MGC :: Volume #13

#1234: The prestige of double seal

Chapter 1232: The prestige of double seal 第1232章:双印之威 Chapter 1232: The prestige of double seal! 第1232章:双印之威! Bang......” “轰隆隆……” During first is spatial, the cloudy Old Lei person is breaking through the enemy lines fully. 前空之中,阴雷老人正在全力破阵。 The blood by the purple flame monster phoenix attack, was stranded in that purple flame dreadful sea of fire evilly, the situation is quite pitiful, the whole body blood light sea was being burnt down to evaporate rapidly, becomes getting smaller. 血邪被紫炎妖凰攻击,困在那紫炎滔天的火海中,情况极为凄惨,周身血光海洋正在急速被焚烧蒸发,变得越来越小。 That Demon King seems fusing any card in a hand!” “那魔王似乎正在融合什么底牌!” The next vacuole had the vision completely to scold on Du Shaofu's, two fearful Hand Imprints were approaching to melt, bursts out the fearful aura. 下空所有目光尽数落在了杜少甫的身上,两道可怕的手印正在靠近相融,迸发可怕的气息。 Bang!” “轰!” In two Hand Imprints the friendly instance, a greatest fearful strength impact rebound, is similar to is both sides extremely moves with magnet, immediately rebounds, the space of vibration shivers continuous. 就在两道手印相融的瞬间,一股莫大的可怕力量冲击反弹而出,就如同是两面同极的磁石相碰触,顿时反弹,震动的空间颤抖不休。 Tittered......” “噗嗤……” This and other under fearful strength rebound impacts, in the Du Shaofu mouth a mouth blood spurts immediately crazily, the facial color instantly becomes pale, the gold is in charge to be in charge almost to collapse with the silver-white color. 这等可怕力量反弹冲击下,杜少甫嘴中顿时一嘴鲜血狂喷而出,面色霎时变得惨白,黄金掌印和银白色掌印几乎崩溃开去。 Ka!” “咔咔!” In Arrays, the cloudy Old Lei person is breaking through the enemy lines fully forcefully, bang the dull thumping sound sound was unceasing, making Arrays sway, starts to have the crack. 符阵内,阴雷老人全力在强行破阵,‘轰隆隆’的闷响声不绝,让得符阵摇摇晃晃,开始出现了裂缝。 Why cannot be successful, does not have the time, must succeed!” “为什么不能够成功,没时间了,一定要成功!” Du Shaofu is feeling all in Arrays, the vision is dignified , to continue to clench teeth to start being in charge that fuses two rebounds to open. 杜少甫感觉着符阵内的一切,目光凝重,继续咬牙开始融合两道反弹而开的掌印。 The yellow and black four altogether has four seal like India , China, four seal is interlinked, can achievement' the profound Yellow Emperor seal', the prestige be able to suppress the common people sufficiently, does great things but actually the sea! 玄黄四象印中一共有着四印,四印相通,可以成就'玄黄帝印',威能足以镇压苍生,移山倒海! But four seal can also the respective overlay practice, but must practice an seal not quite to be simple alone, at this moment fuses two seal, is the difficulty. 但四印也能够各自叠加修炼,只是单独要修炼一印都是不太简单,此刻融合两印,更是困难。 Profound imaginary four like seal are not ordinary martial skill, but is Martial arts, prints the implication world deep meaning, the implication Yin-Yang is mysterious, this moment Du Shaofu wants to fuse two seal , is more difficult compared with the expectation. 玄幻四象印并不是普通的武技,而是一种武学,印蕴含天地奥义,蕴含阴阳奥妙,此刻杜少甫想要融合两印,比起预想中还要困难一些。 The first failure, Du Shaofu has had no alternative, eight star beginning of the universe Arrays, cannot prevent the cloudy Old Lei person too long time. 第一次失败,杜少甫已经别无选择,八星混元符阵,阻挡不住阴雷老人太长的时间。 Let alone the Du Shaofu's goal does not prevent the cloudy Old Lei person, but wants to obtain the news that master Venerable. 何况杜少甫的目标也并不是阻挡阴雷老人,而是想要从中得到师父器尊的消息。 „......” “嗤嗤……” In the hand Hand Imprints congeals, Du Shaofu continues to fuse double seal, within the body Profound Qi fluctuates, the communication world energy, in both hands, as if contains the Yin-Yang at this moment, is easy to have the primal chaos, lives four elephants, decides eight sides...... 手中手印凝结,杜少甫继续融合双印,体内玄气波动,沟通天地能量,双手间,此刻似乎蕴含阴阳,易有太极,生四象,定八方…… This moment Du Shaofu fuses double seal, complex abstruse, includes and condenses all, forms establishing a new school overbearing Martial arts. 