MGC :: Volume #13

#1244: Mt. Liba river 【Four】

Chapter 1242: Mt. Liba river Four 第1242章:力拔山河【四更】 Chapter 1242: Mt. Liba river Four. 第1242章:力拔山河【四更】。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 砰砰砰! As the Du Shaofu form kicks out, erupts golden light, is plundering directly to the amethyst day spirit peach tree of cliff roof. 随着杜少甫身影扑出,爆发金光,直接对着山崖最高处的紫玉天灵桃树掠去。 Roar!” “嗷吼!” All around has Demonic Beast to discover immediately the Du Shaofu's form, the tangled warfare pestered in together Demonic Beast to break out radiant runes, immediately roars is going to Du Shaofu killing. 四周立刻就有妖兽发现了杜少甫的身影,原本混战纠缠在一起的妖兽爆发璀璨符文,立刻就咆哮着对着杜少甫扑杀而去。 They naturally will not make person act swiftly to get there first, fish in troubled waters. 它们自然是不会让人捷足先登,浑水摸鱼。 Who dares to keep off me!” “谁敢挡我!” Du Shaofu gives a loud shout, the body golden light is more abundant, radiant talisman-pattern plunders, to rushes by the strength of mortal body forcefully directly horizontally, disregards all attacks, just likes the uninhabited area sweeps away the four directions! 杜少甫大喝一声,身上金光更盛,璀璨的符箓秘纹掠动,强行以肉身之力直接横冲直闯,无视所有攻击,犹如无人之境横扫四方! Bang bang bang!” “嘭嘭嘭!” These attacks to Du Shaofu's Demonic Beast, not only cannot follow the Du Shaofu's speed, instead attacks the confusion, creates the accidental injury, by the strength of Du Shaofu mortal body sweeping away forcefully, was shaken. 那些攻击向杜少甫的妖兽,非但跟不上杜少甫的速度,反而是攻击混乱,造成误伤,更是被杜少甫强行的肉身横扫之力,生生震开。 Low and deep sonic bang sound penetrating, only huge Demonic Beast crashes afterward from the midair, horrible to look. 一道道低沉的音爆声响彻,随后一只只庞大妖兽从半空坠落下去,惨不忍睹。 Du Shaofu opens greatly gathers greatly, stretches across the expansive sky, nobody may block, reached the summit of cliff on the potential of according to incomparable ruling by force directly, in the hand several golden light bolts of white silk has plundered, able to move unhindered interwove to fall on the summit of cliff directly, shattered the amethyst day spirit peach tree surrounding dozens zhang (3.33 m) cliff four directions. 杜少甫大开大合,横跨长空,无人可阻,径直就以无匹霸道之势登上了悬崖之巅,手中几道金光匹练掠出,径直纵横交织落在山崖之巅上,将紫玉天灵桃树周围数十丈山崖四方生生震裂。 Gives me to get up......” “给我起……” Du Shaofu gives a loud shout, last claw-print plunders, the golden light covers the earth, draws out from the cliff cauldron the stretch of rock earth of dozens zhang (3.33 m) diameter. 杜少甫大喝一声,最后一道爪印掠出,金光覆盖大地,将数十丈直径的一片岩石大地生生从崖鼎拔出。 Bang!” “轰隆隆!” The time, the cliff shivers, the stretch of earth of dozens zhang (3.33 m) diameter, just like an island, drew out by Du Shaofu holds up horizontally. 顿时间,山崖颤动,数十丈直径的一片大地,宛如一座小岛,生生被杜少甫拔出横举起。 This moment Du Shaofu is ordinary just like the overlord great cauldron, held that island dozens zhang (3.33 m) earth single-handed in the hand. 此刻杜少甫宛如霸王巨鼎一般,单手将那小岛般的数十丈大地托在了手中。 This appearance, attacks the eyeball of person extremely, lets all around unexpected Demonic Beast, is all dumbfounded immediately. 这一幕出现,极为冲击人的眼球,让四周猝不及防的妖兽,无不是顿时为之目瞪口呆。 Does not have Demonic Beast to know that the youth of that human form emits from where, unexpectedly is that overbearing powerful, has to focus on pulling out the mountains and rivers the spirit! 