MG :: Volume #6

#303: Must have up

white horse that such as thunder-like long neighing sound has spread over the entire city immediately, after its Thunder Lightning strength has routed that terror Thought unified body, this top Saint Beast cannot conceal that if crazy pleasant surprise. Naturally, can present such success, that is because it had over half Thunderclap Seed reasons. If not so, it absolutely is unable to cause the world changes, is unable to gather so formidable to the inconceivable superior power. 白马那如雷般的长嘶声立即传遍了整个城市,在它的雷电力量击溃了那恐怖的意念联合体之后,就连这头顶尖的圣兽也是掩饰不住那若狂的惊喜。当然,能够出现这样的战绩,那是因为它拥有了超过半数雷震子的原因。若非如此,它绝对无法引起天地之变,更加无法汇聚起这般强大至不可思议的超级力量。 At this time, white horse is built on above the sky arrogantly, under dark cloud, although here as before is the thunder, is the heavy rain is as before boundless, however all radiance condensed in this moment on the body of white horse. 此时,白马傲立于天空之上,乌云之下,虽然这里依旧是电闪雷鸣,依旧是大雨磅礴,但是所有的光芒在这一刻都凝聚在了白马的身上。 Then explodes the giant electricity glow entire to be covered by the dark cloud under from the ground is similar to the daytime that the city illuminates, but in the upper air of this piece of electric light twinkle, is that god steed unparalleled Single Horn dragon horse. 那从地面炸起的巨大电芒更是将整个被乌云笼罩之下的城市照亮的如同白昼,而在这一片电光闪烁的高空,正是那神骏无双的独角龙马 The He Yiming deep sorption air/Qi, making this bring fresh flavor air to flow in the chest and belly. 贺一鸣深深的吸着气,让这带着一丝清新味道的空气流进了胸腹之中。 He has discovered that in that rolled Thunder Lightning to break through the Thought blockade to pound in ground that moment, sky over urban Thought immediately became thin, although as before was formidable incomparable, but actually lost the initial that spirit. 他已经发现了,在那团雷电突破意念封锁砸在了地面上的那一刻,城市上空的意念顿时变得稀薄了许多,虽然依旧是强大无比,但却已经丧失了最初的那种锐气。 Was initiated by some strength in Thought of countless person, and toward a direction time diligently, powerful ability that erupts has almost been able to contend with Might of World. 在无数人的意念被某种力量所引发,并且朝着一个方向努力的时候,所爆发出来的威能几乎已经可以与天地之威所抗衡了。 Even if biggest Thunder Lightning that white horse gets rid to condense personally, refuses to compromise with this strength of thought equally. 哪怕是白马亲自出手所凝聚起的最大雷电,也一样与这股意念之力僵持不下。 Both sides look like two wrestlers, regardless of which side can achieve the final success, will be full win, because loser also impossible built the second time so formidable strength to come with the winner to continue again to resist. 双方就像是两个角斗士,无论哪一方能够获得最终的胜利,都将是一场酣畅淋漓的大胜,因为失败者再也不可能积聚起第二次如此强大的力量来与胜者继续对抗了。 Is good because, Might of World that white horse Thunderclap Seed condenses was smiles finally finally, but that rolling the below great thunder showed Divine Item formidable powerful ability with nothing left. 好在,白马雷震子所凝聚的天地之威终于是笑到了最后,那滚滚而下的巨雷将神器强大威能展现无遗。 Divine Dao, is really not Mortal Dao can contend. Even if has gathered the strength of hundreds of thousands of average person, and volatilizes the potential of these people in the special law, is not similarly good. 神道,果然并非人道能够抗衡。哪怕是集合了数十万普通人之力,并且以特殊之法将这些人的潜力挥发出来,也同样不行。 At this time, white horse Thunder Lightning has gained the perfect victory, it is similar to Spiritual God general keeping aloof, the vision to overlook looks at the city of its under foot. Strength of World that it initiates, making this city make the sound of shivering in its under foot, that innumerable, wound, but below scattered electric light emergence in the sky again, and did not have regularly sprinted to go toward under. 此时,白马雷电已经取得了完美的胜利,它如同神灵一般的高高在上,以俯视的眼光看着它脚下的城市。它所引发的天地之力,让这座城市在它的脚下发出了颤抖的声音,那无数的,蜿蜒而下的零散电光再一次的出现在天空中,并且毫无规则的朝着下方冲刺而去。 Just like He Yiming expects, in first time contending is in unfavorable situation, even if Strength of Thunder and Lightning that these do things their own way can also easily break through the obstruction of in the sky, having one's wish carried on to attack to the entire city. 