MG :: Volume #6

#297: Anti- road Saint king of beasts

The marine ocean waves had been broken open by any thing likely, turned toward the two sides to disperse suddenly, afterward, two huge Saint Beast appeared in the front of people. 海上的碧波像是被什么东西砸开了似的,骤然向着两边分散了开来,随后,两只巨大圣兽出现在众人的面前。 The Open Sea Saint Beast King build without doubt is quite huge, compared with them, white horse Thunder Lightning became is quite tiny. 外海圣兽王体型无疑都是相当巨大的,与它们相比,白马雷电就变得相当的渺小了。 However when He Yiming sees these two Saint Beast, slightly is startled, afterward in the eyes raising a strange color. But white horse Thunder Lightning was long hissing one, in the sound has actually been full of the happy flavor, as if after seeing these two Saint Beast King, it appeared exceptionally happy. 不过当贺一鸣看到这两头圣兽之时,不由地微微一怔,随后眼中泛起了一丝怪异之色。而白马雷电却是长嘶一声,声音中充满了欢愉的味道,似乎在见到了这两只圣兽王之后,它显得异常高兴。 Present two Saint Beast King are the old acquaintance, in which build is long and narrow, the entire body is more than ten zhang (3.33 m), the hypogastric is growing eight giant powerful short legs, a head is maneating incomparable, looked like on big variation alligator of non- several fold, has taken to the huge pressure to the person. 眼前的两只圣兽王都是老熟人,其中的一只体型狭长,整个身体长达十余丈,腹下生长着八只巨大有力的短腿,一只脑袋更是凶悍无比,就像是一只大上了无数倍的变异鳄鱼似的,给人带给了巨大的压力。 But another monster was an old acquaintance. 而另一只怪兽就更加是老熟人了。 This is sea lifeform of software, grows eight is being dozens zhang (3.33 m) giant tentacle, its head has surfaced, unexpectedly is a huge incomparable octopus. Discussed by the build only, even if were that is only similar to giant alligator general Saint Beast King also has. 这是一只软体的海洋生物,长着八条长达数十丈的巨大触手,它的脑袋露出了海面,竟然是一只庞大无比的章鱼。单以体型而论,就算是那只如同巨大鳄鱼一般的圣兽王也是远有不及。 Saw this fellow, He Yiming has thought when previously white horse Thunder Lightning just promoted Saint Beast, they while in a good mood went to Open Sea, finally has met this octopus Saint Beast King. 一看到这家伙,贺一鸣就想到了昔曰白马雷电刚刚晋升圣兽之时,他们就乘兴前往外海,结果遇到了这头章鱼圣兽王 It as if saw Divine Beast bloodlines that white horse Thunder Lightning within the body has, therefore wants to keep white horse, if not Divine Item Nine Dragons Stove goes into action, a fire has burnt scared shitless it, then previously whether to get rid of the entanglement of this fellow to be also unknown smoothly. 它似乎是看出了白马雷电体内所拥有的神兽血脉,所以想要将白马留下来,如果不是神器九龙炉出马,一把火将它烧了个屁滚尿流,那么昔曰能否顺利摆脱这家伙的纠缠也就不得而知了。 He Yiming clear remembering, previously that fire, although has not burnt it, but at least also has burnt out its tentacle. However now looks at the past, the tentacle of this fellow unexpectedly completely complete. 只是,贺一鸣清楚的记得,昔曰的那一把火虽然没有将它烧死,但起码也烧断了它的一条触手。但是如今看过去,这家伙的触手竟然全部齐全。 His micro one hesitates, immediately understands this software Sea Monster definitely is ability that has to cut off limb to come back to life. 他微一沉吟,立即明白这条软体海怪肯定是有着断肢复生的能力 After that two Sea Monster Saint Beast King float, as if has also been startled, especially in alligator Saint Beast King that pair of giant eye pupil has revealed a hesitant color immediately. 那两只海怪圣兽王浮上来之后,似乎也是怔了一下,特别是鳄鱼圣兽王那双巨大的眼眸中立即露出了一丝犹豫之色。 It personally has experienced white horse Thunder Lightning powerful ability, knows powerful ability that this fellow has slightly not under oneself, moreover any lifeform, will have one type regarding the Thunder Lightning strength inborn, nearly in the fear feeling of instinct. Therefore survived for several thousand years, intelligent had backed down to the extreme alligator King. 它可是亲身体验过白马雷电威能,知道这家伙所拥有的威能丝毫也不在自己之下,而且无论是哪种生物,对于雷电的力量都会有着一种天生的,近乎于本能的畏惧感。所以生存了数千年,聪慧的到了极点的鳄鱼王者不由地打起了退堂鼓。 