MGC :: Volume #13

#1235: Sir Demon Emperor 【Four】.

Chapter 1233: Sir Demon Emperor Four. 第1233章:魔皇大人【四更】。 Chapter 1233: Sir Demon Emperor Four. 第1233章:魔皇大人【四更】。 frightening energy dispersing, two sounds in simultaneously shakes to fly away. 恐怖能量散开,两道声音在其中同时震飞开去。 Tittered......” “噗嗤……” In the Du Shaofu mouth pale golden blood spurts crazily, facial color pallid to pinnacle. 杜少甫嘴中淡金色的鲜血狂喷,面色煞白到了极致,。 Deng!Deng!!” 蹬蹬!” Cloudy Old Lei person body also in shaking draws back, shakes one after another draws back ten several steps, the under foot stretches across the hundred zhang (333m) space to stand firm the body, a mouth dark red blood that then in the mouth is unable to suppress puts out. 雷老人身躯也在震退,接连震退十数步,脚下横跨百丈空间才稳住身躯,而后嘴中也是无法强忍的一嘴殷红鲜血吐出。 Some next vacuole vision with amazement stagnates for it in the eye socket, everyone is unbelievable, the cloudy Old Lei person of half territory level, was so the frontage is wounded by Du Shaofu unexpectedly. 下空所有的目光骇然的为之停滞在眼眶内,谁都难以置信,半域层次的阴雷老人,竟然是这般正面被杜少甫击伤了。 Although that Demon King Du Shaofu still fell on leeward, actually glorious defeat! 尽管那魔王杜少甫依然是落在了下风,却是虽败犹荣! Anomaly, the fellow was too abnormal, many card in a hand!” “变态,那家伙太变态了,到底有多少的底牌!” Mu Jianchen shakes surprised, looks at that to shake the wings tall and straight form holding breath cold air that flies to stand firm together. 沐剑晨震愕,望着那一道震飞稳住的双翼挺拔身影倒吸凉气。 By unusual Martial Venerable peak cultivation base, actually directly wounds -and-a-half territory powerhouses, this is the what kind anomaly, frightening in this way! 以超凡武尊巅峰修为,却是正面击伤一个半域强者,这是何等的变态,恐怖如斯! This Demon King, was too fearful!” “这魔王,太可怕了!” The powerhouses of major influences for it with amazement, that together are all tall and straight the form, at this moment deep stirring, the brand mark is not loose in all person mind deep place wielding. 各大势力的强者无不为之骇然,那一道挺拔身影,此刻深深震撼人心,烙印在所有人脑海深处挥之不散。 Missed, half territory cultivation base, was too formidable!” “还是差了一些,半域修为,太强大了!” Du Shaofu stands firm the body, before visual , the spatial cloudy Old Lei person, the long sleeve is cleaning the pale golden bloodstain of corners of the mouth, the aura dispirited, the facial color is pale. 杜少甫稳住身躯,目视着前空阴雷老人,长袖擦拭着嘴角的淡金色血迹,气息萎靡,面色惨白。 Fuses double seal, the prestige can suddenly to increase, but has not actually caused heavy losses to the cloudy Old Lei person, this makes in the Du Shaofu heart even more dignified. 融合双印,威能暴增,但却并没有多重创到阴雷老人,这让杜少甫心中越发凝重。 Half territory level cultivation base, is strong compared with the Du Shaofu's imagination. 半域层次修为,比起杜少甫的想象中还要强。 This boy was getting more and more strange, unusual Martial Venerable, can use so the strength unexpectedly!” “这小子越来越诡异了,超凡武尊,居然能够动用如此实力!” In the cloudy Old Lei person pale facial color , the Yin-Yang has been at this moment uncertain, is cleaning the bloodstain of corners of the mouth, in the heart is also flood the difficult situation, finally in eye once again mean. 雷老人惨白的面色上,此刻一直阴阳不定,擦拭着嘴角的血迹,心中也是泛起惊涛骇浪,最后眼中再度阴狠。 Regarding the cloudy Old Lei person, that Du Shaofu was too strange, repeatedly how it, over and over again was escaped by it, every time meets once more, the strength will rise suddenly, these time decides however cannot miss an opportunity again, but otherwise next time saw that feared was really must unable how that boy. 