MG :: Volume #6

#310: Balanced strength

Above the Ghost Cry Mountain Range peak, He Yiming sits cross-legged to sit, in his around the body, formidable Yin Evil Qi comes in waves, entered He Yiming within the body continuously. 鬼哭岭顶峰之上,贺一鸣盘膝而坐,在他的身周,强大的阴煞之气滚滚而来,源源不绝的进入了贺一鸣的体内。 After these time entered Ghost Cry Mountain Range, He Yiming makes Treasure Pig propose the request to Dragon Snake, he wants some to absorb here purest Yin Evil Qi. 在这一次进入了鬼哭岭之后,贺一鸣宝猪龙蛇提出请求,他想要吸纳一些这里最精纯的阴煞之气 Before has not been under permission of Dragon Snake, He Yiming does not think initiative to absorb here strength. 没有得到龙蛇的允许之前,贺一鸣可不想主动的吸纳这里的力量。 Although this time he had was not inferior in the Dragon Snake great power, but in his heart, was talking over the Dragon Snake advantage. Let alone this big snake once when he had no way out got rid to repel Underworld Old Ancestor, said that it with the relations that Treasure Pig and white horse hit it off well with one another, He Yiming cannot with it begin. 虽然此时的他已经拥有了不逊色于龙蛇的强大力量,但是在他的心中,却还是念叨着龙蛇的好处。别说这条大蛇曾经在他走投无路之时出手击退了黄泉老祖,就说它与宝猪白马之间投缘的关系,贺一鸣也是不能与它动手的。 Also, in Ghost Cry Mountain Range such environment, if begins with the Yin Evil Qi master, even if He Yiming I also not necessarily has the win assurance. 再说,在鬼哭岭这样的环境之中,若是与阴煞之气的主人动手,纵然是贺一鸣本人也未必有取胜的把握。 The proposition of Treasure Pig obtained permission of Dragon Snake immediately, present Ghost Cry Mountain Range underwent nearly ten thousand years of accumulation, Yin Evil Qi that has is huge, let alone merely is He Yiming, even if were Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person also lets loose the belly to swallow, it is estimated that did not have the too tremendous influence. 宝猪的提议立即获得了龙蛇的允许,如今的鬼哭岭经过了近万年的时间积累,所拥有的阴煞之气庞大无比,别说仅仅是一个贺一鸣,哪怕是神道凝血人也放开了肚皮吞噬,估计也是没有太大的影响。 After being under permission of Dragon Snake, He Yiming has chosen a cavern in the summit place, he started to absorb slowly to have here most pure Yin Evil Qi. 在得到了龙蛇的允许之后,贺一鸣在山顶处挑选了一个洞穴,他开始缓缓的吸纳起这里最精粹阴煞之气了。 Reason that he chooses from the Eastern great plains returns to Eastern, no doubt is because Treasure Pig wants to see one side Dragon Snake, and shows off in the front of this jumbo. 他之所以选择从东方大平原回返东方,固然是因为宝猪想要见龙蛇一面,并且在这条巨无霸的面前炫耀一番。 In addition, his also thoughts absorb here Dark Strength, in order to lets Strength of Light and Dark in Dantian go to the perfect balanced situation. 除此之外,他还有一个心思就是吸收这里的黑暗力量,以求让丹田中的光暗之力达到完美的平衡地步。 A Western Temple war, although he wins total victories, moreover to absorb many Light Stregth. After these Light Stregth entered Dantian, actually gave other party has become not the small puzzle. 西方神殿一战,虽然他是大获全胜,而且还吸纳了不少的光明力量。但是当这些光明力量进入了丹田之后,却给他造成了不小的困扰。 In Chaos Dantian, all Divine Weapon and strength of god have congealed for a whole. 混沌丹田之内,所有的神兵神之力量都已经凝为了一个整体。 The Divine Item's copy Five Elements Ring scratch coat, formed all these foundations, but another two Divine Weapon and three strength of god of He Yiming within the body became special Light of Divine Weapon. Substitutes for Light of Divine Weapon by strength of god the successful character, through the ages, feared also only had a He Yiming person. 仿制神器五行环打底,构成了这一切的基础,而另外二把神兵贺一鸣体内的三种神之力量则成为了一种特殊的神兵之光。以神之力量来取代神兵之光而成功的人物,古往今来,怕是也唯有贺一鸣一个人了。 In addition, strength also same important of Light and Dark, they wrestle and relation all strength bunches are an overall key are. 除此之外,光明和黑暗的力量也同样的重要,它们才是将一切力量束搏和联系为一个整体的关键所在。 In the surrounding of all strengths, the Light and Dark strength as if turned into a huge circle, they are flowing slowly, became concentrates all strengths as one strongest guarantee. 