没有妖兽知道,那人形的青年是从何处冒出的,居然是那等的霸道强悍,拥有着力拔山河的气概! Quite savage!” “好凶残啊!” The small bird of prey also wants to have a look at joke, but can also while convenient find the opportunity to withdraw, therefore has not tagged along after Du Shaofu to flush away. 小隼原本还想看看笑话,还可以顺带着找找机会脱身,所以根本就没有尾随杜少甫冲去。 But that emergence in short time, looks at that to focus on pulling out the purple robe youth of potential of mountains and rivers, the small bird of prey starts secretly some hearts to be also startled. 但短短时间内的那一幕出现,望着那有着力拔山河之势的紫袍青年,小隼开始也暗自有些心惊。 Receives!” “收!” Draws out that dozens zhang (3.33 m) cliff earth, together with the amethyst day spirit peach tree, Du Shaofu called the Wasteland space immediately, took in the amethyst day spirit peach number the Wasteland space. 拔出那数十丈的山崖大地,连同紫玉天灵桃树,杜少甫顿时就唤出了荒古空间,将紫玉天灵桃数收进了荒古空间内。 Amethyst day spirit peach tree is in itself the heavy treasure, but after the result of heaviest treasure. 紫玉天灵桃树本身就是重宝,但最重宝的还是结果之后。 This moment that amethyst day spirit peach tree blossomed, was in soon the result situation, therefore Du Shaofu does not want to let off. 此刻那紫玉天灵桃树已经开花,已经到了快要结果的地步,因此杜少甫可不想放过。 But attainments of Du Shaofu on Medicine Talisman Master, absolutely is not low, has been possible to know that is not any place can nourish amethyst day spirit peach tree equipollent treasure, wants to transplant in other places, feared that not necessarily can survive, therefore simply is speaks all around ground to move away directly. 杜少甫药符师上的造诣,也绝对算是不低的了,可知道不是任何地方都能够滋养出紫玉天灵桃树这等重宝,想要移植在其它地方,怕是不一定就能够存活,所以干脆就是讲四周的地面直接都移走。 Du Shaofu has not thought that he accidentally has actually created one of the Mt. Liba river, making many Demonic Beast scared. 只是杜少甫没有想到,自己却是无意中造成了这力拔山河的一幕,让不少妖兽都在傻眼。 The ancient luxuriant aura fluctuation, the hazy ray twinkle, the amethyst day spirit peach tree took in the Wasteland space by Du Shaofu, afterward submerges in the forehead. 古老莽莽的气息波动,迷蒙光芒闪烁,紫玉天灵桃树就被杜少甫收进了荒古空间内,随后没入眉心中。 Boy, hands over the treasure!” “小子,交出宝物!” „!” “嗷!” But when Du Shaofu just received the Wasteland space, roared drinks the sound to spread greatly, a fearful aura filled the air immediately. 而就在杜少甫刚刚收起荒古空间的时候,一声咆哮大喝声传出,一股可怕的气息顿时弥漫开来。 A flood dragon of huge number hundred zhang (333m) appeared sky over the cliff, huge long body half extended in the sea of clouds, the fierce double pupil overlooked Du Shaofu, cruel, but yin cold. 一条庞大数百丈的蛟龙出现在了山崖上空,庞大漫长的身躯一半伸展在云海中,狰狞双瞳俯视杜少甫,暴戾而阴寒。 Dares to snatch my thing, hands over your paternal grandmother bear!” “敢抢我东西,交你奶奶个熊!” Du Shaofu has gotten angry, regarding Du Shaofu, so long as the thing on oneself hand, that is own. 杜少甫怒了,对于杜少甫而言,只要到了自己手上的东西,那就已经是自己的了。 This moment that flood dragon wants to fight, regarding Du Shaofu, that is no different must snatch oneself thing. 此刻那蛟龙要争,对于杜少甫来说,那就无异于要抢自己东西。 Bang!” “轰!” Immediately, a Du Shaofu foot stamps, cliff bang tremor, the golden light erupts, the innumerable rocks fall in torrents from the cliff, shoots up to the sky to plunge that huge flood dragon directly. 顿时,杜少甫一脚跺地,山崖‘轰隆隆’颤动,金光爆发,无数岩石从山崖倾泻而下,直接冲天而起扑向那庞大蛟龙。 