MG :: Volume #6

#308: Thought summon

Less than half city already in lightning and great power turned into stretch of ruins to the bang, this time fight result is unexpected. 小半个城市已经在闪电和强大力量的对轰之中变成了一片废墟,这一次的战斗结果更是出人意料。 Franklin after having the Thought strength and Temple of huge follower saved ten thousand years of strength of light, finally will die a tragic death unexpectedly in this manner, is not anybody can expect beforehand. 弗兰克林在拥有了庞大信徒的意念力量和神殿积蓄了万年的光明之力后,最终竟然会以这种方式惨死,就不是任何人能够在事先预料到的。 His body what happened?” The familiar sound passed from the side together. “他的身上发生了什么事?”一道熟悉的声音从身边传了过来。 He Yiming is astonished however looked at a partner, in his memory, Bai Lingba (108) as if little has cared regarding the matter of bystander. 贺一鸣讶然的看了一眼身边的伙伴,在他的记忆中,百零八似乎对于外人的事情很少关心过。 Brother Bai, Franklin controlling did not belong to his strength, these strengths gave his body to bring the too big burden.” He Yiming is hesitating, saying slowly: Under concealing and patching of Light Stregth, his body can also maintain reluctantly, if has been separated from Light Stregth, then his body again is unable to withstand such heavy burden, but collapsed thoroughly.” 百兄,弗兰克林艹控了并不属于他的力量,那些力量给他的身体带来了太大的负担。”贺一鸣沉吟着,慢慢的说道:“在光明力量的掩饰和修补之下,他的身体还可以勉强维持,但一旦脱离了光明力量,那么他的身体就再也无法承受这样的重担而彻底崩溃了。” Bai Lingba (108) nod slowly, he is leaning the head, does not know that is thinking anything. 百零八缓缓的点着头,他侧着脑袋,不知道在想些什么。 He Yiming is the [say / way] of keeping sighing: Some big strengths, display the big strength, to spend freely the Divine Dao strength by frail physique, that was courts death.” 贺一鸣则是长吁短叹的道:“有多大的力量,就施展多大的力量,若是想要以孱弱的体质来挥霍神道的力量,那就是自己找死了。” Franklin before death is a Mortal Dao peak powerhouse, his physique formidable, although cannot compare with Saint Beast, but also absolutely and frail two characters cannot have any relations. However after hearing the appraisal of He Yiming, two Saint Beast are actually nods as if by prior agreement, regarding this approval. 弗兰克林生前是一位人道巅峰强者,他的体质之强大虽然不能够与圣兽相比,但也绝对与孱弱两字扯不上任何关系。但是在听到了贺一鸣的评价之后,两头圣兽却是不约而同的点着头,对此十分的认可。 Although the Mortal Dao peak is formidable, but Divine Dao is actually the no small matter. Goes to the strength of controlling Divine Dao by the body of Mortal Dao peak, that looks like makes a ten -year-old child brandish more than hundred jin (0.5 kg) meteor hammers. Before killing enemy, it is estimated that must run over by the weight of meteor hammer first while still alive. 人道巅峰虽然强大,但神道却更是非同小可。以人道巅峰之躯去艹控神道之力,那就像是让一个十岁的小孩子去挥舞百多斤的流星锤。在打死敌人之前,估计自己就要先被流星锤的重量给活活压死了。 Compares the Divine Dao Realm strength, Franklin truly could be called frail. 相比于神道境界的力量而言,弗兰克林确实称得上是孱弱了。 Bai Lingba (108) suddenly turned over the head, asked: Your body how?” 百零八豁然转过了头,问道:“你的身体如何了?” When He Yiming with Franklin to war, had accepted the filling body of Light Stregth, since Franklin is unable to withstand, how then he can be exceptional. 贺一鸣在与弗兰克林对战之时,也曾经接受过光明力量的灌体,既然弗兰克林无法承受,那么他又如何能够例外。 Shaking the head of slightly, He Yiming tranquil [say / way]: You could rest assured that I do not have to absorb too many Light Stregth.” He, said: Actually Franklin should also know this truth, but Light Stregth regarding him of pure bright body, is really one enticement that is hard to reject, therefore he unrestrainedly will make has surpassed the choice of his limit.” 微微的摇了摇头,贺一鸣平静的道:“你放心,我并没有吸纳太多的光明力量。”