在所有力量的外围,光明和黑暗的力量似乎变成了一个庞大的圆圈,它们缓慢的流动着,成为了将一切力量凝为一体的最坚强的保证。 This light dark circle is not two strengths combines and complements one another later result, but is the simple combination of light and dark, these two clearly opposite strengths distinguish right from wrong in the circle, sign that has not fused. 这个光暗之圈并不是两种力量合璧之后的结果,而是光与暗的简单组合,这两种截然相反的力量在圆圈中泾渭分明,并没有融合的迹象。 However so, besides having He Yiming of body of Chaos, did not have the second person to achieve this point in this world. 不过就算如此,除了拥有混沌之体的贺一鸣之外,在这个世界上也没有第二个人能够做到这一点了。 At this time, in the circle that in this light dark strength revolves unceasingly, strength of light is formidable, dark Yin Evil Qi will suppress is unable to crop up. 此时,在这个光暗力量不断旋转的圈子中,光明的力量强大无比,将黑暗的阴煞之气压制的根本就无法冒头了。 Moreover, makes He Yiming feel what is surprised, this trend as if still unceasingly is expanding. 而且,更让贺一鸣感到吃惊的是,这种趋势似乎还在不断的扩大着。 If according to this development, then most 12 years, it is estimated that strength of light can give purification all Yin Evil Qi. From now, in his Dantian, has filled strength of light, and will not have the least bit to belong to the dark strength. 若是按照这个事态发展下去,那么最多12年的时间,估计光明的力量就能够将所有的阴煞之气净化了。从此以后,在他的丹田之中,就充满了光明的力量,并且再也不会有半点属于黑暗的力量了。 But goes also what happened, is not He Yiming can expect. 而接下去还会发生什么事情,就更不是贺一鸣能够预料的了。 If were losing the diversion of dark strength, then these Light Stregth can continue to start to repel strength of five elements, is as for achieving dominates the Dantian goal finally? 若是在失去了暗之力量的牵制,那么这些光明力量会否继续开始排斥五行之力,乃至于达到最终称霸丹田的目的? All these, made He Yiming feel extremely worried. Therefore, he will detour the Eastern and Western great plains, wants to supplement enough Yin Evil Qi in Ghost Cry Mountain Range. 这一切,都让贺一鸣感到了万分的苦恼。所以,他才会绕道东西方大平原,想要在鬼哭岭之中补充足够的阴煞之气 Although did not count on that can make the dark strength surpass the light, but at least must achieve a balance point to be good. 虽然不指望能够让黑暗的力量超过光明,但是起码也要达到了一个平衡点才行。 Along with huge Yin Evil Qi unceasing entry Dantian, He Yiming within the body also had the subtle change. 随着庞大的阴煞之气不断的进入丹田之中,贺一鸣体内也发生了微妙的变化。 Yin Evil Qi is one in Dark Strength, the strength of blood formidable is similarly highly regarded, after has joined in Dantian gradually, that withdrew a corner/horn, defended Dark Strength of Light Stregth attack with hardship is such as eats together the perfect big tonic pills to be ordinary immediately, rapid growth, and initiative started to provoke toward Light Stregth, and attempted to regain to lose. 阴煞之气黑暗力量中的一种,血之力量的强大同样不可小觑,在逐渐的加入了丹田之内后,那原本龟缩一角,苦苦防御光明力量侵袭的黑暗力量顿时是如同吃了十全大补丸一般,迅速的成长起来,并且主动的向着光明力量开始挑衅,并且尝试着收复失地。 However, Light Stregth characteristic lets hand over own domain that their impossible is willing absolutely, suddenly, two strengths started confrontation in He Yiming within the body, and faint has the trend of mutual impact and collision. 然而,光明力量特姓让它们绝对不可能心甘情愿的交出自己的地盘,一时间,两种力量在贺一鸣的体内开始了对峙,并且隐隐的有着相互冲击和碰撞的趋势。 Brow of He Yiming deep wrinkled, if these two strengths beside body, then he did not mind that makes Dark Strength suppress Light Stregth. But the issue is, at this time these two strengths may in his body, and lives in most sensitive and frail Dantian. 贺一鸣的眉头深深的皱了起来,如果这两种力量是在身体之外,那么他不介意让黑暗力量光明力量打压下去。但问题是,此时这两种力量可都是在他的身体之内,并且居住在最为敏感而脆弱的丹田之中。 In this case, even if the courage of He Yiming is big, does not dare to let these two strength unscrupulous battles. 在这种情况下,哪怕贺一鸣的胆子再大,也是不敢让这两股力量肆无忌惮的开战。 He stopped to absorb Yin Evil Qi, in the heart had transferred the innumerable thoughts instantaneously. 