of prey spit blood immediately, gathers to clench teeth to submit into Mount / Zuoji, is thinking, has the opportunity words to find the way to walk again, has not actually thought that this fellow thought unexpectedly one continually become the qualifications of his Mount / Zuoji is reluctantly. 只是杜少甫的这话,却是顿时让裂空妖刀隼吐血,合着自己咬牙才屈服成为坐骑,也想着以后有机会的话再想办法走,却是没想到这家伙居然觉得自己连成为他坐骑的资格都是勉强。 We walk, some province strengths.” “我们走吧,省一些力气。” After the moment, Du Shaofu rides the crack spatial monster blade bird of prey, static float has said in the purple flame monster phoenix of midair to not far away. 片刻后,杜少甫乘坐裂空妖刀隼,对不远处一直静静悬浮在了半空的紫炎妖凰说道。 Just obtained uncommon arcane bone, compared with dragon nine arcane bone feared that also wanted precious many, Du Shaofu not to stay for a long time this place. 刚刚得到了一根不凡秘骨,比起龙九的秘骨怕是还要珍贵的多,杜少甫可不想久留此地。 The purple flame monster phoenix purple pupil moves, the fluctuation is gorgeous, just like the purple smoke and fire, has not spoken, but that curve graceful physique across the sky fell on the crack spatial monster blade bird of prey afterward has carried on the back. 紫炎妖凰紫色眸子动了动,波动绚丽,宛如紫色烟火,没有说话,但随后那弧度曼妙的身姿横空落在了裂空妖刀隼背上。 Pitiful crack spatial monster blade bird of prey, like this became Mount / Zuoji, unwilling has unable to be crazy, under the heavy losses must continue to fly. 可怜的裂空妖刀隼,就这样成为了坐骑,不甘却是有无法疯狂,重创之下还要继续飞行。 Who the fellow is, overbearingly was too savage!” “那家伙是谁啊,太霸道凶残了!” „The heavy treasure of tiger clan, was obtained by that fellow!” “虎族的重宝啊,被那家伙得到了!” As Du Shaofu departs, all around many Demonic Beast pupils flood the fluctuation, nobody is daring to prevent. 随着杜少甫离去,四周不少的妖兽瞳孔泛着波动,无人敢阻挡。 The crack spatial monster blade bird of prey became Mount / Zuoji, their strengths might as well the cracking spatial monster blade bird of prey, only be able to look at him to depart helplessly. 裂空妖刀隼已经成为了坐骑,它们的实力都不如裂空妖刀隼,只能够眼睁睁的看着其离去。 But after Du Shaofu and purple flame monster phoenix departs, after half double-hour, a different tiger and a bear person are leading many war servants and Demonic Beast, enormous and powerful comes, the imposing manner is astonishing. 而随着杜少甫和紫炎妖凰离去之后,半个时辰之后,一只异虎和一个熊人带着不少战仆和妖兽,浩浩荡荡的而来,气势惊人。 Dares to move my tiger clan relic, pursues that boy to me, does not let off!” “敢动我虎族遗物,给我追那小子,绝不放过!” Before huge tiger skeleton, the different tiger is in a thundering rage, the double pupil fills the ominous light, frightening! 庞大的虎型骨骸前,异虎咆哮如雷,双瞳弥漫凶光,让人胆颤心惊! .................. ……………… Before finding Xiao Xingxing, you best are give me little to provoke some troublesome, Dragon race in this, your many enemy should also in the Heavenly Beast grave.” “在找到小星星之前,你最好是给我少招惹一些麻烦,龙族可是在这里面,你不少的对头应该也会在天兽墓内。” In the midair, the crack spatial monster blade bird of prey carries on the back, the purple flame monster phoenix opens the mouth to say to Du Shaofu. 半空中,裂空妖刀隼背上,紫炎妖凰开口对杜少甫说道。 Soon Dragon race, anything is not good to fear that so long as they do not provoke me to be good, other should not have any issue.” “不久龙族么,没什么好怕的,只要它们不招惹我就行,其它的应该就更加没什么问题了。” Du Shaofu installs does not matter very much, the strength of this inside beast territory boundary must suppress to half territory in any case, that does not have anything to be good to fear. 杜少甫装的很是无所谓,反正这里面兽域境的实力要压制到半域,那就没什么好怕的。 Naturally, if this outside the Heavenly Beast grave, this words feared that is Du Shaofu also embarrassed says. 当然,这要是在天兽墓之外,这种话怕是杜少甫自己也不好意思说出口来的。 Is listening to the Du Shaofu's words, the purple flame monster phoenix looked that has not looked at Du Shaofu one, the aloof monster flatters, the ultra dust is refined, purple skirt handsome. 