MGC :: Volume #13

#1242: Robs arcane bone

Chapter 1240: Robs arcane bone 第1240章:抢夺秘骨 Chapter 1240: Robs arcane bone. 第1240章:抢夺秘骨 Blue long hair youth voice as if can vibrate the space, the double pupil fluctuation, fluctuates just like the ocean waves. 蓝色长发青年声音似乎能够震动空间,双眸波动,宛如海浪起伏。 Naturally exerts its utmost!” “自然势在必得!” Another youth sinks saying that wears the scarlet-red war clothes, just like having the flame is burning. 另外一个青年沉道,身着赤红战衣,宛如有火焰在燃烧。 ............ ………… The vast space, mysterious is incomparable, the world energy is quite rich. 辽阔空间,神秘无比,天地能量极为浓郁。 This place also is really strange.” “此地还真是诡异啊。” Du Shaofu sighed that initially in day wild mainland, seal ancient by the place of seal , is almost the world energy is deficient. 杜少甫感叹,当初在天荒大陆上,封印古地内等被封印的地方内,几乎都是天地能量匮乏的。 But in this Heavenly Beast grave, is the world energy is rich. 但这天兽墓内,却是天地能量浓郁。 Even Du Shaofu is feeling, if in this place practice, can have the twice the result with half the effort function. 甚至杜少甫感觉着,要是在此地修炼,都能够有着事半功倍的作用。 A piece of vast mountain valley, huge beast bone half reappeared the ground, half have also buried in the rock ground, seemed this beast bone skeleton elected to reveal recently. 一片辽阔山谷,一尊庞大的兽骨一半浮现出了地面,一半还埋藏在岩石地面内,似乎是最近这兽骨骨骸才选显露出来。 The skeleton of huge number hundred zhang (333m), actually fills the flowing light, is sending out faint trace spiritual energy, visibles faintly, should be tiger Demonic Beast beast bone. 庞大数百丈的骨架,却是弥漫流光,散发着丝丝灵气,隐约可见,应该是一只虎型妖兽兽骨 This huge tiger bone skeleton, is releasing a fearful pressure by far, making general Demonic Beast at all not dare to approach. 这一具庞大的虎骨骨骸,远远的释放着一股可怕的威压,让得一般妖兽根本不敢靠近。 Tiger clan beast bone, from antiquity, but also is having the awe-inspiring prowess, certainly is formidable existence in tiger clan, arcane bone definitely also in!” “虎族兽骨,来自上古,还带着虎威,一定是虎族中的强大存在,秘骨肯定还在其中!” All around many formidable Demonic Beast approach immediately, is excited for the it double pupil, immediately plunges that huge tiger clan beast bone, wants to obtain arcane bone of that tiger clan powerhouse beast clan, that is the absolute heavy treasure. 四周不少强大的妖兽顿时靠近,为之双瞳激动,立刻扑向那庞大虎族兽骨,欲要得到那虎族强者兽族的秘骨,那是绝对的重宝。 Bang!” “轰!” The time, only huge Demonic Beast rapidly plunders, erupts the fearful fierce and tough aura, runes fills the air, rushes to be first, no one thought slowly one step. 顿时间,一只只庞大妖兽急速掠出,爆发可怕凶悍的气息,符文弥漫而出,争先恐后,谁也不想慢了一步。 Who dares to compete, arcane bone is my!” “谁敢争夺,秘骨是我的!” In this time, greatly drinks the sound to spread, together human form form, just like human form Ferocious Beast, that speed and stance, likely is human form ominous birds and beasts, if the speed quickly the lightning kicks out. 就在此时,一声大喝声传出,一道人形身影,宛如一只人形凶兽,那速度和架势,又像是一只人形凶禽,速度快若闪电扑出。 Bang bang!” “嘭嘭!” Two approach tiger clan beast bone Beast Venerable boundary Mysterious level Demonic Beast first, is directly is shaken instantaneously then flies, exuded the whinning sound, the body hits on not far away rock, shattered the crushed stone its rock. 两只最先靠近虎族兽骨兽尊玄妙层次妖兽,也是瞬间便是被直接震飞,发出哀嚎声,身躯撞在了不远处的岩石上,将其岩石震裂成碎石。 The sudden change, lets all around the Demonic Beast suddenly vision big change. 突如其来的变化,让得四周妖兽乍然间目光大变。 That is the powerhouses of two Beast Venerable boundaries, unexpectedly was hit to fly instantaneously. 