对于阴雷老人来说,那杜少甫太诡异了,多次也未曾将其奈何,三番五次被其逃脱,每一次再次遇到,实力都会暴涨,这一次定然不能够再错过机会,否则而下一次见到,怕是就真的要无法奈何那小子了。 „The cloudy Old Lei person , helping me , helping me quickly!” “阴雷老人,助我,快助我啊!” Far spatial purple flame burning down space, that and other under vast blazing aura, blood evil blood light sea has contracted , is less than one zhang (3.33 m), an eye of dew fears, immediately is loud to the cloudy Old Lei person prays for rescue. 远空紫炎焚烧空间,那等浩瀚炽热的气息下,血邪身上的血光海洋已经收缩到只有不到一丈,目露恐惧,顿时大声对阴雷老人求救。 You insist again that Du Shaofu that boy is strange, I cope with that boy first!” “你再坚持坚持,杜少甫那小子诡异,我先对付那小子!” The cloudy Old Lei person shot a look at a blood to be evil, the vision did not have to pay attention much, the voice fell, the form dashed to Du Shaofu, the body erupted talisman-pattern, the fierce Thunder Light unusual animals that resembled Dragon Sishi plundered, roared like the dragon. 雷老人瞥了一眼血邪,目光却是没有多加理会,话音落下,身影直扑杜少甫,身上爆发符箓秘纹,一条似龙似狮的狰狞雷光异兽掠出,咆哮如龙。 „!” “嗷!” In cloudy deep Thunder Suanzhang unusual animals Phantom that this Thunder Light unusual animals and genitals Old Lei person stimulates to movement first is exactly the same, imposing manner fierce and tough, the whole body is covering Dragon Linban the scale. 雷光异兽和先前阴雷老人催动的阴冥雷狻掌中的异兽虚影一模一样,气势凶悍,浑身覆盖着龙鳞般的鳞片。 This was Pulse Soul of cloudy Old Lei person ‚the ancient times Thunder Light legendary wild animal, the rumor was bloodline of legendary wild animal. 这是阴雷老人的脉魂‘远古雷光狻猊’,传言是狻猊的血脉 Backward upward, a legendary wild animal clan, but the Dragon race direct line descendant, bloodline is absolutely intrepid. 追溯往上,狻猊一族可是龙族的直系后裔,血脉绝对强悍。 To seize Du Shaofu directly, no longer has any accident, the cloudy Old Lei habitat has stimulated to movement Pulse Soul. 为了直接擒住杜少甫,不再出现任何的意外,阴雷老人居是催动了脉魂 The cloudy Old Lei human desire must want Du Shaofu thoroughly, does not allow to make the mistake again, otherwise the after female of that beast clan beast territory boundary tidies up the blood was evil, he will again not have the opportunity. 雷老人欲要彻底真要杜少甫,不容再出现失误,否则那兽族兽域境的女子收拾了血邪之后,他将再没有机会。 „!” “嗷!” Ancient times Thunder Light legendary wild animal just like living creature, roaring place visited, front void also in crash-bang ruptured a huge space crack, revealed the jet black ray. 远古雷光狻猊宛如活物,咆哮所过之处,前方的虚空也是在‘哗啦啦’中爆裂开一条巨大的空间裂缝,显露出漆黑光芒。 The space was torn by the ancient times Thunder Light legendary wild animal, its is having the fearful prestige energy, like lightning is taking away as many things as possible to Du Shaofu. 空间被远古雷光狻猊生生撕裂,其带着可怕的威能,闪电般的对着杜少甫席卷而去。 Looks at the cloudy Old Lei person to stimulate to movement Pulse Soul, the Du Shaofu vision is dignified, but will not be without a fight, in the hand Hand Imprints congeals, the golden light covers, wants to furiously a war. 瞧着阴雷老人已经催动脉魂,杜少甫目光凝重,但自不会束手就擒,手中手印凝结,金光覆盖,就欲要奋力一战。 Also really thinks that-and-a-half territory evil thing can delay me, he must die does not die in your hands, go away!” “难道还真以为一个半域邪物就能够拖延住我么,他要死也不是死在你手中,滚开!” The sounds of nature chilly words, resound through in this electric light flint together, a greatest purple flame pierces the space, instantaneously from far spatial across the sky. 一道天籁般清冽的话语,也在这电光火石间响彻,一股莫大紫炎洞穿空间,瞬间自远空横空而来。 