听着杜少甫的话,紫炎妖凰看都没有看杜少甫一眼,高冷妖媚,超尘脱俗,紫裙翩翩。 Dragon race does not place in the eye, these two are any backgrounds!” 龙族都不放在眼中,这两人到底是什么来头啊!” But the pitiful crack spatial monster blade bird of prey is listening to them to talk, is actually heavy that frightens, is doubtful. 而可怜的裂空妖刀隼在听着两人对话,却是吓的不轻,也半信半疑。 Was so long, has not known how should call you!” “这么久了,还不知道该怎么叫你!” Du Shaofu is looking at the present beautiful figure, opens the mouth to ask, always cannot feed calling, although for serveral days, had not spoken actually. 杜少甫望着眼前的倩影,开口问道,总不能够一直‘喂喂’的叫,虽然这些天,其实也没怎么说过话。 The purple flame monster phoenix has not paid attention to Du Shaofu, looks like has not heard general. 只是紫炎妖凰也还是没有理会杜少甫,就像是没有听到一般。 Du Shaofu somewhat was stimulated, afterward also no longer opens the mouth. 杜少甫有些受刺激了,随后也不再开口。 Cluck......” “咕咕……” Crack spatial monster blade bird of prey non- time roared, seemed vents own unwillingness, the sound penetration clouds, making Demonic Beast along the way not dare to approach. 裂空妖刀隼不时间咆哮,似乎是发泄自己的不甘,声音穿透云霄,让得沿途的妖兽更是不敢靠近。 This also lets many Demonic Beast curiously, is always the arrogant irritable crack spatial monster blade bird of prey, unexpectedly has into Mount / Zuoji one day. 这也让不少的妖兽好奇不已,一向是高傲火爆的裂空妖刀隼,居然是有成为坐骑的一天。 Small bird of prey, front makes a turn, has the treasure!” “小隼,前面转弯,有宝物!” Also not long, the Du Shaofu fission spatial monster blade bird of prey said that under the Pulse Soul induction, seeks for many that the treasure compares to others to profit. 也没有多久,杜少甫对裂空妖刀隼说道,脉魂感应下,寻找宝物可是比起别人要占便宜的多。 I lived for over a thousand years, why must be called the small bird of prey.” “我活了上千年,为什么还要叫做小隼。” In the crack spatial monster blade bird of prey heart is very unwilling, oneself good and evil is also the Beast Venerable boundary Perfect strength, in the entire beast territory is known, shut out including the qualifications of Mount / Zuoji reluctantly, now unexpectedly is also called the small bird of prey. 裂空妖刀隼心中很是不甘,自己好歹也是兽尊圆满的实力,在整个兽域都算是小有名气的,被人嫌弃连坐骑的资格都勉强就算了,现在居然是还被叫做小隼。 This saying, the crack spatial monster blade bird of prey also can only be unwilling in oneself at heart whisper, does not dare saying that it also is really is afraid that savage purple robe youth club in impolite to it makes anything , can only be the curve of being obedient, in heart secret passage: „The Heavenly Beast grave is your family, how to know that side has the valuable medicine.” 只是这话,裂空妖刀隼也只能够是在自己心里嘀咕不甘,不敢说出口,它还真是害怕那凶残的紫袍青年会在不客气的对它做些什么,也只能够是听话的转弯,心中暗道:“天兽墓是你家的么,怎么会知道那边有宝药。” But in small bird of prey heart whisper in secretly, the front curve is a piece of vast canyon, a cliff towers, has the waterfall to fall in torrents. 而就在小隼心中的暗自嘀咕中,前方转弯便是一片辽阔的峡谷,一处山崖耸立,有瀑布倾泻。 Roar!” “嗷吼!” Bang......” “轰隆隆……” All around has many ominous birds and beasts unusual animals, has corrected miswritten words is in a thundering rage, competes respectively hits take a shot / make a move greatly, the goal is to compete for spirit medicine of cliff roof. 四周有着不少的凶禽异兽,已经正字啊咆哮如雷,各自争夺大打出手,目标都是为了争夺一株山崖最高处的灵药 Was only a pity that no one has the means to compete, once who approaches, entire will be attacked it, therefore fell into an aspect of deadlock. 只可惜谁也没办法争夺到,一旦谁靠近一些,就会被全起而攻之,因此陷入到了一种僵持的局面中。 That spirit medicine on cliff is quite huge, has two zhang (3.33 m), is one dazzles the purple peach tree all over the body. 山崖上的那灵药极为庞大,足足有着两丈大小,是一株通体炫紫的桃树。 This dazzles purple peach tree runes to fill the air, several flowers, the flower fragrance is filling the air by far, making people completely relaxed. 这炫紫桃树符文弥漫,正开着十几朵花,花香远远弥漫,让人心旷神怡。 