MG :: Volume #6

#307: Explodes the body to perish

The huge strength has uploaded from the hand of He Yiming, the body of Franklin shivered, afterward had pulled out in this light by He Yiming stiffly. 庞大的力量从贺一鸣的手上传了过来,弗兰克林的身体颤抖了一下,随后被贺一鸣硬生生的拉出了这一片光之中。 strength of light that releases from Temple shoots up to the sky, covers in which them, however in this moment, He Yiming actually used the method of alternative, and Franklin around the body the strength of light shutting off. 神殿之中所释放出来的光明之力冲天而起,将他们两人笼罩其中,但是在这一刻,贺一鸣却施展出了另类的手段,将自己与弗兰克林身周的光之力量给切断了。 This is the utilization of Strength of Source, he has released his Strength of Source, prevents the strength of light that seizes every opportunity outside. 这是本源之力的运用,他将自己的本源之力释放了出来,将那无孔不入的光之力量阻挡在外。 Although strength of light is known as nothing which is not puts on, when has met Strength of Source of world, is actually not able to display proper powerful ability. previously in light sea, that fused Strength of Source Yin Evil Armor even to prevent the attack of light strength, say nothing at this time that pure Strength of Source. 光明的力量虽然号称无所不穿,但是在遇到了世界的本源之力的时候,却无法发挥出应有的威能昔曰在光之海中,那融合了本源之力阴煞铠甲甚至于都能够阻挡光之力量的侵袭,就更不用说此时那纯粹的本源之力了。 When strength of light in the flash of cut-off, He Yiming has towed unexpected Franklin to depart beyond the world that light has covered rapidly quickly. 光明之力在切断的一瞬间,贺一鸣已经是拖着猝不及防的弗兰克林迅快的飞出了那光明所笼罩的世界之外。 Franklin sent out one to be full of the unbelievable long howl, he understood immediately He Yiming intention, whole body True Qi was similar to the boiling water has seethed with excitement, Staff of Light in his hand went all out went toward the He Yiming point, every time selected, has the formidable Light Stregth bombardment to go. 弗兰克林发出了一道充满了难以置信的长啸声,他立即明白了贺一鸣的意图,浑身真气如同滚水般的沸腾了起来,他手中的光明之杖拼命的朝着贺一鸣点去,每一次点出,都有着强大的光明力量轰击而去。 Faced far these is being inferior in the True Qi attack of Light Stregth, He Yiming instead did not have initial that relaxed enjoyable, his complexion, the wrist|skill wielded dignifiedly, Five Elements Ring appeared in the hand, that five colors radiance changed to colored wheel of light, came from all the attack of Staff of Light prevents outside. 面对着这些远逊色于光明力量真气攻击,贺一鸣反而是没有了最初的那种轻松写意,他的脸色凝重之极,手腕一挥之间,五行环已经出现在手上,那五彩光芒化作了一道道的彩色光轮,将一切来自于光明之杖的攻击都阻挡在外。 At this time, they are apart from one after another near, a hand of He Yiming covered a hand of Franklin firmly, but their weapons are brilliant, as if not under that formidable Light Stregth. 此时,他们两个人相继距极近,贺一鸣的一只手更是牢牢的扣住了弗兰克林的一只手,而他们双方的武器更是光彩夺目,似乎并不在那强大的光明力量之下。 After they left that two giant light beam, from Temple releases Light Stregth that immediately at the extremely quick speed to start to weaken. Is moment time, that seemed omnipresent strength of light became vague. 只是,在他们两个人离开了那两道巨大的光柱之后,从神殿中所释放出来的光明力量顿时以极快的速度开始减弱了起来。仅仅是片刻功夫,那仿佛是无所不在的光明之力已经变得若有若无了。 Treasure Pig and white horse have looked one, two Saint Beast understood the idea of He Yiming finally. 宝猪白马对望了一眼,两只圣兽终于明白了贺一鸣的想法。 No wonder He Yiming throughout was stressing that this strength does not belong to Franklin. Truly, these formidable Light Stregth is this to fill mysterious Temple. 怪不得贺一鸣始终在强调,这种力量并不是属于弗兰克林的。确实,这些强大的光明力量是属于这座充满了神秘的神殿 To stimulate the strength of here light not to be easy, Franklin united the Thought strengths of that many people, this successful will stimulate. If he continuously in this strength, then can random controlling and utilization. However, after controlling left this piece light, they initiative return in Temple. 