MGC :: Volume #13

#1237: Goes to the beast territory

Chapter 1235: Goes to the beast territory 第1235章:前往兽域 Chapter 1235: Goes to the beast territory. 第1235章:前往兽域。 My take a shot / make a move is because Xiao Xingxing and you owe my Golden Wing Great Peng arcane bone, has nothing to do with you, does not need the important agreement to thank.” “我出手是因为小星星和你欠我的金翅大鹏秘骨,和你无关,不需要言谢。” Purple flame monster phoenix light saying: My injury has not obstructed greatly, has a distance the beast territory to this place, if you do not have the issue, early tomorrow morning.” 紫炎妖凰淡淡的说道:“我伤势没有大碍,兽域到此地有着一段距离,你要是没问题的话,明天一早就出发吧。” Um.” “嗯。” Du Shaofu nods, wants to arrive at the beast territory earlier, but also somewhat worries about Xiao Xingxing. 杜少甫点头,也想早点到兽域,还真是有些担忧小星星 If Xiao Xingxing really in the beast territory, by Xiao Xingxing bloodline and strength, Demonic Beast is unable how generally. 若是小星星真在兽域的话,以小星星血脉和实力,一般妖兽根本就无法奈何。 But in the beast territory some exists fearfully, that is these top powerhouses in Salmon sword sect does not dare to go to excel at rushing easily, Du Shaofu has to be worried. 但兽域之中一些可怕存在,那可是萨蒙剑宗内的那些顶尖强者也不敢去轻易擅闯的,杜少甫不得不是为之担心。 After the moment, the moonlight such as practices, Du Shaofu static standing on mountain peak, crosses the hands behind the back to stand, the purple robe moves slightly, the eye looks at the bright moon in the sky, some vision delay are motionless. 片刻后,月华如练,杜少甫静静的站在山峰上,负手而立,紫袍微动,目望皓月当空,目光似有些呆滞不动。 Demon Emperor, the western monster, Demon Religion, seemed more and more lively.” 魔皇,西妖,魔教,似乎是越来越热闹了啊。” For a long time, Du Shaofu lowers the head slightly, Demon Emperor and western monster that that today presents has not even come , the strength was actually arrived at that and other situations, on this day within as if everywhere has the Demon Religion form, the master falls in the hand of Demon Religion now, oneself will never reunite, does not know that in the day wild mainland how the drunkard father accepted the inheritance result, all these made the Du Shaofu train of thought fluctuate. 许久,杜少甫微微低头,今天出现的那甚至没有现身的魔皇和西妖,实力却是已经到了那等地步,这天地间似乎到处都有着魔教的身影,师父现在落在魔教的手中,自己一家团聚遥遥无期,也不知道酒鬼老爹在天荒大陆上接受传承结果怎么样了,这一切都让得杜少甫思绪起伏。 Shouted......” “呼……” For a very long time , the Du Shaofu deep breath one breath, goes to the beast territory to find Xiao Xingxing to say at present again that simultaneously enhances cultivation base diligently. 久久之后,杜少甫深呼吸了一口气,目前还是去兽域找到小星星再说,同时努力提高修为 The great strength of Demon Religion, is above the imagination, that Fa Family is also the colossus, all these need the absolute strength to be good. 魔教的强大,超乎想象,那法家也是庞然大物,这一切都需要自己有着绝对的实力才行。 On the mountain peak, Du Shaofu looks at not far away to sit cross-legged to sit, the beautiful figure whole body covers the light purple ray, just like the purple flame in the purple flame monster phoenix of combustion, his pair of pupil shuts, like that beautiful moving, imitates, if this night most beautiful elf. 山峰上,杜少甫望着不远处盘膝而坐,倩影周身笼罩淡淡紫色光芒,宛如紫色火焰在燃烧的紫炎妖凰,其双眸微闭,也那般绝美动人,仿若这夜间最美的精灵。 Originally the purple flame monster phoenix like that source of trouble, gets angry does not recognize people!” “原来紫炎妖凰那般祸水,就是翻脸不认人啊!” In the heart was whispering, was looking at that pair of pupil micro close beautiful beautiful figure, in the Du Shaofu heart clear, under this woman beautiful appearance, was elegantly beautiful cruel and merciless, not provoke to wonderfully. 