那可是两个兽尊境的强者啊,居然瞬间就被撞飞了。 Demonic Beast of two Beast Venerable boundary Mysterious levels, indeed directly is hit to fly by the form that across the sky comes, afterward its body arrived in that tiger clan Demonic Beast beast bone. 两只兽尊玄妙层次的妖兽,的确是被那横空而来的身影直接生生撞飞的,随后其身躯就到了那虎族妖兽兽骨内。 Facing that huge tiger clan beast bone, that form appears extremely tiny, wears the purple robe, the body is fluctuating the light golden light, afterward the form drills into that skeleton abdomen. 面对那庞大的虎族兽骨,那身影显得极为渺小,身着紫袍,身上波动着淡淡的金光,随后身影钻入那骨骸腹部。 As the purple robe youth palm golden light fills the air, immediately in the skeleton one one foot in the top of the head is filling talisman-pattern, is faint as if has beast bone that the sound of tiger's roar spreads to switch off. 随着紫袍青年掌心金光弥漫,顿时将头顶上骨骸中一根一尺长弥漫着符箓秘纹,隐隐间似乎有着虎啸之声传出的兽骨生生拔断。 „......' “嗷……' In beast bone that switches off, a tiger's roar spreads, radiant runes erupts suddenly, just like dazzling sun, wants to change to huge yellow color turned-up eyes big tiger killing. 那拔断的兽骨之内,一声虎啸传出,璀璨的符文骤然爆发,宛如曜日,欲要化作一只庞大的黄色吊睛大虎扑杀而出。 That turned-up eyes big tiger Phantom fierce and tough is incomparable, strikes an attitude to throw, swift and fierce! 那吊睛大虎虚影凶悍无匹,作势欲扑,凌厉至极! A fearful pressure, erupts from that radiant runes in! 一股可怕的威压,自那璀璨符文中喷发! Is pressure on a beast bone, sufficiently makes the beast territory boundary beginning of the universe even Nirvana beast territory boundary powerhouse also tremble! 仅仅是一根兽骨上的威压,就足以让得兽域境混元甚至涅槃兽域境强者也发颤! Well, beast territory boundary crack day violent tiger arcane bone!” “咦,兽域境裂天暴虎秘骨!” Not far away, in the midair a purple beautiful female, is looking at the radiant runes ray in that tiger clan powerhouse skeleton, for it pupil color shift. 不远处,半空中一个紫色绝美女子,望着那虎族强者骸骨内的璀璨符文光芒,也为之眸光变色。 Has strangely no wonder, your arcane bone, decides however carries forward, remembers the tiger clan kindness.” “有怪莫怪,得你秘骨,定然发扬光大,记住虎族恩惠。” The purple robe youth holds their palms together, made one to bow with hands clasped decent, fell along with the voice, the palm golden light Péng sent, the five fingers micro tune, the golden light claw-print distortion space, grasped together directly to that illusory runes turned-up eyes big tiger went. 紫袍青年双手合十,有模有样的做了一个揖,随着话音落下,掌心金光鹏发,五指微曲,一道金光爪印扭曲空间,直接抓向了那虚幻符文吊睛大虎而去。 arcane bone is not you!” 秘骨不属于你!” Unexpectedly, in this time, huge ominous birds and beasts flutters, just like throws like lightning, the whole body is sending out the fearful fluctuation, grasped on pair of sharp claws instantaneously to that runes radiant turned-up eyes big tiger Phantom. 蓦地,就在此时,一只庞大的凶禽振翅,宛如闪电般扑来,浑身散发着可怕的波动,瞬间就一双利爪抓向了那符文璀璨的吊睛大虎虚影 arcane bone was me, no one could rob!” 秘骨就属于我了,谁也抢不走!” Purple robe youth as if not flustered, the left hand raises the arm shakes, payment for shares light erupts, golden talisman-pattern is overlapping, just likes the ominous birds and beasts flutters, an overbearing pressure gushes out suddenly, immediately when that huge ominous birds and beasts shakes to fly to sweep away. 紫袍青年似乎并没有慌张,左手振臂一抖,一股金光爆发,金色符箓秘纹层层叠叠,犹如凶禽振翅,一股霸道威压骤然涌出,顿时将那庞大凶禽之际震飞横扫开去。 