MGC :: Volume #13

#1232: Said goodbye the old enemy

Chapter 1230: Said goodbye the old enemy 第1230章:再见宿敌 Chapter 1230: Said goodbye the old enemy. 第1230章:再见宿敌。 As sound voice of that day falls, a light blazing aura from all around void spread, is having a light delicate fragrance, together beautiful figure slowly from reveals, a purple clothes Wei empties, outlines floats the posture of raised enticement. 随着那天籁般的话音落下,一股淡淡的炽热气息自四周虚空蔓延,带着一种淡淡的幽香,一道倩影徐徐自其中显露而出,一袭紫衣娓空,勾勒浮凸诱惑之姿。 The beautiful figure female lifts the pupil slightly, the double pupil such as purple dazzling sun, as if can completely understand in society all, the white arms shake slightly, Hand Imprints condensation that on the jade palm purple-colored flame wraps together, blazing purple flame just like purple lava eruption, blazing incomparable, twists the space, pats directly, in that former that blood light has been in charge on. 倩影女子微微抬眸,双眸如紫色曜日,似乎能看透世间一切,皓腕微微一抖,玉掌上一道紫色火炎包裹的手印凝聚,炽热的紫色火光宛如紫色熔浆般喷发,炽热无匹,扭曲空间,直接拍在了那前者那血光掌印上。 Bang!” “轰!” Both move, fierce fluctuation of energy, the blazing aura and shatter blood light runes, assumes the ring-like proliferation to be void, just like the meteorite in the place above scrap, the sea of fire crashes, Baleful Qi is dreadful. 两者碰触,剧烈的能量波动,炽热气息和破碎的血光符文,呈环形扩散虚空,宛如陨石在上方炸碎,火海坠落,煞气滔天。 Scoffs......” “嗤啦啦……” Blocks the sky the air/Qi of blood ghost was destroyed, the blood evil form withdraws one after another, in the blood light double pupil also gushed out the color of shocking. 遮天蔽日般的血煞之气被摧毁,血邪身影接连退后,血光双瞳内也涌出了震骇之色。 The fearful aura sweeps across, Du Shaofu looked up suddenly is presenting before the body female, the makings refined ultra dust, the full purple sent the silk to let fall following the fragrant shoulder, until the outstanding tender buttocks, with the slender straight both legs, outlined the graceful mature arc. 可怕气息席卷,杜少甫抬头望着突然出现在了身前的女子,气质脱俗超尘,满头紫色发丝顺着香肩垂落而下,直至挺翘娇臀,和修长笔直的双腿,勾勒出曼妙的成熟弧线。 Is she......” “是她……” The Du Shaofu vision trembles suddenly, looks at the back to know the one who was, besides purple flame monster phoenix, will definitely not have others. 杜少甫目光骤然一颤,看着背影就知道来的是谁了,除了紫炎妖凰之外,也绝对不会有别人。 Repelled the blood to be evil, the female turned head slowly, in the purple double pupil the vision, was similar to the fireworks faintly recognizable nihility is brilliant. 击退了血邪,女子徐徐回头,紫色双眸内目光,如同烟花般飘渺虚无而绚烂。 When alliance innumerable vision see the present female, trembles for it heart in all. 当联盟无数目光见到眼前的女子,无不是为之心中一颤。 That is a collection moving appearance, the posture of enticement, exiles the immortal makings, the charming character and style in a female, can make the man lose the soul sufficiently. 那是一个集动人容颜,诱惑之姿,谪仙气质,妩媚风情于一身的女子,足以能够让男子失去魂魄。 This moving character and style charming female, purple flame monster phoenix. 这动人的风情妩媚女子,也正是紫炎妖凰。 breakthrough!” “难道突破了!” Du Shaofu is looking at purple flame monster phoenix, was feeling this moment its aura, the heart trembles secretly. 杜少甫望着紫炎妖凰,感觉着此刻其身上的气息,暗自心颤。 