心中嘀咕着,望着那双眸微闭的绝美倩影,杜少甫心中可是清楚,这女人绝美容颜下,可是冷艳的心狠手辣,不招惹为妙。 However the deep place in the heart, Du Shaofu actually secretly is comparing secretly, at present this gets angry the woman who does not recognize people, is actually sufficiently compared with the makings of Su Muxin that woman, is most similar to Su Muxin the makings. 不过暗自在心中深处,杜少甫却是暗自比较着,眼前这翻脸不认人的女人,却是足以和苏慕昕那女人的气质相比,也最为和苏慕昕的气质相似。 But Su Muxin captivates all living things, dignified noble. 只不过苏慕昕是妖惑众生,威严高贵。 This woman is actually monster different elegantly beautiful refined escapes the dust, indistinct gorgeous, just likes does not eat the world smoke and fire. 这女人却是妖异冷艳的超俗脱尘,缥缈绚丽,恍若不食人间烟火。 But in the Du Shaofu's mind train of thought wave, Dongli Qingqing and Qi Ye Xi two females, the makings appearance also sufficiently compares Su Muxin and purple flame monster phoenix. 而在杜少甫的脑海思绪波浪中,东离青青柒夜曦两女,气质容颜也足以相比苏慕昕和紫炎妖凰。 But Dongli Qingqing and Qi Ye Xi two females, were short of one point of monster different from attracting compared with Su Mu Xin and purple flame monster phoenix, but were many pure enticement, same did not dye the world smoke and fire, but was actually such as the true exiling immortal arrives at the world. 东离青青柒夜曦两女,比起苏慕昕和紫炎妖凰来少了一分妖异和魅惑,但却是多了纯净的诱惑,一样的不染人间烟火,但却是如真正的谪仙降临人间。 Tomboy Ouyang Shaung, Murong Youruo, Sima Muhan, makings are also each one are different, each has his good points. 还有男人婆欧阳爽,慕容幽若,司马沐晗,身上的气质也是各自不同,各有千秋。 Thinks anything.” “想什么呢。” In the Du Shaofu heart scolded to oneself, afterward the face mouth bank flood some forced smiles, Hand Imprints congealed, after the moment, entered breathing exercise to control one's breathing, the whole body covered under light [gold/metal]. 杜少甫心中对自己骂道,随后脸庞嘴畔泛起些许的苦笑,手印凝结,片刻后进入吐纳调息中,周身笼罩在了淡淡的金芒之下。 Next morning, weather micro bright, dim dawn shining seal ancient, drives away rich bloody Baleful Qi that a night is accumulating. 翌日清晨,天色微亮,朦胧的晨光照耀封印古地,驱赶着一夜间积累的浓郁血腥煞气 Whiz whiz......” “嗖嗖……” Two forms leap from the mountain peak on, is wrapping the rainbow ray, cuts early morning tranquil space, afterward vanished in far spatial did not see. 两道身影自山峰上跃出,包裹着长虹光芒,划破清晨的宁静空间,随后消失在了远空不见。 That Demon King went to the beast territory, feared that was the beast territory does not want tranquilly.” “那魔王去兽域了,怕是兽域就要不平静了吧。” Not far away, on a mountain peak, sits cross-legged Mu sword who sits early morning the double pupil to open, twinkle brilliance. 不远处,一座山峰上,盘膝而坐的沐剑晨双眸睁开,闪烁光辉。 .......................................... …………………………………… Three land Jiu Zhou territory, 36 separately are the Ancient Wasteland mainland, the day wild mainland, the Chen Wasteland mainland. 三陆九州一域界,36分别是古荒大陆,天荒大陆,辰荒大陆。 Jiu Zhou respectively is the war casualty continent, vast state, Ningzhou, billows state, in state, Wan Zhou, Yuezhou, Yun Zhou, Leizhou. 九州分别为殇洲,瀚州,宁州,澜州,中州,宛州,越州,云州,雷州。 Territory, what refers to is territories and two places. 一域界,指的是一域和一界两处地方。 A territory is the beast territory, rumor that is a vast Demonic Beast world, in any state compared with Jiu Zhou is also larger. 一域是兽域,传言那是一片辽阔的妖兽世界,比起九州之中的任何一州还要大的多。 One is monster, it is said that is the monster in this world spirit in it place. 一界则是妖界,据说那是这世上的妖灵所在之地。 In the world is how vast, three land Jiu Zhou territory, vast infinite. 世上何其辽阔,三陆九州一域界,浩瀚无穷。 