MGC :: Volume #13

#1238: Paternal grandmother bear

Chapter 1236: Paternal grandmother bear 第1236章:奶奶个熊 Chapter 1236: Paternal grandmother bear. 第1236章:奶奶个熊。 Whiz whiz......” “嗖嗖……” When the Du Shaofu float midair is sizing up the front beast territory entrance, in the beast territory has many broken rumors to spread suddenly. 就在杜少甫悬浮半空打量着前方兽域入口的时候,兽域之内突然有着不少的破风声传出。 Du Shaofu looks up, the front broken rumors resound through, have many forms to plunder in a panic rapidly. 杜少甫抬头望去,前方一道道的破风声响彻,有着不少身影正仓惶急速掠出。 „......” “咕叽……” But behind these forms, many ominous birds and beasts fiercely flutters to plunder. 而就在那些身影背后,不少凶禽猛振翅掠出。 That many ominous birds and beasts huge body circles, the whole body all lends the frightening aura, the sound is putting on [gold/metal] Lieshi, the body such as the dark cloud capping, the aura makes the will of the people tremble. 那不少的凶禽庞大的身躯盘旋,浑身皆是散发着恐怖的气息,声音穿金裂石,身躯如乌云压顶,气息令人心颤。 These ominous birds and beasts aura proliferate, making the vast hills space almost coagulate, if the speed quickly the lightning, erupts runes, many forms will grasp one after another directly break to pieces under the sharp claws, changes to blood fog to fall piece by piece. 这些凶禽气息扩散,令得辽阔的群山空间几乎凝固,速度快若闪电,爆发符文,接连将不少的身影直接抓碎在利爪之下,化作一片片血雾倾洒下去。 „......” “啊……” Pitiful yell sounds spread, whins pitifully, does not have big strength revolt. 一道道惨叫声传出,凄惨哀嚎,却是没有多大力气反抗。 Whiz whiz......” “嗖嗖……” Several strengths are quite intrepid, the speed quick form ran away far. 几个实力颇为强悍,速度快一些的身影逃远了一些。 That many ominous birds and beasts double pupil is sharp, closely looks at the front to run away the far several people, after the huge body circled, but has not continued to chase down, under resonant neighing sounds, returned in the beast territory not to see rapidly. 那不少的凶禽双眸锐利慑人,紧紧望着前方逃远的数人,庞大的身躯盘旋了一圈之后,但也没有继续追杀上去,在一声声嘹亮的嘶鸣声下,急速就退回到了兽域之内不见。 Narrow squeak, these Demonic Beast are too strong, almost we could not go back!” “好险啊,那些妖兽太强,差一点我们也回不去了!” Life hangs one, is good because of the rapidness that we run away, they will not pursue the beast territory!” “命悬一线,好在我们逃的快,它们不会追出兽域!” Several people float in the midair, the age varied, the small 20 many ages, the big five ten-day periods have fully, altogether six people, all have a lingering fear, to save a life has been rejoicing. 数人悬浮在了半空,年纪有大有小,小的20多的年纪,大的五旬足有,一共六人,皆是心有余悸,为捡回了一条命而庆幸着。 „, In front of what happened?” “诸位,请问一下前面发生什么事情了?” The Du Shaofu form fell on six people of sides asked that the front accident has brought to the Du Shaofu's attention. 杜少甫身影落在了六人身边问道,前方的变故引起了杜少甫的注意。 The vision has swept, the keen Soul Force strength has swept, regarding that six people of strength, Du Shaofu easily spies on. 目光扫过,敏锐的元神力量扫过,对于那六人的实力,杜少甫就轻易窥探而出。 In these six people, what the strength is strongest is that five ten-day old man, the Martial Emperor boundary Perfect level, the strength weakest is not that 20 many youth, but is 40-year-old many middle age only then Martial Marquis boundary Paramita cultivation base, in another six people also has not weak spirit talisman master. 这六人中,实力最强的是那五旬老者,武皇圆满层次,实力最弱的不是那20多的青年,而是一个四旬多的中年只有武侯彼岸修为,另外六人中还有着一个不弱的灵符师 Looks purple robe youth who is presenting silently, six people have a lingering fear recover, was curious falling on Du Shaofu's. 瞧着无声无息出现的紫袍青年,六人心有余悸中回过神来,都是好奇的落在了杜少甫的身上。 Little is tired of us, which comes which get lost goes!” “少烦我们,哪来的滚哪去!” A middle-aged look black of three ten-day periods multi- appearance, shot a look at Du Shaofu one, the look is quite unattractive, seemed just just aggrievedness, at this moment must send on Du Shaofu's, a youth, he has not placed in the eye. 