MG :: Volume #6

#300: The hostility of city

The Western world and Eastern truly are totally different, the geography style, is the semblance words and deeds of character, is big different. 西方的世界与东方确实是迥然不同,无论是地理风貌,还是人物的外表言行,都是大相迥异。 If there is mood of relaxation to come here, can open wide the feeling of heart to come from the unusual affective tone of foreign country absolutely. However present He Yiming absolutely does not have this leisure. 如果是带着放松的心情来到这里,绝对可以敞开心扉的感受到来自于异国他乡的奇特情调。但是如今的贺一鸣却是根本就没有这份闲情。 Since stepping the land, He Yiming can the faint feeling, flood intense pressure on the body of Franklin. 自从踏上了陆地之后,贺一鸣就能够隐隐的感受到,在弗兰克林的身上充斥着一种强烈的气势 This pressure is not he provocative performance that intends to send out, but is his already under has decided the determination. 这股气势并不是他有意散发出来的挑衅表现,而是他那已经下定了的决心。 Although both sides not true toward surface, when Martial Dao cultivation level has achieved their such Realm, in the aura that can from each other release induced to the thoughts of opposite party. 虽然双方并没有真正的朝面,但是当武道修为达到了他们这样的境界,已经能够从彼此所释放出来的气息之中感应到对方的心思了。 Franklin in Western absolutely is that keeping promises character of extremely. 弗兰克林西方绝对是那种说一不二的绝顶人物。 He manages Temple to count hundred years, a sound command, the entire Western world must shiver three points. But during this month, he in the boundless boundless sea east hid the province has evaded for a long time, may in his, He Yiming and the others actually as before be is similar to attaches the maggot of bone, cannot get rid. 他主持神殿百年,一声号令,整个西方世界都要为之颤抖三分。而在这一个月之中,他在苍茫无际的大海之东躲藏省的逃避了许久,可在他的身后,贺一鸣等人却依旧是如同附骨之蛆般,怎么也摆脱不掉。 Such result finally is thorough has enraged Temple Your Holiness the Pope, does not know that actually he how thinks, released unexpectedly intensely to the extreme fighting will. 这样的结果终于是彻底的激怒了神殿教皇陛下,也不知道他究竟是如何想的,竟然释放出了强烈的到了极点的战斗意志。 However, this Your Holiness the Pope after is not a fool, he not reckless with He Yiming and the others fought a decisive battle in the sea. 不过,这位教皇陛下毕竟不是笨蛋,他并没有不顾一切的在大海上与贺一鸣等人决战。 After all, depends on his strength, wants to fight a decisive battle with He Yiming and the others, that definitely has the dead Wusheng aspect, therefore he has chosen the most appropriate duel battlefield for himself. 毕竟,就凭他一人之力,想要与贺一鸣等人决战,那绝对是有死无生的局面,所以他为自己挑选了一个最合适的决斗战场。 * * * * ※※※※ White radiance has drawn a straight line on the earth, but in the sky, the two klutz common top powerhouses of follow white horse to go forward similarly, their speeds are not quick, finally in the sound of voices and noise, the He Yiming both legs clamps together gently, white horse Thunder Lightning stopped immediately. 白色的光芒在大地上划过了一道直线,而在天空中,两个木头人一般的顶尖强者同样跟随着白马前进,他们的速度并不是很快,终于在一道吆喝声中,贺一鸣双腿轻轻一夹,白马雷电顿时停了下来。 The in the sky two people descended immediately, static stay in the He Yiming side. 天空中的两个人立即是降落了下来,静静的停留在了贺一鸣的身边。 Here is a piece of plain, the paddies that but develops truly are actually not many, vast territory with a sparse population word uses here, absolutely not to have any issue. Therefore after their group arrived here, has not caused any scratches with the finger to be chaotic and troublesome. 这里是一片平原,但是真正开发出来的田地却并不是很多,地广人稀这个词用在这里,绝对没有任何问题。所以他们一行人来到这里之后,并没有引起任何搔乱和麻烦。 Gains ground to look into the distance, the He Yiming complexion is actually the unprecedented dignity. 只是,抬头眺望着远方,贺一鸣的脸色却是前所未有的凝重。 In these people, besides Bai Lingba (108), that Puppet Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person vision is staring in a direction, they induce huge has come from the distant place that nearly in inconceivable tremendous pressure. 