MG :: Volume #6

#309: Long She respect

On the earth of distant place a smoothness, looked at the past from here, was the Eastern and Western great plains that stretched to the horizon. 远方的大地上一片平坦,从这里望过去,就是那一望无垠的东西方大平原。 When He Yiming sets foot on this lands again, in his heart had one type unexpectedly has just liked separates the world general strange feeling. 贺一鸣再一次踏上这一片土地的时候,他的心中竟然产生了一种恍若隔世一般的奇异感觉。 Looks into the distance, he even can indistinct saw that Ghost Cry Mountain Range is, thinks that occupies in that huge Dragon Snake of peak place, even if by the He Yiming present strength, in the heart also faintly somewhat is scared. 眺望远方,他甚至于能够隐约的看到那鬼哭岭所在,一想到盘踞在峰顶处的那条巨大龙蛇,哪怕是以贺一鸣如今的实力,心中亦是隐隐有些发毛。 Experienced the tour of this time Western, He Yiming already thoroughly understood under place bottom actually these famous Sacred Land hide the strength has exaggeration and great strength how. 经历了这一次的西方之行,贺一鸣已经彻底的明白了那些著名圣地隐藏在地底之下的力量究竟有多么的夸张和强大。 Franklin is relying on strength of light in Western Temple, can contend with Might of World that Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person releases, and does not drop the wind. Then in Ghost Cry Mountain Range, in practice Sacred Land that this Eastern and Western powerhouses simultaneously construct, naturally also will have is not being inferior in Western Temple formidable powerful ability. 弗兰克林凭借着西方神殿之中的光明之力,就能够与神道凝血人所释放的天地之威抗衡,并且不落下风。那么在鬼哭岭之内,这个东西方强者们同时建造的修炼圣地中,自然也会拥有着不逊色于西方神殿强大威能 This is some branch of dark strength, the strength of blood. 这是暗之力量的某种分支,血液的力量。 If begins with Dragon Snake in Ghost Cry Mountain Range, then He Yiming can affirm, even if will be he is affected by Yin Evil Qi, but definitely also will be is defeated to run away finally. Because nobody can, in can utilize in front of strength of infinite blood Dragon Snake to dominate. 若是在鬼哭岭之内与龙蛇动手,那么贺一鸣可以肯定,就算是他本人不会受到阴煞之气的影响,但最终肯定也是落败而逃。因为没有人能够在可以运用无限血之力量的龙蛇面前称雄。 Only if Franklin comes back to life, and has moved to Ghost Cry Mountain Range Western Temple, otherwise this big snake in Ghost Cry Mountain Range is absolutely invincible existence. 除非是弗兰克林复生,并且将西方神殿搬到了鬼哭岭,否则这条大蛇在鬼哭岭之内就是绝对无敌的存在。 Naturally, if Dragon Snake left the Ghost Cry Mountain Range den, then he could try to find the solution, is a chapter of slaughter dragon brave warrior. The premise, naturally must obtain agreeing of two Saint Beast first, otherwise there are them to hold back in the side, He Yiming also gave up any idea of that completes the slaughter dragon great undertaking. 当然,若是龙蛇离开了鬼哭岭老巢,那么他或许能够想想办法,做一回屠龙勇士。前提么,当然是要先获得两只圣兽的首肯,否则有它们在身边拖后腿,贺一鸣也休想完成屠龙大业。 Treasure Pig jumped from the bosom of He Yiming, it huh was calling, in the sound has been full of the happy feeling. 宝猪贺一鸣的怀中跳了起来,它哼哧哼哧的叫着,声音中充满了幸福的感觉。 He Yiming shows a faint smile, he knows that kid treats as own family Ghost Cry Mountain Range that Dragon Snake occupied. After the traveller far from home is far away returns to that moment of family, naturally is happy in the extreme. 贺一鸣微微一笑,他知道,小家伙是将龙蛇盘踞的鬼哭岭当做自己的家了。而当游子远离之后返家的那一刻,自然是高兴的无以复加。 Is holding Treasure Pig, rode white horse, He Yiming was arriving at the Ghost Cry Mountain Range surrounding quickly. 