MG :: Volume #6

#298: The island of god

Turned the head to look at one toward the body side, the brow of He Yiming slightly wrinkled. 转头朝着身侧望了一眼,贺一鸣的眉头不由地微微皱了起来。 According to his idea, since Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person shows has been similar to the Spiritual God general strength, another Open Sea Saint Beast King must certainly immediately run away to go. 按照他的想法,既然神道凝血人展现出了如同神灵一般的力量之后,另一头外海圣兽王肯定要立即逃窜而去。 However is unexpected, another giant alligator Saint Beast King actually shrank the body, although has not lashed out, but has not actually submerged in the sea to run away, but stared round the eye, used incomparably to dread the vision that to look to hanging and vertical Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person. 但是出乎意料之外的,另一头巨大的鳄鱼圣兽王却是缩了缩身体,虽然没有出手攻击,但却也没有潜入海中逃遁,而是瞪圆了眼睛,用着无比畏惧的目光看向悬空而立的神道凝血人 The He Yiming anger snort|hum, in the heart whispered secretly, is it possible that this Saint Beast King saw unexpectedly the mystery was inadequate. 贺一鸣怒哼一声,心中却是暗自嘀咕,莫非这头圣兽王竟然看出了其中奥秘不成。 Strength that Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person strikes conveniently truly is the unparalleled in the world, but after strikes, the surrounding area in hundred li (0.5km) World's Energy dries up, again could not send out the second such earthshaking attack. Moreover at this World's Energy consumption place combat completely, regarding Cultivator, is an enormous burden. Because they are unable to absorb sufficient Strength of World to make up for their consumption again, therefore He Yiming does not want the multi- fee time to strike to kill another Saint Beast King at this moment again. 神道凝血人随手一击的实力确实是天下无双,但是一击之后,方圆百里之内天地之气枯竭,就再也发不出第二次这样惊天动地的攻击了。而且在这种天地之气消耗殆尽的地方作战,对于修炼者而言,也是一个极大的负担。因为他们再也无法吸收到充足的天地之力来弥补自己的消耗,所以贺一鸣此刻并不想再多费功夫将另一头圣兽王击杀了。 Regarding him, anything compared with overtaking a Franklin more important matter. 对于他来说,没有什么比追上弗兰克林更加重要的事情了。 Looks that this silly crawls motionless another Saint Beast King dull in the sea level, He Yiming lightly sighs one, slowly pats white horse. A person of beast body leapt more formidable pressure. 只是,看着这头傻呆呆匍匐在海面上一动不动的另一头圣兽王,贺一鸣还是轻叹一声,缓缓的一拍白马。一人一兽的身上腾起了更加强大的气势 If this everybody does not walk, then he also only has to exhaust True Qi, keeps it. As for making up for the True Qi matter, feared that only had the sea area hundred li (0.5km) away to do to plan again. 若是这个大家伙再不走,那么他也唯有耗尽真气,将它也留下来。至于弥补真气的事情,怕是唯有到百里之外的海域再做打算了。 Roar......” “吼……” As if was induces to come from He Yiming and on white horse Thunder Lightning the formidable threat, this Saint Beast King towering has opened the big mouth, sent out one to bellow. However, in this howling, actually has not taken together to He Yiming any provocation and angry feeling, instead has a meaning of submitting. 似乎是感应到了来自于贺一鸣白马雷电身上的强大威胁,这头圣兽王突兀的张开了血盆大口,发出了一道大吼。然而,在这一道吼叫声中,却并没有带给贺一鸣任何挑衅、愤怒的感觉,反而是有着一种臣服的意思在内。 Was startled slightly, the He Yiming both feet has clamped hastily, making white horse was condensing Thunder Lightning postpone to send out. 微微的怔了一下,贺一鸣连忙双脚一夹,让白马已经凝聚着的雷电暂缓发出。 He looks at this Saint Beast King earnestly, sees only its pair of pitch-black big eye pupil tight is staring at Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person, the entire head lay on the first two legs, although opened the mouth to roar, but did not have the least bit hot tempered aura. 他认真的看着这头圣兽王,只见它的那一双乌黑的大眼眸紧紧的盯着神道凝血人,整个脑袋都趴在了前两只腿上,虽然张大了嘴巴在吼叫,但身上却没有半点儿暴躁的气息。 The vision of He Yiming doubt looks toward Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person, this Puppet was similar to was the same in the past, did not have the air/Qi of what King to erupt on his body, on the icy face did not have the least bit expression, if were not hanging and vertical, even must look like a statue compared with Bai Lingba (108). 