MG :: Volume #6

#306: Chaos dantian

When the He Yiming front, that huge sphere of light has not erupted, although that rays of light was just contacting the body of He Yiming, truly covers in which him, but this also merely is the moment. 贺一鸣的面前,那巨大的光球并没有爆发,虽然那道光在刚刚接触到贺一鸣的身体之时,确实将他笼罩其中,但这也仅仅是片刻而已。 Afterward, He Yiming in this light, he put out a hand, around the body that infinite radiance started to condense immediately, and gathered above his control. 随后,贺一鸣在这一片光之中,他伸出了手,身周的那无限的光芒顿时开始凝聚了起来,并且汇聚到了他的手心之上。 In his hand, has one group of caper uncertain radiance. This is the strength of light, the strength of that purest light! 在他的手上,有着一团跳跃不定的光芒。这是光之力量,那最为纯粹的光的力量! The Franklin complexion finally changed, the heart of Spiritual God that keeps aloof by unprecedentedly severe impact, he gets angry howling one, on the face is flashing a crazy color: Heathen, your this heathen, dies......” 弗兰克林的脸色终于变了,那高高在上的神灵之心受到了前所未有的强烈冲击,他怒嚎一声,脸上闪动着一种疯狂的色彩:“异教徒,你这个异教徒,去死吧……” Along with his calling out, around the body radiance beyond comparison is condensing at the speed. 随着他的暴喝之中,身周光芒以无以伦比的速度凝聚着。 Until this moment, he is unable to believe as before. 直到这一刻,他依旧是无法相信。 In this intense endless radiance, the Franklin spirit became absent-minded, his present scenery had strange variation. 在这强烈的无尽光芒中,弗兰克林的精神变得恍惚了起来,他的眼前景色发生了诡异的变异 Before he as if sees has counted hundred years, just joined the Temple apprentice, when first time contacts the strength of light stir that directs. 他似乎看到了数百年前,一个刚刚加入神殿的学徒在第一次接触到光之力量的时候所引起来的轰动。 The body of light, had nearly millenniums not to appear in Temple. But his appearance, has been doomed his days later achievement and unequalled lofty status. 光明之体,在神殿之中已经有近千年未曾出现过了。而他的出现,已经注定了他曰后的成就和无与伦比的崇高地位。 Self-tortures of after two hundred years, the original that youth grows for control in entire Temple, he became the Mortal Dao peak of bright world. But with it relative, in these two hundred years, he has also met in the life the biggest match, has Dark Physique Garfield. 百年的苦修之后,原先的那位少年成长为了整个神殿中的主宰者,他成为了光明世界的人道巅峰。而与之相对的,在这二百年间,他也遇到了一生中最大的对手,拥有暗之体加菲尔德 In Western, represented the Light and Dark two big influences to be in sharp opposition, but actually mutually restrained, never erupted has affected the entire Western world the super war. 西方,代表了光明和黑暗的两大势力针锋相对,但却相互克制,从未爆发过波及整个西方世界的超级大战。 Perhaps, this in several thousand years, the biggest reason that Temple and Darkness Union Cult can unify the entire Western world. 或许,这就是在数千年间,神殿黑暗联盟议会能够统一整个西方世界的最大原因。 After the promotion is Nine Layers Heaven, Franklin and Garfield start as if by prior agreement has restrained, they started the research to Divine Dao in the respective domain. 在晋升为九重天之后,弗兰克林加菲尔德不约而同的开始收敛了起来,他们在各自的领域上开始了通向神道的研究。 However, result actually only that ultimately they obtain, that is millennium Ice Island, only had to untie legend dense of Ice Island, that unsurpassed Divine Dao can appear in their front. 然而,最终他们所得到的结果却仅有一个,那就是千年冰岛,唯有解开了传说中的冰岛之密,那无上的神道才能够出现在他们的面前。 This was also the only possibility that Western Light and Dark Strength can collaborate. 这也是西方光明和黑暗力量能够联手的唯一可能了。 The tour of Southern Border actually broke all good wishes, their all plans destroy in someone's hand thoroughly. 只是,南疆之行却将所有的美好愿望都打破了,他们的所有计划在某一个人的手上彻底毁灭。 That by youngster that the inconceivable speed grows, he actually had has been equal to the Mortal Dao peak powerful strength, and when the meet, obtained finally had super rank Puppet of strength of Divine Dao. 那个以不可思议速度成长起来的年轻人,他竟然拥有了相当于人道巅峰的强大实力,并且在最后相遇之时,获得了拥有神道之力的超阶傀儡 The Franklin facial expression moves, during his missing was absent-minded to sober from that immediately. 