Peach blossom adult palm of the hand size, all over the body presents the glittering and translucent carving flesh color color, the stamen and pistil just likes bunches of gathers in together talisman-pattern. 桃花成人巴掌大小,通体呈现晶莹剔透的粉红之色,花蕊犹如一簇簇汇聚在一起的符箓秘纹 Amethyst day spirit peach tree, unexpectedly is the amethyst day spirit peach tree, blossomed unexpectedly, feared that will be has drawn near the result situation!” “紫玉天灵桃树,居然是紫玉天灵桃树,竟然还开花了,怕是已经快到了结果的地步了啊!” Du Shaofu distant is looking, was actually the vision immediately projects the golden light. 杜少甫远远的望着,却是目光就立刻投射出了金光。 Amethyst day spirit peach tree, that is a valuable medicine, scarce incomparable valuable medicine. 紫玉天灵桃树,那是一株宝药,稀少无比的宝药。 Only is the leaf of amethyst day spirit peach tree, is priceless spirit medicine. 光是紫玉天灵桃树的树叶,就是一种价值连城的灵药 The rumor takes piece of amethyst day spirit peach the peach leaf, can strengthen the Soul Force strength. 传言服用一片紫玉天灵桃的桃树叶,就能够增强元神力量。 If the fruit of amethyst day spirit peach, it is said that sufficiently can make nine star spirit talisman master regard as the heavy treasure, it can be imagined that is obtains the treasure. 而要是紫玉天灵桃的果,据说一枚,足以能够让九星灵符师视为重宝,可想而知那是何等得到宝物。 Was only a pity that the amethyst day spirit peach tree was too scarce, it is said Jiu Zhou altogether has one, that is in Immeasurable Cult of state, is regarded as the Immeasurable Cult heavy treasure. 只可惜紫玉天灵桃树太稀少了,据说九州一共只有一棵,那是在中州的无量教中,被视为无量教的重宝。 Is only a pity it is said that amethyst day spirit peach in Immeasurable Cult, as if has not tied the fruit. 只可惜据说无量教中的那一株紫玉天灵桃,似乎都从来没有结过果子。 Even if the amethyst day spirit peach wants the result, in the hearsay also in the need several thousand years can the result, but also take over a thousand years to arrive to blossom the result, are precious, may with, but cannot ask. 就算是紫玉天灵桃要结果,传闻中也需要上数千年才能够结果,还需要上千年才能够到开花到结果,何等珍贵,可遇而不可求。 Small bird of prey, snatches to me, the amethyst day spirit peach tree is my, I must transplant to blossom and bear fruit!” “小隼,给我抢,紫玉天灵桃树是我的,我要移植回去开花结果!” Du Shaofu yelled excitedly that the form like electricity, the voice falls, the form has dashed to the cliff went. 杜少甫兴奋大叫,身影如电,话音落下的时候,身影已经是直扑向了山崖而去。 Bandit!” “土匪!” Is looking at the Du Shaofu's back, in the purple flame monster phoenix eye the purple pupil fluctuates, for a very long time, Bei Chiqing opens, said two characters, the present that humanity, outside was also some reputations, but actually likely was a bandit type. 望着杜少甫的背影,紫炎妖凰眼中紫眸波动,久久之后,贝齿轻启,说了两个字,眼前的那人类,在外面也算是有些名声了,但却像是一个土匪样。 At this moment in the heart, the purple flame monster phoenix somewhat regretted that early knows this fellow in secret is this welldoing, initially should not make him approach Xiao Xingxing, has not known that Xiao Xingxing will be brought any appearance by him. 此刻在心中,紫炎妖凰不禁是有些后悔,早知道这家伙私下里是这幅德行,当初就不应该让他靠近小星星,还不知道小星星会被他带成什么样子。 Therefore in the heart of hearts, in the purple flame monster phoenix even heart is the decision of secret completion, once after this time found Xiao Xingxing, cannot make Xiao Xingxing keep the side of that bandit absolutely. 所以在内心深处,紫炎妖凰甚至心中已经是暗暗的做好的决定,一旦这次找到小星星后,绝对不能够让小星星在留在那土匪的身边了。 Although competes for the treasure, was too common in the world of cultivator, let alone competes for the thing of without owner at this moment, the purple flame monster phoenix naturally can understand. 虽然争夺宝物,在修行者的世界太常见了,何况此刻还是争夺无主之物,紫炎妖凰自然是能够理解的。 Why may not know, the purple flame monster phoenix is looks that fellow is not pleasing to the eyes, inborn that bandit type, is stirs up in her heart not to be happy. 可偏偏不知道为什么,紫炎妖凰就是看着那家伙不顺眼,天生一副的那种土匪样,就是惹得她的心中不欢喜。
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