MG :: Volume #6

#301: 600,000

The sky of distant place, has as if covered the 1-layer light mist, seems the pride of the morning that in the morning has not melted is the same, fills the air in that endless in the sky. 远方的天空,似乎笼罩了一层薄薄的雾气,就好似清晨尚未化开的晨雾一样,弥漫在那无尽的空中 However, when He Yiming stares at the mist that 1-layer is almost not having, on face actually quite ugly. 然而,当贺一鸣凝望着那一层几乎并不存在的雾气之时,脸上却是相当的难看。 His expression is quite not only strange, bold Treasure Pig and was always fearless white horse Thunder Lightning reveals a faint fearing intent in this moment. 不仅仅他的表情相当怪异,就连胆大包天的宝猪和向来都是无所畏惧的白马雷电在这一刻都流露出了一丝隐隐的惧意。 Present He Yiming and white horse Thunder Lightning may be the Mortal Realm most peak powerhouse. 如今的贺一鸣白马雷电可都是人道境界的最巅峰强者了。 This is the genuine powerhouse, stands in the present world the highest Pyramid peak. May be they, when seeing city that wipes the mist that visibles faintly, in the heart cannot dominate unexpectedly. 这是真正的强者,站在了现在世界上最高的金字塔顶端。可就算是他们,在见到了城市上空的那一抹隐约可见的雾气之时,心中竟然也是把持不住。 [Say / Way] that his deep sighing, in the mouth muttered: impossible, certainly impossible......” 他深深的叹了一口气,口中喃喃的道:“不可能,绝不可能……” white horse river Treasure Pig also nods, these two intelligent and formidable Saint Beast regarding the words suitable approval of He Yiming. 白马宝猪同时点着头,这两只聪慧而强大的圣兽对于贺一鸣的话相当的认同。 Their three may have formidable Thought, and successful use Thought Divine Weapon lightization, therefore, they can induce, actually these mist are any things. 他们三个可都是拥有着强大的意念,并且成功的使用意念神兵光化,所以,他们才能够感应出,那些雾气究竟是什么东西。 That unexpectedly is Thought, Thought of humanity...... 那竟然是意念,人类的意念…… After He Yiming and the others had discovered this fact, their in the heart shocked that can be imagined. 贺一鸣等人发现了这个事实之后,他们心中的震撼那就是可想而知了。 Although Thought of humanity is formidable, even if is the Mortal Dao peak powerhouse, their Thought are also extremely limited. 人类的意念虽然强大,但哪怕是人道巅峰的强者,他们的意念也是极为有限的。 Can lightization six Divine Weapon Sharp Item, be a limit of Mortal Dao powerhouse. Even if is similar to Ji Mo Fanshu this and other top powerhouse impossible surpasses this limit. 能够光化六把神兵利器,就已经是一个人道强者的极限所在了。哪怕是如同吉摩凡殊这等顶尖强者都不可能超越这个极限。 But, in the sky of this city, that piece is filling the light mist, unexpectedly is Thought. 可是,在这个城市的上空,那一片弥漫着的淡淡雾气,竟然都是意念 This is the shocking matter, then formidable Thought, let alone is lightization six Divine Weapon Sharp Item, even if attains here world Divine Weapon Sharp Item, only feared that also insufficiently can cover Thought lightization of city to this. 这是何等骇人听闻的事情,那么强大的意念,别说是光化六把神兵利器,哪怕是将全世界的神兵利器都拿到这里,只怕也不够给这能够笼罩一个城市的意念光化啊。 Looks that so formidable Thought shoots up to the sky, so long as will be one can feel this Thought powerful ability normal person to be frightened halts. 看着如此强大的意念冲天而起,只要是一个能够感受到这股意念威能的正常人就会被吓得止步不前。 This is the brain wave, is really the strange brain wave.” Bai Lingba (108) sound towering has made a sound. “这是脑电波,真是奇怪的脑电波。”百零八的声音突兀的响了起来。 He Yiming is startled, said: What did you say?” 贺一鸣微怔,道:“你说什么?” This above energy is the brain wave energy, but is strange, the brain wave energy is the dispersion, but cannot condense, these people are to use any method these energies condense in together.” Bai Lingba (108) lowered the head, his sound also slowly low and deep, as if during was lost in thought. “这上面的能量是脑电波的能量,但奇怪的,脑电波的能量都是分散而不可凝聚的,这些人是使用什么手段将这些能量凝聚在一起的呢。”百零八低下了头,他的声音也慢慢的低沉了下来,似乎是陷入了沉思之中。 He Yiming nod, he understands slowly that the brain wave in Bai Lingba (108) mouth probably was Thought that they said. 贺一鸣缓缓点头,他已经明白,在百零八口中的脑电波大概就是他们所说的意念了。 