此刻杜少甫融合双印,复杂深奥,囊括和凝聚一切般,形成一种独树一帜的霸道武学 Profound Qi overflows galloping in within the body, the communication world energy, various deep meanings are connected. 玄气在体内溢动奔腾,沟通天地能量,各种奥义相连。 Du Shaofu blows off all, the two Hand Imprints second times melt, gradually overlapped in all, finally formed being in charge of indistinct money overlay. 杜少甫放空一切,两道手印第二次相融,逐渐重叠在了一切,最后形成一道隐隐约约的金银叠加的掌印。 Bang......” “轰隆隆……” In Arrays crack, the entire expansive sky shivers loudly, the crack on Arrays are also getting more and more. 符阵内轰然炸响,整个长空颤动,符阵上的裂缝也越来越多。 Finally, eight star beginning of the universe Arrays in the cloudy Old Lei person fully, direct shatter. 终于,八星混元符阵在阴雷老人的全力之下,直接破碎。 Bang!” “轰隆隆!” Arrays was rumbled forcefully broken, everything may become vulnerable. 符阵被强行轰碎,地动山摇。 The fearful aura sweeps across, the under ground is also the landslide cracks in the earth, is dumbfounded stunning! 可怕气息席卷,下方地面也是山崩地裂,让人瞠目结舌! Tittered!” “噗嗤!” In the Arrays shatter instance, in the Du Shaofu mouth is a mouth blood puts out. 就在符阵破碎的瞬间,杜少甫嘴中又是一嘴鲜血吐出。 Boy, died!” “小子,死去吧!” Also in this flash, cloudy Old Lei person look black to pinnacle, extremely pale, the form plundered the ghosts and demons to plunge fused Hand Imprints Du Shaofu in the condensation, a vigorous thunder and lightning energy swept across, all around spatial warping nihility. 也在这一霎那,阴雷老人面色阴沉到了极致,也极为苍白了起来,身影掠出鬼魅般扑向了在凝聚融合手印杜少甫,一股雄浑的雷电能量席卷而出,将四周空间扭曲成虚无。 „, Is Demon King Du Shaofu wins time, otherwise we everybody must fall into the hopeless situation today!” “诸位,为魔王杜少甫争取一点时间,否则我们今天大家都要陷入绝境!” That strength strongest vigorous old man of Salmon sword sect drinks greatly, a vigorous aura erupts, soars to the heavens to leap. 萨蒙剑宗的那实力最强的雄浑老者大喝,一股雄浑气息爆发,冲天跃出。 Is Demon King Du Shaofu wins time!” “为魔王杜少甫争取一点时间!” In the major influences, these top powerhouses leap immediately, energies sweep across, fully various stimulation of movement divine ability methods. 各大势力中,那些顶尖强者顿时跃出,一股股能量席卷,全力催动各种神通手段。 Bang!” “轰隆隆!” Is containing the attacks of powerful energy, is having an intermittent low and deep energy detonation sound, immediately in an instant, is going to cloudy Old Lei person suddenly explosion one after another. 蕴含着强悍能量的一道道攻击,便是带着一阵阵低沉的能量引爆声,顿时在刹那间,接连对着阴雷老人暴轰而去。 Praying mantis arm, when the car(riage), overreaches oneself!” “螳臂当车,不自量力!” Saw that the people besiege to come, this moment facial color pale cloudy Old Lei person, the facial color was also the thorough yin cold, the yellow long gown shook, originally attack to Du Shaofu's that big thunder and lightning energy, immediately on if quickly sweeping across of lightning has approached under all around the spatial people. 见到众人围攻而来,此刻面色惨白的阴雷老人,面色也是彻彻底底的阴寒了下来,黄色长袍一抖,原本攻击向杜少甫的那一大片雷电能量,顿时就快若闪电的席卷向了四周下空众人。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 砰砰砰! Energies clash, the attack opportunities of under major influence powerhouses collapse at the first encounter, under the strength of cloudy Old Lei person that fearful thunder and lightning, forms spits blood to crash, pounds to fall the ground and mountain peak, lets everything may become vulnerable, the landslide cracks in the earth. 一道道能量对撞,下方各大势力强者的攻击机会是一触即溃,在阴雷老人那可怕的雷电之力下,一道道身影吐血坠落,生生砸落地面和山峰,让得地动山摇,山崩地裂。 Tittered!” “噗嗤!” Ices flood dragon Venerable also to run out along with people, finally is also to the end the crash mountain peak, is quite pitiful. 冰蛟尊者也随着众人冲出,最后也是倒头坠落山峰,极为凄惨。 Bastard!” “混蛋!” Major influence people saw that his gate elder powerhouse collaborates gathering, all will not clench jaws, eye of dew chill in the air. 