MGC :: Volume #13

#1236: Beast territory news

Chapter 1234: Beast territory news 第1234章:兽域消息 Chapter 1234: Beast territory news. 第1234章:兽域消息。 This together sound likely from a youth, but in the sound is actually passing deep vicissitudes. 这一道声音像是来自一个少年,但声音中却是透着一种深深的沧桑。 Also in this electric light flint, the light golden bolt of white silk, is passing the air/Qi of swift and fierce sharp [gold/metal] murdering together, from plunders suddenly void, hit in that demon Hand Imprints in one, erupted a piece of radiant ray. 也在这电光火石间,一道淡淡金色匹练,透着凌厉的锐金杀伐之气,骤然自虚空掠出,于那魔手印撞在了一起,爆发一片璀璨的光芒。 This grade of energy clashes, was the time also as if stagnates likely. 这等能量对撞,像是时间也仿佛停滞了。 This short flickers, regarding the people on seal ancient space, actually likely is permanent eternal, all spaces likely are in that clashed coagulates. 这短暂的一瞬,对于封印古地空间上的众人来说,却像是恒久般的永恒,一切空间像是都在那等对撞中凝固。 Scoffs......” “嗤啦……” Afterward that both bump into spread the sound, actually not too big sound. 随后那两者相撞中才传出声响,却是没有太大声响。 Both bump into, all around space avalanche reveals the jet black color suddenly, all around is shatter runes is bright, will change to the god link all around to submerge. 只是两者相撞间,四周空间骤然崩塌露出漆黑之色,四周却是破碎的符文灿烂,化作神环将四周淹没。 Stave runes was also obliterated afterward in void, rapid dim. 随后破碎的符文也在虚空中被磨灭,迅速的黯淡了下去。 „The western monster, you have not died unexpectedly!” “西妖,你居然还没死!” Above Devil Qi billowing vault of heaven, that faint did not contain any emotion sound finally flood the fluctuation, the sound was not loud, was actually such as the thunderous reverberation. 魔气滚滚的苍穹之上,那淡漠的不蕴含任何情感的声音终于泛起了波动,声音不大,却是如雷鸣回荡。 In this world always needs to restrain your people to exist, you do not die, I cannot die!” “这世上总是需要有克制你们的人存在,你们不死,我也死不了!” The sound of vicissitudes continues to convey, transmits from the distant distant place penetration space likely, the sound is getting more and more near. 沧桑的声音继续传来,像是从遥遥远方穿透空间传来,声音越来越近。 Jie Jie, the western monster, you thought that you can restrain us to be inadequate, all metropolises are different, just wait, not long, you are unable to defend all!” “桀桀,西妖,你觉得你能够克制我们不成,一切都会不一样了,等着吧,不用多久,你们也无法在守住一切!” The faint sound sneers, Devil Qi is billowing, in the black light confused swell, fearful Devil Qi ran out, wraps in the cloudy Old Lei person, afterward gradually drew back from the vault of heaven above. 淡漠的声音冷笑,魔气滚滚,乌光暴涌中,一股可怕魔气冲出,包裹在了阴雷老人身上,随后逐渐自苍穹之上退下。 Yeah......” “哎……” In the upper air, the sigh of vicissitudes transmits, afterward all subside. 高空上,沧桑的叹息声传来,随后一切平息下来。 Looks at the cloudy Old Lei person to carry off by that under the Du Shaofu purple robe long sleeve the double fist grips tightly, vision flood blood red, is unable to seize the cloudy Old Lei person to inquire that the news of master, feared that does not know how long next time will want to obtain the whereabouts that master Venerable. 望着阴雷老人被那带走,杜少甫紫袍长袖下双拳紧握,目光泛着血红,无法擒住阴雷老人询问到师父的消息,怕是不知道下次要多久才能够得到师父器尊的下落。 The seal ancient ground, vision trembling plays, look at all that was just having, some people are hard to recover. 封印古地上,一道道的目光颤剧,望着刚刚发生的一切,有人难以回过神来。 