MGC :: Volume #13

#1231: Fights the prestige

Chapter 1229: Fights the prestige 第1229章:战出威名 Chapter 1229: Fights the prestige. 第1229章:战出威名。 Is we supervises the sect!” “是我们监宗!” The albizzia julibrissin sect disciple is also pleasantly surprised, this moment that golden light form, the first forward-swept enters Demon King Du Shaofu in black light vortex. 合欢宗弟子也是惊喜不已,此刻那金光身影,正是先前掠进乌光漩涡内的魔王杜少甫 Boy, destroys my demon gate, I want you not to seek livehood to ask unable!” “小子,毁我魔门,我要你求生不得求死不能!” Blood evil sound spreads cloudy severely, the blood light double pupil stared at Du Shaofu. 血邪的声音阴厉传出,血光双瞳盯上了杜少甫 This moment blood can feel evilly that was that boy broke his demon gate in inside. 此刻血邪能够感觉到,就是那小子在里面破了他的魔门。 Crash-bang......” “哗啦……” The blood light condenses in the whole body crazily, the Baleful Qi rapidly confused swell that makes the person soul tremble, next one flickers, the blood evil form just likes the ghosts and demons plunders to go to Du Shaofu, the blood light bolt of white silk also directly covered together to Du Shaofu. 血光在周身疯狂凝聚,一股让人灵魂发颤的煞气急速暴涌,下一瞬,血邪身影犹如鬼魅掠向杜少甫而去,一道血光匹练也直接笼罩向了杜少甫 Snort! “哼”! Saw that blood throws evilly, Du Shaofu is actually coldly drinks one, Hand Imprints changes rapidly, a fearful aura from within the body spread, vibration void, if such as the wind and thunder is thundering, the aura rushes the vibration to be void! 见到那血邪扑来,杜少甫却是冷喝一声,手印急速变化,一股可怕的气息自体内蔓延而出,震动的虚空若如风雷在轰鸣,气息澎湃震动虚空! Aggressive [say / way]!” “霸气道!” Also in this same time, Du Shaofu holds up the head to resemble Dragon to recite for nine days, such as the big roar of idol long cry spreads. 也在这同时间,杜少甫昂首一声似龙吟九天,如神象长鸣的大吼声传出。 „!” “嗷!” The sound wave sweeps across like the Tsunami ebullition, sweeps across turbulently in all directions, lets all around world at the trembling play! 音波席卷如海啸般沸腾,汹涌席卷四面八方,让四周天地在颤剧! „......” “嗷嗷嗷嗷……” This instant, the trim is void is thundering, bellows innumerably the echo reverberation in the vault of heaven, series resounds through the world just like nine days of startling thunderclap...... 这一霎,整片虚空在轰鸣,无数大吼回音回荡在苍穹,宛如九天惊雷连环响彻人间…… This bellows astonishingly, the straight desire is the startled world is indescribably tragic, the void desire wants the disintegration, lets the person mind shivering fear! 这一声惊人大吼,直欲是惊天地泣鬼神,虚空欲要崩碎,让人心神颤抖恐惧! Bang!” “轰隆隆!” In an instant, sees only that turbulent sound wave to be billowing, with flake gold light runes energy ripples, just like the vast turbulent proliferation, the vibration entire seal ancient sky shivers rapidly! 刹那间,只见那汹涌的音波滚滚,伴随着一片金光符文能量涟漪,宛如汪洋汹涌扩散,震动的整个封印古地上空急速颤抖! The sound wave reverberation in the upper air, lets the life trembling millet, the color of eye of dew pain, making the person body probably unable to bear from inside to outside blasts out, dreads to dread from the innermost soul. 音波回荡在高空,让生灵颤粟,目露痛苦之色,让人身躯都要忍不住由内而外炸开,从灵魂深处为之忌惮畏惧。 This sound wave is not simple sound wave, but is containing martial arts! 这音波不是简单的音波,而是蕴含着一种武道! Scoffs......” “嗤啦啦……” The fearful sound wave swept across to the blood light bolt of white silk, both clashed, arouse the blood light ebullition. 可怕的音波席卷向了血光匹练,两者对撞,激起血光沸腾。 But that blood light is fearful, in fluctuation of the wave, blood evil form by one type the speed of surmounting the lightning appears before the Du Shaofu body, seems fearless that fearful sound wave attack, the blood light is in charge together falls before the Du Shaofu's body. 