But another octopus Saint Beast King has actually exuded earthshaking yawp. Its that great big head is vibrating fiercely, the surrounding sea atmospheric conditions just before a rain gloomily, eight tentacles is similar to eight giant thick pythons is waving, after refusing to compromise that flash, it cannot endure patiently finally, initiative extended a tentacle, curled toward He Yiming and white horse Thunder Lightning. 而另一头章鱼圣兽王却是发出了一道惊天动地的叫喊声。它的那颗巨大脑袋剧烈的抖动着,将周围的海水搅得天昏地暗,八条触手更是如同八条巨大粗蟒般的舞动着,在僵持了那么一瞬间之后,它终于是忍耐不住,主动的伸出了一条触手,朝着贺一鸣白马雷电卷了过来。 He Yiming cold snort|hum, he lifts both hands, in a pair of hand faint has revealed intense radiance and gloomy aura. 贺一鸣冷哼一声,他抬起双手,一双手上隐隐的露出了强烈的光芒和灰暗的气息。 After power composition of light and dark, unexpectedly so formidable, this is the disparity of strength level, and is not only the pure same step strength strong and weak. 光与暗的力量组合之后,竟然是如此的强大,这是力量层次的差距,并不仅仅是单纯的同阶力量的强弱。 After feeling this point, He Yiming without hesitation has abandoned strength of five elements, then studies these two formidable strengths. 在感受到了这一点之后,贺一鸣就毫不犹豫的摈弃了五行之力,转而研究起这两股强大的力量来。 Although just contacted, but he witnessed Western two to release the Light and Dark Fusion process to the powerhouse after all. 虽然是刚刚接触,但他毕竟是亲眼目睹了西方两位至强者释放光暗合璧的过程。 This process regarding other people, without any value, but regarding simultaneously has Light and Dark Physique, and simultaneously is having light divine power and dark divine power him, this harvest was really too big. 这个过程对于其他人来说,没有任何的价值,但是对于同时拥有光暗之体,并且同时拥有着光明神力黑暗神力的他来说,这个收获就实在是太大了。 From his hand, the light and dark world has formed slowly, and has formed a circular primal chaos design. 从他的手上,光与暗的世界慢慢的形成了,并且形成了一个圆形的太极图案。 In this regard, procedure of he and Western powerhouses somewhat is different, but is a result does not have any difference two strength fusions. 在这一点上,他与西方强者们的做法还是有些不同的,但将两种力量融合为一的结果还是没有任何区别。 In He Yiming Light and Dark Fusion, white horse Thunder Lightning is first one step has released own Strength of Thunder and Lightning. 就在贺一鸣光暗合璧之时,白马雷电已经是先一步的将自己的雷电之力释放了出去。 Does not know whether the personal enemy meets the reason that particularly is jealous, white horse the Thunder Lightning powerful ability is not absolutely weak, as soon as it gets rid is most formidable killing move, this was hard to imagine before. 不知道是否仇人相见分外眼红的原因,白马的这一次雷电威能绝对不弱,它一出手就是最强大的杀招,这在以前是难以想象的。 white horse illusory Thunder Lightning splits together from its body, and with lightning speed goes toward that antenna. 一道白马虚幻雷电从它的身上分裂开来,并且风驰电掣般的朝着那条触角而去。 Huge explosion sound has made a sound immediately, the illusory white horse Thunder Lightning form is it presses the bottom the unique skill, generally, has not arrived at the important moment, white horse Thunder Lightning will be will not release absolutely. However at this moment, it stimulated unexpectedly without hesitation, thus it can be seen, regarding previously that bitter experience, white horse Thunder Lightning also has a vivid memory, and is not willingly. 巨大的爆裂声顿时响了起来,虚幻的白马雷电身影可是它压箱底的绝招,一般情况下,没到要紧关头,白马雷电是绝对不会释放出来的。但是这一刻,它竟然是毫不犹豫的激发了,由此可见,对于昔曰的那次遭遇,白马雷电也是记忆犹新,并且并不甘心。 Octopus Saint Beast King has exuded an earthshaking cry once again, on its giant bare head goes crazy vibration. 章鱼圣兽王再度发出了一道惊天动地的叫声,它那巨大的光秃秃的脑袋上发疯般的抖动了起来。 That is full of the formidable electric power white horse illusory form to explode two sections by tentacle that Thunder Lightning hit instantaneously. 那条被雷电击中的触手更是在瞬间就被充满了强大电力的白马虚幻身影炸成了两截。 Although it is having ability of regeneration tentacle, but the body of any lifeform was blasted one section not to feel that feels better. 虽然它拥有着再生触手的能力,但是任何生物的身体被炸掉一截都不会感到好受的。 Angry octopus Saint Beast King has held up the other seven tentacles, above each tentacle covered entirely the terror black has been similar to the vortex sucker, in these suckers, was flooding the massive water arrows, shook slightly, the innumerable water arrows flew to shoot toward them. 