Whiz whiz whiz whiz......” “嗖嗖嗖嗖……” Also in this moment, after seal ancient, the space flood the fluctuation, the eight-part essay space fluctuation ripples from the upper air, afterward eight forms arrived on this seal ancient ground. 也在此刻间,封印古地后,空间泛起波动,八股空间波动自高空荡漾,随后八道身影降临在了这封印古地上。 This form arrives, the space coagulates, the eight-part essay vast aura arrives. 这身影降临,空间凝固,八股浩瀚气息降临。 Du Shaofu gains ground, that eight forms, the card in a hand clone powerhouse are exactly the same as formerly various situations kicked with. 杜少甫抬头,那八道身影,和先前各大势力动用的底牌分身强者一模一样。 But this moment that eight forms are real, the eight-part essay fearful aura surges absolutely, what comes is the main body true body of that eight clone powerhouses. 但此刻那八道身影真实,八股绝对可怕的气息涌动,来的是那八个分身强者的本体真身。 Has seen the remote antiquity elder!” “见过太上长老!” As that eight forms arrive, the Salmon sword sect, long Qingdao, Mt. Jiuhua, livelihood sect and other disciples all in having a lingering fear salute, some powerhouses also once again relaxed. 随着那八道身影降临,萨蒙剑宗,长青岛,九华山,日月宗等弟子皆是在心有余悸中行礼,一些强者也是再度松了一口气。 ........................ …………………… Seal ancient, everywhere is the air/Qi of blood ghost, the corpse on the ground everywhere. 封印古地,到处都是血煞之气,伏尸遍地。 The person who this war, alliance armies die, the number by trillion ideas, imitates , if the ants is all ordinary, the practicing world is brutal. 这一次大战,联盟大军陨落的人,数以亿万计,仿若皆是蝼蚁一般,修行世界何等残酷。 Major influence disciples in cleaning up aftermath, some people have a lingering fear, in some people of hearts sorrowful, some people relaxed secretly. 各大势力弟子在收拾残局,有人心有余悸,有人心中悲痛,有人暗自松了一口气。 Dusk, the setting sun covers the seal ancient, is passing desolated Xiao Sha. 黄昏,斜阳笼罩封印古地,更是透着一种荒芜的萧杀。 On the mountain peak, Mu Jianchen is looking at Du Shaofu, said: Previous time you let me the news that helps to pay attention, temporarily the Salmon sword sect has not searched for your master Venerable Xiahou Fenglei news, had not found the Demon Religion trace, but in some time ago, us obtained beast territory the news of transmitting actually, that young miss who you must look, may appear in the beast territory.” 山峰上,沐剑晨望着杜少甫,道:“上次你让我帮忙留意的消息,暂时萨蒙剑宗还没有搜寻到你师父器尊夏侯风雷的消息,也没有找到魔教的痕迹,不过倒是在不久前,我们得到了兽域的传来的消息,你要找的那小姑娘,有可能出现在兽域。” Beast territory......” “兽域……” hear speech/words, the Du Shaofu vision selects, the beast territory is a vast Demonic Beast world, in any state compared with Jiu Zhou is also larger. 闻言,杜少甫目光一挑,兽域可是一片辽阔的妖兽世界,比起九州之中的任何一州还要大的多。 Concrete news I do not know, but heard that the beast territory recently presented a young miss, the main body is Yì lóng, making the beast territory arouse many disturbances, it is said that has even alarmed the entire beast territory.” “具体的消息我也不知道,只是听说兽域最近出现了一个小姑娘,本体是一条异龙,让兽域引起了不少风波,据说甚至惊动了整个兽域。” Mu Jianchen said that the vision looks at Du Shaofu to fluctuate secretly, this fellow was very flagitious, can arouse the giant disturbance to where, to the war casualty state, albizzia julibrissin sect made earth-shaking, this fights today is needless saying that but his person, same is the tranquil law-abiding generations. 沐剑晨说道,目光望着杜少甫暗自波动,这家伙已经很凶残了,到哪里都能够引起巨大的风波,到了殇州,合欢宗就被闹的天翻地覆,今天这一战就更加不用说了,而其身边的人,也一样都是平静安分之辈。 