In addition has all sea that Dragon race occupies, the Phoenix Tree mountain that a phoenix clan is. 另外还有龙族盘踞的四海,凤凰一族所在的梧桐山。 In this world big , compared to in the imagination of many person to be also larger. 这世上之大,远比起不少人的想象中还要大的多。 But most people do not know in this world his entire life big, can only sit the well view day. 但绝大多数人一生也不知道这世上有多大,只能够坐井观天。 Some many strength, just now can know many matter. 有多少的实力,方才能够知道多少的事情。 The beast territory, approaches the war casualty state, isolates beside Jiu Zhou, but the number continent connected is not far, the war casualty state is one of them. 兽域,靠近殇州,隔离在九州之外,但又和数洲相连不远,殇州就是其中之一。 Regarding Human Race, the beast territory is equal to the restricted area. 对于人族来说,兽域等于是禁地。 Without a doubt, the beast territory is also the place of many person best disciplining. 毫无疑问,兽域也是不少人最佳的磨练之地。 Does not know that many Human Race powerhouses, is outstanding including many people, the person the king, finally is actually became Mount / Zuoji of Demonic Beast King. 只是不知道多少人族强者,包括不少人杰,人王,最后却是成为了妖兽王者的坐骑 It is reported that the war servants in these top Demonic Beast races, even has a person of sovereign to exist. 据传那些顶尖妖兽种族中的战仆,甚至有着人皇存在。 This is similar to above Jiu Zhou, Mount / Zuoji of many situation Lishan disciple, has Demonic Beast that on Heavenly Beast List has to be ordinary. 这就如同九州之上,不少大势力山门弟子的坐骑,有着天兽榜上存在的妖兽一般。 Nobody goes back to pay attention to these, in this world the book is all by the strength speech. 没有人回去理会这些,这世上本就是一切靠实力说话。 As Du Shaofu and purple flame monster phoenix rushes to the beast territory, astonishing war above war casualty state, news also immediately biography to various continents. 随着杜少甫和紫炎妖凰一路赶往兽域,殇州之上的惊人一战,消息也顿时传向了各洲。 But is most remarkable, without doubt is the Demon King Du Shaofu war demon, after the person vivid and embellishes a story, lets four directions Yun Dong, the innumerable influences change countenance. 而最为引人注意的,无疑是魔王杜少甫大战邪魔,被人绘声绘色和加油添醋之后,直让四方云动,无数势力动容。 But above the entire war casualty state, Demon King Du Shaofu is the reputation sharp increase, was praised. 而在整个殇州之上,魔王杜少甫更是声名剧增,受人颂扬。 Passed on a message Demon King Du Shaofu, who did not enter the hell to enter the dauntless courage of hell by me, broke that dreadful demon gate by strength of the, saved countless people, selected the Demon Religion half territory powerhouse only, this made Du Shaofu obtain the approvals of war casualty state all entrances. 传言魔王杜少甫,以我不入地狱谁入地狱的大无畏勇气,以一己之力破了那滔天魔门,救下了无数人,更是单挑魔教半域强者,这让得杜少甫得到了殇州所有山门的认同。 Suddenly, Du Shaofu in the reputation of war casualty state, has surpassed Mu Jianchen of alliance hegemon unexpectedly. 一时间,杜少甫在殇州的声名,竟是超过了联盟盟主的沐剑晨。 After all, this Du Shaofu's was really breaks the demon gate to save the entire alliance army. 毕竟,这一次杜少甫的确是破了魔门救了整个联盟大军。 The fact puts at present, lets powerhouses in the major influences, has to be the acknowledgment, the entire war casualty state owes a that Demon King sentiment. 事实摆在眼前,让各大势力中的强者,也不得不是承认,整个殇州欠那魔王一份情。 As for the albizzia julibrissin sect, recently in the entire war casualty state, naturally was when production costs rise , prices rise too. 至于合欢宗,最近在整个殇州,自然更是水涨船高。 The entire war casualty state, regarding the albizzia julibrissin sect, has to maintain certain distance, after all reputation some of albizzia julibrissin sect are not too of pleasant to hear. 