MG :: Volume #6

#304: The strength of light

in the sky, giant lightning unceasing has shone, that deafening bellow is continuously. The entire world as if covers under dark cloud, as if will momentarily crack to come. 天空中,巨大的闪电不断的亮了起来,那震耳欲聋的轰鸣声更是源源不绝。整个世界都似乎笼罩在乌云之下,仿佛随时都会崩裂来开。 However, when all these move toward last day. The sound left to pass from the most center of city together. 然而,就在这一切走向末曰的时候。一道声音从城市的最中心出传了出来。 It looked like has cut that daybreak first rays of light line of darkest world, making all last day pictures stop in this moment. 它就像是划破了最黑暗世界的那黎明的第一道光线,让所有的末曰景象都在这一刻停止了。 In the air all coagulated. 空气中所有的一切都凝固了。 Electricity glow that in the sky winds to glitter stops suddenly, that wreaked havoc in the city has represented in the darkness most peak strength scarlet big net and python stiffens. 在天空中蜿蜒闪烁的电芒骤然停顿,那肆虐在城市中代表了黑暗中最巅峰力量的血色大网和巨蟒僵住了。 As if was the deciding body technique in legend was suddenly ordinary, all strengths tied to wrestle. 仿佛是突然之间中了传说中的定身术一般,所有的力量都被束搏住了。 rays of light rose from that highest building, He Yiming looks with amazement, in this radiance, he saw a familiar and strange character together. 道光从那最高的建筑物上升了起来,贺一鸣骇然望去,在这一道光芒之中,他看到了一个熟悉而又陌生的人物。 Franklin, this Temple highest hierarch, his head wears a golden yellow imperial crown, this imperial crown is sending out dazzlingly, as if in infinite halo of high and low fluctuation. On his body, that mysterious long gown is similar to the wave trundle is more restless, radiance start to proliferate from his long gown, and gradually spread. 弗兰克林,这位神殿最高的掌权者,他的头上戴着一顶金黄色的皇冠,这道皇冠散发着耀眼的,仿佛是在上下浮动的无穷光晕。在他的身上,那一件神奇的长袍更是如同波浪般的滚动不息,一道道的光芒从他的长袍上开始扩散,并且逐渐的蔓延了起来。 In his hand, Staff of Light slowly holds up toward the place above, this, a short wooden stick, as if there are ten thousand jin (0.5 kg) heaviness in this moment. 在他的手上,光明之杖慢慢的向着上方举起,这小小的,短短的一根木杖,在这一刻仿佛有着万斤之重。 When strength of light starts to disseminate, all between this world had the marvelous change. 光明的力量开始传播之时,这个天地间的一切都发生了奇妙的变化。 Under these average people as if also induced this mysterious and subtle change, their recitation sounds were even more intense and reverent, in the space was filling huge strength even more inconceivable. 下方那些普通人似乎也感应到了这神奇而又微妙的改变,他们的吟唱声愈发的强烈和虔诚,空间中所弥漫着的庞大力量愈发的不可思议。 As Staff of Light in Franklin hand is getting higher and higher, the pressure that the in the sky dark cloud level institute receives is also getting bigger and bigger. 随着弗兰克林手中的光明之杖越来越高,天空中的乌云层所受到的压力也就越来越大。 Finally, when Staff of Light has lifted up high top, when with the imperial crown on his top of the head forms a straight line, above stick immediately projects the light that did not have to prevent, flies to shoot to go toward the dark cloud level. 终于,当光明之杖高举过顶,与他头顶上的皇冠形成一条直线之时,杖头之上顿时射出了一道无可阻挡的光,朝着乌云层飞射而去。 All sounds vanished in this moment, in the entire world falls into the middle of the silence that one type has decided absolutely. 所有的声音在这一刻都消失了,整个天地间陷入了一种绝对定的寂静当中。 The thunderclap that thunders, is actually not as before able to disseminate in in the sky, the houses that collapses as before, did not have any sound, all between entire world by rays of light that continually rises to absorb, the fluctuation of air as if stopped. 那轰鸣的雷声依旧,却无法在空中传播,那坍陷的房舍依旧,却没有了任何声响,整个天地间的一切都被那不断上升的一道光吸纳,就连空气的波动似乎都停止了。 Finally, this rays of light arrived in that thick cloud layer. 终于,这一道光来到了那厚实的云层之中。 Looked like the sunlight melts the snow to be ordinary, looked like burns down to melt the ice to be ordinary fiercely, there dark cloud level cracked immediately, and was melting at the naked eye obvious speed rapidly. 就像是阳光融化了雪一般,就像是烈火烧融了冰一般,那里的乌云层顿时裂了开来,并且以肉眼可见的速度迅速的融化着。 