Should be Xiao Xingxing!” “应该就是小星星了!” Is listening to Mu Jianchen the words, Du Shaofu is almost has at this moment affirmed most likely that is Xiao Xingxing without doubt, by the Xiao Xingxing disposition, if to beast territory , can indeed beast territory noisy earth-shaking. 听着沐剑晨的话,杜少甫此刻几乎是有着八成肯定,那就是小星星无疑,以小星星的性格要是到了兽域,也的确是能够将兽域闹的天翻地覆。 What you then have to plan that do not go to the beast territory?” “你接下来有什么打算,不会是要去兽域吧?” Mu Jianchen looks at Du Shaofu, the brow is wrinkling slightly. 沐剑晨望着杜少甫,眉头微微皱起。 Du Shaofu nodded, said: I must go to beast territory.” 杜少甫点了点头,道:“我必须去兽域一趟。” Beast territory the beast clan that but the Dragon race domain, in the day wild mainland, you offend but are many, you may , to be clear, that place is the powerhouse of Salmon sword sect does not dare to burst.” “兽域可是龙族的地盘,天荒大陆上,你得罪的兽族可是不少,你可要想清楚,那地方就算是萨蒙剑宗的强者也不敢乱闯。” Mu Jianchen reminded Du Shaofu reluctantly, in the heart is even knowing one said anything, feared that is unable to prevent this savage fellow to go to the beast territory. 沐剑晨无奈的提醒着杜少甫,心中甚至知道自己说什么,怕是也无法阻止这凶残的家伙去兽域了。 Mu Jianchen is very clear the beast territory fearful, to the Human Race big favorable impression, many human powerhouses does not want to go to the beast territory to discipline to seek for the chance, finally turned into the war servants of these Demonic Beast King. 只是沐剑晨可是很清楚兽域有多可怕,本来就对人族没有多大的好感,不少人类强者想去兽域磨练寻找机缘,最后一个个的变成了那些妖兽王者的战仆。 Mu Jianchen also knows that the present fellow, absolutely does not have the good reputation in the beast territory, the beast clan that offends were many, has fearful Dragon race. 沐剑晨也知道眼前的这家伙,在兽域绝对是没有好名声,得罪的兽族已经不少,其中就有着可怕的龙族 Even does not need to think that Mu Jianchen also knows, once this Demon King to the beast territory, had feared that will decide when the time comes however will suffer besieging of entire beast territory, the consequence can be imagined. 甚至不用多想,沐剑晨也知道,这魔王一旦到了兽域,怕是到时候定然会遭受整个兽域的围攻,后果可想而知。 I must go.” “我必须去一趟。” Du Shaofu smiled, if the news is unmistakable, Xiao Xingxing mostly in the beast territory, oneself must go now. 杜少甫笑了笑,要是消息无误,小星星现在多半就在兽域,自己非去不可。 Is listening to the Du Shaofu's words, Mu sword early morning slightly sighed, such as is expected the common, present fellow must go, but said: Beast territory is not far from this place actually, that side has the informer of our Salmon sword sect, I can greet with that side person, feared that does not help your anything busy, but your some needs inquired that news words, should be able to help you actually be many.” 听着杜少甫的话,沐剑晨微微一叹,如预料中一般,眼前的这家伙非去不可,无奈道:“兽域离此地倒是不远,那边有我们萨蒙剑宗的眼线,我会和那边的人打招呼,怕是大忙帮不到你什么,但你有需要打听消息的话,倒是应该能够帮到你不少。” Many thanks.” Du Shaofu smiles. “多谢。”杜少甫一笑。 Polite anything.” “客气什么。” Mu Jianchen is looking at Du Shaofu, said: Later has to need to greet with me, the war casualty state owes you a sentiment.” 沐剑晨望着杜少甫,道:“以后有需要就和我打个招呼,殇州欠你一份情。” Du Shaofu is looking at Mu Jianchen, afterward looks at this moment curtain of night to cover, the direction of bright moon initial rise, crosses the hands behind the back to stand, sends the silk to dance in the air backward, for a very long time, light [say / way]: Good, I remember.” 