他停止了吸纳阴煞之气,心中瞬间转过了无数个念头。 In any event, today he must this issue solving, if not so, let break to balance later Light Stregth to develop, will then have Yitian│one day to lead to the beyond any help big disaster sooner or later. 无论如何,今曰他都要将这个问题给解决掉,若非如此,让打破了平衡之后的光明力量发展下去,那么早晚有一天会酿成无可挽回的大祸事。 Although the strength in Dantian belongs to his strength, but unfortunately, by the present He Yiming strength, but also is insufficient completely carries on controlling that these strength of god have one's wish. 虽然在丹田中的力量都是属于他的力量,但可惜的是,以如今贺一鸣的实力,还不足以完全的将这些神之力量随心所欲的进行艹控 strength of god has one nearly in instinct mysterious characteristic, He Yiming can utilize them and person is an enemy, but is actually not able to make them restrain, and withdraws from the occupied domain. 神之力量都有着一丝近乎于本能的神奇特姓,贺一鸣能够运用它们与人为敌,但是却无法让它们收敛,并且退出所占据的地盘。 This is strength of god and ordinary strength of five elements biggest difference, perhaps, has toward one day after the He Yiming promotion is a Divine Dao people, use these strengths that he can such as the arm incite. 这就是神之力量与普通的五行之力最大的区别,或许,有朝一曰贺一鸣晋升为神道中人后,他才能够如臂指使的使用这些力量。 suddenly, the He Yiming heart moves, he took out Five Elements Ring without hesitation, after five colors radiance flashes through, in his hand left a golden yellow imperial crown. 豁然,贺一鸣的心头一动,他不假思索的取出了五行环,五彩光芒闪过之后,在他的手上就多出了一顶金黄色的皇冠。 This was the crown of that light the Franklin head wears, Garfield had said that in Temple, most formidable Divine Weapon was not Staff of Light, but was the Light Crown in his hand. 这就是弗兰克林头上所戴着的那顶光明之冠,加菲尔德曾经说过,在神殿之中,最强大的神兵并不是光明之杖,而是他手中的这个光明皇冠 previously Franklin can shunt He Yiming and attack of Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person by strange space ability twice, dependence is the unique strength of this imperial crown. When a Western Temple war, He Yiming also once induced, this imperial crown has the formidable restriction regarding Light Stregth and controls ability. 昔曰弗兰克林能够两次以奇异的空间能力躲开贺一鸣神道凝血人的攻击,依靠的就是这顶皇冠的独特力量。而在西方神殿一战的时候,贺一鸣也曾经感应到了,这顶皇冠对于光明力量有着强大的制约和掌控能力 Perhaps, because is wearing this imperial crown, therefore Franklin can to absorb such many Light Stregth easily, and relies on these strengths were displaying the strength of light truly can with infinite powerful ability that Might of World contended with. 或许,正是因为佩戴着这顶皇冠,所以弗兰克林才能够轻易的吸纳如此之多的光明力量,并且凭借着这些力量发挥出了光之力量真正的能够与天地之威抗衡的无限威能 He Yiming cautiously wore the imperial crown above the top of the head, has the learning from another's mistakes of Franklin, the He Yiming conduct was also careful. 贺一鸣小心翼翼的将皇冠戴在了头顶之上,有着弗兰克林的这个前车之鉴,贺一鸣行事也是小心了许多。 A cool ice crisp feeling, handed down from generation to generation from the top of the head, but merely is a moment later, the head of He Yiming starts becomes some gives off heat faintly, his train of thought usually was much quicker, responds as if must even better. 一种清凉冰爽的感觉,从头顶上传了下来,而仅仅是片刻之后,贺一鸣的脑袋就开始变得有些隐隐发热,他的思绪远比平时要快得多,就连反应似乎都要更胜一筹了。 He Yiming in the heart, he even has not utilized with amazement True Qi, wears this thing merely in the head, presented the so mysterious effect unexpectedly. 贺一鸣心中骇然,他甚至于还没有运用真气,仅仅是将这东西戴在头上,竟然就出现了如此神奇的效果。 Deep inspiration, has pressed the in the heart numerous and diverse thoughts. 深深的吸了一口气,将心中繁杂的念头压了下去。 He starts the True Qi input imperial crown, however the next quarter, his brow wrinkled. 他开始将真气输入皇冠之中,然而下一刻,他的眉头就不由地皱了起来。 In this imperial crown, as if has some formidable strength protection, his True Qi is unable to enter, moreover He Yiming can also the clear induction, this strength absolutely not be the strength that Franklin leaves behind, but is this imperial crown's strength. 