MG :: Volume #6

#302: The purple electricity thunders

„......” “噼哩啪啦……” Huge sonic bang sound unceasing handed down from generation to generation from in the sky, is indistinct, even there is that has thundered a thunderclap. 巨大的音爆声不断的从天空中传了下来,隐约间,甚至于有了那轰鸣般的雷声。 A lightning has cut the entire sky, is an earthshaking thunderclap, it as if must break the entire universe. 一道闪电划破了整个天空,接着就是一声惊天动地的雷声,它似乎要把整个宇宙震碎了似的。 The entire weather immediately changes, the original clear and boundless sky, the sunlight tall Zhao sky, is cloudy suddenly, thunder. 整个天色顿时一变,原先晴空万里,曰光高照的天空,突然之间就是乌云密布,电闪雷鸣。 He Yiming clear saw, that 14 Thunderclap Seed released the formidable magic in this time, they and were not only releasing their Strength of Thunder and Lightning, but also was adsorbing in the sky that inexhaustible strength, and has provoked the chain-like fierce response. 贺一鸣清晰的看到了,那14颗雷震子在此时释放出了强大的神奇力量,它们并不仅仅是释放着自己的雷电之力,而且还在不停的吸附着天空中那无穷无尽的力量,并且引起了连锁的剧烈反应。 As if in a flash, the world for it look changes, curls up the tornado, Thunder Lightning occurred simultaneously, rumble makes noise, the strong winds and electricity glow compose a countless army to raid suddenly to the ground. 仿佛是转瞬之间,天地为之色变,卷起旋风,雷电交加,隆隆作响,狂风和电芒所组成一支不计其数的大军突然向地面袭来。 That thunderclap thunders in the top of the head, the earth was shaken shivers, that lightning is inexhaustible, in Thunder Lightning continuously, made the will of the people fear. 那雷声在头顶上轰鸣,大地被震得颤抖,那闪电无穷无尽,在雷电中此起彼伏,令人心畏。 suddenly, the first drop of rain descended from that thick dark cloud level, afterward the surrounding dark cloud are getting more and more, is getting more and more thick, on that day on rain water was downpour, has covered up the entire sky. 豁然,第一滴雨从那浓密的乌云层中降落了下来,随后周围的乌云越来越多,越来越厚,那天上的雨水更是倾盆而下,将整个天空都遮掩了起来。 He Yiming stupefied looks at the sky, this inconceivable Strength of Thunder and Lightning, this sudden torrential downpour. 贺一鸣膛目结舌的看着天空,这不可思议的雷电之力,这突如其来的瓢泼大雨。 He understood finally, after the Thunderclap Seed quantity has been over 50%, powerful ability that can release no longer merely limited to Thunderclap Seed itself powerful ability. 他终于明白了,当雷震子的数量超过了一半之后,所能够释放出来的威能就不再仅仅局限于雷震子的本身威能了。 Under white horse Thunder Lightning controlling, these Thunderclap Seed are similar to Divine Dao expert, started to have Strength of World by inconceivable speed to absorb. 白马雷电艹控之下,这些雷震子已经是如同神道高手般,开始以不可思议的速度吸纳天地之力了。 What does to be different from Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person, Thunderclap Seed will not be neighbor Strength of World within hundred li (0.5km) will reassign all of a sudden, they will take the strength to direct, to release in another way Strength of World. 只是,与神道凝血人所做不同的是,雷震子并不是一下子将附近百里内的天地之力抽调一空,它们是以本身的力量为引,将天地之力以另外一种方式释放出来。 If the Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person method of attack is the thunder thunderclap fights, Strength of World that then numerous Thunderclap Seed bring in looks like takes care of your pennies and dollars will take care of themselves, in making the person unknowingly fell into this piece of world great change. 如果说神道凝血人的攻击方法是雷霆霹雳般的一战而下,那么众多雷震子所引来的天地之力就像是细水长流般,在令人不知不觉中就陷入了这一片天地巨变之中。 Just like this time, the sunlight of that everywhere vanished, the sky of entire city was covered by the dark cloud. In all of downpour heavy rain irrigates the wet percolation ground, in the entire world looks like covers in mist. 正如此时,那漫天的阳光已经消失了,整个城市的上空都被乌云所笼罩。倾盆大雨将地面上的一切都浇湿浸透,整个天地之间就像是笼罩在一片水雾之中。 In this environment, most suits the display of Strength of Thunder and Lightning without doubt, uses the water as the medium, white horse Thunder Lightning powerful ability at least can strengthen over ten times. 