正如贺一鸣所料,在第一次的抗衡中失利之后,哪怕是这些各自为政的雷电之力也可以轻易的突破天空中的阻截,随心所欲的对整座城市进行攻击了。 But with the Thunder Lightning unceasing landing, the innumerable strange strengths appears at the extremely quick speed in the city. 而伴随着雷电不断的降落,无数奇异的力量更是以极快的速度出现在城市之内。 In their side not far away Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person towering rose, his controlling the body of Yu Family Old Ancestor, was similar to white horse Thunder Lightning same flying upwards to the midair. 在他们身边不远处的神道凝血人突兀的升了起来,他艹控宇家老祖的身体,如同白马雷电一样的飞升到了半空之中。 The He Yiming surprised vision looked, he has not issued any order to Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person, but is he makes this movement spontaneously. 贺一鸣惊讶的目光望了过去,他并没有给神道凝血人下达任何命令,而是他自发的做出这个动作。 Using in the mind Thought, He Yiming proposed own inquiry, the reply that however he obtains is actually unusual simple. 利用脑海中意念,贺一鸣提出了自己的询问,然而他得到的回答却是异常的干脆。 That longs for that one type passed Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person Thought to pass to He Yiming Mind Territory regarding the strength hope mood. 那就是渴望,一种对于力量的渴望情绪通过了神道凝血人意念传到了贺一鸣脑域之中。 This hope became Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person one instinct, and is instinct that must make not at any cost. 这种渴望已经成为了神道凝血人的一种本能,并且是不惜一切代价都要去做的本能。 The body of He Yiming trembles slightly, had a scare by this strong mood. He has thought before that Solidified Blood Person looks like a klutz, must pull out to move, if has not obtained the instruction, only if threatens the Solidified Blood Person safety, otherwise he will not be careful regarding anything. 贺一鸣的身体微微一颤,被这种强烈的情绪吓了一跳。他以前一直以为,凝血人就像是一个木头人,要拔一下才会动一下,若是没有获得指令的话,除非是威胁到凝血人的生命安全,否则他对于任何事情都不会上心的。 However now looks like, oneself have made a mistake, Solidified Blood Person absolutely is not that simple thing. 但是如今看来,自己还是有所失误,凝血人绝对不是那么简单的东西。 Just like at this moment, that flight in half in the sky Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person, he extended both hands averagely, in his hand, a wisp of bright red scarlet red string fills the air. 正如此刻,那飞行在半空中神道凝血人,他平平的伸出了双手,在他的手上,一缕鲜红的血色红丝弥漫而出。 The He Yiming complexion changes, said in a soft voice: Solidifying Blood Silk?” 贺一鸣的脸色微变,轻声道:“凝血丝?” Shook the head, He Yiming abandons this thought immediately, this absolutely is not Solidifying Blood Silk, but came from Solidified Blood Person within the body that huge special strength. Compares comes in Divine Weapon Solidifying Blood Silk that previously Hao Xue is repeatedly tempered, this is similar to the blood thread same strength wants frail many. 摇了摇头,贺一鸣立即将这个念头抛开,这绝对不是什么凝血丝,而是来自于凝血人体内那庞大的特殊力量。相比于昔曰郝血千锤百炼的神兵凝血丝来,这股如同血丝一样的力量要脆弱的多。 However, in the hand of this time Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person, these capillaries is actually displaying inconceivable powerful ability. 但是,在此时神道凝血人的手中,这些血丝却发挥着不可思议的威能 They are centered on Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person, goes toward the endless horizon spread, merely is among the moments, these capillaries have formed a huge network in trim in the sky. Not only so, these capillaries also toward these formidable Thought strengths cautiously is closing up. 它们以神道凝血人为中心,向着无尽的天边蔓延而去,仅仅是片刻之间,这些血丝就已经在整片天空中形成了一个巨大的网络。非但如此,这些血丝还朝着那些强大的意念力量小心翼翼的靠拢着。 suddenly, the innumerable [say / way] capillaries are condensing one group instantaneously, they turned into one in the scarlet python that in the sky surges dances in the air, has opened the giant mouth, has revealed the violently poisonous fang, maliciously has nipped toward these Thought strengths. 豁然,无数道血丝在瞬间凝聚起一团,它们变成了一条在空中翻腾飞舞的血色巨蟒,张开了巨大的嘴巴,露出了剧毒的獠牙,狠狠的朝着那些意念力量咬了过去。 