愤怒的章鱼圣兽王举起了剩余的七条触手,每一条触手之上都布满了恐怖的黑色如同漩涡般的吸盘,在这些吸盘之中,充斥着大量的水箭,微微一晃悠,无数的水箭朝着他们飞射而来。 In each water arrow is containing strength so intense, that incisive grating sound from out of the blue imitates, if ten thousand arrows fire, covers in which all. 每一道水箭之中所蕴含着的力量都是如此的强烈,那尖锐刺耳的破空声仿若是万箭齐发,将一切都笼罩其中。 On the corners of the mouth overflowed one to sneer, both hands of He Yiming in a flash, that was similar to Light and Dark Fusion of primal chaos design raised slightly high, and was centered on his around the body, started to proliferate toward outside. 嘴角上溢出了一丝冷笑,贺一鸣的双手微微一晃,那如同太极图案的光暗合璧已经高高升起,并且以他的身周为中心,开始向着外面扩散了起来。 After strength fusion of light and dark, the strength level of represents has surmounted the Mortal Dao peak, the strength that although this moment He Yiming releases can only describe by weak that was inferior Franklin and Garfield they collaborate such great strength, but is this strength, has actually been enough to melt the attack of this octopus Saint Beast King in invisible. 光与暗的力量融合之后,所代表的力量层次已经超越了人道巅峰,虽然此刻贺一鸣所释放出来的力量只能以微弱来形容,远不如弗兰克林加菲尔德两人联手那样的强大,但就是这点儿的力量,却已经足以将这头章鱼圣兽王的攻击化解于无形。 He Yiming satisfied has selected under one, the light dark circle ejection in his hand, changed to gigantic strength ring of light in in the sky suddenly, has covered toward the octopus Saint Beast King overhead. 贺一鸣的满意的点了一下头,他手中的光暗圈骤然弹射而出,在空中化作了一道硕大的力量光圈,朝着章鱼圣兽王当头笼罩了下来。 This giant octopus strange obvious has gawked, in several thousand years of life, it has never had such opposing the enemy experience. Although it faint thinking, powerful ability of this strength circle was quite formidable, but as the arrogance of Open Sea Saint Beast King, keeps it from this moment not fighting to draw back. 这头巨大的章鱼怪明显的愣了一下,在数千年的生命中,它从来就没有过这样的对敌经验。虽然它已经隐隐的觉得,这个力量圈的威能相当强大,但是作为外海圣兽王的高傲,却让它无法在这一刻不战而退。 A tentacle flies upwards from the sea suddenly on, looks like a dozens zhang (3.33 m) long whip, is carrying the infinite great strength toward that light dark strength circle draw off. 一条触手骤然从海中飞扬而上,就像是一条数十丈的长鞭,携着无穷的巨力朝那光暗力量圈抽去。 The light and dark strength rocked slightly, looks like a giant capstan, firmly this tentacle seizing. 光与暗的力量微微的晃动了一下,就像是一条巨大的绞盘般,牢牢的将这一条触手给揪住了。 How regardless of Saint Beast King struggles, is unable falling into the tentacle in light dark strength circle unexpectedly pulling out. Saw that terror the strength circle will soon fall, this Saint Beast King cannot attend to any face countenance again, a tentacle chaotic dance, breaks unexpectedly. 无论圣兽王如何挣扎,竟然都无法将陷入光暗力量圈之中的触手给抽回来。眼看那恐怖的力量圈即将落下,这头圣兽王再也顾不得什么颜面,触手一阵乱舞,竟然从中而断。 Lacked the octopus Saint Beast King bodies of two tentacles to sink, the huge body was actually to sink to the sea. 缺了两条触手的章鱼圣兽王身体一沉,庞大的身躯竟然是想要沉入大海之内。 Short one contacts, made it be short of two tentacles unexpectedly, although this terrifying Open Sea Saint Beast did not have to release with enough time thoroughly powerful ability that it had. However actually also understands by its wisdom that a present person of horse could not have in its strength. 短短的一下接触,竟然就让它少了两条触手,虽然这头恐怖的外海圣兽还没有来得及将它所拥有的威能彻底释放出来。但是以它的智慧却也明白,眼前的这一人一马都拥有不下于它的实力了。 In this case, it was unexpectedly same as previously alligator Saint Beast King, has chosen yielding and withdrawing. 在这种情况下,它竟然和昔曰的鳄鱼圣兽王一样,选择了退避三舍。 Although Open Sea Saint Beast King is maneating, but actually understands what has to done. 外海圣兽王虽然凶悍,但是却更加识时务。 However, in this moment, Yu Family Old Ancestor moved, he extended the arm as before, but these time has not lifted up high the top of the head, but before has placed the body, averagely. 