MG :: Volume #6

#299: Messengers

Deep inspiration, He Yiming has thrown shock of in the heart. 深深的吸了一口气,贺一鸣心中的震撼抛了开来。 He has thought previously Divine Predictor once repeatedly urging, may not go to the Open Sea matter, some in the heart doubt, does not know whether he knows in Open Sea, actually also has minimum Divine Dao people to exist. 他想到了昔曰神算子曾经千叮万嘱,不可前往外海的事情,心中就不由地有些狐疑,不知道他是否知道在外海之中,竟然还有着起码一个的神道中人存在。 If this information tramsmit, only feared that the entire world will cause a stir. 若是将这个消息传递出去,只怕整个天下都会为之轰动了。 Brother Bai, you ask it to leave.” He Yiming has pondered the moment, finally said: Told it, cannot injure humanity again, otherwise I completely put to death all Open Sea Saint Beast.” 百兄,你让它走吧。”贺一鸣沉思了片刻,终于道:“告诉它,不许再伤害人类,否则我就将所有的外海圣兽全部诛杀。” Bai Lingba (108) truthfully has transmitted the past the He Yiming words, alligator Saint Beast King body trembles, has roared timidly, is swinging the giant tail, seemed wants to depart. 百零八如实的将贺一鸣的话传递了过去,鳄鱼圣兽王的身体一个哆嗦,唯唯诺诺的吼了一声,摇摆着巨大的尾巴,似乎是想要离去了。 In its double pupil, has flashed through a gratified color, can in this case run away life, made alligator Saint Beast King strengthen own idea. in the sky that Divine Dao powerhouse is really Island of Gods that terror exists, if not so, how he will observe for several thousand years custom that spreads...... Everything meets over two Saint Beast King, only puts to death a head. 在它的双眸之中,闪过了一丝欣慰之色,能够在这种情况下逃得姓命,也让鳄鱼圣兽王坚定了自己的想法。在天空中的那位神道强者果然是神之岛的那位恐怖存在,若非如此,他又怎么会遵守数千年来的流传下来的规矩……凡是遇到两头以上的圣兽王,就只诛杀其中一头。 Bai Lingba (108) turns head, said: It said that will pass around your order, moreover it is said shortly after the Island of Gods messenger just departed, if we present, should be able to overtake.” 百零八回头,道:“它说会将你的命令传下去,而且它说神之岛的使者刚刚离去不久,我们若是现在出发,应该能够追得上。” He Yiming is startled, said: Island of Gods messenger?” 贺一鸣微怔,道:“神之岛使者?” In his vision has been full of doubts, where here has the Island of Gods messenger. suddenly, a thought has braved, the He Yiming complexion changes, said hastily: Makes it stop.” 他的目光中充满了疑惑,这里哪里有神之岛的使者呢。豁然,一个念头冒了出来,贺一鸣的脸色微变,连忙道:“让它停下来。” Bai Lingba (108) roared without hesitation, alligator Saint Beast King had turned around immediately, was similar to a cleverest pet, lay big head above the lead leg again. Although it does not know why these Island of Gods messengers must be stopped by oneself, the guts of but regarding this order, it actually not having disobeyed. 百零八毫不犹豫的吼叫了一声,鳄鱼圣兽王立即是转过了身,如同一只最乖巧的宠物般,重新将大脑袋趴在了前腿之上。虽然它并不知道这些神之岛的使者们为何要让自己停下,但是对于这个命令,它却没有违逆的胆量。 Asks him, what the Island of Gods messenger is growing.” He Yiming fierce [say / way]. “问问他,神之岛的使者长着什么样。”贺一鸣厉声道。 A moment later, obtained the Bai Lingba (108) sinking sound track of answer: He said that with our long is the same.” 片刻之后,得到了答案的百零八沉声道:“他说了,和我们长的一样。” What meaning?” “什么意思?” Head four legs, the eye ear mouth and nose does not lack.” “一个脑袋四条腿,眼耳口鼻都不缺。” He Yiming stared Bai Lingba (108) one ill-humoredly, but he understands immediately, it is estimated that in this Saint Beast King in the eyes, all humanity long exactly the same. Just like humanity is unable to distinguish the difference of each ant to be the same, although this Saint Beast King is intelligent, but wish makes it distinguish humanity the appearance, that this request was too high a point. 贺一鸣没好气的瞪了百零八一眼,不过他立即明白,估计在这头圣兽王眼中,所有的人类长的都一模一样。正如人类无法分辨每一只蚂蚁的区别一样,这头圣兽王虽然聪慧,但是想要让它区别出人类的样貌,那这个要求还是太高了一点。 