但那血光可怕,波浪起伏中,血邪的身影以一种超越闪电的速度出现在杜少甫身前,似乎是无惧那可怕的音波攻击,一道血光掌印落在杜少甫的身前。 The Du Shaofu vision selects, in the double pupil Thunder Light surges suddenly, sharp fearful, Hand Imprints fluctuates, the golden light wraps all around, the overbearing swift and fierce imposing manner sweeps across suddenly, raises the arm shakes, a fist wraps the golden light, direct suddenly explosion. 杜少甫目光一挑,骤然双瞳之内雷光涌动,犀利慑人,手印变幻,金光包裹四周,霸道凌厉的气势骤然席卷而出,振臂一抖,一拳包裹金光,直接暴轰而出。 Dominates the fist to say!” “霸拳道!” golden light flashes fist clashing blood light is in charge, the astonishing energy sweeps across. 金光一拳对撞血光掌印,惊人能量席卷而出。 Deng!Deng!!” 蹬蹬!” The Du Shaofu body one after another was actually shaken draws back several steps, what is more fearful is that blood light Baleful Qi corrodes Soul Force, corrodes the mortal body. 杜少甫身躯却是接连被震退数步,更为可怕的是那血光煞气腐蚀元神,腐蚀肉身。 However is good because of this most fearful blood light Baleful Qi, is actually regarding the Du Shaofu not too major function. 不过好在这最为可怕的血光煞气,却是偏偏对于杜少甫没有太大的作用。 But if this changes a person, let alone was unusual Martial Venerable peak, even if were beginning of the universe Martial Venerable peak, just also direct buckle. 但这要是换一个人,别说是超凡武尊巅峰了,就算是混元武尊巅峰,刚刚也直接折损了。 Saw that a move has not tidied up that human youth unexpectedly, the blood evil dreadful chill in the air has fought to shoot from the blood light eye , an enormous and powerful Baleful Qi pressure fills the air. 见到一招居然是没有收拾了那人类青年,血邪滔天寒意自血光眼中斗射,一股浩荡的煞气威压弥漫而出。 In a twinkling just likes the blood light storm circles, afterward condenses scarlet unusual animals Phantom to occupy the midair, resembles the wolf tiger, is wanting to kill to Du Shaofu to go. 霎时间犹如血光风暴盘旋,随后凝聚出一只血色异兽虚影盘踞半空,似狼似虎,对着杜少甫欲要扑杀而去。 Roar!” “吼!” The huge thousand zhang (3.33 m) fierce unusual animals appear, Baleful Qi is dreadful, plunged Du Shaofu to go maliciously. 庞大千丈的狰狞异兽浮现,煞气滔天,狠狠的扑向了杜少甫而去。 Sword of the Tyrant!” 霸剑道!” Du Shaofu sinks to drink, Purple gold day Que roared, seemed the Purple gold sword glow that had already prepared plunders together! 杜少甫沉喝,紫金天阙咆哮而出,一道似乎是早就有所准备的紫金剑芒掠出! This sword just likes the strength chops mountain, without any gaudiness! 这一剑犹如力劈山岳,没有任何的花哨! But plunders spatially along with this sword, sword glow place visited space several desires are the direct avalanches, reveals the vacuum trace. 但随着这一剑掠空,剑芒所过之处空间几欲是直接崩塌,露出真空痕迹。 In an instant, a scared overbearing aura energy pressure, from Purple gold light sword glow fills the air, making this piece of space fiercely shake. 刹那间,一股让人胆寒的霸道气息能量威压,自紫金光剑芒其中弥漫而出,让得这片空间都是剧烈的震荡了起来。 A fearful sword intent also sweeps across the vault of heaven, the sword potential that Naha said that appalling, fell on blood light unusual animals Phantom directly! 一股可怕的剑意也席卷苍穹,那霸道的剑势,让人毛骨悚然,直接落在了血光异兽虚影上! A that blood light fierce unusual animals claw wields, tears the space, Baleful Qi blocks the sky the release. 那血光狰狞异兽一爪挥出,撕裂空间,煞气遮天蔽日释放。 Sword glow claw-print moves, does not have too big energy sound. 剑芒爪印碰触,没有太大的能量声响。 Only then that frightening sword glow and Baleful Qi change to the runes strength ripples, sweeps across to open in all around just like the Tsunami void suddenly. 只有那恐怖的剑芒和煞气化作符文劲气涟漪,宛如海啸在四周虚空骤然席卷而开。 Crash-bang......” “哗啦啦……” The innumerable sword glow and Baleful Qi light in grazing, the Du Shaofu's sword glow breaks out a that unusual animals Phantom claw, but does not have sulfonal fierce blood light unusual animals Phantom to be too many, the body of its huge blood light hit maliciously on Du Shaofu. 