然而,就在这一刻,宇家老祖动了,他依旧是伸出了手臂,只不过这一次并不是高举过头顶,而是平平的放在了身前。 The huge Strength of World current craze wells up, but, that incomparably stirring scene emergence again in boundless sea. 庞大的天地之力顿时狂涌而至,那无比震撼人心的场面再一次的出现在苍茫大海之中。 The inexhaustible strength comes toward the Yu Family Old Ancestor gathering, around his arm in condensed huge powerful ability that was unable to imagine instantaneously. 无穷无尽的力量朝着宇家老祖汇聚而来,他的手臂周围在瞬间就已经凝聚出了无法想象的巨大威能 The both eyes faint illumination of He Yiming, he as if had a new thought that this attracting gathers World's Energy ability, is the Divine Dao category. However faint, He Yiming in the heart has a strange feeling, that is he can also achieve. 贺一鸣双目隐隐发光,恍惚间,他似乎有了一个新的念头,这种吸聚天地之气能力,是属于神道的范畴。但是隐隐的,贺一鸣心中却有着一丝奇怪的感觉,那就是他也能够做到。 In he condenses in Dantian all strengths that moment, as if also unites all strengths in own around the body. If can reappear in the outside this, then he whether can also achieve Yu Family Old Ancestor this time powerful ability. 在他凝聚丹田内所有力量的那一刻,似乎也是将所有的力量都凝聚在自己的身周。若是能够将这一幕在外界重现,那么他是否也可以达到宇家老祖此时的威能呢。 This thought in his mind flashes past, Yu Family Old Ancestor has released huge World's Energy that around the body condensed. 这个念头在他的脑海中一闪而过,宇家老祖已经将身周所凝聚的庞大天地之气释放了出去。 Sea likely by blade of dropping from the clouds to cleaving in two of stiffly, giant wave surging forward, but this is inferior to that splash, but blood alarmed. 大海像是被从天而降的刀给硬生生的劈成了两半,巨大的浪头汹涌澎湃,但是这所有的一切都不如那飞溅而起的鲜血令人触目惊心。 Yu Family Old Ancestor the starting blade has delimited, not only does gloomily this sea area, moreover easy will delimit that soon to submerge octopus Saint Beast King in sea. 宇家老祖的这一下手刀划过,非但将这一片海域搞得天昏地暗,而且还轻而易举的划过了那条即将潜入海中的章鱼圣兽王 Afterward, all people saw, that is having formidable powerful ability Saint Beast King, looks like a flimsy, had been divided into two sections by the strength of hand blade from beginning to end. 随后,所有人都看到了,那条拥有着强大威能圣兽王,就像是一张薄纸般,被手刀的力量给从头到尾分成了两截。 That giant chapter of fish head broke, slipped away the massive black ink black liquids, dyed the black group this sea area instantaneously. 那巨大的章鱼头从中破开,溜出了大量的墨黑色的液体,瞬间就已经将这一片海域染成了黑团。 He Yiming brow micro wrinkle, although he already knows that definitely has this type of black body fluid in this octopus Saint Beast King within the body, but quantity such, huge, that may stem from his unexpected. 贺一鸣眉头微皱,虽然他早就知道在这头章鱼圣兽王的体内肯定有着这种黑色的体液,但是数量如此之多,之庞大,那可就出乎了他的意料之外。 Creeping motion that the body of octopus Saint Beast King goes all out, seems is making putting up a last-ditch struggle. However all people understand that this is strange king of beasts at the point of death beforehand returning to consciousness just before dying. 章鱼圣兽王的身体拼命的蠕动着,似乎是在做着垂死挣扎。但是所有人都明白,这不过是怪兽王临死之前的回光返照罢了。 However this Saint Beast King truly is also bad luck enough, although when its huge build or was being the low-order Saint Beast fight occupied the considerably large small advantage with the same step, however after meeting Yu Family Old Ancestor, this was a start of tragedy. 不过这头圣兽王也确实够倒霉的,它那庞大的体型虽然在与同阶或者是低阶的圣兽战斗之时还是占据了相当大的便宜,但是在遇到了宇家老祖之后,这就是一个悲剧的开始了。 The huge volume seriously affected its speed, is facing that earthshakingly, made a hand blade that all people submitted to sufficiently, the opportunity that it fended unexpectedly continually did not have. 过于庞大的体积严重的影响了它的速度,面对着那惊天动地,足以令所有人臣服的一道手刀,它竟然连闪避的机会都没有。 If trades to make the white horse Thunder Lightning so petite body, perhaps in the hand of Yu Family Old Ancestor, has a slim chance of survival, but unfortunately, the Open Sea Saint Beast King volume is really small. 如果换做白马雷电如此娇小的身躯,那么在宇家老祖的手上,或许还有着一线生机,但可惜的是,外海圣兽王的体积实在是小不起来。 ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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