How it knows that this person is the Divine Dao messenger.” “它如何知道此人是神道使者。” Because has the Divine Dao aura on the body of that person.” Bai Lingba (108) after exchanging, his double pupil has shone once again, said: Saint Beast King said that also has similar aura on your body, therefore it after seeing you, is not willing with you for the enemy. However, your aura extremely in disorderly, therefore is very difficult to distinguish, its companion and enemy has not distinguished.” “因为在那个人的身上有着神道的气息。”百零八在交流了一番之后,他的双眸再度亮了起来,道:“圣兽王说,在你的身上也有着类似的气息,所以它在见到你之后,也不愿意与你为敌。但是,你的气息太过于杂乱,所以很难分辨出来,它的那个同伴兼敌人就没有分辨出。” He Yiming is startled, looked that was having a strange flavor to this Saint Beast King vision immediately. 贺一鸣微怔,看向这头圣兽王的目光顿时带着一丝怪异的味道了。 Originally in Colored Glaze Island meets, this Saint Beast King does not fight to run away because of dreading white horse Thunder Lightning, because found out had any Island of Gods aura on his body. 原来在琉璃岛相遇之时,这头圣兽王不战而逃并不是因为畏惧白马雷电,而是因为查出了在他的身上有什么神之岛的气息。 His intention moves slightly, suddenly extended a hand, the next quarter, has emitted piece of Light Stregth in his hand immediately. 他心念微动,豁然伸出了一只手,下一刻,在他的手上顿时冒出了一片光明力量 Roar......” alligator Saint Beast King roared immediately. “吼……”鳄鱼圣兽王立即吼叫了起来。 Is this strength.” The Bai Lingba (108) translation said: It said that on Divine Dao has two types of clearly opposite formidable aura, you had released these two types of aura a moment ago. However your aura was inferior that pure on island, its companion has therefore not recognized. Otherwise it does not dare to affront in you absolutely.” “就是这种力量。”百零八翻译道:“它说神道上有着两种截然相反的强大气息,你刚才将这两种气息都释放过了。但是你的气息远不如岛上的精粹,所以它的同伴并没有认出来。否则它绝对不敢冒犯于你。” He Yiming is cloudy the face, his nod slowly, in the heart is actually a little also happy. 贺一鸣阴沉着脸,他缓缓的点着头,心中却是一点儿也高兴不起来。 On that Island of Gods, actually has the bright and dark two strengths, moreover from the description of this Saint Beast King, these two power of god went to extremely the pure situation. 在那座神之岛上,竟然有着光明与黑暗两种力量,而且从这头圣兽王的描述来看,这两种神之力已经达到了极为精粹的地步。 Reason that Franklin can be recognized by their one, that is because Temple Pope merely studies divine power of light for a lifetime, on his body, has the profound bright mark, looks like a big light bulb, even if wants to conceal impossible. 弗兰克林之所以能够被它们一眼认出来,那是因为神殿教皇一辈子就仅仅研究光之神力,在他的身上,有着深刻的光明印记,就像是一个大灯泡般,哪怕是想要掩饰都不可能 However He Yiming is different, on his body not only has Strength of Light and Dark, but also has strength of five elements. 但是贺一鸣不同,在他的身上不仅有光暗之力,而且还有着五行之力 Even if he released Light and Dark Fusion, will give one type the feeling of mixing with at sixes and sevens thing, the Mortal Dao peak can certainly distinguish all of a sudden, but these volume huge Saint Beast Kings were hard to achieve. 哪怕他释放出了光暗合璧,也会给人以一种夹杂着乱七八糟东西的感觉,人道巅峰当然可以一下子分辨出来,但是这些体积庞大的圣兽王们就难以做到了。 However, that octopus after feeling Light and Dark Fusion powerful ability, it is estimated that has also recognized this strength, will therefore want reckless running away. At that time He Yiming to set up the prestige, passed in the mind Thought, ordering Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person to get rid. 不过,那头章鱼在感受到了光暗合璧威能之后,估计也是认出了这股力量,所以才会想要不顾一切的逃遁。只是那时候贺一鸣为了立威,已经通过了脑海中意念,命令神道凝血人出手。 In the front of strength of Divine Dao, all the strengths of revolt are the floating clouds. Bad luck octopus Saint Beast King became another sacrificial victim, ability that even the successive avoids does not have. 神道之力的面前,一切反抗的力量都是浮云。倒霉的章鱼圣兽王成为了又一个牺牲品,甚至于连躲避的能力也没有。 You were suspecting that Island of Gods is related with Western?” Bai Lingba (108) towering asking. “你在怀疑神之岛西方有关?”百零八突兀的问道。 He Yiming nod slowly, said: Light and Dark strength, moreover can coexist in together, feared that also only had the Western Divine Dao powerhouse to achieve.” 