贺一鸣狐疑的目光朝着神道凝血人望去,这个傀儡还是如同以往一样,在他的身上并没有什么王者之气爆发,冷冰冰的脸庞上也没有半点儿的表情,如果不是悬空而立,甚至于比百零八还要象一座雕像。 Brother Bai, you can understand the words of this fellow.” The He Yiming sinking sound asked. 百兄,你能听懂这家伙的话么。”贺一鸣沉声问道。 Its language is not complex.” Bai Lingba (108) leisure [say / way]: In material that in I collect, has similar language system.” “它的语言并不复杂。”百零八慢悠悠的道:“在我搜集到的资料中,有着类似的语言系统。” Ok, you asked why it does not run away.” He Yiming very refreshed asking. “行,你问它为什么不逃。”贺一鸣非常爽快的问道。 The Saint Beast King wisdom is extremely high, this point and the others fighting can look easily with after from them, so long as sees the circumstances not to be right, immediately turns around to run away. This point even has several phase splitting shapes with first under Heaven assassin Underworld Old Ancestor, but this Saint Beast King obviously is out of the ordinary, He Yiming naturally is curious. 圣兽王的智慧极高,这一点从它们与自己等人的交手经过中就可以轻易的看出来,只要一见风势不对,立即转身而逃。这一点甚至与天下第一刺客黄泉老祖都有着几分相像,但是这头圣兽王却明显与众不同,贺一鸣自然是好奇的很了。 Roar......” “吼……” Roar......” “吼……” Also sent out from the Bai Lingba (108) mouth has been similar to this monster common howling, this Saint Beast King regarding Bai Lingba (108) understood that its language as if did not have strange of least bit, but very smooth has exchanged with him. 百零八的口中也发出了类似于这头怪兽一般的吼叫声,这头圣兽王对于百零八懂得它的语言似乎没有半点儿的奇怪,而是非常顺利的与他交流了起来。 A moment later, that pair of gem eye pupil of Bai Lingba (108) has shone immediately. 片刻之后,百零八的那一双宝石般的眼眸顿时亮了起来。 He Yiming in the heart one cold, he knows certainly that only had when coming across the important matter, Bai Lingba (108) has such movement. 贺一鸣心中一凛,他当然知道,唯有在遇到了大事之时,百零八才会有着这样的动作。 How did it say?” “它怎么说?” It said that Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person is the king of god island, regarding affronting the kings of god island was in reverential awe.” In Bai Lingba (108) intonation rare is having a strange feeling. “它说神道凝血人是神岛之王,对于冒犯了神岛之王而诚惶诚恐。”百零八的语调中罕见的带着一丝奇异的感觉。 „The king of what god island?” He Yiming bewildered asking. “什么神岛之王?”贺一鸣莫名其妙的问道。 In Open Sea, the islands, was called the god island by their these Saint Beast King, above the god island, has divine ability general characters, has is being similar to Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person such strength.” “在外海中,有一座岛屿,被它们这些圣兽王称之为神岛,在神岛之上,有着一位神通广大的人物,拥有着如同神道凝血人这样的实力。” He Yiming has sucked in an cold air/Qi, he said immediately: This impossible.” 贺一鸣倒抽了一口冷气,他立即道:“这不可能。” Strength that Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person shows, that is true strength of god. 神道凝血人所展现出来的实力,那可是真正的神之力量 Instantaneous to absorb huge Strength of World, changes into oneself to use all strengths, Mountain Splitting crack sea, earth-shaking, nothing more than such as is...... 瞬间吸纳庞大的天地之力,将所有的力量化为己用,开山裂海,天翻地覆,不外如是…… In this strength front, any Divine Dao following strength, even if Light and Dark Fusion that Franklin and Garfield two people release does not have any ability of resistance. 在这股力量的面前,任何神道以下的力量,哪怕是弗兰克林加菲尔德两个人所释放出来的光暗合璧都没有任何抵抗的能力 Perhaps Light and Dark Fusion will not be inferior in the strength level in Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person the strength of Divine Dao, the strength intensity that but both sides have was the phase difference is too big. 或许光暗合璧在力量的层次上并不会逊色于神道凝血人神道之力,但是双方所拥有的力量强度实在是相差太大了。 Two Mortal Dao peak powerhouses, the strength that even if they will nurse releases, is unable in all Strength of World with hundred li (0.5km) to contend. 两个人道巅峰的强者,哪怕他们将吃奶的力量都释放出来,也无法与百里内所有的天地之力抗衡的。 