Courts death!” “找死!” The flood dragon has also gotten angry, it is one Black Ghost monster flood dragon, is a side King in beast territory, the body has Dragon race bloodline, is the formidable, huge body the scale but is actually very vertical immediately, the aura confused swell, erupts the fierce and tough imposing manner, the body is huge, but if quickly the lightning, the great tail instead pulls out, across the sky maliciously goes to Du Shaofu on pulling out. 蛟龙也怒了,它是一条‘玄冥妖蛟’,是兽域内的一方王者,身上有着龙族血脉,很是强大,庞大的身躯立刻鳞片倒竖,气息暴涌,爆发凶悍气势,身躯庞大但快若闪电,巨尾反抽,横空就狠狠的抽向杜少甫而去。 Bang!” “轰隆隆!” The great tail erupts the radiant ray, just like the huge thunder and lightning light beam, across the sky pulls out together suddenly, covers Du Shaofu , the direct great tail pulls out on below cliff that in that has greatly stood tall and erect. 巨尾爆发璀璨光芒,宛如一道庞大的雷电光柱,乍然间就横空抽下,覆盖杜少甫,也直接巨尾抽在了那巨大高耸的下方山崖上。 This fearful great tail sweeps away, blasts out the mountain peak that stands tall and erect, the waterfall cuts off, the rock jumps shoots to fall in torrents, bang crack the sound is lingering on faintly. 这可怕的巨尾横扫,将那高耸的山峰生生炸开,瀑布斩断,岩石迸射倾泻,‘轰隆隆’的炸响声不绝于耳。 If this speed quickly lightning, quick makes some Demonic Beast call out in alarm roars low and deep, for that purple robe youth holding breath cold air, flood dragon pulls out, that person feared that met a cruel death sufficiently has not been possible. 这速度快若闪电,快的让一些妖兽惊呼低沉咆哮,也为那紫袍青年倒吸凉气,蛟龙一尾抽下,那人怕是足以粉身碎骨了不可吧。 Beast Venerable boundary unusual peak Black Ghost monster flood dragon!” 兽尊境超凡巅峰玄冥妖蛟啊!” The small bird of prey also eye trembles at this moment, that is a Beast Venerable boundary unusual peak Black Ghost monster flood dragon, Fang Qiang in beast territory, before it, has contacted, deeply dreaded. 小隼此刻也目颤,那是一条兽尊境超凡巅峰玄冥妖蛟,兽域的一方强者,它也以前接触过,深深为之忌惮。 „Did this fellow die?” “这家伙是死了么?” At this moment the small bird of prey was guessing, feared that was that purple robe youth has met with a disaster, but the Black Ghost monster flood dragon was difficult to annoy. 此刻小隼猜测着,怕是那紫袍青年已经遭殃了,玄冥妖蛟可是难惹的。 While small bird of prey guess, in that was just swept away on the shatter cliff of crack avalanche by the Black Ghost monster flood dragon great tail, the waterfall restoration that cuts off, the fluent straight line incline , the tall and straight human form form was covered by the current of water together covers the golden light, the water drop does not enter. 只是就在小隼猜测的同时,在那刚刚被玄冥妖蛟巨尾横扫出裂缝崩塌的破碎山崖上,斩断的瀑布恢复,水流直线倾斜而下,一道挺拔的人形身影被水流笼罩覆盖金光,滴水不进。 Day......!” “天啊……!” Unexpectedly, has Demonic Beast to call out in alarm suddenly, they saw after that Black Ghost monster flood dragon huge great tail has selected for advancement in the cliff crack, had not actually revolved, at this moment sees clearly, originally that purple robe youth is not only intact, clouds the poor business conditions to be light, but also together golden light claw-print, directly was merely detaining on the great tail of that Black Ghost monster flood dragon. 蓦地,有妖兽突然惊呼,它们见到了那玄冥妖蛟庞大的巨尾抽进了山崖裂缝内后,却是一直没有回旋出去,此刻才看清楚,原来那紫袍青年不仅丝毫无损,云淡风轻,还一道金光爪印,直接便是仅仅的扣押在了那玄冥妖蛟的巨尾上。 „!” “嗷!” The Black Ghost monster flood dragon roared, roared fiercely, erupts the fearful imposing manner, the double pupil was faint reveals to fear intent. 玄冥妖蛟咆哮,狰狞怒吼,爆发可怕气势,双瞳隐隐间露出惧意。 