MGC :: Volume #13

#1233: Does the strength of dragon

Chapter 1231: Does the strength of dragon 第1231章:乾龙之力 Chapter 1231: Does the strength of dragon. 第1231章:乾龙之力。 But in this time, in the Du Shaofu hand Hand Imprints early was fluttering, the remnant shade change, making all around the space almost coagulate. 而就在此时,杜少甫手中手印早已经在翻飞,残影变化,让得四周空间几乎凝固。 Crazy dragon nine layers day, with the strength of dry dragon!” “狂龙九重天,借乾龙之力!” As drinks the sound to fall greatly, Du Shaofu payment for shares light eruption direct impact vault of heaven, under a speed like lightning, condensed four big dragon Phantom. 随着大喝声落下,杜少甫身上一股金光爆发直冲苍穹,在一个闪电般的速度下,凝聚出了四条巨龙虚影 „......” “嗷嗷嗷嗷……” Four big dragons roared, the dragon ate delicacies for nine days. 四条巨龙咆哮,龙啸九天。 What this moment Du Shaofu stimulation of movement is in universe Dragon Hujue ‚the crazy dragon nine layers day, can make own strength promote in a short time much. 此刻杜少甫催动的是乾坤龙虎诀中的‘狂龙九重天’,能够让自己的的实力短时间内提升不少。 Main said according to such as the crazy territory that the crazy dragon nine layers day, that is the escape is necessary, card in a hand method of tyrannical same level cultivation base. 按照如狂域主的话说,狂龙九重天,那是是逃命必备,狂虐同级修为者的底牌手段。 Four big dragons appear, changes to four energy bolts of white silk instantaneously, just liked the thunder falls on Du Shaofu's within the body. 四条巨龙浮现,瞬间化作四道能量匹练,犹如雷霆般落在了杜少甫的体内。 Bang!” “轰!” This occasion instantaneous, the aura of Du Shaofu unusual Martial Venerable peak level, is then rising dramatically at a rocket speed, when the aura to the beginning of the universe Martial Venerable intermediate stage level about, this has ceased. 此际瞬间,杜少甫身上超凡武尊巅峰层次的气息,便是以一种火箭般的速度在飙升,当气息到了混元武尊中期层次左右,这才停息下来。 From unusual Martial Venerable peak to beginning of the universe Martial Venerable intermediate stage level, to Martial Venerable boundary level, this promotion span absolutely extremely frightening. 从超凡武尊巅峰到混元武尊中期层次,到了武尊境层次,这提升的跨度绝对极为恐怖 „The crazy dragon nine layers day, that is in universe Dragon Hujue divine ability, supervises the sect to stimulate to movement the card in a hand of my albizzia julibrissin sect!” “狂龙九重天,那是乾坤龙虎诀中的神通,监宗在催动我合欢宗的底牌!” Next airborne, ices the flood dragon Venerable eye to tremble, the crazy dragon nine layers day, he has also heard, never see. 下空中,冰蛟尊者目颤,狂龙九重天,他也只是听说过,从未得见。 It is said if can stimulate to movement the strength of Nine dragons, the strength rises suddenly to the frightening situation sufficiently. 据说若是能够催动到九龙之力,实力足以暴涨到恐怖地步。 However this type promotes the cultivation base method short, to own strength stronger situation, the effect must also be worse. 不过这种短暂提升修为的手段,到了自身实力越强的地步,效果也就要越差。 The energy of simultaneously mortal body weaker person, withstands is also more limited, the hearsay only then a mortal body stronger person, has the opportunity to stimulate to movement the strength of final Nine dragons. 同时肉身越弱的人,所承受的能量也越有限,传闻只有肉身越强的人,才有机会催动到最后的九龙之力。 Otherwise, that strength of Nine dragons, keeps stimulation of movement from withstanding sufficiently. 否则的话,那九龙之力,足以让催动者自己无法承受。 So the divine ability method, is in rumor in universe Dragon Hujue method, the albizzia julibrissin sect really has many inside story!” “如此神通手段,是传言中乾坤龙虎诀中的手段么,合欢宗果然有着不少底蕴啊!” Next airborne Mu Jianchen, looks at the aura that Du Shaofu is rising suddenly at this moment, is on the handsome pale face cannot bear shivered. 下空中的沐剑晨,此刻瞧着杜少甫暴涨的气息,也是俊朗苍白的脸庞上忍不住的颤抖了起来。 Promotes the cultivation base strength short the method, in the Salmon sword sect also has, but generally speaking, only then in the cultivation base some uses of level below to Martial Emperor boundary level. 短暂提升修为实力的手段,萨蒙剑宗内也不是没有,但一般来说,也只有在修为层次至武皇境层次以下才有一些用途。 Likely is Du Shaofu so, to the unusual Martial Venerable level, divine ability of this short promotion strength, actually can also promote such a big truncation, indicated its merit law was uncommon. 