But, at present this seems like terror, but in fact appeared clever extremely Saint Beast King said that actually also has similar strength in Open Sea, that made He Yiming feel deep was unbelievable. 可是,眼前这头看似恐怖,但实际上显得极为乖巧的圣兽王却说在外海竟然还有着类似的力量,那就让贺一鸣感到深深的难以置信了。 It has not lain.” Bai Lingba (108) tranquil saying. “它没有说谎。”百零八平静的说道。 He Yiming hesitation moment, his complexion quite ugly, if this Saint Beast King said is true, then i.e. in Open Sea, but also has a Divine Dao people to exist. 贺一鸣沉吟片刻,他的脸色相当的难看,如果这头圣兽王所言属实,那么就是说在外海之中,还有着一位神道中人存在。 But, Divine Dao vanishes had several thousand years, when the World's Energy obvious decline, is impossible has the new Divine Dao powerhouse born again. 可是,神道消失已经有数千年之久,而且在天地之气明显衰落的时候,是不可能再有新的神道强者诞生。 This point is absolutely without a doubt. 这一点绝对是毋庸置疑的。 In Strength of World exceptionally abundant Life and Death Area, even if Sir Saint Dragon is promoting in the Divine Beast process, because World's Energy understrength but the body fell. Thus it can be seen, in this world, is basic has new Divine Dao to appear on impossible. 天地之力异常雄厚的生死界之内,哪怕是圣龙大人都在晋升神兽的过程中,因为天地之气的力量不足而身陨了。由此可见,在这个世界上,是根本就不可能有新的神道出现。 in the heart suddenly moves, He Yiming gains ground fiercely, said: Brother Bai, the Divine Dao people of older generation whether can also live in the world?” 心中豁然一动,贺一鸣猛地抬头,道:“百兄,老一辈的神道中人是否还有可能活在世上?” impossible.” The Bai Lingba (108) sound does not have the least bit mighty waves: „The gene and Spirit Beast of humanity are different, even if a Divine Dao people, impossible will have over 5000 life.” 不可能。”百零八的声音没有半点儿的波澜:“人类的基因与灵兽不同,就算是神道中人,也不可能拥有超过5000年的寿命。” He Yiming volume head, he naturally understands slightly the meaning of Bai Lingba (108). 贺一鸣微微额首,他当然明白百零八的意思。 Divine Dao disappearance distance now about in 5000 about history, Divine Dao people who if had at that time, then arrived at today definitely is the life turns over to the loess. 神道消失距离如今大约有5000年左右的历史,如果是那时候就存在的神道中人,那么到了今曰肯定是命归黄土。 Humanity is humanity, in the pass/test of inborn life, cannot compared with Spirit Beast. 人类就是人类,在天生寿命的这一关,远不能和灵兽相比。 Gains ground Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person that looks at unemotionally, saying that He Yiming muttered: Is it possible that is one has human build Divine Beast to be inadequate?” 抬头看着面无表情的神道凝血人,贺一鸣喃喃的说道:“莫非,是一只拥有人类体型的神兽不成?” Only has Divine Beast, may survival such, but can look from this Saint Beast King expression, the Divine Dao people above that Divine Dao should be humanity not different. At least, that Divine Dao powerhouse maintained the contour of humanity. 唯有神兽,才有可能存活如此之久,但是从这头圣兽王的表情就可以看出来,那个神道之上的神道中人应该是人类无异。起码,那位神道强者保持了人类的外形。 The Bai Lingba (108) eye pupil has glittered once again, but he has not given any answer. Many matters that because has in this world have the enormous difference with his original world, even if were he is unable to provide anything to have the answer of suggestion. 百零八眼眸再度闪烁了一下,不过他并没有给出任何答案。因为在这个世界上所发生的许多事情都与他原先的世界有着极大的不同,哪怕是他也无法提供什么有建议的答案了。 Rubbed the temples gently, He Yiming said: Brother Bai, you inquired, that Island of Gods actually in any position.” 轻轻的揉了揉太阳穴,贺一鸣道:“百兄,你询问一下,那个神之岛究竟在什么方位。” This Saint Beast King should the impossible with no reason at all deceit they, moreover there is Bai Lingba (108) in the side, wants with the difficulty that the rumor bullies is also very high. 这头圣兽王应该不可能无缘无故的欺骗他们,而且有百零八在身边,想要用谎言相欺的难度也是非常高的。 Therefore, has possibility to have such mysterious islands in Open Sea very much. 所以,在外海很有可能真的拥有这样的一个神奇岛屿。 But reason that He Yiming wants to ascertain, does not want to go to explore, but wants to shunt by far, forever in Divine Dao with legend do not have any connection. 贺一鸣之所以想要问个清楚,并不是想要前去探索,而是想要远远躲开,永远也不要与传说中的神道发生什么瓜葛。 At least, before he has the Divine Dao strength, he is not willing this. 