杜少甫望着沐剑晨,随后望着此刻夜幕笼罩,皓月初升的方向,负手而立,发丝向后飞舞,久久之后,轻道:“好,我记下了。” The night, moon/month dark star is also pale, what above the universe flutters is wielding not loose Baleful Qi, far airborne, transmits the rich bloody aura. 夜,月暗星也淡,天宇之上飘荡的是挥之不散的煞气,远空中,传来浓郁的血腥气息。 On the mountain peak, the graceful beautiful figure is together static and vertical, the full purple sends the silk to let fall following the fragrant shoulder, until the outstanding tender buttocks, with the slender straight both legs, outlined the graceful mature arc. 山峰上,一道曼妙倩影静静而立,满头紫色发丝顺着香肩垂落而下,直至挺翘娇臀,和修长笔直的双腿,勾勒出曼妙的成熟弧线。 Xiao Xingxing may in beast territory.” 小星星有可能在兽域。” The Du Shaofu form fell on the mountain peak, looks at the present that to be together graceful the beautiful figure back, some mind fluctuated, this woman was only together the back is a source of trouble, was elegantly beautiful was harder to deal with, said that turned hostile turns hostile. 杜少甫身影落在了山峰上,望着眼前的那一道曼妙倩影背影,也有些心神波动,这女人光是一道背影便是祸水般,就是冷艳难缠了一些,说变脸就变脸。 Immediately goes to the beast territory, if my daughter had the accident, you died!” “马上去兽域,要是我女儿出了意外,你就死定了!” The sound is chilly, is leading some cold intent, the purple flame monster phoenix turns head, on moving face, purple double pupil in curtain of night, flood some monster different purple rays. 声音清冽,带着些许的冷意,紫炎妖凰回头,动人脸庞上,紫色双眸在夜幕中,泛着些许妖异的紫色光芒。 Xiao Xingxing is also my daughter.” 小星星也是我女儿。” Du Shaofu curled the lip, the voice said that suddenly felt that some anything did not suit, that monster different purple double pupil, tight staring on own body, likely must together eat itself. 杜少甫撇了撇嘴,话音说出,才突然感觉到有些什么不对劲,那一道妖异的紫色双眸,也紧紧的盯在了自己的身上,像是要吃了自己般。 A moment later, the purple flame monster phoenix purple monster different double pupil returned to normal, in the double pupil the vision is passing some brilliance, is similar to the fireworks is faintly recognizable and brilliant, said: You strove for fortunately, hopes that Xiao Xingxing was safe and sound.” 片刻之后,紫炎妖凰紫色妖异双眸恢复了平静,双眸内目光透着些许光华,如同烟花般飘渺而绚烂,道:“你还是自求多福,希望小星星安然无恙吧。” Knits the brows slightly, Du Shaofu looks at this to have the moving appearance at present, the posture of enticement, noble manner, charming character and style in a female, although has the peerless posture, but was said that turned hostile on the Lord of turning hostile, in the back was elegantly beautiful cruel and merciless, oneself maintained good of distance. 微微皱眉,杜少甫望着眼前这一个有着动人容颜,诱惑之姿,高贵气质,略带妩媚风情于一身的女子,虽有着绝世之姿,但却是说变脸就变脸的主,背地里可是冷艳的心狠手辣,自己还是保持距离的好。 Dragon Bone gives back to you, was useless to me, two years of also one year, you also owe me Golden Wing Great Peng arcane bone.” “龙骨还给你,对我已经无用,两年时间还有一年,你还欠我金翅大鹏秘骨。” Looks at Du Shaofu not to speak, the purple flame monster phoenix delicate hands find out, filled sound of Dragon recitation dragon bone to release brilliance float before the Du Shaofu body. 瞧着杜少甫没有说话,紫炎妖凰纤手探出,一根弥漫着龙吟之声的龙骨释放光华悬浮在了杜少甫身前。 Du Shaofu received the dragon bone to take in Cosmos Bag immediately, afterward is looking at the purple flame monster phoenix, said: Your injury is what kind, this time many thanks take a shot / make a move helps one another.” 杜少甫接过龙骨立刻收进了乾坤袋中,随后望着紫炎妖凰,道:“你伤势怎么样,这次多谢出手相助。”
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