他顿了顿,道:“其实弗兰克林也应该知道这个道理,但是光明力量对于纯粹的光明之体的他来说,实在是一个难以拒绝的诱惑,所以他才会情不自禁的做出了超过他极限的选择吧。” In the He Yiming words is quite regrettable, although they may be called the foes, however was seeing that a Mortal Dao peak powerhouse had ended own life finally in this manner, in his heart is actually somewhat sigh with emotion. 贺一鸣的话中颇为遗憾,虽然他们两人堪称仇敌,但是在见到一位人道巅峰强者最终以这种方式结束了自己的生命,他的心中却还是有些感慨的。 way of cultivation, was one has really covered entirely the dangerous path of thorn. So long as a negligence, will fall into the beyond redemption result slightly. 修炼之道,果然是一条布满了荆棘的危险道路。只要稍一疏忽,就会陷入万劫不复的结果。 Deep sighing, He Yiming bent down, took down Franklin imperial crown and clothes robe and Staff of Light. 深深的叹了一口气,贺一鸣俯下身来,将弗兰克林身上的皇冠、衣袍和光明之杖取了下来。 Changed conveniently, really had found space goods on the body of this Sir Pope. However this space goods make He Yiming quite surprised, because this unexpectedly is a rare waistband. 顺手翻动了一下,果然在这位教皇大人的身上找到了一个空间物品。不过这个空间物品却让贺一鸣颇为惊讶,因为这竟然是一条罕见的腰带。 He Yiming has not changed inside thing, but has squeezed in these things Five Elements World altogether. 贺一鸣并没有翻动里面的东西,而是将这些东西一股脑儿的塞入了五行世界之内。 Although in this city many places turned into the ruins, but has many pair of eyes to stare at He Yiming at this time. After they saw He Yiming is relentless takes Your Holiness the Pope treasure all, is in an uncontrollable rage all. However, regardless of their in the heart how resenting, but nobody dares to walk the stop from beginning to end. 这座城市中虽然有很多地方都变成了废墟,但此时还是有着许多双眼睛在盯着贺一鸣。当他们看到贺一鸣毫不留情的将教皇陛下身上的宝物尽数取走之后,无不是怒不可遏。但是,无论他们的心中如何的愤恨,但自始至终都没有一个人敢走出来阻拦。 After He Yiming and the others arrived here , the great strength of powerful ability releases, already thorough has shocked here everyone. After the Your Holiness the Pope body falls, nobody dares to get rid again on own initiative provocative He Yiming. 贺一鸣等人来到这里之后所释放出来的威能之强大,已经彻底的震撼了这里的每一个人。在教皇陛下身陨之后,再也没有人敢主动出手挑衅贺一鸣了。 Receives all things, He Yiming gains ground, looks that towers as before not but actually, even a little breakage also no big Temple, his look is quite continually strange. 将所有的东西收好,贺一鸣抬头,看着那依旧是耸立不倒,甚至于连一点儿破损也没有的高大神殿,他的眼神颇为怪异。 In Temple is hiding these powerhouses in the heart are icy cold, although their complexions are dreary, but the look actually as before is steadfast. 神殿之中所隐藏着的那些强者们一个个心中冰凉,他们的脸色虽然惨淡,但是眼神却依旧是坚定不移。 If He Yiming planned also opened really entire Temple, they completely died certainly, must go all out to stop. 如果贺一鸣真的打算将整个神殿也拆了的话,那他们就算是全部死绝,也要拼命阻拦。 Perhaps, and is not enough to prevent He Yiming by their strengths, before they die, He Yiming also gives up any idea of smoothly the entire Temple demolition. 或许,以他们的力量并不足以阻挡贺一鸣,但是在他们死光之前,贺一鸣也休想顺利的将整个神殿拆除。 However, after He Yiming stares merely has partly made a sound, then rides white horse, bright sound track: Tit for tat is fair play tit for tat is fair play, person, if violates my me to hundred times of recompensing......” 然而,贺一鸣仅仅是凝望了半响之后,便骑上了白马,朗声道:“人不犯我我不犯人,人若犯我我必百倍偿之……” The voice has not fallen, white horse dispersed four hooves, in a flash runs without a trace, the sky of entire city is only reverberating on the other this together long sounds. 话音未落,白马已经是撒开了四蹄,转瞬间跑的无影无踪了,整个城市的上空就仅余下这一道悠长的声音不停的回荡着。 When the white form disappears after the horizon, several forms flew to catch up from Temple generally. 当白色的身影消失在天边之后,数道身影从神殿中飞一般的赶了过来。 They gather round Franklin that bloody corpse, on the face of everyone has a sad look. 他们围着弗兰克林那血淋淋的尸体,每一个人的脸上都有着一种悲戚的神色。 