Sighed one lightly, the [say / way] that He Yiming thought aloud: Formidable brain wave, can actually substantialize close, does not know had many powerhouses to release own brain wave really in this city.” 轻叹了一声,贺一鸣自言自语的道:“强大的脑电波,竟然已经能够接近实体化了,真不知道在这座城市中有多少强者释放了自己的脑电波。” Close 600,000.” The Bai Lingba (108) icy sound said. “接近600000。”百零八冷冰冰的声音说道。 The He Yiming both eyes suddenly circle opens the eyes, in this moment, he even forgot including the breath. 贺一鸣双目豁然圆睁,在这一刻,他甚至于连呼吸都忘记了。 white horse and Treasure Pig all movements also stop, this big small two Saint Beast simultaneously carried over Bai Lingba (108) the vision, in their eye pupils has the unbelievable look. 白马宝猪的所有动作也是嘎然而止,这一大一小两只圣兽同时将目光移向了百零八,他们的眼眸中有着难以置信的神色。 Only has compared with Bai Lingba (108) looks like a sculpture Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person, he as before was tranquil standing there, as if momentarily was waiting for the soldier who the order embarked was the same, the back supported straightly. 唯有比百零八更加象一个雕塑的神道凝血人,他依旧是平静的站在了那里,似乎是随时等待着命令出发的士兵一样,腰杆子挺得笔直。 600,000......” the He Yiming astringent sound said. “600000……”贺一鸣涩声说道。 When he, as soon as the start to talk, discovered that own sound unexpectedly so hoarse, the lethality that Bai Lingba (108) these words bring was really too formidable. 当他一开口,才发现自己的声音竟然是如此的沙哑,百零八的这句话所带来的杀伤力实在是太强大了。 Yes, close 600,000.” Bai Lingba (108) definitely was saying. “是的,接近600000。”百零八肯定的说着。 Treasure Pig trembles, its without demur jumped down from the head of white horse, afterward turns around, walks toward the background. Looks at a kid steadfast step, was clearly telling the people, you brought death, I did not accompany you to play. 宝猪一个哆嗦,它二话不说的从白马的头上跳了下来,随后转身,向着来路走去。看小家伙一副坚定不移的步伐,分明在告诉众人,你们去送死吧,我不陪你们玩了。 However, a hand dropped from the clouds, has seized the Treasure Pig nape of the neck, gave to raise it. 然而,一只手从天而降,揪住了宝猪的脖颈,将它给提了起来。 The Treasure Pig small head transferred, sees clearly the master of this hand is He Yiming, its small eye turning round chaotic extension, threw in the bosom of He Yiming finally. 宝猪小脑袋转了过来,才看清楚这只手的主人是贺一鸣,它的小眼睛滴溜溜的乱转,终于扑到了贺一鸣的怀中。 He Yiming shook the head, when spoke, actually saw the Treasure Pig little wench to move in own front, afterward it selected unexpectedly from her front that Space Necklace, and held before two on the hoof. 贺一鸣摇了摇头,正待说话,却见宝猪的小蹄子在自己的胸前拨动着,随后它竟然将那空间项链从自己的胸前挑出来,并且捧在了两只前蹄上。 Bewildered looks at the Treasure Pig movement, asking of He Yiming doubt: Treasure Pig, are you doing?” 莫名其妙的看着宝猪的动作,贺一鸣狐疑的问道:“宝猪,你在干什么?” The kids groaned half sound, naturally, it facing the Bai Lingba (108) speech, because He Yiming does not understand that it was saying anything. 小家伙哼哼哧哧了半响,当然,它是面对百零八说话的,因为贺一鸣根本就不明白它在说些什么。 Bai Lingba (108) honest [say / way]: Treasure Pig said that if you also want to bring death, might as well give it this Space Necklace.” 百零八老老实实的道:“宝猪说,如果你还想要进去送死,不如将这个空间项链送给它吧。” He Yiming then understands that originally Treasure Pig is having the idea of dividing the booty unexpectedly. 贺一鸣这才明白,原来宝猪竟然是打着分赃的主意。 Has entrained the kid, has hit maliciously several, said: Relax, I will not go to bring death.” 将小家伙拽了起来,狠狠的打了几下,道:“放心,我不会进去送死的。” He has sighed deeply, said: „The Western world is really the powerhouse like clouds, 600,000 Five Qi Great Venerable, why didn't they come out extinguishing all schools of Eastern world?” 他长叹了一声,道:“西方世界真是强者如云,600000的五气大尊者,他们为什么不出来将东方世界的所有门派给灭了呢?” Five Qi Great Venerable is among the world is next to existence of Mortal Dao peak, although in the according to one-to-one situation, the Mortal Dao peak can striking easily kill Five Qi Great Venerable. When the quantity of Five Qi Great Venerable went to a terrifying situation, the Mortal Dao peak powerhouse also only had to turn around on the share of running away. 