抱着宝猪,骑着白马,贺一鸣很快就来到了鬼哭岭的外围。 that sheer precipice, sieges the mountain range unable to baffle white horse Thunder Lightning entire Ghost Cry Mountain Range, it was goes easily and freely to run as before generally. 那悬崖峭壁,将整个鬼哭岭围困在内的山脉根本就难不倒白马雷电,它依旧是如履平地一般的跑了过去。 Although present white horse Thunder Lightning already successful lightization Divine Weapon, but for clarity, regarding it, is accustomed to dispersing four hooves travels, moreover to be honest, if the list discussed at the speed, the speed that white horse travelled stepped on the speed of Thunder Lightning flight also to compared with it plan quickly. 虽然如今的白马雷电已经成功的光化神兵,但是很明显的,对于它来说,还是习惯于撒开四蹄跑路,而且说实话,若是单以速度而论,白马跑路的速度比起它踩着雷电飞行的速度还要更快一筹。 In Ghost Cry Mountain Range, is Yin Evil Qi proliferates as before, Strength of World is rich. However, Might of World that after experiencing Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person has released, He Yiming , etc. will not have been feeling big shock regarding Ghost Cry Mountain Range this grade of Strength of World. 鬼哭岭之中,依旧是阴煞之气遍布,天地之力浓郁。但是,在经历过了神道凝血人所释放出来的天地之威后,贺一鸣等已经对于鬼哭岭这等天地之力不会在感受到多大的震撼了。 Looks up to the peak of that distant place, He Yiming in the heart is thinking. 只是,仰望着那远处的峰顶,贺一鸣心中不由地想着。 In the old book records, several thousand years ago, when the Divine Dao powerhouses have not disappeared, every Divine Dao people has the war, definitely will pester said that can decide the victory and defeat. 古籍中记载,数千年前,神道强者们尚未消失之时,凡是神道中人发生战争,肯定会纠缠多曰,方能分出胜负。 During the fight, the Mountain Splitting crack stone, the river water flows backwards, is the ordinary matters. 战斗之中,开山裂石,河水倒流,都是平常之事。 Before He Yiming was doubtful, after Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person has gotten rid a time, he entirely has believed. 以前贺一鸣还是半信半疑,但是在神道凝血人出手过一次之后,他就已经完全的相信了。 A Divine Dao people, among with no efforts, has greatest powerful ability. If several days fights, then Mountain Splitting crack stone wait / etc., but is the result of department of pediatrics. 神道中人,举手投足之间,都具有莫大的威能。若是数曰相斗,那么开山裂石等等,不过就是小儿科的结果罢了。 However, makes He Yiming feel that what only tendency is charmed, several days of Divine Dao people fights, that must consume many Strength of World, only feared that this Ghost Cry Mountain Range complete strength takes, fills the gap between teeth. 然而,唯一让贺一鸣感到心向神往的是,神道中人的数曰相斗,那要消耗多少天地之力,只怕这鬼哭岭全部的力量拿出去,也不过就是塞牙缝罢了。 Thus it can be seen, Strength of World of Divine Dao age rich to what kind situation, but the life in Cultivator of that age, is truly a happy matter. 由此可见,神道年代的天地之力丰厚的到了何等地步,而生活在那个年代的修炼者,才是真正幸福的一件事情。 The stuffy thunder-like howling handed down from generation to generation from summit together, Treasure Pig happy stamping one's foot, the roar of similarly formidable dragon might has released from its exquisite body together. 一道闷雷般的吼叫声从山顶上传了下来,宝猪高兴的一跳脚,一道同样强大的龙威之吼从它那小巧的身躯内释放了出来。 The He Yiming complexion changes, they just entered in the Ghost Cry Mountain Range black fog at this moment, Dragon Snake of that summit has discovered their existence, and is carrying on some exchange using the sound and Treasure Pig. 