在这个环境中,无疑是最适合雷电之力的发挥,以水为媒介,白马雷电威能起码可以增强十倍以上。 He Yiming long expiration, Thunderclap Seed coordinates the prestige of white horse, is really among the world the most formidable sharp weapon. If days later makes white horse step into Divine Dao, and grasped all Thunderclap Seed, adds up to one set of Thunderclap Heaven, does not know really finally will release how formidable powerful ability. 贺一鸣长长的吐了一口气,雷震子配合白马之威,果然是天下间最强大的利器。若是曰后白马真的踏入神道,并且掌握了所有的雷震子,凑成一整套霹雳天的话,真不知道最终会释放出多么强大的威能 Naturally, this is just a conjecture, first let alone in the age that Divine Dao vanishes, the white horse whether smooth promotion is Divine Beast, even if were it has succeeded, but sought for remaining four Thunderclap Seed by oneself to where. 当然,这只不过是一个臆想而已,先别说在神道消失的年代中,白马能否顺利的晋升为神兽,就算是它成功了,但是又让自己到哪里去寻找剩下的四颗雷震子 „......” “噼哩啪啦……” The sound of huge Thunder Lightning has made a sound once again, but this time is the true resounding through world. 巨大的雷电之音再度响了起来,不过这一次是真正的响彻天地。 14 Thunderclap Seed already hid in dark cloud, could not search again. However Thunder Lightning in dark cloud level actually proliferates in each inch space. 14颗雷震子早就隐藏在乌云之中,再也寻觅不到了。但是乌云层中的雷电却是遍布于每一寸的空间。 Giant electricity glow changed to sharp silver in half in the sky, they wind from in the sky, toward under detachment maliciously. 巨大的电芒在半空中化作了一道道亮丽的银色,它们从天空中蜿蜒而下,朝着下方狠狠的劈去。 powerful ability of these lightnings are formidable, they are in the world one of the fiercest strengths. Divides where, will bring the huge injury to the entire city. 这些闪电的威能强大,它们都是天地间最厉害的力量之一。无论是劈到何处,都会给整座城市带来巨大的伤害。 However, what making all people unable to think, these wound, but below Thunder Lightning not true contact this city. 然而,令所有人想不到的是,这些蜿蜒而下的雷电并没有真正的接触到这座城市。 These cover the light mist sky over city returned to the distant place, they as before are stay the sky of city, seems is guarding own homeland. 那些笼罩在城市上空的薄薄雾气已经回归远处,它们依旧是停留的城市的上空,似乎是在守卫着自己的家园似的。 That huge radiance carried the power and influence beyond comparison to divide from in the sky, pounding maliciously in these as if have bumped above the light mist that broke. 那巨大的光芒天空中携着无以伦比的威势劈了下来,狠狠的砸在了这些似乎一碰就破的薄薄雾气之上。 However, these mist tenacious places obvious has gone far beyond anybody's imagination. 但是,这些雾气的强韧之处明显的远远超过了任何人的想象。 Huge Thunder Lightning moves these mist, immediately extinguishes, instantaneously became without a trace. 巨大的雷电一碰触到这些雾气,顿时就消弭开来,瞬间就变得无影无踪了。 The distant place, the eye pupil of He Yiming has condensed suddenly, he has sucked in cold air, strength of thought that these comprised of countless average people, was formidable in this way, represents Might of World Thunder Lightning to withstand unexpectedly continually, this has surpassed his unexpected absolutely. 远方,贺一鸣的眼眸骤然间凝缩了一下,他倒抽了一口凉气,这些由无数普通人所组成的意念之力,竟然是强大如斯,连代表了天地之威雷电都能够承受下来,这绝对的超出了他的意料之外。 Bai Lingba (108) put out a hand, has heard a series of intense sound sounds from his hand, seems countless people are moving the abacus, simultaneously calculates anything to resemble. 百零八伸出了手,从他的手上传来了一连串的激烈的响动声,似乎是无数人在拨动着算盘,同时计算着什么似的。 He Yiming in the heart one cold, asked: „Are you doing?” 贺一鸣心中一凛,问道:“你在干什么?” I in the potential of computation humanity big, whether to insist under this Thunder Lightning.” Bai Lingba (108) calm saying. “我在计算人类的潜力有多大,能否在这场雷电之下坚持住。”百零八冷静的说道。 He Yiming brow big wrinkle, he does not certainly understand that this thing possibly calculates, but the Bai Lingba (108) movement makes him know that this fellow is not talking irresponsibly. 贺一鸣眉头大皱,他当然不明白这东西怎么也可能计算出来,但百零八的动作却让他知道,这家伙并不是在信口开河。 „Is result what kind of?” He Yiming inquired. “结果怎么样?”贺一鸣询问道。 Bai Lingba (108) all movements stop, he looks at the front, long time, his [say / way] slowly: „The Thought strength, is infinity.” 