The Black Ghost monster flood dragon at this moment discovered one struggle in any event, the great tail is unable to work loose, the opposite party is faint fills the air, but an overbearing aura, is also makes its Soul Force be out of control the trembling millet. 此刻的玄冥妖蛟发现自己无论如何挣扎,巨尾也无法挣脱,对方身上隐隐间弥漫而出的一股霸道气息,却是让得它元神也禁不住颤粟。 Is incapable of working loose the great tail, the Black Ghost monster flood dragon can only twist the reverse body instantaneously, that fierce big mouth, then spurts the thin fierce and tough aura, roared the vibration space, making threatening gestures was to the Du Shaofu direct worry under. 无力挣脱巨尾,玄冥妖蛟只能够瞬间扭曲反转身躯,那狰狞的血盆大口,便是喷薄凶悍气息,咆哮震动空间,张牙舞爪的便是对着杜少甫直接撕咬而下。 „A stinking insect, gives me to get down!” “一条臭虫而已,给我下去!” Du Shaofu stands on waterfall rock of break, detained to wave on a Black Ghost monster flood dragon great tail claw to shake directly, immediately mentioned the body of Black Ghost monster flood dragon, looks like flung the snake general instead flings directly under, the crazy tyrant was incomparable! 杜少甫站在断裂的瀑布岩石上,扣押在了玄冥妖蛟巨尾上的一爪直接挥手一抖,顿时提起玄冥妖蛟的身躯,就像是甩蛇一般的直接反甩在了下方,狂霸无匹! Scoffs!” “嗤啦!” Originally is the worry plunges the Du Shaofu's Black Ghost monster flood dragon, on pitiful cast off directly, was raised the tail to fling from the midair but actually under. 本是撕咬扑向杜少甫的玄冥妖蛟,就可怜的被直接甩开,然后从半空被提着尾巴倒甩而下。 ] Bang!” ]“嘭!” The flood dragon head fell to the ground first, flings in cliff below canyon, everything may become vulnerable that pounded, mountains and rivers break! 蛟龙头颅先落地,甩在了山崖下方的峡谷内,砸的地动山摇,山河断裂! Makes you snatch my thing!” “让你抢我东西!” Makes you rampant!” “让你嚣张!” Makes you provoke this sovereign!” “让你招惹本皇!” ............ “…………” Du Shaofu several shouted angrily one after another, golden light erupted, suppressed the Black Ghost monster flood dragon by the overbearing imposing manner forcefully, raised the great tail of that Black Ghost monster flood dragon not to put, was similar to is plays with the small snake, brandished the Black Ghost monster flood dragon, has flung one after another 56. 杜少甫接连几声怒喝,金光爆发,以霸道气势强行镇压玄冥妖蛟,提着那玄冥妖蛟的巨尾不放,就如同是玩弄小蛇般,将玄冥妖蛟抡来抡去,接连甩了56下。 Bang......” “轰隆隆……” The cliff all around and below canyon, the thorough break, a piece in confusion, the cliff also creakies everywhere, finally thorough avalanche. 山崖四周和下方峡谷,彻底断裂,到处一片狼藉,山崖也摇摇欲坠,最后彻底崩塌。 But pitiful that Black Ghost monster flood dragon, in pitiful yell whinning sounds, after last falls, suffocated. 而可怜的那条玄冥妖蛟,在一声声的惨叫哀嚎声中,最后一下落下后已经是奄奄一息。 The Black Ghost monster flood dragon at this moment, the body dripping with blood, the scale was shattered, some places even reveal the flesh and blood bones of the dead. 此刻的玄冥妖蛟,身上鲜血淋漓,鳞片破碎,有些地方甚至露出血肉白骨。 The Black Ghost monster flood dragon of Beast Venerable boundary unusual level, a beast territory side King, is just likes does not have mother's child to be common, was devastated a beast directly. 兽尊境超凡层次的一条玄冥妖蛟,兽域一方王者,已经却是犹如没妈的孩子一般,被直接蹂躏成了一条大虫。 „......” “嗷……” The Black Ghost monster flood dragon of suffocation was still roaring, visual Du Shaofu was loudly fierce: Who no matter you are, my Black Ghost monster flood dragon clan will not let off absolutely your!” 