一个三旬多模样的中年面色阴沉,瞥了杜少甫一眼,神色极为不好看,似乎是刚刚将刚刚的憋屈,此刻都要发在杜少甫的身上,一个青年而已,他未曾放在眼中。 As the voice of that middle age falls, Du Shaofu indifferent facial features also slowly gloomy, visual that look ugly middle age, said: Your excellency, does not want to say well, under my inquiry situation, why so!” 随着那中年的话音落下,杜少甫淡然的面容也徐徐就阴沉了下来,目视着那神色难看的中年,道:“阁下,不想说不说就好,我只是打探下情况,何必如此!” That middle-aged vision stares, as if has not thought that the present purple robe youth, dares to interrogate him unexpectedly, the gloomy facial color is suddenly dense, in double pupil flood some chill in the air, gloomy [say / way]: „The boy who which comes, father is not feeling well today very much, you provoke the father, you do not know how evidently the dead characters write!” 那中年目光一愣,似乎是没有想到眼前的紫袍青年,居然是还敢质问他,阴沉的面色骤然森然,双眸中泛起些许的寒意,阴森道:“哪来的小子,老子今天很不爽,你偏偏来招惹老子,看样子你是不知道死字怎么写的!” Yeah.” “哎。” Sigh gently, is having the sounds of nature, the purple flame monster phoenix beautiful figure silent stood side Du Shaofu's, the purple double pupil shot a look at Du Shaofu one unintentionally, obvious disdaining somewhat, graceful physique static was standing, was passing some lazy flavors. 轻轻的叹息声,却是带着天籁,紫炎妖凰倩影无声无息般站在了杜少甫的身边,紫色双眸有意无意的瞥了杜少甫一眼,明显的有些不屑,曼妙的身姿静静的站着,透着些许慵懒的味道。 When sees purple flame monster phoenix that mature graceful curve and that moving peerless appearance, that six people all are the vision straighten, reveal the man to have the most direct scarlet luoluo look that to the woman. 而当见到紫炎妖凰那成熟曼妙的弧度和那动人的绝世容颜,那六人皆是目光发直,露出男人对女人应该有的最为直接的赤luoluo的眼神。 Looks at the purple flame monster phoenix to come, the Du Shaofu brow wrinkled the wrinkle. 瞧着紫炎妖凰突然而来,杜少甫眉头皱了皱。 However this moment Du Shaofu's vision stares that middle age, was appears gloomy, the mouth bank curve outlined some chill in the air, said: That strength, should not be wild, perhaps is you forgot how the dead characters write, the speech extremely in coarse, from breaking the root of the tongue showed the disciplinary punishment, otherwise died!” 不过此刻杜少甫的目光盯在那中年身上,更是显得阴沉了起来,嘴畔弧度勾勒出些许寒意,道:“没有那个实力,就别太猖狂了,说不定是你忘记死字是怎么写的了,说话太过于难听,自断舌根以示惩戒,要不然就死吧!” Ha Ha Ha Ha......” “哈哈哈哈……” Is listening to the Du Shaofu's words, that middle age was to also continue, afterward actually laughed, laughs saying: Boy, was having female comes free, it is estimated that is the second ancestors of that entrance family, was only a pity that this is the beast territory.” 听着杜少甫的话,那中年也是继续楞了一下,随后却是哈哈大笑,大笑道:“小子,原来是带着个女的来招摇么,估计是那个山门家族的二世祖吧,只可惜这是兽域。” When the voice falls, middle-aged facial color suddenly one cold, whole person aura instantaneous one side, dreadful chill in the air confused swell. 当话音落下,中年面色骤然一寒,整个人气息瞬间一边,一股滔天的寒意暴涌而出。 Bang......” “轰……” This same time, the surrounding five people were also unintentional surrounding around Du Shaofu's, is faint certainly Du Shaofu by jointly attacking surrounds in the middle. 这同时间,周围五人也是有意无意的围拢在了杜少甫的四周,隐隐间以一种合击之势将杜少甫围堵在中间。 Not difficult is looks from this battle formation, the time that these six people coordinate was not short, this was not first time makes this type saying that began to begin the matter that. 从这阵势中也不难是看得出来,这六人配合的时间已经不短,这也不是第一次做这种说动手就动手的事情了。 Six people of aura are all having a swift and fierce bloody flavor, the vision yin cold, feared that dies the people in these six people of hands, will not be minority. 六人身上气息皆是带着一种凌厉的血腥味道,目光阴寒,怕是死在这六人手中的人,也不会是少数。 