百零八的所有动作嘎然而止,他看着前方,良久之后,他缓缓的道:“意念的力量,是无穷大的。” He Yiming complexion one cold, said: You were said that Strength of Thunder and Lightning how this city?” 贺一鸣脸色一寒,道:“你是说雷电之力奈何不了这座城市?” Although performance of white horse Thunder Lightning already big has surpassed He Yiming anticipated, formidable constriction that although so formidable Strength of Thunder and Lightning might as well previously Divine Item Nine Dragons Stove brings, but compares in Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person that startled day strikes, is actually not inferior. 虽然白马雷电的表现已经大大的超出了贺一鸣的预期,如此强大的雷电之力虽然还不如昔曰神器九龙炉所带来的强大压迫感,但是相比于神道凝血人的那惊天一击,却是毫不逊色。 But, in this city, is actually hiding Western most formidable divine power of light. 可是,在这座城市之中,却隐藏着西方最强大的光之神力 Now this strength has not appeared, only depends on strength of thought of 600,000 average people with white horse the prestige of world Thunder Lightning to contend, this result also was really too inconceivable. 如今这种力量尚未出现,仅凭600000普通人的意念之力就已经可以与白马的天地雷电之威抗衡,这个结果也实在是太不可思议了。 Bai Lingba (108) silent for a long time, this slow sound track: Manpower is in this world the thing that is difficult to ascertain.” In his sound actually is also having a rare feeling: Manpower is sometimes poor, sometimes can actually win the day, actually how, I cannot calculate.” 百零八沉默了许久,这才缓声道:“人力是这个世界上最难捉摸的东西。”他的声音中竟然也带着一丝罕见的感慨:“人力有时而穷,有时却又能够胜天,究竟如何,我也推算不出。” He Yiming opened mouth, finally will arrive at the mouth complaint to swallow. 贺一鸣张了张嘴,终于将来到了口边的抱怨吞了进去。 During the contest of this grade of level, truly anybody cannot forecast the final result. 在这等级数的较量之中,确实已经没有任何人能够预测最终的结果了。 white horse has kicked the leg, its body is glittering suddenly strange radiance, in its under foot, are many have been glittering Thunder Guang, afterward its this step by step walked toward in the sky. 白马踢了踢腿,它的身体突然闪烁着奇异的光芒,在它的脚下,多了一道道闪烁着的雷光,随后它就这样一步步的朝着天空中走了上去。 This is first of white horse Thunder Lightning after lightization Thunderclap Seed time uses Light of Divine Weapon to fly, however its movement actually appears such gracefulness and stability, as if has innumerable experience. 这是白马雷电光化雷震子之后第一次使用神兵之光飞行,但是它的动作却显得那样的优雅和稳定,似乎是有着无数次的经验似的。 Bang......” “轰隆隆……” The in the sky lightning as if starts to start to gather in center direction, in this moment, fierce surges of 14 thick electricity glow in cloud layer, and gathers to go toward white horse Thunder Lightning of most center on. 天空中的闪电似乎是开始朝着正中的方向开始聚拢,在这一刻,14道粗大的电芒在云层中剧烈的翻腾着,并且朝着最中心处的白马雷电身上汇聚而去。 14 Thunderclap Seed, have released oneself biggest strength in this time completely, then mixed Strength of World was similar to move mountains to seethe with excitement in this moment. 14颗雷震子,在此时将自身最大的力量全部释放了出来,而那被搅动的天地之力在这一刻更是如同排山倒海般的沸腾了起来。 The dark cloud of space even more thick, high sea that heavy rain heavy rain even more, stuffy Thunder Ru evacuates, from far to near, by weak and strong whirled around, to roll. 天上的乌云愈发的浓密,大雨愈发的瓢泼,闷雷如排空的怒涛,由远而近,由弱而强的翻卷着、滚动过来了。 However, surprisingly, all electricity glow do not have the whereabouts, they are gathering in a direction, slowly, in city most sky over, unexpectedly many one group greatly has filled the purple electricity group that has shocked the strength. But the body of white horse Thunder Lightning is glittering in this electricity group. 然而,令人惊奇的是,所有的电芒都没有下落,它们都在朝着一个方向汇聚着,慢慢的,在城市的最上空,竟然多了一团巨大的充满了震撼力量的紫色电团。而白马雷电的身体就在这电团之中不停的闪烁着。 After He Yiming saw this electricity group, is the complexion changes, this electricity group was really too big, that stood dangerous in the sky, looked like red sun of thunder rainy day is ordinary, is unable to neglect. 贺一鸣看到了这个电团之后,亦是脸色微变,这个电团实在是太大了,那悬立在天空之中,就像是雷雨天的红曰一般,令人根本就无法忽视。 