无数剑芒和煞气光影在飞掠开去,杜少甫的剑芒将那异兽虚影一爪劈开,但却是无损那狰狞血光异兽虚影太多,其庞大血光之躯狠狠撞在了杜少甫身上。 Du Shaofu back Great Peng Golden Wing expands, erupts the golden light, fan on blood light unusual animals Phantom, same time thunder martial pulse stimulation of movement, purple electric arc confused swell. 杜少甫背后大鹏金翅扩展,爆发金光,也同时扇在了血光异兽虚影上,同时间雷霆武脉催动,紫色电弧暴涌而出。 Snort!” “哼!” The great strength sweeps across, under that fearful impact strength, the Du Shaofu body shakes to draw back one after another, in the throat spreads a stuffy pshaw, gushes out sweetly, afterward swallows forcefully, back Great Peng Golden Wing fans, will shake the body of drawing back to stand firm. 巨力席卷,那可怕的冲击力道下,杜少甫身躯接连震退开去,喉咙内传出一声闷哼声,一口甘甜涌出,随后强行咽下,背后大鹏金翅扇动,将震退的身躯稳住。 Scoffs!” “嗤啦啦!” That huge blood light unusual animals afterward by the Du Shaofu impact grinding, fearful Baleful Qi were also shaken the powder in the midair, throws off the big piece space, gets down spatial many influence slightly weak cultivation base, the soul trembles directly. 那庞大血光异兽也随后被杜少甫冲击破碎,可怕煞气在半空被震散,将大片空间掀翻,下空不少势力稍弱的修为者,灵魂直接发颤。 Half territory is evil, influence is fearful!” “半域邪灵,势力可怕!” Du Shaofu stands firm the body, before the visual, spatial blood is evil, in the eye has wiped dignifiedly! 杜少甫稳住身躯,目视前空血邪,眼中抹过凝重! The blood of half territory level is evil, the influence is not generally fearful, compared with Martial Venerable boundary Nirvana peak wants fearful many, under the Martial Domain boundary most to exist. 半域层次的血邪,势力可不是一般可怕,比起武尊境涅槃巅峰要可怕的多,武域境之下最强存在。 In addition this evil spirit strangeness is difficult to annoy, is nasty. 加上这邪灵的诡异难惹,更是难以对付。 Under the air/Qi of that fearful blood ghost, Du Shaofu knits the brows slightly, what also this blood evilly is fortunately strongest is the air/Qi of that blood ghost, if this other Nirvana peak Martial Venerable, feared that just was also hard to resist. 那可怕的血煞之气下,杜少甫微微皱眉,也还好这血邪最强的是那血煞之气,这要是别的涅槃巅峰武尊,怕刚刚也难以抵御下来。 Du Shaofu knew one exactly on resisting these Baleful Qi, has many relying on methods, occupied many small advantages actually 杜少甫自知自己恰好在抵御这些煞气上,有着不少的凭仗手段,倒是占据了不少的便宜 Demon King Du Shaofu, so is unexpectedly powerful!” 魔王杜少甫,居然这般强悍!” The next bareness number vision is on the rise, although saw Du Shaofu fell on leeward, but was actually an eye of dew shocks, that was the evil spirit of half territory level, Du Shaofu can actually resist. 下空无数目光抬头,虽然见到了杜少甫是落在了下风,但却都是目露震骇,那可是半域层次的邪灵啊,杜少甫却是能够抵御。 Is looking at the tall and straight physique of this moment that float midair, grasps the peerless Divine Weapon golden light youth, where the influence, is in the eye gushes out the color of deep shock, trembles for it heart. 望着此刻那悬浮半空的一个挺拔身姿,手持绝世神兵的金光青年,无论是何方势力,皆是眼中涌出深深的震惊之色,为之心颤。 Many influence peak youth one generation on the scene, is the outstanding person phoenix of this in society, in this moment heart also deeply subdues. 在场不少势力的巅峰青年一辈,一个个也是这世间的人中龙凤,此刻心中也深深为之折服。 It is not they are weak, but was that Demon King Du Shaofu is too strong. 不是他们弱,而是那魔王杜少甫太强了。 Naha said that the youth grasps peerless Divine Weapon to stand in the sky, the golden both wings fan across the sky, just like the human form ominous birds and beasts, the what kind powerful is overbearing! 那霸道青年手持绝世神兵当空而立,金色双翅扇动横空,宛如人形凶禽,何等强势霸道! Supervises the sect to be invincible, raises my albizzia julibrissin sect prestige!” “监宗无敌,扬我合欢宗威名!” The disciple of albizzia julibrissin sect, is deep gushes out a sense of belonging, is proud! 