贺一鸣的脸色微变,他们此刻刚刚进入了鬼哭岭的黑雾之中,那山顶的龙蛇就已经发现了他们的存在,并且利用声音与宝猪在进行着某种交流。 When his faint discovery, this Dragon Snake as if compared with first time met wants, or it regarding the change of environment quite to pay attention formidable. 他隐隐的发现,这头龙蛇似乎比第一次相见之时要强大了一些,或者说它对于周围环境的变化还是比较注意的。 Treasure Pig jumped on the white horse Thunder Lightning nape of the neck all of a sudden, its tight was entraining the white horse Thunder Lightning nape of the neck, in the mouth huh several. As if understood its meaning, white horse Thunder Lightning also holds up the head, sent out one to be full of the dignified sound from its mouth. 宝猪一下子跳到了白马雷电的脖颈上,它紧紧的拽着白马雷电的脖颈,口中哼哧了几句。似乎是明白了它的意思,白马雷电也是昂首,从它的口中发出了一道充满了威严的声音。 With this sound, unexpectedly is that rumble sound of the thunder. 伴随着这道声音的,竟然是那隆隆的电闪雷鸣之音。 Dragon Snake on peak has cried out once again, but He Yiming listened to a happiness from its sound. What this Dragon Snake unexpectedly is the sincerity is to have white horse Thunder Lightning of blood of homogeneous Divine Beast cheers. 峰顶上的龙蛇再度叫唤了起来,不过贺一鸣已经从它的声音中听出了一丝欢喜之情。这头龙蛇竟然是真心的为拥有同种神兽之血的白马雷电而喝彩。 Slight sound sound from body rear-drive, He Yiming is startled slightly, he turns head to look, the complexion is actually towering changed. 轻微的响动声从身后传了过来,贺一鸣微微一怔,他扭头看去,脸色却是突兀的变了一下。 In their, Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person unexpectedly is departing from the norm extended both hands, massive Yin Evil Qi emerged in his body, moreover his double pupil also faint start sends out a light red halo. 在他们的身后,神道凝血人竟然是一反常态的伸出了双手,大量的阴煞之气涌入了他的身体之内,而且他的双眸也隐隐的开始散发出一丝淡淡的红色光晕。 This is the special symbol of Solidified Blood Person, when this wipes red look changes bright red such as the blood, is he can release biggest powerful ability the time. 这是凝血人的特殊标志,当这一抹红色变得鲜红如血之时,也是他能够释放出最大威能的时候。 He Yiming in the heart complained of hardship secretly, he through in the mind Thought, issued to Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person hastily stopped the order of to absorb Yin Evil Qi. 贺一鸣心中暗自叫苦,他连忙通过脑海中意念,向神道凝血人下达了停止吸纳阴煞之气的命令。 Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person has as if hesitated, but has not disobeyed the He Yiming will eventually, the personal appearance moved slightly, Yin Evil Qi that comes in waves no longer changes immediately, but slowly has stabilized. 神道凝血人似乎是迟疑了一下,但终究是没有违逆贺一鸣的意志,身形微微的动了一下,那滚滚而来的阴煞之气顿时不再变动,而是缓缓的稳定了下来。 powerful ability that present Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person has but the no small matter, far from the past these Three Flowers powerhouses can compare, if made him let loose to absorb Yin Evil Qi, definitely will cause here master's detection. The Dragon Snake temperament is not quite good, if looked that Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person is not pleasing to the eyes, gets rid with a it war, definitely is not anybody is willing to see, therefore He Yiming must put an end to this matter's occurrence in any event. 如今的神道凝血人所拥有的威能可是非同小可,远非往昔的那些三花强者们能够比拟,若是让他放开了吸纳阴煞之气,肯定会引起这里主人的察觉。龙蛇的脾气并不太好,若是看神道凝血人不顺眼,出手与之一战,肯定不是任何人愿意见到,所以贺一鸣无论如何都要杜绝此事的发生。 