The intense sunlight shines from broken in the sky, melts with that rays of light for a body, and spreads toward the entire city at the extremely quick speed. 强烈的太阳光从破空中照耀而下,与那一道光融为了一体,并且以极快的速度向着整个城市蔓延开来。 The dark cloud under shining of sunlight, ability that has not resisted, rapid was torn, and does not have the trace at ease. 乌云在阳光的照耀下,根本就没有抵挡的能力,迅速的被撕裂了,并且闲散无踪。 In the city the vacuole is filling the body of red big net and that scarlet python has sent out suddenly resoundingly hissing hissing sound, they under shining of sunlight, changed to scarlet mist of faint trace unexpectedly, afterward same disappearance does not have the trace. 城市上空所弥漫着的红色大网和那一条血色巨蟒的身上陡然发出了响亮的“嘶嘶”声,它们竟然在阳光的照耀下,化作了一丝丝的血色雾气,随后同样的消失无踪。 purification, this is the light most formidable strength, repels the strengths of all dissidents completely, all dark strength completely purification. 净化,这就是光明最强大的力量,将一切异己的力量全部排斥,将一切黑暗的力量全部净化 In the world of absolute light, can dope without any strength. 在绝对的光明的世界中,没有任何力量能够掺杂其中。 white horse Thunder Lightning has sent out one alarmed and afraid long hissing, it did not dare proud Li in half in the sky, but flew to run away generally, in the dark cloud level that only saved departed 14 electricity glow, was white horse lightization 14 Thunderclap Seed. 白马雷电发出了一道惊惧的长嘶,它再也不敢傲立在半空中了,而是飞一般的逃了回来,那仅存的乌云层内飞出了14道电芒,正是白马光化的14颗雷震子 These Thunderclap Seed departs after the cloud layer, immediately arrived in the white horse top of the head, and here has formed a great circle, that is glittering Strength of Thunder and Lightning covers in which He Yiming and the others completely. 这些雷震子从云层飞出之后,立即来到了白马的头顶上,并且在这里形成了一个大圆圈,那闪烁着的雷电之力贺一鸣等人全部笼罩其中。 In comparison, Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person appeared extremely distressed. 相比之下,神道凝血人就显得万分狼狈了。 In his around the body, the black mist that collects with great difficulty, by a sunlight photo of dropping from the clouds, had been volatilized clean immediately, has exuded the sad and shrill cry from the Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person mouth, this sound, has spread over each corner of city resoundingly. 在他的身周,那好不容易才收集起来的黑色雾气,被从天而降的曰光一照,顿时挥发了个一干二净,从神道凝血人的口中发出了凄厉的叫声,这道声音响亮之极,传遍了城市的每一个角落。 However, places Your Holiness the Pope in light actually to ignore, his vision absolutely does not even have to shoot a look at toward this direction. 但是,身处光明之中的教皇陛下却是置之不理,他的目光甚至于根本就没有朝着这个方向瞥过来。 His high holding up the head, from his body, was all covered by strength of light, he is the light, that proliferates in society most formidable strength. 他高高的昂起了头,从他的身上,无一不是被光明的力量所笼罩,他就是光,那遍布于世间最强大的力量。 Despising of Pope as if stimulates Solidified Blood Person, and made this only depend on the fellow who the instinct handled affairs to erupt thoroughly. 教皇的藐视似乎是刺激到了凝血人,并且让这个仅凭本能行事的家伙彻底爆发。 He has raised the arm, that filled in the sky infinite Strength of World to start toward him to concentrate the past instantaneously. 他举起了手臂,那弥漫在天空中的无穷天地之力瞬间开始向着他集中了过去。 Now Strength of World above this city unexpectedly is formidable incomparable, even the Strength of World density above sea must be higher than them. 如今在这座城市之上的天地之力竟然是强大无比,甚至于比他们在大海之上的天地之力浓度还要更高了许多。 This and not only because of the relations of Temple, but also has white horse Thunder Lightning and Franklin merit. 这并不仅仅是因为神殿的关系,而且还有白马雷电弗兰克林的功劳。 When their two enter the stage, the strength that uses is formidable incomparable, and at the scale of this strength, very easy to absorb many Strength of World comes to spend freely for the person. 他们两位出场之时,所使用的力量都是强大无比,并且以这种力量的规模,很容易吸纳更多的天地之力来供人挥霍。 At this time, here Strength of World, not only does not have any reduction, instead even more formidable. 