在这顶皇冠之中,似乎是有着某种强大的力量守护,他的真气根本就无法进入,而且贺一鸣还能够清晰的感应到,这股力量绝对不是弗兰克林所遗留下来的力量,而是这顶皇冠本身的力量。 Had considered, He Yiming clenches teeth finally, branched out a wisp strength of light in Dantian, has delivered to above the imperial crown. 考虑了一下,贺一鸣终于一咬牙,将丹田中的光明之力分出了一缕,送到了皇冠之上。 Really, this Light Crown again did not have any resistance. 果然,这一次光明皇冠就再也没有任何的阻力了。 This imperial crown is really Divine Weapon of bright department, besides using divine power of light, actually again did not have other strengths to actuate. 这顶皇冠果然是光明一系的神兵,除了使用光之神力外,竟然就再也没有了其它的力量可以驱动。 He Yiming also grasped this formidable strength of god luckily, otherwise has treasure mountain spatially in the hand, flavor that is actually not able to use also quite uncomfortable. 幸好贺一鸣也掌握了这种强大的神之力量,否则空有宝山在手,却无法使用的味道也是相当的难受。 Above the imperial crown is glittering pale golden radiance, that moment when this radiance shines, He Yiming Conscious Thought fast inflated immediately. 皇冠之上闪烁着一丝淡金色光芒,当这道光芒亮起来的那一刻,贺一鸣精神意念顿时飞快的膨胀了起来。 in his heart one cold, but that son vigilant heart quick by this is unable with the pleasant sensation that the spoken language described submerging. 他的心中一凛,但是那点儿警惕心很快的就被这股无法用言语来形容的快感给淹没了。 Huge Light Stregth has transmitted from the imperial crown, this strength seizes every opportunity, they have invaded each cell of He Yiming body, making him bathe under this piece of warm Light Stregth. 庞大的光明力量从皇冠之内传递了下来,这股力量无孔不入,它们侵入了贺一鸣身体的每一个细胞,让他沐浴在这一片温暖的光明力量之下。 He Yiming does not know, in Temple, Light Crown, although is taken care by all previous Your Holiness the Pope. However, only if promotes Divine Dao, or is the moment that Temple is in the life and death, otherwise does not allow to wear. 贺一鸣并不知道,在神殿之中,光明皇冠虽然是由历代教皇陛下保管。但是,除非是晋升神道,或者是神殿处于生死存亡的关头,否则是不允许佩戴的。 When Franklin in first several times meet, has not worn this imperial crown, he just uses the magic in imperial crown to help him get out of trouble when the crisis. 弗兰克林在前几次相见之时,根本就没有戴着这顶皇冠,他只不过是在危机之时使用皇冠中的神奇力量帮他脱困而已。 But at this time, He Yiming light divine power that to control Dantian these is not obedient, wore this imperial crown unexpectedly in the head. 而此时,贺一鸣为了控制丹田那些不听话的光明神力,竟然将这顶皇冠戴在了头上。 The strength of that formidable mysterious light has released immediately, and starts to attempt to control the body and spirit of He Yiming. 那强大的神秘光之力顿时释放了出来,并且开始尝试控制贺一鸣的身体和精神。 The infinite pleasant sensation is similar to the rising tide the water attack comes, the He Yiming reason thorough submerged. 无穷的快感如同涨潮之水般的侵袭而来,将贺一鸣的理智彻底的淹没了下去。 Indistinct within, He Yiming in the heart had one type to imitate, if ruled the invincible feeling of world, his Conscious Thought under the stimulation of imperial crown, has achieved inconceivable peak. 隐约间,贺一鸣心中产生了一种仿若是君临天下的无敌感觉,他的精神意念在皇冠的激发下,已经达到了一个不可思议的高峰 Although here not light strength continuously, but depends on powerful ability that this imperial crown itself has, sufficiently let Mortal Dao peak powerhouse thorough losing. 虽然在这里并没有源源不绝的光之力量,但是就凭这顶皇冠本身所拥有的威能,就足以让一位人道巅峰强者彻底的迷失了。 The around the body aura started the cotton wool chaotically, under the impact of formidable Light Stregth, here Yin Evil Qi also became moves restlessly restlessly. 身周的气息开始絮乱了起来,在强大光明力量的冲击之下,这里的阴煞之气也变得躁动不安了。 Looked like invested a giant stone on the tranquil water surface, swung the infinite ripples, splashed the innumerable water splash, here peaceful thorough break...... 就像是在平静的水面上投入了一颗巨石,荡起了无穷的涟漪,溅起了无数的水花,将这里的安静彻底的打破了…… ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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