He Yiming has sucked in cold air, the great strength of these Thought strengths, he witnesses. Even if were white horse unites the Might of World Thunder Lightning strength to be able with it contending. But this moment Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person has not condensed Strength of World, is relying on merely the strength of blood attacks, how regardless to see that as if extremely was crude. 贺一鸣倒抽了一口凉气,这些意念力量的强大,他可是亲眼目睹的。哪怕是白马凝聚了天地之威雷电力量都可以与之抗衡。而此刻神道凝血人并没有凝聚天地之力,仅仅是凭借着本身的血之力进行攻击,无论怎么看,似乎都太过于鲁莽了。 A strength of person is limited throughout, even if formidable Divine Dao expert, without using Might of World, how can also with so huge, the Thought strength that hundreds of thousands of people of institutes unite contends directly...... 一个人的力量始终有限,哪怕是再强大的神道高手,在没有动用天地之威的情况下,又如何能够与如此庞大的,数十万人所凝聚的意念力量正面抗衡…… In this moment, He Yiming was even suspecting whether Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person this fellow went crazy. 在这一刻,贺一鸣甚至于在怀疑,神道凝血人这家伙是否发疯了。 However, finally came out in next quarter, and is makes He Yiming be surprised. 然而,结果在下一刻就已经出来了,并且是让贺一鸣大吃一惊。 That incarnation had not been routed by this formidable strength of thought for the scarlet strength of python unexpectedly, but biting stiffly from this huge Thought strength has gotten down one. 那化身为巨蟒的血色力量竟然没有被这强大的意念之力击溃,而是从这巨大的意念力量中硬生生的咬下了一块。 Looks in the scarlet python mouth that light mist, the eyeball of He Yiming almost must protrude together. 看着血色巨蟒口中那一块薄薄的雾气,贺一鸣的眼珠子几乎都要凸出来了。 Afterward, that scarlet python drew out the neck supinely, swallowed into this Thought strength the abdomen. 随后,那条血色巨蟒仰起了脖子,将这一块意念力量吞入了腹中。 Looks toward Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person that his both eyes is completely red, the blood red color is similar to Colored Glaze general is flashing, after his scarlet python has swallowed the Thought strength, leapt intense black mist since his body unexpectedly. 朝着神道凝血人看去,他的双目尽赤,血红的色彩如同琉璃一般的闪动着,当他的血色巨蟒将意念力量吞噬了之后,从他的身上竟然腾起了一股强烈的黑色雾气。 But at this moment, in the He Yiming mind, has transmitted various innumerable strange images. 而此刻,在贺一鸣的脑海之中,更是传来了无数各种稀奇古怪的影像。 He as if saw countless people to sit in some broad hall, they to the center of city, lowered the head, kneel down, in the hand was delimiting the strange design, in the mouth loud was reciting anything. 他似乎看见了无数人坐在了某个宽广的大厅之中,他们面向城市的中心,垂首,下跪,手中划着奇异的图案,口中大声的吟唱着什么。 In outside of room, although is Thunder Lightning occurred simultaneously, is cloudy, heavy rain downpour, imitates, if the arrival of world last day, however in this hall, as before does not have the flurry. The bodies of all people have one intensely to extreme frantic aura. 在房间的外面,虽然是雷电交加,乌云密布,大雨倾盆,仿若是世界末曰的到来,但是在这个大厅中,却依旧是没有一点儿的慌乱。所有人的身上都有着一股强烈的到了极点的狂热气息。 This type of aura seems infection, all people total involvement investment in which in this atmosphere. 这种气息仿佛是会传染似的,所有人都在这种气氛下全身心地投入其中。 Faint, He Yiming understands, definitely because of this type nearly in crazy atmosphere, will therefore let these people's successful stimulation Thought in this specific environment, and has formed a whole. He Yiming can see this point merely, but actually how to achieve regarding them, actually as before knows nothing. 隐隐的,贺一鸣已经明白,肯定是因为这种近乎于疯狂的气氛,所以才会让这些人在这种特定的环境下成功的激发意念,并且形成了一个整体。只是,贺一鸣仅仅能够看出这一点,但对于他们究竟是如何做到的,却依旧是一无所知。 The present picture dodges, this image is thorough breaking. Afterward, from Solidified Blood Person Thought, has transmitted many similar pictures unceasingly, in these pictures, the population of reverent chanter has few, but basically is almost the same. Even if outside world is earth-shaking, in that also likely becomes the world, has not received too many disturbances. Moreover those who made He Yiming surprised was, this crazy atmosphere along with wreaking havoc and blood red of python Thunder Lightning swallowed unceasingly intensely even more. 眼前的画面一闪,这副影像已经是彻底的破碎了。随后,从凝血人意念之中,不断的传来了许多类似的画面,在那些画面之中,虔诚吟唱者的人数有多有少,但基本上都是相差无几。哪怕外面的世界天翻地覆,那里面也象是自成世界般,没有受到太多的干扰。