五气大尊者是天下间仅次于人道巅峰的存在,虽然在以一对一的情况下,人道巅峰能够轻易的击杀五气大尊者。但是当五气大尊者的数量达到了一个恐怖的地步之时,人道巅峰强者也唯有转身就逃的份儿了。 Thinks that 600,000 Great Venerable, have represented the minimum 600,000 flying swords, if these flying swords release together, then can be a how magnificent scene. 想想吧,600000的大尊者,就代表了起码600000把飞剑,若是这些飞剑一起释放出来,那么会是多么壮观的一副场景。 He looked out that mist, in the heart even more has been being full of the chill in the air, he as if saw scene that everywhere flying sword brandished. 他遥望着那一片雾气,心中愈发的充满了寒意,他似乎是看到了那漫天飞剑挥舞的场景。 Under the flying sword attack of this quantity, only feared that links Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person the strength of Divine Dao to be also not necessarily able to withstand. 在这种数量的飞剑攻击之下,只怕连神道凝血人神道之力也未必能够承受吧。 The great strength of this strength, was in the indescribable situation. So long as Temple wants, they can sweep away the world at any time, all opposed that their influences eliminate completely. 这股力量的强大,已经到了无法形容的地步。只要神殿愿意,他们可以随时横扫天下,将所有反对他们的势力全部消灭。 To be honest, He Yiming does not believe in Western Temple so many Great Venerable, but he regarding the Bai Lingba (108) words actually believes that does not doubt. 说实话,贺一鸣并不相信在西方神殿之中会有那么多的大尊者,但是他对于百零八的话却是更加的坚信不疑。 Bai Lingba (108) has as if been startled, said: They are not 600,000 Great Venerable, but is 600,000 average people, Cultivator quantity less than 1/10.” 百零八似乎是怔了一下,道:“他们并不是600000的大尊者,而是600000的普通人,其中修炼者数量不足1。” He Yiming staggers, just had transferred body suddenly transferred once again, he looks at Bai Lingba (108) maliciously, said: What did you say? 600,000 average people.” 贺一鸣一个趔趄,刚刚转过的身体再度豁然转了回来,他狠狠的看着百零八,道:“你说什么?600000普通人。” Yes.” Bai Lingba (108) categorical saying. “是。”百零八斩钉截铁的说道。 Nonsense.” He Yiming whole face is not cheerful, said: Can produce Thought, only has Five Qi Great Venerable. If the average people can produce Thought, then among this world all Venerable can enter the step to the boundary of Five Qi Great Venerable.” “胡说八道。”贺一鸣满脸的不愉,道:“能够产生意念的,唯有五气大尊者。如果普通人都能够产生意念的话,那么这个天下间岂不是所有尊者都可以进阶到五气大尊者之境了。” The double pupil of Bai Lingba (108) has shone, a moment later, he said: Thought and Thought of Great Venerable who these people produce is different, they produce Thought passively, these Thought cannot attack others, can only under some way get together in together.” He shook the head, said: But, these brain waves gathers can display anything to affect, I calculated that does not come out.” 百零八的双眸亮了起来,片刻之后,他道:“这些人所产生的意念大尊者的意念不同,他们是被动产生意念,这些意念并不能够攻击别人,只能在某种方式之下聚合在一起。”他摇了摇头,道:“不过,将这些脑电波聚集在一起能够发挥出什么作用,我就推算不出来了。” He Yiming opened mouth Palestine, long time, his slowly has selected under one. 贺一鸣张了张嘴巴,良久之后,他缓缓的点了一下头。 600,000 Great Venerable naturally are impossible exists, but Temple really has such ability, will come out by the 600,000 people of Thought releases and centralism of ordinary artificial Lord, that was also a great matter. 600000的大尊者当然是不可能存在的了,不过神殿竟然有这样的能力,将以普通人为主的600000人的意念释放并且集中出来,那也是一件了不起的事情了。 Faint, He Yiming somewhat is also clear, wants to achieve this point, definitely has the considerable harsh request, moreover this method regarding Venerable, definitely is useless, otherwise all Venerables of entire Western world already promoted Five Qi Great Venerable through this method. 隐隐的,贺一鸣也有些明白,想要做到这一点,肯定是有着相当苛刻的要求,而且这种方法对于尊者来说,肯定是毫无用处,否则整个西方世界的所有尊者们早就通过这种方法晋升五气大尊者了。 Perhaps is because they stay the time too long relations here, sky over urban that light mist started to move toward here unexpectedly. 