想要激发这里的光之力量并不容易,弗兰克林凝聚了那么多人的意念力量,这才成功的将之激发出来。如果他本人一直在这种力量之中,那么可以任意的艹控和运用。但是,当艹控者离开了这一片光之后,它们就会主动的回归于神殿之中。 The strength of light is strong, once stimulates successfully, they have the speed beyond comparison. However similarly, when the strength of light starts to contract, their speeds similarly quickly unparalleled. 光的力量强大无比,一旦激发成功,它们也拥有无以伦比的速度。但是同样的,当光之力量开始收缩之时,它们的速度同样快捷无双。 Saw that formidable light will soon vanish, Franklin both eyes is completely red, he sent out an earthshaking roaring sound, Staff of Light in hand He Yiming by the wrist|skill that firmly held layer on layer is wielded unexpectedly toward himself. 眼看那强大的光即将消失,弗兰克林双目尽赤,他发出了一道惊天动地的怒吼声,手中的光明之杖竟然朝着自己被贺一鸣牢牢抓住的手腕重重一挥。 Together intense blood splash, instantaneous incarnadine Your Holiness the Pope sleeves and opposite He Yiming. 一道激烈的鲜血飞溅而出,瞬间染红了教皇陛下的衣袖和对面的贺一鸣 The Franklin complexion towering terror, his both eyes closely stares at light strength that will soon be vanishing, at this time, his thoughts radically not in that already above cut off arm, but wholeheartedly is thinking must detain Light Stregth that will soon vanish. 弗兰克林的脸色峥嵘恐怖,他的双目紧紧盯着那即将消失的光之力量,此时,他的心思根本就不在那已经被砍断的手臂之上,而是全心全意的想着要将那即将消失的光明力量挽留住。 Experiences after light strength that has been similar to the Spiritual God strength, Franklin was insane, that is one type regarding crazy prostrating oneself of absolute strength. He rather died, rather pays any price, is not willing to lose that whole body to be full of the feeling of strength. 在光之力中体验到了那如同神灵般的力量之后,弗兰克林就已经疯了,那是一种对于绝对力量的疯狂膜拜。他宁愿死亡,宁愿付出任何的代价,也不愿意失去那种全身充满了力量的感觉。 Even if the Mortal Dao peak powerhouse, after tasting not own great power, will turn unexpectedly also into a crazy strength slave. 哪怕是人道巅峰的强者,在品尝到了并不属于自己的强大力量之后,竟然也会变成一个疯狂的力量奴隶。 At this time, Franklin in the heart only thought that if makes these strengths lose, then he is unable to live again. 此时,弗兰克林心中仅有一个念头,若是让这些力量失去,那么他就无法再活下来了。 He Yiming slightly is startled, although he had already had a premonition, but has not actually thought that Franklin meets so crazy and resolution unexpectedly. 贺一鸣微微的一怔,虽然他早就有所预感,但却没想到弗兰克林竟然会是如此的疯狂和决断。 Under wields at fingertips, he does not hesitate to cut off his arm unexpectedly, must retain the determination of that formidable strength of light. 信手一挥之下,他竟然不惜斩断自己的手臂,也要保留住那种强大光明之力的决心。 Faint, He Yiming in the heart rejoiced secretly, although he also to absorb strength of light, because of the Chaos Dantian reason, therefore he similar feeling, is unable to experience the pure bright body and has one's wish controlling all feelings in that intense pleasant sensation in sea of light. 隐隐的,贺一鸣心中暗自庆幸,虽然他也曾经吸纳光明的力量,但是因为混沌丹田的缘故,所以他并没有类似的感觉,根本就无法体验到纯粹的光明之体在光之海中的那种强烈快感和随心所欲艹控一切的感觉。 If not so, only feared that He Yiming will also turn into second Franklin at this time, in any event will not allow the strengths of this light to vanish before exhaustion. 若非如此,只怕贺一鸣此时也会变成第二个弗兰克林,无论如何都不会允许这一片光之力量在耗尽之前消失了。 The corner of the eye beat slightly, his nearness Franklin by any means possible, used Strength of Chaos to pull out Light Stregth this person daringly, how could at this moment to let him once again with this terrifying strength contact. 眼角微微的跳动了一下,他千方百计的靠近弗兰克林,孤注一掷般使用了混沌之力将此人拉出了光明力量,此刻又岂能让他再度与这种恐怖的力量接触。 Although such strength of light is unable to injure He Yiming, but he actually knows, so long as Franklin is in light sea, then his absolutely is unable to injure to result in this to have Sir Pope of body of light. 