gu!” “咕!” The midair that billowing hot flame shines is radiant, purple runes with the dense transpiration, soars to the heavens blazingly, the purple light radiant piece, changes to a huge number hundred zhang (333m) purple flame monster phoenix Phantom, killed directly on that ancient times Thunder Light legendary wild animal. 那滚滚的火炎照耀的半空璀璨绚丽,紫色符文伴随着氤氲蒸腾,炽热冲霄,紫光璀璨一片,化作一只庞大的数百丈的紫炎妖凰虚影,直接扑杀在了那远古雷光狻猊上。 Scoffs......” “嗤啦啦……” So across the sky clashes, but short flickers, that ancient times Thunder Light legendary wild animal Pulse Soul that the cloudy Old Lei person stimulates to movement directly was destroyed, tears the runes fragment in that purple flame monster phoenix Phantom senior, finally dissipation in billowing blazing purple-colored flame. 这般横空对撞,只是短短一瞬,阴雷老人催动的那远古雷光狻猊脉魂就被直接摧毁,在那紫炎妖凰虚影前辈撕裂成符文碎片,最后消散在滚滚的炽热紫色火炎中。 Tittered......” “噗嗤……” A cloudy Old Lei person blood puts out panic-strickenly, the vision immediately becomes with amazement, without a doubt, he underestimated the opposite party. 雷老人一口鲜血惊骇吐出,目光立刻变得骇然,毫无疑问,他小看了对方。 Purple flame monster phoenix!” “紫炎妖凰!” The vision trembles maliciously, the cloudy Old Lei person facial color is extremely cloudy, in front of the genuine beast territory boundary, is in front of that fearful purple flame monster phoenix, he too underestimated former's strength. 目光狠狠一颤,阴雷老人面色极度阴沉,真正的兽域境面前,还是那可怕的紫炎妖凰面前,他太低估前者的实力了。 Meddling of purple flame monster phoenix, lets the Du Shaofu vision that wants to fight furiously, looks immediately to the purple flame monster phoenix went, the genuine beast territory boundary also is really frightening. 紫炎妖凰的插手,让得正欲要奋力一战的杜少甫目光,也立刻望向了紫炎妖凰而去,真正的兽域境还真是恐怖 As during the Du Shaofu's vision regards, in the front space battlefield, in the billowing purple flame sea of fire, the blood evil whole body blood light sea was burnt down all. 随着杜少甫的目光所视之中,前方空间战场上,滚滚的紫炎火海中,血邪周身血光海洋被尽数焚烧。 Blood light runes of blood evil stimulation of movement was burnt down the ashes, that and other air/Qi of blood ghost under the purple-colored flame offensive of purple flame monster phoenix, could not play the role, even dreaded. 血邪催动的血光符文被焚烧成了灰烬,那等血煞之气在紫炎妖凰的紫色火炎攻势下,丝毫发挥不了作用,甚至为之忌惮。 This blazing purple flame, is the difficult adversary of evil thing. 这种炽热紫炎,也是邪物的克星。 Bang!” “砰!” As blood sea was only burnt down completely, the purple flame monster phoenix beautiful figure plunders, the delicate hands shake, the palm starts to shine, likely is glittering and translucent carving, purple light Yingying, is common just like the purple beautiful jade, at bang in a space tremor, falls on the blood evil body directly. 随着血光海洋被焚烧殆尽,紫炎妖凰倩影掠出,纤手一抖,掌心开始发光,像是晶莹剔透,紫光莹莹的,宛若紫色美玉一般,在‘轰’的一声空间颤动中,径直就落在血邪的身上。 This holds purple-colored flame to be turbulent, the flaming roaring flame is dreadful, draws back staggering that the blood evil body shakes, body blood light shaken scattered in disorder, the vision gushes out a color with amazement. 这一掌紫色火炎汹涌,炽盛烈焰滔天,将血邪身躯震的踉跄而退,身上血光被震的散乱,目光涌出一片骇然之色。 Died!” “死去!” Purple flame monster phoenix is chilly, delicate hands shake, that slender five fingers Qu Wan, purple flame god light claw-print twists slightly together void, just likes an invisible purple flame shackles, the picture is scary, changes to true purple flame monster phoenix claw-print, grasped suddenly to the blood went evilly. 紫炎妖凰清冽,纤手一抖,那纤长五指微微曲弯,一道紫炎神光爪印扭曲虚空,犹如一张无形紫炎牢笼,景象骇人,化作真正的紫炎妖凰爪印般,骤然抓向了血邪而去。 „It is not good!” “不好!” The blood everywhere is restrained evilly, will not have in purple flame monster phoenix the front many strength of contending, this in an instant, the blood light double pupil tremor of to terrify person, gushes out to startle the color. 血邪处处受制,在紫炎妖凰的面前连多少抗衡之力也不会有,这刹那间,瘆人的血光双眸颤动,涌出骇色。 Unexpectedly is a purple flame monster phoenix clan, this clan also has bloodline to exist.” “竟然是紫炎妖凰一族,这一族还有血脉存在么。” Unexpectedly, in this suddenly, above vault of heaven, blustery, the dark cloud is billowing, one is Devil Qi is instantaneously dreadful, thunder. 蓦地,就在这一刹那间,苍穹之上,风起云涌,乌云滚滚,一个瞬间便是魔气滔天,电闪雷鸣。 , That pitch-black lightning above vault of heaven makes the person mind send suddenly coldly, the Soul Force trembling millet, huge Devil Qi changes to together the black light bolt of white silk, descends in the vault of heaven, just likes lets fall next black light Devil Qi waterfall light screens, the picture scary! 乍然间,苍穹之上的那一道道的乌黑闪电让人心神发寒,元神颤粟,一道巨大的魔气化作一道乌光匹练,在苍穹上降落,犹如垂落下一道道的乌光魔气瀑布光幕,景象骇人至极! This black light bolt of white silk, fell on claw-print of purple flame monster phoenix directly, destroyed claw-print of purple flame monster phoenix quietly. 这乌光匹练,直接落在了紫炎妖凰的爪印上,将紫炎妖凰的爪印悄然摧毁。 Bang!” “轰!” Fearful Devil Qi falls in torrents, erupts dazzling Wu light, spreads by potential of the thunder, flash hit on purple flame monster phoenix tender body. 一股可怕的魔气倾泻而出,爆发刺眼乌光,以一种雷霆之势扩散,一瞬间撞击在了紫炎妖凰娇躯上。 ......” “噗……” The purple flame monster phoenix beautiful figure shakes to draw back immediately, on that moving face, a mouth blood blowout, the black eyebrow coloring eyebrow tightens immediately pressed, the gorgeous double pupil suddenly is becoming dignified. 紫炎妖凰倩影顿时震退开去,那动人的脸庞上,一嘴鲜血喷出,黛眉顿时紧蹙,绚丽双眸在骤然间变得凝重。 The black light Devil Qi bolt of white silk suddenly appears, lets the blood evil vision great happiness, immediately gushed out the pleasantly surprised color. 突然间的乌光魔气匹练出现,让得血邪目光大喜,顿时涌出了惊喜之色来。 Waste, the demon gate can have the problem.” “废物,魔门都能够出现问题。” Above vault of heaven, that Devil Qi billowing, has fainily does not contain any emotion sound to spread, that black light bolt of white silk changes to together the black light evil clutches afterward, in the blood for the it pleasantly surprised vision, actually pierced the blood evil body evilly, destroys it. 苍穹之上,那魔气滚滚中,有着淡漠的的不蕴含任何情感的声音传开,那乌光匹练随后化作一道乌光魔爪,在血邪为之惊喜的目光中,却是刺穿了血邪的身躯,将其生生摧毁。 Does not want......” “不要……” Blood evil pleasantly surprised double pupil stagnation, instantaneously becomes frightened, in the body of shatter blood robe radiant blood light talisman-pattern plunders together. 血邪惊喜的双眸停滞,瞬间变得恐惧,破碎的血袍之躯内一道璀璨的血光符箓秘纹掠出。 Remains your what uses!” “留你何用!” Does not contain any emotion sound to fall once again, Devil Qi bolt of white silk strange like electricity, that radiant blood light talisman-pattern direct package, plunders to return to vault of heaven that billowing Devil Qi together finally. 不蕴含任何情感的声音再度落下,魔气匹练诡异如电,将那一道璀璨的血光符箓秘纹直接包裹,最后掠回苍穹那滚滚的魔气之内。 You deceive me, you deceive me,......” “你们骗我,你们欺骗我,啊……” The sound that the blood whins evilly pitifully spreads, is being full of unwilling and hatred, finally vanishes does not see. 血邪凄惨哀嚎的声音传出,充满着不甘和怨毒,最后消失不见。 Bang bang bang......” “砰砰砰……” But at this moment, this side seal ancient, when that Devil Qi arrives to gush out in the vault of heaven, under a fearful pressure fills the air, in the under alliance armies, form direct both legs became tender to kneel on the ground. 