合欢宗的弟子,更是深深的涌出一种归属感,为之生生自豪! In this moment alliance army, supervises sect to sweep away the four directions, the broken demon gate, the station blood is evil, is powerful! 此刻联盟大军之中,监宗横扫四方,破魔门,站血邪,何等强悍! This moment Du Shaofu vision is actually dignified, does not dare to be negligent. 只是此刻杜少甫目光却是凝重,丝毫不敢大意。 All around golden ray release, Du Shaofu just like placing oneself in flake gold light vastly, the overbearing aura follows the purple electric arc to fill the air, the punishment kills the four directions, the looking disdainfully expansive sky! 四周金色光芒释放,杜少甫宛如置身在一片金光汪洋中,霸道气息伴随紫色电弧弥漫,刑杀四方,睥睨长空! The blood is looking at Du Shaofu evilly, from that human whole body fills the air, but the fearful punishment kills the thunder and lightning aura, making in his heart faint within is bringing fear of instinct, if that youth is stronger, feared that was really makes him dread. 血邪望着杜少甫,自那人类周身弥漫而出可怕刑杀雷电气息,让他心中隐隐间带着一种本能的畏惧,若是那青年再强一些,怕是就真的让他忌惮了。 Good strange boy, must die today!” “好诡异的小子,今天必须死!” The blood evil gloomy drinks greatly, letting that the blood light ripples is thundering on this day, the Large expanse of blood light runes suppression forwards, erupts the exceedingly high blood light, is bringing dreadful Baleful Qi, lance that the blood light condenses together. 血邪阴沉大喝,血光荡漾的让这天地在轰鸣,成片的血光符文镇压向前,爆发通天血光,带着滔天煞气,一道血光凝聚的长矛。 Blood lance broken day!” “血矛破天!” Drinks greatly, the blood lance of blood evil condensation pierces the space. 一声大喝,血邪凝聚的血矛洞穿空间。 That blood light lance penetrates void, destroys all along the way, is bringing a jet black space crack trace, filled the fearful blood light, before instantaneously arrived at the Du Shaofu's body. 那血光长矛透过虚空,沿途摧毁一切,带着漆黑的一道空间裂缝痕迹,弥漫出慑人的血光,瞬间就到了杜少甫的身前。 The blood light lance, densely covered radiant scarlet talisman-pattern, condenses just like the blood, pierces the space the fearful aura to sweep across, making the person look at one, the soul and Soul Force also wants directly shatter. 血光长矛,密布璀璨的血色符箓秘纹,宛如鲜血凝聚,洞穿空间的可怕气息席卷,让人望上一眼,灵魂和元神也要直接破碎。 „It is not good, that blood evilly, that blood lance is its life Baleful Qi condenses fully, feared that is also destroys Nirvana Martial Venerable peak sufficiently!” “不好,那血邪全力了,那血矛乃是其本命煞气所凝聚,怕是足以将涅槃武尊巅峰也摧毁!” Salmon sword sect Mujian early morning behind, the originally and blood has fought evilly the vigorous aura old man vision trembles, on this moment that blood light lance fills the fearful prestige energy that opens, he for it trembling millet! 萨蒙剑宗沐剑晨身后,原本和血邪交手过的雄浑气息老者目光发颤,此刻那血光长矛上弥漫而开的可怕威能,他都为之颤粟! Du Shaofu Golden Wing erupts radiant talisman-pattern, vision empty narrows the eyes, on that blood light lance, feels an extremely dangerous aura. 杜少甫金翅爆发璀璨符箓秘纹,目光虚眯,在那血光长矛上,也是感觉到了一种极度危险的气息。 However that blood light lance, insufficient makes Du Shaofu be without a fight actually, immediately the golden light erupts, in hand Purple gold day error directly horizontally before body. 不过那血光长矛,倒是也不足让杜少甫束手就擒,当下金光爆发中,手中紫金天阙直接横在了身前。 Roar!” “嗷吼!” Faint within Dragon recited the tiger's roar, turtle calls above the bird cry to spread, Purple gold day error erupted the Purple gold ray, was directly horizontally on that distortion space blood light lance. 隐隐间龙吟虎啸,龟鸣雀唳之上传出,紫金天阙爆发紫金光芒,便是直接横在了那扭曲空间的血光长矛上。 Useless, the boy, you were too weak!” “没用的,小子,你还太弱了!” The blood sneers evilly, grasped on the blood light lance, clashing Purple gold day error maliciously, fearful blood light Baleful Qi condensed, impact like lightning in Purple gold day error. 