Was feeling purple flame monster phoenix aura, compared with previous time meets, had the archery target to be different imperceptibly, Du Shaofu guessed that the purple flame monster phoenix feared was already breakthrough that half step, visited the genuine beast territory! 感觉着紫炎妖凰身上的气息,比起上次见面,无形中已经有了质的不同,杜少甫猜测,紫炎妖凰怕是已经突破了那半步,踏足到了真正的兽域! Purple flame monster phoenix purple double pupil looked to Du Shaofu, the purple pupil was slightly dark, the sound such as the immortal sound was remote, said: As if sees you each time, do you have troublesome being encumbered, Xiao Xingxing?” 紫炎妖凰紫色双眸望向了杜少甫,紫色眸子微微暗动,音如仙音渺渺,道:“似乎每次见你,你都有着麻烦缠身,小星星呢?” Xiao Xingxing......” 小星星……” hear speech/words, Du Shaofu sinks on vision immediately, did not have the news Xiao Xingxing to the present. 闻言,杜少甫顿时就目光一沉,小星星到现在还没有消息。 Visual Du Shaofu's was responding that the purple flame monster phoenix appearance sinks immediately, the sound becomes chilly, is looking at Du Shaofu, said: I have gone to the state, went to Stone City, finally obtains the news, you possibly in the war casualty state albizzia julibrissin sect, go to the albizzia julibrissin sect to arrive at this place, if the Xiao Xingxing accident sentiment, I make you attractive!” 目视着杜少甫的反应,紫炎妖凰容颜顿时沉下,声音变得清冽,望着杜少甫,道:“我去过中州,去过石城,最后得到消息,你可能在殇州合欢宗,去过合欢宗才来到此地,若是小星星出了什么事情,我让你好看!” The purple flame monster phoenix voice falls, making the will of the people bottom unable to bear shiver, under that peerless appearance makings, absolutely is elegantly beautiful cruel and merciless. 紫炎妖凰话音落下,让人心底忍不住打着冷颤,那绝世容颜气质下,也绝对是冷艳心狠手辣的。 Du Shaofu is looking at purple flame monster phoenix, the vision is tranquil, the corners of the mouth bring back the smooth and level pale curve, said: Is a long story, I was later again with you said that I was also looking for Xiao Xingxing.” 杜少甫望着紫炎妖凰,目光平静,嘴角勾起一抹平淡的弧度,道:“说来话长,我迟一些再和你说吧,我也正在找小星星。” If Xiao Xingxing has the matter, I will not let off you absolutely!” “要是小星星有事,我绝对不会放过你!” Purple flame monster phoenix is fixing the eyes on Du Shaofu, the makings are complex, the purple pupil also suddenly became in this monster different. 紫炎妖凰紧盯着杜少甫,气质复杂,紫眸也在这乍然间变得妖异了起来。 You are the beast clan, why must meddle the human the matter, does humanity ride on your monster beast abuses power insufficiently also?” “你是兽族,何必要插手人类的事情,难道人类骑在你们妖兽头上作威作福还不够么?” Was shaken draws back the blood evilly visual the purple flame monster phoenix, looks at that purple skirt beast clan females as if also to have the barrier with that human boy, the blood light double pupil flood the fluctuation, reveals to sneer secretly. 被震退血邪目视着紫炎妖凰,瞧着那紫裙兽族女子似乎和那人类小子还有着隔阂,血光双瞳泛着波动,暗自露出冷笑。 My matter has not been one's turn your evil thing to talk too much, courts death!” “我的事情还轮不到你一个邪物多嘴,找死!” The purple flame monster phoenix vision sinks, the gloomy appearance suddenly turns about, immediately spread purple brilliance, all around purple flame fluctuates instantaneously, entire void all around spread immediately billowing purple-colored flame. 紫炎妖凰目光一沉,阴沉的容颜说变就变,顿时身上蔓延紫色光华,四周紫炎瞬间波动,整个虚空四周顿时蔓延上了滚滚的紫色火炎 purple-colored flame is billowing, just likes huge purple-colored flame sea, all around void package, covered directly to that blood went evilly. 