Facing Du Shaofu, six people of instinct sieges Du Shaofu, also indicates beyond six people of cooperation without a gap, has not despised a present young youth, dares two people to come to the beast territory the person, even if the strength is not strong, will not be absolutely low. 面对杜少甫,六人本能的就将杜少甫围困在其中,也足见六人合作无间外,也没有小看眼前的一个年轻青年,敢两个人来兽域的人,就算是实力不强,也绝对是不会太低的。 The middle-aged vision sweeps side the Du Shaofu purple flame monster phoenix, the eye leaves uncovered luoluo has gushed out greedy, afterward cold Shi Du Shaofu, is sneering to say gloomy: This woman is good, master several accepted for you today, now the troops buckles of God several cold wind tunnels are happen to many, needs to kill several people to vent spleen, you are court death, cannot complain about other people!” 中年目光扫过杜少甫身边的紫炎妖凰,目光赤luoluo的涌出一种贪婪,随后冷视着杜少甫,阴沉冷笑道:“这女人不错,爷几个今天替你收下了,正好今天爷几个寒风洞的人马折损不少,需要杀几个人解解气,你这是自己找死,怨不得旁人!” As the voice falls, the middle-aged face wells up fierce dense, light cyan Profound Qi that wipes to disdain covers in the body surface, is not weak Martial Emperor boundary Initial Ascension level cultivation base, low and deep drinks to drink from the throat in: Boy, died!” 随着话音落下,中年脸庞涌上一抹不屑的狰狞森然,淡青色的玄气覆盖在体表,也是不弱的武皇初登层次修为,一声低沉的喝声自喉咙中喝出:“小子,死去吧!” Bang!” “轰!” The middle-aged sole treads fiercely void, the form to Du Shaofu suddenly to rush, a fist is wrapping light cyan runes, making the space also slightly tremble, is bringing absolute killing intent, before rushing to the Du Shaofu's body, instantaneously. 中年脚掌猛地一踏虚空,身影对着杜少甫暴冲而出,一拳包裹淡青色符文,让得空间也是微微一颤,带着绝对的杀意,瞬间冲到了杜少甫的身前。 Although this speed is fast, but regarding Du Shaofu, is actually no different than Ban Mennong the tiger. 只是这种速度虽然快,但对于杜少甫来说,却是无异于班门弄虎。 Dies your paternal grandmother bear, when the father is the soft persimmon!” “死你奶奶个熊,当老子是软柿子么!” Du Shaofu obloquies one, when that fist before the body, the right hand has shaken suddenly, the direct fist clashes to go, light golden light gushes out from the fist on immediately. 杜少甫大骂一声,就在那一拳到了身前的时候,右手猛然一抖,直接一拳对撞而去,一股淡淡的金光顿时自拳头上喷薄而出。 Bang!” “砰!” Two fists clash, the low and deep dull thumping sound spreads, sees only the golden light to be radiant. 两拳对撞,低沉闷响传出,只见金光璀璨。 Four Friday people without enough time see clearly radically, the middle-aged body that sneers densely, was submerged by the golden light in the flash, afterward the body blasted out directly changed to the blood fog, died does not know how dead. 四周五人根本就来不及看清楚,那森然冷笑的中年身躯,就在一瞬间被金光淹没,随后身躯直接炸开化作了血雾,死都不知道是怎么死的。 Sees this, the remaining five people of vision instantaneous delay, fills the air to climb up from the innermost soul with amazement. 见到这一幕,剩下的五人目光瞬间呆滞,一股骇然从灵魂深处弥漫攀爬而出。 Run!” “快跑!” When that Martial Emperor boundary Perfect cultivation base five ten-day old man recovers, first plunders the body to escape rapidly on the violent. 当那一个武皇圆满修为的五旬老者率先回过神来,第一时间掠身就急速暴逃开去。 Runs away, runs away quickly!” “逃,快逃啊!” The surrounding four people instantaneously in shocking recover, immediately Qi Qi plunders spatially, the flash rapidly runs away. 周围四人瞬间在震骇中回过神来,顿时齐齐掠空,一瞬间就急速而逃。 Bang Bang! Bang! Bang! “砰砰砰砰! The low and deep detonation sound penetrating, in five people of running away, in four human bodies jumps suddenly projects purple-colored flame, the body blasts out in the purple flame, state of mind entirely to extinguish. 低沉的引爆声响彻,逃走的五人中,四人体内乍然间迸射出紫色火炎,身躯在紫炎中炸开,神魂俱灭。 Said, front how?” “说,前面怎么了?” The body of purple flame monster phoenix appears in front of that five ten-day old man, in has left behind finally, an invisible energy coagulates its all around space. 紫炎妖凰的身躯出现在了最后留下的那一个五旬老者面前,一股无形的能量凝固其四周空间。
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