弗兰克林的神情一动,他的思念顿时从那一阵恍惚之中清醒了过来。 Drop of cold sweat falls along the vest, in his heart has been full of the chill in the air. 一滴冷汗沿着背心滑落,他的心中充满了寒意。 Indistinct, he seems to be clear, because grasped has exceeded oneself limit Light Stregth, therefore that firm, if the rock mind unprecedentedly were also attacked, and had a trace of breakage. 隐约的,他似乎明白,因为掌握了超过自己极限的光明力量,所以那坚若磐石的心灵也受到了前所未有的冲击,并且已经有了一丝破裂的痕迹。 Counts the hundred years mind training, has all efforts wasted in this moment unexpectedly. 百年的心灵修养,竟然在这一刻付之东流。 His deep sorption air/Qi, is feeling the side more and more intense light strength, in this moment, he very clear, the strength that oneself have is stronger, his mind losing even more and will be individually uncorrectable. However, when this strength is even more strong, his body even more is enjoying. On him each inch flesh, each blood is earnestly seeking shining of Light Stregth, he looked like took the people of massive narcotics, clear(ly) knows took were more, the distance death was nearer, but at this time, he did not have to be possible the medicine to rescue. 他深深的吸着气,感受着身边越来越强烈的光之力量,在这一刻,他非常的清楚,自己所拥有的力量越强大,他的心灵就会愈发的迷失其中而不可自拔。但是,当这股力量愈发的强大之时,他的身上就愈发的享受着。他身上的每一寸肌肤,每一滴血液都在渴求着光明力量的照耀,他就像是一个服用了大量毒品的人,明知道服用的越多,距离死亡就越近,但是此时,他已经是无可药救了。 After sobers, the Franklin vision became ice-cold, but does not have the sentiment. 从恍惚中清醒过来之后,弗兰克林的目光已经重新变得冰冷而毫无感情。 This is the Spiritual God Realm vision, besides same step expert, other is the vision of ants. 这是神灵境界的目光,除了同阶高手之外,其余的一切都为蝼蚁的目光。 In this vision, all lives are unworthy smile, so long as he wants, momentarily can all completely purification. 在这个目光之中,所有的生命都是不值一哂,只要他愿意,随时能够将所有的一切全部净化 Finally, this ice-cold vision looked to He Yiming. 最后,这冰冷的目光看向了贺一鸣 He believes that so long as light strength is enough, then certainly can having He Yiming purification of strength of impure light falls. 他还是坚信,只要光的力量足够,那么就一定能够将拥有不纯粹光之力的贺一鸣净化掉。 This is his confidence, because also nobody compared with him understood again Light Stregth characteristics, this is he cultivated has counted the strength of hundred years light formidable self-confident and experience. 这是他的信心,因为再也没有人比他更加了解光明力量的特点,这是他修炼了数百年光之力量的强大自信和经验。 Franklin put out a hand, gently goes toward the under point, formidable Light Stregth that he condenses just right hits the mark a spire that above highest building has protruded. 弗兰克林伸出了手,轻轻的朝着下方点去,他所凝聚的强大光明力量恰到好处的点中了最高建筑物之上的那凸出的一个塔尖。 In the dead center of city, the grand constructions, above each inch land of this building, use the most precious firm material, even if has met the impact of Might of World and strength of light, is unable to cause any damage to here. 在城市的正中心,有一座宏伟的建筑,在这个建筑的每一寸土地之上,都是使用最为贵重的刚硬材料,哪怕是遇到了天地之威光明之力的冲击,也无法对这里造成任何的伤害。 Here is Temple, the unsurpassed palace in Western innumerable followers mind. 这里就是神殿,西方无数信徒们心目中的无上殿堂。 At this time, from Temple most peak, that is towering high on the spire, has projected the giant light beam beyond comparison. 此时,从神殿的最顶端,那个高高耸立着的塔尖上,射出了无以伦比的巨大光柱。 Under the Franklin formidable strength initiates, in Temple strength of light of over ten thousand years of accumulation erupted finally thoroughly. 弗兰克林强大的力量引发之下,神殿中上万年积累的光明之力终于是彻底的爆发了出来。 Also wants the thick light beam to shoot up to the sky compared with the human body together, before arrived at the body of He Yiming, instantaneously. This rays of light is similar to the rough sea waves in sea, all raised into the light sea in the present all. 一道远比人体还要粗大的光柱冲天而起,瞬间就已经来到了贺一鸣的身前。