Before Treasure Pig two, hoof vigorous is brandishing, seemed wish makes the people go to the summit, He Yiming has hugged the kid, their familiar house went toward most peak. 宝猪的两只前蹄大力的挥舞着,似乎是想要让众人前往山顶,贺一鸣将小家伙抱了起来,他们熟门熟路的朝着最高峰而去。 In Ghost Cry Mountain Range the place of summit, is that Yin Evil Qi thickest place. If other people come here, already by repeatedly urging do not approach the summit, but He Yiming and the others actually not care a whoop. 鬼哭岭的山巅之处,是那阴煞之气最为浓密的地方。若是其他人来到这里,早就被千叮万嘱的不要靠近山巅,但贺一鸣等人却是毫不在意。 A giant eye was similar to the lantern in dark night flashes sharp radiance, the Dragon Snake vision has been filling curiously. 一双巨大的眼睛如同黑夜中的灯笼般闪动着亮丽的光芒,龙蛇的目光充满了好奇。 Afterward, a huge pressure has released from the body of Dragon Snake. This is a tremendous strength, is similar to ropes tightens in around the body of people unceasingly, presses the person not to gasp for breath. 随后,一股庞大的威压从龙蛇的身上释放了出来。这是一股巨大的力量,如同一道道的绳索在众人的身周不断收紧似的,压得人喘不过气来。 If previous time meets, when facing so pressure, it is estimated that besides Bai Lingba (108), other people are hard to withstand easily. 如果是上一次相见,在面对如此压力之时,估计除了百零八之外,其余人都难以轻易承受。 However at this time, even if after were small Treasure Pig merely is huh several, does not care. 但是此时,哪怕是小宝猪都仅仅是哼哧了几声之后,就再也不在乎了。 He Yiming and the others, although has not counter-attacked, but from their body actually indistinct releases a least inferior strength, these strengths formidable without a doubt, can completely with the top strength that the Dragon Snake pressure contends with. 贺一鸣等人虽然并没有反击,但是从他们的身上却隐约的释放出了一丝毫不逊色的力量,这些力量的强大毋庸置疑,完全是能够与龙蛇威压相抗衡的顶尖力量。 Naturally, on the body of Bai Lingba (108), does not have as before, he looks like a rock, regardless of the Dragon Snake strength is strong, is unable to become any influence to other party. 当然,在百零八的身上,依旧是毫无所动,他就像是一个岩石般,无论龙蛇的力量多么强大,都无法对他造成任何影响。 But the body of Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person even more was strange, his body unexpectedly likely is black hole, that immeasurably deep cave entrance swallows pressure and pressure that Dragon Snake is releasing vigorously. 神道凝血人的身上就愈发的怪异了,他的身体竟然像是一个黑洞,那深不可测的洞口大力吞噬着龙蛇释放出来的气势和威压。 He Yiming used the surprise vision to look to Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person, pressure and pressure actually were also strength one, but this strength extremely in illusory, radically not the tentacle like True Qi and Yin Evil Qi may. But so, Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person actually can also enter within the body it to absorb, this is really incredible. 贺一鸣用着诧异的目光看向了神道凝血人,气势和威压其实也是力量的一种,只不过这种力量太过于虚幻,根本就不像真气阴煞之气那样的触手可及。但就算如此,神道凝血人竟然也能够将之吸纳入体内,这实在是令人难以置信。 The performance of Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person has immediately brought to the attention of Dragon Snake, this colossus a pair of giant eye pupil stubbornly is staring at this mysterious character. 神道凝血人的表现立即引起了龙蛇的注意,这条庞然大物将一双巨大的眼眸死死的盯着这位神奇的人物。 By its strength, naturally can the faint feeling Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person within the body go into hiding enormous powerful ability. 