紫色火炎滚滚,犹如巨大的一片紫色火炎海洋,将四周虚空包裹其中,直接笼罩向了那血邪而去。 Scoundrel!” “混账!” Blood evil facial color big change, where he thinks that a few words will cause that beast clan woman said begins to begin, that purple-colored flame makes him dread absolutely that the aura of opposite party is also the genuine beast territory boundary. 血邪面色大变,他哪里想到一句话就会引得那兽族女人说动手就动手,那紫色火炎让他绝对忌惮,对方的气息也是真正的兽域境。 In an instant, the blood evil whole body erupts the blood light immediately, impediment of blotting out the sky has approached all around purple-colored flame. 刹那间,血邪周身立刻爆发血光,铺天盖地的阻挡向了四周的紫色火炎 At this moment the demon gate also has destroyed, under true dreading, with it simultaneously, the blood looks at the upper air to shout to clear the way evilly loudly: Cloudy thunder, you have not come out, if wastes all previous efforts today, you cannot be inescapable.” 此刻就连魔门也毁了,真正的忌惮下,与之同时,血邪望着高空大声喝道:“阴雷,你还不出来么,要是今天前功尽弃,你也跑不了。” Listens to blood evil big to drink, Du Shaofu is startled, afterward the mind sinks immediately. 听着血邪的大喝,杜少甫一怔,随后心神顿时一沉。 Du Shaofu is not strange to the cloudy Old Lei person, has not thought that these evil spirit is unexpectedly related with the cloudy Old Lei person, these evil spirits with Demon Religion feared that also absolutely has the relations. 杜少甫对阴雷老人可是不陌生,没想到这些邪灵居然是和阴雷老人有关,如此说来,这些邪灵和魔教怕是也绝对有着关系。 Blood is evil, you insist a meeting first, I coped with that boy to say first again that he was we continuously in the person of looking!” “血邪,你先坚持一会,我先对付了那小子再说,他可是我们一直在找的人!” The same time of thought rotation in the Du Shaofu mind, together the gloomy sound, suddenly then spreads in the upper air. 就在杜少甫脑海中念头转动的同时间,一道阴沉的声音,突然便是在高空传出。 Afterward above the upper air wears the yellow robe, the facial features cloudy severe old man stretches across the space, binocular fluctuation Thunder Light, the aura is fearful. 随后高空之上一个身着黄袍,面容阴厉的老者横跨空间而出,双眼波动雷光,气息可怕。 Cloudy Old Lei person!” “阴雷老人!” The Du Shaofu vision gushes out the fearful golden light suddenly, the future old enemy cloudy Old Lei person. 杜少甫目光骤然涌出慑人金光,来者正是宿敌阴雷老人。 Is -and-a-half territories!” “又是一个半域!” Alliance army trembles, that fearful thunder and lightning aura fluctuation arrives, that is -and-a-half territory powerhouses. 联盟大军目颤,那可怕的雷电气息波动降临,那又是一个半域强者而来。 Boy, ran away the war casualty state, was only a pity that the luck is not quite as if good, today falls in my hand!” “小子,原来逃到了殇州,只可惜运气似乎是不太好,今天又落在了我手中!” The cloudy Old Lei person fixed the eyes on Du Shaofu, the light chill in the air gushed out, an eye of dew sneered. 雷老人紧盯上了杜少甫,淡淡的寒意涌出,目露冷笑。 My master now where?” “我师父现在在何处?” Du Shaofu treads several steps forward, back Great Peng Golden Wing inspires, the full hair silk dances in the air, grasps Purple gold day error, is having one overbearingly incomparable, sweeps away the potential of four directions. 杜少甫向前踏出数步,背后大鹏金翅一振,满头发丝飞舞,手持紫金天阙,自有着一股霸道无匹,横扫四方之势。 Master Venerable by Demon Religion is seized, Heavenly military college was extinguished with Seven Star Palace is conquered by killing, is related with Demon Religion, this moment personal enemy meets, in the Du Shaofu eye the chill in the air is dreadful. 