在这些人中,除了百零八之外,就连那傀儡神道凝血人的目光都是凝视在一个方向,他们这些人都感应到了来自于远方的那庞大的近乎于不可思议的巨大压力。 This pressure from the beginning, but also not very obvious, when they are approaches the front, can feel this pressure the great strength. 这股压力在一开始之时,还并不是十分的明显,但是当他们越是靠近前方之时,就越发的能够感受到这股压力的强大。 Moreover, He Yiming also faint discovery, Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person, when facing this pressure, as if faint has an intense fear feeling. 而且,贺一鸣还隐隐的发现,神道凝血人在面对这股压力的时候,似乎隐隐的有着一股强烈的畏惧感。 Can make one surpass Mortal Dao peak Puppet raising to dread the feeling the pressure...... 能够让一位超过了人道巅峰的傀儡泛起畏惧感觉的压力…… So long as thinks of this point, the He Yiming in the heart abundant confidence greatly sold at a discount. 只要一想到这一点,贺一鸣心中原本充沛的信心就是大打折扣了。 Long expiration, he smiles bitterly saying: Strive to excel big pressure, was this bright world true powerful ability?” 长长的吐了一口气,他苦笑道:“好强大的威压,这就是光明世界真正的威能了么?” Nobody replied that his words, Treasure Pig and white horse have looked one, these two top Saint Beast in the eyes are also flashing hesitant radiance. 没有人回答他的话,宝猪白马对望了一眼,这两头顶尖圣兽眼中也闪动着一丝犹豫的光芒 white horse suddenly light hissing, its attractive big eye flicks, seems exchanging anything with He Yiming. 白马突地轻嘶了一声,它那漂亮的大眼睛一闪一闪的,似乎在与贺一鸣交流着什么。 Partly after making a sound, He Yiming shakes the head slightly, said: We and Western enmity has had, now Garfield died, strength of light wants certainly thoroughly crushes the dark strength, this point regarding our Eastern world may not be a good news.” He, said: Franklin is person of the resorting to all means that even if were my today has let off him, his days later was also not necessarily able to let off me.” 半响之后,贺一鸣微微摇头,道:“我们和西方的仇怨已经结下了,如今加菲尔德已经死亡,光明的力量肯定要彻底的压倒黑暗的力量,这一点对于我们东方世界可并不是一个好消息啊。”他顿了顿,道:“弗兰克林是一个不择手段之人,就算是我今曰放过了他,他曰后也未必会放过我。” The last few words from He Yiming mouth, are his true aspiration. 贺一鸣口中的最后一句话,才是他真正的心声。 Temple Pope is not only having the formidable Mortal Dao peak strength, but what is most important, he in the crucial moment, unexpectedly is without hesitation pulls out to keep off the disaster own companion. 神殿教皇不仅拥有着强大的人道巅峰实力,而最重要的是,他在生死关头,竟然是毫不犹豫的将自己的同伴拉出去挡灾。 Although he and Garfield have counted hundred years at the Western battle, but at that time was actually shoulder to shoulder the imperial enemy. As his Light Stregth Inheritance, has made such matter unexpectedly, truly is makes He Yiming in the heart send faintly coldly. 虽然他与加菲尔德西方争斗了数百年,但当时却是并肩御敌。以他光明力量传承者的身份,竟然做出了这样的事情,确实是令贺一鸣心中隐隐发寒。 Such character, if remained, He Yiming definitely will sleep on pins and needles. 这样的人物,若是留了下来,贺一鸣肯定会寝食难安。 Even if no Garfield information, he will not let off this person absolutely easily. 所以纵然没有加菲尔德的情报,他也绝对不会轻易放过此人。 white horse Thunder Lightning light hissing, it expressed her opinion, since He Yiming has not accepted, it also no longer insisted. 白马雷电轻嘶了一声,它已经表达出了自己的意见,既然贺一鸣并没有接受,它也就不再坚持。 That pressure that although transmits from the front is huge, but white horse Thunder Lightning has formidable self-confident, even if does not hit, but it also absolutely can flee this place. 虽然从前方所传来的那种压力庞大无比,但是白马雷电却有着强大自信,哪怕是打不过,但它也绝对可以逃离此地。 He Yiming gently is stroking the white horse nape of the neck, his sinking sound track: Brother Jin had said that in each Inheritance in several thousand years of huge school, will have the protection of some great power. If I have not miscalculated, front should be Western Temple.” 