MG :: Volume #6

#311: The light combines and complements one another darkly

Strength spread of Light Crown, after letting He Yiming felt be similar to the Spiritual God was alive the feeling, started to go to toward outside sending out this strength. 光明皇冠的力量蔓延而下,在让贺一鸣感受到了如同神灵在世般的感觉之后,开始将这股力量向着外界散发而去。 Peak Dragon Snake suddenly has opened both eyes of its jumbo, inside is glittering swift and fierce radiance. 峰顶的龙蛇豁然睁开了它那巨无霸的双目,里面闪烁着一丝凌厉的光芒 As the Ghost Cry Mountain Range master, it can certainly feel this with strength of light of strength completely opposition it has . Moreover the great strength of this Light Stregth, is the no small matter, even if links it also to have one type the feeling of receiving the intense threat. 作为鬼哭岭的主人,它当然能够感受到这股与它所拥有的力量完全对立的光明之力,而且这股光明力量之强大,更是非同小可,纵然连它也有着一种受到了强烈威胁的感觉。 Actually at the Dragon Snake volume, the strength that it has abundant formidable, has surpassed humanity by far. 其实以龙蛇的体积而言,它本身所拥有的力量之雄厚强大,远远的超过了人类。 Regardless of humanity cultivated what kind Realm, concerned about the build reason, impossible disputed with this colossus in pure strength throughout. 无论人类修炼到了何等境界,碍于体型的缘故,始终都不可能在单纯的力量方面与这种庞然大物较量。 Just like previously it left Ghost Cry Mountain Range, when goes out with Underworld Old Ancestor fights, regardless of Underworld Old Ancestor hits under its many, Dragon Snake is regarded as some people harasses to it itchy, does not care. Instead so long as it had to hit Underworld Old Ancestor, immediately made that Mortal Dao peak powerhouse nurse hatred to draw back. 正如昔曰它离开了鬼哭岭,外出与黄泉老祖一战之时,无论黄泉老祖打中它多少下,龙蛇都当做是有人给它扰痒,一点儿也不放在心上。反而它只要有一下打中了黄泉老祖,就立即让那位人道巅峰强者含恨而退。 This is the physique difference of human and formidable Saint Beast, does not have the gully that may overstep one's authority in Mortal Realm. 这就是人类与强大圣兽体质区别,一个在人道境界中无可僭越的沟壑。 Naturally, these can the controlling Might of World Divine Dao people exception. 当然,那些能够艹控天地之威神道中人例外。 Divine Dao, was one broke Realm of lifeform limit, in this Realm, the height of strength did not decide by individual size, but decide by can controlling Strength of World. 神道,是一个打破了生物极限的境界,在这个境界之中,实力的高低再也不是以个体的大小来决定,而是以能够艹控天地之力来决定了。 However, in this moment, Dragon Snake towering has such feeling, on youngster that cultivated, has to make it feel strength that dreads, if this strength grows, perhaps then really can suppress it. 但是,在这一刻,龙蛇突兀的有着这样的感觉,那正在修炼的年轻人身上,有着令它感到畏惧的力量,若是这股力量成长起来,那么或许真的能够将它压制下去。 in the eyes has flashed through color of the confusing, Dragon Snake that giant eye puzzled winking, is this fellow promoting Divine Dao unexpectedly? 眼中闪过了一丝迷惑之色,龙蛇那巨大的眼睛不解的眨动着,难道这家伙竟然在晋升神道么? white horse Thunder Lightning, Treasure Pig and other same the attention will shift, but their clever has not passed to examine. 白马雷电宝猪等同样的将注意力转移了过来,但是它们乖巧的并没有过去查看。 Because they, when He Yiming and a Franklin war, knows that He Yiming similarly is also having bright physique, but covered entirely the Yin Evil Qi place to practice Light Stregth in this at this moment, this absolutely was also considered as on is a brand-new pioneering work. 因为它们在贺一鸣弗兰克林一战的时候,已经知道贺一鸣也同样拥有着光明的体质,只是此刻在这布满了阴煞之气的地方修炼光明力量,这也绝对算得上是一种全新的创举了。 However, nobody knows that He Yiming at this moment was besetting with a crisis. 然而,没有人知道,此刻的贺一鸣正陷入了一种危机之中。 He is experiencing that Franklin once was experiencing to have the process of infinite enticement. 他正在经历着弗兰克林曾经经历的那一个有着无限诱惑的过程。 strength of light is formidable, after feeling has been similar to the Spiritual God general that omnipotent illusion, anybody can not revolt against ability indulging. 