MG :: Volume #6

#305: This is not your strength

All strength of light in world as if emerged in the body in this moment, that feeling regarding having Light Physique Franklin, so wonderful. 世界上的所有光明的力量似乎都在这一刻涌入了身体之内,那种感觉对于拥有光之体弗兰克林而言,是如此的妙不可言。 He can feel that each cell in oneself body cheerfully is jumping, for they this inexhaustible Light Stregth cheer. 他能够感觉到,自己身体内的每一个细胞都在欢快的跳跃着,它们为了这无穷无尽的光明力量而欢呼。 After resisting that formidable Strength of World impact, Franklin even has a feeling, he was aloof the Mortal Dao limit, has achieved Divine Dao Realm in legend. His spirit is proliferating in this moment infinitely, all has integrated during own monitoring. 在抵挡住了那强大的天地之力冲击之后,弗兰克林甚至于有着一种感觉,他已经超脱了人道的极限,达到了传说中的神道境界。他的精神在这一刻无限的扩散着,将所有的一切都纳入了自己的监控之中。 Drew support accumulated ten thousand years of Light Stregth in the city, his Conscious Thought can the unlimited proliferation, the surrounding area in a lot of li (0.5km), as if become his territory, all becomes under his Thought monitoring tiny particle Bi Xian. 借助于城市中积累了万年的光明力量,他的精神意念得以无限制的扩散着,方圆千百里之内,似乎都已经成为了他的领地,所有的一切在他的意念监控下都变得纤毫毕现。 The Temple follower is the casualties is serious, in ten thousand years have not encountered Temple that the flames of war attack to turn into place ruins. However, in the dead center of city, that great Temple is actually arrogant is towering, the earth of that chap in spreading stopped before Temple immediately. 神殿的信徒已经是伤亡惨重,万年中未曾遭到战火袭击的神殿已经是变成了一地废墟。但是,在城市的正中心,那一座伟大的神殿却是高傲的耸立着,那龟裂的大地在蔓延到神殿之前顿时停止了。 The legend strength of Divine Dao is unable to be able how this formidable, if limitless Light Stregth. 就连传说中的神道之力都无法能够奈何这强大的仿若是无边无际的光明力量 Ten thousand years of strength savings, have gone to a fearful situation, but at this time, controlling the person of this strength, is being he, great Temple Your Holiness the Pope Franklin...... 万年的力量积蓄,已经达到了一个可怕的地步,而此时,艹控着这股力量的人,正是他,伟大的神殿教皇陛下弗兰克林…… He holds up the head, throws out the chest, feels is coming from the strange change on body. 他昂着头,挺着胸,感受着来自于身体上的奇异变化。 His spirit raises unceasingly, all Light Stregth flood in each corner of his body. He has a feeling, he is bright, bright is he, these two already thorough melting for a body. 他的精神不断拔高,所有的光明力量充斥在他身体的每一个角落。他有着一种感觉,他就是光明,光明就是他本身,这两者已经彻底的融为了一体。 Indistinct, he induced. 隐约的,他已经感应到了。 Divine Dao, this is true Divine Dao Realm. 神道,原来这就是真正的神道境界 In this infinite light, he can control all, he is the god of light, so long as strength of light has not weakened, he is not surmountable Spiritual God. 在这无穷的光明之中,他已经能够掌控一切,他就是光明之神,只要光明之力未曾消弱,他就是无可战胜的神灵。 His confidence unprecedented is abundant, in his heart, these reverent followers when were the death completely is unable regarding this other party to become any influence. 他的信心前所未有的充沛着,在他的心中,那些虔诚的信徒们纵然是死亡殆尽也无法对此时的他造成任何的影响了。 Because he is a god, but under Spiritual God, is the ants. 因为他是神,而神灵之下,皆为蝼蚁。 Spiritual God that so long as this keeps aloof not but actually, will then have the innumerable ants to prostrate oneself for him, prayed for him. So long as he forever stands in Divine Dao, then all people of entire Western world can turn into his reverent follower. 只要这高高在上的神灵不倒,那么就会有无数的蝼蚁为他膜拜,为他祈祷。只要他永远的站在神道之中,那么整个西方世界的所有人都能够变成他虔诚的信徒。 The position of god of light, soon will substitute for by him. 光明之神的位置,即将被他所取代。 However, when Franklin fell into midsummer madness Realm, his corner of the eye actually saw a person's shadow. 然而,正当弗兰克林陷入了一种极度疯狂的境界之时,他的眼角却看到了一个人影。 