血邪冷笑,一手握在了血光长矛上,狠狠的对撞紫金天阙,一股可怕的血光煞气凝聚,闪电般的冲击在了紫金天阙上。 Goes!” “去!” Du Shaofu sinks to drink, thunder martial pulse stimulates to movement fully, the vault of heaven thunder, the purple electric arc wraps Purple gold day error. 杜少甫沉喝,雷霆武脉全力催动,身后苍穹电闪雷鸣,紫色电弧包裹紫金天阙。 Bang!” “轰!” A fearful punishment killing intent breath arrives, grand desolate, blots out the sky to sweep across on the former blood light lance. 一股可怕的刑杀气息降临,壮丽苍凉,铺天盖地席卷在前者血光长矛上。 Crash-bang......” “哗啦啦……” So both clash, has not made the earthshaking energy sound, only then the punishment kills overbearing and interweaving of yin cold destruction, erupts the debris and radiant light arc, crash-bang the sound is lingering on faintly. 如此两者对撞,并没有发出惊天动地的能量声响,只有刑杀霸道和阴寒毁灭的交织,爆发出空间碎片和璀璨光弧,‘哗啦啦’的声响不绝于耳。 But this interwove and not long, the air/Qi of that fearful blood ghost affects Soul Force and mortal body, the great strength sweeps across, Du Shaofu final pale golden color blood blowout, the body shakes immediately one after another draws back, crash maliciously on a huge mountain peak. 但这等交织并没有多久,那可怕的血煞之气影响元神和肉身,巨力席卷,杜少甫最终一口淡金色鲜血喷出,身躯顿时接连震退,狠狠的坠落在了一座庞大的山峰上。 Ka!” “咔咔!” Purple gold day error inverts in mountain peak rock, a fearful great strength impact huge mountain massif, time that huge mountain peak all around rock, will then be shortly is climbed up by the crack spreads. 紫金天阙倒插在山峰岩石内,一股可怕巨力冲击庞大山体,顿时间那庞大的山峰四周岩石,便是在顷刻间被裂缝所攀爬蔓延。 Afterward in bang in sound, entire huge mountain peak, changed to the powder powder directly. 随后在‘轰隆隆’的声响中,整座庞大的山峰,直接化作了齑粉。 Du Shaofu's body also float in midair, maintained was just shaking falls the mountain peak the posture, double pupil Thunder Light fluctuated, back Great Peng Golden Wing was flat and smooth, was damaged to wait for the young Péng of counter-attack likely! 杜少甫的身躯还悬浮在了半空,保持着刚刚震落山峰的姿势,双瞳雷光波动,背后大鹏金翅平展,像是受创等着反击的幼鹏! Deng!Deng!!” 蹬蹬!” The blood evil body shakes draws back several steps, in the hand the blood light lance is destroyed unexpectedly. 血邪身躯震退数步,手中血光长矛居然被摧毁。 That fearful thunder and lightning prestige can punishment kill, likely is the blood evil inborn difficult adversary, making the blood evil strength reduce greatly, the mind trembles to dread secretly. 那可怕的雷电威能刑杀,像是血邪天生的克星,让血邪实力大减,心神暗自发颤忌惮。 Boy is strange, must die!” “小子诡异,必须死!” The blood kicks out evilly instantaneously once again, why does not know, his moral nature dreaded to that youth for no reason that wants to kill immediately quickly then. 血邪瞬间再度扑出,不知为何,他心底对那青年无端忌惮,欲要立刻杀之而后快。 Scoffs!” “嗤!” The blood evil form changes to the blood ray, is having a series of remnant shades, instantaneously before the Du Shaofu body, the blood light is in charge just like together flowing the blood, is patting to Du Shaofu. 血邪身影化作血光芒,带着一连串的残影,瞬间到了杜少甫身前,一道血光掌印宛如流淌鲜血,对着杜少甫拍去。 Du Shaofu Thunder Light double pupil stubbornly stares at that blood light to be in charge, in the Thunder Light double pupil also gushes out the color of fearful ruthless offense. 杜少甫雷光双瞳死死的盯着那血光掌印,雷光双瞳内也涌出慑人的狠戾之色。 Even if at this time, Du Shaofu does not have to think one are unable to contend, at least can also at risk of life a war! 就算是此时,杜少甫也没有觉得自己就无法抗衡了,至少还能够拼死一战! Unexpectedly, while the Du Shaofu double pupil gushes out the ruthless offense fearful vision, together sounds of nature sound, spreads from the sky quietly. 蓦地,就在杜少甫双瞳涌出狠戾慑人目光的同时,一道天籁般的声音,也从上空悄然传开。 He could not have died today!” “他今天还死不了!”
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