或许是因为他们停留在这里的时间过长的关系,城市上空的那一片薄薄的雾气竟然开始向着这里移动了过来。 The He Yiming complexion changes immediately, although he understands, Thought that these almost must substantialize not stemming from Five Qi Great Venerable, no matter what who will induce to so huge strength oppression comes not to feel that will feel better. 贺一鸣的脸色顿时大变,虽然他已经明白,这些几乎就要实体化的意念并不是出于五气大尊者,但是任谁感应到如此庞大的力量压迫而来都不会感到好受的。 His intention revolution, has patted the white horse Thunder Lightning nape of the neck immediately, said: Thunder Lightning, making us have a look at Thunderclap Seed powerful ability.” 他心念一转,立即拍了拍白马雷电的脖颈,道:“雷电,让我们看看雷震子威能吧。” To contend with this everywhere Thought, that is the absolutely impossible matter, but the white horse Thunder Lightning strength, is actually everywhere, is the biggest difficult adversaries of all illusory thing. Since that rolls Thought not to condense the material object, then uses Strength of Thunder and Lightning to cope, without doubt is the optimization. 想要与这漫天意念抗衡,那是绝无可能的事情,但白马雷电力量,却是无处不在,是一切虚幻之物的最大克星。既然那团意念并没有凝聚成实物,那么使用雷电之力来对付,无疑是最佳选择。 white horse light hissing, although this huge strength of thought same makes its in the heart be scared, however within the body the blood of Divine Beast makes its arrogant is not willing to turn around to run away. 白马轻嘶了一声,虽然这庞大的意念之力同样的让它心中发毛,但是体内的神兽之血却让它高傲的不愿意转身而逃。 Rocked gently body, huge purple Thunder Lightning has released from its body immediately. 轻轻的晃动了一下身躯,庞大的紫色雷电顿时从它的身躯内释放了出来。 But its head Single Horn is faintly shining, afterward, Thunderclap Seed one after another have braved from its Single Horn. These Thunderclap Seed each are glittering purple golden radiance, inside is containing huge nearly in boundless strength. 而它头上的独角更是隐隐发亮,随后,一颗接一颗的雷震子从它的独角之上冒了出来。这些雷震子每一颗都是闪烁着紫金色光芒,里面都蕴含着庞大的近乎于无边的力量。 He Yiming both eyes micro bright, this was white horse Thunder Lightning after lightization Divine Item Thunderclap Seed, first time strength will release, even if were he is holding a curiosity. 贺一鸣双目微亮,这是白马雷电光化神器雷震子之后,第一次将其中的力量释放出来,哪怕是他都抱着一丝强烈的好奇心。 This has surpassed half 14 Thunderclap Seed, although is unable to achieve Divine Item Thunderclap Heaven peak Realm, however in the present Mortal Dao world, should also invincible exist. 这超过了半数的14颗雷震子虽然无法达到神器霹雳天的巅峰境界,但是在如今人道的世界,应该也是所向无敌的存在了吧。 After these 14 Thunderclap Seed appear, is glittering in their around the body the intense purple electricity glow, coordinates with each other across a great distance with white horse Strength of Thunder and Lightning. However, in these purple electricity radiance, is visibles faintly some silver white electric lights to flash, this is Silver Eel King Strength of Thunder and Lightning, now completely had to to absorb for oneself by white horse Thunder Lightning. 这14颗雷震子出现之后,在它们的身周都闪烁着强烈的紫色电芒,与白马身上的雷电之力遥相呼应。不过,在这些紫电的光芒之中,也是隐约可见一些银白色的电光闪动,这是银鳗王雷电之力,如今已经完全被白马雷电吸纳为己有了。 While He Yiming thinks that white horse this formidable Strength of Thunder and Lightning releases, actually saw quite strange one. 正当贺一鸣以为白马会将这强大的雷电之力释放出去的时候,却见到了相当奇异的一幕。 Slowly, that 14 Thunderclap Seed are centered on white horse Thunder Lightning, unceasing goes toward the in the sky float. 慢慢的,那14颗雷震子白马雷电为中心,不断的向着天空中漂浮而去。 They elevate one inch every time, the distance expanded a point, when they arrived above the upper air truly, distances between 14 Thunderclap Seed were quite broad. 它们每升高一寸,彼此之间的距离就扩大了一点,当它们真正的来到了高空之上的时候,14颗雷震子之间的距离已经是相当的广阔了。 Afterward, entire sky immediately for it look changes...... 随后,整个天空顿时为之色变…… ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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