Temple counts hundred years to come the most formidable pillar to collapse in this moment loudly, such accident makes all people unable to accept easily. They blink, seems was suspecting whether all these merely is a dreamland. 神殿百年来最强大的支柱在这一刻轰然倒塌,这样的变故让所有人都无法轻易接受。他们眨着眼睛,似乎是在怀疑这一切是否仅仅是一场梦境。 However, quick, the wail that then hears from all around makes them understand immediately, matter that all these really have completely. 然而,很快的,那从四周传来的哭泣声立即让他们明白,这一切全部都是真实发生的事情。 A beard and hair Bai old person suddenly is all typical: Pray, making us summon the Saint soul of Sir.” 一位须发皆白的老人突地道:“祈祷吧,让我们来召唤大人的圣魂。” Sat in the several people of his side as if by prior agreement, they the status in Temple are noble, in ordinary day has hundred responses to a single call, has a high and respected position. However in this moment, sitting that they actually did not mind to the ground, no matter here whether sewage everywhere, were the dripping with blood, they sat. 在他身边的几个人不约而同的坐了下来,他们在神殿之中的身份都是高贵之极,平曰里更是一呼百诺,养尊处优。但是在这一刻,他们却毫不介意的坐到了地面上,不管这里是否污水遍地,还是鲜血淋漓,他们都是一屁股的坐了下来。 Strange sounds recited from their mouths, has been full of some formidable special strength in this sound. Their energy incomparable centralism, each syllable as if has consumed their enormous strengths, quick, this unusual recitation way made their bodies the streaming with sweat. 一道道古怪的声音从他们的口中吟诵了出来,在这种声音中充满了某种强大的特殊力量。他们的精力无比的集中,每一个音节都似乎耗费了他们极大的力量,很快的,这种奇特的吟诵方式就让他们的身上变得汗如雨下了。 In any event nobody gives up, they as if are believing, definitely will have any miracle to occur. 只是,无论如何都没有人放弃,他们似乎是在坚信着,肯定会有什么奇迹发生。 For a long time, has emitted a little light weak light on the Franklin corpse slowly. 许久之后,在弗兰克林的尸体上缓缓的冒出了一点儿淡薄的微弱之光。 After seeing this, these people even more excited, on them weary as if clears off, makes the sound that from the mouth even more resoundingly. 看到了这一幕之后,那些人愈发的兴奋了起来,他们身上的疲劳似乎是一扫而光,从口中所发出来的声音愈发的响亮。 Finally, that weak light started to condense, and finally turned into illusory Franklin. 终于,那一点微弱的光开始凝聚了起来,并且最终变成了一个虚幻的弗兰克林 If He Yiming here, and saw this, then he definitely will remember that pitiful Darkness Union Sir alliance head. 如果贺一鸣在此,并且看到了这一幕,那么他肯定会想起那位可怜的黑暗联盟议长大人。 This by oneself companion hand in hand was plotted against Mortal Dao peak powerhouse, but the body falls after death, is relying on the formidable willpower beyond comparison, or is refuses stubbornly to be resigned, wants the final faith of getting others into trouble, therefore erupts Thought, once by way short existence of Thought in this world. 这位被自己携手的同伴暗算而身陨的人道巅峰强者在死亡之后,凭借着无以伦比的强大意志力,或者说是死不甘心,想要拖人下水的最终信念,所以将意念爆发,曾经以意念的方式短暂的存在于这个世界上。 But Franklin does not have the so formidable willpower obviously or is the faith that some type makes him unable to put down, after he died, Thought started to dissipate immediately slowly. 弗兰克林明显没有如此强大的意志力或者说是某种让他放不下的信念,所以当他死亡之后,意念立即开始慢慢消散了。 However, Inheritance over ten thousand years of Temple really has the mysterious and formidable strength. Their Elder have used some secret technique unexpectedly, lax Franklin Thought condensed that gradually again. 不过,传承了上万年的神殿果然有着神秘而强大的力量。他们的长老们竟然使用了某种密术,将那已经逐渐涣散的弗兰克林意念重新的凝聚了起来。 Although this time and impossible is very long, but this was also a great matter. 虽然这个时间并不可能很长,但这也是一件了不起的事情了。 You...... Here.” Illusory Franklin link, he has as if put aside the thoughts, said: He Yiming was too formidable, you cannot provoke in him again.” “你们……都在这里。”