This person flew from the ground slowly, like this arrived with his parallel place, using one double belting the taunt happy expression eye pupil to visit him. 这个人从地面上缓缓的飞了上来,就这样来到了与他平行的地方,用着一双带着嘲讽笑意的眼眸看着他。 Franklin in the heart surged intensely, insulted feeling. 弗兰克林心中涌起了一阵强烈的,被侮辱的感觉。 Although this person has not spoken, however his expression is self-possessed, does not have submitting to and terrified color of least bit. As if they stand, is not the relations between Spiritual God and ants, but is two is having the equal standing person...... God! 虽然这个人并没有说话,但是他的表情却是泰然自若,没有半点儿的臣服和惶恐之色。似乎他们两个人站在一起,并不是神灵与蝼蚁之间的关系,而是两个拥有着平等地位的人……或神! Franklin in the heart was flooded by crazy anger, he does not believe absolutely that also some people in this world can have and his same level status. 弗兰克林心中被疯狂的怒火所充斥,他绝对不相信,在这个世界上还有人能够拥有着与他同等的地位。 When he has put on Light Crown, launched the holy war with the reverent hearts of entire urban all followers, finally lives in strength of light that initiates after that seal, he is in this world the unique Spiritual God. 当他戴上了光明皇冠,以整个城市所有信徒的虔诚之心发动了圣战,最终将那封印住的光明之力引发出来之后,他就是这个世界上独一无二的神灵了。 Before these Light Stregth have not exhausted, he is the supreme bright god, did not have other people able again with him side by side. 在这些光明力量没有耗尽之前,他就是至高无上的光明神,再也没有其他人能够与他比肩了。 Stretched out Staff of Light averagely, that stick head radiance lives the splendor dazzlingly. 平平的伸出了光明之杖,那杖头上的光芒耀眼生辉。 Desecrater, regarding the impoliteness of Spiritual God, takes to punish with your soul and life.” “亵渎者,对于神灵的无礼,将用你的灵魂和生命来作为惩罚。” The resonant sound spread over the entire world instantaneously, in the Franklin sound has been full of one type the strength that made people unable to suspect. 嘹亮的声音瞬间传遍了整个天地,弗兰克林的声音中充满了一种让人无法怀疑的力量。 Huge radiance has cut space instantaneously, toward He Yiming flies. This strength is strength of light, can with the strength that Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person Strength of World contends with. 巨大的光芒瞬间划破了空间,朝着贺一鸣的飞去。这股力量是光明之力,是能够与神道凝血人天地之力抗衡的力量。 If not with the it considerable strength, then all by this strength purification. 若是没有与之相当的力量,那么所有的一切都将被这股力量所净化 In the Franklin vision is not happy not sadly, he looks like a true supreme Spiritual God, in regarding a small insect of provocation soon will be reduced to ashes in strength of light. 弗兰克林的目光中无喜无悲,他就像是一个真正的至高无上的神灵,在看待着一只挑衅的小虫子即将在光明的力量中化为灰烬。 However, faces this strength, He Yiming has not actually been fending, he just extended a hand. 然而,面对着这股力量,贺一鸣却并没有闪避,他只不过是伸出了一只手。 In his hand, does not have Staff of Light, some are only that slender and powerful palm. 在他的手上,并没有光明之杖,有的仅是那一只修长而有力的手掌。 His hand like this has extended, in an amazed vision, firmly held that to make threatening gestures toward that light that he flew. 他的手就这样伸了出去,在一片惊诧的目光中,紧紧的抓住了那张牙舞爪向着他飞来的那一片光明。 Afterward, he has opened the mouth, has placed the mouth light that this holds conveniently long attracts. 随后,他张开了口,将这随手抓住的一片光放在了嘴边长长的一吸。 That piece has illuminated the light of entire earth, immediately entered in his body, but has not actually brought any injury to him. 那一片照亮了整个大地的光,顿时进入了他的身体之内,但却并没有给他带来任何的伤害。 The Franklin complexion finally changed, in his heart was attacked formidable, his full self-confident started to vacillate in this moment. 弗兰克林的脸色终于变了,他的心中受到了强大的冲击,他那满满的自信在这一刻开始动摇了起来。 In the bright world, he is the only Spiritual God, the matter that but has at present, makes him be hard to believe own eye. 在光明的世界中,他是唯一的神灵,可是眼前所发生的事情,却让他难以相信自己的眼睛。 