此时,这里的天地之力非但没有任何的减少,反而是愈发的强大了起来。 Naturally, wants to spend freely Strength of World, itself must have the formidable strength. 当然,想要挥霍天地之力,本身必须要拥有着强大的实力。 Even if He Yiming, Franklin and Ji Mo Fanshu, these stations the Mortal Dao peak Realm powerhouses, they have no doubt been able to use a little strength of god, but wants controlling Strength of World, that was certainly not possibly. 哪怕是贺一鸣弗兰克林吉摩凡殊,这些站到了人道巅峰境界的强者们,他们固然可以使用一点儿的神之力量,但是想要艹控天地之力,那就是绝无可能了。 The control world, that does not use the matter that a little power of god can achieve absolutely. 掌控天地,那绝对不是使用一点儿的神之力就可以做到的事情。 Only has Divine Dao Realm, can control the world truly. But in them, surpassed half Thunderclap Seed thus to achieve to attract Strength of World great big accomplishment besides the white horse Thunder Lightning use, only had Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person to use Strength of World truly. 唯有神道境界,才能真正的掌控天地。而在他们之中,除了白马雷电利用超过了半数雷震子从而达到吸引天地之力的伟大成就之外,就唯有神道凝血人才能够真正的使用天地之力了。 The huge strength condensed Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person around the body instantaneously, he has lifted the head, that Strength of World beyond comparison changed to his strength, brandished to go toward front Your Holiness the Pope. 庞大的力量瞬间凝聚到了神道凝血人身周,他抬起了头,那无以伦比的天地之力化作了他的力量,朝着前方的教皇陛下挥舞而去。 This looks like a scythe, can harvest the life giant cutting edge to arrive at beside that light instantaneously. 这就像是一把大镰刀,能够收割姓命的巨大刃口瞬间就已经来到了那一片光明之外。 In heaven and earth is filling huge strength condensed in this moment, releases the huge being hard imagination strength. This strength, even in that Mountain Splitting crack sea the strength of Divine Dao compared with the sea must even better. 天与地中弥漫着的庞大力量在这一刻凝聚,释放出了巨大的难以想象的力量。这股力量之强,甚至于比大海中那开山裂海的神道之力还要更胜一筹。 However, in this time, Franklin in light actually has made one matter that makes all people unable to believe. 然而,就在此时,光明中的弗兰克林却做了一件让所有人都不敢相信的事情。 He has lifted Staff of Light unexpectedly once again, above that stick, Light Stregth explodes suddenly, welcomed huge boundless Strength of World to send out. 他竟然是再度的抬起了光明之杖,那杖头之上,光明力量骤然爆起,迎着巨大无边的天地之力散发了开来。 Two are unable with strength this that the spoken language described maliciously hit in together. 两股无法用言语来形容的力量就这样狠狠的撞击在一起了。 in the sky has transmitted a giant explosive, that sound is earthshaking, looks like the earth-shattering is common, is flooding each corner in city. 天空中传来了一道巨大的爆响,那道声音惊天动地,就像是天崩地裂一般,充斥着城市中的每一个角落。 Person who all hears this sound, is the body is unbending, their minds thunder to make noise, these physique slightly weak people, even therefore at the scene stupor in the past. 所有听到这个声音的人,都是身体僵直,他们的脑际轰鸣作响,那些体质稍弱之人,甚至于是当场昏迷了过去。 In the city the vacuole is filling the Thought strength weakened immediately, but made He Yiming feel what was surprised, to this situation, as if the Thought strength was unable to covering Light Stregth between entire world has played affects any additional. 城市上空所弥漫着的意念力量顿时消弱了许多,但是令贺一鸣感到惊奇的是,到了这个地步,似乎意念的力量已经无法对笼罩了整个天地之间的光明力量起到任何附加的作用了。 whole body up and down by Franklin that light cover, links the eye to hide not to wink unexpectedly. 浑身上下被一片光明所笼罩的弗兰克林,竟然连眼皮子也没有眨动一下。 The formidable strength is similar to astral wind proliferated toward all around, the innumerable buildings are similar to the dust general collapses loudly, the entire earth started to sway, in the ground presented the innumerable spider web fissures, and proliferated toward four sides. 强大的力量如同罡风般的向着四周扩散了开来,无数的建筑物如同灰尘一般的轰然倒塌,整个大地都开始摇晃了起来,地面上出现了无数蜘蛛网般的裂痕,并且向着四面扩散了开来。 The earthquake, Strength of World and strength of light hit consequence, was the less than half city turned into stretch of ruins under these two strengths. 