像是杜少甫这般,到了超凡武尊层次,这种短暂提升实力的神通,却是还能够提升这么一大截,足见其功法的不凡了。 Stimulates to movement the crazy dragon nine layers day, the Du Shaofu strength rises suddenly at the same time, that claw-print of cloudy Old Lei person also appeared before the body, all is a long story, if quickly lightning. 催动狂龙九重天,杜少甫实力暴涨的同时,阴雷老人的那爪印也已经出现在了身前,一切说来话长,快若闪电。 Du Shaofu vision prestige energy, Hand Imprints continues to congeal like lightning, Profound Qi in within the body is the flood that is similar to falls in torrents is also ordinary, condensed golden Hand Imprints following Hand Imprints before the palm instantaneously, the ray was gorgeous, just likes is color of the radiant gold. 杜少甫目光威能,手印继续闪电般凝结,体内的玄气也是如同倾泻的洪水一般,顺着手印瞬间在掌心之前凝聚成了一道黄金手印,光芒绚丽,犹如是一片璀璨的黄金之色。 This golden Hand Imprints, is not only martial skill, but is Martial arts, contains the world deep meaning likely, the implication Yin-Yang is mysterious, making countless person vision look, is fearful and apprehensive cannot help but, for it soul trembling millet. 这黄金手印,不仅仅是武技,而是一种武学,像是蕴含天地奥义,蕴含阴阳奥妙,让无数人目光望着,都是不由自主的心惊肉跳,为之灵魂颤粟。 Three visceral cavities and gall bladder seal!” “少阳印!” Among this electric light flint, Du Shaofu gives a loud shout, golden Hand Imprints float above palm, powerful energy pressure from fills the air. 这电光火石间,杜少甫大喝一声,黄金手印悬浮在手掌之上,强悍的能量威压自其中弥漫而出。 In charge cuts the expansive sky overbearingly, during twinkles, was and cloudy Old Lei person arrived at present claw-print hit maliciously in one. 掌印霸道划破长空,一个闪烁间,便是与阴雷老人到了眼前的爪印狠狠的撞击在了一起。 Thunder and lightning claw-print and golden Hand Imprints, bumps into under numerous vision gazes immediately loudly, the sound of energy startled day, on void suddenly resounds through in this piece together suddenly...... 雷电爪印和黄金手印,在众多目光注视下顿时轰然相撞,一道能量惊天之声,乍然间就在这片虚空上陡然响彻而起…… Bang......” “嘭……” This and other startled day energies clash, in that energy storm center place, the void all around space also likely is the avalanche leaves a giant jet black cavity. 这等惊天能量对撞,在那能量风暴中心处,虚空四周的空间也是像是崩塌出一个巨大的漆黑空洞。 The frightening runes energy ripples, swept across to open just like the difficult situation, change to the energy storm to spatial to stop far, then dissipated together in the innumerable astonished vision, all returned to normal. 恐怖符文能量涟漪,宛如惊涛骇浪席卷而开,化作能量风暴到了远空才噶然而止,然后在无数惊愕的目光中一同消散开去,一切恢复平静。 Deng!Deng!......!” 蹬蹬……!” The Du Shaofu body shakes once again draws back, in throat spreads a stuffy pshaw. 杜少甫身躯再度震退,喉咙中传出一声闷哼声。 The both wings fan, a foot stamps on void, erupts the golden light, on outside the hundred zhang (333m) Du Shaofu has stood firm the body. 双翅扇动,一脚跺在虚空上,爆发金光,上百丈外杜少甫才稳住了身躯。 Cloudy Old Lei person body is also one staggers at this moment, the vision shivers, even more yin cold. 雷老人身躯此刻也是一个踉跄,目光颤动,越发阴寒。 Good powerful Demon King!” “好强悍的魔王!” Looked at Du Shaofu unexpectedly is being frontage resistance -and-a-half territory powerhouses, although occupied leeward, but also sufficiently the full house shocked. 瞧着杜少甫竟是正面抵御下了一个半域强者,虽然还是占据了下风,但也足以满场震骇了。 Boy, surprised me actually time and time again, but so, cannot change the fact!” “小子,倒是一次又一次的让我意外了,不过也就如此了,改变不了事实!” Was feeling aura that Du Shaofu rises suddenly and just that extremely powerful strikes, sufficiently and Nirvana Martial Venerable positive showdown is not defeated, the cloudy Old Lei person is also a brow wrinkle. 感觉着杜少甫暴涨的气息和刚刚那极为强悍的一击,足以和涅槃武尊正面对决而不落败,阴雷老人也是眉头一皱。 The gloomy words fall, next one flickers, the cloudy Old Lei person yellow robe shakes, the sleeve robe wields to sweep away, then only hears scoffs at the electric arc shuttle sound, electric arcs that afterward blots out the sky, is similar to the poisonous snake, immediately is plundering to Du Shaofu. 阴沉话语落下,下一瞬,阴雷老人黄袍一抖,袖袍挥出横扫,便是只听得‘嗤啦啦’的电弧穿梭声,随后铺天盖地的一片电弧,便是如同毒蛇般,顿时对着杜少甫掠去。 