而此刻,这一方封印古地内,当那魔气降临涌出在苍穹,一股可怕的威压弥漫下,下方联盟大军中,一道道身影直接双腿发软跪在了地上。 Under that fearful pressure, making the square powerhouse be hard to contend, the whole body becomes tender, Soul Force palpitates restlessly! 那可怕威压下,让得四方强者难以抗衡,浑身发软,元神悸动不安! Has seen Sir Demon Emperor, congratulates Sir Demon Emperor to regain consciousness!” “见过魔皇大人,恭喜魔皇大人苏醒!” The cloudy Old Lei person is looking at present one, the vision is actually pleasantly surprised, kneels muddily the pleasantly surprised tremor, in kneels void, worships to this vault of heaven above. 雷老人望着眼前的一幕,目光却是惊喜,浑跪惊喜的颤动,在虚空跪地,对这苍穹之上朝拜。 The voice in vault of heaven as if has not paid attention to the cloudy Old Lei person, Devil Qi is billowing, Wu light shivers continuous. 苍穹上的声音似乎并没有理会阴雷老人,魔气滚滚,乌光颤动不休。 But at this moment, Du Shaofu imitates, if feels that Devil Qi in vault of heaven billowing, seems has pair of double pupil imperceptibly to overlook itself. 而在此刻,杜少甫仿若是感觉到,苍穹上的那魔气滚滚中,似乎是有着一双无形中的双瞳在俯视着自己。 Du Shaofu that vision imperceptibly has a liking for one eyes, likely can be palpitated restlessly by own mind, Soul Force round of cold. 杜少甫那无形中的目光看上自己一眼,都像是能够让自己心神悸动不安,元神发寒。 Is you, unexpectedly can destroy my demon gate, as if that aura with initial is related to the powerhouse, but also is really strange!” “就是你,居然能够毁我魔门,似乎那气息和当初的至强者有关,还真是诡异啊!” Faint does not contain any emotion sound to spread once again, the same time when this voice drops, in the Devil Qi billowing vault of heaven, side huge Hand Imprints condenses, falls from the vault of heaven, is arriving to Du Shaofu directly. 淡漠的不含任何情感的声音再度传出,当这话音落下的同时间,魔气滚滚的苍穹上,一方巨大的手印凝聚而出,自苍穹落下,对着杜少甫直接降临。 This huge Devil Qi Hand Imprints arrives, a vast pressure falls, coagulated the entire seal likely ancient. 这巨大魔气手印降临,一股浩大威压落下,像是凝固了整个封印古地。 That fearful Devil Qi Hand Imprints drops one, the person of entire seal ancient ground was then feeling the chest pressed a giant stone, making the heart want to press the violent, Soul Force bursts the delay that pressed! 那可怕的魔气手印多下降一份,整个封印古地上的人便是感觉着胸口多压上了一块巨石,让得心脏欲要压暴,元神溃压的呆滞! Du Shaofu double pupil golden light surges, under that fearful pressure center, was feeling were coagulated generally, the strength of contending is unable to give birth. 杜少甫双瞳金光涌动,那可怕的威压中心下,感觉着自己尽数被凝固了一般,就连抗衡之力都无法生出。 This weak feeling, lets Du Shaofu with amazement. 这种无力的感觉,让得杜少甫骇然。 This is also Du Shaofu first time felt that the so fearful strength, in that and other under the strengths, is unable the heart to have the heart of contending by oneself unexpectedly, this is the fearful strength! 这也还是杜少甫第一次感觉到如此可怕的实力,在那等实力之下,竟是让自己无法心生抗衡之心,这是何等可怕的实力! Buzz!” “嗡!” Unexpectedly, Du Shaofu felt that in within the body Spirit Gate, purple Thunder Xuanding was automatic humming sound makes noise, has the Purple gold profound thunder release, the mountain gushes out in an instant in own within the body, the direct resistance that fearful prestige has been able to burst the pressure. 蓦地,杜少甫感觉到体内神阙内,紫雷玄鼎自动‘嗡嗡’作响,有着紫金玄雷释放,山刹那间涌出在了自己的体内,直接抵御下了那可怕的威能溃压。 Nine demons, this place is not one's turn you to be rampant!” “九魔,此地轮不到你嚣张!” Unexpectedly, this flickers in the upper air, has sound together to spread quietly. 蓦地,这一瞬高空上,有着一道声音悄然传出。
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