光明的力量强大无比,在感受到了如同神灵一般那无所不能的幻觉之后,任何人都会毫无反抗能力的沉溺其中。 Strength, this is Cultivator regarding infinite earnestly seeking of strength. For a more formidable strength, they are even willing to discard all. 力量,这是修炼者们对于力量的无限渴求。为了更加强大的力量,他们甚至于愿意舍弃一切。 At this moment, the He Yiming clear feeling, his body, his inner world, has been turning toward this strength of light to send the information of earnestly seeking. 这一刻,贺一鸣清晰的感受到了,他的身体,他的内心世界,都在向着这股光明的力量发送着渴求的信息。 in the mind flashed through familiar pictures, white horse Thunder Lightning has swallowed Silver Eel King Core, Bai Lingba (108) takes white stone, Treasure Pig builds up the body in the rock magma, even did not have Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person of intelligence to absorb the Thought the soul of strength and there death in the Temple big disaster continually. 脑海中闪过了一幅幅熟悉的画面,白马雷电吞噬银鳗王内丹,百零八服用白石,宝猪在岩浆之中炼体,甚至于连没有神智的神道凝血人都在神殿大劫难之中吸收意念的力量和那里死亡的灵魂。 He Yiming in the heart indistinct has some type to completely understand all feelings. 贺一鸣心中隐约的有着某种看透了一切的感觉。 These, because of regarding earnestly seeking of strength. This integrated in each lifeform instinct, is intentional, has no intention but is, their goal only one, that is promotion own strength as far as possible, lets itself toward most peak unceasing closing up of lifeform chain. 这些,都是因为对于力量的渴求。这已经融入了每一个生物的本能之中,无论是有意为之,还是无意而为,他们的目的就仅有一个,那就是尽可能的提升自己的实力,让自己朝着生物链的最顶端不断的靠拢。 Long expiration, that covered on He Yiming faces in one light has shown a happy expression, they so, oneself were so! 长长的吐了一口气,那笼罩在一片光明之中的贺一鸣脸上露出了一丝笑意,他们如此,自己又何尝不是如此呢! Perhaps because of this time feeling, and completely understood lifeform living certain essences. His heart beat fiercely, that strong and powerful sound is similar to beating a drum of battlefield will be soon common, making his whole body each inch cell be full of the fighting spirit and strength. 或许是因为他此时的感慨,并且看透了生物活着的某些本质。他的心脏剧烈的跳动了起来,那强劲而有力的声音如同即将上战场的擂鼓一般,令他的全身每一寸细胞都充满了斗志和力量。 They can achieve this step, how oneself can fall after the person! 他们都能够做到这一步,自己又如何能够落于人后! Golden yellow imperial crown on head suddenly dim such, afterward is glittering unexpectedly some monster different radiance. 脑袋上的金黄色皇冠陡然黯淡了那么一下,随后竟然闪烁着一丝有些妖异的光芒 Obtained some comprehend and understand that moment in He Yiming, in Chaos Dantian surged the formidable strength, these strengths also broke in his meridians and body various places. 贺一鸣获得了某种明悟的那一刻,混沌丹田内涌起了强大的力量,这些力量也冲入了他的经脉和身体各处。 This is the Chaos strength, can hold all Attribute Strength of Source. In the front of this strength, formidable Light Stregth was also hard to create any enticement to He Yiming and controls. 这是混沌的力量,是能够容纳一切属姓本源之力。在这股力量的面前,再强大的光明力量也难以对贺一鸣造成任何的诱惑和控制了。 He Yiming body trembles suddenly, his spirit immediately sobered from that boundless daydream and to become god feeling. 贺一鸣的身体骤然一个哆嗦,他的精神顿时从那无边的遐想和成神般的感觉中清醒了过来。 Although on his body, can feel the pleasant sensation that Light Stregth brings as before, but in his heart actually already cold, if thick ice, and body became the cold sweat streamings. 虽然在他的身上,依旧是能够感受到光明力量所带来的快感,但是他的心中却已经冷若玄冰,并且身上变得冷汗涔涔了。 He has remembered the Franklin final result, because the body is unable to withstand the huge strength to explode the pitiful picture that the body died. He has thought in Sir Saint Dragon who in Life and Death Area sees, because of the Strength of World insufficiency, but is unable to go a step further, that but before soon will become Divine Beast the body falls. 