strength of light, is unable to cause the slight damage to this person unexpectedly, is he also the Spiritual God in light? 光明的力量,竟然无法对这个人造成丝毫的伤害,难道,他也是光明中的神灵么? He Yiming has patted the belly, well satisfied of face, however in his eye pupil is actually ice-cold. 贺一鸣拍了拍肚皮,一脸的心满意足,然而他的眼眸中却是一片冰冷。 Franklin, are you very strange?” Asking that he smiles. 弗兰克林,你是不是很奇怪?”他笑眯眯的问道。 In that light, the self-confidence inflated the limit, already the incarnation for Spiritual God Franklin after silent has partly made a sound, finally said: How do you achieve?” 在那一片光之中,自信心膨胀到了极限,已经将自己化身为神灵的弗兰克林在沉默了半响之后,终于说道:“你是如何做到的?” His sound is similar to the heavenly thunder thunders to make a sound generally, under this sound, the people who in the city survived crawled once again, they look that by Your Holiness the Pope that huge radiance covered, Thought that been defeated and dispersed as if also has the trend of condensation. 他的声音如同天雷一般轰鸣而响,在这个声音之下,城市中残存的人们再度的匍匐了下来,他们看着那一身被巨大光芒所笼罩的教皇陛下,那已经溃散的意念似乎又有着凝聚的趋势。 He Yiming shows a faint smile, he did not care about the ideas of these people and has taken, because he knows that in the city of this great bright source, this strength is unable to injure to him similarly. 贺一鸣微微一笑,他并不在意这些人的想法和作为了,因为他知道,在这个伟大的光明本源的城市之中,这种力量同样无法伤害到他了。 Franklin, what you utilize is strength of light. But unfortunately, these strengths do not belong to your strength.” He let somebody cool off or calm down is saying, in vision was having a taunt color. 弗兰克林,你所运用的是光明的力量。但可惜的是,这些力量并不是属于你的力量。”他冷冷的说着,目光中带着一丝嘲讽的色彩。 impossible, this was my strength......” the Franklin sound has been full of the anger, his must get angry to open, long gown was shakes calmly, the strong mood change has caused the strength of more violent light. 不可能,这是我的力量……”弗兰克林的声音充满了愤怒,他的须发怒张,身上的长袍更是无风而抖,强烈的情绪变化引起了更加猛烈的光之力量。 He Yiming these words poked his sore spot, making his be similar to the Spiritual God is ordinary, regarded the myriad things for ants heart raising of cold Bing a marvelous change. 贺一鸣的这句话戳中了他的痛处,让他那如同神灵一般,视万物为蝼蚁的冷冰的心泛起了一丝奇妙的变化。 After grasping the strength of this huge incomparable light, Franklin will have truly treated as a true Divine Dao people, however in his heart of hearts, has a reason, knows he not true breakthrough Divine Dao. 在掌握了这庞大无比的光之力量后,弗兰克林确实将自己当做了真正的神道中人,但是在他的内心深处,却有着一丝理智,知道他并没有真正的突破神道 This thought had been constrained by him without hesitation, looks like buries is the same in the secret of most deep place, before strength of light does not have the consumption completely, in any event is impossible is in flood. 这个念头被他毫不犹豫的压抑了下去,就像是埋藏在最深处的机密一样,在光明的力量没有消耗殆尽之前,无论如何都是不可能泛滥上来。 But He Yiming these words make him have to face the fact, in this moment, a mood of intense becoming angry out of shame has controlled Franklin. 贺一鸣的这句话却让他不得不面对事实,在这一刻,一种强烈的恼羞成怒的情绪左右了弗兰克林 After grasped the formidable strength suddenly, in this life also starts for the old person who was famous calmly becomes crazy. 在突然掌握了过于强大的力量之后,这位一生中都以冷静著称的老人也开始变得疯狂了。 With he somewhat sad and shrill shout, huge was similar to the small solar light group condensed from Staff of Light. In this rays of light group is containing the great strength of strength, even is not slightly inferior in Strength of World just now. 随着他有些凄厉的喊声,巨大的如同小太阳般的光团从光明之杖上凝聚了出来。在这道光团之中所蕴含着的力量之强大,甚至于丝毫也不逊色于适才的天地之力 Staff of Light toward the front imaginary point, this group of light like lightning flew at the speed immediately with lightning speed. 光明之杖朝着前方虚点了一下,这一团光顿时以闪电般的速度风驰电掣般的飞了过来。 