这一道光就如同大海中的巨浪,将所有在眼前的一切都掀入了光海之中。 The smiling face on He Yiming face was even more rich, after this rays of light comes out, he determined finally. Here, is hiding unexpectedly also sea of the light. 贺一鸣脸上的笑容愈发的浓郁了,在这一道光出来之后,他终于确定了。这里,竟然也隐藏着一个光明之海。 The Life and Death Area sea of that light shows in the front of people, but the sea of this light actually hides some place under Temple. 生死界之中的那个光明之海是展现在众人的面前,而这个光明之海却是隐藏在神殿之下的某个地方。 strength of light characteristic is purification except for Light Stregth all things. 光明的力量特姓净化除了光明力量的一切事物。 However, this huge strength is actually not able to pose any threat to He Yiming. 但是,这股庞大的力量却无法对贺一鸣造成任何威胁。 In the Life and Death Area sea of light, he confirmed this point, now here, but confirmed one again. 生死界之中的光之海中,他已经证实了这一点,如今在这里,只不过是再一次的证实了一遍而已。 The massive light are glittering in his around the body, the strength of that formidable light has achieved was unable with the situation that the spoken language described. However, when these light arrived at He Yiming around the body, and has invaded his meridians, after entering his Dantian, immediately turned from pressure agitated a jealous and domineering wife has been possible gently the family treasure of person. 大量的光在他的身周闪烁着,那强大的光之力量已经达到了无法用言语来形容的地步。但是,当这些光来到了贺一鸣身周,并且侵入了他的经脉,进入了他的丹田之后,顿时从气势汹汹的河东狮吼变成了温婉可人的小家碧玉。 He Yiming put out a hand, on his body, the strength in that Chaos Dantian has released thoroughly. 贺一鸣伸出了手,在他的身上,那混沌丹田之中的力量已经彻底的释放了出来。 Chaos, looks like that epoch-making beforehand world is the same, all strengths perform. 混沌,就像是那开天辟地之前的世界一样,所有的一切力量都尽在其中。 Although strength of light is formidable, but also is one in Chaos, when the strength of intense light arrived at He Yiming around the body, and is unable to bring the slight injury to him. 光明的力量虽然强大,但却也是属于混沌之中的一种,所以当强烈的光之力来到了贺一鸣身周之时,并无法给他带来丝毫的伤害。 Slowly, this light from dazzlingly become gentle, making all people be able clear saw the situation in light beam. 慢慢的,这一片光从耀眼变得柔和,让所有人都能够清晰的看到了光柱中的情形。 He Yiming, his tranquil hanging is built on the light beam. On his body, does not have Light Crown, does not have Staff of Light, his body almost does not have a thing in the world. 贺一鸣,他平静的悬空立于光柱之中。在他的身上,并没有光明皇冠,也没有光明之杖,他的身上几乎就是一无所有。 However, he stands in the light beam, around the body is flooding formidable Light Stregth, looks like melts with the light of surroundings for body, shares everything again. 但是,他站在光柱之中,身周充斥着强大的光明力量,就像是与周围的光融为了一体似的,再也不分彼此。 The both sides of city, two simultaneously stood in the powerhouse in world of light, their remote looked, the entire city was covered by light. 城市的两端,两位同时站在了光之世界中的强者,他们遥相而望,整座城市被一片光明所笼罩。 The followers who in the ground survives stared in a big way the eye, their in the eyes have intense frightened and puzzled. Will the light Spiritual God, why turn into two suddenly? That comes to crusade against the Temple Your Holiness the Pope devil, unexpectedly is also the messenger of bright god? 地面上残存的信徒们瞪大了眼睛,他们的眼中有着强烈的恐惧和不解。光的神灵,为何会突然变成了两个之多?难道那位前来讨伐神殿教皇陛下的魔鬼,竟然也是光明神的使者么? When He Yiming is safe, when standing when light beam, the body is throwing over the beautiful and dazzling honored wing, the people in entire city regarding his malice sudden disappearance, that in the sky momentarily will as if condense huge Thought that becomes to disappear again. 贺一鸣稳当当的站在了光柱之中,身上披着美丽而耀眼的光彩羽翼之时,整个城市之中的人们对于他的恶感急剧的消失,那天空中似乎随时都会凝聚而成的庞大意念再一次的消失了。 When the followers saw the messengers of two light when to war, they were also confused. 当信徒们看到了两位光之使者的对战之时,他们不由地也是迷茫了起来。 