起码,在他本人拥有神道的力量之前,他可不愿意这样做。 Bai Lingba (108) has selected under one, he has roared once again lowly several, but Saint Beast King without hesitation was responding. 百零八点了一下头,他再度低吼了几句,而圣兽王则是毫不犹豫的回应着。 Perhaps, this formidable fellow had discovered that has anything not to suit, these humanity actually will inquire why about such issue. In its in the heart, naturally also raising thought of running away, but that pair of giant eye pupil, once saw hanging and vertical Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person, that son's lucky heart vanishes without the trace immediately. 或许,这头强大的家伙已经发现有什么不对劲了,为何这几个人类竟然会询问这样的问题。在它的心中,自然也泛起了逃走的念头,但是那双巨大的眼眸一旦看到了悬空而立的神道凝血人,那点儿的侥幸之心顿时消失无踪。 According to for several thousand years custom , he since hunted and killed Saint Beast King, should not feel embarrassed is in itself. 按照数千年来的规矩,他老人家既然已经猎杀了一头圣兽王,应该就不会为难自己才是。 Thinks of here, Saint Beast King that big head even more has hung. 一想到这里,圣兽王的那颗大脑袋愈发的垂了下来。 Island of Gods has not fixed in somewhere, drift that but keeps in Open Sea. Place that any this islands present, any Open Sea Saint Beast will be at somebody's beck and call, does not dare to have any disobeying.” 神之岛并没有固定在某处,而是在外海中不停的漂流。凡是这座岛屿出现的地方,任何外海圣兽都将俯首听命,不敢有任何的违逆。” Listens answer that Bai Lingba (108) was spreading words, the brow of He Yiming even more to wrinkle. 听着百零八所传述的答案,贺一鸣的眉头愈发的皱了起来。 Wanders in Open Sea unceasingly, has islands that the Divine Dao strength is having, this gadget sounds seems a legend. 一座在外海不断漂流的,拥有着神道力量存在的岛屿,这玩意听起来似乎就是一个传说。 If not Bai Lingba (108) ensure this everybody has not lain, He Yiming really will also think it in the flickering person. 如果不是百零八保证,这个大家伙没有撒谎的话,贺一鸣还真的会以为它在忽悠人呢。 Several thoughts flash past in in the mind, He Yiming sinking sound track: Why their these can Saint Beast come here from Open Sea?” 几个念头在脑海中一闪而过,贺一鸣沉声道:“它们这些圣兽为什么要从外海来到这里?” Because of once in a while, Island of Gods will start to hunt and kill Open Sea Saint Beast.” Bai Lingba (108) after roaring, leisure saying: In Open Sea practices the lifeform every other millenniums of having about, will migrate to the inland sea in greatly avoids hunting and killing of Island of Gods. To retaliate humanity, Venerable expert that in attack humanity therefore they can keep.” Stopped, Bai Lingba (108) said: They do not dare to go too far, only if because died the massive companions, will therefore not lash out ordinary humanity.” “因为每隔一段时间,神之岛都会开始猎杀外海圣兽。”百零八在吼叫一番之后,慢悠悠的说道:“外海之中修练有成的生物们每隔千年左右,都会大迁移到内海之中躲避神之岛的猎杀。而且为了报复人类,所以它们才会不停的袭击人类中的尊者高手。”停顿了一下,百零八道:“不过它们也不敢太过分,除非是因为死亡了大量的同伴,所以并不会出手攻击普通人类。” He Yiming volume head slowly, after undergoing this inquiry, he understood many doubts finally. 贺一鸣缓缓的额首,在经过了这一次的询问之后,他终于明白了许多疑惑。 When millennium Ice Island will soon appear, that drifts in Open Sea Divine Dao expert starts to slaughter innocents, but these pitiful Open Sea Saint Beast but entered the inland sea. Although they extremely hate regarding humanity, but actually concerned about the strength of that Divine Dao powerhouse but does not dare to hunt and kill humanity wantonly, in Venerables regarding humanity starts to hunt merely. 每当千年冰岛即将出现之时,那漂泊在外海神道高手就开始滥杀无辜,而这些可怜的外海圣兽们无奈之下进入了内海。它们虽然对于人类万分仇恨,但是却碍于那位神道强者的实力而不敢大肆猎杀人类,仅仅是对于人类中的尊者们开始狩猎而已。 Until Ice Island vanishes, all in Open Sea also return to normal, these fellows will return to their domain. 直到冰岛消失,外海中的一切也恢复正常,这些家伙们才会返回自己的地盘。 All these sound are really incredible, but looks at present this submissive, crawls motionless Saint Beast King, He Yiming actually knows, it is said should be the facts. 这一切听起来实在是令人难以置信,但是看着眼前这头低眉顺眼,匍匐不动的圣兽王,贺一鸣却知道,它说的应该都是事实。 ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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