师父器尊被魔教所擒,天武学院被灭和七星殿被血洗,都和魔教有关,此刻仇人见面,杜少甫眼中寒意滔天。 Does not need to worry, you can meet with your master not long!” “不用着急,你不用多久就能够和你师父见面了!” The cloudy Old Lei person sneers, the look is cloudy, today this grade of opportunity, decides however cannot miss again, he must seize that boy, when the time comes absolute great merit. 雷老人冷笑,神色阴沉,今天这等机会,定然不能够再错过,他要擒住那小子,到时候绝对的大功一件。 You did not say that my you asked!” “你不说,那我就自己问!” Du Shaofu double pupil ice-cold, stares at the cloudy Old Lei person, the sole is stamping void, the back flutters to leap, dives just like Great Peng, in the hand Purple gold day error, a sword contains Sword of the Tyrant, chops directly. 杜少甫双瞳冰冷,盯着阴雷老人,脚掌一跺虚空,背后振翅跃出,宛如大鹏俯冲,手中紫金天阙,一剑蕴含霸剑道,直接劈下。 At this moment facing the cloudy Old Lei person, the deep hatred sea, Du Shaofu kills intent to not cover up, vigorous and resolute, take a shot / make a move is heartless. 此刻面对阴雷老人,血仇似海,杜少甫杀意不加掩饰,雷厉风行,出手无情。 Well......” “咦……” Faces a Du Shaofu's sword to plunder, contains sword intent, cloudy Old Lei person its facial color also startled changes many, from extinguishing Seven Star Palace to the present, the time is about one year, the present boy strength rose suddenly unexpectedly so the situation. 面对着杜少甫的一剑掠来,蕴含剑意,阴雷老人其面色也为之惊变不少,从灭了七星殿到现在,时间也不过一年左右,眼前的小子居然实力暴涨到了如此地步。 However the cloudy Old Lei person has not feared actually, in the eye the double pupil fills Thunder Light, passes cold Yihe to be arrogant, in the hand is runes is more flaming, turns the palm into the claw, electric light claw-print twists together void, immediately grasped to that fearful sword glow. 不过阴雷老人倒是还不惧,眼中双瞳弥漫雷光,透着冷意和傲慢,手中更是符文炽盛,化掌为爪,一道电光爪印扭曲虚空,顿时抓向了那可怕的剑芒。 Du Shaofu kills intent to be dreadful, but in heart is actually sobering, the cloudy Old Lei person will be half territory, the strength not in the blood evil, oneself are not even able suppresses blood evil suppression this cloudy Old Lei person like that likely, will therefore face the cloudy thunder, without doubt compared with facing blood wanting will be evilly nasty. 杜少甫杀意滔天,但心中却是清醒着,阴雷老人可是半域,实力不会在血邪之下,自己甚至无法像是压制血邪那般的压制这阴雷老人,所以面对阴雷,无疑是比起面对血邪还要难以对付。 Therefore Du Shaofu has not spelled hardly, looks at a cloudy Old Lei person claw distortion to grasp void, the double pupil vision is cold, not having what words, in the hand Purple gold day error to change directly, has pulled up a curved arc upwardly, immediately the sword move change, the Purple gold sword glow rises suddenly, has passed through the vault of heaven likely, changed to dozens overbearing sword glow, pierced void Qi Qi to rush the cloudy Old Lei person directly. 因此杜少甫并没有硬拼,瞧着阴雷老人一爪扭曲虚空抓来,双瞳目光冷冽,没有什么话语,手中紫金天阙直接变化,向上撩过一道弯弧,顿时剑招变化,紫金剑芒暴涨,像是贯穿了苍穹,化作了数十道霸道剑芒,直接洞穿虚空齐齐涌向了阴雷老人。 Boy, you are insufficient!” “小子,你还不够!” The cloudy Old Lei person sneers, the Hand Imprints change, stimulates to movement several method divine ability, runes everywhere, with the thunder, destroys dozens overbearing sword glow forcefully. 