Below Treasure Pig and white horse in the eyes has color of the fear, powerful ability that they have although is formidable, but if with this obvious surpassed Mortal Realm Light Stregth to contend, that was some insufficiently looks. 下方的宝猪白马眼中都有着一丝畏惧之色,它们所拥有的威能虽然强大,但若是与这明显的超过了人道境界光明力量抗衡,那就是有些不够瞧了。 Can carry on the frontage fight with this strength, feared that also only had a Myriad Tree Valley ten thousand years of old tree and Divine Item Nine Dragons Stove. 能够与这种力量进行正面搏斗的,怕是也唯有万树谷的万年古树和神器九龙炉了。 Even if were that has surpassed half set of Divine Item Thunderclap Seed, wanted to plan inferior, otherwise was initiated Might of World that came not to untie Light Stregth of seal to scatter by Thunderclap Seed instantaneously. 纵然是那超过了半套的神器雷震子,也是要逊色一筹,否则由雷震子所引发而来的天地之威也不会在瞬间就被解开了封印的光明力量所驱散。 However, when facing formidable Light Stregth, He Yiming does not dodge as before does not evade, he even started to walk in half in the sky the foot, as if has exceedingly high Grand Dao (Main street) of light Tanzania to be ordinary in his front, toward front straight walking. 然而,在面对着强大的光明力量之时,贺一鸣依旧是不闪不避,他甚至于在半空中迈开了脚,就仿佛在他的面前有着一条光坦的通天大道一般,向着前方笔直的走去。 That [say / way] giant light group arrived at the body of He Yiming, immediately covers in which him. 那道巨大的光团来到了贺一鸣的身上,顿时将他笼罩其中。 strength of light is in this world one of the most formidable strengths, in the light, not being able to allow any other strengths to exist. 光明的力量是这个世界上最强大的力量之一,在光明之中,容不得任何其它的力量存在。 This point, absolutely is the Light Stregth most special place. Regarding other Attribute strengths, strength of light can achieve only, repels and purification. 这一点,绝对是光明力量最为特殊的地方。对于其它属姓的力量,光明之力唯一能够做到的,就是排斥和净化 Regarding this strength, if together with other strengths, is not you dies, is I lives, did not have the third choice again. Because strength of light is the strength that will not compromise absolutely, is the purest strength. 对于这种力量而言,若是与其它的力量相处,不是你死,就是我活,再也没有了第三种选择。因为光明的力量是绝对不会妥协的力量,也是最为纯正的力量。 Franklin stared in a big way the eye, in his eye pupil was flashing the faint trace ominous light. 弗兰克林瞪大了眼睛,他的眼眸中闪动着丝丝凶光。 He must think Light Stregth of youngster that this has boundless prospects in the world under most pure living fell by purification. 他要看着这个前途无量的年轻人在世界上最精粹光明力量之下活生生的被净化掉。 Although this youngster is having rare Light and Dark Physique, but he when promoting Mortal Dao peak Nine Layers Heaven, strength of god that chooses is actually not strength of light, but is that came from Eastern divine power of earth. Under formidable Light Stregth, can definitely realize on him the unusuality, and completely purification. 虽然这个年轻人拥有着罕见的光暗之体,但他在晋升人道巅峰九重天之时,所选择的神之力量却并不是光明之力,而是那来自于东方土之神力。在强大的光明力量之下,肯定能够察觉到他身上的异常,并且将之完全净化 Although He Yiming Light Physique can make him absorb little strength of light to be insufficient to damage, when this strength when has surpassed his divine power of earth formidable, belongs to the strength of light spontaneous start to clean on the He Yiming heterogeneous strength. 虽然贺一鸣光之体能够让他吸收少许的光明之力而不至于有所损伤,但是当这股力量的强大超过了他身上的土之神力之时,属于光明的力量就会自发的开始清洗贺一鸣身上的异种力量。 At that time, even if the genuine bright god is born, gave up any idea of that can save his life. 那时候,哪怕是真正的光明神降世,也休想能够挽回他的生命了。 Franklin has the firm confidence, when Light Stregth big eruption, when was He Yiming died. 弗兰克林有着坚定的信心,当光明力量大爆发之时,也就是贺一鸣死亡之时。 But, the eyes of Sir Pope more stare are rounder, his mouth not vivid opened...... 可是,教皇大人的眼睛越瞪越圆,他的嘴巴毫无形象的张了开来…… ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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