原本整个殇州,对于合欢宗,都是不得不是保持着一定的距离,毕竟合欢宗的声名有些并不是太好听。 But the reputation trend of recent albizzia julibrissin sect, is actually better and better, in the albizzia julibrissin sect who this lets all disciples are pleasantly surprised are also being happy. 但最近合欢宗的声名趋势,却是越来越好,这让的合欢宗内所有的弟子也是惊喜高兴着。 Although Du Shaofu is only the halfway appears in the albizzia julibrissin sect, suddenly became the prison sect of albizzia julibrissin sect. 虽然杜少甫只是半路出现在合欢宗,也是突然成为了合欢宗的监宗。 But by Du Shaofu reputation originally, in the albizzia julibrissin sect that actions of several shock, led a new reputation altitude in the entire war casualty state the albizzia julibrissin sect in addition at this moment, let Du Shaofu is receives all disciples' acknowledgments and awes. 但以杜少甫原本的名声,加上合欢宗内那几幕震撼之举,此刻又是将合欢宗在整个殇州带到了一个新的声名高度,让得杜少甫已经是收到所有弟子的承认和敬畏。 When the news biography above war casualty state to various states at the same time, by Du Shaofu and speed of purple flame monster phoenix, ten days later, a piece of continuous boundless mountain range distant appearance before spatial. 而当殇州之上的消息传向了各州的同时,以杜少甫和紫炎妖凰的速度,十天之后,一片连绵无边的山脉远远的出现在了前空。 Mountain range boundless, boundless profound. 山脉无边无际,苍茫深邃。 When this moment dusk, setting sun of one group of big fireball, crashes behind the mountain range West. 此刻黄昏之际,一团大火球似的夕阳,坠落在山脉西方背后。 The sunset glow also received completely to wipe the afterglow finally, making the world dim. 晚霞也收尽了最后一抹余辉,让得天地昏暗下来。 Looks from afar, that mountain range changed to boundless several points profoundly. 远远望去,那山脉更加化作深邃苍茫了几分。 Front is the beast territory, inside wants huge many compared with the place of Jiu Zhou any continent, the rumor beast territory has outside big of Sanzhou, does not know the genuine and fake.” “前面就是兽域,里面比起九州任何一洲之地都要庞大的多,传言兽域有外面三洲之大,不知道真假。” Purple flame monster phoenix form float in midair, is looking at the front boundless profound beast territory, the purple pupil light flood the fluctuation. 紫炎妖凰身影悬浮在半空,望着前方苍茫深邃的兽域,紫色眸光泛着波动。 Du Shaofu stands in the side of purple flame monster phoenix, these in ten days had not said with the purple flame monster phoenix several words, injury restored actually much. 杜少甫站在紫炎妖凰的身边,这十天中也没有和紫炎妖凰说过几句话,倒是身上的伤势恢复了不少。 Is approaches the beast territory on the way, in the halfway also has about been to many cultivators actually, at Du Shaofu and age and source of trouble appearance of purple flame monster phoenix, unavoidably is naturally easy to draw on troublesome some. 越是靠近兽域的途中,倒是半路上也约到过不少的修行者,以杜少甫和年纪和紫炎妖凰的祸水容颜,自然是免不了容易招来一些麻烦。 But the result can also be imagined, does not need Du Shaofu take a shot / make a move, directly by purple flame monster phoenix solving. 但结果也可想而知,根本不需要杜少甫出手,就直接被紫炎妖凰给解决了。 This is new volume, Great Peng flutters, today in making the new volume of small outlines, therefore second sends now, next one estimated that about 2 : 00 am, everybody will keep tomorrow to look, in this volume the content in the beast territory, pig's feet human form Golden Wing Great Peng will arrive at the beast territory, will be the start of book warm-blooded plot, Little Yu literary style will be quite always slow hotly, this volume, was truely starts warm-blooded.】 【这是新的一卷,‘大鹏振翅’,今天一直在弄新的一卷的小纲,所以第二更现在才发,下一更估计在凌晨两点左右了,大家留着明天看,这一卷中内容都是在兽域,猪脚人形金翅大鹏降临兽域,也是本书热血情节的开始,小禹的文风一向比较慢热,这一卷,也是真正开始热血了。】
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