虚幻的弗兰克林环目一圈,他似乎是放下了心思,道:“贺一鸣太强大了,你们不许再招惹于他。” Temple audiences Elder look at each other in shock, they have not thought that summoned with great difficulty Your Holiness the Pope Thought, however his head a few words were to urge them cannot revenge. 神殿长老面面相觑,他们怎么也没有想到,好不容易将教皇陛下意念召唤回来,但是他老人家的头一句话就是叮嘱他们不可报仇。 Is that grey head deep bow of head, said: Respect Your Holiness the Pope, what do you have to tell?” 为首的那位白发老人深深一躬,道:“尊敬的教皇陛下,您还有什么吩咐么?” I and Garfield died, the Western world did not have the peak powerhouse again, the tour of this time Ice Island, is not you can mix.” Franklin tranquil saying: Before the Western world presents the new Mortal Dao peak, does not allow Venerable to enter Eastern.” “我和加菲尔德都死了,西方世界再也没有了巅峰强者,这一次的冰岛之行,已经不是你们能够掺和的了。”弗兰克林平静的说道:“在西方世界出现新的人道巅峰之前,不允许尊者进入东方。” Numerous Elder bowing compliance without hesitation. 众多长老毫不犹豫的躬身应允。 Reed, the Pope position is inherited by you, the glory of bright god forever spreads.” The Franklin sound enhanced a little slightly. 列得,教皇的位置由你继承,将光明神的荣耀永远的流传下去。”弗兰克林的声音稍微的提高了那么一点儿。 Before him at the point of death, body, in addition received the control of that great power. However in the presence of everyone Elder his Thought after the edge of dissipation pulls back, his mentality immediately returned to normal, started methodical transferring behind the matter. But until assigns that moment of successor finally, his sound had that the fluctuation of flash. 在他临死之前,身体尚且受到了那强大力量的支配。但是当众长老将他的意念从消散的边缘拉回来之后,他的心态顿时恢复了平静,开始有条不紊的交待身后事了。而直到最后指定接班人的那一刻,他的声音才有了那么一瞬间的波动。 Grey head Reed deep crawled, he by a place, received this order respectfully. 白发老人列得深深的匍匐了下去,他以头点地,恭敬的接下了这道命令。 Although he also knows that takes over Pope in this Temple most critical time, regarding him not necessarily is the good deed, but he in entire Temple the military force or the prestige, are next to the Your Holiness the Pope powerhouses, therefore this shoulder pole also only had him to undertake. 虽然他也知道,在这个神殿最为危急的时刻接任教皇,对于他来说未必就是好事,但是他在整个神殿之中无论是武力还是声望,都是仅次于教皇陛下的强者,所以这个担子也唯有他来承担了。 Franklin looks the own bloody corpse, by his wisdom, knew certainly these things to who the hand. 弗兰克林看着自己血淋淋的尸体,以他的智慧,当然知道身上的那些东西到了何人之手。 A moment later, he is suddenly typical: Edwin.” 片刻之后,他突地道:“艾德文。” Handsome Edwin goes forward immediately, respectful [say / way]: Your majesty.” 英俊的艾德文立即上前,恭敬的道:“陛下。” previously four people that escapes from the nameless island, has this Temple most outstanding disciple. 昔曰从无名小岛中逃脱的四人当中,就有着这位神殿最杰出的弟子。 You, are bringing my skeleton, goes to a place.” Expression incomparable dignity of Franklin: If you can find that place, and can obtain the help. The glory of treasure and bright god who then we lose, will return to our hands.” “你,带着我的骸骨,去一个地方。”弗兰克林的语气无比的凝重:“如果你能够找到那个地方,并且能够求得帮助。那么我们失去的宝物和光明神的荣耀,都将会重新回归到我们的手中。” Edwin head suddenly lifted, his sinking sound track: Your majesty, that place where?” 艾德文的头豁然抬了起来,他沉声道:“陛下,那个地方在哪里?” Franklin head picture gradual pale, under losing the support of body, his Thought finally started to dissipate, moreover was true, thorough dissipation in this world. 弗兰克林的头像逐渐的淡了起来,在失去了身体的支撑下,他的意念终于开始消散了,而且是真正的,彻底的消散于这个世界之中。 However, he keeps the last few words in this world, the reverberation in the ear of people are unceasing throughout. 然而,他留在这个世界上的最后一句话,却在众人的耳中始终回荡不绝。 Open Sea, Island of Gods......” 外海,神之岛……” ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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