Scoffs......” “嗤啦……” With it simultaneously, purple robe youth claw-print falls, with the body discharges, but that overbearing aura, just like supreme, making that turned-up eyes big tiger Phantom also tremble for it eye, afterward grasps its Phantom broken, glittering and translucent carving arcane bone fell in his hand thoroughly. 与之同时,紫袍青年爪印落下,伴随着身上施放而出的那一股霸道气息,宛如至尊,让得那吊睛大虎虚影也为之目颤,随后将其虚影抓碎,一根晶莹剔透般的秘骨彻底落在了其手中。 The purple robe youth naturally is Du Shaofu, wear a look of satisfied smiling face, happy received tiger clan arcane bone in hand. 紫袍青年自然是杜少甫,面带满足笑容,高兴的收起了手中的虎族秘骨 Du Shaofu naturally also felt that uncommonness of this arcane bone, feared that is places in Ancient Heaven Sect, that also absolutely is existence of heavy valuable rank. 杜少甫自然也感觉到了这秘骨的不凡,怕就算是放在古天宗内,那也绝对是重宝级别的存在。 Scoffs......” “嗤啦啦……” As that arcane bone switched off, entire has the pressure on tiger clan skeleton then suddenly to dissipate, ray and pressure that filled, gradually vanishes. 随着那秘骨被拔断,整具虎族骨骸上的威压便是骤然消散,原本弥漫的光芒和威压,也逐渐消失。 „It is not good, the pressure so is how strong!” “不好,怎么威压那么强!” Then the ominous birds and beasts that shakes flies is fallen by Du Shaofu one falls, was feeling just on that youth filled the air, but the aura is overbearing, making its Soul Force deep place also shiver, fills the yellow luminescence all over the body, the wing is swift and fierce just like the knife point, immediately soars to flutter to plunder to the distant place, does not dare to stop over. 那被杜少甫一手震飞的凶禽摔落,感觉着刚刚那青年身上弥漫而出的气息霸道无匹,让其元神深处也在颤抖,通体弥漫黄光,羽翼宛如刀锋凌厉,顿时腾空振翅掠向远方,丝毫不敢有所逗留。 Snatches my arcane bone, that do not run away!” “抢我的秘骨,那就别逃了!” As that ominous birds and beasts want to escape, Du Shaofu gives a loud shout, the form grazes directly, changed to a golden light rainbow likely, the speed or the imposing manner, surpass that ominous birds and beasts, immediately a fist direct impact in the abdomen of that ominous birds and beasts. 随着那凶禽欲要外逃,杜少甫大喝一声,身影直接飞掠而出,像是化作了一道金光长虹,无论是速度还是气势,都是远超那凶禽,顿时一拳直接冲击在了那凶禽的腹部。 gu......” “咕……” The ominous birds and beasts neighed, immediately the whole body erupted the radiant yellow luminescence, that knife point feather likely was the scale, but actually vertical, the abdomen feather was stave, under the dripping with blood, sprinkled spatial place, afterward does the body limped to flutter in the midair, sway. 凶禽嘶鸣一声,顿时浑身爆发璀璨黄光,那刀锋般的羽毛又像是鳞片,根根倒竖,腹部羽毛破碎,鲜血淋漓,洒落下空一地,随后身躯在半空蹒跚振翅,摇摇晃晃。 I and spelled!” “我和一拼了!” The ominous birds and beasts fly into a rage, the double pupil gets angry, as if is also disposition bloodline irritable existence, after standing firm the body, around the huge body, the billowing ray is radiant, fearful aura sweep across, just like is blade glow of blotting out the sky, is sweeping across to Du Shaofu falls in torrents to go, the mangle space, the aura is swift and fierce. 凶禽暴跳如雷,双瞳冒火,似乎也是性格血脉火爆的存在,当稳住身躯后,庞大的身躯四周,滚滚的光芒璀璨,一股股可怕的气息席卷,宛如是一片铺天盖地的刀芒,对着杜少甫席卷倾泻而去,割碎空间,气息凌厉。 Beast Venerable boundary Perfect crack spatial monster blade bird of prey indeed is actually not weak.” 兽尊圆满的‘裂空妖刀隼’倒是的确不弱了。” Du Shaofu vision slightly surprise, the present that ominous birds and beasts, is a cracking spatial monster blade bird of prey, is famous with the speed and abnormal plume feather, is existence on Heavenly Beast List. 杜少甫目光略微诧异,眼前的那凶禽,是一只裂空妖刀隼,以速度和变态的翎羽而著称,是天兽榜上的存在。 