虽然这样的光明之力无法伤害贺一鸣,但是他却知道,只要弗兰克林身在光之海中,那么他的就绝对无法伤得了这个拥有光明之体的教皇大人了。 If makes him melt with the strength of Temple light really once again, then only if then fights the battle of attrition, before these over ten thousand years of accumulations strength of consumptions of all light completely, they do not want to decide the victory and defeat. 若是真的让他再度与神殿光之力相融,那么接下来除非是打消耗战,直到这上万年积累的所有光之力消耗殆尽之前,他们都别想分出胜负。 Wrist|Skill gently wields, Aurora Sword flew. This does not have the weight the sword, discussed at the speed, can arrange in all Divine Weapon first several absolutely. 手腕轻轻的一挥,极光之剑已经飞了出去。这把剑没有重量,以速度而论,绝对可以排在所有神兵的头几名之内。 A stick that Franklin does not return to wields, looks like has pair of eyes in his, that stick has selected above Aurora Sword sword point that in the pursuit came. 弗兰克林头也不回的一杖挥出,就像是在他的身后有着一双眼睛似的,那杖头已经点在了追击而来的极光之剑的剑尖之上。 Aurora Sword made a slight sound to flutter, the Northern Sea aurora projected suddenly. 极光之剑发出了一道轻微的音颤声,北海极光陡然射出。 However this Franklin disregarding, on his clothes robe has shone suddenly, in has after death formed an illusory mirror, Northern Sea aurora above this mirror, immediately reverse shrank. 然而这一次弗兰克林更加的无视之了,他的衣袍上骤然亮了起来,在身后形成了一面虚幻的镜子,北海极光点在了这面镜子之上,顿时反向的缩了回去。 He Yiming both eyes micro bright, his long sorption air/Qi, in the hand Five Elements Ring is revolving fiercely, formed one to be similar to black hole force field, the huge suction spread from here, he wanted as far as possible constrained the Franklin footsteps. 贺一鸣双目微亮,他长长的吸着气,手中五行环剧烈的旋转着,形成了一个类似于黑洞的力场,庞大的吸力从这里传出,他想要尽可能的拖住弗兰克林的脚步。 Already the arm has cut off Franklin, already was under decides must not at any cost detain the decision of strength of light, his body in a flash, Light Crown on top of the head was glittering slightly the infinite halo, these halos were actually having greatest powerful ability, suction all resistance that He Yiming made. 只是,已经将手臂都斩断了的弗兰克林,早就是下定了不惜一切代价也要留住光明之力的决定,他的身子微微一晃,头顶上的光明皇冠闪烁着无穷的光晕,这些光晕竟然拥有着莫大的威能,将贺一鸣所制造出来的吸力尽数的抵抗住了。 On the face of Franklin has shown the gratified smiling face, although he had just cut off his hand, but must move the strength of Temple light that has not restrained completely shortly, in the heart incomparable refreshed of Your Holiness the Pope. 弗兰克林的脸上露出了欣慰的笑容,虽然他刚刚斩断了自己的一只手,但是眼看就要碰触到那尚未完全收敛的神殿光之力,教皇陛下心中无比的爽快。 However, in this moment, when his hand will soon move that light, the expression on his face was actually the towering coagulation. 然而,就在这一刻,就在他的手即将碰触到那一片光的时候,他脸上的表情却是突兀的凝固住了。 His body thorough was stiff, even if moves unable to achieve continually. 他的身体彻底的僵硬了,哪怕是连动弹一下也做不到。 in his heart has been full of the fear, that is one type absolute fear that proceeds from the heart of hearts. 他的心中充满了恐惧,那是一种发自于内心深处的绝对恐惧。 Five Elements Ring in He Yiming hand stopped, he looks at the opposite party surprisedly. Actually, breaks that moment of wrist in the Franklin brave soldier, he knows that oneself this time surprise attack result only feared failed. 贺一鸣手中的五行环停了下来,他惊讶的看着对方。其实,在弗兰克林壮士断腕的那一刻,他就知道,自己这一次的突袭结果只怕已经失败了。 Franklin can discard including own arm easily, then also has anything is can prevent his. 弗兰克林连自己的手臂都能够轻易舍弃,那么还有什么是能够阻挡他的呢。 Saw when Franklin will soon recall Light Stregth that soon will thoroughly return, He Yiming in the heart actually in rapid quick is calculating, how oneself must this person. 眼看弗兰克林即将挽回那即将彻底回归的光明力量之时,贺一鸣心中却在迅快的盘算着,自己要如何应对此人。 