雷老人冷笑,手印变化,催动数种手段神通,符文漫天,伴随着雷霆,强行摧毁数十道霸道剑芒。 Xumi illusion!” “须弥幻境!” The form moves fast, if god, Du Shaofu ghosts and demons near body before the cloudy Old Lei person, by eight star beginning of the universe spirit talisman master late cultivation base strengths, stimulates to movement the big brother Zhen Qingchun unique skill Xumi illusion, immediately covers the cloudy Old Lei person. 身影飘忽若神,杜少甫鬼魅近身到了阴雷老人身前,以八星混元灵符师后期的修为实力,催动大哥甄清醇的绝招须弥幻境,立刻笼罩阴雷老人。 By this moment Du Shaofu's fearful Soul Force strength, stimulates to movement under the Xumi illusion, makes Nirvana peak Martial Venerable be stranded in sufficiently. 以此刻杜少甫的可怕元神力量,催动须弥幻境下,足以让涅槃巅峰武尊困在其中。 Half territory is not true Martial Domain, the cloudy Old Lei person must be affected. 半域不是真正的武域,阴雷老人也要受到影响。 Can say now in the strength, except mortal body anomaly, strength of Du Shaofu on Talisman Dao, but also is higher than the martial arts. 可以说现在在实力上,除去肉身的变态,杜少甫符道上的实力,还要高于武道。 This mainly on Soul Force, Du Shaofu recently obtained many astonishing advantage. 这主要是在元神上,杜少甫最近得到了不少的惊人好处。 Rising typhoon shocking wing!” “扶摇震天翅!” When Xumi illusion stimulation of movement, Du Shaofu sweeps away by Great Peng Golden Wing, overlapping golden light talisman-pattern erupts, swept across directly to the cloudy Old Lei person. 当须弥幻境催动,杜少甫大鹏金翅横扫,层层叠叠的金光符箓秘纹爆发,直接席卷向了阴雷老人。 In the Xumi illusion, the cloudy Old Lei person was affected, but in that overlapping overbearing golden light talisman-pattern sweeps across before the body flickers, it starts to recover, has electricity glow to erupt from within the body in a panic, closely covers in the whole body. 须弥幻境内,阴雷老人受到影响,但就在那层层叠叠的霸道金光符箓秘纹席卷到身前的一瞬,其开始回过神来,仓惶间有着一股电芒自体内爆发,紧紧笼罩在周身。 Bang!” “轰隆隆!” The golden light talisman-pattern clashing electricity glow, hit in one erupted a piece of flaming ray in the midair, submerged the big piece void. 金光符箓秘纹对撞电芒,撞击在了一起在半空爆发一片炽盛的光芒,将大片虚空淹没。 Deng!Deng!!” 蹬蹬!” Extremely under, the cloudy Old Lei person body also one after another was shaken in a panic draws back ten several feet to stand firm the body, shameless became in this moment especially the yin cold. 太过于仓惶之下,阴雷老人身躯也接连被震退十数丈才稳住身躯,一张老脸在此刻间变得格外阴寒了起来。 The vision is cloudy, the chill in the air fights to shoot, the cloudy Old Lei person does not have to think one must suffer a loss in front of Du Shaofu's unexpectedly. 目光阴沉,寒意斗射,阴雷老人没想到自己居然是在杜少甫的面前还要吃亏。 Boy, was disinclined to play with you, finished!” “小子,懒得和你玩了,结束吧!” The cloudy Old Lei person drinks coldly, Hand Imprints congeals, from the body surface, thunder and lightning fills the air, making the big piece universe fill the electric arc. 雷老人冷喝,手印凝结,自体表内,一股股雷电弥漫而出,让得大片天宇充满电弧。 Scoffs!” “嗤!” Finally from the universe above, the cloudy Old Lei person stimulates to movement the thunder and lightning to change to huge Thunder Light claw-print, grasps void to grasp broken to Du Shaofu, in the fearful electric arc twinkle, claw-print such as the meteorite arrives. 最后自天宇之上,阴雷老人催动雷电化作一道巨大的雷光爪印,生生抓碎虚空对着杜少甫抓去,可怕的电弧闪烁中,爪印如陨石降临。
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