贺一鸣轻轻的抚摸着白马脖颈,他沉声道:“金兄曾经说过,在每一个传承了数千年的庞大门派之中,都会有着某种强大力量的守护。如果我没有算错的话,前面应该就是西方神殿的所在了。” „A thousand li(500 km).” The Bai Lingba (108) towering start to talk of keeping silent said. “一千里。”默不作声的百零八突兀的开口道。 He Yiming is startled, asked back: What did you say?” 贺一鸣微怔,反问道:“你说什么?” Beyond a thousand li(500 km), city, if I do not have the miscalculation, this energy releases from that city.” Bai Lingba (108) calm saying. “一千里之外,有一座城市,如果我没有计算错误的话,这种能量就是从那座城市中释放出来的。”百零八冷静的说道。 The He Yiming complexion changes, this time he was really startled. 贺一鸣的脸色微变,这一次他可是真的吃惊了。 Actually he has seen super sent to be very many greatly, Celestial Pond Main Peak, Spiritual Heaven Treasure Temple, Cave Heaven Paradise, Southern Border Colored Glaze Island. 其实他所见过的超级大派已经很不少了,天池主峰,灵霄宝殿,洞天福地,还有南疆琉璃岛 In these schools, has the topest strength to protect. 在这些门派之中,都有着最顶尖儿的力量守护着。 However, final strength that any school, they have although formidable boundless, but actually appears very low-key, has not released all powerful ability. 但是,无论是哪一个门派,它们所拥有的最后力量虽然强大无边,但是却都显得十分低调,并没有将所有的威能释放出来。 Let alone is beyond distance thousand li(500 km), even if arrived in Reaching Heaven Treasure Pagoda and Myriad Tree Valley, has not let the person has had this type intensely to the constriction of extreme. 别说是相距千里之外,哪怕是来到了通天宝塔万树谷之内,也没有让人产生过这种强烈的到了极点的压迫感。 But Western Temple was totally different, they were away from remote of Temple thousand li(500 km), great power that can the clear feeling there transmit. 西方神殿就是迥然不同了,他们距离神殿千里之遥,就已经能够清晰的感受到那里所传来的强大力量。 Eastern and Western is really two different world, an art is reserved, even if the best thing has placed at present, but if does not have the considerable story, actually as before looks at airtight. But the people of Western world the most formidable thing will actually place in public, they look like the lion that makes threatening gestures are common, own shows formidable with nothing left. 东西方果然是两个不同的世界,一个讲究内敛,最好的东西哪怕是放在了眼前,但若是没有相当的阅历,却依旧是看之不透。而西方世界的人们却将最强大的东西摆放在明处,他们就像是张牙舞爪的狮子一般,将自己的强大展现无遗。 Naturally, if by powerful discussed that the Eastern strength will not be inferior in the Western top strength. 当然,若是以实力强大而论,东方的力量并不会逊色于西方的顶尖力量。 Cave Heaven Paradise ten thousand years of Old Tree, is Colored Glaze Island Ten-Thousand Zhang Volcano Crater, in underground is ruling a lot of li (0.5km) range. If releases their strengths, only feared that will not compare the Temple strength inferior slightest. 无论是洞天福地的万年老树,还是琉璃岛万丈火山口,都在地下统治着千百里的范围。若是将它们的力量释放出来,只怕并不会比神殿的力量逊色分毫。 He Yiming smiles bitterly, since above Western Temple has such strength protection, then he why routing. 只是,贺一鸣苦笑一声,既然西方神殿之上有着这样的力量守护,那么他又凭什么将之击溃呢。 Pats the horseback gently, the He Yiming bright sound track: Ship arrives at the Qiaotou nature to be straight, we have a look, if really how, that experienced also well.” 轻轻地一拍马背,贺一鸣朗声道:“船到桥头自然直,我们大家去看看,若是真的奈何不了,那就去见识一下也好。” Vision slanting took a look at Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person, although has one to be equal in his side in super rank expert that Divine Dao strikes, but wants to eradicate is similar to ten thousand years of old tree such existence, is the strength does not have as before negligently. 目光斜斜的瞅了眼神道凝血人,虽然在他的身边有着一位相当于神道一击的超阶高手,但是想要破除如同万年古树这样的存在,却依旧是力有不怠。 If there is to spend freely endless Strength of World in this world, then Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person can also attempt, but obviously is not good at this time. 