而且更令贺一鸣惊讶的是,这股疯狂的气氛随着雷电的肆虐和血红色巨蟒的不断吞噬就愈发的强烈了起来。 It looks like a very big spring, is bearing the huge pressure, when this pressure has reached some limit, then this spring will rebound, the great strength of that strength, will be the several fold of tremendous pressure. 就像是一个很大的弹簧,正在承受着巨大的压力,可是当这股压力达到了某一个极限的时候,那么这个弹簧就会反弹起来,那种力量的强大,将会是巨大压力的数倍之多。 Bang......” “轰隆隆……” in the sky Thunder Lightning keeps has hit, every thunder mistake, all houses complete collapses, inside residents were buried all. 天空中雷电不停的打了下来,凡是电闪雷鸣过处,所有的房舍全部倒塌,里面的居民们无不是被埋葬其中。 But that proliferates is brandishing before the collapse houses that the in the sky scarlet big net is keeps, seems is imprisoning and is absorbing some mysterious strength. Along with the great strength of this strength, the Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person around the body black fog even more was rich. 而那遍布于天空中的血色大网则是不停的在倒塌的房舍前挥舞着,似乎是在禁锢和吸收着某种神奇的力量。随着这种力量的强大,神道凝血人身周黑雾就愈发的浓郁了。 Although does not have any exchange, but white horse Thunder Lightning and Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person is the suitable tacit understanding of coordination, Thunder Lightning and scarlet big net looks like the heart has the cleverness to be common, actually has not had the collision of least bit. 虽然没有任何的交流,但是白马雷电神道凝血人就是配合的相当默契,雷电和血色大网就像是心有灵犀一般,竟然没有发生半点儿的碰撞。 The He Yiming deep sorption air/Qi, in his heart surged a geographic name. 贺一鸣深深的吸着气,在他的心中涌起了一个地名。 Ghost Cry Mountain Range...... 鬼哭岭…… That above the Eastern and Western great plains, occupied extremely important position Ghost Cry Mountain Range to appear in the Western Temple sky in the thing world unexpectedly. 那个在东西方大平原之上,在东西世界中都占据了极其重要地位的鬼哭岭竟然在西方神殿的上空出现了。 He has such one feeling, if such situation has not been changed, but lets white horse Thunder Lightning and Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person is similar to nibbles general this city exterminate thoroughly, then disappearance of Western Temple permanent surname, displacing will be another Western Ghost Cry Mountain Range that will not have Dragon Snake to be stationed. 他有着这样的一种感觉,如果这样的情况没有得到改变,而是让白马雷电神道凝血人如同蚕食一般的将这座城市彻底灭绝的话,那么西方神殿就会永久姓的消失,取而代之的将是另一个没有龙蛇驻扎的西方鬼哭岭 Come casting another Ghost Cry Mountain Range by this urban 1 million humanity and countless various lifeform lives. 以这座城市1000000人类和不计其数的各类生物的生命来铸造另一个鬼哭岭 in the heart slightly somewhat absent-minded, body faint felt the chill in the air, He Yiming, although has not gotten rid to prevent, however his heart is actually high and low fluctuating. 心中略微的有些恍惚,身上隐隐的感到了浓浓的寒意,贺一鸣虽然没有出手阻止,但是他的心却是上下起伏。 One wants Franklin life merely, but this Your Holiness the Pope actually ties up his life and entire city together. 自己仅仅是想要弗兰克林姓命,但是这位教皇陛下却将他的生命与整座城市捆绑在一起。 All people in this city so frantic, they as if turned into the Franklin spiritual slave, and is that type is similar to Solidified Blood Person does not have the slave of any opinion generally. 这座城市中的所有人都是如此的狂热,他们似乎变成了弗兰克林精神上的奴隶,并且是那种如同凝血人一般没有任何主见的奴隶。 Then, making the entire city be Franklin is buried along with the dead, is this actually appropriate? 那么,让整座城市为弗兰克林陪葬,这究竟是否合适? He Yiming lowered the head, he looks at his both hands silently. 贺一鸣低下了头,他默默的看着自己的双手。 Although he has not begun personally, but he actually as if saw on oneself both hands also presented the faint red. 虽然他并没有亲自动手,但是他却似乎看到了自己双手上也出现了隐隐的红色。 That is the strength of blood, his heart as if also infinite tendency in this Asura hell common scene in the strength of blood. 那是血的力量,他的心似乎也在这个修罗地狱一般的场景中无限的倾向于血之力了。 However, in this time, he heard, then in the dark most deep place, as if came from the sound beside Nine Underworlds: 然而,就在此时,他听到了,那在黑暗的最深处,仿佛是来自于九幽之外的声音: Gods Speech, must have up......” 神说,要有光……” ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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