In the city as if also noted the in the sky phenomenon, was full of the frightened sound to erupt in this moment innumerably. However quick, He Yiming on the surprised discovery, the mist that these Thought form, not only has not collapsed, instead even more clear. 城市之中似乎也注意到了天空中的异象,无数充满了恐惧的声音在这一刻爆发了出来。但是很快的,贺一鸣就惊讶的发现,那些意念形成的薄雾非但没有崩溃,反而是愈发的清晰了起来。 In the entire city, has heard the sounds of innumerable recitation. Actually although He Yiming cannot understand these people in reciting anything, but he can actually feel, in sound that these recited, contained inexplicable strengths. 整个城市之中,传来了无数的吟诵之声。虽然贺一鸣听不懂这些人究竟在吟唱着什么,但是他却能够感受到,在这些吟唱的声音中,蕴含了一股股莫名的力量。 If not these strengths disperse, can only describe by not worthy of mentioning, when that many sounds gather after together, formed one in the ground unexpectedly has been possible be called the tremendous strength. 这些力量若非分散开来,只能以微不足道来形容,但是当那么多的声音汇聚在一起之后,竟然在地面上形成了一股堪称巨大的力量。 When facing this strength, even if Treasure Pig the roar of dragon might, feared that also wants the inferior three points. 在面对这股力量的时候,哪怕是宝猪龙威之吼,怕是也要逊色三分。 Sound that recited gradual neat, to finally, the entire city in only has a sound, that was countless people simultaneously recites sings loudly. 吟唱的声音逐渐的整齐了起来,到了最后,整座城市之中就仅存在着一种声音,那就是无数人同时吟唱高歌。 Their sounds are similarly resounding, meets as an equal not to drop the wind with the in the sky thunderous sound unexpectedly. 他们的声音同样响亮,竟然与天空中的雷鸣声分庭抗礼而不落下风。 The innumerable tiny strengths go toward the in the sky gathering, when they gather in together, becomes a genuine jumbo. 无数细小的力量朝着天空中汇聚而去,当它们汇聚在一起的时候,就成为一个真正的巨无霸。 in the sky has flashed through fierce radiance suddenly, that huge Thunder Lightning has pounded finally maliciously, all Thought mist billowing on, looks like the adverse current, but good ships, gigantic electricity group that wants to break through this dreadful rough sea waves. 空中骤然闪过了一道剧烈的光芒,那巨大的雷电终于狠狠的砸了下来,所有的意念雾气滚滚而上,就像是逆流而行的船只,想要冲破这滔天巨浪的硕大电团。 After both sides refuse to budge has partly made a sound, long neighing sound from in the sky transmits, the white horse Thunder Lightning sound was resonant, spread to the ears of all people. 双方僵持了半响之后,一道长嘶声空中传来,白马雷电的声音嘹亮无比,传入了所有人的耳中。 That huge Thought mist after was shivering fiercely several next, finally bursts, the might incomparable electricity group has broken through sky over the urban blockade, finally was pounding of achieving wishes in the urban center. 那巨大的意念雾气在剧烈的颤抖了几下之后,终于破裂开来,威力无比的电团冲破了城市上空的封锁,终于是如愿以偿的砸在了城市中央。 Instantaneous, this group of electricity glow ruptured thoroughly, the huge impulse is similar to the dreadful rough sea waves is ordinary, the present all will have washed completely, under the giant electricity glow impact, the innumerable lives thoroughly disappears in this moment. 瞬间,这团电芒彻底的爆裂了开来,巨大的冲击力如同滔天的巨浪一般,将眼前的一切全部洗涤了一遍,在巨大的电芒冲击下,无数生命都在这一刻彻底泯灭。 In the ground has stayed behind deeply is similar to the monster has pushed the trace, all the construction in ground, including inside housing crowd, high was thrown by the formidable strength in this moment, and in half in the sky, because is unable to withstand to meet the Thunder Lightning impact that the thump comes to be reduced to ashes. 地面上留下了深深的如同巨物推过的痕迹,所有在地面上的建筑,包括里面的居住的人群,在这一刻都被强大的力量高高抛起,并且在半空中因为无法承受接捶而来的雷电冲击而化为灰烬。 In front of Might of World that hundreds of thousands of people of Thought blockades in Divine Item directs, finally by heartless scattering, in space that in that group of huge Thunder Lightning fall, turned into a genuine Asura hell. 数十万人的意念阻击在神器所引起来的天地之威面前,最终被无情的打散,在那一团巨大雷电落下来的空间中,变成了一片真正的修罗地狱。 ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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