他想起了弗兰克林最终的结局,那因为身体无法承受过于庞大力量而爆体身亡的凄惨景象。他想到了在生死界之中所见到的圣龙大人,那因为天地之力的不足而无法更进一步,在即将成为神兽之前而身陨的那一幕。 This is the living example, at this moment was bright in his mind has demonstrated unceasingly. 这都是活生生的例子,此刻更是鲜活般的在他的脑海中不断的演示了出来。 He has such one feeling, if also continued in that condition, then waited for own, was similar to the Franklin same result. 他有着这样的一种感觉,若是自己在刚才的那种状态并且持续下去,那么等待自己的,就是如同弗兰克林同样的结局了。 His deep sorption air/Qi, that icy cold was having the gas inhalation of Yin Evil Qi in the abdomen, and made his fierce beat the heart return to normal slowly. 他深深的吸着气,那冰凉的带着阴煞之气的气体吸入了腹中,并且让他那颗剧烈跳动的心慢慢的平复了下来。 At this time, that huge strength of light, although covers above the body of He Yiming as before, but has not actually been able to confuse the He Yiming thought and body once again. 此时,那庞大的光明之力虽然依旧是笼罩于贺一鸣的身体之上,但却已经无法再度迷惑贺一鸣的思想和身体了。 He hesitant, initiative controlling within the body that omnipresent Strength of Chaos, and arrived in Dantian by this most primitive strength that piece of Light and Dark encirclement strength. 他犹豫了一下,主动的艹控着体内那无所不在的混沌之力,并且透过这股最原始的力量来到了丹田中那一片光明和黑暗环绕的力量之中。 Unexpected, under this contact, that unruly strength of light became had been obedient unexpectedly, under his controlling, started unexpectedly little is flinching, the domain that will invade has let. 出乎意料的,在这一次的接触之下,那原本桀骜不驯的光明之力竟然变得听话了起来,在他的艹控之下,竟然开始了一点点的退缩着,将原本侵占的地盘让了出来。 But these gradually tend leeward Strength of Darkness are actually without hesitation these spaces filling. 而那些逐渐趋于下风的黑暗之力却是毫不犹豫的将这些空间给填补了。 He Yiming attempts to control these to bring Yin Evil Qi Dark Strength once again, the result to make him be overjoyed similarly, because these dark strengths same such as the arm pulls strings. 贺一鸣再度尝试着控制那些带着阴煞之气黑暗力量,结果同样让他大喜过望,因为这些黑暗的力量同样的如臂指使。 In this moment, his indistinct somewhat transparent. 在这一刻,他隐约的有些明了。 The Light and Dark strength no doubt is a pair of being in sharp opposition strength, but is the same with strength of five elements, has the relations that mutual engender(ing) repels one another. 光明和黑暗的力量固然是一对针锋相对的力量,但和五行之力一样,也有着相生相克的关系。 By his Chaos physique, once has controlled some strength thoroughly, then regarding the control of another strength was the successful, matter naturally. 以他的混沌体质,一旦彻底的掌控了其中的某一种力量,那么对于另一种力量的掌控就是水到渠成,自然而然的事情了。 in his heart has had the infinite feeling. 他的心中生出了无限的感慨。 The crisis and opportunity, coexist throughout. 危机与机遇,始终都是并存的。 After under Light Stregth that he succeeds maintained self-, finally seized this rare opportunity, takes Strength of Chaos as to direct, true in that huge Light Stregth Dantian grasped in the hand. 在他成功的在光明力量之下保持了自我之后,也终于抓住了这个难得的机会,以混沌之力为引,真正的将丹田中那庞大的光明力量掌握在手中了。 This time is true thorough grasps, was similar to that control ordinary strength general having one's wish directs. 这一次是真正的彻底掌握,如同那掌控普通力量一般的随心所欲的指挥了。 Until this moment, He Yiming long relaxing. 直到这一刻,贺一鸣才长长的松了一口气。 He has opened both eyes, Light Stregth is similar to the ebb tide clean of water disappearance, does not keep the least bit. 他睁开了双目,身上的光明力量如同退潮之水般的消失的一干二净,再也不留半点。 In the eye pupil of He Yiming has flashed through a lucky color, he knows, oneself unexpectedly in this case, bewildered obtained the approval of strength of light. 贺一鸣的眼眸中闪过了一丝侥幸之色,他知道,自己竟然在这种情况下,莫名其妙的得到了光明之力的认可。 