奄奄一息的玄冥妖蛟还在咆哮,目视着杜少甫大声狰狞道:“不管你是谁,我玄冥妖蛟一族绝对不会放过你的!” Your paternal grandmother bear, but also dares to threaten this sovereign!” “你奶奶个熊,还敢威胁本皇!” The Du Shaofu anger, raises the great tail of Black Ghost monster flood dragon to fling maliciously, the huge Black Ghost monster flood dragon will flutter once more a body, the blood that falls spurts crazily. 杜少甫怒,提着玄冥妖蛟的巨尾狠狠一甩,再次将庞大的玄冥妖蛟翻飞了一个身,摔的鲜血狂喷。 Makes you threaten me!” “让你威胁我!” The Du Shaofu form appeared on the fierce head of Black Ghost monster flood dragon, is unable to move by the Black Ghost monster flood dragon of overbearing imposing manner suppression, the fist that the golden light wrapped, fell on the crown of Black Ghost monster flood dragon directly. 杜少甫身影出现在了玄冥妖蛟的狰狞头颅上,以霸道气势镇压的玄冥妖蛟一直根本无法动弹,金光包裹的拳头,直接落在了玄冥妖蛟的天灵盖上。 Bang!” “砰!” This fist falls, Black Ghost monster flood dragon that fierce head changed to the muddy flesh directly. 这一拳落下,玄冥妖蛟那狰狞的头颅直接化作了肉泥。 The Black Ghost monster flood dragon is to have the good defense mortal body absolutely, but is unable to contend with a Du Shaofu's fist. 玄冥妖蛟绝对是有着不俗的防御肉身,但也根本无法抗衡杜少甫的一拳。 A Black Ghost monster flood dragon fist dies a violent death, the head rumbled the muddy flesh, dying cannot die again. 玄冥妖蛟一拳暴毙,头颅轰成了肉泥,死的不能够再死了。 All these were too sudden, lets all around the short silence. 这一切太突然了,让得四周短暂的寂静。 Roar......” “嗷吼……” But after this short silence, all around is actually the eruption numerous Demonic Beast low roars, can it be that all around Demonic Beast withdraws secretly quietly. 而在这短暂的寂静之后,四周却是爆发众多妖兽低吼,四周的妖兽莫不是暗自悄然退后开去。 Small bird of prey in not far away, holding breath cold air, for a very long time motionless of double pupil delay. 小隼在不远处,倒吸凉气,双瞳呆滞的久久不动。 The small bird of prey has not thought that purple robe youth, unexpectedly was the Black Ghost monster flood dragon direct fist of Beast Venerable boundary unusual peak dying a violent death. 小隼也根本就没有想到那紫袍青年,居然是会将兽尊境超凡巅峰玄冥妖蛟直接一拳给暴毙了。 This made the small bird of prey think of itself, if formerly had not complied with into his Mount / Zuoji, feared that was own head, at this moment also became the muddy flesh. 这让小隼想到了自己,要是先前自己没有答应成为他的坐骑,怕是自己的头颅,此刻也成肉泥了吧。 Thinks of this, the small bird of prey hit one to tremble immediately violently, has gotten immediately back one's composure, oneself saves a life. 想到这,小隼顿时打了一个激颤,立刻就回过了神来,自己算是捡回了一条命。 Scoffs!” “嗤啦啦!” Has killed a Black Ghost monster flood dragon of unusual Beast Venerable boundary level, Du Shaofu but at this moment has not been idling, first is the incomparable treasure the beast blood of Black Ghost monster flood dragon collecting. 杀了一条超凡兽尊境层次的玄冥妖蛟,杜少甫此刻可是没有闲着,先是无比宝贝的将玄冥妖蛟的兽血给收集了起来。 The Black Ghost monster flood dragon died, the blood of flood dragon one will return to coagulate, when the time comes returned to lose affects. 玄冥妖蛟已死,蛟龙之血一会就回凝固,到时候就回失去作用了。 But Black Ghost monster flood dragon the blood of flood dragon, is Beast Venerable unusual peak level the blood of flood dragon, the value is self-evident, is Du Shaofu of miser, but serious of treasure. 玄冥妖蛟的蛟龙之血,还是兽尊超凡巅峰层次的蛟龙之血,价值不言而喻,身为守财奴的杜少甫可是宝贝的不得了。 All in previous Cosmos Bag by big landslide heavenly thunder destroying, although the final advantage has also turned over to itself, this also lets, is also loving dearly Du Shaofu to the present. 上次乾坤袋内的一切都被大地崩天雷给摧毁了,虽然最后好处还都归了自己,这也让则杜少甫到现在还心疼着。
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