大地震,天地之力光明之力的撞击后果,就是小半个城市在这两股力量之下变成了一片废墟。 In comparison, the disaster that huge Thunder Lightning causes is unable to place on a par with it. 相比之下,庞大雷电所造成的灾难根本就无法与之相提并论了。 After the ground is quiet gradually, on Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person radiance dodges, descends suddenly, and went into hiding under covering up of that piece of Thunder Lightning. 当地面逐渐平静下来之后,神道凝血人身上光芒一闪,骤然降落下来,并且隐匿到了那一片雷电的遮掩之下。 The surrounding area in hundred li (0.5km), all Strength of World were spent freely in this moment. 方圆百里之内,所有的天地之力在这一刻被挥霍一空。 However, making He Yiming feel that what is unbelievable, that in the sky hangs on vertical Franklin, is having Light Stregth beyond comparison as before. 然而,让贺一鸣感到难以置信的是,那天空中悬立的弗兰克林身上,却依旧是拥有着无以伦比的光明力量 After resisting the huge Strength of World impact, his around the body Light Stregth is as before formidable, seems limitless, will be forever inexhaustible. 在抵御了庞大的天地之力冲击之后,他身周光明力量依旧强大,仿佛是无边无际,永无穷尽。 Vision staring of He Yiming firmly above the imperial crown of his top of the head, he induced, this Light Stregth from this city, but transforms Light Stregth in city, is this golden yellow imperial crown. 贺一鸣的目光牢牢的盯在了他头顶的皇冠之上,他感应到了,这股光明力量是来自于这个城市之中,而将城市中的光明力量转化过来的,正是这一顶金黄色的皇冠。 Faint, has as if flashed through a miraculous glow in He Yiming in the heart, he held likely that has plundered, but the idea, in the heart emerged the innumerable thoughts. 隐隐的,在贺一鸣心中似乎是闪过了一道灵光,他像是抓住了那一掠而过的想法,心中涌现出了无数的念头。 Light Stregth that Franklin releases, is not his strength, is not similar to Strength of World that Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person uses. 弗兰克林所释放的光明力量,并不是他本人的力量,也不是如同神道凝血人所使用的天地之力 Even if bringing Light Crown, takes Staff of Light, Franklin is not being able controlling huge incomparable Strength of World. 哪怕是带着光明皇冠,拿着光明之杖,弗兰克林也无法艹控着庞大无比的天地之力 However, in this city, has the Light Stregth source to be. This strength had innumerable years, just like Cave Heaven Paradise several thousand years of Divine Tree, just like Colored Glaze Island Ten-Thousand Zhang Volcano Crater, there strength also passed through does not know that many years accumulations, just now are having present such scale. 但是,在这个城市之中,却有着光明力量的本源所在。这股力量存在了无数年,正如洞天福地的数万年神树,正如琉璃岛万丈火山口,那里的力量也是经过了不知道多少年的积累,方才拥有着如今这样的规模。 In this Strength of World thin world, only had these to unite the innumerable year of source strength to have is letting the qualification that the person spent freely willfully. 在这个天地之力稀薄的世界上,唯有这些凝聚了无数年的本源力量才拥有着让人任意挥霍的本钱。 Therefore, obtained Franklin of entire urban Light Stregth controlling power to disregard at the attack of that Strength of World, and after resisting this round Strength of World, but also has the similarly formidable strength. 所以,得到了整个城市光明力量艹控权的弗兰克林才能无视于那天地之力的侵袭,并且在抵御了这一轮的天地之力后,还有着同样强大的力量。 So long as these light strength has not dissipated, only if that the innumerable year of savings consumption completely, otherwise Franklin here is invincible existence. 只要这些光的力量不曾消散,那么除非是将无数年的积蓄消耗殆尽,否则弗兰克林在这里就是一个无敌般的存在。 The He Yiming vision received, when he remembered that one day to leave the Life and Death Area sea of light. 贺一鸣的目光收了回来,他想起了那一曰离开生死界之时的光之海。 Finally, has shown an inexplicable happy expression on his face, his body slowly rose toward high in the sky. He left the protection of white horse Thunder Lightning, like this arrived at the upper air, with that formidable is similar to Spiritual God general Franklin remote looks...... 终于,在他的脸上露出了一丝莫名的笑意,他的身体慢慢的朝着高空中升了起来。他离开了白马雷电的守护,就这样来到了高空,与那强大的如同神灵一般的弗兰克林遥相而望…… ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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