若是在这个世界上有着挥霍不尽的天地之力,那么神道凝血人还可以尝试一下,但此时却明显不行。 The white horse speed as before is very quick, the thousand li(500 km) remote will not be put in the eyes by them. 白马的速度依旧是非常快捷,千里之遥更不会被他们放在眼中 However is the advance, their complexions even more dignified. The strength of distant place is strong, is formidable Cultivator on can feel in this strength is containing powerful ability. 但是越是前进,他们的脸色就愈发的凝重。远方的力量强大无比,越是强大的修炼者就愈发的能够感受到这股力量之中所蕴含着的威能 To finally, He Yiming in the heart raising one type wanted the thought of giving up. 到了最后,就连贺一鸣心中泛起了一种想要放弃的念头。 Hence, he realized that the intentions of these Western people are , the so formidable strength, they obviously ding-dong have placed, any wants to visit the person of provocation, after feeling this strength, definitely will reconsider to own choice. 至此,他才体会到这些西方人的用心所在,如此强大的力量,他们就明明当当的摆放了出来,任何想要上门挑衅之人,在感受到了这股力量之后,肯定会对自己的选择重新思考。 It can be said that so long as there is existence of this strength, their troubles will melt for most likely invisible. 可以说,只要有这股力量的存在,他们的麻烦十有八九都会化解为无形。 However, places the strength in public, when giving formidable deterrent force, actually also gives the opportunity that the person has explained. 但是,将力量摆放在明处,在给人以强大的威慑力之时,却也给予了人破解的机会。 Although strength of light is formidable, but has to be able with other to be in this world the strength that it contends. Just like He Yiming and the others at this moment, when feeling the oppression of this strength, how is considering to deal with and melt. 光明的力量虽然强大,但在这个世界上还是有着能够与之抗衡的其它各系力量。正如此刻的贺一鸣等人,在感受着这股力量的压迫之时,也在考虑如何才能够应付和化解。 Eastern and Western treats matter different processing modes, the influence and effect of creates are also entirely different. But actually which plans wisely, was actually the issue of different people have different views. 东西方对待事情不同的处理方式,所造成的影响和效果也是大不相同。但究竟哪一个更高明一筹,却就是见仁见智的问题了。 * * * * ※※※※ At present, that giant city appears above the horizon finally. 眼前,那一座巨大的城市终于出现在地平线之上。 This is a grand city, discussed at the scale, discussed at the density of distribution of building, can call on Continent one of the greatest several cities. 这是一座宏伟的城市,无论是以规模而论,还是以建筑物的分布密度而论,都可以称之为大陆上最伟大的几座城市之一。 In the He Yiming memory, only has Spiritual Heaven Treasure Temple and Continent center Capital City can compare with it. 贺一鸣的记忆中,也唯有灵霄宝殿大陆中心的中京城能够与之比拟。 , He Yiming has felt by far, in the sky of this city, is covering one intense restless atmosphere. This is a hostility, intense almost can condense for the entity launches the attack the hostility. 远远的,贺一鸣已经感受到了,在这座城市的上空,笼罩着一种强烈的不安气氛。这是一种敌意,强烈的几乎可以凝聚为实体进行攻击的敌意了。 In his feeling, this city seems a huge whole, but this whole has been issuing the most serious warning regarding them. 在他的感觉中,这座城市仿佛是一个巨大的整体,而这个整体正在对于他们发出了最严重的警告。 This city, does not welcome their arrivals. 这座城市,不欢迎他们的到来。 Is looking at the front vision gradually dignified, He Yiming first time meets this strange feeling. 望着前方的目光逐渐的凝重了起来,贺一鸣还是第一次遇到这种古怪的感觉。 A hostility of city, such feeling, even if also never has in Spiritual Heaven Treasure Temple such school city. 一个城市的敌意,这样的感觉哪怕是在灵霄宝殿这样的门派城市之中也从未有过。 Suddenly, in He Yiming in the heart raising the deep chill in the air, in his eyes, this city has looked like huge is crawling the monster, has been publicizing the big mouth, is waiting for entry of enemy! 一时间,在贺一鸣心中泛起了深深的寒意,在他的眼中,这座城市就像是一只巨大的匍匐着的怪兽,正张大了血盆大口,等待着敌人的进入! ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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