各大势力众人见到其宗门长辈强者联手也不是一合之将,皆是咬牙切齿,目露寒意。 Has spelled with him, is Demon King wins the time!” “和他拼了,为魔王争取时间!” Some temperament are irritable, the strength also good person, immediately is the whole face angry rushes goes, wants to collaborate to deal with the cloudy Old Lei person. 一些脾气火爆,实力也不俗的人,立刻便是满脸愤怒的冲上前去,欲要联手对付阴雷老人。 Ants, die!” “蝼蚁而已,都去死!” The cloudy Old Lei person disdains to sneer, waves to shake, electricity glow of blotting out the sky plunders, the strength of fearful thunder and lightning sweeps away the horizon, shakes that piece of form easily falls, many people change to the blood fog in the midair directly. 雷老人不屑冷笑,挥手一震,一股铺天盖地的电芒掠出,可怕的雷电之力横扫天际,轻易将那一片身影震落,不少人直接在半空化作血雾。 One flock of ants, who also dare to come up to bring death!” “一群蝼蚁,谁还敢上来送死!” The cloudy Old Lei person bases proudly void, all around electric arc fluctuates, the frightening aura of half territory level exposes without doubt, shows disdain for this seal ancient. 雷老人傲然立足虚空,四周电弧波动,半域层次的恐怖气息展露无疑,傲视这封印古地。 Bastard!” “混蛋!” Listens words that cloudy Old Lei person that is disdaining the shame, alliance armies angrily, facial casts become flushed, but is really has not actually dared to come up, nobody does not fear death truly. 听着阴雷老人那不屑羞辱的话语,联盟大军愤然,一个个脸庞涨红,但却是还真不敢上去,没有人是真正不怕死的。 However in cloudy Old Lei person voice just fell, suddenly the facial color is fierce changes, makes him feel also the fluctuation of energy of palpitation, suddenly before transmits spatially. 不过就在阴雷老人这话音刚刚落下之际,猛然面色便是猛的一变,一股让他感觉到也心悸的能量波动,突然自前空传来。 This fluctuation of energy extremely in frightening, lets the cloudy Old Lei person is in the eye has wiped panic-stricken, immediately looks up. 这能量波动太过于恐怖,让得阴雷老人也是眼中抹过一丝的惊骇,立刻就抬头望去。 Therefore before the cloudy Old Lei person then saw, spatial not far away, on that Du Shaofu both hands, the gold is in charge with the silver-white color together is in charge, does not know when fused quietly in one. 于是阴雷老人便是见到了前空不远处,那杜少甫双手上,一道黄金掌印和银白色掌印,不知道何时已经悄然融合在了一起。 Along with that fusion of two being in charge, a fearful prestige energy then in an instant rises dramatically, a fluctuation of energy of frightening from fills the air. 随着那两道掌印的融合,一股可怕的威能便是刹那间飙升,一股恐怖的能量波动自其中弥漫而出。 That and other frightening prestige energies, making the cloudy Old Lei person also immediately the facial color drastic change many. 那等恐怖的威能,让阴雷老人也顿时面色剧变不少。 So to be how strong!” “怎么会这么强!” In cloudy Old Lei person heart trembles greatly, that fearful prestige can in which be in charge together, he just also had asked for advice, but actually cannot think that its present returns to the prestige to rise dramatically so frightening. 雷老人心中大颤,那可怕威能中的其中一道掌印,他刚刚还领教过,但却是想不到其现在回威能飙升如此恐怖 At this moment, Du Shaofu unemotionally is looking at the cloudy Old Lei person of facial color drastic change, the corners of the mouth curve is dense, the facial color is pale, is appears thoroughly several points fierce and ice is colder. 这一刻,杜少甫面无表情的望着面色剧变的阴雷老人,嘴角弧度森然,面色惨白,更是显得透着几分狰狞和冰寒。 Finally fused three visceral cavities and gall bladder seal and moon seal, the double seal fusion, the prestige energy almost superimposes to over ten times doubled and re-doubled, this makes Du Shaofu also shock at this moment. 终于融合了少阳印和太阴印,双印融合,威能几乎是成倍叠加至十倍以上,这让得杜少甫此刻自己也在震骇。 But these, fusion two Hand Imprints, were swallows to absorb Du Shaofu within the body all energies. 但这其中,融合的两道手印,亦是吞噬吸收了杜少甫体内所有的能量。 Cloudy Old Lei ordinary man, now this I!” “阴雷老匹夫,现在该我了!” Du Shaofu gives a loud shout, a foot stamps spatially, in the hand being in charge of fusion, went to the cloudy Old Lei person on the direct racket together immediately. 