The Du Shaofu vision sinks, whole body golden light does not know when changed to dazzling white god glow, in an instant, 34 area array flag reappearing palms. 杜少甫目光一沉,周身金光不知何时已经化作了耀眼的一片白色神芒,刹那间,34面阵旗浮现掌心。 The flag twists void, plunders rapidly. 阵旗扭曲虚空,飞速掠出。 Bang!” “轰!” As the flag plunders, instantaneous abstruse changes to the light screen connected, the big piece vast space was covered Arrays, radiant runes is dazzling, space coagulation distortion. 随着阵旗掠出,瞬间玄奥相连化作光幕,大片辽阔空间被笼罩上了符阵,璀璨符文耀眼,空间凝固扭曲。 Bang!” “轰隆隆!” Above faint within Arrays thunder, is obviously billowing with the dark cloud! 隐隐间可见符阵之上电闪雷鸣,伴随着乌云滚滚! 34 area array flags, that is eight star beginning of the universe Arrays, rapidly, Du Shaofu instantaneous arrangement. 34面阵旗,那是八星混元符阵,急速间,杜少甫瞬间布置。 Although by the present strength, the great strength of Soul Force, Du Shaofu was feeling in addition arrange eight star Nirvana Arrays not to have the major problem, in albizzia julibrissin sect universe building most one, has perceived through meditation eight star Nirvana Arrays. 虽然以现在的实力,加上元神的强大,杜少甫感觉着自己布置八星涅槃符阵也不会有多大问题,在合欢宗乾坤楼最上一层,也参悟过八星涅槃符阵 But this moment Du Shaofu arranges eight star Nirvana Arrays in a panic, is actually some without enough time. 但此刻杜少甫仓惶间布置八星涅槃符阵,却是有些来不及。 Eight star beginning of the universe Arrays instantaneous arrangement, fetter in which the cloudy Old Lei person, the Du Shaofu facial color also instantaneous pale, has not actually gone in Arrays, white god glow restraining, then the golden light twinkle, Hand Imprints then rapidly flutter. 八星混元符阵瞬间布置,将阴雷老人束缚其中,杜少甫面色也瞬间苍白,却是并未曾进去符阵内,白色神芒收敛,而后金光闪烁,一道道手印便是急速翻飞。 Scoffs!” “嗤啦!” As in the Du Shaofu hand Hand Imprints congeals, unusual wild fluctuations of energy, ripple from the week suddenly emptily, a faint trace just likes the golden energy and silver-white energy of substantializing, suddenly passes from the space endosmosis of nihility, making the space also at this moment slightly twist. 随着杜少甫手中手印凝结,一股股异样的狂暴能量波动,骤然自周空荡漾而起,一丝丝犹如实质化的金色能量和银白色能量,突然自虚无的空间内渗透而出,让空间也在此刻微微扭曲起来。 Next flickers, above the Du Shaofu double palm, the traditional method of counting numbers light is radiant, a palm silver illustrious eye, likely is one cloudy one positive, one just one supple. 下一瞬,杜少甫双掌之上,一掌金光璀璨,一掌银光耀眼,像是一阴一阳,一刚一柔。 The golden color is in charge, is radiant just like the gold. 金色掌印,宛如黄金璀璨。 The silver-white energy is in charge flood strange silver-white runes, seems just likes is lingering by far a layer upon layer silver-white lightning. 银白色能量掌印泛起诡异的银白色符文,远远看上去犹如是萦绕着一层层银白色的闪电。 Bang!” “轰!” As these two are in charge float in both hands, the respective extremely fearful energy fills the flood, the surrounding space of vibration also shivers. 随着这两道掌印悬浮在双手,各自一股极为可怕的能量弥漫满溢而出,震动的周围空间也为之颤动。 At this moment, what Du Shaofu simultaneously stimulates to movement is three visceral cavities and gall bladder seal and moon seal, profound imaginary four like seal, but each one cultivates alone, may the seal seal overlap, the prestige can multiply! 此刻,杜少甫同时催动的是少阳印和太阴印,玄幻四象印,可各自单独修炼,也可印印重叠,威能倍增! To at this moment, Du Shaofu wanted to take risk to try, from the prestige can, the prestige of three visceral cavities and gall bladder seal be able not to be alone many under tyrant fist alone, if fuses moon seal at this moment, could let to rise suddenly much, even exceeds Tyrant Quandao. 到了此刻,杜少甫想要冒险一试,单独从威能上来说,少阳印的威能单独就不会在霸拳道之下太多,若是此刻融合太阴印,或许能够让威能暴涨不少,甚至超越霸拳道。 „The [say / way] of world, by Yin-Yang two air/Qi good fortune myriad things, world, livelihood, thunder and lightning, wind and rain, male female, hard and soft, the sound, obviously collects, all things, none who does not divide the Yin-Yang......” “天地之道,以阴阳二气造化万物,天地,日月,雷电,风雨,雄雌,刚柔,动静,显敛,万事万物,莫不分阴阳……” Du Shaofu muttered the light [say / way], in the mouth mumbles, controlled two Hand Imprints to melt slowly. 杜少甫喃喃轻道,嘴中念念有词,控制着两道手印徐徐相融。
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