以它的实力,自然能够隐隐的感受到神道凝血人体内所隐匿着的庞大威能 Especially forehead that Divine Dao Ashen Relic, has surpassed now in the world existences of all powerhouses. Perhaps, only has that mysterious powerhouse on Open Sea Island of Gods, can have with Divine Dao Ashen Relic strength side by side. 特别是眉心处的那颗神道舍利,更是超过了当今世界上一切强者的存在。或许,唯有外海神之岛上的那个神秘强者,能够拥有与神道舍利子比肩的力量。 Light hissing has made a sound from the Dragon Snake mouth together, is having a threat and respect flavor in this sound. 一道轻嘶从龙蛇的口中响了起来,在这道声音中带着一丝威胁和尊敬的味道。 Is such flash, this jumbo has approved the Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person strength. 仅仅是那么的一瞬间,这条巨无霸就已经认可了神道凝血人的实力。 He Yiming in the heart relaxed, before entering Ghost Cry Mountain Range, can the matter that he most is worried about is Dragon Snake have the conflict with Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person. 贺一鸣心中松了一口气,在进入鬼哭岭之前,他最担心的事情就是龙蛇会否与神道凝血人发生冲突。 After all, cultivation technique and Dragon Snake that Innate Skill ability Solidified Blood Person cultivates has the enormous conflict. 毕竟,凝血人所修炼的功法龙蛇天赋能力有着极大的冲突。 They have intense earnestly seeking regarding Yin Evil Qi, from this point, they, but inborn enemy. However at this time looks like, so long as Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person does not provoke on own initiative, the matter that are worried about basically was unlikely to occur. 他们对于阴煞之气都有着强烈的渴求,从这一点上来说,他们可是天生的对头。但是此时看起来,只要神道凝血人不主动挑衅,那么自己担心的事情基本上就不太可能发生了。 Sir Dragon Snake of respect.” He Yiming toward a Dragon Snake bow, said slightly: Treasure Pig and Thunder Lightning after this place, want to come to see you, the place of disturbance, please excuse me.” “尊敬的龙蛇大人。”贺一鸣向着龙蛇微微一躬,道:“宝猪雷电经过此地,想要来看望您,打扰之处,请您见谅。” This Dragon Snake does not know that lived many years, had the extremely high wisdom, He Yiming treats as a humanity to treat it completely. 这条龙蛇也不知道活了多少年,拥有极高的智慧,贺一鸣完全是将它当做一个人类来对待了。 Dragon Snake big head has selected slightly, its in a soft voice was roaring, regarding humble that He Yiming displayed specially, Dragon Snake suitable satisfaction, moreover can look from its expression that present Dragon Snake does not treat as a not worthy of mentioning small role He Yiming, but treated as an equal powerhouse to treat him. 龙蛇大脑袋稍微点了一下,它轻声的吼叫着,对于贺一鸣特意表现出来的卑谦,龙蛇相当的满意,而且从它的表情可以看出来,如今的龙蛇再也不是将贺一鸣当做一个微不足道的小角色,而是将他当做一个平等的强者来对待了。 Felt has lain in the formidable Dragon Snake respect, He Yiming in the heart was filled with emotion. 感受到了来在于强大龙蛇的敬意,贺一鸣心中感慨万千。 This time he, initially did not run up to asylum the boy of that having no way out Ghost Cry Mountain Range seeks. 此时的他,再也不是当初跑到鬼哭岭来寻求的庇护的那个走投无路的小子了。 Gains ground, the He Yiming vision 11 has swept from the body of partners, as if penetrated that infinite dense fog to look to the remote Northwest direction. His double fist in unknowingly slowly got hold. 抬头,贺一鸣的目光从伙伴们的身上11扫过,似乎是透过了那无穷的迷雾而看向了遥远的西北方向。他的双拳在不知不觉中慢慢的握紧了。 in his heart flood is moving an issue. 在他的心中泛动着一个问题。 Have I, stood in the summit of world? 我,已经站在了天下之巅了么? ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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