贺一鸣慢慢的点着头,道:“光明和黑暗的力量,而且还能够共存在一起,怕是也唯有西方神道强者才能够做到了。” Eastern and Western the way of Martial Dao is not same, but if concerns powerful ability, is actually almost the same. But must say that had the Eastern Divine Dao powerhouse to make one to have the Light and Dark Strength coexistent islands in Open Sea, then He Yiming died does not believe. 东西方所走的武道之途并不相同,但若是论及威能,却是相差无几。但要说有东方神道强者在外海弄了一个有着光明和黑暗力量共存的岛屿,那么贺一鸣死也不信。 Waving gently, Bai Lingba (108) has comprehended his meaning, has sent out a light roar, alligator Saint Beast King was such as attains pardon turning around fast to run away immediately. 轻轻的一挥手,百零八领会了他的意思,发出了一道轻吼,鳄鱼圣兽王顿时是如获大赦般的转身飞快逃走了。 Before has not been under permissions of these people, the guts that it even continually runs away do not have, Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person that thus it can be seen, in the sky that did not say a word actually has taken to it how formidable deterrent force. 在没有得到这些人的允许之前,它甚至于连逃遁的胆量都没有,由此可见,天空中那一言不发的神道凝血人究竟带给了它多么强大的威慑力。 However so long as thinks, this does not have anything well strange. 不过只要想一想,这也没啥好奇怪的了。 True Divine Dao expert, if this deterrent force if no, that also did have the natural justice continually? 一位真正的神道高手,若是连这点儿威慑力都没有的话,那还有天理了么? Although Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person is only a Divine Dao powerhouse of strength of striking, at this moment is hanging and vertical also merely is ornaments, but is this ornaments, sufficiently made these Open Sea Saint Beast Kings not dare to act rashly. 虽然神道凝血人是一个仅有一击之力的神道强者,此刻悬空而立也仅仅是一个摆设而已,但就是这份摆设,就足以让这些外海圣兽王们不敢妄动了。 The personal appearance rocked slightly, He Yiming arrived above the sea level. 身形微微的晃动了一下,贺一鸣已经来到了海面之上。 Octopus Saint Beast King was separated by a Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person starting blade cleaves in two spatially, after struggling to twist for a long time, finally completely static. 章鱼圣兽王神道凝血人一下手刀隔空劈成两半,在挣扎扭曲了许久之后,终于是完全的静止了下来。 He Yiming puts out a hand to wield, took Five Elements Ring, gently wields, five colors radiance has delimited together, the giant octopus Saint Beast King corpse vanished immediately, that was bombed by Thunder Lightning with is received in Five Elements World that He Yiming does not waste by the tentacle that Strength of Light and Dark Fusion twists. 贺一鸣伸手一挥,将五行环取了出来,轻轻的一挥,一道五彩光芒划过,巨大的章鱼圣兽王的尸体顿时消失了,就连那被雷电炸断和被光暗合璧之力绞断的触手都被贺一鸣毫不浪费的收入了五行世界之中。 This Saint Beast King has is being equal to the good thing of top Saint Beast strength, in any event cannot give up. 这头圣兽王可是拥有着相当于顶尖圣兽实力的好东西,无论如何都是不能放弃的。 Gains ground to look into the distance, He Yiming suddenly discovered that own in the heart does not have the happiness of least bit. 抬头眺望远方,贺一鸣突然发现,自己的心中并没有半点儿的高兴。 Although has killed Open Sea Saint Beast King, is a great important matter, moreover oneself also greatly have the harvest. However after hearing the true situation in Open Sea, his in the heart that son already dissipated not to have the trace excitedly. 虽然杀了一头外海圣兽王,是一件了不起的大事,而且自己也是大有收获。但是在听到了外海之中的真正情况之后,他心中的那点儿兴奋早就消散无踪了。 Originally in this world, has Divine Dao to exist, moreover this Divine Dao as if there is extremely close relationship with the Western world. 原来在这个世界上,还是有着神道存在,而且这个神道似乎与西方世界有着极为密切的关系。 What luckily is, this Island of Gods wanders in Open Sea throughout, has not appeared in the inland sea, otherwise the entire Eastern world only feared that was with trepidation. 幸好的是,这个神之岛始终在外海漂流,并没有出现在内海之中,否则整个东方世界只怕都要提心吊胆了。 