Looks at the surrounding environment, that covered entirely gloomy Ghost Qi the summit of Ghost Cry Mountain Range, He Yiming in the heart had rejoiced secretly, oneself unexpectedly at this place unexpected happening has put on Light Crown. 看着周围的环境,那布满了阴森鬼气鬼哭岭之巅,贺一鸣心中暗自庆幸,自己竟然在这个地方鬼使神差的戴上了光明皇冠 Also so, he can luckily when strength of light was weakened to the maximum degree withstands the test of this strength, and finally relies on Chaos Dantian special ability to withdraw at one fell swoop, finally instead effectively grasped Light Stregth. 也幸好如此,他才能够在光明之力被消弱到最大程度之时来承受这种力量的考验,并且最终凭借着混沌丹田的特殊能力而一举脱身而出,最终反而真正的掌握了光明力量 If he is the same with Franklin, puts on this imperial crown under the Temple bright environment, then he might march into with the Your Holiness the Pope similar fate very much, because is unable to control to absorb and controlling that not own strength own desire will go all out explodes the body dead finally. 如果他和弗兰克林一样,都是在神殿的光明环境之下戴上这顶皇冠的话,那么他很有可能就会步入和教皇陛下同样的下场,因为无法控制自己的欲望而拼命的吸纳艹控不属于自己的力量而最终爆体身亡。 Massive Yin Evil Qi flooded into He Yiming within the body, and goes toward the Dantian gathering. 大量的阴煞之气涌入了贺一鸣的体内,并且朝着丹田汇聚而去。 He Yiming has restrained the mind, he complete attention centralized to the place that darkly has only pasted. 贺一鸣收敛了心神,他将全部的注意力集中到了那光暗流转的地方。 The bright and dark strength has formed a marvelous circulation in his Dantian, the great power that this circulation has lets all Divine Weapon and strength of god fuses together. 光明与黑暗的力量在他的丹田内形成了一个奇妙的循环,正是这个循环所产生的强大力量让所有的神兵神之力量融合在一起。 They seem like flowing the Great Wall, is guarding the He Yiming most formidable strength. 它们就像是一道流动着的长城,守卫着贺一鸣最为强大的力量。 Under He Yiming control of desirably, strength of light started to weaken, Yin Evil Qi continuously stuff, two strengths will reach a subtle balance again here, finally was in the position of half of the country respectively. 贺一鸣的刻意控制之下,光明的力量开始消弱了,源源不绝的阴煞之气重新将之填满,两种力量在这里达成了一个微妙的平衡,最终各自占据了半壁江山的位置。 He Yiming is feeling this flowing restless strength, in the heart towering surged a thought. 贺一鸣感受着这流动不息的力量,心中突兀的涌起了一个念头。 That moment when this thought presents, his mood rushes , is hard to constrain. 当这个念头出现的那一刻,他的心情澎湃,再也难以压抑。 The light and dark strength in his Dantian started slowly fuse in together, this was not because some strength oppressed another strength formidable the existing space, but was these two totally different strengths was carrying on truely is melting the process. 光和暗的力量在他的丹田内开始缓慢的融合在一起了,这并不是因为某种力量的过于强大而压迫另一股力量的生存空间,而是这两种迥然不同的力量正在进行着真正的相融过程。 It looks like such that Franklin and Garfield they make, these two strengths perfect fuses in together, formed one has been similar to Five Elements Samsara general Light and Dark Fusion. 就像是弗兰克林加菲尔德两人所做的那样,将这两种力量完美的融合在一起,形成了一个如同五行轮回一般的光暗合璧 Although above the sea, He Yiming once had also achieved this point. However, the light and dark strength that he releases just carries on to melt in outside the body. 虽然在大海之上,贺一鸣也曾经做到了这一点。但是,他所释放的光与暗的力量只不过是在体外进行相融罢了。 Within the body fuses in Dantian to melt, that is completely different two matters, big of difficulty may not with saying the language. 体内相融和丹田内相融,那是完全不同的两回事,难度之大更是不可同曰而语。 Before today, even if He Yiming never has also thought can also form Light and Dark Fusion the super rank strength in Dantian. But in this moment, after his thorough grasped the Light and Dark strength, he was actually the genuine heart movement. 今曰之前,哪怕是贺一鸣也从未想过能够在丹田之内也形成光暗合璧的这种超阶力量。可是在这一刻,当他彻底的掌握了光明和黑暗的力量之后,他却是真正的心动了。 ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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