杜少甫大喝一声,一脚跺空,手中一道融合的掌印,顿时就直接拍向了阴雷老人而去。 That is in charge together fills radiant money ray, glittering and translucent carving, tall and pleasing to the eye, just likes the jade, cuts the space, rises against the wind, changed to big of hundred zhang (333m) instantaneously, is having strength of the fearful destruction from fills the air, sun-blocking bursts to press under. 那一道掌印弥漫璀璨金银光芒,晶莹剔透,美轮美奂,犹如玉石般,划破空间,迎风而涨,瞬间化作了百丈之大,带着一种可怕的毁灭之力自其中弥漫而出,遮天蔽日般溃压而下。 Looks at that to be in charge bursts to press to come, the blockade square space, was unable to give way to traffic, the cloudy Old Lei person just now the facial color true startled changes. 瞧着那掌印溃压而来,封锁四方空间,已经无法避让,阴雷老人方才面色真正惊变起来。 That from the strength of destruction fills looks disdainfully overbearingly, makes in the cloudy Old Lei person heart send for no reason coldly. 那等自其中弥漫的毁灭之力霸道睥睨,无端让得阴雷老人心中发寒。 Cloudy deep Thunder Suan holds!” “阴冥雷狻掌!” Facial color drastic change, but the cloudy Old Lei person is also the absolute powerhouse, has not lost the strength of response, opposite started the response instantaneously, the electric light is in charge together erupts immediately. 面色剧变,但阴雷老人也是绝对的强者,并未曾丧失反应之力,相反的瞬间就开始了反应,一道电光掌印顿时爆发。 „!” “嗷!” Thunder Light is in charge to erupt from the cloudy Old Lei person palm in together, Thunder Light unusual animals Phantom soars, resembles Dragon Sishi, the thunder and lightning dances in the air, holds up the head to roar, is having the thunder and lightning of blotting out the sky, clashes to go directly! 一道雷光掌印自阴雷老人掌心内爆发而出,一只雷光异兽虚影腾空而出,似龙似狮,雷电飞舞,昂首咆哮,带着铺天盖地的雷电,直接对撞而去! Cloudy deep Thunder Suanzhang, this is the becoming famous unique skill of cloudy Old Lei person, the prestige can be quite fearful, does not know that many becoming famous powerhouses, die under this cloudy deep Thunder Suanzhang. 阴冥雷狻掌,这是阴雷老人的成名绝招,威能极为可怕,不知道不少成名强者,都陨落在这阴冥雷狻掌下。 All speeds are instantaneous, both are clash instantaneously, lets all around void is faint within stagnates, the purple flame monster phoenix that together with far is spatial the blood that suppressed is unable to gasp for breath evilly, is pupil light distant concentration. 一切速度都是瞬间,两者是瞬间对撞,让得四周虚空都是隐隐间为之停滞,连同远空正在压制的血邪无法喘过气来的紫炎妖凰,都是眸光远远的投注而来。 Then, in all vision panic-stricken, both clash, two energy instantaneous eruptions blast out, startled thunder-like crack, then resounds through the skies afterward. 然后,就在所有目光惊骇中,两者对撞,两股能量瞬间喷发炸开,一声惊雷般的炸响,也随后便是响彻云霄。 Bang!” “轰!” Crack the reverberation, the entire seal ancient crack under the sound shivered in this energy, gets down in the spatial all around enough over a thousand zhang (3.33 m), the mountain peak earth is the avalanche crack. 炸响回荡,整个封印古地都在这能量炸响声下颤抖了起来,下空四周足足上千丈以内,山峰大地皆是崩塌龟裂。 Bang bang bang......” “砰砰砰……” Next spatial blasts out one after another, all were destroyed, the vast earth changes to the desert, the rock changes to the powder powder, the crushed stone lasing. 下空接连炸开,一切被摧毁,辽阔大地化作沙漠般,岩石化作齑粉,碎石激射。 So clashing of frightening, the prestige can powerful in this way. 如此恐怖的对撞,威能强悍如斯。 Was too fearful, feared that is common Nirvana Martial Venerable is swept across, wants the skeleton not to save!” “太可怕了,怕是一般的涅槃武尊被席卷进去,也要尸骨无存吧!” Demon King Du Shaofu good overbearing martial skill!” 魔王杜少甫好霸道的武技啊!” Since these top powerhouses of major influences crawl from ground, is looking at sky that fearful destruction attack, is the throat boiling hot, pours to swallow the saliva. 各大势力的那些顶尖强者从地上爬起,望着上空那可怕的毁灭攻击,皆是喉咙滚烫,倒咽唾沫。
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