Again has patted the racket on the body of white horse, the He Yiming bright sound track: Treasure Pig, Thunder Lightning , to continue to pursue.” 重新的在白马的身上拍了拍,贺一鸣朗声道:“宝猪,雷电,继续追。” Bai Lingba (108) turned head, took a look at his one eyes, said: „Don't you care about Open Sea Island of Gods?” 百零八回头,瞅了他一眼,道:“你不在乎外海神之岛?” Naturally cares.” He Yiming shakes the head slightly, said: This Island of Gods only some Open Sea Saint Beast know that on our Continent has not actually heard similar rumor. Since 5000 unexpectedly is so, that explained that this Island of Gods definitely received some limit, but is unable to leave Open Sea.” “当然在乎。”贺一鸣微微摇头,道:“不过这个神之岛仅有外海圣兽知道,我们大陆上却从来没有听闻过类似的传言。5000年来竟然都是如此,那就说明这个神之岛肯定是受到了某种限制而无法离开外海。” The Bai Lingba (108) eye pupil none remaining flashes, his nod slowly. 百零八的眼眸精光闪动,他慢慢的点着头。 Within 5000 that Divine Dao vanishes, unexpectedly is so, then the deduction of He Yiming appeared has the chapter to have the law. 神道消失的5000年之内,竟然都是如此,那么贺一鸣的推论就显得是有章有法了。 The He Yiming complexion is dignified exceptionally, said: We have killed Garfield now, already had the hatred that could not be dispelled with the Western world. Such being the case, has scruples that many again , is unnecessary.” 贺一鸣的脸色凝重异常,道:“我们如今已经杀了加菲尔德,与西方世界早就是结下了不可化解的仇恨。既然如此,再顾忌那么多,也是毫无必要了。” The body of Bai Lingba (108) leapt seven color radiance, he has flown in the midair slowly. this means he approves of regarding the He Yiming words, will therefore support by the practical action. 百零八的身上腾起了七彩光芒,他缓缓的飞到了半空之中。这说明他对于贺一鸣的话非常赞同,所以才会以实际行动来支持了。 He Yiming gently clamps horse belly, in his eye pupil is flashing intense cold brightness. 贺一鸣轻轻的一夹马腹,他的眼眸中闪动着一丝强烈的寒光。 If pursues Franklin from the beginning, besides wanting to seek Thunderclap Seed in Your Holiness the Pope hand, he also has to retaliate the Stars Island enmity above of war. Then in this moment, He Yiming in the heart on faint has given birth to killing intent. 如果说一开始追击弗兰克林,除了想要谋取教皇陛下手中的雷震子之外,他还有着想要报复星辰岛屿之上的一战之仇。那么在这一刻,贺一鸣心中就隐隐的生出了一丝杀意 What regardless of that is floating above Open Sea is any thing, but a little He Yiming can affirm. 无论那个在外海之上漂浮着的是什么东西,但有一点贺一鸣可以肯定。 Can have the qualifications and Island of Gods relates, definitely also only has the Western topest powerhouse. 能够有资格与神之岛联系的,肯定也唯有西方最为顶尖的强者。 If some people know Open Sea that mysterious island, then besides the light and dark strength successor, feared that did not have other candidates. 如果说真的有人知道外海的那座神秘岛屿,那么除了光与暗的力量传人之外,怕是也没有了其他的人选。 Now he Inheritance of dark strength will have cut to kill, when that he links light Inheritance strength also to cut to kill, will be whether equal to forever neverly recurring contracting. 如今他已经将暗之力量的传承斩杀了,那么当他连光之传承的力量也斩杀之时,是否就等于永绝后患了呢。 in the heart rapid is flashing this thought that but white horse and Treasure Pig are continue to coordinate, pursued toward the front. 心中迅速的闪动着这个念头,而白马宝猪则是继续配合,向着前方追了上去。 Entire one month later, He Yiming and the others stepped the land finally. 整整一个月之后,贺一鸣等人终于踏上了陆地。 Wandered for one month in the sea, He Yiming and the others no doubt are pursues annoyedly, Franklin that but the front runs away is so. 在大海上转悠了一个月,贺一鸣等人固然是追得恼火之极,但前方逃遁的弗兰克林又何尝不是如此。 He gave up finally in the sea the plan that continues to play hide-and-seek, is straight and good toward own Western den. 他终于放弃了在大海中继续捉迷藏的打算,朝着自己的西方老巢笔直而行。 In Your Holiness the Pope, hot pursuit white horse Thunder Lightning is also holding He Yiming, stepped this piece of strange Western Continent...... 教皇陛下的身后,紧追不舍的白马雷电也托着贺一鸣,踏上了这一片陌生的西方大陆…… ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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