Also along with it, Du Shaofu whole body golden light flashes shakes, directly graces a fist on the bombardment. 也随之,杜少甫周身金光一抖,直接举手投足一拳就轰击而出。 Bang!” “轰隆隆!” This fist golden light like the rainbow, just like blotting out the sky the eruption, place visited space bang makes noise, immediately destroys the offensive of that crack spatial monster blade bird of prey, flies the huge body direct bang. 这一拳金光如虹,宛如铺天盖地喷发,所过之处空间‘轰隆隆’作响,顿时摧毁那裂空妖刀隼的攻势,将庞大身躯直接轰飞。 This person is the person is the beast, was too strong, runs away!” “此人到底是人是兽,太强了,逃!” Crack spatial monster blade bird of prey trembles, in the heart has startled greatly, that purple robe youth aura too frightening, seize an opportunity wants to immediately in a panic once again suddenly Tao, the speed is also one of the relying on. 裂空妖刀隼目颤,心中已经大骇,那紫袍青年身上的气息太恐怖了,立刻借势仓惶就欲要再度暴逃,速度也是它的凭仗之一。 Also wants to run away!” “还想逃么!” Du Shaofu saw the intention of that crack spatial monster blade bird of prey, soars once again, such as fierce tiger leaps, almost by the speed that people do not see clearly, fell on carrying on the back of that crack spatial monster blade bird of prey instantaneously. 杜少甫看出了那裂空妖刀隼的意图,再度腾空,如猛虎般跃出,几乎是以一种众人看不清楚的速度,瞬间就落在了那裂空妖刀隼的背上。 Cluck!” “咕咕!” The crack spatial monster blade bird of prey neighed, the whole body yellow luminescence erupted, wants to Du Shaofu throw off. 裂空妖刀隼嘶鸣,浑身黄光爆发,欲要将杜少甫掀翻。 Bang!” “砰!” Du Shaofu just like rock, fist eruption golden light, directly impolite falling. 杜少甫宛如磐石,一拳爆发金光,直接不客气的落下。 Bang!” “砰!” The low and deep dull thumping sound spreads, crack spatial monster blade bird of prey wail, the body then crashed on the ground directly, everything may become vulnerable that pounded, the ground crack, crushed many giant stones, carried on the back the dripping with blood. 低沉闷响传开,裂空妖刀隼哀鸣一声,身躯直接便是坠落在了地上,,砸的地动山摇,地面龟裂,击碎不少巨石,背上鲜血淋漓。 That person is to fight the servant is our Demonic Beast, was too powerful!” “那人是战仆还是我们妖兽,太强悍了!” All around many Demonic Beast look at each other in shock, do not dare to approach again. 四周不少妖兽面面相觑,不敢再靠近。 Two Demonic Beast of Beast Venerable boundary Mysterious level were hit to fly, the crack spatial monster blade bird of prey of this moment that Beast Venerable boundary Perfect level, was devastated directly, other Demonic Beast do not dare to approach again. 兽尊玄妙层次的两只妖兽生生被撞飞,此刻那兽尊圆满层次的裂空妖刀隼,直接被蹂躏,其它妖兽根本就不敢再靠近。 But helplessly looked at the opposite party to attain arcane bone, these all around Demonic Beast, as if were some willingly does not depart. 但眼睁睁的瞧着对方拿到了秘骨,这些四周的妖兽,似乎又都是有些不甘心离去。 However at this moment in Du Shaofu that the crack spatial monster blade bird of prey carries on the back, stands by the strength of rock in it carries on the back, looks the embarrassment. 不过此刻在裂空妖刀隼背上的杜少甫,以磐石之力站在其背上,面露难色。 Looks under foot that huge crack spatial monster blade bird of prey that whole body just like the knife point plume feather, the Du Shaofu brow is wrinkling, is very depressed, the fission spatial monster blade bird of prey said: Your body feather was not good to pluck hairs, if has eaten you, scrubbing unhaired is quite troublesome.” 望着脚下那庞大的裂空妖刀隼那浑身宛如刀锋般的翎羽,杜少甫眉头皱起,很是苦闷,对裂空妖刀隼道:“你的身上这羽毛太不好拔毛了,要是吃了你的话,洗刷去毛比较麻烦啊。”
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