On the face of Franklin does not have any scarlet again, he understands finally that originally have regarding the research of strength of light insufficient, originally strength of light will also hold existences of other strengths. He does not think clearly, actually He Yiming how can achieve this point. 弗兰克林的脸上再无任何血色,他终于明白,原来自己对于光之力量的研究还是有所不足,原来光明的力量也会容纳其它力量的存在。只是,他想不明白,贺一鸣究竟是如何才能做到这一点的。 An extremely strange thought floated his heart, is it possible that did he pursue outside the body divine power of earth unexpectedly? 一个极度诡异的念头浮上了他的心头,莫非他竟然将土之神力驱逐出体外了么? This answer is really extremely in unthinkable, therefore after merely is in his mind has glittered one next, by him without hesitation is rejected. 这个答案实在是太过于匪夷所思,所以仅仅是在他的脑海中闪烁了一下之后,就被他毫不犹豫的剔除了。 Stands in light beam He Yiming, whatever that formidable strength of light is washing out own body, under the protection of Chaos Dantian, he lets divine power of light to absorb in Dantian heartily here strength, but his I have actually lifted the foot, like this in in the sky toward front walking slowly gradually. 站在光柱之中的贺一鸣任由那强大的光明之力冲刷着自己的身体,在混沌丹田的守护之下,他让丹田内的光之神力尽情的吸纳着这里的力量,而他的本人却是抬起了脚,就这样在空中向着前方一步一步的缓缓走去。 His goal is in another by Light Stregth is covering Franklin. 他的目标是在另一个被光明力量笼罩着的弗兰克林 In this moment, he has not used the speed and strength that exceeds others in ability, but is throwing over that dazzling light merely, walks toward the child of another light. 在这一刻,他并没有使用超人的速度和力量,而仅仅是披着身上那一片耀眼的光,向着另一位光之子走去。 Huge nearly approached in depressing aura gradually, Franklin in the heart rare raising a flurry, he some unlucky premonition, in the fight of today, only had even feared one are unable to obtain again wins finally. 庞大的近乎于压抑的气息逐渐的逼近了,弗兰克林心中罕见的泛起了一丝慌乱,他甚至于有了一丝不祥的预感,在今曰的战斗,只怕自己再也无法取得最终的胜利了。 Near, the distance of both sides is getting more and more near. 近了,双方的距离越来越近。 The He Yiming vision and Franklin that double belting the look of cloudy zhi is staring together. 贺一鸣的目光与弗兰克林那双带着阴骘的眼神凝视在一起。 In this flash, they have as if exchanged, as if merely is ordinary has looked one. 在这一瞬间,他们似乎是交流了许多,又似乎仅仅是普通的对望了一眼。 From their bodies, respective infinite powerful ability. This is the facing directly collision of new and old two powerhouse, regarding strength of light two collisions of different application methods. 从他们的身上,各自荡起了无穷的威能。这是新老两位强者的直面碰撞,也是对于光之力量的两种不同使用方法的碰撞。 He Yiming one step steps forward, before he arrived at the body of Franklin, Your Holiness the Pope any movement of avoidance, his Staff of Light Xiangqian has not selected, bumped with the finger of He Yiming in one. 贺一鸣一步跨出,他已经来到了弗兰克林的身前,教皇陛下并没有任何躲避的动作,他的光明之杖向前点出,与贺一鸣的手指碰在了一起。 However, in this moment, another hand of He Yiming like lightning has extended. 然而,就在这一刻,贺一鸣的另一只手闪电般的伸了出来。 Franklin only thought that wrist|skill one tight, firmly was held by He Yiming. 弗兰克林只觉得手腕一紧,已经被贺一鸣牢牢的抓住了。 Afterward, he heard one to be familiar, but actually as if came from the voice of extremely far place: Here strength is not your......” 随后,他听到了一股非常熟悉的,但却仿佛是来自于极远地方的声音:“这里的力量并不是你的……” The huge strength has transmitted from the wrist|skill place, although the body of Franklin has similarly huge strength of light, but suddenly, he discovered that oneself controlling the strength of all light, are unable to create to the opposite party unexpectedly any threaten. 庞大的力量从手腕处传递了上来,弗兰克林的身上虽然有着同样庞大的光明之力,但是突然之间,他发现,自己所艹控的所有光之力,竟然都无法给对方造成任何威胁了。 Franklin, gives me...... Goes to hell!” 弗兰克林,给我……下地狱吧!” Similar to the stuffy thunder-like sound, resounds through the world in this moment! 如同闷雷般的声音,在这一刻响彻天地! ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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