Perhaps, only has with him is consuming the strength of light, was spent freely by this black sheep of the family one day among the wealth of that ten thousand years of accumulation. 或许,唯有与他不停的消耗着光之力量,直到那万年积累的财富被这个败家子一曰间挥霍一空。 No matter what, no one can think, Franklin when will soon move that light, he will stop unexpectedly automatically . Moreover the entire body maintained a stance had not moved. 可是,任谁也想不到,弗兰克林在即将碰触到那一片光的时候,他竟然会自动的停了下来,而且整个身体都是保持了一个架势而不曾动弹。 That light have not continued to stay outside, they rapid returned to Temple quickly, that Temple that becomes by the innumerable high level material constructions, appeared in this moment is so mysterious and has been full of the strength. 那一片光并没有继续在外面停留,它们迅快的返回了神殿之中,那座由无数高阶材料建造而成的神殿,在这一刻显得是如此神秘和充满了力量。 The vision of all people centralized to the body of Franklin, their in the heart have the same question. Why Franklin will fall short, stopped all efforts in the previous quarter that will soon succeed. 所有人的目光都集中到了弗兰克林的身上,他们的心中都有着同一个疑问。弗兰克林为何会功亏一篑,在那即将成功的前一刻停止了所有的努力。 „......” “啪……” Cracking gently has made a sound from the body of Franklin, his arm, that cut off 50% arms to rupture unexpectedly, the massive blood flow from the wound place, when cuts off the arm the blood that him keeps must be more. 轻轻的破裂声从弗兰克林的身上响了起来,他的手臂,那个被斩断了一半的手臂竟然爆裂了开来,大量的鲜血从伤口处流淌而出,甚至于比他自己斩断手臂之时所留出来的血还要更多。 „......” “啪……” Second, third, as if lit firecracker, explosion sound one after another has sent from the body of Franklin. 第二道,第三道,仿佛是点燃了爆竹似的,一个接一个的爆裂声弗兰克林的身上发了出来。 All kinds of wounds also appear above the body of Franklin, instantaneously has become on thorough dyeing him a red color blood person. 各种各样的伤口也同时出现在弗兰克林的身体之上,将他瞬间就彻底的染成了一个大红色的血人。 The Franklin throat mouth is wriggling gently, he seemed wants to say anything, but finally was actually weak but actually. 弗兰克林的喉咙口轻轻的蠕动着,他似乎是想要说些什么,但最终却是无力的倒了下去。 On his body, Light Crown, a bright clothes robe, Staff of Light, was stained with completely the blood that kept from him. 在他的身上,光明皇冠,一身光明衣袍,还有光明之杖,都沾满了从他身上所留出来的鲜血。 He Yiming stupefied looks at this, he can the clear induction, only have the weakest aura when the body of this blood person, this aura only had to come to the verge of death will appear. 贺一鸣膛目结舌的看着这一幕,他已经能够清晰的感应到,在这个血人的身上仅有着最微弱的气息,这点儿气息唯有濒临死亡之时才会出现。 Did not ask may know, the body outbreak of Franklin some intense variation, this will have made his body turn into present such fate. 不问可知,弗兰克林的身上突然发生了某种强烈的变异,这才会让他的身体变成了如今这样的下场。 Took back the vision slowly, He Yiming took a look at the eye thorough hidden to go to strength of light Temple, in his heart suddenly understood. 缓缓的收回了目光,贺一鸣瞅了眼已经彻底的隐去了光明之力神殿,他的心中豁然明了。 Sighing of gently, He Yiming arrived fell down, even stood in front of Franklin that continually is unable to maintain, his [say / way] in a soft voice: I had already said that here strength is not your.” 轻轻的叹了一口气,贺一鸣来到了已经摔倒在地,甚至于连站立也无法维持的弗兰克林面前,他轻声的道:“我早就说过,这里的力量并不是你的。” The throat of Franklin is wriggling slightly, he as if is also wants to say any words to come, but actually cannot complete the wish finally. 弗兰克林的喉头微微的蠕动着,他似乎也是想要说出什么话来,但是最终却还是没有能够完成心愿。 Long expiration, Franklin passed away since then! 长长的吐了一口气,弗兰克林从此与世长辞! In his eye pupil, not the regret of remains, but is a more frantic appearance. 只是,在他的眼眸之中,所残留的并无悔意,而是一种更加狂热的神采。 The Divine Dao strength, I had...... 神道的力量,我已经拥有过了…… ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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